Physics Notes
Physics Notes
Physics Notes
N05H3 H
proton number
number of protons contained in the nucleus (same as atomic number) W+H 63.4 p509
neutron number
number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom W+H 63.4 p509
activity the number of radioactive disintegrations per unit time N00H2 A1
the time required for the activity to drop to half N00H2 A1
the time for the activity of a radioactive sample to decrease to half its initial
M02H2 B3
radioactive half- activity
life time for the activity to halve in value / time for the number of nuclei to transmute
N04H2 B1
to nuclei of another element / OWTTE;
time for activity/mass/number of nuclei to halve;
M05H2 TZ2 B1
clear indication of what halves – original isotope, (not daughters);
unified atomic 1 of mass of carbon 12 atom
W+H 63.4 p509
mass unit 12
probability of decay / constant in expression N ;
dt M04H2 TZ1 B3
per unit time / dN and N explained;
decay constant,
the probability that a nucleus will decay in unit time; N04H2 B1
[s-1] probability of decay (of nucleus) per unit time (ratio must be clear);
dN dN N06H2 B4
N with , , and N explained;
dt dt
the mass of a nucleus is always less the total mass of its constituent nucleons, the
mass defect
difference in mass is called the mass defect
either: the energy released when the nuclide is assembled from its individual
binding energy M01S3 B1
or: the energy required when the nucleus is separated into its individual