Comparative Analysis With Micro and Nano Reinforcement Material
Comparative Analysis With Micro and Nano Reinforcement Material
Comparative Analysis With Micro and Nano Reinforcement Material
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Aluminium composites strengthened with silicon carbide/titanium dioxide (SiC/TiO2) have been shown
Available online 8 August 2022 to have exceptional tensile characteristics and are widely employed in a range of areas. This research
looks at composites made using aluminium 6061 as the matrix and micro/nano SiC/TiO2 as supplements.
Keywords: Stir casting was used to create composites amid varied processing parameters. The manufactured com-
Composites posite materials were then subjected to T6 heat treatment, and their tensile characteristics, including
Silicon Carbide tensile, compressive, impact, and micro-hardness, were examined. Manufactured composites outper-
Titanium dioxide
formed the parent element in terms of mechanical characteristics. Microscopic analysis revealed a uni-
Stir casting
Heat treatment
form dispersion of reinforcements inside the matrix. To forecast the result parameters, a non-linear
regression formulation was designed and tested using empirical data.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Processing and Characterization of Materials.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials.
K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001
of A356 aluminium alloy–based metal matrix composite compressive strength, hardness, impact strength [16]. During stir-
showed improved hardness, compressive strength, and decreased ring oxidation occurs along which is opened to atmosphere. In
co-efficient of thermal expansion on both heat treated and as hot order to avoid the process of oxidation, wetting agents such as
pressed samples.[6]. borax, K2TiF6 and magnesium of 2 wt% are added which create
MMCs are made up of a matrix of primary metallic or metallur- an inert environment on the matrix surface.
gical alloys strengthened with both particles and fibers. As matrix The homogeneous distribution of reinforcement is influenced
materials, widely accessible aluminium, magnesium, as well as by several stirring parameters such as stirring time and speed, size
titanium compositions are routinely employed. The reinforcements of impeller, impeller blade angle, and position of impeller. In this
to be used in MMCs should possess excellent mechanical and study an electrical resistance heating graphite crucible furnace
chemical adaptability with the matrix material and also have high with the temperature range of 0–1000 °C was used to melt the
thermal stability. Particulates or strands of SiC, TiO2, or Al2O3 are material.
some of the strengthening components often utilized in MMCs. A three blade mild steel impeller coated with alumina powder
Owing to their high stiffness, specific strength, and their ability to avoid iron contamination with the molten aluminium metal
to withstand high temperatures, they are generally employed for was used as the stirrer. The location of the impeller was 20 mm
applications requiring low weight with better wear and thermal above the crucible. An angle of 45 was used to provide a tilt to
resistance [7]. the impeller blades during string. This design stops the heavier
Nano composites are materials that have one or more phases reinforcements from settling at the bottom of the slurry. Further
with dimensions in nanometers and are embedded in a metal, a vortex was developed using an optimal stirring speed of
ceramic, or polymer matrix. Nano-phased materials are added to 310 rpm to ensure an uniform distribution of reinforcements
the matrix to develop a synergy between varied components in within the matrix by ensuring the stirring temperature of 900 °C
order to achieve the required properties that meet the design for 600 s. At lower stirring speeds low shearing force on the matrix
expectation. A revolving agitator is used to combine warmed rein- leads to inhomogeneous distribution of reinforcements and also a
forcing materials with the liquid metal during the stir casting tech- higher tendency to agglomerate into clusters. On the other hand
nique. Later the solidification of the mixture takes place, and the at higher stirring speeds the shearing force creates a vortex
required composite is fabricated. One of the major factors that through which the reinforcements are distributed evenly in the
influence the properties of the fabricated composite is the size of matrix. Yet in some cases studies have found that trapped gas par-
the reinforcement particles. Rana R.S. et al. demonstrated that ticles move in the matrix at higher stirring speeds increasing the
the addition of nano strengthening elements to composite materi- porosity [17]. The particle reinforced liquid matrix was cast in to
als improves their tensile as well as microscopic morphological a mould with 200 mm length and 20 mm diameter.
attributes much more than microscopic replacements [8]. Fig. 1(a-b) shows the experimental setup used in this study dur-
Microstructural and wear behaviour of Al2014-Alumina Compos- ing the fabrication of composites. The varying combinations of the
ites were improved while fabricated by two stage stir casting pro- fabricated composites with the reinforcements are given in Table 1.
cess [9,10]. The stir casted composite specimens were later T6 heat treated by
Several solid and liquid phase processes, such as powder metal- solutionizing, quenching and artificial ageing. The stir casted and
lurgy, stir casting, squeeze casting, physical vapour deposition, heat treated micro and nano composite samples were machined
infiltration, etc., can be used to create MMCs [11,12]. However stir and subjected to tensile, compressive, impact and hardness testing.
casting method is commonly applied for fabricating metal matrix
composites owing to their simplicity, ease of production, cost-
effectiveness, and lower defects [13,14]. Stir and squeeze casting
synthesized MMCs exhibited the higher bending strength, lesser
wear, and coefficient of friction. [15].
In this study, Al 6061 matrix composite materials were supple-
mented with SiC and TiO2 of varying sizes and weight percentages.
The dispersion of SiC, as well as TiO2 particulates in aluminium
alloy, is examined using an optical and scanning electron micro-
scope. The effects of the mentioned strengthening elements on var-
ious tensile characteristics, inclusive of micro-hardness and non-
contact surface roughness of the fabricated composites, are
2. Materials and manufacturing methods Fig. 1. (a) Stir casting setup; (b) Stirring of molten slurry.
Fig. 2. (a) 10.0 wt% micro SiC composites, (b) 10.0 wt% micro TiO2 composites.
Fig. 3. (a) 1.0 wt% nano SiC composites, (b) 1.0 wt% nanoTiO2 composites.
K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001
Table 2
Regression equation for Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) of fabricated composites.
Table 3
Regression equation for Ultimate Compressive Strength (MPa) of fabricated composites.
K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001
Table 4
Regression equation for impact strength (Joules) of fabricated composites.
Table 5
Regression equation for Vickers micro hardness (VHN) of fabricated composites.
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