Scientific Travel To Kwashe Leachate Treatment Plant and Landfill Improvement

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Duhok Polytechnic University

Technical College of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department
Class: Third, 2022 - 2023

Scientific Travel To Kwashe Leachate Treatment Plant

and Landfill Improvement

Lecturer's Name:

Mr. Kawar Abid

Student Name:

Hayder Hassan Hussain

After obtaining the approval by the Dean of the college of

Technical Engineering/Dohuk. Dr. Jamal Ali Hassan

Under the supervision of Mr. Kawar Abed, the teacher of Industrial

Pollution Control, as well as Ms. Wareen and Ms. Ager.

The college concerned with providing the necessary requirements to conduct

a scientific field an excursion on Sunday, 04/12/2022 for the students of the

third stage, the Department of Chemical Engineering, submitted to the

Kwashe leachate treatment plant and landfill improvement.


The problem of solid waste is one of the environmental problems major cities and urban
communities of the world general and field of study in particular. The region suffers
from an exacerbation of the situation this is the solid waste problem in my city Dohuk,
Semail and its region, and the camps for the displaced, Total the daily amount is 950
tons, and there are harmful effects of these residues’ public health and the environment,
even cause disfigurement of the face civilization and its social and economic effects.
With the increase of the population and the rise in the standard of living and progress
the diversity of industrial and rapid technologies and the increase in the amount of waste
resulting from various human activities the process of getting rid of it is one of the most
prominent problems facing cities and human societies, given the risks posed by this
waste environment and its natural resources, and human health and safety.‫ يمكن حفظها‬.
Kawashi's geographical location:
The area of (Kawashi) is defined geographically by Jabal Bikhir from the north, the
village of Mal Hassan from the west, and the village of Kawashi from the south.
Astronomically, the waste treatment plant is located at longitude (42,48,44) to the east,
and latitude (36,58,45) to the north. The Kawashi industrial area is located in the
northwest of Semel, 15 km from Dohuk Governorate.

Solid waste treatment lines and units at the Kawashi factory:

The first step Balance:

The amount of waste coming from all regions of the governorate, especially the
Semel district, is weighed in order to facilitate dealing with it and to know the amount of
waste compared to that which is recycled and benefited from, as each compactor and the
coming load car are weighed, and thus calculate the amount of profits from those that are

‫الترجمة طويلة جد ًا وال يمكن حفظها‬.

Waste receiving hall:
This hall is considered as the first phase of the tasks of the waste treatment plant in
which the waste is received. It constitutes the main and primary unloading yard, as it has
an area, and waste of large sizes such as iron parts and structures of electrical appliances
such as refrigerators and freezers are also sorted in it, as well as damaged water tanks and
bathrooms and car tires, etc. Which shows the first stage, which is represented by the
receiving area or hall for solid waste.
The waste transfer stage of the sorting process
At this stage, the solid waste is emptied by placing it in a special container that tears
the bags that contain the waste in order to empty it from the waste on the one hand, then
the process of withdrawing it by means of a conveyor belt to the first sorting hall on the
other hand, and the sorting is carried out according to the following stages:

A- The first hall for sorting:

its area is about (105) square meters hazardous waste such as medicines and chemicals
are sorted batteries and other toxic substances that affect the quality the produced
compost consists of four sorting units, in which sorting takes place:

B- Waste of relatively large and heavy sizes that affects the movement of
the conveyor belt, and the process is done manually.

C- Sieves:
D- ‫الترجمة طويلة جد ًا وال يمكن حفظها‬.
In it, the solid organic waste is sorted from the rest of the waste, which is the main material
in the factory’s production, where the waste is passed through the first sieve, and this sieve
has openings of size (18) cm. After that, a process begins to cut the waste into small parts,
where the organic waste passes through it, and other waste remains and is drawn to the
second hall for sorting. Then the organic waste passing through the first sieve is re-passed
to the second sieve, which has openings of (8) cm, where most of the organic waste passes
as finally, the organic waste passing through the second sieve is withdrawn and passed
through a magnetic tape to withdraw the mineral materials before being transferred to a
special silo for the organic waste.

Size of wastes:
• Measure 0-60 mm Which consists of leftover household food waste, which is
later converted into organic materials or fertilizers
• Measure 60-170 mm nonferrous material
• Measure 170 + mm Materials are sorted manually
The stage of converting waste into organic fertilizer:
Organic waste is the raw material for compost production where it is transported to
the storage and decomposition halls, where it is stored (70-80 m). These wastes are
turned over with temperature and humidity continuously by means of a special
machine that stirs and shreds this organic waste for the purpose of breaking it up and
saturating it with the air and moisture necessary for the decomposition process. This
process continues for a period ranging from Weeks, according to the region and the
weather, as it decomposes between (8-12) and this organic waste decomposes, thus
turning the organic matter into fertilizer.
Final waste collection stage:

The solid waste remains where it is pulled to the second hall for sorting by means of the
conveyor belt. The second hall for sorting this hall consists of six units and has a total
area. In it, the waste is manually sorted into plastic waste, glass, paper and other solid
waste, then the rest of the waste is withdrawn through the conveyor belt to the pressing

‫الترجمة طويلة جد ًا وال يمكن حفظها‬.

After completing the sorting of waste in the second hall for sorting, the waste is transported
through the conveyor belt and passed under a magnetic tape that pulls the metal waste
from it, then it is directed to a device that performs two operations, first, perforating the
plastic packages, and secondly compressing the waste that has been sorted from plastic,
paper, etc., where it is compressed in the form of cubes and store.
The resulting compost:
‫حفظ التر‬
It includes the remaining sections of solid waste, which range Between (15-25%) of the
waste is made up of stones and bones are natural and environmentally friendly materials
that are transported to a silo until it gets rid of it. After turning this waste into fertilizer, it
is returned to the last part from the factory, in which several operations are performed on
it, as it passes Fertilizer in a sieve measuring (18) mm, and the remaining part is returned
into a silo store the materials left over from sorting along with bones and stones.

The compost is passed through a sieve of (18) mm in a vibrating device works to separate
heavy contents of minerals and glass materials minute and exposed to an air stream
separating the pieces of paper and nylon remaining with compost. Then the product is
passed through a sieve it has a size of (10) mm, where it is stored in a silo in the end, we
get fine fertilizer (0-10) mm, and it is used in home gardens. Coarse fertilizer (10-18) mm
used in forestry it can also be used to fertilize agricultural crops after conducting several
practical laboratory tests to see their compatibility with sanitary specifications.

Processing technic are used in solid waste management system, improve the efficiency of
solid waste disposal system and to recover resource and to prepare material for the
recovery of conversion product and energy. Processing can be done by sorting the
garbage's in the source or treatment plant. If the sorting is done, this leads to get a waste
with high quality with a less harm impact on environmental which means less of leachate.

A landfill site is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial. Landfill is the
oldest form of waste treatment, although the burial of the waste is modern;
historically, refuse was simply left in piles or thrown into pits. Historically, landfills
have been the most common method of organized waste disposal and remain so in
many places around the world. When a good management is available the landfill
well be with longer life with reducing the cost of managing and maintenance of it.
Attached are some additional photos of the site
Conclusion of the scientific trip:

• First: Introducing students to how to treat household waste and ways to benefit from
• Second: The project was designed and implemented by foreign companies, and the
purpose of getting to know them is to stimulate young energies to find local ways
and means, develop the project in an optimal scientific manner, and think about
better waste recycling. at lower costs.
• Third: Preserving the hard currency, trading in local raw materials and available
manpower, and exploiting time and space for the benefit of the people.
• Fourth: motivating students, energizing them, motivating them, and urging them to
exploit their minds and knowledge and rush towards excellence, because a foreigner
does not have a strong mind, and we are lagging behind.
• Finally: Exploiting the knowledge derived from our virtuous professors who have
knowledge and capabilities, and benefiting from the people of knowledge who
sought to reach distinguished scientific levels.
Thanks, and Appreciation

We thank the efforts made by the Dean of the College of Engineering, as well as Lechered

Mr. Kawar and Ms. Wareen and Ms. Ager for organizing this scientific trip, which

culminated in great benefits on knowledge of the concept of recycling household waste

and ways to benefit from it. And thanks to the management of the project in all its forms

and crews, especially a special thanks to the supervising engineer who provided us with a

detailed and sufficient explanation verbally and on the ground about the importance and

methods of waste treatment in Duhok Governorate.

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