G.7 Polygon Demo

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1. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key
Standards concepts of Geometry of shapes and sizes, and
geometric relationships.
2. Performance Standards The learner is able to create models of plan
figures and formulate and solve accurately
authentic problems involving sides and
angles of a polygon
3. Learning M7GE-IIIe-2
Competencies / 1. Identify a polygon and its different parts
Objectives 2. Illustrate the different types of polygons.
3. Name the types of polygons & its sides.
4. Appreciate the value of polygons to real-life
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials 214-219
3. Textbook pages Our World of Math G7- Kto12,pp. 291-293
4. Additional Materials https://www.google.com.ph/search-polygon
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Activity 1: “Stop That Mystery Box”
presenting the new lesson

Inside the box are pictures of different figures.

When the music starts the student will start passing
the mystery box. And if the music stop, the student
who is holding the box will pick one picture and
answer the following questions;
a. How many sides are there in the figure?
What shape is represented by the figure?
b. The following are the figures inside the box:
B. Other Learning Resources Group Activity 2:


The class will be divided into four groups. Each

group will be given a love sign and like sign. The
teacher will show pictures of different figures and the
groups will decide whether the figures are polygon or
not. They will raise LOVE if their answer is polygon
and LIKE if not.

Guide Questions:
1. How can you say that a figure is a polygon?
2. What are the parts of the polygon?
3. What type of polygon is it?

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the lesson The following are polygons:

The following are not polygons:

Activity 3: “Unlock Me!”
Unlocking of Words:
Read the following statements in Column A to match
it with Column B. Write the word of your choice before each

Column A Column B

_____ 1. A two dimensional shape with a. vertex

straight sides that are fully closed. polygon b. angle
c. diagonal
d. interior
____ 2. It is on the inside of a polygon formed e. polygon
by each pair of adjacent sides. angle f. exterior
g. circle
h. equiangular
____ 3. It is a segment joining non- polygon
consecutive vertices. diagonal i. equilateral
j. regular polygon
____ 4. It is the inside angle of a polygon angle k. irregular
formed by two adjacent sides. Interior angle polygon

____ 5. It is the angle formed when one side of

a polygon is extended. Exterior angle

____ 6. It is a point on a polygon where the

sides or edges of the object meet or where two
rays or line segments meet. Vertex

_____7. It is a ________polygons if its sides are

equal. Equilateral polygon

_____8. It is a_______ polygonEquiangular


____ 9. It is a ________ polygon; if it is both

equilateral and equiangular. regular polygon

____ 10. It is a polygon that does not have

The word “polygon” comes from the Greek words “poly”, which
means “many,” and “gon,” which means “angles.”
Polygon is a two dimensional shape with straight sides that
are fully closed.

Vertex is a point on a polygon where the sides or edges of the object

meet or where two rays or line segments meet.
Angles are on the inside of a polygon formed by each pair of
adjacent sides.
A diagonal is a segment joining non- consecutive vertices.

Interior, if its angles are equal. angle is the inside angle of a

polygon formed by two adjacent sides.
Exterior angle is the angle formed when one side of a polygon
is extended (adjacent to an interior angle).

Parts of Polygon
Types of Polygons:
a. Regular polygons - if it is both equilateral and equiangular.
b. Irregular Polygons - that does not have equal sides and
equal angles
c. Equiangular Polygons - if its angles are equal.
d. Equilateral Polygons - , if its angles are equal.

D. Discussing new concepts Activity 4: Classify Me!

and practicing new skills #1 Directions: Classify them in Polygon or Not Polygon and paste
the pictures on the box where they belong.

E. Discussing new concepts Activity 5: Identify Me!

and practicing new skills #2 Directions: Identify the following types of polygon and the
number of its sides.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to
Activity 5: “Match Me Up!”
Formative Assessment 3)
Match the polygons from Column A to its number
of sides in Column B. Write your answer on the
space provided.
Column A Column B
___ 1. heptagon a. 4
___ 2. Triangle b. 5
___ 3. Pentagon c. 8
___ 4. Octagon d. 3
___ 5. Quadrilateral e. 6
___ 6. Hexagon f. 9
___ 7. Nonagon g. 7
___ 8. decagon h. 10

G. Finding practical applications How do you apply the different types of polygons now a day?
of concepts and skills in daily How does it help you? Is it useful?
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson. The different types of polygons in terms of
congruency of parts are equilateral, equiangular
and regular. A polygon is equilateral if all its sides
are equal; equiangular if all its angles are equal;
and regular if it is both equilateral and equiangular.

Polygons are also classified according to the

number of sides. Common names for polygons are

Number of Name of Polygon

3 Triangle (trigon)
4 Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Octagon
9 Nonagon(enneagon
10 Decagon
11 Hendecagon
12 Dodecagon
n n-gon
I. Evaluating learning Activity 6: Application: Identify the following polygons.

1. Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________
2.Number of sides: _________
Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________
3.Number of sides: _________
Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________
4.Number of sides: _________
Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

5.Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

6.Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

7.Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

8.Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

9.Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

10. Number of sides: _________

Polygon type: ____________
Name of polygon: _________

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or remediation Research & study in advance:
What is concave? convex?
Differentiate convex and concave.


1. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
2. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
3. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
4. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
7. What innovation of localized

Prepared by Checked by


Mathematics Teacher School Head

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