Motion in Two or Three Dimesions

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Exercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 43

Problems: 45, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, 50, 77

Vu Xuan Hien

One Love. One Future. 4/23/2022 1

Projectile motion

We can then analyze the motion in the x and y direction separately using the equations of motion
v  v  a t y r x

x 0x x

g 0 x0
horizontal  x  x  v t  1 a t r

motion 2
0 0x x

 v  v  2a (x  x )
2 2
r r r r
x 0x x 0 v y0
v 0
v y0
v 0

ay= -g
v  v  a t y0  r vx0 = v0cos y0  r

y 0y y
v v ay= g

1 vy0= v0sin
y  y  v t  a t
vx0 = v0cos
motion 0
0y y
 x0 x y vy0= -v0sin
 v  v  2a (y  y )
2 2
y 0y y 0

Value of ay depends on your choice of orientation for the axis y; ay=-g if you decide to choose +y pointing upward and
ay=-g if +y pointing downward
Note: You might consider a problem where an object is subject to an acceleration other than that of gravity
r r r r r
The resultant acceleration is the addition of a & g : A  a  g

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Linear motion and Circular motion

Linear motion Circular motion
Linear motion involves an object moving from Rotational motion involves an
one point to another in a straight line. object rotating about an axis.
x r
r r
a a t

Position x(t) a n

dx Angular position  (t)

Velocity v   x& d &
dt Angular velocity   
dv d x 2
Acceleration a    &&
x d d  && 2

dt dt Angular acceleration    

v  v  at dt dt 2

    t
1 0

x  x  v t  at 2
r r r 1
r dv d(R) d      t  t 2
a   R  a  R 0

v  v  2a(x  x ) dt dt dt
2 2 t t

0 0
v 2
    2(   )
2 2

a a R  2 0 0

R r
radial n

r r
r dv d(R) d
a   R  a  R
dt dt dt
t t

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3.45 A student is moving in a dark room try to find out a 20$ bill. The student’s coordinate is given as a function of time by
x(t) = αt and y(t) = 15.0m - βt2, where α = 1.20 m/s and β = 0.500 m/s2. Unknown to the student, the 20$ bill is at the origin.
a) at which time(s) the student’s velocity is perpendicular to his acceleration? b) at which time(s) the student’s speed
instantaneously not changing? c) At which time(s) the student’s velocity is perpendicular to his position vector? What is
location of the student at these times? d) What is minimum distance from the student to the bill? At what time it occurs?
e) Sketch the path of hapless student.
r dr dx(t) r dy(t) r r r
Analyze v  i jv i v j
dt dt dt
x y

(a) a ⊥ v  a. v = 0 r
(b) v(t)=const  dv/dt=0; r dv dv (t) r dv (t) r r r
a  i j a i a j x y

dt dt dt
x y
(c) v ⊥ r⃗  v. r⃗ = 0 solve this equation to find t  location
(d) d(t)=[x2(t) + y2(t)]1/2; r(t) get the critical point when dr(t)/dt=0; r r
A.B  A .B  A .B  A .B
(e) Sketch the path of student: draw (x,y) at different time; x x y y z z

(a) a ⊥ v  a. v = 0 v . a = v a + v a = 0  .0   2t  .(2)  0  t  0
(b) v  v  v    (2t)  dv/dt=0 only at t = 0
2 2

(c) v ⊥ r⃗  v. r⃗ = 0  v .x(t)  v .y(t)  .t   2 t  .(15   t )  0  t  0; t  5.208  s 

x y 1 2

location of the student: (0m, 15.0m) and (6.25m, 1.44m)

d Orbit
d) What is minimum distance d(t)  0  t  5.208  s  ;d(5.208)  6.41 m 

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3.51 A jungle veterinarian with a blow-gun loaded with a tranquilizer dart and a sly 1.5 kg monkey are each 25 m above the
ground in trees 90 m apart. Just as the hunter shoots horizontally at the monkey, the monkey drops from the tree in a vain
attempt to escape being hit. What must the minimum muzzle velocity of the dart have been for the hunter to hit the monkey
before it reached the ground?
Motion equations v
y0 A r

 1 g
x (t)  x  v t  a t  v t 2

tranquilizer  2
1 10 10 x 1x 0

dart  y (t)  y  v t  a t  25  1 gt
1 x (t)  v t2 2
1 0

 1
10 y 1y
x (t)  90 2

 1 1
 x (t)  x  v t  2 a t  x  90 y (t)  y (t)  25  gt
2 2

2 20 20 x 2x 20 1 2

monkey 
 y (t)  y  v t  1 a t  25  1 gt 2 2

2 20
20 y
O x-axis
* Both objects always have the same vertical component y1(t) = y2(t) d = 90 m
* In the case the dart hit the monkey at time monkey just reach the ground: y (t)  y (t)  25  gt  0  t  2.259s 2

1 2

During this time the dart must travel 90 m, so the horizontal component of its velocity must be
x (t)  x (t)  v t  90  v  40  m / s 
1 2 0 0
The dart hits the monkey for any muzzle velocity greater than 40 m/s.

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3.53. In fighting forest fires, airplanes work in support of ground crews by dropping water on the fires. A pilot is practicing by
dropping a canister of red dye, hoping to hit a target on the ground below. If the plane is flying in a horizontal path 90.0 m
above the ground and with a speed of 64.0 m/s (143 mi/h), at what horizontal distance from the target should the pilot release
the canister? Ignore air resistance.
Motion equations r
y0 V
 1 0

 x (t)  x  v t  2 a t  v t

1 10 10 x 1x 0

 y (t)  y  v t  1 a t  90  1 gt 2 2 90.0 m
 1
10 y 1y

fire  x (t)  x
2 0 x

 y (t)  0
2 O ? x0

1 2  90
y (t)  y (t)  0  90  gt  0  t 
Canister of red dye hit a target on the ground (fire)  4.284  s  2

2 9.81
1 2

x (t)  x (t)  v t  x  x  64.0  4.284  274.1 m

1 2 0 0 0

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3.55: The longest home run. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by Roy
"Dizzy" Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark. (a) Assuming
the ball’s initial velocity was 45° above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what did the initial speed of the ball need to be to produce
such a home run if the ball was hit at a point 0.9 m (3.0 ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was perfectly flat. (b) How far would
the ball be above a fence 3.0 m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116 m (380 ft) from home plate?
(a) Take the origin of coordinates at the point where the ball leaves the
bat, and take y + to be upward.
y-axis g
 1
 x(t)  x  v t  2 a t   v cos   t
0 0x x 0 0

ball 
 y(t)  y  v t  1 a t  0.9   v sin   t  1 gt
2 2
 0 0y
0 0

v0 ?
The ball traveled 188 m before landing on the ground: α0 = 45o
 v cos   t  188 A
 x(t)  188  0 0

 v  42.8  m / s 
  1 O s = 116m
 y(t)  0 0.9   v sin   t  gt  0
2 0

d = 188 m
0 0

(b) How far would the ball be above a fence

 x(t)   v cos   t

0 0

 1
When x(t) = 116 m  y(t) = 45.0 m
 y(t)  0.9   v sin   t  gt  the height of the ball above the fence: 42.0 m

0 0

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3.57(B): Hallway Catch. You are playing catch with a friend in the hallway of your dormitory. The distance from floor to
ceiling is D, and you throw the ball with an initial speed v0 =(6gD)1/2. What is the maximum horizontal distance (in term of D)
that the ball can travel without bouncing? (Assume that the ball is launched from the floor).

Projectile motion;
The ball travel without bouncing  hmax  D  condition for throwing angle
 The distance in relationship with throwing angle
 maximum distance
The highest coordinate: D
v 2 sin 2  0
hmax  0  3D sin 2  0
hmax  D A
 sin   1    35.36o O x
v02 sin 2 0
R  6 D sin 70.72  4 2 D
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3.61(E) (a) Prove that a projectile launched at angle αo has the same horizontal range as one launched with the same speed at
angle (90o- αo ). (b) A frog jumps at a speed of 2.2 m/s and lands 25 cm from its starting point. At which angles above the
horizontal could it have jumped?
(a) Using the formula of range in projectile motion;
(b) α=? v0 = 2.2 m/s; R=0.25 m; Calculate α from R;

(a) Proving:
v02 sin 2
With initial angle α: R 
v02 sin 2  90    v02 sin 180  2  v02 sin 2
With initial angle (90o- α): R90     R
g g g
(b) We have:
v02 sin 2 gR
R   2  arcsin α = 15.2o or 74.8o;
g v02

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3.63(E) Leaping the River II. A physics professor did daredevil stunts in his spare time. His
last stunt was an attempt to jump across a river on a motorcycle (Fig.). The takeoff ramp was
inclined at 53.0o, the river was 40.0 m wide, and the far bank was 15.0 m lower than the top of
the ramp. The river itself was 100 m below the ramp. You can ignore air resistance. (a) What
should his speed have been at the top of the ramp to have just made it to the edge of the far
bank? (b) If his speed was only half the value found in (a), where did he land?
a) Take the origin of coordinates at the top of the ramp and take y + to be upward.
 1
 x(t)  x  v t  2 a t  v cos  .t
2 g
0 0x x 0 0

Motorcycle 
 y(t)  y  v t  1 a t  15  v sin  .t  1 gt
2 2

 0
0y y
0 0
O α0 =53o
 x(t)  40.0m x-axis
he lands in the edge of the far bank:   v  17.8  m / s 
 y(t)  15.0m

b) his speed was only half the value found in (a):  v1 = 8.9 m/s
 x(t)  v cos  .t He reach the water: y(t) = -100 m  t = 5.30 s
 1 0

 1
 y(t)  15  v sin  .t  2 gt
1 0
t = 5.30 s  x(5.30s) = 28.4 m

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3.65(E). A 5500-kg cart carrying a vertical rocket launcher moves to the right at a constant speed of 30.0 m/s along a
horizontal track. It launches a 45.0-kg rocket vertically upward with an initial speed of 40.0 m/s relative to the cart. (a) How
high will the rocket go? (b) Where, relative to the cart, will the rocket land? (c) How far does the cart move while the rocket
is in the air? (d) At what angle, relative to the horizontal, is the rocket traveling just as it leaves the cart, as measured by an
observer at rest on the ground? (e) Sketch the rocket’s trajectory as seen by an observer (i) stationary on the cart and (ii)
stationary on the ground.
y-axis g

Cart : v1 = v cart/ground = 30.0 m/s r r r

Rocket : v2 = vrocket/cart = 40.0 m/s
v rocket/ground
v rocket / cart
v cart /ground

r  v  v  30.0  m / s 
ox 1
v  O v1
 v  v  40.0  m / s 

oy 2

 1  1
 x (t)  x  v t  2 a t  v t

 x (t)  x  v t  2 a t  v t
1 10 10 x 1x 0x
2 20 20 x 2x 0x
Rocket  Cart 
 y (t)  y  v t  1 a t  v t  1 gt 2 2
 y (t)  y  v t  1 a t  0 2

 1 10
10 y
1y 10 y
 2
20 20 y 2y

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 1
 x (t)  x v t a t v t

1 10 10 x 1x 0x

Rocket 
 y (t)  y 1 1
v t a t  v t  gt
2 2

 1 10
10 y 1y
10 y

 1
 x (t)  x v t a t v t

2 20 20 x 2x 0x

Cart 
 y (t)  y 1
v t a t 02

 2 20
20 y 2y

(a) How high will the rocket go? v  0  v  v  2g(y  y )  y  81.6m y

0y 0

(b) Where, relative to the cart, will the rocket land? Both the cart and the rocket have the same constant horizontal velocity,
so both travel the same horizontal distance while the rocket is in the air and the rocket lands in the cart.
(c) How far does the cart move while the rocket is in the air? y (t)  0  v t  gt  0  t  8.164s  x (t)  245m 2

1 10 y 2

(d) At what angle the rocket traveling just as it leaves the cart, as measured by an observer at rest on the ground?
v 40
tan       53.1
0y o

v 30
0 0

(e) Sketch the rocket’s trajectory (i) the observer stationary on the cart (ii) the observer stationary on the ground

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3.69. Two tanks are engaged in a training exercise on level ground. The first tank fires a paint-filled training round with a
muzzle speed of 250 m/s at 10.0o above the horizontal while advancing toward the second tank with a speed of 15.0 m/s
relative to the ground The second tank is retreating at 35.0 m/s relative to the ground, but is hit by the shell. You can ignore
air resistance and assume the shell hits at the same height above ground from which it was fired. Find the distance between
the tanks (a) when the round was first fired and (b) at the time of impact.

y-axis r r r g
vshell/ground  vshell/tank1  vtank1/ground

α =10o vtank2/ground x-axis

1st tank 2nd tank

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Note: Tank 1 (symbol 1); Tank 2 (symbol 2)

r r r g
Shell (symbol 0) y-axis v shell/ground  v shell/ tank1  v tank1/ground
v v
1 tan k1/ ground
 15  m / s  vshell/tank

v v2 tan k 2/ground

 35  m / s 
α =10o vtank2/ground x-axis
v v
0 shell/ tan k1
 25010 0
1st tank 2nd tank
r r v  v  v cos  d=?
v v
s0x 1 0

s0 shell/ ground

v s0y
 v sin 

 1  1  1
 x (t)  x  v t  2 a t  d  v t  x (t)  x  v t  2 a t   v  v cos   t

 x (t)  x  v t  2 a t  v t
2 2
2 20 20 x 2x 2
1 10 10 x 1x 1 s s0 s0x sx 1 0

Tan k1  Tan k2  Shell 

 y (t)  y  v t  1 a t  0 2  y (t)  y  v t  1 a t  0 2
 y (t)  y  v t  1 a t   v sin   t  1 gt 2 2

 1
10 10 y 1y 2 20
20 y 2y
 2 2
s s0 s0y sy 0

 v  v cos   t  d  v t 15  250cos10  t  d  35t 0

 x (t)  x (t)   1 0 2

   t  8.86s  d  2624m
s 2
a) Tank 2 is hit by the shell  1 1
 y (t)  y (t)  v sin   t  gt  0  250sin10  t  9.81 t  0 2 0 2

s 

2 2

b) the distance between the tanks at the time of impact. s  x (8.86s)  x (8.86s)  ?
2 1

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3.71 (O). A basket player is fouled and knocked to the floor during a layup attempt. The player is awarded two free throws.
The center of the basket is a horizontal distance of 4.21 m from the foul line and it is a height of 3.05 m above the floor. On
the first attempt he shoots the ball at an angel 35.0o above the horizontal and with the speed of v0 = 4.88 m/s. The ball is
released 1.83 m above the floor. This shot missed badly. You can ignore air resistance.

(a) What is the maximum height reached by the ball? y-axis

(b) At what distance along the floor from the free throw line
does the ball land? v0
(c) For the second throw, the ball is thrown into the center of α=35o
basket. For this second throw, the player again shoots the ball at
3.05 m
35.0o above the horizontal and releases it 1.83 m above the
floor. What initial speed does the player give the ball on this 1.83 m
second attempt?
(d) For the second throw what is the maximum height reached
by the ball? At this point, how far horizontally is the ball from
4.21 m x-axis
the basket? O

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Motion equations of ball y-axis

 1
 x(t)  x  v t  2 a t  v cos.t
0 0x x 0
ball 
 y(t)  y  v t  1 a t  1.83  v sin.t  1 gt
2 2
 0
0y y

The 1st throw 3.05 m

(a) What is the maximum height reached by the ball?
 v sin    2.23m 1.83 m

v  v  2a (y  y )  y  y 
2 2 0

y 0y y max 0 max 0

(b) The distance of landing position:

y(t)  0  t*   x(t*)  3.84m
4.21 m x-axis
The 2nd throw: O

(c) To goes through the basket

 v cos.t  4.21
 x(t)  4.21  0

  1  v  8.65  m / s 
 y(t)  3.05 1.83  v sin.t  2 gt  3.05
2 0

d) what is the maximum height reached by the ball How far horizontally from highest point to basket:
 v sin    3.09m
v sin 2 2

v  v  2a (y  y )  y  y 
2 2 0
d  4.21   0.62m

2g 2g
y 0y y max 0 max 0

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3.73(O).A rocket is initially at rest on the ground. When its engines fire, the rocket flies off in a straight line at an angle 53.1o
above the horizontal with a constant acceleration of magnitude g. The engines stop at a time T after the launch, after which
the rocket is put in projectile motion. You can ignore air resistance and assume g is independent of altitude. (a) Draw the
trajectory of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. Indicate the direction of the velocity
and acceleration vectors at various points along the trajectory. (b) Sketch vx-t and vy-t graphs for the motion of the rocket
from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. (c) Find the maximum altitude reached by the rocket (in term
of g and T). (d) Find the horizontal distance from the launch point to where the rocket hits the ground (the range) in term of g
and T. y-axis
Part 1 Part 2
Part 1 (0<t<T):
ax1  g cos   0.6 g vy2_0 v2_0

x-axis: vx1  vx1_ 0  ax1t  g cos  t  0.6 gt

x20 =x1T α

x1  x10  vx1_ 0t  1 ax1t 2  1 g cos  t 2  0.3t 2 vx2_0

2 2
a y1  g sin   0.8 g
ay1_0 y20 =y1T

y-axis: v y1  v y1_ 0  a y1t  g sin  t  0.8 gt

ax1_0 x-axis
y1  y10  v y1_ 0t  1 a y1t 2  1 g sin  t 2  0.4 gt 2
2 2

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Part 2 (t>T) y-axis

Part 1 Part 2

vx 2  vx1T  g cos  T  0.6 gT vy2_0 v2_0


x2  x1T  vx 20t  0.3 gT 2  0.6 gT  t  T   0.6 gTt  0.3 gT 2
x20 =x1T α
ay2   g vx2_0

y-axis: v y 2  v y1T  a y 2t  g  sin  T  t   0.8 gT  gt a1_0=g

y2  y1T  v y 20  t  T   1 a y 2  t  T   0.5 gt 2  1.8 gTt  0.9 gT 2

2 ay1_0 y20 =y1T

ax1_0 x-axis
The rocket hits the ground y2 = 0  tland  3T

(a) the trajectory of the rocket from when its engines first fire
until the rocket hits the ground

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(b) Sketch vx-t and vy-t graphs vx

x-axis: 0.6gT
 0.6 gt 0  t  T 
vx  
0.6 gT T  t  3T 
 0.8 gt  0  t  T  O 3T t
vy   T
0.8 gT  gt T  t  3T  vy

(c) The maximum altitude:

 0.8 gT 
v y22 _ 0
hmax  y02   0.4 gT 2
  0.72 gT 2

2g 2g
(d) The horizontal distance:
O t
T 3T
R  x2  t  3T   1.5 gT 2


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3.75(O). A rock tied to a rope moves in the xy-plane. Its coordinates are given as functions of time by x(t) = Rcosωt and
y(t) = Rsinωt, where R and ω are constants. (a) Show that the rock’s distance from the origin is constant and equal to R, that
is, the path is a circle of radius R. (b) Show that at every point the rock’s velocity is perpendicular to its position vector. (c)
Show that the rock’s acceleration is always opposite in direction to its position vector and has magnitude ω 2R. (d) Show
that the magnitude of the rock’s velocity is constant and equal to ωR. (e) Combine the results of parts (c) and (d) to show
that the rock’s acceleration has constant magnitude v2/R.
(a) Find distance from the co-ordinates x and y;
x  t   R cos t  ; y  t   R sin t   r t   x2 t   y2 t   R2  R
(b) Show that 𝑟⃗ ⊥ 𝑣⃗  𝑟⃗. 𝑣⃗=0
dx  t  dy  t 
vx    R sin t  ; v y   R cos t 
r rdt dt
 r  v  xvx  yv y   R  sin t  cos t   R 2 sin t  cos t   0

(c) Show that acceleration vector is opposite in direction with position vector  𝑟⃗. 𝑎⃗ <0
dv  t  dv  t 
ax  x   R 2 sin t  ; a y  y   R 2 cos t 
dt dt
r r
 r  a  xax  ya y   R 2 2 sin 2 t   R 2 2 cos 2 t    R 2 2  0

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Other dvx  t  dv y  t 
ax    R 2 sin t    2 x (t ); ay    R 2 cos t    2 y(t )
dt dt
a  a  a   x(t)   y(t)  R
2 2 4 2 4 2 2

r r r r
x y

r r
a  a i  a j   (x(t).i  y(t). j)   r
x y
2 2

(d) Prove that |v|= ωR = const;

dx  t  dy  t 
vx    R sin t  ; vy   R cos t 
dt dt
v t   vx2  t   y 2y  t   R 2 2  R  const

(e) Prove that a = v2/R = ωR2 =const;

dv x  t  dv y  t 
ax    R 2 sin t  ; ay    R 2 cos t 
dt dt
 a t   ax2  t   a 2y  t   R 2 4  R 2  const

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3.79(E): The carrier Pigeon Problem. Larry is driving east at 40 km/h. His twin brother Harry is driving west at 30 km/ h,
toward Larry in and identical car on the same direction straight road. When they are 42 km apart, Larry sends out a carrier
pigeon, which flies at a constant speed of 50 km/h (all speeds are relative to the earth). The pigeon flies to Harry, becomes
confused and immediately returns, becomes more confused and immediately flies back to Harry. This continues until the twin
meet, at which time the dazed pigeon drops to the ground in exhaustion. Ignoring turnaround time, how far did the pigeon
fly? 50 km/h
Analyze 50 km/h
We first think to calculate each parts of the motion
of pigeon then calculate the sum; Larry Harry
40 km/h 30 km/h
But think out of box – some how: the total distance
= total time * velocity;
42 km
The time it take to let Harry meet Larry:
vL  v H
The total distance the pigeon fly:
50  42
s piegon  vP  t   30  km 
40  30
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3.81(B). An airplane pilot sets a compass course due west and maintains an airspeed of 220 km/h. After flying for 0.500 h,
she finds herself over a town 120 km west and 20 km south of her starting point. (a) Find the wind velocity (magnitude and
direction). (b) If the wind velocity is 40 km/h due south, in what direction should the pilot set her course to travel due west?
Use the same airspeed of 220 km/h.
West/+ x-axis
(a) Relative
r velocity: r r 220 km/h
v plane / ground  v plane / air  vair / ground θ
20 km
Define West – positive x; South – positive y. After 0.5h:
vair/ground =?
x-axis: x 120
vx _ plane / ground  v plane / air  vair / ground cos    240  km / h 
t 0.5
 vair / ground cos  20  km / h  0.5h 120 km
yp 20
v y _ plane/ ground  vair / ground sin     40  km / h  South/+y-axis
t 0.5
 v 402  20 2  44.7  km / h 
air / ground 

 vair / ground sin  40
  arctan v cos 
 arctan
 63.4o The wind velocity
 air / ground
44.7 km/h and of direction 63.4o South of West

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Relative velocity:
r r r
v plane / ground  v plane / air  vair / ground
220 km/h
Assume that the airplane has the direction as in the vplane/air
figure. The plane travels due West when vy_plane/ground=0;
v y _ plane / ground  vair / ground  v plane sin   0
vair/ground =?
West/+ x-axis
vair / ground
 sin  
v plane / air
vair / ground 44.7 South/+y-axis
   arcsin  arcsin  10.3o
v plane / air 220
The direction of the airplane is 10.3o North of West

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3.85. In a World Cup soccer match, Juan is running due north toward the goal with a speed of 8.00 m/s relative to the
ground. A teammate passes the ball to him. The ball has a speed of 12.0 m/s and is moving in a direction of 37.0o east of
north, relative to the ground. What are the magnitude and direction of the ball’s velocity relative to Juan?

• Define North – positive y-axis, East – positive x-axis; North/+y-axis

• Velocity of Juan relative to the ground - Juan is running due north:
vJuan / ground  8.0  m / s 
• Velocity of ball relative to the ground – the ball is moving in a
direction of 37.0o east of north : vball/ground
vball / ground  12.0  m / s 
• Velocity of ball relative to Juan: -vJuan/ground
r r r r r θ
vball / Juan  vball / ground  vground / Juan  vball / ground  vJuan / ground
α vball/Juan
vball / Juan _ x  vball / ground cos  7.22  m / s  v  7.39  m / s 
   ball / Juan o
 vball / Juan _ y  vball / ground sin   vJuan / ground  1.58  m / s    77.6 East/+ x-axis

The ball is moving with velocity of 7.39 m/s and direction of 77.6o
East of North.

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3.50. Spiraling Up. It is common to see birds of prey rising upward on thermals. The paths they take may be spiral-like. You
can model the spiral motion as uniform circular motion combined with a constant upward velocity. Assume a bird completes a
circle of radius 8.00 m every 5.00 s and rises vertically at a rate of 3.00 m/s. Determine: (a) the speed of the bird relative to
the ground; (b) the bird's acceleration (magnitude and direction); and (c) the angle between the bird's velocity vector and the
r r r
(a) vbird / ground  vup  vcircular
vup  2  m / s  vup vtotal
circumference 2 R
vcircular    10  m / s  θ
period T
 vbird / ground  vup
 vcircular
 10.5  m / s 
(b) The acceleration of the bird is the centripetal acceleration in the circular motion;
abird  acentripetal  ac   12.6  m / s 2 
(c) The angle between total velocity vector and horizontal direction is:
  arctan  16.6o




3.77. Cycloid. A particle moves in the xy-plane. Its coordinates are given as functions of time by x(t) = R(ωt - sinωt) and
y(t) = R(1 - cosωt), where R and ω, are constants. (a) Sketch the trajectory of the particle. (This is the trajectory of a point on
the rim of a wheel that is rolling at a constant speed on a horizontal surface. The curve traced out by such a point as it moves
through space is called a cycloid). (b) Determine the velocity components and the acceleration components of the particle at
any time t. (c) At which times is the particle momentarily at rest? What are the coordinates of the particle at these times?
What are the magnitude and direction of the acceleration at these times? (d) Does the magnitude of the acceleration depend
on time? Compare to uniform circular motion.
(a) Sketch the trajectory of the particle
b) Determine the v, a components 2R
 dx  dvx
vx  dt  R 1  cos t   ax  dt  R sin t

x(t) = R(ωt - sinωt)

  y(t) = R(1 - cosωt),
 v  dy  R sin t a  dv y  R 2 cos t
 y
dt  y dt
(c) At which times is the particle momentarily at rest (v = 0) πR 2πR
2 k
v  v v 0
2 2
 2 R   2 R  cos t  0
2 2 2 2  cos t  1 t 
x y 
the coordinates of the particle x(t) = 0, 2R, 4R, … and y(t) = 0.
(d) The magnitude of the acceleration a  a x2  a y2  R 2  const Similar to the uniform circular motion;

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Thank you for your attentions!




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