Journal of Building Engineering: Zhiping Li, Dagang Lu, Xiaojian Gao
Journal of Building Engineering: Zhiping Li, Dagang Lu, Xiaojian Gao
Journal of Building Engineering: Zhiping Li, Dagang Lu, Xiaojian Gao
Keywords: A comprehensive review of the statistical experimental optimization problem concerning the mixture design of
Experimental design optimization various cement-based materials is presented herein. This review summarizes and discusses over 80 applications
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) of optimum design regarding the basic test information under response surface method (RSM), including in
Response surface methodology (RSM)
fluence factor and corresponding response, statistical method, and coefficient of determination. The statistical
Sustainable concrete
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)
experimental design reported in previous studies has shown that RSM is a sequential procedure to provide a
suitable approximation for the mixture optimization. Then, linear, quadratic and interactive relationships of the
statistical model can be evaluated available. Especially, the multi-objective optimization issues with multiple or
competing performance requirements for various cement-based materials have also been reported, by consid
ering fluidity, strength development, environmental impact, cost and durability. Overall, the results from
existing publications have demonstrated that statistical inference and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are suitable
for mix proportion design and process optimization of cement-based materials. The W/B ratio and mixture
components are the prevalent factors in experimental design optimization, and then the fluidity and strength as
the most popularly used response. Thus, theoretical optimum mixture proportioning can be used to predict
valuable fresh and hardened properties. Finally, a critical discussion of the selection of design strategy, inde
pendent factors and their responses, and the experimental region involved in statistical experimental design, is
provided. Based on this review, we conclude that the multi-objective optimization approaches need a further
systematic study, and further studies of sustainable concrete optimization are needed by comparing the different
chemical composition and particle characteristics.
* Corresponding author. School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150090, China.
** Corresponding author. School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150090, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Lu), [email protected] (X. Gao).
Received 24 September 2020; Received in revised form 17 November 2020; Accepted 14 December 2020
Available online 17 December 2020
2352-7102/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
growth in experimental times when many test factors are considered as term, βi for the first-order terms, βii for the quadratic terms and βij for the
independent variables in the optimization process. Furthermore, binary-interaction terms. A polynomial function cannot be a suitable
detailed optimization designs of concrete mixtures are often time- and approximation for all independent variable spaces. However, they usu
resource-intensive [1]. Response surface method (RSM) is a combination ally work comparatively well for a relatively small area [12].
of mathematical and statistical techniques that are widely used in the The main purpose of experimental optimization is to move quickly to
area of concrete preparation optimization, where some nonlinear factors the actual optimum by using a simple and economically experimental
of concrete are added to obtain an optimum domain [5]. This method is process [13]. The general flow chart of RSM for experimental design
especially suitable for multiple performance requirements of concrete, optimization can be summarized in Fig. 1. The design procedure by
such as ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) [6–9]. Over the past using RSM consists of the following sequential steps: (1) defining inde
decade, the statistical experimental design of cement-based materials pendent factors and desired responses, (2) selecting appropriate design
has gained increasing attention with the sustainable development of the strategy to fit the response surfaces, (3) confirming the fitted model by
concrete industry. Among these, lots of researchers have investigated using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and statistical inference, and (4)
the optimization of mixture proportions by using RSM. determining the optimum set of operating conditions.
Recently, the multiple response problem of cement-based materials
has been widely reported in previous experimental studies. The simul
2.2. Designs of the first-order model
taneous optimization process of several responses can be classified into
two steps, as follows: (1) a fitting response surface model is established
Designs for fitting the first-order model are called first-order designs.
for every response, and (2) operating constraints optimized by all re
The most widely used first-order designs are 2k factorial design, Plack
sponses are identified or maintained in the desired region. Some related
ett–Burman design and simplex design [14]. Among these designs,
optimization methods, such as D-optimal design [10], overlay of the
simplex lattice design has obtained considerable attention in the
contour plots and constrained optimization, have been used in previous
experimental design optimization of cement-based materials, which are
studies. Overlaying contour plots work effectively for a small number of
described briefly in the following section.
design variables. If more than three independent factors exist, then this
Simplex lattice design is used to investigate the effects of the com
method is ineffective because the two-dimensional contour plot cannot
ponents or ingredients of a mixture on the response variable; it is also
obtain the best view of the response surface. The two other approaches
referred to as the mixture experiment. In general, the key feature of the
can be used for cases with more variables.
given mixtures is that the volume or mass fractions of these components
This paper summarizes and discusses the main achievements
must sum to one. Furthermore, the response of the given mixture de
including the applications of different RSMs and optimization method
pends only on the relative fraction but not on the total amount of the
ologies in the experimental design of cement-based materials. This re
mixture constituents [15]. For instance, if x1 , x2 , ..., xk represent the
view is organized as follows. The basic procedure and certain theoretical
proportions of k ingredients of the given mixture, then
models and its evaluation and validation are reviewed briefly in Section
2. Then, in Section 3, the typical applications of central composite 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1 (i = 1, 2, ..., k) , (3)
design (CCD) and other optimization designs are summarized and
investigated to measure the feasibility and validity of the selected RSM, ∑
and xi = 1. (4)
especially for the sustainable concrete application. Finally, in Section 4, i=1
several related problems for further promising applications of RSMs in
cement-based materials are discussed. Moreover, some addition boundary constraints are found on the
components, thereby limiting the available region of the ingredients
2. Theoretical basis of RSM for cement-based materials between the lower limit (Li ) and the upper limit (Ti ). The general form of
the mixture optimization could be expressed as follows:
2.1. General procedure using RSM in experimental design optimization 0 ≤ Li ≤ xi ≤ Ti ≤ 1 (i = 1, 2, ..., k) . (5)
RSM has been used for various issues in the experimental optimiza The main types of simplex lattice designs in previous articles are
tion of cement-based materials [11]. This method aims to optimize shown in Fig. 2. The points presented in Fig. 2 denote experimental runs,
mixture design to consider several attributes, involving workability, and the three vertices, midpoints of the sides and the overall centroid of
strength development, cost, durability and environmental impact. These the triangle represent the pure blends, binary blends and ternary blends,
features are achieved with sequential experimentation including factors respectively. The controversy of the simplex lattice design is that most
such as water–binder ratio (W/B), mixture constituent, the proportion of test runs emerge in the boundary of the optimized area. Simplex lattice
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), preparation conditions and simplex centroid design should be added with points in the internal
and curing environment. In general, if the response is well expressed by region, as shown in Ref. [16].
a linear model of the independent factors, then the first-order regression
model can be expressed as follows: 2.3. Designs of the second-order model
Y = β0 + βi Xi + ε, (1) Designs for fitting the second-order model are called second-order
i=1 designs. Applications of CCD and Box–Behnken design (BBD) to
cement and concrete have become more increasingly popular over the
where Y represents the response variable conforming to the regression past few decades.
coefficients (β); Xi represent the independent variables; k is the number CCD include 2k factorial runs, 2k star runs and k0 runs (centre-point
of optimized variables; ε denotes the random error of the estimated replications, usually 3 ≤ k0 ≤ 5); it is a good alternative to the 3k full
response. If a curvature is found in the local experiments, then a second- factorial design because it provides comparable experimental results
order regression model can be given as follows: with a small number of tests [17]. Fig. 3 shows a CCD for the case of k =
k ∑
k k ∑
∑ k 2 and k = 3. In general, CCD is developed in a manner of the sequential
Y = β0 + β i Xi + βii Xi2 + βij Xi Xj + ε, (2) experiment to investigate a first-order design, followed by adding axial
i=1 i=1 i=1 j>1
runs to fit the second-order model. The first-degree model is used to
obtain initial information on the experimental programs and to assess
where the regression coefficients are expressed as β0 for the intercept
the importance of the component of the given mixture. Then, the
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
Fig. 2. Simplex lattice designs for three-component mixture plans: (a) {2,3} lattice, (b) {3,3} lattice, and (c) simplex centroid.
Fig. 3. Central composite designs for (a) k = 2 variables and (b) k = 3 variables of experimental optimization (The red dot is the centre-point replication, generally,
3 ≤ k0 ≤ 5). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
quadratic terms are chosen to obtain additional information to deter BBD consists of 2k factorial three-level designs with incomplete block
mine the desired properties of the given constraints. The value of α and to afford as either rotatable or nearly rotatable properties and to avoid
k0 depend on the number of runs in the factorial region of the given the vertices of the cubic region, as shown geometrically in Fig. 4a. All
experiment to ensure that CCD can achieve either the orthogonality points of BBD located at a spherical region of radius 2, to avoid the
behaviour or uniform precision behaviour. upper and lower limits of the given constraints. In addition, this would
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
Fig. 4. Spherical designs for three variables: (a) Box-Behnken design, and (b) face-centred central composite design (The red dot is the centre-point replication,
generally, 3 ≤ k0 ≤ 5). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
be available for BBD when the extreme vertices are prohibitively responses simultaneously. Thus, this approach tends to satisfy each
expensive or impossible to complete owing to the constraints of the desirable response as soon as possible without excessively compro
experimental conditions. Face-centred design (CCF) is a useful variation mising any performance specifications. In general, every response Yi is
of CCD, where α = 1. Fig. 4b shows the star points of CCF located at the transformed into an individual desirability function as:
centre of the surface of the cube region, instead of the spherical area as
0 ≤ di (Yi ) ≤ 1, (9)
in CCD. Using CCF often leads to a reasonable assessment of experi
mental errors because of more centre runs. where the value of di (Yi ) ranges between 0 and 1. For the combination of
the single responses near to the target values, the value of di (Yi ) should
2.4. Evaluation and validation of the fitting model be close to 1. The composite desirability function D can be expressed as
ANOVA is most often used to validate the predictive ability of the
fitted model before prediction, to ensure that the mathematical model ∏
1 1
D = (d1 (Y1 ), d2 (Y2 ) (Yk ))k = di (Yi )k ,
provides an adequate approximation of the actual response behaviour. i=1
The ANOVA expressions for regression model assessment and validation
are summarized in Table 1. In general, the overall accuracy of the pre where k represents the total responses involved in the optimization
dicted model is often described by the coefficient of determination R2, process.
which is calculated as follows:
SSmod SSres 3. Literature survey of RSM in mixture design optimization
R2 = =1− . (6)
SStot SStot
In a review article published in 1999 [11], RSM is the first time
The value of R2 varies between 0 and 1. For the predicted model with
systematically discussed and compared in mixture design optimization
good accuracy, the value of R2 is close to 1. After considering the number of high-performance concrete, and the multi-objective optimization by
of model terms, a related statistic parameter of adjusted R2 can be ob using material science-based statistical models is also presented to pre
tained, as follows: dict the concrete properties. Then, a comprehensive review of linear
MSres SSres /(k − p) combination, statistical models, artificial intelligence method, and
R2adj = 1 − =1− . (7) physics-based models was provided to optimize the design and propor
MStot SStot /(k − 1)
tioning of the concrete mixture [1]. Based on the previously surveyed,
The value of R2adj decreases as statistically insignificant variables in this paper attempted to evaluate the advances in cement and concrete
the model increase. The differences between the predicted and the mixture optimization by using RSM over the past two decades. Symbols
actual values are defined as residual errors, which play a critical role in used in this review are listed in Appendix A. Applications of RSM of
evaluating the model accuracy. Another statistic used to measure the mixture optimization of cement-based materials are shown in Appendix
predictive ability of the model, is expressed as follows: B.
SSpre Since the experimental results of Appendix B were obtained by
R2pre = 1 − . (8) various characteristics of raw materials and under various preparing
conditions, this paper only collected the basic test information (influ
The value of R2pre and R2adj should be within 0.2. ence factor and corresponding response, statistical method and coeffi
Desirability function is another useful method to optimize multiple cient of determination) for further discussion. For more corresponding
Table 1
Basic structure of the ANOVA test in the RSM-based experimental design.
Source of variation Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F-value
Total corrected k-1 SStot = − y) 2
i=1 (yi
Model p-1 SSmod = SStot − SSres MSmod = SSmod /(p − 1) MSmod /MSres
Residual k-p SSres = ki=1 (yi − ̂
y i )2 MSres = SSres /(k − p)
Lack of fit m− p SSlof = SSres − SSpe MSlof = SSlof /(m − p) MSlof /MSpe
∑m ∑ki
Pure error k− m SSpe = 2 MSpe = SSpe /(k − m)
i=1 i=1 (yij − yi )
Note: k = total number of experiments in the set; p = total number of parameters in the model; m = number of distinct level of factor combinations; ki = number of
replications of the ith level; Adapted from Ref. [18].
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
details of the tests, one can refer to the references. conducted by CCD combined with canonical analysis to maximize the
toughness and modulus of elasticity of the fibre metakaolin-based geo
polymer. Zahid et al. [25] applied CCD technique to establish the effect
3.1. Optimization designs in cement-based materials applications of independent factors (NaOH molarity, NaOH–Na2SiO3 ratio and curing
temperature) to evaluate several responses (such as setting time,
Over the past two decades, many studies on cement-based materials modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, flexural strength, flexural
have focused on using RSM as a secondary analysis in multi-objective toughness and ductility index) of FA-based engineered geopolymer
optimization that can be achieved with a series of separate experi composite. CCD was used to confirm the optimal mixture parameter of
ments. This tool has been used successfully by previous researchers to alkali-activated slag mortar with the maximum flexural strength and
optimize fresh and hardened properties for cement and concrete fields. compressive strength, by considering the influence of usage of waste
However, mixture designs of some advanced cement-based materials are glass powder [26]. Revathi et al. [27] used CCD to establish the
always difficult to standardize and reproduce owing to lack of available regression model of three factors (modulus of sodium silicate, liquid–FA
guidelines [19]. Herein, the focus is on summarizing the RSM applica ratio and mineral admixture) and these interactions with mechanical
tions; and the existing methods, including CCD, BBD and CCF are dis strength with 15 experimental trials.
cussed in the following sub-sections. UHPC is characterized by dense microstructures that possess ultra-
high mechanical, ductility and durability performance. The optimiza
3.1.1. Central composite design (CCD) tion approach often starts with a combination of particle packing and
CCD is the most commonly used method of experimental optimiza statistical design method to obtain a mixture proportion of UHPC. The
tion in the cement-based material field, which is used for fitting the effects of three factors (distribution modulus, SCM and W/B ratio) on the
second-order model. CCD is often used as a screening design to deter rheological and mechanical properties of strain-hardening UHPC were
mine the critical factors and their interactions. As an example, optimized by combining CCD and modified Andreasen and Andersen
Mohammend et al. [20] used CCD in modelling the fresh and hardened particle packing model [28]. Sun et al. [29] used CCD to evaluate the
performance of rubbercrete mixture to develop available mix propor effect of porous aggregate and shrinkage-reducing admixture on
tion. Two factors (W/B and crumb rubber) with five levels were selected autogenous shrinkage of UHPC by using the modified dense
and 45 runs were performed in this research. The response surface with particle-packing model. Wang et al. [30] used the modified Andreasen
three slump levels for compressive strength is presented in Fig. 5. and Andersen particle packing models to achieve a compacting binder
Based on the previous CCD applications shown in Appendix B. the matrix of eco-friendly UHPC. Then, CCF was applied by maximum use of
existing studies can be classified into three groups of research charac combined micro-coral sand and coral sand. The developed eco-friendly
teristics, as follows: (1) optimizing the raw materials and preparation
condition to achieve the optimal performance or the most economical
mix design results, (2) adding new components to investigate the per
formance range, and (3) combining with other modelling techniques
and then evaluating the feasibility. Especially, geopolymer/alkali-
activated materials have acquired wide attention as promising con
struction and maintenance materials due to their superior performance
[21]. Venkatesan et al. [22] applied CCD to determine the optimal
conditions of geopolymer concrete by using partial replacement of fine
aggregate with waste foundry sand and fly ash (FA). Then, D-optimal
design was used to conduct the proportion of mixture components to
acquire the desired responses. Mohammed et al. [23] optimized the
experimental parameters of ingredients, such as anhydrous sodium
metasilicate, ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and FA to
produce cast in situ alkali-activated binders. The optimal condition was
provided using CCF to evaluate the three responses (split tensile
strength, compressive strength and water absorption). Da Silva Alves
et al. [24] investigated the effect of sisal fibre, activator–metakaolin
Fig. 6. Ecological evaluation of eco-friendly ultra-high performance concrete
mass ratio, and curing time on toughness and modulus of elasticity. In
with environmental impact indicator. Adapted from Ref. [30].
addition, the optimization of the experimental parameters was
Fig. 5. Response surface with three slump levels for compressive strength: (a) low slump, (b) medium slump and (c) high slump. Adapted from Ref. [20].
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
Fig. 10. Ternary contour diagram of composition design for composite cement.
4.1. Selection of design strategy
Adapted from Ref. [16].
Fig. 11. CaO–SiO2–Al2O3 ternary phase diagram for the cement blends of sustainable concrete. Adapted from Ref. [46].
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
addition, both linear and quadratic regression models are permitted to such as artificial neural networks [48–50], fuzzy classification [51].
be determined by these design strategies, and the interactive effects of These combined approaches have been demonstrated experimentally by
various independent factors and critical points (minimum, maximum providing well precision in data learning and prediction. Although these
and saddle points) can be evaluated. solutions have been used in several other fields, little research has been
Another popular method is simplex design, including the simplex- reported of these applications in mixture proportion optimization.
lattice design and simplex-centroid design. The factors of these strate
gies are the component of a mixture, and the factor levels are not in 4.4. Current challenges for the applications of sustainable concrete
dependent. If there are three ingredients of the mixture, the constrained
experimental region is constructed to a trilinear coordinate system as In general, reducing the environmental impact and resources con
shown in Refs. [16,38]. Each of the three sides of the triangle represents sumption of sustainable concrete is related to replace cement clinker
a mixture that has only two components, and the missing component with solid wastes, which contains many ingredients and are always
labelled on the opposite corner. subject to multi-performance requirements. Statistical experimental
However, BBD has not been employed as extensive as the above- design has been developed to optimize the mixture proportion of sus
mentioned strategies in cement-based materials. While in BBD strat tainable concrete. However, target performance during the optimization
egy, all points located at a spherical region of radius 2. And also, BBD process may be mutually exclusive, which leads to numerous redundant
does not contain any corner points of the cubic region to avoid the upper works. The combined desirability of various weighted values and their
and lower limits of the given constraints. This would be available for corresponding solutions has been developed a multi-objective optimi
BBD when the extreme vertices are prohibitively expensive or impos zation [5,31,40,84]. The simultaneous nonlinear optimization with
sible to complete owing to the constraints of the experimental desirability function should be further studied in the future.
conditions. So far, many multi-variable problems for sustainable concrete opti
Anyway, the prevalence of CCD usage in cement-based materials is mization have become increasingly common. It is difficult to coordinate
partly attributed to that it is easy to follow the other researcher’s steps. the raw materials properties and their dosage are often lacks a theo
As for geopolymer/alkali-activated materials and UHPC with various retical basis. Furthermore, little attention has been focused on the in
ingredients and several performance requirements, D-optimal design or dependent factors and their interactions of sustainable concrete
Doehlert design [47] or BBD might be a better beneficial strategy. applications.
Z. Li et al. Journal of Building Engineering 36 (2021) 102101
(6) Although plenty of studies have been reported in the previous interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
literature with the laboratory experiment in the cement-based the work reported in this paper.
materials field, little attention has focused on the applications
in engineering practice. Thus, more attempts relating to the Acknowledgements
practical project by using RSM are needed.
The authors would like to thank for the financial support from the
Declaration of competing interest National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51678209,
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Symbol Description
CCD SCC W/B ratio, Binder, SP, fluidity, rheology, Fc slump = 0.95, Fc = 0.83 15 2000 [52]
Factorial design Mortar SF, FA, GBFS SP, setting time, drying 13/26* 2002 [53]
CCD SCC cement, limestone filler, fluidity, Fc slump = 0.98, Fc = 0.97 21 2002 [54]
SP, W/B ratio
BBD mineral aggregate six types of silica sand void content 0.96 54 2003 [55]
Full factorial steel fibre aspect ratio, volume of fracture energy, characteristic 10 2004 [56]
design reinforced steel fibre length
CCD SCC pulverised fuel ash, SP, fluidity, rheology, slump = 0.99, rheology = 0.98, 21 2004 [57]
cement, W/B ratio segregation ratio, Fc segregation ratio = 0.99, Fc = 0.99
CCD foam concrete filler-cement ratio, FA, Fc, dry density Fc = 0.958, dry density = 0.987 20 2006 [58]
foam volume
BBD bridge deck SF, FA, slag Fc, Ft, chloride permeability, 15 2006 [59]
overlay concrete abrasion resistance
Bucher–Bourgund frost-resistant W/B ratio, entrained air residual strain 7 2007 [60]
design concrete pore, number of cycles
simplex centroid blends of industrial red clay, granite waste, water absorption, shrinkage, 10/40 2008 [61]
design wastes kaolin waste modulus of rupture
simplex centroid HPC cement, FA, GBFS, SP, fluidity, Fc 78 2009 [49]
design Vca, Vfa
CCD SCC cement, W/B ratio, FA, Fc, modulus of elasticity Fc = 0.823 31 2009 [62]
simplex centroid drilling fluid Bentonite, low molar apparent viscosity, plastic 10/30 2010 [63]
design carboxymethyl viscosity
cellulose, high molar
carboxymethyl cellulose
BBD high-strength temperature, binder specific gravity, water 18 2011 [64]
lightweight content, binder type absorption, crushing strength
fractional factorial SCC fluidity, Fc, shrinkage, creep 19 2012 [37]
(continued on next page)
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RSM method Specimen Factors Reponse(s) R2 Number of Year Ref.
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(continued )
RSM method Specimen Factors Reponse(s) R2 Number of Year Ref.
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(continued )
RSM method Specimen Factors Reponse(s) R2 Number of Year Ref.
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