EsquivelVilchisA TermoApl 36 PhotovoltaicSystem Nov152014

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Photovoltaic’s (PV), offer consumers the ability to generate electricity in a clean,
quiet and reliable way.

Photovoltaic systems are comprised of photovoltaic cells, which converts sunlight

otni electricity using solar cells. Because the source of light is usually the sun, they
are often called solar cells.

The word photovoltaic comes from “photo,” meaning light, and “voltaic,” which
refers to producing electricity. Therefore, the photovoltaic process is “producing
electricity directly from sunlight.” Photovoltaic are often referred to as PV.

Semiconductor materials such as silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium telluride are

used in these solar cells. The crystalline Solar cell is the most commonly used


Photovoltaic’s is the direct conversion of light into electricity at the atomic level.
Some materials exhibit a property known as the photoelectric effect that causes
them to absorb photons of light and release electrons.


In 1905, Albert Einstein described the nature of light and the photoelectric effect on
which photovoltaic technology is based. The first photovoltaic module was built by
Bell Laboratories in 1954. It was billed as a solar battery and was mostly just a
curiosity as it was too expensive to gain widespread use. In the 1960s, the space
industry began to make the first serious use of the technology to provide power
aboard spacecraft. Through the space programs, the technology advanced, its
reliability was established, and the cost began to decline. During the energy crisis
in the 1970s, photovoltaic technology gained recognition as a source of power for
non-space applications.

Solar cells are made of the same kinds of semiconductor materials, such as silicon,
used in the microelectronics industry. For solar cells, a thin semiconductor wafer is
specially treated to form an electric field, positive on one side and negative on the
other. When light energy strikes the solar cell, electrons are knocked loose from
the atoms in the semiconductor material. If electrical conductors are attached to
the positive and negative sides, forming an electrical circuit, the electrons can be
captured in the form of an electric current -- that is, electricity. This electricity can
then be used to power a load, such as a light or a tool.

A number of solar cells electrically connected to each other and mounted in a

support structure or frame is called a photovoltaic module. Modules are designed
to supply electricity at a certain voltage, such as a common 12 volts system. The
current produced is directly dependent on how much light strikes the module.
Multiple modules can be wired together to form an array. In general, the larger the
area of a module or array, the more electricity that will be produced. Photovoltaic
modules and arrays produce direct-current (dc) electricity.

Light, including sunlight, is sometimes described as particles called "photons." As

sunlight strikes a photovoltaic cell, photons move into the cell. When a photon
strikes an electron, it dislodges it, leaving an empty "hole". The loose electron
moves toward the top layer of the cell. As photons continue to enter the cell,
electrons continue to be dislodged and move upwards.

If an electrical path exists outside the cell between the top grid and the Backplane
of the cell, a flow of electrons begins. Loose electrons move out the top of the cell
and into the external electrical circuit. Electrons from further back in the circuit
move up to fill the empty electron holes.


A PV system consists of a number of interconnected components designed to

accomplish a desired task, which may be to feed electricity into the main
distribution grid, to pump water from a well, to power a small calculator or any of
possible uses of solar generated electricity, the design of the system depends on
the task it must perform, the location and other site conditions under which it must


All PV cells consist of two or more thin layers of semi-conducting material, most
commonly silicon. When the semiconductor is exposed to light, electrical charges
are generated and this can be conducted away by metal contacts as direct current
(DC). The electrical output from a single cell is small, so multiple cells are
connected together to form a "string", which produces a direct current.
- Monocrystalline Silicon Cells

These are made using cells sliced from a single cylindrical

crystal of silicon, this is the most efficient photovoltaic
technology, typically converting around 15% of the sun's
energy into electricity.

- Polycrystalline Silicon Cells

Also sometimes known as multicrystalline cells, these

are made from cells cut from an ingot of melted and
recrystallised silicon. The ingots are then saw-cut into
very thin wafers and assembled into complete cells;
they are generally cheaper to produce than
monocrystalline cells, due to the simpler manufacturing
process, but they tend to be slightly less efficient, with
average efficiencies of around 12%.

- Thick - film Silicon

This is a variant on multicrystalline technology where

the silicon is deposited in a continuous process onto a
base material giving a fine grained, sparkling

- Amorphous Silicon

Amorphous silicon cells are made by depositing silicon

in a thin homogenous layer onto a substrate rather than
creating a rigid crystal structure. As amorphous silicon
absorbs light more effectively than crystalline silicon,
the cells can be thinner - hence its alternative name of
"thin film" PV. Amorphous silicon can be deposited on
a wide range of substrates, both rigid and flexible,
which makes it ideal for curved surfaces or bonding
directly onto roofing materials.

A Solar Charge Controller is a device that is installed directly in between your solar
panel and battery bank and it helps protect your batteries from
overcharging/discharging, and also helps to prevent an overload or short circuit in
your system. They are great for helping you keep your batteries working to their
optimal level. Additionally, a good solar charge controller can also help to prevent
the battery bank from reverse charging a solar panel – acting as a blocking diode if
your solar panel system does not have a one-way diode already installed


Solar energy systems use a lead-acid deep cycle battery or accumulator. This type
of battery is different from a conventional car battery, as it is designed to be more
tolerant of the kind of ongoing charging and discharging you would expect when
you have variable sun from day to day. Deep cycle batteries last longer but they
also cost more than a conventional battery.


Inverter The purpose of a solar inverter is to convert the DC output power output
from photovoltaic modules into a clean 50 or 60 Hz AC current sine wave. This DC
output is then directly applied to the commercial electrical grid or to a local off grid
electrical network.

- Stand Alone Systems

As its name suggests this type of PV system is a separate electricity supply

system. It supplies electricity to a single system and is connected only to that

- Hybrid System

A hybrid system combines PV with other forms of power generation, usually a

diesel generator. Biogas is also used. The other form of power generation is
usually a type which is able to modulate power output as a function of demand.
However more than one form of renewable energy may be used e.g. wind and
solar. The photovoltaic power generation serves to reduce the consumption of non-
renewable fuel.
- Grid - Connected Systems

A large number of photovoltaic systems installed in industrial nations today are grid
connected. An inverter converts the direct current (DC) voltage of the modules to
the two-phase or three-phase AC voltage of the public grid. However, the voltage
and current generated by the PV modules must fit within the inverter range. If PV
modules are connected in series, their voltage adds to the total voltage, whereas
the current of parallel PV modules adds to the total current. Photovoltaic inverters
only operate at rated power for a very few hours in any year, as, due to changes in
solar irradiance, they work predominantly at part load.


- They are safe, clean and quiet to opérate.

- They are highly reliable.

- They require virtually no maintenance.

- They operate cost-effectively in remote areas and for many residential and
commercial applications.

- They are flexible and can be expanded at any time to meet your electrical

- They give you increased autonomy – independence from the grid or backup
during outages.


- PV systems are not well suited for highly energy-intensive uses such as
heating. If you wish to use solar energy for this purpose, consider other
alternatives such as a solar water heater, which produces heat much more

- Grid-connected systems are rarely economical, primarily because the

current cost of the PV technology is much higher than the cost of
conventional energy. Since these systems can be expensive, choosing a
solar electric power system often comes down to a personal lifestyle
decision – just like the type of house or car you might own.

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