King Midas' Golden Touch

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When cities first began to prosper, and countries had not yet been formed, there lived an insatiable

king named Midas. His palace walls were covered in the most resplendent jewels, which sparkled in the sunlight once the windows were opened, painting little rainbows all over the golden floors. Other rulers had only a fraction, so they sent tributes out of respect for Midas, fervently hoping that good relations would improve ties and in turn, bring them wealth. As the days passed and King Midas wealth remained stagnant, he sought more wealth and fortune. He failed to notice his little daughter, Marigold, who had hair blonde as the golden sun and cheeks rosy and radiant. One day, as he stared at his ruby-encrusted throne, and emerald-studded crown, he began to feel dissatisfied with himself. How can I be so poor! Look at my table. Its made of silver! O, tis a great shame to be a ruler in such a state. As he pounded his fists on his head in despair, tears pooled in his eyes and he cried out, If only I had more gold! I would trade everything I had, just for the power to make more gold! Just then, a fairy appeared, his cap adorned with diamonds, his shoes made of pure gold. Midas, upon seeing this, gasped in wonderment and awe, and immediately began kissing the fairys feet. Oh, what wonderful golden shoes! If I could have one wish, it would be that everything I touch turns to goldthen I would have an endless supply for all eternity! Are you sure, Midas? Do you not find happiness in all your luxury, with your daughter by your side? What luxury! This, this is squalor here! I should like much more; for gold is the best and the most wonderful thing in the world." "I will grant your wish, but take heed- you will regret this. As soon as the sun arose Midas touched the bed lightly with his hand. It turned to gold, and so did all the other furniture he touched. He pranced around with excitement, touching everything he could see. He finally had a gold table, chair, plates and forks! At last, with everything in the room made of gold, he picked up a glass of water to drink. But not a drop of water could pass his lips. The water, food, everything turned to gold. All was gold, gold, gold. His little daughter came running in from the garden. Of all living creatures she was the dearest to him. He hugged her and she turned to a golden statue. In great shock and fear, Midas trembled and fell to the ground in sorrow. Calling out for the fairy, he cried bitterly. "O fairy, take away this horrible golden gift! Take all my lands. Take all my gold. Take everything, only give me back my little daughter."In a moment the beautiful fairy stood before him. "Are you sure that you no longer wish the golden touch?" asked the fairy."I have learned my lesson," said the King. "I no longer think gold the greatest thing in the world." "Very well," said the fairy, "I will turn everything back to the way it used to be. In an instant, his little daughter bounded up to him, looking somewhat puzzled at his dishevelled appearance and asking why he was crying.

These are tears of joy! he proclaimed, with red-rimmed eyes. Then he and his little daughter sat down to breakfast. How good the cold water tasted! How eagerly he ate the bread and butter, meat, and all the good food! From then on, Midas became known as the most generous King in all the lands, sharing his wealth with others who needed it.

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