Module 5b - Pre and Post Testing - PowerPoint
Module 5b - Pre and Post Testing - PowerPoint
Module 5b - Pre and Post Testing - PowerPoint
Student Learning
Passport to Great Teaching – Creative Assessment
Timothy S. Brophy
The Value of Pre- and Post-Testing
Pre- and post-testing, when done well, can yield valuable data for teacher
The process starts with the administration of a test of the knowledge and/or
skills to be taught/refined at the beginning of a sequence of instruction
The process continues with the administration of the same test at the end of
a sequence of instruction
The process ends with an analysis of the difference between the student’s
test scores or performance at these two points in time
Student Learning
A primary reason for pre- and post-testing is to
determine the degree to which students have
learned the content or skill area of interest
Some guiding questions are:
1. How many students increased their
2. How many did not? The teacher uses this analysis to modify and
3. How large are the differences between improve instruction
the scores?
4. What does this tell you about student
growth and the effectiveness of instruction?
Quantitative Analysis
Teachers know that pre- and post-test scores on an
assessment are different; if teaching has resulted in the
expected learning, post-test scores should be higher
Analysis Charles
LaShawn 47 44
Kimara 18 30
Robb 17 25
Pooja 45 45
Here are pre- and post-test scores Charlie 30 35
for a group of 22 students on a Hadley 42 50
Parker 44 40
mathematics quiz (max. score = 50). Emmy 32 33
Pause the video and review these. Lily 25 40
• What value does pre- and post-testing your students add to your teaching?