Homework Combinational Logic Design

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CPSC 150: Homework - Combinational Logic Circuit Design

Due: As indicated by the Submission Link

Total Marks: 10
This assignment is to be done INDIVIDUALLY
Submitting Your Assignment:
You should solve the problems below SHOWING ALL WORK and write
your answers here. You may paste images created with another software or by
hand. However, hand drawn images must be made very clear and visible
otherwise that question will result in a zero. Once complete please submit your
answers through the submission link.
Copying another student’s work will result in a 0 for ALL HOMEWORKS for
both students regardless of who copied whose. Academic alert may follow!

1. [5 points] Design a combinational circuit whose input is a 5-bit number and whose output is the
number of ones in the input. For example, the 5-bit number 10010 base-2 has two ones.
Maximum number of ones in the input is five and minimum is zero.

Complete tasks P, Q, and R (see below) for this exercise.

2. [5 points] Suppose that a combinational circuit is to be designed to control the Low-Fuel

Indicator (LFI) light of a car.
If the car’s fuel levels are too low the LFI turns on, otherwise the LFI stays off.

The car’s fuel tank has a sensor attached to it that outputs the amount of fuel in the tank as a 4-
bit number. So if the sensor’s output is 0000 base-2 it means there are 0 base-10 liters of fuel in
the tank, if the sensor’s output is 1100 base-2 then it means there are 12 base-10 liters of fuel in
the tank. The amount of fuel in the tank is always measured in liters and always an integer
number i.e. minimum amount of fuel in the tank would be 0 base-10 liters and maximum
amount of fuel in the tank would be 15 base-10 liters and all integers in between 0 and 15 could
be the amount of fuel left in the tank.

LFI turns on if fuel level in the tank of the car is below 5 base-10 liters, otherwise the LFI stays

Complete tasks P, Q, and R (see below) for this exercise.

P. Formulation
a. Design the truth table
b. Convert the truth table into a Boolean expression in standard sum of product form
c. Measure the cost of your circuit by analyzing the Boolean expression and writing down
the following costs
i. Literal cost
ii. Gate-input cost
iii. Not gate cost
iv. total

Q. Optimization
a. For each output bit of your truth table
i. form an appropriate KMap with the correct minterms containing ones
ii. Optimize the KMap in SOP form
1. Highlight essential prime implicants, non-essential prime implicants
iii. Write the final Boolean expression in SOP form
iv. Measure the cost of your circuit by analyzing the optimized Boolean expression
and writing down the following costs
1. Literal cost
2. Gate-input cost
3. Not gate cost
4. Total

R. Technology Mapping
a. Please check document on Canvas -> Modules -> Resources titled
CircuitDesignSoftware.docx for software you may want to use to design your circuit
b. For each of the optimized Boolean expressions from previous step
i. Draw the circuit using AND, OR, and NOT gates. You should use software such as
LogicWorks or Logisim to draw the circuit as this software will be useful in the
next task.
1. Take a snapshot of your circuit and paste inside this document
ii. Redraw the circuit using only NOR gates. You should use software such as
LogicWorks or Logisim to draw the circuit as this software will be useful in the
next task.
1. Take a snapshot of your circuit and paste inside this document

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