08 - Chapter 4

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The speed control of the ceiling fans, is an inevitable requirement as the comfort needs of

the consumer change with a slight variation of weather, individual health conditions and am-

bient air circulation requirements. The fixed speed ceiling fans may lead to discomfort rather

than comfort in frequent seasonal variations. The ceiling fan motor is low power and low cost

appliance. Thus, a simple, cheap, and energy-efficient speed control method is required. The

speed control in case of the single-phase induction motor (SPIM) fans is achieved using the

voltage control, which reduces the flux in the motor and the torque versus speed character-

istics of the motor are controlled, resulting in the new operating point of the ceiling fan at a

lower speed. However, the speed can also be reduced by reducing the voltage and frequency

simultaneously and keeping the flux in the motor constant, the method is economically not

viable for a product like ceiling fan. Most permanent magnet ceiling fan motors use such

a speed control strategy and are quite expensive owing to power converter circuit and their

control. In this chapter, the different types of speed control methods of SPIM ceiling fans are

analyzed. Their experimental performance is analyzed and validated from co-simulation with

FEA. Their impact on the performance of the ceiling fan and supply is analyzed in detail.


The basic requirements of a speed controller for a ceiling fan are as follows.

• It should be extremely cheap (less than 5% of the cost of fan itself).

• It should be easy to manufacture and source the raw materials.

• It should be reliable.

Fig. 4.1 Resistive speed controller for ceiling fan

• It should be compact and footprint of the control mechanism should be small.

The scope of this analysis is limited to just the voltage control methods as the ceiling fan

cost should stay as low as possible. The voltage reduction for a SPIM can be achieved by a

series resistor with SPIM as shown in Fig. 4.1. This type of controller is extremely cheap and

very simple to manufacture. However, it dissipates heat across the resistance all the time, and

the overall power consumption of the fan remain close to the rated power even at the lower

output power. Thus, it is not a very energy-efficient method of controlling speed. The speed

of the motor can be controlled in discrete steps only. Moreover, the space requirement for

such controllers is quite large and takes close to 30-35% footprint of the switchboard itself.

Power electronic switches can block the part of input voltage during a cycle and trim

a certain portion of the voltage waveform. Two back-to-back thyristors or TRIAC based

voltage controllers have been in existence for speed control of ceiling fans as shown in Fig.

4.2. The TRIAC controller chops the initial part of the AC voltage in both positive and

negative cycles, thereby reducing the rms voltage across the ceiling fan and hence reducing

its speed. However, the chopping of the voltage waveform disturbs the sinusoidal waveshape

of the ceiling fan input voltage, and it becomes a combination of harmonics rather than the

pure sinusoidal voltage of a fundamental frequency of reduced magnitude. The conduction

losses of the TRIAC are quite minimal as the ceiling fan currents are less than a quarter of

Fig. 4.2 TRIAC based speed controller for ceiling fan

an Ampere. The losses are ON state TRIAC voltage times the supply current. The supply

power factor of the AC input deteriorates with TRIAC controllers. Moreover, as the motor

itself contains lower order spatial harmonics in airgap flux density, the harmonic voltages

interact with these spatial harmonics and lead to a deteriorated performance of the motor with

TRIAC controller. The voltage reduction can also be done by introducing a capacitor in series

with the ceiling fan as shown in Fig. 4.3, which reduces the voltage across the ceiling fan

and thus, reduces the speed. The benefit of a capacitive voltage controller is that the voltage

available to the ceiling fan is sinusoidal in nature and contains no harmonic voltages, which

interfere with the harmonic magnetic fields in the SPIM. The overall cost of the controller is

quite cheap as well as the footprint of the controller is also small. However, the use of this

controller makes the circuit capacitive and the supply current becomes leading in phase with

supply voltage. The power factor of the AC mains again deteriorates, however, as compared

to the TRIAC based controller, the load provides the reactive power instead of consuming the

reactive power from the supply.



All the three speed controllers discussed above are cheap, can be indigenously manufac-

tured and provide speed control easily. However, their actual performance and impact on the

Fig. 4.3 Capacitive speed controller for ceiling fan

energy-efficient ceiling fan motor have to be tested and analyzed experimentally and using the

FEA simulation. The motor performance parameters such as the magnitude of output torque

and torque ripple can be identified from the FEA analysis. Apart from the mechanical pa-

rameters, the internal flux density in the airgap, across teeth and other steel parts of the motor

can be obtained, which is not directly available using electrical measurements. Since, the re-

sistive speed controller introduces a resistance in series with the motor and drops the voltage

across the fan, the performance of the motor can easily be verified from transient FEA with

series resistance. Similarly, the capacitive speed controller reduces voltage across the fan by

adding a series, thus the same can be modeled in transient FEA by connecting a capacitor

with FEA model in the simulation. However, the TRIAC based speed controller blocks a part

of the input voltage for the fan in both positive and negative cycles, hence, the FEA model

needs to be simulated in synchronization with the circuit simulator. For such controller, tran-

sient FEA model in ANSYS Maxwell is simulated along with ANSYS Simplorer, which is a

circuit simulation tool. Fig. 4.4 shows the model of ANSYS Maxwell and Simplorer based

co-simulation of ceiling fan with different speed controllers. The transient electromagnetic

FEA model in series with the TRIAC switch model is fed with an AC voltage source in the

figure. The firing angle of the TRIAC can be changed with the pulse signal shown. The time

step of the circuit simulation is kept variable for faster convergence. The minimum time step

is 0.2 ms and the maximum time step is kept 1 ms. During the time, TRIAC is switching, the

circuit is simulated at a minimum time step. For the rest of the AC voltage cycle, the circuit

is simulated at maximum time step. The time step of the FEA model is kept at 0.2 ms similar

to the simulation in the previous chapter.


Two ceiling fans with 16 poles and 14 poles are experimentally tested with all the three

types of speed controllers discussed in the previous section. The specifications of the ceiling

fans are the same as discussed in chapter 3. The series resistances of the five speed resistive

speed controller are 0 Ω, 121 Ω, 208 Ω, 311 Ω, and 471 Ω. The TRIAC based speed

controller comprises of a TRIAC rated for 230 V and its firing circuit with a potentiometric

divider for smooth firing angle control. The capacitive speed controller comprises of two

RC networks. The capacitors are rated for 2.2 µF and 3.3 µF, while the parallel resistance is

rated for 220 kΩ. A resistor of 2.2 Ω is connected in each RC combination. The two lower

voltages are obtained by connecting the each RC network in series with the ceiling fan, while

the third voltage, which is higher is obtained by connecting both the RC networks in parallel

and the combination in series with the ceiling fan. The FEA models of both the ceiling fans

are used for obtaining the performance and the same is validated using the experimental test

results. The motor current and input voltage are sensed and fed into Yokogawa WT1800

power analyzer for measurement of motor input power and its quality. While the supply

current and supply voltage are fed used to analyze the power intake from the supply.

4.4.1 Performance Analysis of Resistive Based Controller For Ceiling Fan

The resistive speed controller is connected in series with the ceiling fan and the measure-

ments are taken at the motor input as well as supply side. The simulations are carried out

using the same series resistance with the motor in Simplorer and Maxwell. The test results,



Fig. 4.4 Simplorer based co-simulation of the ceiling fan SPIM with speed controller (a) Resistive Controller,
(b) Capacitive Controller, (c) TRIAC Controller
as well as simulation results are as follows. Experimental Testing of Resistive Based Controller With Ceiling Fan

The performance of 14 pole and 16 pole ceiling fan SPIMs are tested and analyzed with

resistive speed controller. The performance is compared with the reduced voltage by auto-

transformer or AC variac. Fig. 4.5 shows the experimental test results showing comparison

for a 16 pole motor. Similarly, the test results for a 14 pole motor are shown in Fig. 4.6.

In Figs. 4.5(a) and 4.6(a), the variation of speed with the input voltage is seen. The speed

reduces in a much similar way since the voltage remains sinusoidal and there is no difference

between the harmonics content of the two input voltages. Similarly, the supply current also

reduces with the input voltage as the speed reduces and thus, the power intake reduces as

seen in Fig. 4.5(b) and 4.6(b). In Figs. 4.5(c) and 4.6(c), same trend is seen in the supply

power factor. However, there is a significant difference in the supply power in Figs. 4.5(d)

and 4.6(d). This is because of the fact that the a resistive speed controller consumes an I 2 Rx

W of power in the series resistor Rx throughout the operation of the ceiling fan, which could

have been avoided when supplied with a reduced voltage directly from the source. Thus,

it can be concluded that, even though the motor can be made energy efficient, the power

consumption is not to be reduced with such controllers. Fig. 4.7 shows the performance

of the 16 pole motor when fed the lowest voltage with a resistive controller. The motor

input voltage is 161.9 V with an input power of 23.95 W in Fig. 4.7(a). The power factor

of the motor is 0.989. The motor current and motor voltage have harmonic distortions of

2.418% and 2.205%, respectively as seen in Fig. 4.7(b). However, the supply input power

consumption is 34.02 W as shown in Fig. 4.7(c) with a supply power factor of 0.9943. In

Fig. 4.7(d), the harmonic distortion in the supply current and supply voltage are 2.568%

and 1.533%. Fig. 4.7(e) shows the recorded wave-forms of the supply voltage (230 V),

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.5 Comparison of performance of a 16 pole ceiling fan with resistive speed controller (a) Speed versus
input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply power factor versus input voltage,
(d) Supply power versus input voltage

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.6 Comparison of performance of a 14 pole ceiling fan with resistive speed controller (a) Speed versus
input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply power factor versus input voltage,
(d) Supply power versus input voltage

main winding voltage (161.9 V), auxiliary winding voltage (93.73 V) and capacitor voltage

(233.3 V). Similarly, Fig. 4.7(f) shows the wave-forms of the supply current and winding

voltages. The main winding current magnitude is 179.1 mA and the auxiliary winding current

magnitude is 138.29 mA. Fig. 4.8 shows the indices of the 14 pole motor when fed the lowest

voltage of 152 V from a resistive controller. The motor consumes 25.65 W, at a power factor

of 0.999 as shown in Fig. 4.8(a). The harmonic distortions of the motor voltage and the motor

current are 2.57% and 2.23%, respectively. The supply input power is 34.02 W, which is

13.2 W higher than the power consumed by the motor. The harmonic distortion in the supply

current and the supply current as evident from Fig. 4.8(d) are 1.93% and 2.18%. The recorded

wave-forms of the supply voltage, winding voltages and capacitor voltage are shown in Fig.

4.8(e). The rms value of the auxiliary voltage and capacitor voltage are 132 V and 247 W,

respectively. The supply current, main winding current and auxiliary winding currents have

rms values of 168.72 mA, 159 mA and 145 mA, respectively as shown in Fig. 4.8(f). FEA Based Co-Simulation of Resistive Based Controller With Ceiling Fan

Simulated results with the series resistance controller with the FEA model are presented

with the electromagnetic torque developed for both the ceiling fans. Fig. 4.9 shows the

simulated performance both the motor at rated voltage. The average electromagnetic torque

developed by 16 pole motor is 595.79 mNm with a torque ripple of 87.68% as shown in Fig.

4.9(a). The rms values of the supply current at rated voltage obtained from experimental

test and simulation are 189.41 mA and 188.3 mA, respectively as shown in Fig. 4.9(b).

The simulated and experimental values of motor input power are 42.44 W and 43.74 W,

respectively. The simulated values of the power factor are 0.998 (leading) from simulation

and 0.998 (leading) from experimental test results.

Similarly, for a 14 pole motor, the electromagnetic torque developed at rated voltage is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 4.7 Performance parameters of a 16 pole motor with resistive controller at lowest motor voltage setting
(a) Motor voltage, motor current, motor input power and motor power factor, (b) Harmonic spectrum
of the motor current and motor input voltage, (c) Supply voltage, supply current, supply input power
and supply power factor, (d) Harmonic spectrum of the supply current and supply input voltage, (e)
Wave-forms of supply supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and capacitor
voltage, (f) Wave-forms of supply voltage, supply current, main winding current and auxiliary winding

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 4.8 Performance parameters of a 14 pole motor with resistive controller at lowest motor voltage setting
(a) Motor voltage, motor current, motor input power and motor power factor, (b) Harmonic spectrum
of the motor current and motor input voltage, (c) Supply voltage, supply current, supply input power
and supply power factor, (d) Harmonic spectrum of the supply current and supply input voltage, (e)
Wave-forms of supply supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and capacitor
voltage, (f) Wave-forms of supply voltage, supply current, main winding current and auxiliary winding

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.9 Simulated performance of ceiling fan motors at rated voltage (a) Simulated electromagnetic torque
of a 16 pole motor, (b) Simulated supply voltage and motor current for 16 pole motor, (c) Simulated
electromagnetic torque of 14 pole motor, (d) Simulated supply voltage and motor current for 14 pole

shown in Fig. 4.9(c). The average value of the torque is 514.53 mNm with a torque ripple of

126.05%. The rms values of the supply current obtained from the simulation and experimental

test are 215.4 mA and 219.34 mA, respectively as shown in Fig. 4.9(d). The motor input

power consumption is obtained as 48.44 W from simulation and 49.64 W from experimental

test results. Moreover, the values of power factor for the motor are 0.974 (leading) from

simulation and 0.985 (leading) from experimental test. Thus, there is a satisfactory co-relation

between the actual performance of and the simulated performance of the motor, which can be

used to identify the torque of the motor at lower voltages fed from different types of speed


The analysis of the torque reduction and the input power with the simulation is also done.

The simulated torque of a 14 pole motor with reduced voltages is shown in Fig. 4.10. At

161 V, the simulated motor input power is 23.62 W, as compared to the experimental value

of 23.95 W. The supply input power are 34.19 W (simulation) and 34.02 W (experimental

test). The developed torque is shown in Fig. 4.10(a) with an average value of 331.3 mNm

and torque ripple of 58%. Similarly, with series resistance of 311 Ω, the motor input volt-

age is 181 V. The motor input power obtained from the simulation and experimental test are

28.43 W and 29.53 W, respectively. Similarly, the supply input power from simulation and

experimental results are 36.51 W and 38.02 W, respectively. The torque at 181 V is shown

in Fig. 4.10(b). The mean torque is 427 mNm with a torque ripple of 59.5%. At the third

speed setting, the motor input voltage becomes 196 V and the simulated value of the motor

input power is 33.54 W. The same value obtained from the experimental test is 33.59 W. The

supply input powers are 39.97 W (simulation) and 39.75 W (experimental test). The motor

develops an average torque of 503.46 mNm with a torque ripple of 57.91% as shown in Fig.

4.10(c). The fourth speed setting, a series resistance of 121 Ω is added in series with the ceil-

ing fan and reduces the motor input voltage to 210 V. The motor input powers obtained from

the simulation and the experimental test are 36.51 W and 37.65 W, respectively. Moreover,

the input power at the supply side is 40.35 W (simulation) and 41.07 W (experimental test).

The average torque of the motor at 210 V is 543.55 mNm with a torque ripple of 39.9 % as

shown in Fig. 4.10(d).

The simulated electromagnetic torque of a 14 pole motor with the same resistance as exper-

imental test is shown in Fig. 4.11. Fig. 4.11(a) shows the electromagnetic torque developed

by the motor at 152 V. The simulated values of the motor power and input power are 27.54

W and 43.02 W, respectively as compared to the experimental values of 25.65 W and 38.85

W, respectively. The average value of the torque is 349.53 mNm with 40.61% peak to peak

torque ripple. At the next speed setting, the motor input voltage is reduced to 172 V and the

torque waveform is shown in Fig. 4.11(b). The motor power and supply input power from

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.10 Simulated waveforms of electromagnetic torque developed in a 16 pole motor with resistive con-
troller at (a) 161 V, (b) 181 V, (c), 196 V, (d) 210 V

simulation are 32.74 W and 44.25 W. Whereas, the corresponding values from the experi-

mental test are 32.64 W and 43.45 W, respectively. The average value of the torque is 437.47

mNm with a torque ripple of 32.35%. The experimentally obtained motor power and supply

power at 189 V with series resistance are 37.89 W and 46.27 W, respectively. The same values

from simulation at 189 V are 37.82 W and 46.35 W, respectively. The average value of the

electromagnetic torque developed is 479.78 mNm with a torque ripple of 67.83% as shown

in Fig. 4.11(c). The simulated and experimental values of the motor powers at 206 V are

41.72 W and 42.75 W, respectively. Similarly, the simulated and experimental supply input

powers are 46.87 W and 47.57 W, respectively. The developed torque at 206 V is shown in

Fig. 4.11(d). The average value of the torque is 484 mNm and the torque ripple is 99.8%.

Tables 4.1 and 4.2 show the performance of the the motor at reduced voltage with resistive

controller. The torque ripple at all the speeds is less than 70%, however, the difference in the

supply input power and the motor input power is significant.

Table 4.1 Performance of 16 Pole Ceiling Fan Motor With Resistive Speed Controller

Supply Motor Torque

Voltage (V) Speed (rpm) Pin (W) pf Pin (W) pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
230 300 42.66 0.998 42.66 0.998 185.16 595.79 87.68
210 286 41.07 0.999 37.65 0.998 179.37 543.55 39.90
196 257 39.75 0.998 33.59 0.998 171.9 503.46 57.91
181 235 38.02 0.996 29.53 0.995 164.03 427 59.5
161 191 34.02 0.994 23.95 0.989 149.6 331.3 55

Table 4.2 Performance of 14 Pole Ceiling Fan Motor With Resistive Speed Controller

Supply Motor Torque

Voltage (V) Speed (rpm) Pin (W) pf Pin (W) pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
230 350 49.64 0.9823 49.64 0.9823 219.34 514.53 126.05
206 338 47.57 0.988 42.75 0.9857 209.55 484 99.8
189 315 46.27 0.9946 37.89 0.992 201.23 479.78 67.83
172 286 43.45 0.9988 32.64 0.9978 189.31 437.47 32.53
152 225 38.85 0.9996 25.65 0.9995 168.72 349.53 40.61

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.11 Simulated waveforms of electromagnetic torque developed in 14 pole motor at (a) 152V, (b) 172V,
(c) 189 V, (d) 206 V

4.4.2 Performance Analysis of Capacitive Based Controller With Ceiling Fan

The input voltage to the motor is reduced by connecting a capacitor in series as shown in

Fig. 4.4(b). The value of capacitors C1 and C2 are 2.2 µF and 3.3 µF, respectively. The value

of the parallel resistance R1 also known as bleeder resistance is 220 kΩ. It’s main function is

to dissipate the stored energy in the capacitor once the switch is turned off. It is usually kept

high to limit any on state current. The series resistance R2 is very small series resistance to

limit sudden short circuit with a value of 2.2 Ω. The performance of both the ceiling fans is

tested and analyzed using the experimental tests and co-simulation. Experimental Testing of Capacitive Based Controller With Ceiling Fan

The experimental test results of 16 pole and 14 pole energy-efficient ceiling fans are con-

ducted for analyzing the performance of the fans in Figs. 4.12 and 4.13, respectively. The

variation of the speed is shown in Figs. 4.12(a) and 4.13(a) with voltage given to SPIM ceiling

fan. The speed remains the same for the reduced voltage with capacitive speed controller in

both the motors in comparison to the reduced voltage from AC source. This illustrates that the

quality of the input voltage to the motor has not deteriorated and maintains sinusoidal wave-

shape with the capacitive speed controller. The motor and supply currents are similar as seen

in Figs. 4.12(b) and 4.13(b). However, the power factor of the supply as seen in Figs. 4.12(c)

and 4.13(c) is reduced with the speed reduction in the case of the capacitive speed controller.

There is no difference in supply power with and without capacitive speed controllers as seen

in Figs. 4.12(d) and 4.13(d). The difference in the motor input power and supply input power

is less than 0.5 W at all the speeds.

Fig. 4.14 shows the performance indices of a 16 pole motor when fed the lowest voltage

with the capacitive controller. In Fig. 4.14(a), motor consumes an input power of 21.49 W

at a power factor of 0.9839 when fed voltage of 153.5 V. However, the harmonic distortion

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.12 Comparison of performance of a 16 pole ceiling fan with capacitive speed controller (a) Speed versus
input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply power factor versus input voltage,
(d) Supply power versus input voltage

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.13 Comparison of performance of a 14 pole ceiling fan with capacitive speed controller (a) Speed versus
input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply power factor versus input voltage,
(d) Supply power versus input voltage

of the motor voltage (5.07%) and motor current (9.36%) are higher as compared to resistive

controller as seen in Fig. 4.14(b). The supply power is close to the motor power with a

magnitude of 21.77 W at a leading power factor of 0.6638 in Fig. 4.14(c). Moreover, a

reactive power of 24.53 Var is fed to the supply in Fig. 4.14(d). The recorded wave-forms

of the important voltages of the motor with capacitive controller are depicted in Fig. 4.14(e).

The rms value of the auxiliary winding voltage is 85.11 V and the capacitor across voltage is

218.36 V. Similarly, the recorded wave-forms of the supply and winding currents are shown

in Fig. 4.14(f). The rms values of the main winding current and auxiliary winding current are

170.73 mA and 128.19 mA, respectively.

In Fig. 4.15, the system indices of a 14 pole ceiling fan motor are shown with the lowest

input voltage fed from the capacitive controller. The motor consumes 18.49 W at a power

factor of 0.996 in Fig. 4.15(a). The harmonic distortions of the motor voltage and current are

4.85% and 5.07% as evident from Fig. 4.15(b). In Fig. 4.15(c), power consumption at the

supply is 18.87 W, which is close to the motor input power. However, the power factor of the

supply current is 0.5685 leading. The harmonics distortion of the supply current is observed

as 4.74% with a reactive power of 27.31 Var being supplied to the AC source in Fig. 4.15(d).

The wave-forms of the supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and

capacitor voltage are shown in Fig. 4.15(e). The rms values of all the voltages are 231 V,

129.68 V, 104.28 V and 207.74 V, respectively. The wave-forms of the supply and winding

currents are shown in Fig. 4.15(f) with rms values of main winding current and auxiliary

winding currents as 147.57 mA and 121.4 mA, respectively. FEA Based Co-Simulation of Capacitive Based Controller With Ceiling Fan

The performances of both the ceiling fans are validated and the electromagnetic developed

torque of the ceiling fans is analyzed using a capacitive speed controller with the help of co-

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 4.14 Performance parameters of a 16 pole motor with capacitive controller at lowest motor voltage setting
(a) Motor voltage, motor current, motor input power and motor power factor, (b) Harmonic spectrum
of the motor current and motor input voltage, (c) Supply voltage, supply current, supply input power
and supply power factor, (d) Harmonic spectrum of the supply current and supply input voltage, (e)
Wave-forms of supply supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and capac-
itor voltage, (f) Wave-forms of supply voltage, supply current, main winding current and auxiliary
winding current

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 4.15 Performance parameters of a 14 pole motor with capacitive controller at lowest motor voltage setting
(a) Motor voltage, motor current, motor input power and motor power factor, (b) Harmonic spectrum
of the motor current and motor input voltage, (c) Supply voltage, supply current, supply input power
and supply power factor, (d) Harmonic spectrum of the supply current and supply input voltage, (e)
Wave-forms of supply supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and capac-
itor voltage, (f) Wave-forms of supply voltage, supply current, main winding current and auxiliary
winding current

simulation. The simulation results are as follows.

Fig. 4.16(a) shows the electromagnetic torque developed when a 2.2 µF is connected in

series with a 16 pole ceiling fan. The motor input power is identified as 22.01 W (simula-

tion) and 21.49 W (experimental test). The supply power factors from the simulation and the

experimental test are 0.656 (leading) and 0.663 (leading), respectively. The average torque

developed by the motor is 281.5 mNm with a torque ripple of 65.59%. The simulated and

experimentally obtained motor input powers with a 3.3 µF capacitor are 29.64 W and 29.89

W, respectively. Moreover, the supply power factors obtained from the simulation and exper-

imental test are 0.778 (leading) and 0.792 (leading), respectively. The average value of the

torque as shown in Fig. 4.16(b) with this speed setting is 431.13 mNm with a torque ripple

of 59.74%. With both the capacitors in parallel and the combination in series with a 16 pole

ceiling fan, the resultant motor input voltage is 208 V and a motor speed of 280 rpm is at-

tained. The developed electromagnetic torque is shown in Fig. 4.16(c). The average value

of the electromagnetic torque is 532 mNm and a torque ripple of 66.44 % is observed. The

measured motor input power from the test is 36.52 W as compared to 35 W obtained from

simulation. Similarly, the power factors of the supply from simulation and experimental test

are 0.8641 (leading) and 0.90 (leading), respectively. The simulated and experimental motor

input powers with a 2.2 µF and motor input voltage of 128 V are 18.27 W and 18.49 W, re-

spectively. The supply input power is determined from the simulation is 0.550 (leading) as

compared to the experimental value of 0.568 (leading). The developed electromagnetic torque

waveform is shown in Fig. 4.17(a). The average value of the torque is 238.38 mNm with a

torque ripple of 34.89%. With a 3.3 µF capacitor in series, the simulated and experimental

motor input powers are 27.83 W and 27.46 W, respectively. The supply power factor obtained

from the simulation is 0.678 (leading) as compared to the actual supply power factor of 0.694

Table 4.3 Performance of 16 Pole Ceiling Fan Motor With Capacitive Speed Controller

Supply Motor Torque

Voltage (V) Speed (rpm) Pin (W) pf Pin (W) pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
230 300 42.86 0.998 42.86 0.998 186.7 595.79 87.68
208 280 37.06 0.905 36.52 0.997 176.04 532 66.44
181 231 30.47 0.792 29.89 0.994 165.46 431.13 59.74
151 175 21.77 0.663 21.49 0.983 142.25 281.25 64.59

Table 4.4 Performance of 14 pole Ceiling Fan Motor With Capacitive Speed Controller

Supply Motor Torque

Voltage (V) Speed (rpm) Pin (W) pf Pin (W) pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
230 350 48.99 0.978 48.99 0.978 217.15 514.53 126.05
186 313 37.54 0.813 36.83 0.991 198.86 473.17 57.77
158 250 28.21 0.694 27.46 0.998 174.46 366 33.04
128 181 18.87 0.568 18.49 0.996 143.09 238.38 34.89

(leading). The waveform of the torque is shown in Fig. 4.17(b). The average value of the

torque is 366 mNm with a torque ripple of 33.04%. The motor input voltage obtained with

both capacitors of 2.2 µF and 3.3 µF in parallel is 208 V. The simulated value of the motor

input power is 37.52 W, whereas the experimental test value is 36.83 W. The supply input

power factors from simulation and experimental test results are 0.807 (leading) and 0.813

(leading), respectively. The developed torque waveform is shown in Fig. 4.17(c) with an

average torque of 473.17 mNm. The torque ripple in the motor is 57.77%. Tables 4.3 and 4.4

show the performance of the motor at reduced voltage with capacitive speed controller. The

torque ripple at all the speeds is less than 70%. Moreover, the difference in the supply input

power is negligible.

4.4.3 Performance Analysis of TRIAC based Controller with ceiling fan

The performance of the ceiling fans with TRIAC voltage controller is analyzed from ex-

perimental tests and co-simulation with FEA model. Moreover, the performance of TRIAC

controller is compared with the capacitive speed controller as well.

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.16 Simulated waveforms of electromagnetic torque developed in a 16 pole motor with capacitive con-
troller at (a) 151 V, (b) 181 V, (c), 208 V

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.17 Simulated waveforms of electromagnetic torque developed in a 14 pole motor with capacitive con-
troller at (a) 128 V, (b) 158V, (c), 186 V

102 Experimental Testing of TRIAC based Controller with ceiling fan

The performance of the TRIAC based speed controller on energy-efficient ceiling fans is

demonstrated with experimental results in Fig. 4.18-4.25. It can be observed in Figs. 4.18(a)

and 4.19(a), that the speed of the motor when fed with a TRIAC controller is less as compared

to when fed the same reduced input voltage directly from the supply. Moreover, it is evident

from Figs. 4.18(b) and 4.19(b) that the supply current is higher when fed with a TRIAC speed

controller. The increase in current is because of the harmonic currents, which are introduced

in the supply current because of the non-sinusoidal wave-shape of the motor input voltage.

The supply power factor is deteriorated because of the reactive power and harmonics, which

are introduced by the TRIAC. It is evident in Figs. 4.18(c) and 4.19(c). Moreover, when the

input active power is compared when fed with a TRIAC speed controller and reduced AC

reduced voltage from the supply, it is observed input power with the TRIAC is less in Figs.

4.18(d) and 4.19(d). This is because of the lower loading because of lower speed with the

same rms voltage.

Fig. 4.20 shows the performance indices of a 16 pole motor when fed with TRIAC based

speed controller at the lowest voltage. The motor voltage and the motor power are shown in

Fig. 4.20(a) as 151.29 V and 17.66 W, respectively. However, in this case the total harmonics

distortions of the motor input voltage as well as motor current are as high as 46.6% and

54.59%, respectively as shown in Fig. 4.20(b). The power factor in this condition is 0.788.

The supply side power indices are shown in Fig. 4.20(c). There is reduction in the input

power. However, the supply side power factor reduces further to 0.520. The harmonic spectra

of supply voltage and supply current are shown in Fig. 4.20(d). The recorded wave-forms of

the fan voltages are shown in Fig. 4.20(e). The supply voltage (230 V), main winding voltage

(151.29 V), auxiliary winding voltage (113.7 V) and capacitor voltage (191 V) are shown.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.18 Comparison of performance of a 16 pole ceiling fan with TRIAC based speed controller (a) Speed
versus input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply power factor versus input
voltage, (d) Supply power versus input voltage

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.19 Comparison of performance of a 14 pole ceiling fan with TRIAC based speed controller (a) Speed
versus input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply power factor versus input
voltage, (d) Supply power versus input voltage

The supply currents and the winding currents are shown in Fig. 4.20(f). The supply current is

peaky in nature with significant 3rd (52.18%) and 5th (14.59%) harmonics. The rms values of

the main winding current and the auxiliary winding current are 160.39 mA and 126.13 mA,


In Fig. 4.21, performance indices of a 14 pole motor when fed lowest voltage with a

TRIAC controller, are depicted. The motor is fed rms voltage of magnitude 130.89 V using

the TRIAC voltage controller in Fig. 4.21(a). The input power of the motor is 12.97 W at a

power factor of 0.7316. The motor voltage and motor current both have significant harmonic

contents as shown in Fig. 4.21(b). A total harmonic distortion of 46.60% and 54.6% is seen

in motor voltage and current, respectively. The supply side indices are shown in Fig. 4.21(c).

The motor consumes 13.07 W, which is early equal to the motor input power. However, the

power factor of the supply current is severely affected and is 0.4155. The motor output power

is 13.07 W, however, the VA drawn from the supply is 31.44 VA as evident from Fig. 4.21(d).

The 3rd , 5th and 7th harmonics dominated the supply current with 53.43%, 17.43% and 4.48%,

respectively. The wave-forms of the supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding

voltage and capacitor voltage are shown in Fig. 4.21(e). The rms values of the auxiliary

winding voltage and capacitor voltage are 125.14 V and 170 V, respectively. The supply

current and winding currents along with the supply voltage are shown in Fig. 4.21(f). The

rms values of the main winding current and auxiliary winding current are 128.05 mA and

109.31 mA, respectively.

The TRIAC speed controller is compared with the resistive speed controller by varying

the firing angle of the TRIAC for keeping the same speed of the motor as the resistive speed

controller. Thus, both the motors provide the same air delivery and produce the same output

power. These test results for both 16 pole and 14 pole motors are shown in Figs. 4.22 and 4.23.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 4.20 Performance parameters of a 16 pole motor with TRIAC controller at lowest motor voltage setting
(a) Motor voltage, motor current, motor input power and motor power factor, (b) Harmonic spectrum
of the motor current and motor input voltage, (c) Supply voltage, supply current, supply input power
and supply power factor, (d) Harmonic spectrum of the supply current and supply input voltage, (e)
Wave-forms of supply supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and capac-
itor voltage, (f) Wave-forms of supply voltage, supply current, main winding current and auxiliary
winding current

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 4.21 Performance parameters of a 14 pole motor with TRIAC controller at lowest motor voltage setting
(a) Motor voltage, motor current, motor input power and motor power factor, (b) Harmonic spectrum
of the motor current and motor input voltage, (c) Supply voltage, supply current, supply input power
and supply power factor, (d) Harmonic spectrum of the supply current and supply input voltage, (e)
Wave-forms of supply supply voltage, main winding voltage, auxiliary winding voltage and capac-
itor voltage, (f) Wave-forms of supply voltage, supply current, main winding current and auxiliary
winding current

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.22 Comparison of performance of a 16 pole ceiling fan with TRIAC speed controller with resistive
speed controller (a) Speed versus input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply
power factor versus input voltage, (d) Supply power versus input voltage

It is observed that the motors requires a higher rms voltage with TRIAC speed controller for

providing same air delivery as compared to the resistive speed controller in Figs. 4.22(a) and

4.23(a). Similarly, the supply current at the same value of rms voltage is less in resistive speed

controller as seen in Figs. 4.22(b). However, the difference between the same is negligible in

a 14 pole motor as shown in Fig. 4.23(b). In Figs. 4.22(c) and 4.23(c), the power factor of

the supply current is lower with TRIAC speed controller owing to the harmonic currents and

the reactive power introduced because of the firing angle delay. In Figs. 4.22(d) and 4.23(d),

there is an appreciable drop in the input power consumption with the TRIAC speed controller

as compared to the resistive speed controller, which can be attributed to higher loading as well

as losses across the resistive element. The performance of the TRIAC based speed controller

is compared with the capacitive speed controller by regulating the firing angle to keep the

speed same as capacitive speed controller at a particular setting on both the motors. The plots

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.23 Comparison of performance of a 14 pole ceiling fan with TRIAC speed controller with resistive
speed controller (a) Speed versus input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply
power factor versus input voltage, (d) Supply power versus input voltage

in Figs. 4.24(a) and 4.25(a) demonstrate the comparison between the two controllers. For the

same rms input voltage, the speed of the capacitive speed controller is higher than that with

TRIAC speed controller as seen in Figs, 4.24(a) and 4.25(a). Moreover, the supply current

higher with series TRIAC in Figs. 4.24(b). However, the supply current is at par in both

the controllers in a 14 pole motor as shown in Fig. 4.25(b). This is because the current is

inherently peaky in 14 pole motor because of the saturation in the auxiliary winding teeth as

discussed in chapter 3. The supply current power factor deteriorates with both the type of

speed controllers, which is evident from Fig. 4.24(c) and Fig. 4.25(c). However, the power

factor in the case of capacitive speed controller is leading and in the case of the TRIAC is

lagging in nature. Therefore, the capacitive speed controller is a better choice as it provides

reactive power to the supply rather than consuming reactive power and harmonic currents like

TRIAC based controller. Moreover, the output motor consumes a higher input power because

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.24 Comparison of performance of a 16 pole ceiling fan with TRIAC speed controller with capacitive
speed controller (a) Speed versus input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply
power factor versus input voltage, (d) Supply power versus input voltage

of higher loading as shown in Figs. 4.24(d) and 4.25(d). FEA based Co-Simulation of TRIAC Based Controller With Ceiling Fan

The developed electromagnetic torque of a 16 pole motor with TRIAC controller from

co-simulation is shown in Fig. 4.26. The performance of the motor is analysed by adjusting

the firing angle for obtaining same speed as resistive controller. In Fig. 4.26(a), the motor

input voltage is 173 V and the average electromagnetic torque developed is 313 mNm with a

torque ripple of 166.45%. The simulated and experimental values of motor input power are

24.85 W and 24.4 W, respectively. At 193 V and 235 rpm, the motor input power is 31.65 W

(simulation) and 30.94 W (experimental test). The supply power factors are 0.732 (lagging)

(simulation) and 0.73 (lagging) (experimental test). The average torque developed by the

motor is 420.44 mNm with a torque ripple of 151.5% as shown in Fig. 4.26(b). The torque

developed by the motor at an input voltage of 204 V and 257 rpm is shown in Fig. 4.26(c). The

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.25 Comparison of performance of a 14 pole ceiling fan with TRIAC speed controller with capacitive
speed controller (a) Speed versus input voltage, (b) Supply current versus input voltage, (c) Supply
power factor versus input voltage, (d) Supply power versus input voltage

motor input powers obtained from the simulation and experimental test results are 33.78 W

and 34.28 W, respectively. The obtained supply power factors are 0.78 (lagging) (simulation)

and 0.79 (lagging) (experimental test). The average torque from the simulation is 458 mNm

with a torque ripple of 143.05 %. At 222 V, the motor produces an average torque of 545.05

mNm with a torque ripple of 134.74 %. The simulated and experimentally identified values of

motor input power are 39.7 W and 39.34 W, respectively. The supply power factors obtained

are 0.870 (lagging) (simulation) and 0.890 (lagging) (experimental test), respectively.

The simulated performance of a 14 pole ceiling fan is simulated with TRIAC based speed

controller is presented is shown in Fig. 4.27. At the lowest speed same as the resistive

controller, the motor input voltage is 174 V. The motor input power is obtained as 27.01

W from simulation and 26.96 W from experimental test results. The supply input power

factor is obtained as 0.651 (lagging) from simulation while, the same is obtained as 0.631

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.26 Simulated waveforms of electromagnetic torque developed in a 16 pole motor with TRIAC controller
at (a) 173 V, (b) 193 V, (c), 204 V, (d) 222 V

(lagging) from experimental tests. The waveform of the developed electromagnetic torque

is shown in Fig. 4.27(a). The average value of the torque is 344.92 mNm with a torque

ripple of 171.45%. Similarly, at a motor input voltage of 195 V, the motor input powers from

simulation and experimental test are identified as, 36.11 W and 34.83 W, respectively. The

supply input power factors from simulation and test results are 0.747 (lagging) and 0.732

(lagging), respectively. The developed torque profile of the motor at 195V rms motor input

voltage is shown in Fig. 4.27(b). The average value of the torque is 446.25 mNm with a

torque ripple of 157.03%. The motor input power at an rms voltage of 211 V with TRIAC is

40.68 W from simulation, while the same is obtained as 41 W from test results. The supply

power factors from simulation and test are obtained as 0.833 (lagging) and 0.804 (lagging),

respectively. The average value of the torque is 460 mNm with a torque ripple of 150.55%

as shown in Fig. 4.27(c). The power consumption of the motor at an input voltage of 221 V

from TRIAC is 44.1 W (simulation) and 44.18 W (experimental test), respectively. Similarly,

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 4.27 Simulated waveforms of electromagnetic torque developed in a 14 pole motor with TRIAC controller
at (a) 174 V, (b) 195 V, (c), 211 V, (d) 221 V

the supply power factors are 0.883 (lagging) (simulation) and 0.851 (lagging) (experimental

test). The developed torque is shown in Fig. 4.27(d). The mean torque is 497.69 mNm with a

torque ripple of 166.27 %. Tables 4.5 and 4.6 show the performance of the motor at reduced

voltage with TRIAC based speed controller. The torque ripple at all the speed is much higher

above 100%, however, the difference in the supply input power is significant.

Table 4.5 Performance of 16 Pole Ceiling Fan Motor With TRIAC Based Speed Controller

Supply Motor Torque

Voltage (V) Speed (rpm) Pin (W) pf Pin (W) pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
Voltage (V) Nr (rpm) Pin (W) Pf Pin (W) Pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
230 300 42.52 0.997 42.52 0.997 184.56 595.79 87.68
222 286 39.2 0.894 39.34 0.928 191.29 545.04 134.74
204 257 34.42 0.791 34.28 0.889 188.5 458 143.05
193 235 31.39 0.736 30.94 0.869 183.81 420.44 151.5
173 191 24.42 0.630 24.44 0.8274 170.5 313 166.45

Table 4.6 Performance of 14 Pole Ceiling Fan Motor With TRIAC Based Speed Controller

Supply Motor Torque

Voltage (V) Speed (rpm) Pin (W) pf Pin (W) pf Irms (A) Tav (mNm) Tripp
230 350 49.64 0.982 49.64 0.982 219.34 514.53 126.05
220 338 44.27 0.851 44.18 0.889 225.59 497.69 166.27
211 315 41.16 0.804 41 0.878 221.34 460 150.55
195 286 35.35 0.732 34.83 0.851 209.44 446.25 157.03
174 225 27.29 0.630 26.96 0.823 188.18 344.92 171.45


In this chapter, the performance of the single phase induction motor (SPIM) based ceiling

fans is analyzed with different types of speed controllers. Three different types of speed

controllers namely, resistive, capacitive and TRIAC based controllers are used to analyze the

performance of the motor at reduced speed. The motor input parameters are analyzed from

the experimental tests as well as co-simulation with the FEA model. Moreover, the developed

electromagnetic torque is observed using the simulation results. The main conclusions based

on this work are as follows,

• The resistive speed controllers are the worst from an energy conservation point of view.

From the experiments, it has been found that the losses at lowest speed setting are

38% to 42% of the motor input power. Moreover, the torque ripple in the developed

electromagnetic torque is much less at lower voltages when fed from resistive speed

controller (less than 100%).

• The motor speed and air delivery are reduced with a TRIAC controller as compared to

a resistive and capacitive controller for the same input voltage. A higher TRIAC output

voltage (nearly 5 to 10%) is needed for retaining the same speed and air delivery.

• The losses in a TRIAC and capacitor based voltage controller are negligible (less than

0.5 W).

• The motor efficiency reduces with a TRIAC controller. There are additional copper

losses introduced in the motor. These losses are because of an increase in the rms

current and harmonic currents. A difference of 5% to 9% has been seen at lowest speed


• The supply power factor is seriously deteriorated with a TRIAC controller. However,

the power factor reduces with a capacitive controller but it injects reactive power into

the grid without any additional harmonics.

• A significant amount of 3rd harmonic is observed in the supply current with a TRIAC

controller. A large number of ceiling fans when operated with a TRIAC controller can

impact the distribution side neutral current conductor with overload.

• The torque ripple with the TRIAC based controller is significantly higher and is of the

order of more than 100% of the average value of the torque. Whereas, the torque with

the resistive and capacitive controller has a torque ripple less than 60%. A higher torque

ripple may lead to noise and wear and tear of the bearing of the ceiling fan.


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