Designing Homes With Feng Shui

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Feng Shui is a topic that rarely enters contemporary architectural discourse although
many Architects have Clients who consider the principles of Feng Shui as important to
their project in one way or another, and with the recent Chinese New Year celebrations
having just passed, what better time to discuss the role of Feng Shui in architecture and
the home? Both Feng Shui and Acupuncture are natural sciences derived from ‘The Book
of Changes’ which was believed to have originated from the legendary Emperor Fu Xi in
the year 3322 B.C. The book represents symbolically, the organized, rhythmic and
purposeful universe, allowing the reader to infer relationships between himself and the
Cosmos beyond normal perceptual levels. Architects may argue they are Feng Shui
specialists of sorts on this basis.

To put it very simply, Feng Shui aims to align earth and life with the cosmos in order to
receive positive energy. Whilst this may sound a little L. Ron Hubbard it’s by no means a
stretch to consider the core principles and outcomes of great architecture on the same
basis.  The Feng Shui method of organization covers all aspects of living and working
spaces, from interiors, bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens, to gardens and outdoor living
spaces. The fundamental aspects of Feng Shui are simple and rational, and can be applied
very easily to planning a home or workspace. In the most part they are common sense
principles most Architects would adhere to in a general sense, particularly the principles
relating to cross ventilation, light and generosity of space.

We have had a steady increase in enquiries about Feng Shui over the past few years and
had even specified some of these principles in the Project Brief sections of recent Fee
Agreements with our Clients. I have outlined a handful of these principles below and
have suggested how they can be applied to design.

Feng Shui Principles

The basic principles of Feng Shui are to design spaces which permit the clear,
unobstructed flow of warm and harmonious energy. High ceilings and generous spaces
that are well-lit with good air flow and lighting are great foundations for a Feng Shui
Entrance to the Home
The main pedestrian entrance into a home should be easily accessible from the road and
be the most prominent entrance to the home in order to welcome the most positive

This is particularly relevant in the context of garages which can dominate the street
elevation if care is not taken in their design. By the same token, overcompensating the
pedestrian entrance with columns that look like they belong in a Roman piazza is not
really an intelligent alternative either. A sensitive design approach to entry paths, gates,
intercoms, property numbers, letterboxes, planting and lighting can provide a sense of
priority over the vehicular entry to the site. Many architecturally designed projects can be
spotted on the basis of the attention to detail of these elements. These elements are mostly
neglected in the average home where an Architect is not involved and as much as I don’t
mind the odd wander through big chain hardware stores I hardly think a Brunswick Green
colonial letterbox creates much positive energy for the contemporary Australians who
reside there.

The kitchen is central to nourishment and sustenance. It is important not to have the
kitchen too close to the entrance or the back door as it allows energy to easily escape.
Position water elements (sinks, dishwashers) separate to fire elements (stove/oven).
Happy chefs in turn create nourishing meals for a happy family.

In addition to these principles the Kitchen should be the command centre of the social
spaces of the home (Living, Dining, and Outdoor Living) allowing families to interact
during meal preparation time. All of our projects which have included a swimming pool
in the design ensure the Kitchen planning allows for full supervision of children when
they are using the pool.

Getting good quality sleep is crucial to your wellbeing. The principles of Feng Shui
suggest good access to natural light and cross ventilation as well as a solid timber bed as
opposed to a metal bed are important. Avoid televisions, visible exercise equipment and
loud colours in the bedroom to ensure that sleeping spaces are harmonious and relaxing

Brightly painted walls in children’s bedrooms are quite patronising. Most kids these days
have more toys than they can poke a paint stirring stick at so turning their room into
another large toy is completely unnecessary. Letting children explore their senses and
experience sunlight, breezes, shrubs and trees, bugs and birds outside their bedroom
windows without the distraction of bright patterns and wall colours allows your child to
experience the world more deeply when they are in that calm (yet very short) moment
when they wake, fall asleep or daydream during playtime in these spaces.

Living Room
The living room should be a sanctuary that retains the most energy, and thus is best
located centrally to the home. Feng Shui principles suggest orientation of lounge suites
and furniture in south and west corners, and avoidance of furniture at the north and east

Obviously these principles are a little rigid but they do make sense in terms of having
furniture face the direction of the sun. Most Living spaces will connect with outdoor
gardens, lawns and courtyards to ensure this most utilised space of the home enjoys great
sunlight all year round so it makes sense that furniture also connects with these indoor
outdoor spaces by facing the direction of the sun.

The bathroom should be located away from central areas like the kitchen and living areas,
as the energies of these spaces are incompatible. Employ organisational strategies such as
neat, accessible cabinets that will keep this area clean and clutter free.

I have built a handful of projects for other Architects, one of which had a bathroom door
opening directly onto the Dining space. I raised this is a serious concern with the
Architect and, as often occurs in these instances, I was reminded that I was just there to
detail and build the project. I am conveniently seen as ‘just a Builder’ by some peers
when my opinion doesn’t suit them but that’s a story for another blog post. Whilst the
finishes and detailing of the project were exceptional the direct connection between the
Bathroom and Dining room was, well, quite ridiculous. It’s tough to enjoy a meal when
you catch a glimpse of the Bathroom toilet between entrée and main course.

Feng Shui specialists claim that following these basic principles can have a significant
impact on your everyday life. Principles such as avoiding cramped rooms with little light,
awkward unused spaces and lengthy corridors (which rush energy through your home
according to Feng Shui) are common sense to most good Architects. What these
principles are really based on is not so different to the thought process a good Architect
has in terms of seeking positive outcomes for their Client when a project is on their
drawing board – listening to your instincts, connecting both material and space with the
landscape and nature, designing spaces that will make your Clients feel the most
comfortable…these are perhaps the most universal principles of good architecture.
Of all the projects I have been involved as both the Architect and the Builder only three
have been put on the market. One of those Clients engaged CplusC for a second project
and another was purchased by a potential Client that loved our work but didn’t want to
wait! Perhaps it is the principles of Feng Shui in CplusC projects that explain why our
Clients never want to leave?

The best definition I could find is by author John Mitchell who said that Feng Shui is “the
art of perceiving the subtle energies that animate nature and the landscape, and the
science of reconciling the best interests of the living earth and those of all its inhabitants”

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