Dynamic Analysis of Piezoelectric Transducers Using Finite Element Method

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

Dynamic Analysis Of Piezoelectric Transducers Using Finite Element

Dr. V. CHITTI BABU, Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering
GMRIT, RAJAM, Srikakulam,AP


Sri P. Govinda Rao Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering

GMRIT, RAJAM, Srikakulam,AP

Abstract electrostriction the strain is an even function of the

applied voltage.
Piezoelectric transducers have been
extensively applied over the last decade to diverse Piezoelectric transducers have been
areas such as band-pass filters and high–energy extensively applied over the last decade to diverse
ultrasonic devices. They are typically utilized for area such as band-pass filters and high–energy
generating an acoustic pulse proportional to the ultrasonic devices. They are typically utilized for
input external loading and detecting the same and generating an acoustic pulse proportional to the
converting it in to electric signal. Other application input external loading and detecting the same and
of piezoelectric are in loudspeaker, microphone,
converting it in to electric signal. Different other
phonograph, wrist watches, oscillator, resonator, application of piezoelectric are in loudspeaker,
transducer etc. Piezoelectric crystals are widely microphone, phonograph, wrist watches, oscillator,
used in aerospace industry, automobile industry producing very selective filter circuit, resonator,

and geological instruments as sensors and transducer etc. Piezoelectric crystals are widely
actuators. In the current engineering world used in aerospace industry, automobile industry
automation is an integral part of the machines, and geological instruments as sensors and
processes, automobiles etc. In automation we need actuators.
sensors and actuators. Piezoelectric material is
widely used for the same purpose. Various type of A lot of work has been done in the field of
analysis can be done by Finite Element Modelling finite element modelling of piezoelectric transducer
of Piezoelectric Transducer e.g. Calculation of on different type of uses. A.V. Belokon et al [1]
Eigen values, mode shapes, electrical output on proposed new scheme which develops the
application of strain and vice versa. technique for the finite element analysis to take
account of attenuation in piezoelectric media.
K.Y.Sze, Y.S.pan [4] employed hybrid variational
1. Introduction principles for finite element formulation of
The word piezoelectricity literally means piezoelectric transducer. F.Cote et al [6] validates
„pressure electricity‟; the prefix piezo is derived both theoretically and experimentally the
from the Greek word piezein which means “to implementation of a multilayered three-
press”. Piezoelectricity is the property of a crystal dimensional model based on the analogy between
by which electric polarization is produced by thermal strains and piezoelectric strains.
mechanical strain in crystal and conversely
production of strain on application of voltage. The Application of piezoelectric crystals can be
electric polarization produced is proportional to the divided in to two categories e.g. sensors and
applied strain and changing direction with it. actuators. In the following work, main emphasis is
Piezoelectricity is different from electrostriction, given to the analysis of piezoelectric crystals as
another effect which causes a solid dielectric to sensors. An analysis of transducers have also been
change shape on application of a voltage. In given for dynamic loading, which includes the
piezoelectricity, a reversal of voltage reverses the analysis of simple cantilever beam made of
sign of the resulting strain whereas for piezoelectric crystal, analysis of shell made of
piezoelectric material with ends of brass, analysis
of cantilever beam with piezoelectric strip as

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

transducer, and analysis of proving ring with where i,j,k and l take the values 1,2 and 3, and p,q
piezoelectric strips as sensors. The above analysis take the values 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.
has been done for dynamic loading considering the So cijkl  c pq
sinusoidal load as dynamic load. Other than the
above work, a separate work is presented to eikl  eip
understand the dependency of piezoelectric
response on working temperature.
 ij  Tij  T p   p
2. Theoretical concept about Piezoelectric 3. Piezoelectric Analysis
The piezoelectric effect is the coupling of stress
“Piezoelectricity is electric polarization and electrical field in a material: an electrical field
produced by mechanical strain in crystals causes the material to strain, and vice versa.
belonging to certain classes, the polarization being ANSYS/Standard has the capability to perform
proportional to the strain and changing direction fully coupled piezoelectric analysis. The elements
with it.” The production of an electric polarization that are used in this case contain both displacement
by mechanically inducing a strain in a crystal is degrees of freedom and the electric potential as
called the direct piezoelectric effect. The converse nodal variables.
effect, whereby a mechanical strain is produced in 3.1 Equilibrium and Flux Conservation
a crystal by a polarizing electric field, also exists. The piezoelectric effect is governed by coupled
All the crystalline materials are anisotropic and mechanical equilibrium and electric flux
do not have the same properties in all the directions conservation equations.
as do the isotropic material. Crystals can be divided The mechanical equilibrium equation is
into 32 classes on the basis of symmetry they V  : dV  S t.udS  V f .udV
possess and, of these 32 classes , only 20 possess
the property of piezoelectricity and 12 do not
is the “true” (Cauchy) stress at a point currently
because these 12 classes of crystals have the centre
at x;
of symmetry where as a crystal possessing the
t is the traction across a point of the surface of the
centre of symmetry can not be piezoelectric
because no combination of uniform stresses will
f is the body force per unit volume in the body
produce a separation of the centres of gravity of
u is an arbitrary, continuous vector field (the
+ve and –ve charges and produce an induced dipole

virtual velocity field).

moment which is necessary for the polarization by
The electrical flux conservation equation is
stresses. Most unsymmetrical type of system is the
triclinic system, all three of whose crystallographic V q.EdV  S qS .dS  V qV dV
axis makes oblique angles, and the length of the where is the electric flux vector;
unit cells on the three-axis is unequal. Such a qs is the electric flux per unit area entering the
material will have 21 elastic constants, 18 body at a point on its surface;
piezoelectric constants, 6 dielectric constants. A qV is the electric flux entering the body per unit
most symmetric crystal (cubic crystal) has 3 elastic volume;
constants, 1 piezoelectric and 1 dielectric constants.  is an arbitrary, continuous, scalar field (the
Thus on the basis of symmetry the piezoelectric virtual potential).
crystals are classified in different classes. The electric flux vector q is known as the electrical
According to the linear theory of displacement, and the potential gradient E is known
piezoelectricity, the constitutive equations that as the electrical field.
couples the deformation and electric field in the
piezoelectric plate are given by-
 ij  cijkl S kl  ekij Ek Constitutive Behavior: Material Coupling
Currently the assumption of linear materials is
Di  eikl S kl   ik Ek utilized. The basic equations for a piezoelectric
Where- cijkl = stiffness coefficient linear medium are defined in the following. Mainly
ekij = piezoelectric constants three alternative forms of the constitutive equations
εik = dielectric constants are presented as e-form, d-form, and g-form.
In order to determine the solution of In ANSYS the constitutive equations in the e-
piezoelectric vibration problem, we will have to form are used:
know array of material coefficients for the  ij  Dijkl
 kl  emkl Em
particular symmetry of the material. Here we are
considering the compressed matrix notation that and
turns out to be more useful then the extended tensor

qi  eijl  jk  Dij   E j
notation. When discussing symmetry. The matrix
notation consist of replacing ij and kl by p or q

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

These are expressed in terms of the KMN

 V BM : D : BN dV is the dielectric

piezoelectric stress coefficient matrix emkl . “stiffness” matrix,
KMNu  V B .e : Bu dV
M N is the piezoelectric
However, ANSYS also allows the input of
piezoelectric constants in terms of the piezoelectric coupling matrix,
 is the
strain coefficient matrix d mkl . PM  V N M .Pv dV  S N M .Ps dS  PcM
The constitutive equations in the -form can mechanical force vector,
also be expressed as and
 ij  Dijkl
 kl  Dijkl
g mkl qm Q M  V N M .Qv dV  S N M .Qs dS  QcM is the
and electrical charge vector.
       In these expressions the constitutive properties are
qi  Dim g mjk  jk  Dij Ej specified in a matrix form where is the
These equations can be convenient in mechanical relationship, is the electrical
interpreting and verifying the results of relationship, and e is the piezoelectrical
piezoelectric analyses. relationship.
3.2Kinematics 3.4 Specifying Piezoelectric Material Properties
For the piezoelectric elements both displacements A piezoelectric material responds to an electric
and electric potentials exist at the nodal locations. potential gradient by straining, while stress causes
The displacements and electrical potentials are an electric potential gradient in the material. This
approximated within the element as coupling between electric potential gradient and
u  N NuN strain is the material's piezoelectric property. The
and material will also have a dielectric property so that
 =NNN an electrical charge exists when the material has a
where NN is the array of interpolating functions potential gradient. Piezoelectric material behavior
and uN and N are nodal quantities. The body is discussed in the mechanical properties of the
forces and charges as well as the surface forces and material must be modeled by linear elasticity. The
mechanical behavior can be defined by
charges are interpolated in a similar manner.

The strains and electrical potential gradients are  ij  Dijkl
 kl  emij Em in terms of the
given as

  BuN u N piezoelectric stress coefficient matrix, emij ,

and and,
E   BN  N
 ij  Dijkl
 
 kl  d mkl Em  in terms of the
where B N
and B are the spatial derivatives of 
piezoelectric strain coefficient matrix, d mkl . The
N .In geometrically nonlinear analyses these
spatial derivatives are defined in the current electrical behavior is defined by

qi  eijk  jk  Dij   E j
3.3 System Equations
With these approximate fields and the ij is the mechanical stress tensor;
constitutive properties given above, in conjunction ij is the strain tensor;
with the equilibrium and conservation equations, qi is the electric “displacement” vector;
E is the material's elastic stiffness matrix
the following system of equations is derived in Dijkl
terms of nodal quantities: defined at zero electrical potential gradient (short
M MN uN  Kuu u  KMN u  P
circuit condition);
and 
eijk is the material's piezoelectric stress
u u  K   Q
coefficient matrix,

where d mkl is the material's piezoelectric strain
M MN  V N M .N N dV coefficient matrix.
is the mass matrix (no inertia terms exist for the  is the electrical potential;
electrical flux conservation equation), Dij   is the material's dielectric property,
ρ is the mass density,
Ei is the electrical potential gradient vector,
K uu  V BuM : Dm : BuN dV is the displacement
stiffness matrix,   / xi .

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

3.5 Electrical Output of Piezoelectric

In the analysis we are more interested in the You specify the single value D   for the

D   must be determined for

electrical output. The electrical response of a
piezoelectric material is assumed to be made up of dielectric constant.
piezoelectric and dielectric effects
a constrained material. Isotropic behavior is the
a qi  e  jk  Dij   E j a default.
where For orthotropic behavior you must specify three

φ- the electrical potential, values in the dielectric matrix( e11 , e22 
and e33 ).
qi - the component of the electric flux vector (also
For fully anisotropic behavior you must specify six
known as the electric displacement) in the ith
material direction, values in the dielectric matrix
    
eijk - the piezoelectric stress coupling, ( e12 , e22 , e22 , e13 , e23 and

e33 ).
εij - a small-strain component,
Dij - the material's dielectric matrix for a fully
4. Modelling and Analysis
4.1 Finite element modelling of cantilever beam
constrained material, and
Ei - the gradient of the electrical potential along the made of piezoelectric material PZT- 4 and
ith material direction,   / xi . determination of eigenvalues and corresponding
mode shapes.
3.6 Specifying Piezoelectric Material Properties
To start with the piezoelectric transducer, first
The piezoelectric material properties can be take the simplest case i.e. a cantilever beam having

defined by giving the stress coefficients, emij (this piezoelectric material. To understand the nature of
is the default), or by giving the strain piezoelectric as a single material this condition has

coefficients, d mkl . In either case, 18 components been taken. To start the analysis we divide the real
must be given in the following order (substitute d structures in three parts , beam, plate and shell.

for e for strain coefficients):

      Model of the first analysis has been prepared as
e111 e122 e133 e112 e113 e123
e211 e222 e233 e212 e213 e223
shown in Fig 4.1.
     
e311 e322 e333 e312 e313 e323
The first index on these coefficients refers to the
component of electric displacement (sometimes
called the electric flux), while the last pair of
indices refers to the component of mechanical
stress or strain. Fig 4.1. Model of simple beam made of
Thus, the piezoelectric components causing
electrical displacement in the 1-direction are all piezoelectric (PZT-4)
given first, then those causing electrical
displacement in the 2-direction, and then those
causing electrical displacement in the 3-direction. In the above problem the material used is PZT-4.
(Some references list these coupling terms in a The main purpose of the analysis is to learn about
different order.)
The dielectric matrix can be isotropic, the proper modeling of the piezoelectric material
orthotropic, or fully anisotropic. For non-isotropic structures. Generally for a simple material we are
dielectric materials a local orientation for the
material directions must be specified having only 6 degree of freedoms but for the
  
The dielectric matrix Dij can be fully material like piezoelectric we have one more
isotropic, so that degree of freedom which is directly related to the
     
Dij D  ij electrical properties of the piezoelectric material. In
stead of the eigen values and corresponding mode

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

shapes , analysis of electric potential at points 4.2 Finite element modeling of cylindrical shell
1,2,3,4( fig4.1.1 ) is also done. made of PZT-4 and having end cover of Brass
Element Type and determination of eigenvalues and mode
CPE4E – A 4 node bilinear plain strain shapes
piezoelectric quadrilateral. The idea behind the solving such situation was
.Material to have a good understanding about the assembly of
PZT -4 piezoelectric with the other materials. Also to
Boundary condition understand the effect of the piezoelectric material
Surface 1-4 is rigidly fixed i.e. U1= U2=UR3=0 while it is in the combination of other material.
Total no of elements- 306 The modeling of this type of shell is done by
Total no of nodes- 419 taking 2-D asymmetric element. The upper half of
the diagram as shown in following figure is
constructed. And then analysis is done

Fig 4.2 Meshed Cantilever made of Piezoelectric

Results and discussion
Other then the eigen values and the mode
shapes, the voltage output of the beam is also
calculated at different points. This output is shown
in table 4.1 Fig- 4.4 Model of piezoelectric shell with Brass
Electrical potential output

end cap
Frequency EPOT EPOT EPOT EPOT Considering the following;-
(cycle/time) -1 -2 -3 -4 Element type
1031.9 -8.838 -8.846 -8.846 -8.854
6259 5.056 5.003 5.003 4.949
16515 -0.405 -0.561 -0.561 -0.716 CAX4R: A 4 node bilinear axisymmetric
20726 35.7 38.68 38.68 35.7 quadrilateral
29990 -4.829 -4.522 -4.522 -4.215 Total no of elements- 600
45594 -22.48 -22.98 -22.98 -23.48
Total no of nodes- 656
62059 33.65 36.59 36.59 3.65
Table 4.1 Electrical potential at point 1,2,3,4 with CAX8RE: An 8 node biquadratic axisymmetric
piezoelectric quadrilateral
Frequency vs Electric Potential
Total no of elements- 600
Total no of nodes- 1941

-10 0 20000 40000 60000 80000

Fig 4.3 Graphical representation of frequency vs.

electric potential on the basis of data given
Fig: 4.5 The mesh representing the shell element
in axisymmetric Form

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

Boundary Condition beam we attach a piezoelectric element (PZT-4) as

At axis of symmetry no displacement in radial
shown in figure with the TIE option The cantilever
At plane of symmetry no displacement in vertical beam is kept at zero potential difference. A
periodic load is applied on the right most corner
Result and discussion
with different frequencies.
Mode shapes

(a)Mode-1(19347cycle/sec) Fig 4.7 Model of beam with piezoelectric element.

(b) Mode -2 (42564 cycles/sec) Material
Piezoelectric Element - PZT-4
CPS4R – A 4 node bilinear plane stress
Total no of elements- 322
(c) Mode -3 (60009 cycles/sec)
Total no of nodes – 504
(d) Mode -4 (66174 cycles/sec)
CPS4E - A 4 node bilinear plane stress
piezoelectric quadrilateral.
Total no of elements- 80
Total no of nodes-105
(e)Mode -5 (90844 cycles/sec) Boundary condition
Rigidly fixed i.e. U1= U2=UR3=0
(f) Mode -6 (97955 cycles/sec)

Fig 4.6
Mode shapes of the model for first 6 eigen values Fig: 4.8 Meshed structures of Beam and

Electric potential output Transducer

In this problem the electrical potential is calculated Result and Discussion

at the plane of symmetry of the shell. Following is the table of the electrical output with
Sr. Frequency Electric respect to the natural frequency of the system .
N0. (cycles/sec) potential Frequency EPOT Frequency EPOT
1 19347 2.958 671.1 19.01 6040 22.36
2 45564 -7.174 1342 69.18 6711 7.918
3 60009 4.531 2013 17.22 7383 9.147
4 66174 -2.606 2685 18.74 8054 1.076
5 90844 -4.034 3356 20.73 8725 0.432
6 97955 -9.35 4698 76.94 9396 10.22
7 118651 -6.565 5369 3.262
Table 4.2 Electrical potential at plane of Table 4.3. Frequency Vs Electric Potential in
symmetry with frequencies. Piezoelectric Element.
4.3Finite element modelling of cantilever beam Frequency vs Electric potential

with piezoelectric transducer PZT-4 and 100

Electric Potential


determination of its response under sinusoidal 60

loading. 20

To solve this problem we consider a 2-D planer 0

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

cantilever beam fixed at one end. In this cantilever

Fig: 4.9 Frequency Vs output voltage

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

4.4 Finite element modelling of proving ring

with piezoelectric layers as a sensor and
dynamic analysis under sinusoidal loading
with the variation in frequency with constant
load and with the variation of load under
constant frequency.
Fig 4.12 Piezoelectric Strips
Proving ring is a device which is used
to calibrate the instruments which apply 4.4.1 Static Analysis
the static loading eg. Universal Testing
Machine etc. The following model is After the modeling of the transducer , the
presented with an expectation that the first part of the analysis is static analysis. In
same ring can be used to calibrate the the part of static analysis , the analysis is done
instruments involving the dynamic loading by applying the static load on the top point in
if we use the piezoelectric strips as a the downward direction. The range of load
applied is 20N to 500 N. The result of the
sensor. static analysis is shown in the Table 4.5
The modeling of proning ring has been
done as follows. It contains five parts, one is
the ring made of stainless steel and rest of the S. No. Load Max. Strain Plastic Strain

four parts are made of piezoelectric material

1 20 6.937 x 10-12 0
PZT-4. The steel ring is the main body and the
rest of the four parts are made as integral part 2 40 1.137 x 10-11 0

of the main ring with TIE option. The -11

3 60 2.081 x 10 0
construction is as thefollowing diagram.
4 80 2.775 x 10-11 0
5 100 3.469 x 10-11 0

6 150 5.203 x 10 0

7 200 6.937 x 10-11 0

Fig 4.10 Model of Proving Ring with
Piezoelectric Strip 8 250 8.672 x 10-11 0

9 300 1.041 x 10 0
Now each part will be described
individually. The first part is the ring made of 10 350 1.214 x 10-10 0
stainless steel as shown in the following figure.
11 400 1.387 x 10-10 0
The steel ring is modeled as followed-
Inner Diameter – 175mm 12 450 1.561 x 10-10 0
Outer Diameter – 185mm
No. of elements – 70 13 500 1.734 x 10-10 0

No. of nodes - 350

Element type – CPS8R Table 4.5 Result of Static Analysis

After going through the result of the above

table, we see that the proving ring is safe for a load
of 500N . Though the dynamic analysis is done for
a small loads but static analysis shows that the ring
is safe for the load of 500N. It may be safe for the
higher load also but as per our current requirement
the testing up to 500N is enough. Also we see that
Fig 4.11 Ring made of Stainless steel there is no plastic strain developed in the ring so
our working limit is the elastic region only. So the
Other four part are made of piezoelectric conclusion of the static analysis is that we can use
material PZT-4.All the four strips are having this ring for dynamic analysis to see the effect of
thickness of 1mm. All the strips are modeled various type of loading.
as follows
No. of elements – 40 4.4.2 Dynamic Analysis
No. of nodes - 203 Before going to the dynamic analysis of the
Element type – CPS8RE proving ring with piezoelectric layers , the natural

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

frequencies of the model has been calculated by Load 15N Frequency 100 cycles/sec
using the step frequency and then model dynamics.
After the calculation of natural frequencies of the
system , the analysis has been divided in two

a) The analysis under the variation of load

keeping the frequency constant.
b) The analysis under the constant load with the
variation of frequency.
After the analysis the result are collected in Inner Layer Outer Layer
graphical and numerical form and presented.
Fig 4.15 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 15N, 100
Accordingly this analysis gives us the idea that a cycles/sec)
proving ring can also be used in calibration of
equipments which apply dynamic loading. Load 20N Frequency 100 cycles/sec

a) The analysis under the variation of load

keeping the frequency constant.
In this part of the analysis the analysis is done
by keeping the frequency of loading constant at 100
cycles /second. The analysis time is 0.1 second.
The output was calculated in the form of Electric
flux at the outermost and inner most surfaces of the
piezoelectric strips. The load is varied from 5N to
Inner Layer Outer Layer
65 N in various steps. Following are the graphical
results of the output with respect to the time. Fig 4.16 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 20N, 100
Load 5N Frequency 100 cycles/sec
Load 25N Frequency 100 cycles/sec

Inner Layer Outer Layer

Fig 4.13 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 5N, 100 Inner Layer Outer Layer
Fig 4.17 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 25N, 100
Load 10N Frequency 100 cycles/sec
Load 30N Frequency 100 cycles/sec

Inner Layer Outer Layer

Fig:4.14 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 10N, 100 Inner Layer Outer Layer
Fig 4.18 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 30N, 100

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

Load 35N Frequency 100 cycles/sec Load 55N Frequency 100 cycles/sec

Inner Layer Outer Layer

Inner Layer Outer Layer
Fig 4.22 Electric Flux Generated with time for (
Fig 4.19 Electric Flux Generated with time for ( 35N, 100 55N, 100 cycles/sec)
Load 60N Frequency 100 cycles/sec
Load 40N Frequency 100 cycles/sec

Inner Layer Outer Layer

Fig 4.23 Electric Flux Generated with time for (

Inner Layer Outer Layer 60N, 100 cycles/sec)
Fig 4.20 Electric Flux Generated with time for Load 65N Frequency 100 cycles/sec
( 40N, 100 cycles/sec)

Load 45N Frequency 100 cycles/sec


Inner Layer Outer Layer

Inner Layer Outer Layer
Fig 4.24 Electric Flux Generated with time for (
Load 50N Frequency 100 cycles/sec 65N, 100 cycles/sec)

After seeing the above result , and analyzing

minutely, we find that the output we are getting is
in the form of sinusoidal curves, we also find that
on increasing the load the output flux value is
increasing but the response is almost the same
wave form . It implies that on increasing the load
the out put flux value is affected not the type of out
Inner Layer Outer Layer put. The numerical data related to electric flux
range with the variation in loading is given in the
Fig 4.21 Electric Flux Generated with time for Table 4.6
45N, 100 cycles/sec, 50N, 100cycles/sec.

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ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

S. Load Frequency Range of Electric Flux

No (N)
electrical response on the application of mechanical
(cycles/sec Inner Layer Outer Layer loading. On the basis of the result of the following-
ond) In the section 4.1, the analysis of cantilever
1 5 100 -15 x 10-12 --- 15 x 10- -15 x 10-12 --- 20 x 10-12
beam made of only piezoelectric material is done.
The study shows that such a beam can be used as a
2 10 100 -0.04x 10-9 --- 0.02 -0.02x 10-9 --- 0.04 x10-9
transducer for the dynamic loading. Natural
x10-9 frequency of the system is also an important part so
that we can avoid the loading frequency with the
3 15 100 -0.05x 10-9 --- 0.04 -0.04x 10-9 --- 0.06 x10-9
x10-9 natural frequency.
In section 4.2, analysis of a shell made of PZT-
4 20 100 -0.06x 10-9 --- 0.05 -0.05x 10-9 --- 0.07 x10-9
x10-9 4 with the brass cap is done. In which mode shape
has been drawn and also the electrical response has
5 25 100 -0.10x 10-9 --- 0.06 -0.06x 10-9 --- 0.10 x10-9 been calculated. The same model has been tested
for dynamic loading for a frequency of 250
6 30 100 -0.12x 10-9 --- 0.07 -0.28x 10-9 --- 0.16 x10-9 cycles/sec and for a loading of 20N to 200 N. In
which we find that electrical flux output is
7 35 100 -0.13x 10-9 --- 0.08 -0.30x 10-9 --- 0.20 x10-9 continuously increasing with increment of load.
Thus we can say that such a transducer can be used
8 40 100 -0.15x 10-9 --- 0.10 -0.35x 10-9 --- 0.25 x10-9 as dynamic loading.
In section 4.3 analysis of a cantilever beam with
9 45 100 -0.16x 10-9 --- 0.11 -0.40x 10-9 --- 0.25 x10-9 a piezoelectric strip as a transducer is done. It is
x10-9 analyzed at a frequency of 250 cycles/ second and a
10 50 100 -0.18x 10-9 --- 0.12 -0.42x 10-9 --- 0.27 x10-9
load from 10N to 120N. We observe that with the
x10-9 increase in load the variation in electrical flux
output is linear as shown in figure 4.22. Also we
11 55 100 -0.20x 10-9 --- 0.15 -0.50x 10-9 --- 0.30 x10-9
x10-9 can understand that in stead of a complete beam of
piezoelectric material, we can use a small strip of
12 60 100 -0.23x 10-9 --- 0.16 -0.55x 10-9 --- 0.35 x10-9
x10-9 piezoelectric as transducer in big structures to
analyze dynamic loading.
13 65 100 -0.25x 10-9 --- 0.20 -0.60x 10-9 --- 0.40 x10-9
In section 4.4 the analysis of proving ring with
piezoelectric strip by varying load and frequency is

done. When we vary the load, we find that there is

regular increment in electrical flux output while the
Table 4.6 : Electric Flux Range for Load Variation frequency remains constant. and when the load is
at Constant Frequency constant at 5N and frequency varied from 1000
cycles/sec to 15000cycles/sec then we find there is
EFLX on Inner Layer with Load Variation no change in the electrical flux output value even
though the frequency changes. Hence by using such
transducers we can get the magnitude as well as
Electric Flux


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
frequency of the dynamic load with proper

calibration. The effect of temperature has been
-3.00E-10 observed by which we can say that temperature has
a good impact on the response of piezoelectric
transducer. In the studies as mentioned above, the
Fig 4.25 Flux on Inner layer with load variation main emphasis is given to the sensor. Piezoelectric
behave as sensors when it gives electrical response
EFLX On Outer Layer with Load Variation
on the application of mechanical loading. After
4.00E-10 completing the above studies, we can now conclude
that a piezoelectric sensor can be modeled
Electric Flux

-2.00E-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
successfully by finite element method even without
-6.00E-10 any experimentation. After the detailed study of the
Load,N work is done, we find that the electrical response of
any sensor made of piezoelectric is dependent on
Fig 4.26 Flux on Outer layer with load the following factors –
 Loading condition i.e. what type of
loading is there, loading frequency and
magnitude of load.
In the studies as described in earlier sections,  Temperature of the work environment.
the main emphasis is given to the sensor.  Natural frequency of the system.
Piezoelectric behave as sensors when it gives

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
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Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

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