LAS Week 4 - MELC 37

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Name: _______________________________________________ Week: _____________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Learning Competency:
Uses a compass and straightedge to bisect line segments and angles and construct
perpendicular and parallel lines.

Do You Know that?

Construction" in Geometry means to draw
points, lines, angles and geometric figures accurately.

These constructions involve the use of

compass, straightedge (i.e., ruler) and a pencil. We use a
straightedge to construct a line, ray or line segment from
a given two points. Markings indicated in the ruler may
not be intended for measurement. This is the "pure" form
of geometric construction: no numbers involved!

Constructions are step-by-step processes used to create accurate geometric figures. To
create a construction by hand, there are a few tools that you can use:
1. Compass: is an instrument with two arms, one 2. Protractor: is an instrument used in
sharp and one with a pencil that can be used to measuring angles, typically in the form of a
draw circles or arcs. flat semicircle marked with degrees along the
curved edge.

3. Ruler: is a straightedge tool used to

measure length and draw straight lines.

Bisector - The line that divides something into two equal parts. You can bisect line segments,
angles, and more. If the bisector cuts the line segment into two equal parts at 90 °, then it is called
perpendicular bisector.

Line AR is the perpendicular bisector of line segment


The intersection of Line AR which is Point H is the

midpoint of Line Segment MT

A. How to Bisect a Segment.

Example: Construct the bisector of ̅̅̅
𝐽𝐾 . J K

Step 1. Set-up your compass such that the tips cover slightly more
than half the length of ̅̅̅
𝐽𝐾 . At point J, draw an arc as shown.
Step 2. Using the same set-up of the compass, at point K, repeat

Step 3. Connect the points of intersection of the two arcs. Name

this segment ̅̅̅̅

Step 4. Name the point of intersection of ̅̅̅

𝐾𝐽 and 𝐿𝑁
̅̅̅̅ as Point M.

Point M is called the midpoint. The midpoint bisects the segment. Thus, ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅

An arc is a portion of a circle or curve. It can be classified as Major Arc or Minor Arc. In the
figure at the previous page, AR is an arc, or in symbol:

Ray LV is the angle bisector of ∠𝑂𝐿𝐸.

B. How to Bisect an Angle.

Example: Construct the angle bisector of ∠E

Step 1. Place one of the tips of the compass at point E. Draw an

arc intersecting the sides of the angle. Name the points of
intersection P and T.

Step 2. At point P, set-up your compass slightly wider than half the
arc 𝑃𝑇
̂ . Draw an arc as shown.

Step 3. Using the same set-up, repeat STEP 2 at point T. Name one
of the 2 points of intersection point W.

Step 4. Draw 𝐸𝑊
̅̅̅̅̅ .

𝐸𝑊 is the ray bisecting ∠𝐸, thus it is called an angle bisector. An angle bisector divides the angle to
two congruent angles. Thus, 𝑚∠𝑃𝐸𝑊 = 𝑚∠𝑊𝐸𝑇 or ∠𝑃𝐸𝑊 ≅ ∠𝑊𝐸𝑇.

Perpendicular Lines are two lines intersecting each other at a right angle or at 90°.

Line EO is perpendicular to Line PS.

In symbol:

Line EO ⊥ Line PS
C. How to Construct Perpendiculars.

Using the construction in Activity 1, right angles are formed by

the two segments. This is the same procedure to construct
perpendicular lines!
To show perpendicular lines, extend the two segments to
opposite directions, affixing arrow heads as shown on the right.
In symbols, ̅̅̅
𝐽𝐾 ⊥ 𝐿𝑁 ̅.

Parallel Lines are two lines on the same plane that are at equal distance to each other
and never meet.

Line AB and Line CD are parallel lines.

In symbol:

Line AB | | Line CD

D. How to Construct Parallels.

Example: Construct a line parallel to a given line. P T


Step 1. Draw line k intersecting line ⃡𝑃𝑇at point A.

Step 2. At point A, set-up your compass to draw an arc intersecting

lines k and 𝑃𝑇
⃡ at points B and S, respectively.

Step 3. Using the same set-up, draw an arc at a new point C on

line k. Name the point of intersection point D.

Step 4. Set the compass opening as wide as the distance between

points B and S. At point D, draw an arc. Name the point of
intersection of the two arcs point E.

Step 5. Draw line passing through C and E. This line is 𝐶𝐸

⃡ .

⃡ and 𝑪𝑬
𝑷𝑻 ⃡ are called parallel lines. In symbol, 𝑷𝑻 ⃡ .
⃡ | | 𝑪𝑬
Directions: Using a straightedge and a compass, perform the following tasks:
1. Construct the perpendicular 2. Construct Ray OP as angle
bisector of with midpoint K. bisector of ∠𝑂.
Given: ̅̅̅̅
𝑆𝑀 Given: ∠𝑂

(Note: Use the steps as in Example 1 as (Note: Use the steps as in Example 2 as
your guide in completing the activity.) your guide in completing the activity.)

ACTIVITY 2: LET’S DRAW IT! (Performance task)

Directions: Construct the following, based on the given situations. Please make sure to maximize the
use of compass and straightedge in this activity.

1. Connect a point from Point X that will reproduce

perpendicular line to Line f. Mark the intersection
as Point Z.

2. A line parallel to line r passing through point U.

3. A piece of cake is left for two siblings to share.

Draw a line segment where the cake be cut

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