Positive Work Negative Work: Work, Energy and Power

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1 Introduction
Work is said to be done when a force applied on the body displaces the body
through a certain distance in the direction of force.
4.2 Work Done by a Constant Force
Let a constant force F be applied on the body such that it makes an angle
θ with the horizontal and body is displaced through a distance s.
Then work done by the force in displacing the body through a distance s is
given by
W = (F cos θ) s = Fs cos θ ⇒ W = (F cos θ) s = Fs cos θ


4.3 Nature of Work Done

Positive work Negative work

Positive work means that force (or its Negative work means that force (or its
component) is parallel to displacement component) is opposite to displacement
0º ≤ θ < 90º i.e., 90º < θ ≤ 180º

The positive work signifies that the external The negative work signifies that the
external force favours the motion force opposes the motion of the body.
of the body.

Work, Energy And Power 131

4.4 Work Done by a Variable Force
When the magnitude and direction of a force varies with position, the work
done by such a force for an infinite simal displacement is given by
dW = .

The total work done in going from A to B is W = .

Area under force displacement curve with proper algebraic sign represents
work done by the force.

4.5 Work Depends on Frame of Reference

With change of frame of reference (inertial) force does not change while
displacement may change. So the work done by a force will be different in
different frames.
Examples : If a person is pushing a box inside a moving train, the work done
in the frame of train will while in the frame of earth will be
where is the displacement of the train relative to the ground.

4.6 Energy
The energy of a body is defined as its capacity for doing work.
(1) It is a scalar quantity.
(2) Dimension : [ML2 T–2] it is same as that of work or torque.
(3) Units : Joule [S.I.], erg [C.G.S.]
Practical units : electron volt (eV), Kilowatt hour (KWh), Calories (Cal)
Relation between different units :
1 Joule = 107 erg

1 eV = 1.6 × 10–19 Joule

1 KWh = 3.6 × 106 Joule

1 Calorie = 4.18 Joule

(4) Mass energy equivalence : The relation between the mass of a particle
m and its equivalent energy is given as E = mc2 where c = velocity of
light in vacuum.

132 Physics Class XI

4.7 Kinetic Energy
The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called kinetic

Let m = mass of the body, v = velocity of the body then K.E. = .

(1) Kinetic energy depends on frame of reference : The kinetic energy
of a person of mass m, sitting in a train moving with speed v, is zero in

the frame of train but in the frame of the earth.

(2) Work-energy theorem : It states that work done by a force acting on a
body is equal to the change produced in the kinetic energy of the body.
This theorem is valid for a system in presence of all types of forces
(external or internal, conservative or non-conservative).
(3) Relation of kinetic energy with linear momentum : As we know
E= 2m  p=  2mE

(4) Various graphs of kinetic energy

4.8 Kinetic Energy

m = constant

4.9 Potential Energy

Potential energy is defined only for conservative forces. In the space occupied
by conservative forces every point is associated with certain energy which is
called the energy of position or potential energy. Potential energy generally

Work, Energy And Power 133

are of three types : Elastic potential energy and Gravitational potential energy
(1) Change in potential energy : Change in potential energy between any
two points is defined in terms of the work done by the force in displacing

the particle between these two points without any change in kinetic

U 2 – U1 = ...(1)

(2) Potential energy curve : A graph plotted between the potential energy of
a particle and its displacement from the centre of force is called potential
energy curve. Negative gradient of the potential energy gives force.

= F

(5) Types of equilibrium : If net force acting on a particle is zero, it is said
to be in equilibrium.

For equilibrium, = 0, but the equilibrium of particle can be of three

types :
Stable Unstable Neutral

When a particle is displaced When a particle is displaced When a particle is slightly
slightly from a position, then slightly from a position, then displaced from a position
a force acting on it brings it a force acting on it tries to then it does not experience
back to the initial position, any force acting on it and
displace the particle further
it is said to be in stable continues to be in equili-
equilibrium position. away from the equilibrium brium in the displaced
position, it is said to be in position, it is said to be in
unstable equilibrium. neutral equilibrium.
Potential energy is minimum. Potential energy is maximum. Potential energy is constant.

i.e., rate of change of is i.e., rate of change of

i.e., rate of change of
positive. is negative. is zero.
Example : A marble placed E x a m p l e : A m a r b l e Example : A marble placed
at the bottom of a hemi- balanced on top of a hemi- on horizontal table.
spherical bowl. spherical bowl.

134 Physics Class XI

4.10 Elastic Potential Energy
(1) Restoring force and spring constant : When a spring is stretched or
compressed from its normal position (x = 0) by a small distance x, a
restoring force is produced in the spring to bring it to the normal position.
According to Hooke’s law this restoring force is proportional to the
displacement x and its direction is always opposite to the displacement.

i.e., α

or = ...(i)
where k is called spring constant.
(2) Expression for elastic potential energy :

Elastic potential energy U=

Note :
• If spring is stretched from initial position x1 to final position x2 then
work done = Increment in elastic potential energy

(3) Energy graph for a spring : It mean kinetic energy changes parabolically
w.r.t. position but total energy remain always constant irrespective to
position of the mass.
4.11 Law of Conservation of Energy
(1) Law of conservation of energy : For an isolated system or body in
presence of conservative forces the sum of kinetic and potential energies
at any point remains constant throughout the motion. It does not depends
upon time. This is known as the law of conservation of mechanical energy.
(2) Law of conservation of total energy : If the forces are conservative
and non-conservative both, it is not the mechanical energy alone which

Work, Energy And Power 135

is conserved, but it is the total energy, may be heat, light, sound or
mechanical etc., which is conserved.

4.12 Power
Power of a body is defined as the rate at which the body can do the work.

Average power (Pav) =

Instantaneous power (Pinst.) =

[As dW =

Pinst =
i.e., power is equal to the scalar product of force with velocity.
(1) Dimension : [P] = [ML2T–3]
(2) Units : Watt or Joule/sec [S.I.]
Practical Units : Kilowatt (kW), Mega watt (MW) and Horse power
Relations between different units : 1 watt = 1 Joule/sec = 107 erg/sec
1hp = 746 Watt

(3) The slope of work time curve gives the instantaneous power. As
P = dW/dt = tan θ

(4) Area under power time curve gives the work done as P =
∴ W =
∴ W = Area under P – t curve

4.13 Collision
Collision is an isolated event in which a strong force acts between two or
more bodies for a short time as a result of which the energy and momentum of
the interacting particle change.
In collision particles may or may not come in real touch.
(3) Types of collision : (i) On the basis of conservation of kinetic energy.

136 Physics Class XI

Perfectly Inelastic collision Perfectly inelastic
Elastic collision collision
If in a collision, kinetic If in a collision kinetic If in a collision two bodies
energy after collision is energy after collision stick together or move
equal to kinetic energy is not equal to kinetic with same velocity after
before collision, the energy before collision, the collision, the collision
collision is said to be the collision is said to is said to be perfectly
perfectly elastic. inelastic. inelastic.
Coefficient of restitution Coefficient of restitution Coefficient of restitution
e=1 0<e<1 e=0
H e r e k i n e t i c e n e rg y The term ‘perfectly
appears in other forms. inelastic’ does not
In some cases (KE)final < necessarily mean that all
(KE)initial such as when the initial kinetic energy is
initial KE is converted lost, it implies that the loss
into internal energy of the in kinetic energy is as large
(KE)final = (KE)initial product (as heat, elastic as it can be. (Consistent
or excitation) while in with momentum conser-
other cases (KE) final > vation).
(KE)initial such as when
internal energy stored in
the colliding particles is
Examples : (1) Collision Examples : (1) Collision Example : Collision
between atomic particles between two billiard balls. between a bullet and a
(2) Bouncing of ball with (2) Collision between two block of wood into which
same velocity after the automobile on a road. it is fired. When the bullet
collision with earth. In fact all majority of remains embeded in the
collision belong to this block.

4.14 Perfectly Elastic Head on Collision

Let two bodies of masses m1 and m2

moving initial velocities u1 and u2 in the
same direction they collide such that after
collision their final velocities are v1 and
v2 respectively.

Work, Energy And Power 137

According to law of conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic
Note :
• The ratio of relative velocity of separation and relative velocity of
approach is defined as coefficient of restitution.

e = or v2 – v1 = e (u1 – u2).

• For perfectly elastic collision e = 1
∴ v2 – v1 = u1 – u2 [As shown in eq. (vi)]
• For perfectly inelastic collision e = 0
∴ v2 – v1 = 0 or v2 = v1
It means that two body stick together and move with same velocity.
• For inelastic collision 0 < e < 1
∴ v2 – v1 = (u1 – u2)
In short we can say that e is the degree of elasticity of collision and it is
dimension less quantity.

v1 = ...(vii)

v2 = ...(viii)

• When two bodies of equal masses undergo head on elastic collision,
their velocities get interchanged.

(2) Kinetic energy transfer during head on elastic collision : Fractional

decrease in kinetic energy

= ...(iv)

Note :

• Greater the difference in masses less will be transfer of kinetic energy

and vice versa.

• Transfer of kinetic energy in head on elastic collision (when target is at

rest) is maximum when the masses of particles are equal.

138 Physics Class XI

4.15 Motion in Vertical Circle
This is an example of non-uniform circular motion. In this motion body is
under the influence of gravity of earth.
(1) Velocity at any point on vertical
loop : If u is the initial velocity imparted
to body at lowest point then, velocity of
body at height h is given by

where l is the length of the string.

(2) Tension at any point on vertical loop : Tension at general point P,


(3) Various conditions for vertical motion :

Velocity at lowest Condition


Tension in the string will not be zero at any of the point and
body will continue the circular motion.

Tension at highest point C will be zero and body will just

complete the circle.

Particle will not follow circular motion. Tension in string

become zero somewhere between points B and C whereas
velocity remain positive. Particle leaves circular path and
follow parabolic trajectory.

Both velocity and tension in the string becomes zero between

A and B and particle will oscillate along semi-circular path.

Velocity of particle becomes zero between A and B but

tension will not be zero and the particle will oscillate about
the point A.

Work, Energy And Power 139

(6) Various quantities for a critical condition in a vertical loop at
different positions :


1. Define the conservative and non-conservative forces. Give examples of
2. A light body and a heavy body have same linear momentum. Which one has
greater K.E ?
3. The momentum of the body is doubled, what % does its K.E change ?
4. A body is moving along a circular path. How much work is done by the
centripetal force ?
5. Which spring has greater value of spring constant – a hard spring or a delicate
spring ?
6. Two bodies stick together after collision. What type of collision is in between
these two bodies ?
7. State the two conditions under which a force does no work ?
8. How will the momentum of a body changes if its K.E. is doubled ?
9. K.E. of a body is increased by 300 %. Find the % increase in its momentum ?
10. A light and a heavy body have same K.E., which of the two have more
momentum and why ?

140 Physics Class XI

11. Does the P.E. of a spring decreases or increases when it is compressed or
stretched ?
12. Name a process in which momentum changes but K.E. does not.
13. What happens to the P.E. of a bubble when it rises in water ?
14. A body is moving at constant speed over a frictionless surface. What is the
work done by the weight of the body ?
15. Define spring constant of a spring.
16. How much work is done by a coolie walking on a horizontal platform with
a load on his head ? Explain.
17. Mountain roads rarely go straight up the slope, but wind up gradually. Why
18. A truck and a car moving with the same K.E. on a straight road. Their engines
are simultaneously switched off which one will stop at a lesser distance ?
19. Is it necessary that work done in the motion of a body over a closed loop is
zero for every force in nature ? Why?
20. Derive an expression for K.E. of a body of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity
‘v’ by calculus method.
21. How high must a body be lifted to gain an amount of P.E. equal to the K.E. it
has when moving at speed 20 ms–1. (The value of acceleration due to gravity
at a place is 9.8 ms–2).
22. Give an example in which a force does work on a body but fails to change
its K.E.
23. A bob is pulled sideway so that string becomes parallel to horizontal and
released. Length of the pendulum is 2 m. If due to air resistance loss of energy
is 10%, what is the speed with which the bob arrived at the lowest point.
24. Two springs A and B are identical except that A is harder than B (KA > KB)
if these are stretched by the equal force. In which spring will more work be
done ?

25. Find the work done if a particle moves from position r1 = to

a position under the effect of force

26. Spring A and B are identical except that A is stiffer than B, i.e., force constant
kA > kB. In which spring is more work expended if they are stretched by the
same amount ?
Work, Energy And Power 141
27. A ball at rest is dropped from a height of 12 m. It loses 25% of its kinetic
energy in striking the ground, find the height to which it bounces. How do
you account for the loss in kinetic energy ?
28. State and prove work energy theorem.
29. Which of the two kilowatt hour or electron volt is a bigger unit of energy
and by what factor ?
30. A spring of force constant K is cut into two equal pieces. Calculate force
constant of each part.
31. A elastic spring is compressed by an amount x. Show that its P.E. is 1/2 kx2
where k is the spring constant.
32. A car of mass 2000 kg is lifted up a distance of 30 m by a crane in 1 min. A
second crane does the same job in 2 min. Do the cranes consume the same
or different amounts of fuel ? What is the power supplied by each crane ?
Neglect Power dissipation against friction.
33. Prove that bodies of identical masses exchange their velocities after head-on
elastic collision.
34. Answer the following :
(a) The casing of a rocket in flight burns up due to friction. At whose expense
is the heat energy required for burning obtained ? The rocket or the
atmosphere or both ?
(b) Comets move around the sun in highly elliptical orbits. The gravitational

force on the comet due to the sun is not normal to the comet’s velocity in
general. Yet the work done by the gravitational force over every complete
orbit of the comet is zero. Why ?
35. Define elastic and inelastic collision. A lighter body collides with a much
more massive body at rest. Prove that the direction of lighter body is reversed
and massive body remains at rest.
36. 20 J work is required to stretch a spring through 0.1 m. Find the force constant
of the spring. If the spring is further stretched through 0.1 m. Calculate work
37. A body of mass M at rest is struck by a moving body of mass m. Prove that
fraction of the initial K.E. of the mass m transferred to the struck body is
4 m M/(m + M)2 in an elastic collision.

142 Physics Class XI

38. A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank
of volume 30 m3 in 15 min. If the tank is 40 m above the ground, how
much electric power is consumed by the pump. The efficiency of the pump
is 30%.
39. Show that in an elastic one dimensional collision the relative velocity of
approach before collision is equal to the relative velocity of separation after
40. A ball bounces to 80% of its original height. Calculate the mechanical energy
lost in each bounce.
41. Show that at any instant of time during the motion total mechanical energy
of a freely falling body remains constant. Show graphically the variation of
K.E. and P.E. during the motion.
42. Define spring constant, write the characteristics of the force during the
elongation of a spring. Derive the relation for the P.E. stored when it is
elongated by X. Draw the graphs to show the variation of P.E. and force with
43. How does a perfectly inelastic collision differ from perfectly elastic collision
? Two particles of mass m1 and m2 having velocities U1 and U2 respectively
make a head on collision. Derive the relation for their final velocities. Discuss
the following special cases.
(i) m1 = m2
(ii) m1 >> m2 and U2 = 0
(iii) m1 << m2 and U1 = 0
44. A body is moving along z-axis of a coordinate system under the effect of a

constant force F = Find the work done by the force in moving

the body a distance of 2 m along z-axis.
45. Water is pumped out of a well 10 m deep by means of a pump rated 10 KW.
Find the efficiency of the motor if 4200 kg of water is pumped out every
minute. Take g = 10 m/s2.
46. A railway carriage of mass 9000 kg moving with a speed of 36 km h–1 collides
with a stationary carriage of same mass. After the collision, the carriages get
coupled and move together. What is their common speed after collision ?
What type of collision is this ?
Work, Energy And Power 143
47. In lifting a 10 kg weight to a height of 2m, 230 J energy is spent. Calculate
the acceleration with which it was raised ?
48. A bullet of mass 0.02 kg is moving with a speed of 10 ms–1. It can penetrate
10 cm of a wooden block, and comes to rest. If the thickness of the target
would be 6 cm only, find the K.E. of the bullet when it comes out.
49. A man pulls a lawn roller through a distance of 20 m with a force of 20 kg
weight. If he applies the force at an angle of 60º with the ground, calculate
the power developed if he takes 1 min in doing so.
50. A body of mass 0.3 kg is taken up an inclined plane to length 10 m and height
5 m and then allowed to slide down to the bottom again. The coefficient of
friction between the body and the plane is 0.15. What is the
(i) work done by the gravitational force over the round trip.

(ii) work done by the applied force over the upward journey.

(iii) work done by frictional force over the round trip.

(iv) kinetic energy of the body at the end of the trip.

How is the answer to (iv) related to the first three answer ?
51. Two identical 5 kg blocks are moving with same speed of 2 ms–1 towards each
other along a frictionless horizontal surface. The two blocks collide, stick
together and come to rest. Consider the two blocks as a system. Calculate
work done by (i) external forces and (i) Internal forces.
52. A truck of mass 1000 kg accelerates uniformly from rest to a velocity of
15 ms–1 in 5 seconds. Calculate (i) its acceleration, (ii) its gain in K.E.,
(iii) average power of the engine during this period, neglect friction.
53. An elevator which can carry a maximum load of 1800 kg (elevator +
passengers) is moving up with a constant speed of 2 ms–1. The frictional force
opposing the motion is 4000 N. Determine the minimum power delivered by
the motor to the elevator in watts as well as in horse power.
54. To simulate car accidents, auto manufacturers study the collisions of
moving cars with mounted springs of different spring constants. Consider
a typical simulation with a car of mass 1000 kg moving with a speed
18.0 kmh–1 on a smooth road and colliding with a horizontally mounted spring of
spring constant 6.25 × 10–3 Nm–1. What is the maximum compression of
the spring.

144 Physics Class XI

MCQ (Work, Energy and Power)
55. A man is squatting on the ground gets straight up and stand. The force of

reaction of ground on the man during the process is

(a) constant and equal to 'mg' in magnitude.
(b) constant and greater than 'mg' in magnitude.
(c) variable but always greater than 'mg'
(d) at first greater than 'mg' and later becomes equal to 'mg'
56. A body of mass 0.5 kg travels in straight line with velocity V = ax3/2 where

a = 5 m–½ s–1. The work done by the net force during it's displacement from
x = 0 to x = 2m is
(a) 15 J (b) 50 J
(c) 10 J (d) 100 j
57. A mass of 5 kg is moving along a circular path of radius 1 m. If the mass

moves with 300 rev/min. it's kinetic energy would be

(a) 250 π2 (b) 100 π2
(c) 5 π2 (d) 0
58. An Athlete in the Olympic games covers a distance of 100 m in 10s, this

kinetic energy can be estimated to be in the range (assume m = 60 kg)

(a) 200J – 500 J (b) 2×105J – 3×105J
(c) 20000J – 50000J (d) 2000J – 5000J
59. A block of mass 0.5 kg is moving with a speed of 2m/s on a smooth surface.

It strikes another mass of 1 kg and then they move together as a single body.
The energy loss during the collision is
(a) 0.16J (b) 1.00 J
(c) 0.67 J (d) 0.34J
60. A bullet fired in to a fixed target tosses half of it's velocity after penetrating
distance of 3 cm. How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest
assuming that if faces constant resistance to it's motion?
(a) 3 cm (b) 2.0 cm
(c) 1.5 cm (d) 1.0 cm

Work, Energy And Power 145

61. A uniform chain of length 2m is kept on a table such that a length of 60 cm

hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 4 kg.
What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table?
(a) 7.2 J (b) 3.6 J

(c) 120 J (d) 1200 J

62. If the linear momentum is increased by 50%, then kinetic energy will

increase by
(a) 50% (b) 100%

(c) 125% (d) 25%

63. A block having mass 'm' collides with another stationary block having mass

2m. The lighter block comes to rest after collision. If the velocity of first
block is V, than the value of co-efficient of restitution will be
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.4

(c) 0.6 (d) 0.8

64. A body of mass 50 kg is at rest. The work done to accelerate it by 20 m/s in

10 s is
(a) 103 J (b) 104 J

(c) 2×103 J (d) 4×104 J

65. A spring of force constant 800 Nm–1 has an extension of 5 cm. The work done

in extending it from 5 cm to 15 cm is
(a) 16 J (b) 8 J

(c) 35 J (d) 24 J

66. A particle is projected at an angle of 60° to the horizontal with a kinetic

energy E. The kinetic energy at the highest point is
(a) E (b) E/4

(c) E/2 (d) Zero

67. A child is sitting on a swing. Its minimum and maximum heights from the

ground 0.75 m and 2 m respectively, it's maximum speed will be
(a) 10 m s–1 (b) 5 m s–1

(c) 8 m/s (d) 15 m s–1

146 Physics Class XI
68. 300 J of work is done in sliding a 2 kg block up on inclined plane of height

10 m. Work done against friction is (g = 10 ms–2)

(a) 1000 J (b) 200 J
(c) 100 J (d) Zero
69. During inelastic collision between two bodies, which of the following

quantities always remain conserved

(a) Total kinetic energy (b) Total mechanical energy
(c) Total linear momentum (d) Speed of each body
70. Two bodies with kinetic energies in the ratio 4 : 1 are moving with equal

linear momentum. The ratio of their masses is

(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 1
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 4
71. A position dependent force, F = 7 – 2x + 3x2 N acts on a small body of mass

2 kg and displaces it from x = 0 to x = 5 m. The work done in joule is

(a) 135 (b) 270
(c) 35 (d) 70
72. A ball is dropped from height 'h' on the ground where co-efficient of restitution
is 'e'. After one bounce the maximum height is
(a) e2 h (b) e h
e h

(c) eh (d) eh

73. How much water a pump of 2 KW can raise in one minute to a height of 10

m? (g = 10 ms)?
(a) 1000 litres (b) 1200 litres
(c) 10 litres (d) 2000 litres
74. A bomb of mass 30 kg at rest explodes in to two pieces of masses 18 kg and

12 kg. The velocity of 18 kg mass is 6 ms–1. The kinetic energy of the other
mass is
(a) 324 J (b) 486 J
(c) 256 J (d) 5245 J

Work, Energy And Power 147

(Work, Power and Energy)

Directions:- The following questions consist of two statements each, labelled

as Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R). While answering these
questions. You are required to choose any of the following four options
(a), (b), (c) & (d).
(a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) If both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(c) If A is true but R is false.
(d) If A is false and R is also false.

1. Assertion (A) : When two equal masses unelerge a glancing elastic collision
with one of them at rest them after the collision, they will have at 90° to
each other.
Reason (R) : It follows from the principle of conservation of linear

2. Assertion (A) : According to law of conservation of mechanical energy,
change in potential energy is equal to and opposite for the change kinetic
Reason (R) : Mechanical energy is not a conserved quantity.

3. Assertion (A) : Friction is a non-conservative force.
Reason (R) : This is because work done against friction in moving a body

over a curved path is never zero.
4. Assertion (A) : Mass and energy are not conserved separately, but are
conserved as a single entity called man-energy.
Reason (R) : This is because one can be obtained at the cost of the other

as per Einstein equation (E = mc2).

5. Assertion (A) : Work done by the centripetal free in moving a body along
a circle is always zero.
Reason (R) : Because displacement of the body is along the force.

6. Assertion (A) : A spring has potential energy, both when it is compressed
or stretched.
Reason (R) : This is because in compressing or stretching work is done

by the spring against the restoring force.

148 Physics Class XI

7. Assertion (A) : Graph between potential energy of a spring v/s the
extension / compression (x) of the spring is a straight line.
Reason (R) : Potential energy is directly proportional to x.

8. Assertion (A) : In an elastic collision between the two bodies, the relative
speed of the bodies after collisions is equal to the relative speed before
the collision.
Reason (R) : In a elastic collision the linear momentum of the system is

9. Assertion (A) : Work done by the frictional force is negative.

Reason (R) : Frictional force acts along the direction of motion.

10. Assertion (A) : A body cannot have energy without possessing momentum
but it can have momentum without having energy.
Reason (R) : Momentum and energy have same dimensions.

11. Assertion (A) : Time taken by a body to complete a given work has nothing
to do with energy of the body.
Reason (R) : Power of a body is the rate of doing work.

12. Assertion (A) : Two particles moving in the same direction do not lose
all their energy in a perfectly inelastic collision.
Reason (R) : Principle of conservation of linear momentum holds true
for all kind of collisions.


Work :-
Q1. The term work is frequently used in everybody language. A farmer
ploughing the field, a construction worker carrying bricks on his head, a
student studying for a competitive examination, an artist painting a beautiful
landscape. All are said to be working but is the language of physics they
are not doing any work! In physics however the word 'Work' covers a
definite & precise meaning. Energy is capacity of a body to do the work
& power is the rate of doing work.
Though work is scalar equality, yet its value may positive, negative
and Zero.

Work, Energy And Power 149

(i) In physics work is defined as -
(a) Product of component of force in the direction of displacement

and the magnitude of displacement.
(b) Product of component of force perpendicular to the direction of

displacement and its magnitude of the displacement.

(c) Cross product of force vector and displacement vector.

(d) Product of the component of the force in the direction of

displacement and magnitude of velocity.

(ii) Which of the following is not an example of zero work done -

(a) Work done by centripetal force.

(b) Work done by tension in a spring of simple pendulum.

(c) Word done by a frictional force.

(d) The work done in pushing a immovable stone.

(iii) A body is subjected to a constant force.

F =−iˆ + 2 ˆj + 3kˆ ( N ) 2is constrained to move along the z axis of a

coordinate system. The work done by the force in moving the body
though a distance of 4m along z axis is
(a) 12 J (b) –12 J (c) 0 J (d) 16 J

(iv) When a body is thrown up, during the upward journey the work done

by gravity an the body is
(a) + Positive (b) Zero (c) negative (d) cannot say

(v) A body is initially at rest. It undergoes one-dimensional motion

with constant acceleration. The power delivered to it at time t is
proportional to
(a) t1/2 (b) t (c) t3/2 (d) t2

Conservative Forces & Non-conservative Forces, Transformation &

Conservation of energy :-

Q2. The process of changing or converting one form of energy into another
form is known as transformation of energy. We know, mechanical energy
of a system is conserved. If forces acting on it are conservation forces.
However, if when a system is acted upon conservative & non-conservative,
forces, then some of the mechanical energy of the system is converted into

150 Physics Class XI

other forms of energy like sound, heat & hight energies but total mechanical
energy of the system remains constant. Mechanical energy is the sum
of kinetic energy & potential energy where K.E = mv 2 and potential
energy = mgh, where symbols have usual meanings.

(i) Which one the following is non-conservative force?

(a) gravitational force (b) electrostatic force

(c) magnetic force (d) frictional force

(ii) A body falling freely under the action of gravity alone in vacuum.
Which of the following quantities remains constant during the fall :-
(a) kinetic energy
(b) potential energy

(c) total mechanical energy

(d) total linear momentum

(iii) A mass of 5 kg is moving along a circular path of radius 1 m. If man

moves with 300 rev./min., its KE would be
(a) 250 p
2 (b) 100 2
p (c) 5 p
2 (d) 0
(iv) In which case the potential energy decreases ?
(a) on compressing the string
(b) on stretching the string

(c) on moving a body against gravitational pull

(d) on rising of an air bubble in water
(v) The bob of simple pendulum is held in the horizontal position A.
Assuming no loss of energy, speed of bob at the lowest position B
when released is 0.5 m
(a) 9.8 m/s
(b) 9.8 m/s
(c) 0 m/s
0.5 m
(d) 2 × 9.8 m/s

Work, Energy And Power 151

Motion in a Vertical Circle :-

Q3. A uniform circular motion is the motion of a particle travelling at a
constant (uniform) speed along circular path and hence its kinetic energy
remain same everywhere. But when a particle moves in a vertical circle
completing the loop, then its speed goes on changing at every point &
hence, its kinetic energy goes on changing but total mechanical energy
remains constant.

(i) Uniform circular motion is a example of

(a) accelerated motion

(b) uniform motion

(c) non-accelerated motion

(d) None of the above

(ii) The minimum velocity with which a body of mass m must enter a

vertical loop of radius r, so that it can complete the loop is
(a) 2gr (b) 3gr (c) gr (d) 5gr

(iii) A bucket of water of mass m is rotated in a vertical circle of radius r

such that the bucket is upside down at the highest point. The minimum
angular velocity so that the water does not spill out is
r g
(a) w = (b) w = (c) w = rg (d) w = 3rg
g r

(iv) Particle of man m executing a circular motion in a vertical plane (of

radius r) has the tension in the string at the lowest point equal to
(a) TL = mg (b) TL = 0

mv 2L mv 2L
(c) TL = + mg (d) TL = – mg
r r

(v) The ratio of kinetic energy at the lowest point to the kinetic energy of

the highest point of a vertical circle of radius r looping by a particle
of man m is
(a) 1 : 5 (b) 1 : 3 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 5 : 1

Collision :-

Q4. The laws of momentum & energy conservation are successfully applied
to a commonly encountered phenomenon; namely – collisions. Several

152 Physics Class XI

games such as billiards, marble or carom involve collisions. In all types of
collisions; the linear momentum is conserved, on the other hand the total
kinetic energy of the system is not necessarily conserved. The impact &
deformation during collision may generate heat & sound.
The degree of elasticity of a collision is determined by a quality called
coefficient of restitution (e).
(i) In an elastic collision
(a) both momentum & kinetic energy are conserved
(b) both momentum & kinetic energy are non-conserved

(c) only energy is conserved

(d) Only momentum is conserved.
(ii) A body of mass M1 collides elastically with another man M2 at
rest. There is 100% transfer of energy takes place when (assuming
perfectly elastic collision)
(a) M1 > M2 (b) M1 < M2
(c) M1 = M2 (d) Same of all values of M1 & M2
(iii) A bullet hits and gets embedded in a solid block resting on a frictionless
surface. In this process which one of the following is correct?
(a) only momentum is conserved
(b) only KE is conserved

(c) Neither momentum nor KE is conserved

(d) Both momentum & KE are conserved.
(iv) Two identical balls A & B collide head on elastically of velocities of
A & B, before the collision are +0.5 m/s and –0.3 m/s respectively,
then their velocities after the collision are respectively -
(a) –0.5 m/s, +0.3 m/s (b) +0.5 m/s, +0.3 m/s
(c) +0.3 m/s, –0.5 m/s (d) –0.3 m/s, +0.5 m/s

(v) Two bodies of mass 0.25 kg each moving towards each other with
velocities 3 m/s & 1 m/s respectively. After collision, they stick
together. The velocity of the combination will be -
(a) 0.1 cm/s (b) 1 cm/s
(c) 1 m/s (d) cannot be predicted

Work, Energy And Power 153

Work energy theorem :-

Q5. Work energy theorem states that the work done by the net force acting on
the body is equal to the change produced in kinetic energy of the body.
Work energy theorem is not independent of Newton's second law. It may
be viewed as scalar form of second law. By using work energy theorem,
the work done by a force can be calculated, even if the exact nature of
the force is not known!

(i) When work is done is on the system, then kinetic energy of the

system -
(a) decreases (b) increases

(c) remains same (d) becomes zero

(ii) A body of mass 2-4 kg is subjected to a force which varies with

distance as shown. The body starts from rest at x = 0. Its velocity at
x = 9m is - F(N)

(a) 5 3 m/s

(b) 20 3 m/s 20

(c) 10 m/s

(d) 40 m/s O
3 6 9 x(m)

(iii) If the kinetic energy of the body becomes for times of its initial value,

then new momentum will
(a) became thrice its initial value

(b) became four times

(c) became thrice its initial value

(d) remains same

(iv) Two bodies with kinetic energies is the ratio 4 : 1 are moving with

equal momentum. The ratio of their masses is
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 4

(v) A ball of mass 50 g is moving over the surface with velocity 10 m/s.

Velocity of ball became 5 m/s after travelling some distance over the
surface. The work done on the ball by the force of friction between
the ball and the surface is
(a) –2 J (b) + 2 J (c) 3 J (d) –3 J

154 Physics Class XI
1. Conservative force : e.g., Gravitational force, electrostatic force.
Non-Conservative force : e.g., forces of friction, viscosity.

2. Lighter body has more K.E. as K.E. = and for constant p, K.E. ∝

3. K.E. = when p is doubled K.E. becomes 4 times.

∴ % Increase in K.E. =
= 3 × 100 = 300%.
4. W = FS cos 90º = 0.
5. Hard spring.
6. Inelastic collision.
7. (i) Displacement is zero or it is perpendicular to force.
(ii) Conservative force moves a body over a closed path.

8. Momentum becomes times.

9. K.E. = so p =

Increase in K.E. = 300% of k = 3k

Final K.E., k ′ = k + 3k = 4k

Final momentum, p′ =
= 2p

% Increase in momentum =
10. Heavier body.
11. Increases because W.D. on it when it is compressed or stretched.
12. Uniform circular motion.
13. Decreases.
14. W = 0.
15. It is the restoring force set up in a string per unit extension.

Work, Energy And Power 155

16. W = 0 as his displacement is along the horizontal direction and in order to
balance the load on his head, he applies a force on it in the upward direction
equal to its weight. Thus angle between force and displacement is zero.
17. If roads go straight up then angle of slope θ would be large so frictional force
f = µ mg cos θ would be less and the vehicles may slip. Also greater power
would be required.
18. By Work - Energy Theorem,
Loss in K.E. = W.D. against the force × distance of friction

or K.E. = µ mg S

For constant K.E., S∝

∴ Truck will stop in a lesser distance.

19. No. W.D. is zero only in case of a conservative force.

21. mgh =

so h = 20.4 m

22. When a body is pulled on a rough, horizontal surface with constant velocity.
Work is done on the body but K.E. remains unchanged.

23. = 90% of mgh

∴ v = 6 m/s

24. F = Kx so x =

For same F, WA =

and WB =

∴ =

As KA > KB so WA < WB.

25. =


156 Physics Class XI
∴ W = = 46 J.

26. W =

∴ = for same x

As KA > KB so WA > WB.

27. If ball bounces to height h′, then
mgh′ = 75% of mgh
∴ h′ = 0·75 h = 9 m.
29. kwh is a bigger unit of energy.

30. Force constant of each half becomes twice the force constant of the original
32. t1 = 1 min = 60 s, t2 = 2 min = 120 s
W = Fs = mgs = 5·88 × 105 J
As both cranes do same amount of work so both consume same amount of

P1 = and P1 =

∴ P1 = 9800 W & P2 = 4900 W.

36. P.E. of spring when stretched through a distance 0·1 m,

U = W.D. =

or K = 4000 N/m
when spring is further stretched through 0·1 m, then P.E. will be :

U′ =

∴ W.D. = U′ – U = 80 – 20 = 60 J.

Work, Energy And Power 157

30% of Power =


∴ P = 43·6 KW.

40. Let Initial P.E. = mgh
P.E. after first bounce = mg × 80% of h
= 0·80 mgh

P.E. lost in each bounce = 0·20 mgh

∴ Fraction of P.E. lost in each bounce

= = 0·20


44. =

W =

45. Input power = 10 KW

Output power = = 7 KW

∴ Efficiency =

46. m1 = 9000 kg, u1 = 36 km/h = 10 m/s
m2 = 9000 kg, u2 = 0, v = v1 = v2 = ?

By conservation of momentum :

m1u1 + m2u2 =(m1 + m2) v

∴ v = 5 m/s

Total K.E. before collision =

= 45000 J

Total K.E. after collision =

158 Physics Class XI
As total K.E. after collision < Total K.E. before collision

∴ Collision is inelastic.

47. W = mgh + mah = m (g + a) h

∴ a = 1·5 m/s2.

48. For x = 10 cm = 0·1 m, Fx =

∴ F = 10 N

For x = 6 cm = 0·06 m, Fx =

or Fx =

or Final K.E. =

= 1 – 0·6
= 0·4 J



sin θ =

∴ θ = 30º.
(i) W = FS = – mg sin q × h = – 14·7 J is the W.D. by gravitational force in
moving the body up the inclined plane.
W′ = FS = + mg sin θ × h = 14·7 J is the W.D. by gravitational force in
moving the body down the inclined plane.
∴ Total W.D. round the trip, W1 = W + W′ = 0.

Work, Energy And Power 159

(ii) Force needed to move the body up the inclined plane,

F = mg sin θ + fk

= mg sin θ + µk R

= mg sin θ + µk mg cos θ

∴ W.D. by force over the upward journey is

W2 = F × l = mg (sin θ + µk cos θ) l

= 18·5 J

(iii) W.D. by frictional force over the round trip,

W3 = – fk (l + l) = – 2fk l

= – 2µk mg cos θ l = – 7·6 J

(iv) K.E. of the body at the end of round trip

= W.D. by net force in moving the body down

the inclined plane

= (mg sin θ – µk mg cos θ) l

= 10·9 J

⇒ K.E. of body = net W.D. on the body.

51. Here no external forces are acting on the system so :

= 0 ⇒ Wext. = 0

According to work-energy theorem :

Total W.D. = Change in K.E.

or Wext. + Wint. = Final K.E. – Initial K.E.

0 + Wint. =

or Wint. = – mu2 = – 20 J

160 Physics Class XI
52. (i)

(ii) Gain in K.E. =


53. Downward force on the elevator is :

F = mg + f = 22000 N

∴ Power supplied by motor to balance this force is :

P = Fv = 44000 W

= = 59 hp.

54. At maximum compression xm, the K.E. of the car is converted entirely into
the P.E. of the spring.

∴ =

or xm = 2 m.

Answer Key :
55. (d) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (b) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. (b) 66. (b)
67. (b) 68. (c) 69. (c) 70. (d) 71. (a) 72. (a)
73. (b) 74. (b)


55. (d) In squatting, he is tilted some what, hence also has to balance
frictional force besides his weight in this case R = friction + mg
⇒ R > mg
When he set straight up in that case,
R = mg.

Work, Energy And Power 161

56. (b) 
 dv 2 2 2  

A = a x ,=
F mA
dt 2
=w ∫=
F ds 50J

57. (a) V= ωR, ω= = 10π rod / s

10π ms −1 ⇒ K.E = mv 2 =
V= 250π2 J

58. (d) Vav = 10 ms −1 , m =
= 60 kg ⇒ Av. K.E. =

2 −1
59. (c) m1 41 + m 2 42 = (m1 + m 2 ) V ⇒ v = ms
1 1 2
Energy loss = × 0.5 × 22 − ×1.5 ×   = 0.67 J
2 2 3

60. (d) W = DK
1  Vo  1
Case =
I : − F×3 m  − mV ,

2  2  2
Where F → resistive force
V0 → initial velocity
Case II : Let further distance be 's'

−F(3 + s) = Kf − Ki =− mV0 2
s = 1 cm

162 Physics Class XI
4 kg
61. (b) Mass per unit length
= = 2 kg m −1
Mass of 60 cm length = 1.2 kg.

weight of hanging part = 1.2×10=12N

W = F×S = 12×0.3 = 3.6 J.

P2 P12
= 1
62. (c) P 1.5P, Initial K.E. =
, Find K.E., K1
2m 2m
K1 = 2.25 K
% increase = ×100 = 125%
63. (a) By conservation of momentum

mV= 2mV1 ⇒ V=

Vel. of separation
=e = 0.5
Velocity of approch

v−u 1
64. (b) a= = 2 ms −2 , 5 =
ut + at 2 =
100 m
t 2
W = F × S = 104 J

65. (b) W= × 800 (0.152 − 0.052 ) =
8 J.
1 E
66. (b) =
K.E. at highest point m (4=
cos 60°) 2 .
2 4

67. (b) Maximum K.E. = Drop in P.E.

1 2
m Vmax = 5 ms −1
= mg (h 2 − h1 ) ⇒ Vmax


68. (c) Total work done = Gain in P.E.+Work done against friction
300 = 2×10×10+W ⇒ W = 100 J.

Work, Energy And Power 163

1 1
70. (d) Eα or mα
m E

n1 E 2 1
= =
m 2 E1 4

71. (a) =
W ∫=
F dx 135 J
72. (a) Velocity with which the ball strikes the ground, u = 2gh

If the ball re-bounces with velocity, V, then V

= eu
= e 2gh

If h′ → max. velocity after one bounce, then

02 − V 2 = 2(−g)h ′ ⇒ h ′ = e 2 h

73. (b) P= ⇒ w = Pt = mgh ⇒ m = 1200 kg
74. (b) By conservation of momentum

30×0 = 18×6+12+V → V= –9 ms–1

K.E. =mV 2 486 J

1. (a) both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. (b) A is true but the R is false.
According to Law of conservation of mechanical on energy (If No

external forces do work on a system),
K + U = constant

DK + DU = 0 or DK = –DU.

3. (a) both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of
4. (a) both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
5. (c) A is true but R is false.
Displacement (tangential) of the body is perpendicular to the

centripetal force (acts along radius towards centre).

164 Physics Class XI

6. (c) A is true but R is false.
In compressing or stretching the spring, work is done on the spring
against the restoring force.
7. (d) both A & R are false.
P.E. of a spring; U = Rx2 [symbols have then usual meaning]

so U ∝ x2
so graph is a parabola.
8. (d) Hence Assertion is false, because is elastic collision the relative
velocity of separation (not relative speed of separation) is equal to
the relative velocity of approach (Not the relative speed of approach)
of two bodies during elastic collision.
Reason is though true but cannot explain the assertion.
9. (c) A is true but R is false.
Force is friction acts is the apposite direction of motion.
10. (d) both A & R are false.
A raised body at rest has energy (PE) but no momentum (p) but to
possess momentum (p), a body should have KE on KE = .
Also dimensions of momentum is [MLT–1] and of energy of
11. (b) both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
12. (b) both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.


1. i. (a) w = fdcos q

ii. (c) Work done by a frictional force is an example of negative work

 
iii. (a) F = − ˆi + 2ˆj + 3k;
ˆ d = 4k

w = F.d
ˆ ˆ = 12J
= 3k.4k

iv. (c) negative

Work, Energy And Power 165

v. (b) v = u + at
v = at as u = 0

As power P = fV = (ma)(at)

P = Ma2t ⇒ p ∝ t as a is constant.

2. i. (d)

ii. (c)

1 1 1 1
iii. (a) KE = mV2 = m(rw)2 = mr2(2 r)2 = mr2(4 v2).
2 2 2 2

iv. (d) PE decreases when an air bubble rises in water because work is

done by upthrust.

v. (a) Applying Law of Conservation of Energy at A and B.
mV2 = mgh

v = 2gh = 2 × 9.8 × 0.5 = 9.8 m/s

3. i. (a) accelerated motion

ii. (d) velocity at the lowest point = 5gr

iii. (b) at the highest point mrw2 = mg ⇒w=

mv 2L
iv. (c) =
TL + mg

(KE) L v 2L 5gr 5
v. (d) = = =
(KE) H v 2H gr 1

4. i. (a) both momentum & KE are conserved.

ii. (c) M1 = M2 [when both the colliding bodies have equal masses,

maximum transfer of energy occurs].

iii. (a) only momentum is conserved.

(as this is an example of perfectly inelastic collisions)

166 Physics Class XI
iv. (d) –0.3 m/s, +0.5 m/s
(In elastic collision, two identical bodies exchange then velocities
after collision)

v. (c) 1 m/s
m1u1 − m 2 u 2
[Common velocity V = , u1 = 3 m/s, u2 = –1 m/s]
m1 + m 2

5. i.
(a) decreases
ii. (c) 10 m/s

Work done = change is KE

1 2
Area under f – x = mv – 0

1 1
(9 + 3) × 20 = × 2.4 × v2
2 2

⇒ v = 10 m/s
iii. (a) become twice its initial value [Using p = 2mk ].
iv. (d) 1 : 4 [again using p = 2mk ⇒ k = ]

v. (a) –2J [Work done = change is KE = m(v2 – u2) = –2J]


Work, Energy And Power 167




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