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Comparative Analysis With Micro and Nano Reinforcement Material

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Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001

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Comparison of the mechanical properties of micro/nano SiC/TiO2

reinforced aluminium metal matrix composites
K.R. Padmavathi a,⇑, R. Ramakrishnan b, L. Karthikeyan a, S. Tamizhselvan a, S. Chezhian Babu a
Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India
Dept. of Advanced Sports technology, TNPESU, Chennai, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aluminium composites strengthened with silicon carbide/titanium dioxide (SiC/TiO2) have been shown
Available online 8 August 2022 to have exceptional tensile characteristics and are widely employed in a range of areas. This research
looks at composites made using aluminium 6061 as the matrix and micro/nano SiC/TiO2 as supplements.
Keywords: Stir casting was used to create composites amid varied processing parameters. The manufactured com-
Composites posite materials were then subjected to T6 heat treatment, and their tensile characteristics, including
Silicon Carbide tensile, compressive, impact, and micro-hardness, were examined. Manufactured composites outper-
Titanium dioxide
formed the parent element in terms of mechanical characteristics. Microscopic analysis revealed a uni-
Stir casting
Heat treatment
form dispersion of reinforcements inside the matrix. To forecast the result parameters, a non-linear
regression formulation was designed and tested using empirical data.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Processing and Characterization of Materials.

1. Introduction properties the aluminium metal matrix lacks are compensated by

the particles that are reinforced in the matrix.
The usage of composites has enormously increased with the Stir casting is a typical procedure used in the manufacture of
increase in the need for high-strength, low-weight materials. This composite materials. Yet, reinforcement segregation during fabri-
has led to the research and fabrication of several forms of compos- cation and the inability to uphold/conserve (maintain) the wetta-
ites, such as metal matrix composites, plastic matrix composites, bility remain one of the challenges in stir casting. Some amount
and so on. Composites find application in the fabrication of turbine of wettability can be attained either by the removal of absorbed
blades, rocket engines, radars, fan blades, helicopter rotor shafts, gases from the reinforcements by preheating them or by using
connecting rods, fan blades, etc. This can be attributed to their wetting agents. Reinforcement segregation is decreased by heating
excellent corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, and reliability the particles to semi-solid temperatures, utilizing an appropriate
[1]. geometry mechanical stirrer, and positioning a manual agitator
Material selection is one of the important processes during the inside the molten region. [2].
development of a component in several engineering applications. The tensile, wear, as well as microscopic critical components of
During the development of an automobile component, the major aluminium metal matrix nanoparticle, supplemented composite
concern is its strength to weight ratio, which in turn affects the fuel materials are observed to change with the kind of binding agent,
consumption of the automobile. With conventional materials such filler mass percent, reinforcing dimension, as well as validation
as steel being able to fulfill these requirements only to a certain perspective. It was observed that the previous studies in this area
degree, researchers have developed a new class of materials called were found to be few. Hence it becomes vital to evaluate the influ-
composites. Aluminium MMCs are among them and are employed ence of these parameters on the fabricated composites for further
in a number of automotive as well as aviation sectors. Yet certain research in this area. The AlB2, SiC/ZrO2 particles reinforced alu-
minium heat treated composites showed improvement in mechan-
ical properties when contrasted with as cast alloy [3–5].
The effect of SiC particle addition and heat treatment on the
⇑ Corresponding author. microstructure and mechanical and thermal properties.
E-mail address: krpadmavathipecmech@gmail.com (K.R. Padmavathi).

2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials.
K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001

of A356 aluminium alloy–based metal matrix composite compressive strength, hardness, impact strength [16]. During stir-
showed improved hardness, compressive strength, and decreased ring oxidation occurs along which is opened to atmosphere. In
co-efficient of thermal expansion on both heat treated and as hot order to avoid the process of oxidation, wetting agents such as
pressed samples.[6]. borax, K2TiF6 and magnesium of 2 wt% are added which create
MMCs are made up of a matrix of primary metallic or metallur- an inert environment on the matrix surface.
gical alloys strengthened with both particles and fibers. As matrix The homogeneous distribution of reinforcement is influenced
materials, widely accessible aluminium, magnesium, as well as by several stirring parameters such as stirring time and speed, size
titanium compositions are routinely employed. The reinforcements of impeller, impeller blade angle, and position of impeller. In this
to be used in MMCs should possess excellent mechanical and study an electrical resistance heating graphite crucible furnace
chemical adaptability with the matrix material and also have high with the temperature range of 0–1000 °C was used to melt the
thermal stability. Particulates or strands of SiC, TiO2, or Al2O3 are material.
some of the strengthening components often utilized in MMCs. A three blade mild steel impeller coated with alumina powder
Owing to their high stiffness, specific strength, and their ability to avoid iron contamination with the molten aluminium metal
to withstand high temperatures, they are generally employed for was used as the stirrer. The location of the impeller was 20 mm
applications requiring low weight with better wear and thermal above the crucible. An angle of 45 was used to provide a tilt to
resistance [7]. the impeller blades during string. This design stops the heavier
Nano composites are materials that have one or more phases reinforcements from settling at the bottom of the slurry. Further
with dimensions in nanometers and are embedded in a metal, a vortex was developed using an optimal stirring speed of
ceramic, or polymer matrix. Nano-phased materials are added to 310 rpm to ensure an uniform distribution of reinforcements
the matrix to develop a synergy between varied components in within the matrix by ensuring the stirring temperature of 900 °C
order to achieve the required properties that meet the design for 600 s. At lower stirring speeds low shearing force on the matrix
expectation. A revolving agitator is used to combine warmed rein- leads to inhomogeneous distribution of reinforcements and also a
forcing materials with the liquid metal during the stir casting tech- higher tendency to agglomerate into clusters. On the other hand
nique. Later the solidification of the mixture takes place, and the at higher stirring speeds the shearing force creates a vortex
required composite is fabricated. One of the major factors that through which the reinforcements are distributed evenly in the
influence the properties of the fabricated composite is the size of matrix. Yet in some cases studies have found that trapped gas par-
the reinforcement particles. Rana R.S. et al. demonstrated that ticles move in the matrix at higher stirring speeds increasing the
the addition of nano strengthening elements to composite materi- porosity [17]. The particle reinforced liquid matrix was cast in to
als improves their tensile as well as microscopic morphological a mould with 200 mm length and 20 mm diameter.
attributes much more than microscopic replacements [8]. Fig. 1(a-b) shows the experimental setup used in this study dur-
Microstructural and wear behaviour of Al2014-Alumina Compos- ing the fabrication of composites. The varying combinations of the
ites were improved while fabricated by two stage stir casting pro- fabricated composites with the reinforcements are given in Table 1.
cess [9,10]. The stir casted composite specimens were later T6 heat treated by
Several solid and liquid phase processes, such as powder metal- solutionizing, quenching and artificial ageing. The stir casted and
lurgy, stir casting, squeeze casting, physical vapour deposition, heat treated micro and nano composite samples were machined
infiltration, etc., can be used to create MMCs [11,12]. However stir and subjected to tensile, compressive, impact and hardness testing.
casting method is commonly applied for fabricating metal matrix
composites owing to their simplicity, ease of production, cost-
effectiveness, and lower defects [13,14]. Stir and squeeze casting
synthesized MMCs exhibited the higher bending strength, lesser
wear, and coefficient of friction. [15].
In this study, Al 6061 matrix composite materials were supple-
mented with SiC and TiO2 of varying sizes and weight percentages.
The dispersion of SiC, as well as TiO2 particulates in aluminium
alloy, is examined using an optical and scanning electron micro-
scope. The effects of the mentioned strengthening elements on var-
ious tensile characteristics, inclusive of micro-hardness and non-
contact surface roughness of the fabricated composites, are

2. Materials and manufacturing methods Fig. 1. (a) Stir casting setup; (b) Stirring of molten slurry.

The investigation mainly focuses on the A16061 matrix material

with nano and micro SiC and TiO2 particulate reinforced heat trea-
Table 1
ted A16061 metal matrix composite. Stir casting technique was
The varying weight percentages of fabricated composites.
used to fabricate the aluminium metal matrix composites. During
the process the aluminium matrix was melted above its melting Matrix Reinforcements Fabricated composite
point and slowly cooled to a semi solid state. In this stage the pre- Aluminium 6061 Nano SiC 0.5 %, 1.0 %, Al6061-SiC nano
heated reinforcements were added into the mixture and stirred 1.5 % & 2.0 % composites
Aluminium 6061 Nano TiO2- 0.5 %, 1.0 %, Al6061 –TiO2 nano
continuously for proper integration with in the matrix.
1.5 % & 2.0 % composites
During stir casting the time duration and speed of stirring, stir Aluminium 6061 Micro SiC- 5 %, 10 %, Al6061-SiC micro
temperature are found to affect the properties of the fabricated Aluminium 6061 15 % & 20 % composites
composites. Previous studies have showed that the homogenous Micro TiO2- 5 %, 10 %, Al6061-TiO2 micro
distribution of particles during stir casting improved the mechan- 15 % & 20 % composites
ical properties of the fabricated composites such as its tensile and
K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Microstructural analysis

Surface morphology investigations may reveal the degree of

uniformity of strengthening administration in the framework and
granular arrangement. It was prepared using De-wintor inverted
trinocular metallurgical microscope. Microscopic study was con-
ducted by polishing and etching the specimens using Keller’s
reagents. Fig. 2(a-b) depicts the micrographs of 10.0 wt% of micro
composite specimens, and Fig. 3(a-b) shows the SEM images of
1.0 wt% of nano composite specimens. The analyzed optical and
SEM images show a uniform distribution of SiC and TiO2 reinforce-
ment particles within the matrix. The interfaces can also be clearly
identified. Fig. 4. Comparison of ultimate tensile strength of micro and nano composites.

3.2. Mechanical properties

Addition of micro Silicon Carbide and Titanium dioxide rein-

forcements improved the tensile strength of the fabricated com-
posites till a weight fraction of 10 %. This can be attributed to the
higher resistance to tensile stresses and better distribution of load
from matrix to the reinforcement. However the poor wettability of
the matrix with increasing weight fraction of micro reinforcements
beyond 10 % reduces the tensile strength of the fabricated compos-
ites. Similarly the tensile strength of the fabricated composites
improved with the addition of nano silicon carbide and titanium
dioxide reinforcements till a weight fraction of 1.0 wt%. Beyond
this weight fraction the mechanical properties reduced owing to
the same conditions as given for micro reinforcements. The Fig. 4
shows as analysis of UTS (Ultimate tensile strength) of micro and
nano composites.
Fig. 5 depicts the final compression toughness of the manufac-
tured composite materials. It could be shown that as the mass per- Fig. 5. Comparison of compressive strength of nano and micro composites.

Fig. 2. (a) 10.0 wt% micro SiC composites, (b) 10.0 wt% micro TiO2 composites.

Fig. 3. (a) 1.0 wt% nano SiC composites, (b) 1.0 wt% nanoTiO2 composites.

K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001

ably. Furthermore, an improvement in the connecting region at

the intersection among the framework, as well as the strengthen-
ing of the resilience to disintegrating forces, add to the elevated
compression toughness. Similar results were observed in the
whisker-reinforced composites [18,19]. The maximum compres-
sive strength of titanium dioxide-reinforced aluminium compos-
ites was 231.225 MPa with 2.0 wt% nano reinforcements and
174.005 MPa with 20 wt% micro reinforcements. This implies that
the compression toughness of nanoparticle MMCs is greater than
that of micro particulate MMCs due to an improvement in the par-
ticulate zones.
The impacting toughness of the produced MMCs was assessed
using the Charpy technique in this study. Fig. 6 demonstrates
how the impacting toughness of the manufactured MMCs fluctu-
Fig. 6. Comparison of impact strength of nano and micro composites. ates with the percentage of strengthening components present.
An increase in the weight percentage of reinforcements within a
matrix improves its impact strength. High impact strength of
11.9 Joules/mm2 was observed with 20- wt% micro silicon carbide
reinforced composites and 12.6 Joules/mm2 with 20 wt% micro
titanium dioxide. Similarly, the high impact strength of 13.7
Joules/mm2 with 2.0 wt% nano silicon carbide and 13.8 Joules/
mm2 with 2.0 wt% nano titanium dioxide reinforced composites.
The improved impacting toughness of the examined MMCs may
be due to particle stiffening and granular refinement of the matri-
ces. The variations in the elastic modulus of the reinforcement and
the matrix phases too contribute to the improvement in impact
strength. A static indentation test was used to calculate the hard-
ness of the specimens. The micro hardness was measured using
four specimens, and their average hardness was taken as the final
Fig. 7 depicts the difference in microscopic hardenability of the
created MMCs. The toughness of composite materials improves
Fig. 7. Comparison of Vicker’s micro hardness of nano and micro composites considerably as the percentage of strengthening content increases,
microstructural analysis.
from 60 to 102 VHN for nano replacements and 57 to 76 VHN for
microscopic additions. The greatest recorded improvement in
centage of supplements grows, so does the compression durability aggregate toughness was approximately 33.33 percent. When
of the manufactured MMCs. The use of strong ceramic particles as compared to the base Al framework, the addition of microscopic
fracture stoppers act as obstructions to disruptive movement. This and nano strengthening enabled a significant increase in the
restricts the polymeric movement during compaction consider- toughness of the MMCs.

Table 2
Regression equation for Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) of fabricated composites.

Sl. No. Type of reinforcement Regression equation Validation % error

% of reinforcement Theoretical value Experimental value
1 Micro SiC 0.2300x2 + 6.0500x + 98.2500 8 131.93 139 5.36
12 137.73 133 3.43
2 Nano SiC 32.5000x2 + 82.550x + 218.1250 0.8 263.365 274 4.04
1.2 270.365 262 3.09
3 Micro TiO2 0.1700x2 + 4.1500x + 108.7500 8 131.07 138 5.29
12 134.07 143 6.66
4 Nano TiO2 23.0000x2 + 60.100x + 223.2500 0.8 256.61 267 4.05
1.2 328.49 317 3.49

Table 3
Regression equation for Ultimate Compressive Strength (MPa) of fabricated composites.

Sl. No. Type of reinforcement Regression equation Validation % error

% of reinforcement Theoretical value Experimental value
1 Micro SiC 0.0520x2 + 1.9161x + 157.3940 8 169.395 178 5.08
12 172.899 181 4.69
2 Nano SiC 28.2360x2 + 90.786x + 158.3745 0.8 212.932 224 5.19
1.2 226.658 238 5.00
3 Micro TiO2 0.0172x2 + 0.7140x + 166.7060 8 171.317 182 6.24
12 172.797 179 3.59
4 Nano TiO2 25.9800x2 + 83.440x + 167.0225 0.8 217.147 230 5.92
1.2 229.739 236 5.34

K.R. Padmavathi, R. Ramakrishnan, L. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 72 (2023) 1996–2001

Table 4
Regression equation for impact strength (Joules) of fabricated composites.

Sl. No. Type of reinforcement Regression equation Validation % error

% of reinforcement Theoretical value Experimental value
1 Micro SiC 0.0000x2 + 0.1520x + 8.9500 8 10.166 10.8 6.23
12 10.774 11.3 4.88
2 Nano SiC 0.6000x2 + 0.1400x + 11.0000 0.8 11.496 12.1 5.25
1.2 12.032 12.8 6.38
3 Micro TiO2 0.0010x2 + 0.1130x + 9.9250 8 10.893 11.4 4.65
12 11.425 11.9 4.16
4 Nano TiO2 1.3000x2 1.4700x + 11.4750 0.8 11.131 11.8 6.01
1.2 11.583 12.4 7.05

Table 5
Regression equation for Vickers micro hardness (VHN) of fabricated composites.

Sl. No. Type of reinforcement Regression equation Validation % error

% of reinforcement Theoretical value Experimental value
1 Micro SiC 0.0120x2 + 1.0880x + 51.6750 8 59.611 61.9 3.84
12 63.003 67.5 7.14
2 Nano SiC 8.7800x2 + 32.9540x + 47.1650 0.8 70.309 75.8 7.81
1.2 74.067 78.2 5.58
3 Micro TiO2 0.0600x2 + 2.5000x + 49.5000 8 65.66 69.4 5.69
12 70.86 75.6 6.68
4 Nano TiO2 5.0000x2 + 21.9000x + 77.7500 0.8 92.07 97.6 6.01
1.2 96.83 99.8 3.07

3.3. Regression analysis

CRediT authorship contribution statement

A multi-variable quadratic regression analysis was carried out

K.R. Padmavathi: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing –
by SPSS software to derive the relationship between tensile and tri-
original draft. R. Ramakrishnan: Visualization, Investigation. L.
bological characteristics of the fabricated MMCs with the strength-
Karthikeyan: Writing – review & editing, Supervision. S. Tamizh-
ening weight percentages. Tables 2 to 5 show the results of the
selvan: Writing – review & editing. S. Chezhian Babu: Writing –
regression analysis carried out for the yield strength, ultimate ten-
review & editing.
sile strength, ductility, and other parameters. Regression equations
are used to describe the connection between the aforementioned
characteristics and the weight % of the reinforcement. Confirma- Data availability
tion experiments were carried out to validate the developed
regression equations. Data will be made available on request.

Declaration of Competing Interest

4. Conclusions
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
 The stir casting process was utilized to produce micro/nano sil- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
icon carbide/titanium oxide reinforced Al 6061 MMCs with to influence the work reported in this paper.
varying strengthening mass percent. The composite materials
were then subjected to thermal analysis. References
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