Detailed Lesson Plan HK
Detailed Lesson Plan HK
Detailed Lesson Plan HK
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Greetings
“Good Day and a pleasant morning to “Good Morning Ma’am Barbe, Good
everyone!” Morning classmates!”
2. Prayer
“First of all let’s start with a short prayer. (students will pay attention to the video
Please stand and Let us put ourselves in the presented)
holy presence of God, for those who are
catholic please make the sign of the cross….” “Amen.”
“So before you take your seats, please arrange “Okay ma’am”
your chairs properly and pick up pieces of
paper under your chair. “ (students arranged their chair and pick up
pieces of papers)
1. Checking of Attendance
Now is the time to check your attendance. “All are present ma’am”
“Very good. Please give yourselves a round (students doing a round of applause)
of applause”
A. Presentation
1. Motivation
“So before we proceed on our discussion I
will group you In to two then I will show you
the jumbled word then all you have to do is
arrange this. Understand? The first group who
will reach 5 points will be the winner and will
receive their prize.
So that ends our knowledge game. Did you all “Yes ma’am”
enjoy playing scribbled words?
1. Lesson Proper
“For today’s discussion we will tackle about
the Safety Regulations”
Very good! You have a point. Thank you Students answered ‘it’s like recycling or
disposal of waste management.
“Thank you for that_____. Next here is Student answers “ solid waste ma’am”
The two types of waste management. .
What is the first one? Anyone?
Very good!
So the first one is solid waste.
“for the next one please read ____ (call a “Liquid Wastes- includes human waste,
student)” runoff (storm water or flood water), sullage,,
industrial wastewater and other forms of
wastewater from different sources. Examples
“Thank you ______. So that was the types of are chemicals, oils, waste water from ponds.
“Any questions before we proceed in the next None so far ma’am
part of the topic? Any questions?
B. Non-Hazardous Student:
What is Non-hazardous? “NON-HAZARDOUS – are safe substances
used commercially, industrially,
“Any idea? (Call a student) agriculturally, or economically.
What are the 4 Rs? Students answer’ reuse, reduce, recycle, and
Reduce- to buy less and use less
Reuse- elements of the discarded item are
used again (Student listening)
Recycle- discards are separated into new
Recover- capturing useful material for waste
to energy programs.
1. Activity
“Alright so for now, you are going to apply
what you have learn for today’s discussion.
So I will divide you class into 2 groups.
“Okay so are you now with your group students group their selves)
mates?” “Yes ma’am.”
Time management-10
Overall=40 points
“Your time is up already. Okay so may I call Students answer: it is important because it’s
the leader of Group ____ please come here in like a tool to help our mother nature to be safe
front and share to us what have you discuss and clean.
with your group? For those other members
please listen if someone is talking in front.”
“That’s right. So next what are the 4 Rs ? Reuse, reduce, recycle and recover
(call a student)
V. Assignment
Directions: Strictly follow the task.
1. Make a video of you making a cute mini trashcan using a can sardines and label it with reuse,
reduce, recycle.
2. Send it through messenger.