Veolia WAVE Magazine - North America Issue - With Links

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Insights from Veolia Water Technologies


The Power of Reclaimed Water
New Horizons for Sludge

Increase the value
of water


Through its innovative solutions, Veolia Water Technologies enables industry, local authorities
and citizens to optimize their use of resources for more efficient, environmentally-friendly and
socially responsible outcomes.

We understand the value of water resources, and we preserve them by supplying high quality
water, treating and reusing wastewater, producing and/or recovering energy, extracting raw
materials and capitalizing on valuable byproducts.

Insights from Veolia Water Technologies

Cost-effective water
Veolia Water Technologies specializes in water treatment solutions
and provides the complete range of services required to design, build,
maintain and upgrade water and wastewater treatment facilities for
industrial clients and public authorities. We help cities and industries to
manage, optimize and recycle water.

Our portfolio of technologies features everything from state-of-the-art water and

wastewater treatment technologies to evaporation and crystallization, energy-
producing sludge treatment, desalination plants, and mobile water services. These
innovative technologies maximize energy production and product recovery, allowing
our clients to extract raw materials and capitalize on valuable byproducts. What is
discarded by some becomes a resource for others.

We develop access to these resources through standardized technologies, state-of-the-

art customized solutions and water reuse techniques. By optimizing both treatment
processes and technologies, we help our clients reduce their water footprint while
generating considerable savings in energy and chemical consumption.

Veolia is furthermore the only company in the world that can combine all that expertise,
process knowledge and our existing digital solutions into one comprehensive digital
service package, Aquavista™, which supports and enhances the operation of industrial
as well as municipal installations.

This magazine highlights a number of articles about our technologies and solutions
including some of our references in North America, and I hope you will find it an
interesting read.

Klaus Andersen
CEO, Veolia Water Technologies Americas

06 Smart water
Interview with Aude Giard & Jean-François Nogrette

08 Aquavista™
The all-in-one water digital service

11 The importance of intake water

Ensuring success at large-scale recirculating aquaculture facilities

14 New horizons for sludge

17 Biostyr®
Improves health of the Long Island Sound

18 Fast mobile water services

Mobile water treatment anytime, anywhere

19 The power of reclaimed water

22 A “fresh approach” to industrial water utilization

24 Effective sludge management at Brucejack Gold Mine

26 Crafting H2O
The science and art of beer making

28 Follow the electron

Veolia’s capabilities for lithium, nickel and cobalt producers


31 High-rate clarification

32 High-rate clarification with Power Activated Carbon

Actiflo® Carb

33 Leading-edge biological treatment

AnoxKaldnesTM MBBR

34 Smarter solution for carbon diversion

HydrotechTM Primary

35 The next-generation Biological Aerated Filter

Biostyr® Duo

36 Anaerobic technologies for industrial effluent treatment


37 Thermal hydrolysis

38 Low-temperature drying

39 Ammonia removal
AnitaTM Mox

40 Struvite removal

41 Co-digestion of biowaste

42 Evaporation technologies for wastewater treatment


43 Water treatment chemicals


44 Produced water reuse


45 Dry polymer make-up system


Interview with
Jean-François Nogrette, CEO &
Aude Giard, Chief Digital Officer
Veolia Water Technologies

What are the main challenges facing This information must be accurate value and on the performance of their
the water world? and reliable; it must be available in daily operations.
real time, over a long period of time.
Jean-François Nogrette: We often talk These digital tools need to be flexible,
about the issue of access to water. How can we get accurate and reliable they need to be available 24/7, and
This is of course a very important information? most importantly, they need to be
topic that needs to be addressed, available on a highly secured Cloud
along with access to sanitation and JFN: This information can be obtained platform. This is how we can provide
the importance of water reuse. But by establishing the digital plant. information to our clients and
there is another topic that we don’t establish a long-term relationship
address as much, and that I feel is For me, the digital plant is a lever to based on trust.
very important, and that is the issue boost operational performance and
of trust. it is also a way to solidify a long-term Could you give us an example of the
pact with the client. This pact of trust benefits of a digital plant?
In many parts of the world, we are is based on real-time data paired
sharing, exchanging and reusing with water treatment expertise and a Aude Giard: Yes of course, we have
water in various ways, through worldwide benchmark. several projects. One example is our
many different partners at a much customer BlueKolding who optimized
faster pace than ever before. These The world is changing fast. its energy consumption thanks to our
exchanges must be based on trust, Technologies need to respond to an digital offer AQUAVISTATM.
and trust can only be established increasingly complex environment
through information. and help us address the challenges BlueKolding is an environment,
of water scarcity and water reuse. energy, and climate company which
Information about water quality, And as I mentioned before, they need covers the entire municipality of
of course, quality of the water to somehow secure the trust of the Kolding in Denmark. They are inspired
coming in, quality and composition client and of the end-user. by the concept of blue economy and
of the water going out, but also are constantly working to find new
information about chemical Water is either an ingredient of our ways of exploiting the resources in
consumption, about the amount of customer’s value creation or a cost wastewater and improving processes
sludge generated, of biogas produced of compliance but either way, it to clean it.
and energy used. Information about needs to flow as per expectations.
hydraulics, about the network, even Implementing a digital plant can help Veolia has been working with
about the weather. clients focus on their own business BlueKolding for several years. In

2017, they decided to adopt our Technologies. Innovation is in our And we have an “Insight” module,
digital service offering, AQUAVISTA™. DNA and we count on this new offer based on more advanced analytics,
Doing so gave them access to a sort to improve the operations of our looking at long-term data, liaising
of digital autopilot at the service clients’ plants. operational information and financial
of energy optimization, while information to deliver business
maintaining robust and sustainable But AQUAVISTA™ is not just one offer, decision KPIs and enable operators
water treatment. it presents four different modules and managers to simulate the impact
which can be adapted to the of an operational decision.
They had the flexibility to choose different needs.
which features of AQUAVISTA™ they As a digital services solution,
wanted to activate on the processes One of these modules, called AQUAVISTA™ is value driven. Our
in their plant. They have access to AQUAVISTA™ Portal, is a customer ambition is to deliver high-value
real-time cloud-based information portal which provides real-time services to our customers and
that optimizes energy use and energy remote monitoring of equipment and address their key business stakes and
production through biogas. It also alert management. industrial challenges :
optimizes sludge production and • increase their operational efficiency
recirculation, and chemical usage. The AQUAVISTA™ Plant, our most and plant uptime;
complete offer, is a stack of remote- • improve their water quality,
To what extent does AQUAVISTA™ control algorithms that embed 25 anytime and anywhere;
help municipalities and industrial years of process knowledge from our • ensure the effluent complies with
companies better operate their engineers in Denmark. This product regulation and results in a smaller
plants? provides real-time remote controls environmental footprint;
on drinking water and wastewater • work on the complex energy
AG: AQUAVISTA™ is a complete suite treatment plants (municipal and exchanges between the plant
of digital services using internet- industrial). parameters: biogas management
of-things, advanced analytics and optimization, SMARTGrid and
our water treatment expertise. We We have some other modules in the energy balance, water network
developed AQUAVISTA™ on several pipeline, for example, a module called optimization, etc.
of our existing technologies, on ‘‘Assist’’ which aims to provide our
solutions provided to our customers customers with remote expertise Connecting our customers to
during these past few decades, based by giving access to the network of AQUAVISTA™ will make them better
on our design & build experience. Veolia Water Technologies process operators of our technologies and will
We are really lucky to be able to take and commissioning engineers (water boost their own value creation. �
advantage of the many decades of quality reports, compliance reports,
experience gathered by Veolia Water online expertise, etc.).

8 WAVE #07



The water digital service



Single point of reference for all information Through remote access to an information
relating to your water treatment system: dashboard, benchmarks and suggestions for
> real-time remote monitoring of equipment process optimization, AQUAVISTA™ provides:
data, > key operational information overview,
> dynamic alarm management and information > analysis of technology units’ performance,
for operators, > global benchmarks (comparison, scenario and
> key information about service contracts and optimization).
> archive of all service and sales orders, This data-driven optimization of equipment
>  access to equipment data: user guides, performance could ultimately result in a full auto-
performance documents, calibration pilot solution.
certificates, documentation for a specific site,
O&M manuals and training videos/materials
A dashboard for managers, operators and
for operation of selected technologies,
engineers, built in conjunction with the existing
> notification of events for equipment.
AQUAVISTA™ Portal and leading to:
ADDED VALUE > global benchmarking,
> Improves preventive maintenance through > continuous optimization review,
dynamic alarm management, > monitoring of key performance indicators.
> access data from multiple sites via a single point
of entry,
> private and secure,
> 24/7 managed service,
> ATAWAD: Any Time, AnyWhere, Any
> improves convenience and simplifies


Support operators’ treatment processes through
access in real time to knowledge, digital training
and a network of process engineers for:
> advice in a timely manner, enabled by data as
well as a consistent platform,
> a better understanding of the specific end users’
> an improved risk mitigation to meet your
challenges (compliance, plant shutdown, etc.).

> Community management where operators can
communicate and share knowledge with other
operators and Veolia process engineers.
> Operators can request support from Veolia
Water Technologies (site visit, online assistance
for maintenance service, troubleshooting,
emergency support).

AQUAVISTA™ Plant is a holistic solution:
> a suite of intelligent software solutions,
> a state-of-the-art plant overview,
> an online control & forecasting tool.

AQUAVISTA™ Plant is implemented across several

countries with hundreds of plants already connected.

It is suitable for small and large municipal and

industrial plants.






The importance
of intake water
Ensuring success at large-scale
recirculating aquaculture facilities

I nland fish farms utilizing recirculating

aquaculture systems (RAS) will be key players to
help meet the global demand of fish production.
in the early stages when developing a new
aquaculture project,” says Frédéric Gaumet, Ph.D.,
Business Development Manager of Aquaculture
The number of inland RAS systems is expected for Veolia subsidiary Krüger Kaldnes in Norway.
to skyrocket in the near future. According to “Performing this analysis at the start of the project
independent research and advisory firm Lux can help avoid expensive equipment retrofits to
Research, by the year 2030 more than 40% of the properly treat incoming water.”
world’s global aquaculture production volume will
be grown in advanced RAS systems. Understanding your water source
Though aquaculture has a very low water
There are numerous factors for fish farmers footprint when compared to other agribusinesses,
to consider as they develop RAS projects and it still depends heavily on a reliable source of
evaluate potential site locations. An experienced water. Managing water resources efficiently can
workforce, geographic proximity to key markets, contribute to the overall success of a facility’s
climate, environmental regulations, and of operation. Because of this, water should be a
course, available water sources and the ability to leading factor during the site selection process.
discharge water are a few of these considerations. Not only is the available volume of water
Therefore, it is important to undertake an in-depth important, but the physical, chemical, and
analysis of the physical, chemical, and biological biological characteristics are equally significant.
characteristics of a potential site’s water source. Also critical is biosecurity. Regardless of the water
source, there should always be upfront water
The importance of intake water quality treatment to ensure the water is disinfected to
Water quality is the most critical element of a RAS maintain the biosecurity at the facility. Depending
system. It helps ensure satisfactory fish health and on the water source, additional treatment may be
can even affect the quality of the harvested product. needed to ensure a successful RAS operation.
The newest generation of large-scale RAS systems
are engineered to be very efficient in recycling and Most likely, water sources at a potential site will
maintaining water quality within the system. Though be one of these sources: groundwater, surface,
these systems are considered to be closed-loop and seawater, or municipal water. Each water source
can recirculate more than 99.5% of the water, they has its own particular treatment challenges for
still require a large amount of high-quality intake RAS systems. For instance, surface and seawater
water to continually replenish the system. may have contaminants and other biohazards that
“It is vital to thoroughly evaluate all water sources can create biosecurity concerns. It is possible to

use sea or surface water as a supply source, but Important water characteristics to
in all cases, the costs to treat this water should be evaluate when analyzing available
closely evaluated. water sources

If the site location is in a developed area, facilities Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
will likely be able to connect to a municipal water Total dissolved solids (TDS) are inorganic
source. Although these sources are relatively salts within the water supply. These include
consistent in terms of quality and quantity, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium,
making them very reliable, they still present bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates. Though
treatment challenges. At the minimum, municipal many freshwater fish can withstand relatively
water will need to be treated to remove residual high levels of TDS (>400 mg/l), aquaculture
chlorine and potentially trihalomethanes. The facilities may face challenges discharging this
largest downside of municipal water as a source water to the municipality or the environment.
for aquaculture is the cost. This water is usually The sites most affected by this issue are
expensive and can negatively affect the economics those in inland regions that would prefer
of the project. to discharge to surface waters. Many states
have water quality standards that restrict
Groundwater is usually the preferred source of water the discharge of TDS to freshwater rivers
for inland aquaculture. Firms do have to ensure that and streams. Groundwater sources can have
the groundwater source can support the volume of higher levels of TDS, depending on the depth
water an aquaculture operation consumes year- of groundwater and the local geology. The cost
round. The water supply should also be able to to treat or responsibly dispose of higher TDS
accommodate future production expansions and wastewater can significantly add to the CAPEX
tertiary water needs, such as fish processing and and OPEX of the farm.
hatchery and fingerling/fry additions. According to
Gaumet, “Capacity and flexibility are very important. Hardness (calcium and magnesium levels)
In most cases, a farm uses much more water then Depending on the geographic location,
calculated only for the RAS.” both groundwater and municipal water are
susceptible to having high hardness levels.
What are some of the key elements to identify In most cases, hardness is not harmful to
related to intake water? Although water fish health; however, calcium carbonate
characteristics greatly vary depending on fish can precipitate and create deposits within
species and type of system, modern RAS’s the various RAS equipment. Over time,
are able to maintain a very specific these deposits can build up on equipment
aquatic environment. These systems and prevent the RAS from maintaining
are able to monitor and adjust a suitable water quality to sustain fish
temperature, pH, dissolved gases, health and maximize production. One area
suspended solids, and ammonia. most susceptible to hard water is the RAS’s
When it comes to intake water, biofiltration system. For RAS that use a fixed
some key constituents can film bioreactor, scaling can significantly
negatively impact the RAS’s restrict flow and prevent proper biological
performance and jeopardize fish treatment. If a moving bed biofilm reactor
health. (MBBR) is utilized, deposit build-up on the

carriers can weigh down the media and reduce material from spent food or fish waste,
circulation inside the reactor. In all cases, it can promote the growth of hydrogen
this can result in poor performance of the sulfide-producing bacteria. Fish are very
biological process and result in an increase in sensitive to hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and the
ammonia levels, causing unsafe conditions for RAS design should anticipate the potential
the fish. Another area susceptible to scaling is for this condition to occur. If there are
the degasser. Depending on the design of the elevated sulfate levels in the incoming
system, scaling of the equipment can increase water, it is important to ensure that the RAS
and result in harmful levels of dissolved gases is designed to minimize hydraulic dead-
within the RAS. spots and other areas where solids can
In most cases, intake water concentrations for
hardness (CaCO3) should be under 200 mg/L. If Organic contaminants
not, it should be treated prior to entering the Another characteristic that is sometimes
RAS. One common method to treat hardness overlooked in a water supply is organic
is to utilize a high-rate softener that can contaminants. Agricultural runoff of pesticides
efficiently remove scale-forming constituents and herbicides from nearby farms can
within the intake water before it enters the infiltrate the groundwater. This is a greater
RAS. This treatment will significantly reduce concern if the water tables are shallow. Since
the possibility of scaling throughout the the application of these on crops is seasonal,
system. it will be important to monitor the water
throughout the year to identify whether this
Sulfate levels condition exists. If so, the water needs to be
The water’s sulfate (SO4) level is another treated prior to entering the RAS to avoid fish
parameter to analyze in preparation for harm or accumulation of these organics in
a RAS project. Sulfate commonly occurs the muscle tissue of the fish that can result
in water sources and usually poses no in poor taste and possible odors. Organic
immediate concern for fish health. However, contaminants can typically be removed with
if intake water is high in sulfates and the help of an activated carbon filtration
there is an accumulation of biodegradable system.

Ensuring success with intake water

Building a strong partnership with an The stakes are high as inland aquaculture
experienced RAS technology provider that transforms itself to be a staple agribusiness.
has an in-depth understanding and expertise Bioplans and business plans need to be
in water chemistry and treatment will help accurate and executable for emerging
to ensure the success of an aquaculture companies to succeed. Water is a foundational
facility. Through careful analysis of the element within these plans. Understanding
water and pairing the technological mix to how water affects a RAS’s operation and the
ensure the RAS performance, companies can fish living inside of it can provide a competitive
prevent significant oversights that result in advantage for future aquaculture companies. �
unexpected operational and capital costs.

New horizons
for sludge
Increasing production worldwide, higher cost for important is the recovery of water, which makes
disposal, tighter restriction… sludge management up to 99% of untreated sludge, especially in
solutions are in high demand. New technologies drought-stricken western regions.
are rapidly multiplying, fueled as well by sludge’s
potential as a source of energy and potential for Attractive values
phosphorus recycling. Appreciation of sludge’s energy producing
qualities as a means to fulfilling renewable energy
Several drivers are contributing to the need for goals is rising. The European Union, for example,
sludge solutions. A global population of 7.5 billion has set an objective of increasing
people, growing at a rate of 200,000 per day, is to 20% the portion of energy generated from
increasing production of sludge – and all other renewable sources by 2020 and to 27% by 2030.
wastes – all around the world. Sludge problems In the U.S., utility companies unable to build
are exacerbated by the increasing number of solar and wind farms fast enough to meet new
megacities, with their populations greater than 10 renewable energy mandates are purchasing
million. energy from sources powered by biosolids.

In Europe, environmental restrictions and Proven technologies such as anaerobic digestion,

shrinking available space are making it more thermal hydrolysis, co-digestion or thermal drying
difficult to continue traditional approaches of are enabling sludge to be converted into a valuable
disposal. For example, Germany is taking steps energy source, with uses varying according to
to prohibit agricultural application of sludge country energy prices. In Germany, for example,
and to require phosphorus recovery. Wastewater sludge producing wastewater treatment plants
treatment plants in urbanized areas also often consume the energy they produce. In France,
face limits on truck traffic and all factors are plants such as the one being built in Cagnes, are
contributing to rising disposal costs that can range able to export the green energy produced back to
from €20 to €150/ton. the grid while in the UK, sludge is collected from
multiple sites and processed in big digesters, with
In North America, attitudes are changing. Sludge the energy sold on the market.
is converted to biofertilizer that can be reused,
including as a dry pelletized product applied in Sludge is also increasingly being viewed and
agriculture and landscaping. treated as a source of valuable by-products and
agriculturally beneficial ingredients, such as
Recovering nutrients such as phosphorus from phosphorus extracted from struvite. France-based
treated sludge, called biosolids, is being driven by Veolia Water Technologies has long regarded
economics and regulatory pressures. Increasingly sludge not as a costly waste but rather a resource

from which to extract value for the benefit of it also resulted in 70-80% savings of the plant’s
customers. The company is applying an array thermal energy requirements, helping to reduce
of technologies to produce energy and fertilizer operating costs by 50% (compared to disposal of
products from sludge. wet sludge). In addition to generating
inexpensive renewable energy, the remaining
Heated response biosolids are ready for land application. The
Coupling thermal hydrolysis with anaerobic Biocon™ dryer is available with the option to
digestion minimizes sludge volumes while operate at low temperature (70 to 90 °C), enabling
maximizing biogas and green energy production. the client to use different energy sources.
Thermal hydrolysis uses heat to break down
sludge prior to treatment by anaerobic digestion, Oxidation power
considerably increasing the biogas yield and The Pyrofluid™ thermal treatment solution
reducing the quantity of sludge for final disposal. oxidizes organic matter contained within sewage
sludge in a number of countries. At Marne-Aval in
One leading thermal hydrolysis technology, France, for example, steam from two Pyrofluid™
BioThelys™, is being applied to increasingly large furnaces feed an electricity-generating
projects. In Bonneuil, France, energy efficiency is turbine, contributing to meeting the plant’s
at the heart of a new wastewater treatment plant energy needs.
which will feature BioThelys™. Energy produced
from wastewater will be used to heat the plant In Hong Kong, Veolia designed and
and surrounding buildings, while biogas produced operates the world’s largest sludge
from the sludge will be treated and injected into incineration facilities. With state-of- the-
the grid. Dehydrated, digested sludge will be art incineration and flue gas treatment
transformed into compost and spread in fields to technology, the facility generates 14 MW of
facilitate agriculture. electricity that is used to power the plant while
up to 2 MW of surplus electricity are exported to
In Denmark, the Billund BioRefinery, which the power grid.
features the Exelys® thermal hydrolysis process,
treats wastewater and organic waste from Multiplying solutions
households as well as from industrial sources to Another innovative solution is SOLIA™ Mix, a new
generate biogas for energy production, reducing generation of solar sludge drying. This process can
the plant’s power requirement and creating achieve dry solids content up to 90%, reducing
additional income through the sale of surplus sludge volume and removal costs and opening
energy, both heat and electricity, to the local grid. multiple disposal routes, including agricultural
Both BioThelys™ and Exelys® technologies can be reuse, composting, landfill, incineration and
applied for thermal hydrolysis, depending on the co-incineration. Among Veolia’s references is
client’s need and existing conditions at the site. Belchatow, Poland.

Thermal dried pellets Veolia’s sludge expertise doesn’t stop with energy
Applying the Biocon™ thermal drying process recovery solutions. The company is constantly
allowed the municipality of Buffalo, Minnesota, to looking for new ways to derive value and produce
do much more than simply reduce the biosolids materials that are recyclable or reusable.
mass from its wastewater treatment plant by 95%; Its Ecrusor™ depackaging solution turns food

and other waste high in caloric value into useful introduction of low-temperature dryers capable of
energy by depacking the waste from its packaging being used with a heat pump.
in order to extract the organic material. The
process creates a homogenous mixture of liquid Finally, Veolia’s patented TurboMix™ mixing
and solid organics that can then be conveyed to system provides improved phosphorus recovery
an anaerobic digester to produce biogas, which capabilities through its compact, resource-
can then be converted into energy for use at the efficient Struvia™ process. In the U.S., new
facility or for sale back to the grid. regulations driven by eutrophication concerns
and recognition of the potential value of the
As the multiple drivers combine to increase phosphorus is making recovery strategies
the demand for new sludge management increasingly popular. As a result, Veolia is working
solutions, Veolia is continuing to work on new to increase the Struvia™ system’s application
technologies and upstream improvements. These range in other parts of wastewater treatment and
include advanced instrumentation and control industrial phosphorus recovery.
technologies to optimize the environmental and
energy performance of facilities. Work is ongoing Clearly, the future of sludge has never burned so
as well to improve existing approaches such as the bright! �

improves health of the Long Island Sound

The New Rochelle Wastewater pilot-scale testing, to determine designed a BIOSTYR® system
Treatment Plant, located in the preferred solution. At the containing two distinct stages of
Westchester County, New York, conclusion of the evaluation phase, operation. The first stage is fully
discharges to the Long Island a competitive life-cycle based aerobic and targets complete
Sound. It serves a population base procurement was bid and the Veolia nitrification to convert incoming
of 65,000 people and is permitted BIOSTYR® Biologically Active Filter ammonia into nitrate. The second
to treat average flows of up to (BAF) technology was selected as stage is anoxic in the lower portion
20.6 MGD. Operating with primary the preferred alternative. of the BIOSTYRENE™ biological filter
clarification and pure oxygen-based bed to target denitrification of the
activated sludge treatment since The solution incoming nitrates.
a 1979 upgrade, the plant used to BIOSTYR® is a high-rate biological
remove only BOD and TSS from the system that offers full treatment The system was designed to meet
wastewater. capabilities for BOD, TN and TSS future flow needs of up to 31 MGD
removal in a single process, in 10% of average and 61.5 MGD peak with
It has long been known that nitrogen the footprint of other technologies. guaranteed effluent nitrogen
discharges into the Long Island The system utilizes multiple performance. In addition to the
Sound are a key factor in its water treatment cells operating in parallel to BIOSTYR® system, Veolia provided an
quality. New SPDES limits issued biologically treat and simultaneously upgrade to the existing pure-oxygen
in 2005 and a negotiated Order-of- filter the wastewater, producing an activated sludge system to improve
Consent would require an upgrade to effluent free of contaminants and CBOD removal and produce a more
the New Rochelle WWTP to meet a solids. stable influent to the BIOSTYR®
total nitrogen (TN) discharge limit of process.
4.0 mg/l or less on average at design Biological growth occurs on a fixed
flow. In addition, tighter restrictions bed of innovative BIOSTYRENE™ Results
on CBOD and TSS would be included media, which is contained within The New Rochelle WWTP has been
in the new permit. each cell and not exposed to the operational since late 2014 and has
atmosphere. Flow enters at the been a tremendous success, reducing
Land availability in New York is bottom of each cell and clean effluent the plant TN discharge from 2,000
scarce, so the solution needed to collects at the top of each cell. This lb/day in 2014 to 200 lb/day in 2015.
fit on the existing site. Dozens makes for a very clean installation Summer and winter performance
of technologies were evaluated that fits well into facilities with tests were completed in 2015 to fully
by Savin Engineers, PC, including nearby communities such as urban, demonstrate the system’s capabilities,
densely populated areas. and exceptional nitrogen removal has
continued throughout 2016. Thus,
Process description the BIOSTYR® system is allowing
To meet the new SPDES permit Westchester County to improve the
requirements of this facility, Veolia health of the Long Island Sound. �

Mobile water treatment

anytime, anywhere
Fast mobile water services

V eolia Water Technologies has

strengthened its “Anytime,
Anywhere” water treatment
specialty ion exchange and heavy
metals removal.
filtration. This was an ideal solution
because it allowed the client to rent
the system on a short-term basis
capabilities by adding 600 and 900 According to Michael Reyes, Veolia’s until the flood was contained,” he
gallon per minute (GPM) Reverse Mobile Water Services National explained.
Osmosis (RO) units to its extensive Sales Manager, the breadth of water
mobile water services fleet. treatment capabilities provides The new mobile Reverse Osmosis
solutions for a variety of customer (RO) rentals can operate in either
The new units join a fleet of portable water needs including: single or double pass orientation,
trailers and containerized water and • short and long-term use for with flows ranging from 100 GPM up
wastewater treatment solutions for planned maintenance and to 600 GPM. The systems are fully
temporary, emergency and long- retrofits, automated and come complete with
term water treatment applications. • rental options for peak or seasonal CIP (clean-in-place) capabilities, to
By combining various equipment demand, meet water purity requirements with
with Hydrex™ chemistries and • permanent supplemental capacity a minimal amount of manpower.
field services, customers have without requiring design/build
the flexibility to choose a stand- construction, The 900 GPM High Recovery RO
alone mobile equipment rental • emergency situations. technology relies upon a patented
or complete, integrated service. design and operating function to
Current units in the U.S. fleet are Reyes refers to a nuclear plant where provide higher recoveries and higher
reverse osmosis, Actiflo® Turbo a short-term, targeted solution was permeate flux rates than traditional
clarification, filtration, softening and needed for a highly problematic RO technology. Through a closed
demineralization. local water supply that threatened circuit recycling of the RO feedwater,
to contaminate the seal water in the the membranes are less susceptible
Potential applications served include main reactor clear well. to fouling by water impurities
physical and chemical separation for and are able to capture up to 95%
suspended solids, turbidity, hardness “In this instance, we deployed as permeate, reducing needed
and metals removal; membrane our mobile Actiflo® Turbo clarifier pretreatment capacities and saving
separation and demineralization for system to treat 250 GPM of excess valuable water. �
TDS (total dissolved solids) reduction, river water, followed by multi-media

The power of reclaimed

Power generation need not be another source of strain on diminishing freshwater resources.
Well-established water reclamation technologies are enabling producers to conserve resources—
and money.

Meeting the needs of a planetary increasingly looking to solutions that Highly available, sewage is a
population expected to surpass eight conserve water through reclamation, virtually risk-free source. It has
billion people by 2025 is requiring recycling, and reuse. consistent quality and temperature
more output from fewer resources. compared to surface waters.
In the case of dwindling supplies Multiple solutions Because secondary effluent is
of freshwater, the strain on the A relatively easy way for the industry relatively consistent in quality,
natural resource from economic to reduce water consumption the treatment process, and the
and population growth, and climate is to use water more efficiently, design and operation of the
change, can be exacerbated by other such as by increasing the cycles in water treatment system, become
demands. cooling towers. Another method is easier. In addition, the cooling
identifying non-freshwater sources tower blowdown may be able to
Power generation draws heavily for cooling, which accounts for be returned to the municipality,
on water resources: the energy most of the water usage in a power eliminating one of the waste
sector is responsible for 10% of plant. This can involve recycling and streams requiring treatment at the
global water withdrawals, second reusing plant wastewater and/or power plant.
only to agriculture, mainly for using treated sewage or industrial
power plant operation as well as wastewater from an external Reclamation requirements
for production of fossil fuels and source. Power unit efficiency can Several sets of regulatory
biofuels. As new power plants are also be improved to produce more requirements govern the use
built to accommodate the growing megawatts per gallon of water of reclaimed water for cooling.
population’s power needs, increasing used, which also adds to both Federally, the Clean Water Act
amounts of water will be needed for sustainability and profitability. requires a permit, issued under
power generation and cooling. the National Pollutant Discharge
One solution for power plants to Elimination System (NPDES)
Interwoven resources reduce freshwater usage that is program, authorizing any discharges
In addition to water’s importance proving increasingly interesting is of pollutants to surface waters.
to power production, energy is also using reclaimed water or treated The U.S. Environmental Protection
vital to providing freshwater needed municipal wastewater. Use of Agency (EPA) implements the NPDES
to power systems that collect, sewage effluent for cooling began in program and has the power to
transport, distribute, and treat it. the U.S. in the 1970s, and it is proven authorize states to issue permits and
Each resource is thus interdependent and safe. Today, more than 70 power administer the program.
on—and vulnerable to—the other. sites in the U.S. are using treated,
In recognition of the vulnerability reclaimed water—and not just in NPDES permits contain discharge
of water, the power industry is arid regions. limits determined by the treatment

technology that the EPA believes wastewater sufficiently low?

is available and affordable, as well A study by the University of
as by the states’ water quality Pittsburgh found that 97% of
standards and available dilution in power plants proposed in the U.S.
the receiving water bodies. State could meet their cooling needs
rules vary according to factors by utilizing secondary treated
such as the likely degree of public wastewater from POTWs located
exposure to reclaimed water. Where within 25 miles.
exposure is high, reclaimed water • What technical option is the
must be highly treated. States best approach? Alternatives
usually establish limits on fecal or reclaimed water makes sense for a could include clarifying systems,
total coliform bacteria and may power plant, a series of questions disc filters, biological processes,
require that wastewater be filtered need to be asked about the submerged microfiltration, or
before it can be reused as reclaimed circumstances. Some questions to ultrafiltration membranes.
water. Turbidity standards are also ask and items to consider include: • Are there special issues that need
frequently established. to be addressed? For example,
• Does the plant need to meet some POTWs have low ammonia
On the operational side, unique a specific legal or regulatory levels, while others can be quite
treatment issues posed by utilizing performance requirement? What high. Chlorine treatment is one
reclaimed water include the need is the level of water risk in the local option, but breaking down the
to determine cleanliness levels that area? ammonia requires high levels of
must be achieved to satisfy a plant’s • What are the costs? The costs chlorine, creating new risks and
individual operational requirements. of technologies can vary widely. adding costs. Biological systems
Reclaimed water’s chemical Investment in disc filtration, for may negate some of these
elements can cause problems like example, even for a very large concerns, although requirements
mineral scaling, corrosion, stress flow may be as low as $500,000 to maintain a minimum flow
cracking, and biofouling. These to $1 million. While ultrafiltration circulation even during planned
problems can increase in closed- costs may be three to four times power outages can be a drawback.
cycle cooling systems when water as expensive, other savings such • Is the power company comfortable
evaporates and leaves behind higher as from running cleaner water operating the water treatment
concentrations of constituents. through the system or lowering system, especially if it’s biological?
chemical costs may favorably If not, alternative solutions may be
To control the water quality, power impact life cycle costs. The costs of possible, such as having the POTW
plant operators have a number of freshwater resources also are rising host and operate it, or outsourcing
options, including removal of some in some places and beginning to the operation to the system
of the concentrated, recirculating reflect the true costs of water. supplier.
water. Flow volumes and makeup • What are the benefits? These may
can also be adjusted, and incoming include less immediately tangible, Based on the responses to these and
reclaimed water can be treated prior but still important, benefits to the other questions, the right combination
to being added to the recirculating power company’s image with key of primary and secondary systems to
system. stakeholders. provide the appropriate level of water
• Are there publicly owned purity at a reasonable cost can be
What is the best option? treatment works (POTWs) nearby determined with the help of an expert
In determining whether use of to keep the costs of transporting systems solution provider.

Award-winning treatment removal for all of the WWTP’s current Replicated success
A pretreatment strategy was the and future needs. The second stage Veolia has also helped clients
approach applied in the growing provides additional filtration to in custom-designing biological
city of Mankato, Minnesota. The city meet the California Title 22 water processes to resolve other specific
installed a new water reclamation reuse requirements, which focus treated effluent challenges, such
facility (WRF) to treat effluent from its on suspended solids and effluent as ammonia. In New Jersey, Veolia
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), turbidity reduction. furnished West Deptford Energy
which would supply the cooling tower with a BIOSTYR® biological aerated
needs of an electrical generation The system enabled the city to filter and Hydrotech™ Discfilter
plant. In addition to providing quality avoid supplying water from its local system, allowing effluent from a
reuse water for the energy center, surface and groundwater supplies municipal wastewater plant to be
the WRF needed to meet new state to the power facility in order to reused in the operation of their new
phosphorus removal regulations. accommodate the plant’s needs. environmentally friendly energy
Annual savings for the city from the station.
process changes were estimated to
be about 680 million gallons of water The use of recycled water has
and $1.5 million in potable water costs. proven to be a win for the
In saving its natural water supply and environment and for West Deptford
monetary expenses, the city was able Energy in saving significant
to turn waste into a resource. chemical oxidant costs while
making their power station a model
The effluent water characteristics of highly efficient and sustainable
produced by the Mankato treatment energy generation.
facility are:
• Total phosphorus <0.4 milligrams/ After the power plant was
liter (mg/L) operating, West Deptford Energy
• Total suspended solids <5 mg/L decided to add ultrafiltration (UF)
The city turned to Veolia Water • Turbidity <0.6 nephelometric to further treat the effluent from
Technologies, a global expert in turbidity unit the Discfilters. The UF treated
optimizing water use and wastewater • Biochemical oxygen demand water was a suitable source for
treatment. Veolia provided a two- <2 mg/L their existing boiler feedwater
stage treatment process using a system, which further reduced their
combination of its Actiflo® and The water reuse project was the first reliance on city water and the cost
Hydrotech™ Discfilter processes. of its kind in the state of Minnesota associated with it.
The first-stage Actiflo® process is and one of the first in the nation.
a compact, extremely high-rate The Minnesota chapter of the As the strain on freshwater
clarification system that utilizes American Public Works Association resources intensifies and energy
the combination of coagulation, gave the Mankato facility its demand grows, the power industry
flocculation, and sedimentation, using Project of the Year award following is increasingly turning to reclaimed
microsand as a seed for floc formation. the treatment process upgrade, water as a highly valuable resource.
The microsand provides surface area and it was also honored with a Reclaimed water offers a win-win
that enhances flocculation and acts Minnesota Government Reaching solution that ensures the continued
as a ballast or weight. This first stage Environmental Achievements ability to respond to rising global
was designed to provide phosphorus Together (MnGREAT) award. demand by an inseparable pair. �

A “fresh approach”
to industrial water utilization

In today’s fast paced, competitive balance and its economics through services. No matter what issues an
environment, industrial their ‘‘ Best Practice Evaluation ’’, individual plant may be facing, this
manufacturers need to react Veolia develops innovative water comprehensive quiver of products
quickly and efficiently to changing Conservation, Reclaim & Reuse and services allows Veolia to
marketplace conditions with an “out programs to drive efficiency, develop innovative and technically
of the box” mentality. Those that reliability and overall cost reduction sound solutions for even the most
don’t often find themselves falling in the water systems they manage. demanding of industrial water
behind their competitors in the rush The objectives of these integrated applications.
for growth. programs are quite simple:
• To improve the utilization of water Opportunities for manufacturers
With limited resources, more and in a client’s operation, to improve and impact their water
more manufacturers are realizing • To minimize the amount of footprint can only be uncovered
they cannot maintain the focus influent to and effluent from the by first understanding the “True
needed to operate their own facility, utilizing technology to Costs of Water” and its utilization
production processes efficiently reclaim and reuse water where in their plant. This entails a detailed
while also operating their utility and possible, technical and economic audit of
process water systems. Therefore, • To effectively minimize water every water stream entering a plant,
they are leaving the retrofit and/ problems related to scale, the water being used in a process,
or operation of these systems to corrosion and fouling which might and the water being discharged back
trusted suppliers who can provide hamper production efficiency or to the environment.
the quality and quantity of water reliability,
they require to meet their changing • To minimize the client’s Once the water balance at a plant
needs in a safe, cost-effective and water footprint, reduce their has been outlined and documented,
compliant manner. environmental impact, and Veolia then develops a specific,
optimize their total costs of prioritized summary of potential
Recognizing that clients across ownership related to the water opportunities by applying its
all industry segments and they utilize.
geographies are having to react VEOLIA'S TRUE COST OF WATER MODEL
to increasing costs for influent At the foundation of
water and wastewater discharge, an integrated Veolia
• Financial
Veolia Water Technologies has Conservation, Reclaim & • Regulatory
developed an integrated approach Reuse program are over • Reputational
to water management using their 350 water treatment
comprehensive technology and equipment technologies, a 2 • INDIRECT COSTS
service portfolio. complete line of Hydrex® • Legal & litigation, etc

water treatment chemicals,

By developing an overall and a bevy of consultative • Freswater & disposal costs
• CAPEX & OPEX of water
understanding of a client’s water and on-site operational infrastructure

engineering resources to look at the Case Studies: molecular weight solids from
water quantities and qualities as In one such example, a the discharge stream, it was able
well as all treatment, production, large Midwestern chemical to be reclaimed and reused as
environmental and manpower manufacturer was dealing with makeup to the cleaning process.
costs associated with it. This priority changing river water quality to By recovering the water, which
involves looking for improvements in its plant, and could not develop a had already been processed
the following areas: sustainable water plan to enable through a reverse osmosis unit,
• CONSERVATION – Where can water its 10-year growth plan. and the BTUs contained in it,
utilization or performance results the payback on the UFlex™ unit,
be improved, with the assistance Over an 18 month period, in 6 the Aquaservice™ operational
of improved chemical treatment, distinct project phases, Veolia contract and the Hydrex®
standardized equipment utilized its Actiflo® mobile chemical treatment program was
technology, or on-site services? clarification technology, 73 days!
• REUSE – Where is water being Filtraflo™ multimedia filtration
either blended with other technology, Sirion™ reverse Water has become a very precious
waste streams or discharged to osmosis technology, Hydrex® commodity. The quality and quantity
wastewater treatment or to the chemical treatment technology of available fresh water can influence
municipal POTW where its quality and Aquaservice™ on-site where a production plant is located,
can provide value back in the plant consultative engineering due to the importance water plays
with little or no investment? resources to help the client in manufacturing processes. The
• RECLAIM – Where are there large conserve, reclaim and reuse over proper utilization of this water
volumes of water being used and 138M gal/yr, with an 11-month can also influence a plant’s long-
discharged, where an investment payback on its investment. term reliability and efficiency. Only
in technology could improve the through a complete understanding
water’s quality enough to be used In another example, an of a plant’s water balance can a
in other applications and eliminate automotive parts manufacturer manufacturer be aware of water
discharge? was using reverse osmosis to conservation, reclaim and reuse
pretreat water and heating it opportunities that can influence its
Once the list of potential opportunities for use in cleaning its finished top and bottom lines. At Veolia, this
has been identified and discussed products. The water was then is our responsibility to our clients,
with the client, a full economic discharged and replaced with which we call integrated water
assessment is developed to include all fresh city water. management. Some might just call it
factors that will influence the return “A Fresh Approach.” �
on investment or payback each will Veolia retrofitted the process
provide the facility. The economic by simply installing a UFlex™
assessment will help to identify which ultrafiltration unit on the
projects stand out as the vital few that discharge line from the
will have the largest impact. process. By removing the high

Effective sludge managemen

Pretium Resources Inc.’s Brucejack underground, high-grade gold mine, located in northwestern British
Columbia, Canada, started commercial production in 2017. Pretium challenged Veolia Water Technologies
Canada to provide a wastewater treatment plant to remove Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and some
heavy metals from its new gold mine effluent, using as little land space as possible while producing a
solid waste.

Environmental challenges to find space to build a pond for expected during design. As the
Veolia was approached by Pretium primary decantation, which meant construction activities increased,
in 2014 to assist with the permit that the TSS in the wastewater was the TSS increased gradually to
request of all government instances, correspondingly potentially very eventually exceed 10,000 mg/L.
to supply a temporary plant used high. Space constraints also meant Even given this, the Actiflo® effluent
for the exploration and construction that the treatment chain needed to quality (red bullets) was better than
phases and ultimately, a permanent be as compact as possible. required with an average TSS at the
wastewater treatment plant to be Actiflo® outlet around 8 mg/L.
used once the mine is in operation. Optimized technological
solution The Hydrotech™ Discfilter, acting
The project brought its own set The permanent effluent as polishing after the Actiflo®,
of challenges, mainly due to the treatment system, started-up in was able to decrease the TSS even
location of the mine: with the mine 2017, consists of several Veolia further, with an average of less than
situated near a glacier, the treated proprietary technologies which 2 mg/L (green bullets).
water criteria are very stringent. were selected for their robustness This mining application
Furthermore, with no road or air and compactness, starting with demonstrated that the Actiflo® can
access, the site is only accessible the Actiflo® high-rate ballasted operate with much higher TSS than
by using a Husky tracked vehicle to clarification process for primary normally believed, and operated
cross the glacier. metals removal. The water is further for more than two years with no
polished by a highly-efficient degradation of performance with
The available space at the site being Hydrotech™ Discfilter, which gives TSS at more than 10,000 mg/L.
very limited, Pretium was unable added ensurance in meeting very
stringent discharge criteria. New heights for sand ballasted
Example of Brucejack Influent and effluent A centrifuge was installed to decantation
water criteria (in mg/L) dewater the water treatment One of the perceived weaknesses of
EFFLUENT CRITERIA sludge. The inlet flow is sand-ballasted decantation is the
(Monthly average)
between 3,200 and 6,000 m3/d. relatively low solid content of the
Total Suspended Solids 2 000 15
produced sludge. Pretium requested
Total Aluminum 18.9 0.15
Total Arsenic 0.80 0.005
Veolia operated the temporary that Veolia produce a sludge that
Total Cadmium 0.011 0.00015 plant for more than two years. could be dry stacked with over 30%
Total Chromium 0.15 0.01 As can be seen on the figure solids. Given the space constraints,
Total Copper 0.37 0.01 on page 27, TSS concentration the use of a conventional thickener
Total Iron 88.0 0.25 at the treatment inlet (blue was not possible. The sludge was
Total Silver 0.0094 0.00025 bullets) was much higher than first thickened by recycling part of

ment at Brucejack Gold Mine

cake produced by the centrifuge
was much better than required,
while maintaining 24/7 operation
and no significant downtime except
for normal preventive maintenance.

Veolia was able to meet Pretium’s

expectation by building a compact
and efficient plant. The two
years of operation data collected
on this project have proved the
robustness of the equipment used.
The treatment chain used on the
project was able to handle more
the slurry produced by the Actiflo® to dewater the sludge. With a than 10,000 mg/L TSS and to deliver
upstream of the process. To achieve judicious choice of polymers, the clarified water at less than 10 mg/L
the sludge requirements, Veolia sludge solids content was increased while producing sludge at well over
provided an Andritz centrifuge from 1.9% to 47% on average. The 40% solids. �

Brucejack wastewater
treatment plant’s TSS
removal results ►

Crafting H2O
The science and art of beer making

Cincinnati-based MadTree Brewing Company is MadTree’s vision to be one of the region’s most
serious about how they make their beer. Their respected breweries. Launched in 2013 from its
scientific approach means that they also pay base in Cincinnati, Ohio, the company has grown
close attention to the water they use, a message rapidly from a 15-barrel brew house to the second
they’re more than happy to share. largest beer producer in greater Cincinnati.

The influence of geology on water chemistry and To keep pace with demand for its product,
how it affects the flavor of beer has long been MadTree converted a former manufacturing plant
recognized. The hard water of Burton-upon-Trent into a new 50,000-square-foot brew house and
in the UK, laden with calcium, magnesium and taproom opened in February 2018, with capacity
sulfates, is used to produce IPAs. Bicarbonate-rich to eventually produce up to 200,000 barrels a year.
water in Munich and Dublin combined with dark- Reflecting the company’s focused approach to
roasted grains yields the dark German dunkel and its craft, the new facility, dubbed “MadTree 2.0,”
Irish stouts, respectively. The mineral-free water includes an extensive lab with the latest tools
of the Czech city of Pilsen gave rise to the Pilsners, to support quality control and ensure that every
surprisingly replicated in another source of soft beer meets the brewer’s precise expectations.
water: Brooklyn. Standardizing the quality of the incoming water
was naturally a key priority for the expansion.
Yes, although water comprises 95% of beer, little
has been done through the years to try to control “We spent countless hours manipulating and
the quality of this primary ingredient. Now, charting each batch of beer brewed to achieve a
advanced technologies are transforming the art of desired result, then defined the specific steps to be
beer making into a science. repeated to consistently produce the desired recipe
and process,” says Matt Rowe. “Controlling the
For the brewers at MadTree Brewing Company, incoming water for our brewing process is critical to
there’s no question of leaving it all up to nature. ensuring we maintain consistent quality and taste.”
“Many brewers take what’s provided in terms of
the local water source, but we recognize that the
quality of the water has a major influence on a
beer’s profile,” says MadTree Director of Brewing
Operations, Matt Rowe. “Having control over the
incoming water is therefore critical to our ability
to ensure the consistent quality and taste of our

Consistency and repeatability in the quality of

their beer production is a mantra that underlies

For this, MadTree turned to Veolia Water

Technologies, a company with worldwide
experience providing water quality and
wastewater solutions to breweries, with more
than 150 references in North America and Europe.

Veolia’s solution includes 100-gallon-per-minute

Sirion™ Mega Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology
to remove up to 97% of dissolved inorganic
and more than 99% of large dissolved organic
material, colloids and particles. Prior to the RO, the
incoming water is first dechlorinated with sodium
bisulfate and softened with an anti-scalant. After about every step of our processes,” says Veolia’s
passing through the RO, the water undergoes Strategic Marketing Director for Industrial
ultraviolet sterilization treatment to remove any Solutions in he U.S., Ted Lawson. “As such, they
residual bacteria before going into a 20,000-gallon consider the RO to be an integral part of their
permeate storage tank. The water is moving all business.”
the time, either being sent to the brewing process,
as needed, or recirculated in the tank. Any excess Future outlook
output from the RO is used as water make-up Consistent with its methodical approach to
for boilers, increasing the operation’s water and beer-making, MadTree is charting a logical,
energy efficiency. progressive path for regional expansion as its
sales and reputation grow, says Matt Rowe. The
The ultra-high purity water produced provides company also is committed to helping to raise
MadTree with the flexibility to create individual standards in the craft beer industry. One of a small
water profiles for each beer, using ion sources to but increasing number of “open source brewing”
add desired quantities of calcium, magnesium, companies, MadTree readily shares information
sodium sulfates, chlorides and bicarbonate. “With about its products and processes, posting its
our most recent IPA, Entropic Theory, for example, recipes online and engaging with home brewers
we went with a higher chloride ratio to accentuate interested in honing their craft.
sweetness and increased the magnesium levels to
bring a rounder, fuller flavor,” says Matt Rowe. By seeking to change the paradigm regarding the
benefits of a consistent incoming water source,
Of particular appeal to the MadTree team was the the brewer is helping to ensure that the consumer
Veolia system’s ability to generate data that can be knows what they’re going to get with each can
recorded and tracked to provide historical trending of beer. Says Ted Lawson, “We were a bit surprised
for its systems across the board. With its focus on at first with MadTree’s willingness to share
science and precision, MadTree is using the data to information with potential competitors, but it’s
make better and more informed decisions on beer truly part of their philosophy. They’re ready to share
and water. the information because they don’t want bad craft
beer out there.”
“MadTree is very scientific about the brewing
process and wanted to understand everything Maybe it’s something in the water.

Follow the electron

Veolia’s capabilities
for lithium, nickel and cobalt producers

Process Development Expertise Lithium Processing Experience

Veolia Water Technologies has a long history of Veolia has supplied several process systems to
supplying systems for purification, recovery, and leading lithium suppliers worldwide as well as
drying of inorganic chemicals utilizing its HPD® having performed analytical, bench and pilot scale
Evaporation and Crystallization Technologies. testing.
State-of-the-art research and development
capabilities allow investigation into the behavior of • Lithium brine concentration
complex multi-component aqueous systems and • Lithium salts crystallization
subsequent optimization of the process design to • Lithium salts purification by re-crystallization
most efficiently achieve the desired product quality • By-product recovery from lithium processing
and reduce performance risk. • Impurity removal (precipitation, ion exchange,
Unlike typical for hire hydrometallurgical • Solid/liquid separation systems and solids
laboratories, Veolia also designs and supplies handling
commercial equipment. Veolia understands
how learnings at the lab or pilot scale translate Lithium salts crystallization
to commercial performance and will take • Lithium Chloride (LiCl)
responsibility for the processes that are developed • Lithium Carbonate (Li2CO3)
in our facility. We can typically scale up from • Lithium Hydroxide anhydrous and monohydrate
the laboratory scale directly to offer commercial (LiOH)
systems on a design build basis with complete • Lithium Sulfate anhydrous and monohydrate
process, mechanical, and schedule guarantees. (Li2SO4)
• Lithium Bromide (LiBr)
Precursor materials for lithium ion battery • Lithium Phosphate (Li3PO4)
production must be provided at extremely high
purity levels. Nickel and cobalt compounds are By-product recovery from lithium processing
particularly sensitive to contamination during the • Potassium Chloride (KCl)
crystallization process. Through our crystallization • Sodium Sulfate (Na2SO4)
expertise supplemented with specific testing, • Sodium Chloride (NACl)
Veolia is able to identify the appropriate • Potassium Sulfate (K2SO4)
crystallization processes required to achieve desired • Boric Acid (H3BO3)
purity levels from unique sources with differing
contaminant levels.

Research & Development The analytical, bench-scale, and pilot-scale testing

Veolia’s 5,000 m2 Research and Development capabilities, with an extensive catalog of data,
Center is crucial for development of challenging allows advancement of first-of-a-kind innovations.
process designs for HPD® Evaporation and
Crystallization technologies. This is especially important to design processes
for achieving the purity requirements in evolving
The facility is home to a wide variety of tools used lithium, nickel and cobalt applications and purity
for investigation of new process designs, testing requirements.
to support customer projects, and development of
new technologies. It is the foundation for design Rigorous testing provides the confidence that the
evaluation, feasibility, and process validation as commercial system will perform as designed. �
well as improvement and economizing overall
system designs.

Veolia Events
Educational seminars

Water is a precious resource and is becoming increasingly scarce. Veolia Water Technologies is com-
mitted to helping professionals best manage this resource by holding educational seminars.

These one-day events provide attendees the opportunity to connect with the world's most knowled-
geable and innovative experts in water and wastewater treatment. Guests will gain practical insights
about the latest trends, technologies, services, and information on how to most efficiently manage
water at their own facility.
We look forward to meeting you at our next Veolia Educational Seminar.

Check our website to find out when and where the next Veolia event will be:

Actual Feedback from Past Attendees

"Good variety of topics"

‘‘Presenters knew their stuff’’

‘‘Thank you for an informative and interactive day’’

‘‘Very informative!’’

A high rate clarification process with extremely small
ACTIFLO® is a high rate clarifier exclusively developed and patented by Veolia Water Technologies. With
more than 1,000 references all over the world, ACTIFLO® has been in use for municipal and industrial water
and wastewater treatment for more than 25 years.

APPLICATIONS pesticides and emerging Eliminates up to > 99% turbidity,

• Drinking and process water micropollutants. suspended solids and associated
applications for the production of pollutants
• ACTIFLO® Softening With
consistently high treated water lime and/or soda addition �  xtremely small footprint: The
quality, with removal efficiencies for decarbonation and water process requires little space; it
up to > 99% for Turbidity, Iron, softening. is especially suited for use in
Color, Algae, Arsenic, etc. restricted areas and ideal for
• ACTIFLO® HCS For the reduction
• Municipal and Industrial retrofitting existing basins while
of the sludge volume and the
Wastewater applications, expanding treatment capacity
associated water losses.
consistently achieving high �  educed civil costs: Thanks to
• BioACTIFLO® For the online
effluent quality with removal its extremely small footprint,
stormwater treatment and the
efficiencies of up to > 99% for significant savings in civil costs
reduction of the soluble BOD.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total are achieved
Phosphorus, Heavy Metals, Total • ACTIFLO® Rad For the removal
� F ew minutes of hydraulic
Coliforms, etc. of radioactive elements from
residence time: Rapid start-up and
contaminated water at nuclear
quick treatment optimization
�  nique process stability, also in
CONFIGURATIONS • ACTIFLO® Disc Actiflo followed by
the event of sudden flow and/or
Hydrotech discfilters for treated
• ACTIFLO® Duo Operational load variations
water polishing.
flexibility with or without
� I deal for automatic and remote
microsand depending on the flow • ACTIFLO® Pack Standardized units
operation, including frequent
rate. for the treatment of any flow rate
shut-downs & re-starts
up to 2,500 m3/h (11,000 gpm).
• ACTIFLO® Carb With Powered
�  ser friendly process: Easy
Activated Carbon (PAC)
addition in order to eliminate BENEFITS operation, requires minimum
High treatment efficiency: operator attention
nonflocculable organic matter, �

Optimum treatment for natural organic matter and
Designed to treat and refine water, ACTIFLO® Carb combines the fast flocculation and sedimentation
performance of Actiflo® with the adsorption capacity of Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) to eliminate
substances resistant to the clarification process.
APPLICATIONS • Maximum elimination of NOM
• For municipalities and industries and emerging micropollutants REFERENCES
(removal of up to 95%)
• Drinking water: for the treatment Nantes Métropole, France
of non-flocculable Natural • Polishing of the treated water
� 160,000 m3/day
Organic Matter (NOM), pesticides, • High sedimentation speed:
emerging micropollutants, micro- ≥ 30 m/h DSM Nutritional Products,
algae, odors Village-Neuf, France
� 2,400 m3/day 
• Process water: for refining and BENEFITS
treating resistant NOM • Compatible with other Fuyang, Zhejiang, China
clarification processes upstream: � 250,000 m3/day
• Sewage: to eliminate hard
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Actiflo®, Multiflo™, Spidflow® Harpeth Valley, Nashville, USA
and other compounds resistant to • Using Hydrex Biosourced � 90,000 m3/day

chemical or biological treatment flocculants

TW Moses, Indianapolis, USA
• “Reuse”: for the advanced tertiary • Small footprint � 91,000 m3/day
treatment and refinement of • Simple to commission: start-up in
treated sewage Raffineria di Millazo, Italy
a few minutes
� 7,200 m3/day
• Easy, low-cost upgrading of
PERFORMANCES existing installations
• Advanced Powdered Activated
Carbon treatment

Leading edge biological treatment
• For new plants, especially those • Increases the treatment capacity
requiring a small footprint and of existing installations Hickory Run, PA
easy operation • Small footprint Veolia Water Technologies supplied raw
• For BOD/COD and nitrogen water and demineralized water systems
• Fast start-up and recovery
removal for Hickory Run Energy power station,
which included Actiflo®, Hydrotech™
• As a high loading system in front
Discfilter and AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR
of existing biological treatment -
technologies. The feed water is effluent
roughing reactor
from the local public owned treatment
PERFORMANCES works and is used as plant cooling
water and boiler feed water after
• Durable and stable process with
demineralization, conserving 5,000 gpm
high removal efficiency at higher
of fresh water resources.
loading rates 1,000+
• A high level of flexibility allows for references
optimized solutions worldwide City of Palmer, AK
The City of Palmer chose Veolia’s MBBR
• High tolerance to load variations
system to provide ammonia removal
& toxics
capabilities to ensure the cleanest
• Worldwide experience with effluent possible is discharged into the
> 800 reference plants northernmost channel of the Matanuska
River. The AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR has
proven to be a high-performance process
for cold weather applications.

Smarter solution for carbon diversion
Hydrotech filters are a compact, cost-effective, and easy to operate
alternative to conventional primary clarification. Advanced controls REFERENCE
offer the flexibility to manage the BOD, COD, and TP loading to
Stavange, Norway
downstream biological treatment processes.
� 64 MGD
Followed by a Bio-P process based
APPLICATIONS • Can be used for a variety of
on an A/O configuration
• BioEnergy enhancements applications (primary, wet
weather, CSO/SSO, etc.) � 
Reduced aeration volume and
• Carbon resource recovery demand
• Small footprint � 
Increased energy recovery in
• With chemical pretreatment digestion

• Compact (up to 90% less than
• Lower energy costs due to reduced
load on secondary treatment
• Increased solids capture for energy
• Flexibility to control organic load
to biological treatment
• Easy to install, operate and

The next-generation biological aerated filter
Biostyr® Duo, an evolution of Biostyr®, the benchmark technology in
biofiltration, is designed to help the local authorities meet their new REFERENCES
wastewater treatment challenges. It increases the removal efficiency
Cornwall, Ontario (Canada)
(COD and BOD, nitrogenous (N-NH4 and N-NO3) and TSS) while reducing
upstream chemicals consumption and the plant’s footprint.
Saint-Thibault les vignes
APPLICATIONS • More load acceptable in COD & (France)

• For municipalities Nitrogen and TSS

• An evolution of Biostyr®, the • More flexibility on primary settler Aeris, Cagnes-sur-mer (France)
benchmark technology in to minimize upstream chemicals � Contract awarded in 2016 for
biofiltration, to help the local consumption 6 Biostyr Duo biofilters
authorities reduce pollution, • Increases the pollution removal
environmental footprint and efficiency
operation costs
• Ideal for plants where space is BENEFITS
constrained • More treatment but with the
• Especially valuable for retrofitting same footprint
projects • Minimal change in headloss
• Greatly reduces the upstream
PERFORMANCES chemicals consumption
• A combination of Biostyr® • Very energy efficient
technology with the MBBR • Fully automated, simple to
technology in a single reactor operate

Leading anaerobic technologies for industrial effluent
Biobed® Advanced EGSB Biobed® DUO
• Pressurized & gastight concept • P
 ressurized & gastight concept REFERENCES
• Up to >95% COD removal, with • Up to >95% COD removal, with Leading Beer Producer
loading rates up to 15-25 kg/m3/ loading rates up to 25-30 kg/m3/ Pennsylvania (USA)
day day
A leading brewery engaged Veolia
• A highly stable technology for a • Biobed® design for heavy duty to pretreat the wastewater prior to
great variety of industries influent with specific features: discharge to the municipal sewer
• Large net energy production by > Biobed® Advanced three phase
biogas recovery separation technology Technology: Biobed® is a compact
anaerobic treatment process
• Low sludge production and very > Controlled mixing by means of utilizing a granular sludge bed and
low energy consumption Biobed® Influent distribution dissolved air flotation.
Results: The brewer is saving on
> Patented In-Situ Cleaning of municipal surcharges from the
three phase sections wastewater treatment plant’s ability
> Sludge Management Control for to reduce BOD and TSS.
600+ removal of heavy biomass
Full scale

A batch thermal hydrolysis process to maximize
energy cost savings
BioThelysTM uses low pressure and low temperature steam applied to dewatered biosolids resulting in
greater biogas production and a significant decrease in sludge viscosity, increasing mesophilic digester
capacity by more than 300%.

• Combining BioThelys and
• Custom designs
Anaerobic Digestion results in: • Variable configurations
• Increase the digestion capacity • Worldwide experience
of an existing installation,
• Understanding of full
maximizing existing infrastructure
biosolids treatment plant
• Reduce the amount of biosolids
produced, offering disposal costs
• Meets Class A requirements,
providing a marketable end
• Reduce the digestion volume
of a new installation by up to
50%, decreasing capital costs
• Increase biogas production,
meeting sustainable initiatives

Sludge drying, incineration & energy optimisation
The BioCon™ dryer treats municipal dewatered sludge within a safe
environment for the operator. REFERENCES
Marquette-lez-Lille (France)
APPLICATIONS BENEFITS � 620,000 population equivalent

� 3.6 tons / hour

Municipal dewatered sludge Low • Safe, simple & efficient operation
temperature treatment for low • Customised end product Rosny-sur-Seine (France)
energy plants � 142,000 population equivalent
• Self-cleaning nozzles
� 1.7 tons / hour
• No dust
• Air tight Lagares Vigo (Spain)
• Safe operation due to low drying � 800,000 population equivalent
temperature • No odors
� 3.8 tons / hour

• Delivers disinfected and

Juneau, AK (USA)
granulated dried biosolids
� 200,000 population equivalent
• Low operation and maintenance � 3 tons / hour
Alderwood, WA (USA)
• Meets Class A requirement
� 100,000 population equivalent
• Energy recovery � 1.5 tons / hour

• Low carbon footprint

Pomorzany (Poland)
� 420,000 population equivalent

� 2 tons / hour

 ioco SDL:
Cagnes (France)
� 160,000 population equivalent

� 2.1 tons / hour


The cost-effective ammonia removal solution
With an ammonia removal efficiency of over 80% with no use of
external carbon source and at a very low energy cost, ANITA™ Mox REFERENCES
is well suited to efficiently reduce the operating cost and improve the
Denver, CO, USA
environmental record of a wastewater treatment plant. � Operating since 2017

� Treating municipal digestate


• ANITA™ Mox is specially developed • No carbon source needed South Durham, NC, USA
for the treatment of streams • Compact process � Treating digestion returns by
highly loaded in ammonia such as: MBBR
• Almost 60% oxygen savings
• Reject water following anaerobic � 330 kg N/day
• Reduced sludge production
digestion from municipal WWTP
• Robust process Gothenburg (Gryaab), Sweden
to reduce the nitrogen load on the � Operating since 2018
main wastewater treatment line • S
 table process
� Treating municipal digestate

• Industrial wastewaters, especially • L ower CO2 emissions � >1,000 kg N/day

after anaerobic treatment and

Osberstown, Ireland
landfill leachates
� Treating municipal THP
� Start-up 2018

� 600 kg N/day

Next revolution in biological nutrient removal Five Fords (Wales), UK

Deammonification for mainstream treatment � Treating municipal THP
Removes most of the incoming nitrogen load without requiring large digestate
amounts of organic matter to denitrify. � Start-up 2018

� 7 75 kg N/day

Sustainable recycling of phosphorus from wastewater
Phosphorus is a key ingredient in the fertilizers used in agriculture and for animal feed. STRUVIA™ allows for
phosphorous to be recovered as struvite crystals from the effluents produced by industrial, agricultural and
municipal activities. This opens the way to a local reuse of phosphorus, especially in agriculture.

Recovery, valorisation and reuse • Low investment and operating REFERENCES
of phosphorus contained in costs
Brussels North (Belgium)
wastewater and in concentrated • Limited footprint and building �P
 rototype reactor
industrial water as struvite. height requirements (0.2 to 0.5 m3/h)
• Recycle struvite by incorporating it
PERFORMANCES Helsingør (Denmark)
into a fertilizer
 irst industrial unit
• Reduction of internal phosphorus • The recovered phosphorus is made (4.8 tons of phosphorus
load freely available for plants and crop extracted per year)
• R
 eduction of chemical sludge • Cadmium free and improvement
production of carbon footprint
• Prevents operation downtime
and maintenance cost caused by
uncontrolled struvite precipitation
• R
 educed needs for chemicals for

Solution for depackaging and preparing biodegradable
wastes for energy generation
Ecrusor™ is a patented process to separate biodegradable wastes from commercial packaging. The single
unit then grinds the organic material into a homogeneous slurry. Once processed by Ecrusor™, the highly
organic, biodegradable material can be combined with indigenous and imported sludge and sent to the
digester/biogas system.

• Liquids • EcrusorTM removes plastic, metal REFERENCES
> Sewage liquid with 1% to 30% dry and mixed material packaging
Braunschweig (Germany)
matter content simultaneously
� 275,000 PE

> Packaged dairy waste • Very low operating energy while � 100% electricity autonomy
producing a slurry that generates
• Packed products Gera (Germany)
> Packaged dairy, meat and � 200,000 PE
• Over 10 years of full-scale
confectionery products � 100% electricity autonomy
operation at multiple installations
> Manufacturing residues North Pest (Budapest, Hungary)
• Installed below grade, outdoors or
> Packed cakes and left-over � 200,000 PE
within truck off-loading stations
uncooked dough � 100% electricity autonomy
to receive material directly from
> Expired food products and vehicles Nagykörös Biogas Plant
packaged soft drinks � Industrial biomass to energy
• EcrusorTM is capable of processing
up to 40 cubic meters of waste project, 3rd largest in Hungary
CHARACTERISTICS every hour � 100% electricity autonomy

• Compact and robust Prague (Czech Republic)

• Fully-automated � 1,400,000 PE
� 75% electricity autonomy

Evaporation technologies for wastewater treatment
• Effective solutions for the • Waste disposal costs reduction
treatment of industrial • Low energy consumption
wastewater, concentrating and
• Fully automatic, minimum labor
removing salts, heavy metals
• Remotely controllable (Industry
and a variety of hazardous
4.0 compliant)
• Standard & Package design

PERFORMANCES • Small footprint, Plug & Play

• ZLD • High quality of distillate

• Water reuse Evaled is now boosted by our digital

• Valuable matter recovery services offer AQUAVISTA™
• Up to 95% distillate yield
• Sizes from 0.1 to 200 m⁳/day of
distillate produced

Did you know that HYDREX® covers all your water

treatment chemical needs?

Veolia Water Technologies provides a

Boiler Water Treatment Products HYDREX 1000 SERIES
full range of water treatment additives
but also associated services (technical Cooling Water Treatment Products HYDREX 2000 SERIES
assistance and audit onsite + support of Drinking Water Treatment Products HYDREX 3000 SERIES
Hydrex experts’ team) and equipment Membrane Treatment Products HYDREX 4000 SERIES
such as dosing systems and tanks.
Maintenance and Cleaning Products HYDREX 5000 SERIES
You can also take advantage of our
Wastewater Treatment Products HYDREX 6000 SERIES
AQUAVISTA™ monitoring / digital tools
and on-line scanners to ensure better Biocides Products HYDREX 7000 SERIES
performance of the treatment. If you need Industrial Application Products HYDREX 8000 SERIES
water treatment chemical assistance, Thermal Desalination, bulk chemicals & Others HYDREX 9000 SERIES
Hydrex® has the solution!

A transportable solution for produced water reuse
Veolia Water Technologies has developed ShaleFlow™ - a cost-effective modular solution for reuse of
flowback and produced water from hydraulic fracturing operations. This compact system utilizes proven
technologies designed to enable reuse with the flexibility to be moved as the field is developed.

• Compact “Drop & Go” system in • Enables water reuse, reducing
3 modules fresh water demand
• >98% water recovery, zero liquid • Reduces overall operating costs
waste • Minimizes deep well injection
• N
 on-hazardous sludge suitable for • Flexible delivery options: DBO or
landfill disposal DBOO
• Designed to operate in high • Guaranteed performance when
corrosive environment operated by Veolia
• A
 ccepts a wide range of influent • Fully equipped to implement
water quality AQUAVISTATM digital services for
remote monitoring and data-
driven optimization

Dry polymer make-up system
Veolia’s HydraPol™ Compact dry polymer make-up and dosing systems are designed to prepare and activate
any type of dry polymer.

APPLICATIONS • Optimal activation of the dry

All processes requiring activated polymer ensured by pre-wetting
polymer in municipal and industrial multiple shearing zones
water and wastewater applications, • Stacked mixing and storage tanks,
such as floculation, decantation, with gravity transfer
sludge dewatering and sludge • Fully automated solution with PLC
thickening. standard control panel

• Capacity: up to 18.6 lbs/hr (8.5 kg/hr) • Compact integrated design for
• Concentrations: up to 1% specific applications
(depending of polymer type) • Standard pre-engineered models
• Manual or vacuum dry polymer with defined packaged options
handling • Small footprint, all pre-wired and
• Precise volumetric feeder pre-piped
equipped with automatic shut- • Easy to install, operate and
off valve to prevent any contact maintain
between dry polymer and
• Easy integration of dosing skids

Optimize your assets

Veolia technologies protect the environment through sustainable treatment solutions.

Veolia Water Technologies has the capability to transform your wastewater into valuable

> Maximize treatment capacity and water reuse

> Achieve carbon and whole life cost reduction
> Optimize energy recovery
Publication Director: Élise Le Vaillant
Chief editor: Clément Leveaux
Coordination: Manon Painchaud
Contributors to this issue: Tabitha Atkinson, Chuck Blumenschein, Jill Browning,
Martin Caspar, Mette Friis-Andersen, Aude Giard, Chris Harvey, Marc Laliberté,
Ivy Latour, Ted Lawson, William Mengebier, Michael Pudvay, Manon Painchaud,
Aurélien Pauléat, Carla Robinson, TJ Willetts
Design: Veolia Water Technologies Graphic Design Team
Photo credits: Veolia photo library / Christophe Besson / Christophe Majani
d’Inguimbert / Alexandre Dupeyron / Stephane Lavoue / Jean-Francois Pellegry /
Imag’in / R. Secco / Fotolia / iStock / Image Club
9/2018 (180303)
@VeoliaWaterTech • Veolia Water Technologies

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