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Leading Innovation Group

LIG Nex1 Protects the Security of the Present and

Contents Guarantees the Peace of the Future

02 Business Overview LIG Nex1 will take the lead in future defense technologies LIG Nex1 aims to provide a comprehensive solution for maintaining

peace and security in a global scale.

04 Business Fields PGM(Precision Guided Munition)
MW(Maritime Warfare)
ISR(Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) LIG Nex1 has grown into the foremost comprehensive defense company
C4I(Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelligence) of the Republic of Korea that has developed and mass-produced
AEW(Avionics, Electronic Warfare)
cutting-edge weapon systems in various fields such as
FW(Future Warfare)
precision guided munitions, surveillance and reconnaissance, command,
20 Core Competencies R&D Capability control and communication and avionics, electronic warfare.
Product Capability
MRO Support Systems
Today, the company continues to embark on new challenges
Global Network
to achieve higher values.
26 About LIG Nex1 Company History
CEO’s Message
LIG Nex1, which has protected Korea's past and present through
Corporate Social Responsibility
constant technological breakthroughs and innovation,

will establish itself as a leading global defense company that promotes

the stature of the Korean defense industry throughout the world and

protects the peace of the future.

2 Business Overview 3

LIG Nex1 will take the lead in future defense

technologies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution led by advanced scientific technologies,
LIG Nex1 has strengthened its R&D in strategic defense technologies in major spheres to react to
rapidly changing future warfare.

• Use unmanned autonomous sensors and gather threat information on ground, • Apply advanced technologies to personal weapons, equipment, and clothes to
AI-based naval, air and space warfare in an omnidirectional way Advanced technologies- make individual combat units weapon systems
reconnaissance and • Use AI and big data technologies to detect and identify signs of provocations based individual combat • Maximize individual combat power to prepare for reduction in force
surveillance systems
- Military reconnaissance satellites and satellite surveillance radars - Individual combat systems, smart guided missiles, and wearable robots
- High energy laser/satellite monitoring systems and integrated ocean surveillance

• Share information on friendly and enemy forces via hyper-connected networks • Use quantum technologies and AI to prepare for cyberattacks and electronic warfare
Hyper-connected and • Make command and control processes intelligent and automated via AI Active cyber response • Maximize active cyber response and CBR (chemical, biological, and radiological)
intelligent command technologies in order to ensure on-time command and control. and future defense capabilities including attack detection and reverse tracing
and control
- Intelligent, multi-level, and integrated communications - Cyber warfare control systems, cyber training systems, FFX electronic warfare systems
- AI-based command and control systems

• Use high-speed, high mobility, and high energy weapons • Independently develop future technologies in physics, chemistry, biology, and
High-speed and high- • Maximize breaking effects via pinpoint strikes on key enemy targets New advanced directed energy
powered pinpoint technologies • Narrow technological gaps and promote the innovative development of weapon
- High speed intelligent torpedo systems
strike systems
- EMP (electromagnetic pulse bomb)

• Improve the stability of existing manned combat systems and unmanned combat
Manned and unmanned systems including robots, drones, and unmanned surface vehicles
combating • Fulfill combat duties beyond human power

- Unmanned reconnaissance drones

- Unmanned surface vehicles/small submarines
4 Business Fields 5

Innovative and State-of-the-Art Weapon Systems From precision guided munitions, surveillance and reconnaissance,

command, control and communication to avionics, electronic warfare and

Developed and Manufactured future warfare, LIG Nex1 provides the peace of the world with advanced total

for Modern and Future Battlefields defense solutions for modern battlefields.


Precision Guided Munition Maritime Warfare Intelligence, Command, Control, Avionics, Electronic Warfare Future Warfare
Surveillance Communication,
and Reconnaissance Computer and Intelligence
6 Business Fields 7

Effectively Strikes Various Targets across ● Major Core Technologies M-SAM II M-SAM
PGM integration technology Medium range surface-to-air missile that intercepts enemy’s ballistic Medium range surface-to-air missile capable of effectively responding

Land, Air, and Sea with Flawless Precision IR/RF/Complex seeker technology missiles and aircrafts at medium/low altitude to airborne enemy targets

Super-high speed/precise guidance

Inertial navigation algorithm
Environment-friendly thermoplasticity/high-
energy propulsion

Raybolt KGGB (Korean GPS Guided Bomb)

Precision Guided Munition

Third-generation medium range anti-tank guided missile, which is Medium range air-to-surface missile created by mounting a GPS
vehicle mounted or portable, capable of effectively responding to guided kit on a conventional general-purpose bomb to increase range
enemy tanks and accuracy

Chiron Pegasus
Portable short-range surface-to-air missile that strikes Short-range surface-to-air missile capable of providing protection
enemy aircraft, helicopters, drones, etc. approaching from low altitude to mobile troops and key national facilities against enemy aircraft
attacking from medium/low altitude

M-SAM II PIP interception scene

8 Business Fields 9

Sea Dragon Red Shark

Ship-to-surface missile mounted on surface ship to strike Anti-submarine missile created by attaching guided missile propellant
enemy’s near coastal targets and key tactical ground targets to lightweight torpedo, which is launched from the surface ship to
attack submarines from long distances outside the operating radius

130mm Guided Rocket Poniard

Ship-to-ship guided missile mounted on surface ship to strike patrol Guided rocket capable of striking multiple high-speed hover crafts and
boats, etc. infiltrating at high speed landing crafts

Missile for ship defense that neutralizes various targets including Ship-to-ship guided missile mounted on various classes of surface
enemy’s anti-ship missile attacking our ship ships, including destroyers, frigates, and corvettes, to attack enemy
ships from a long distance

Inclined launch of tactical ship-to-ground missile

10 Business Fields 11

We Defend Our Seas with Maritime Weapon ● Major Core Technologies Blue Shark Tiger Shark
Complex navigation and guidance Lightweight torpedo launched from surface ships, maritime operation Wire-guided heavyweight torpedo mounted on submarines

Systems Capable of Accurate Detection and and control technology helicopters and anti-submarine patrol planes to neutralize enemy to strike enemy surface ships and submarines with pinpoint precision
SONAR and signal processing technology submarines

Covert Strikes Underwater acoustic sensor technology

Target movement analysis technology
Combat system and fire control technology

KSS-I Combat Management System PIP KSS-III SONAR System

Improvement and mounting of outdated KSS-I combat management Integrated SONAR system mounted on KSS-III submarines and
system using domestic technologies including SONAR equipped for full range detection, tracking and analysis of surface and
signal processing underwater targets
Maritime Warfare

HUSS(Harbor Underwater Surveillance System) 3D Surveillance Radar for FFG

Integrated surveillance system for detection, identification and Sound detection equipment mounted on FFG ships for early detection
tracking of approaching surface and underwater enemy targets and tracking of, and protection against, enemy threats
through integrated underwater sensors and optical sensors installed
in key port areas

Blue Shark launch scene

12 Business Fields 13

We Defend the Skies with Cutting-Edge ● Major Core Technologies

Weapon Locating Radar-II Short-range Air Defense Radar
High-resolution SAR image processing MFRs that detect bombs fired by enemies, reverse-trace trajectories, Three-dimensional radars that detect the trajectories of enemy aircraft
Surveillance Systems, Capable of Rapid, Element-level digital radar technology and inform friendly artillery units of the locations of enemy guns. and drones flying at low altitude and deliver related information to air
Active electronically scanned array technology defense C2A and strike systems
Accurate, and Far-Reaching Detection Automatic target recognition technology
IR image processing technology
Laser detection and signal processing technology
TWTA/MPM design technology
Intelligence, Surveillance and

Medium-range Air Defense Radar AESA(Active Electronically Scanned Array) Radar

Three-dimensional search radars that detect enemy targets flying at MFRs that detect, identify, and trace multiple targets on the ground
low altitude on a 24-hour basis and deliver trajectory information to and in the air and are equipped with the functions of SAR and NCTR.
automated air defense surveillance systems

SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) for UAV Tac-EO/IR

Synthetic aperture radar mounted on unmanned drones to collect Tactical reconnaissance image information collection system mounted
high-resolution image information and detect ground moving targets on reconnaissance planes for acquisition of images of daily/nightly
real-time in both day and night in all weather conditions tactical targets as well as real-time image reading and analysis

Weapon Locating Radar II operation scene

14 Business Fields 15

Rapid and Accurate Command Decisions ●

Major Core Technologies TMMR (Tactical Multiband Multirole Radio) ANASIS(Army, Navy, Air force Satellite Information System)-II
Mission planning technology Multiband multirole SDR (Software Defined Radio) that constitutes Satellite communications terminal that transmits large data &

Based on the Command, Control and Communication Network algorithm the combat radio system of TICN (Tactical Information Communication information via military satellites
Interoperability technology
System Optimized for Complex Modern
Battlefield Environments
Computer and Intelligence

BTCS (Battalion Tactical Command System) Education and Training System for Cyber Warfare
Tactical command system for creation, processing and dispaly A system for creation of an environment similar to those of actual
artillery battalion firing data battlefield situations and implementation of cyber warfare education,
Command, Control,

battle training, evaluation and review


Data Link for UAV Unmanned Data Link for Ground/Surface

A device that receives status and image information generated from A remote control device that transmits surveillance/reconnaissance
unmanned drones and transmits them to the ground control system information obtained from unmanned ground/surface equipment to
the control system

Unmanned Data Link Unmanned Data Link

For Ground for Surface

Satellite Data Link Sight Line Data Link

Portable radio operation scene
16 Business Fields 17

Optimized Operation Capabilities in Battlefields ● Major Core Technologies KF-X EW Suite & Avionics
High-speed signal information detection An embedded integrated electronic warfare system, components and integrated system that

through Localization and Improvement of technology (communication/electronics/

improves the survivability and performance of KF-X (Korean Fighter Experimental)

EW Suite Avionics
Avionics/Electronic Warfare System Accurate direction finding technology
Adaptive/autonomous digital jamming technology
Multiple beam array high-power transmission


Electronic Warfare System

Land-Based EW system Avionic equipment for Surion (KUH)

An avionics device that provides integrated management of airborne Develop and mass-produce ten types of avionic equipment for
equipment and generates image information necessary for the mobility, communications, and survival systems of Surion (KUH),
execution of missions the first mobile helicopter developed in Korea.





Shipborne EW System (SONATA) Unmanned air vehicle systems

Shipborne electronic warfare equipment that helps to avoid enemy Develop key equipment including drone warfare systems, mission
threats by identifying and disturbing electromagnetic waves from equipment (SAR and EO/IR), ground control systems, and data link
radars and missiles systems.


FLCC VFDR Equipped devices


Combat systems

Data link systems Ground control systems

Image of the ground-based tactical electronic warfare system
18 Business Fields 19

Take the lead in newly changing future warfare ●

Major Core Technologies Sea Sword l Unmanned surface vehicle Individual combat systems
Compact hydraulic system design technology Military operations including coastal surveillance and reconnaissance Study individual combat systems to which advanced technologies such

through unmanned weapon systems, robots, Ergonomic exoskeleton design technology as well as response to maritime disasters and accidents through as information processing, situational awareness, and smart arming
unmanned autonomous navigation are applied to maximize capabilities to carry out missions in future
Autonomous navigation algorithm
and laser. Ship design for good seakeeping quality

Compact drive arrangement design technology

Power transfer mechanism design technology

LEXO (Lower Extremity eXOskeleton) Portable Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Wearable robots to supplement or enhance the muscle strength of An unmanned ground vehicle for surveillance and reconnaissance
soldiers in future warfare environments sent to a rough or narrow area, where human beings have difficulty
approaching, to collect information using a camera
Future Warfare

Biomimetrics robots KW-class optical fiber laser systems

Robots that are carried by individual soldiers to accomplish surveillance Light source systems for high-energy laser weapons that can be
missions in various environments such as downtown, underground mounted on tactical platforms
areas, and narrow alleys without being exposed to enemies.

Image of soldiers wearing LEXO

20 Core Competencies 21

Key R&D capabilities specialized for modern warfare environments

LIG Nex1 is prepared for modern and future warfare that is evolving in the direction of ‘long-
distance precision engagement’ based on network-centric operational environment.
LIG Nex1 is preparing for a bigger takeoff with its R&D capabilities accumulated through
years of taking the lead in the fields of precision-guided munitions and surveillance and
reconnaissance systems.

Highest and largest R&D manpower in Korea

LIGNex1 has outstanding R&D capabilities about 50% of all employees of LIG Nex1 are engaged
in R&D, and with 60% of them holding Master’s and Ph.D. degrees.
Its insistence on ‘technology management’ throughout the years and experience of developing
numerous weapons currently defending the Republic of Korea also constitute the R&D assets
of LIG Nex1.

R&D infrastructure
LIG Nex1 applies an R&D process based on SE/M&S for the development of efficient weapon
systems, and it has established all design tools, instruments and test facilities needed for R&D.
It will further strengthen its privately-led R&D capabilities based on its competence for
developing key technologies and experience of business management that it has accumulated.

R&D Capability Securing future growth engines

through self-initiated development of key technologies
LIG Nex1 achieved significant accomplishments from self-initiated development of key

A Leader in Preserving Hope and Peace with Advanced components of state-of-the-art weapons based on steady investment and efforts.
It will continue to lead in the development of key technologies for future battlefields including

R&D Capabilities for Cutting-Edge Weapon Systems unmanned warfare and cyber warfare, thereby securing future growth engines.

Efficient R&D management

LIG Nex1 is carrying out efficient R&D management including technical data management,
configuration management, risk management, and schedule/cost management through the
most advanced management system.

● Key technologies ● Development management

System design Technical management
Software Schedule/cost management
Signal processing Configuration management
Image sensor Risk management
Radio frequency/micro wave Design data management
Integrated logistics support (ILS)
Dynamic mechanism
22 Core Competencies Customer Support 23

Production Capability End-to-End Customer Support

Aiming at ‘Zero Defect Rate’ Minimize power vacuums through TLCSM (total life cycle systems
through 100 Percent Performance in Complex Warfare Environments management)-based ILS development and flawless MRO support
systems for operation and maintenance.

Cutting-edge quality control infrastructure Capabilities to conduct business during the whole life cycle of weapon systems
Korea’s largest 1.2km long comprehensive test station, the only domestic guided missile (R&D – production - depot maintenance)
radome performance test station, the largest local 5,400-ton test water tank 16m deep, and LIG Nex1 has accumulated capabilities to manage defense business during the total life cycle
the first Korean defense company recognized by the Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme of weapon systems consisting of R&D, production, and depot maintenance. It has also operated
(KOLAS) as a globally certified test institution in three categories including environment and service centers optimized by military, region, and equipment in order to maintain the best
reliability: LIG Nex1 is equipped with the premium quality control facilities and is leading the military power and delivered logistics support systems in an accurate and speedy way.
technological advancement of Korean defense industry.
Korea’s first environment-friendly business in the defense industry On-site Integrated Logistic Support
To fulfill its corporate social responsibility, LIG Nex1 has established the environmental safety and LIG Nex1 has performed discontinued parts replacements, localizaion R&D, repair parts supply,
health management system corresponding to the global standards. mobile maintenance for keep optimized operation ratio by military, actively working to satisfy
our customers with nationwide support teams.

Major Certifications
Customer service teams
Quality certification Environmental certification
-D  efense Quality Management System certification -O
 ccupational Safety and Health
(KDS 0050-9000) Management System certification Uijeongbu
-Q  uality Management Systems certification (ISO 9001) (KOSHA 18001)
-A  erospace Quality Management System certification (AS 9100) -E
 nvironmental Management System
1418, Hoguk-ro, Uijeongbu
-C  apability Maturity Model Integration certification certification (ISO 14001)
city, Gyeonggi-do Uijeongbu Chuncheon
(CMMI Level5) -G
 reen Company designation, etc.
- KOLAS acknowledgement as a globally certified test institution Gumi
- KOLAS acknowledgement as a globally certified calibration institution

Chuncheon 354-25, Sanhodae-ro,

Gumi city, Gyeongsangbuk-do
● Specialized test facilities ● Specialized assembly/test technologies
414-1, Chuncheon- 054-469-8440
Acoustic test tank facility Printed circuit board assembly process Gumi
ro, Chuncheon city,
Environmental test station High-power module process
EMC test station Guided missile specialization process
033-264-9471 Jinhae
Multifunctional electromagnetic Optical precision assembly/alignment and
wave test station drive control Jinhae
Electronics plant, Sa 602-
Electronic warfare system test station
3, Hyeon-dong, Jinhae-gu,
Radome/antenna test station ● Test facility
Changwon city,
Near-field test station Radar system integration test station
Outdoor far-field antenna (boresight) Guided weapon integration test station
array test station
Nondestructive test
Clean room (constant temperature and
humidity facility)
24 Core Competencies 25

First overseas export of guided weapons in Korea

LIG Nex1 achieved the major feat of becoming the first Korean company to export cutting-edge
guided weapons to South American and Asian countries.
It is rising as a global company by creating new business opportunities based on differentiated
strategies, such as development and supply of customized products and technology transfer
through overseas production and joint development.

Development of new markets by participating in international defense fairs

LIG Nex1, a leading comprehensive defense company in Korea, is actively promoting its advanced
technological competence and outstanding products by taking part in domestic and overseas
defense industry fairs and trade shows.
Its participation represents part of its continued efforts to develop global markets.

Global Network
Rising as a Global Leader in the Defense Industry
Drawing the World’s Attention

● American partner network ● European partner network

BAE Systems(USA) BAE Systems
Northrop Grumman SAAB
Boeing Thales
Raytheon Technologies Airbus
L3Harris Leonardo
Lockheed Martin Hansoldt
26 Company History 27

The Path of LIG Nex1 is

the History of South Korea's
Defense Industry

Powerful Korea Future newly opened by IPO and overseas exports

Through Our Efforts 1990s

Sep. 2011 Pangyo House (R&D Center) opened
Mar. 2012 First TMMi Level 3 certification presented to a domestic defense company
First Korean export of C-Star guided missile to Latin America
Dec. 2014 Indigenously developed IR Seeker for Chiron
Oct. 2015 Securities listed (KOSPI)
LIG Nex1, which was founded in 1976, has continuously set new milestones in Foundation for a comprehensive defense
Mar. 2016 Productivity Management System (PMS) Level 7+ certification granted
the history of Korean defense industry as the Republic of Korea established company established Aug Declaration of compliance management
itself as a military power. Apr. 2017 Weapon Locating Radar II determined to be fit for combat
Growing from humble beginnings depot maintenance of American missiles, May. 1991 Acquired the defense business division of May Local Air Defense Radar determined to be fit for combat
Goldstar-Alps Electronics Co., Ltd
the company is now in Korea’s most outstanding comprehensive defense Jun Cheolmae II-PIP determined to be fit for combat
Jun First Korean low-altitude detection radar KSS III SONAR system determined to be fit for combat
company, developing and mass-producing state-of-the-art weapon systems
(TPS-830K) developed Nov Construction of Daejeon House
to draw global attention. Apr. 1993 First Korean service center for defense (Guided Weapon Research Institute) completed
LIG Nex1, opening up a new future for the defense industry through equipment opened in Yangju Nov 2018 Ship-based Haegung surface-to-air missile systems were officially
unceasing technology development and bold investment: May. 1995 ISO9001 quality certification granted recognized as suitable for combat
Over 40-year history of LIG Nex1 is marked by both challenges and passion. Jan. 1997 Groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of Heavy torpedo II was officially recognized as suitable for combat
production infrastructure in Gumi House TMMR Block II was officially recognized as suitable for combat
Jul. 1999 First Defense Quality Management System Aug 2019 CEO Kim Ji-chan received the Order of Industrial Service Merit (Silver Tower)
certification in the category of military
communication/electronics granted

1976 ~ 2000s
Beginning of Korean defense industry, Toward self-reliant defense based on
the foundation of national self-defense self-developed technologies

Feb. 1976 GoldStar Precision founded Jul. 2000 First shipment of heavyweight torpedo White Shark
Jun Designated as a defense company Jun. 2004 Portable surface-to-air missile Chiron developed
Feb. 1977 Started depot maintenance for Hawk and for the first time in Korea
Nike Mar. 2006 30th anniversary ceremony and the ceremony commemorating
Jul Military radar production the military usage of domestically developed guided
Mar. 1983 Shipborn started radar GS-710 developed weapons held
Jul Export of portable radio (PRC-999KE/C) to Indonesia
Mar. 2007 First CMMI Level 5 certification presented
to a domestic defense company
28 CEO’s Message Corporate Social Responsibility 29

Equipped with Based on world-class R&D professionals and technological prowess and know-how that have
been accumulated for more than 40 years, LIG Nex1, Korea’s exemplary defense company,
greater passions and has researched, developed, and mass-produced state-of-the-art weapons systems for ground, We share hope based on the value safeguarding
naval, and air warfare including precise guided missiles, reconnaissance and surveillance
challenging spirit, systems, and command/control/communications systems. Across the nation, it has operated the nation and coexistence
LIG Nex1 will take the plants optimized for R&D and mass-production of advanced weapons systems, as well as
overseas offices in the US, Colombia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia, establishing solid networks
lead in reshaping the with global defense companies. Based on such optimized infrastructure and cooperative
networks, it has delivered the latest integrated solutions for modern warfare.
future of the Korean LIG Nex1 practices ‘shared growth with society’ [International activities]
The long-standing cooperative ties with the Korean military, the Defense Acquisition Program
defense industry. Administration, the Agency for Defense Development, and the Defense Agency for Technology
based on the value of safeguarding the nation as
well as the sense of mission and responsibility Support for ‘Korea Reborn’ yearbook
and Quality are LIG Nex1’s valuable assets that have enabled it to provide reliable products and inherent to a defense company. We support the publication of ‘Korea Reborn,’ a yearbook on the
stable services. We also continue to engage in global CSR activities achievements of the Korean War veterans from the U.S. and Korea’s
with the intention of repaying Korea’s past debt of post-war development, and distribute the books to public libraries,
In the future, LIG Nex1 will further improve its technological prowess and create new growth ‘peace.’ education institutions, etc. in the U.S. in memory of their sacrifice.
engines under the vision of ‘Design a Safe and Convenient Future’. Based on its defense know-
how and ICT capabilities, it will continuously develop weapons systems for future warfare Support for Korean War veterans
characterized by robots, unmanned systems, and cyber warfare systems and take the lead in We support the activities of Asociación de Veteranos de la Guerra de
promoting the 4th Industrial Revolution in the sphere of defense industry. At the same time, LIG Corea, the association of the Korean War veterans in Colombia, the
Nex1 will take another leap forward to become a global defense company that will introduce the only Latin American country that sent its troops to the Korean War,
excellence of the Korean defense industry across the world. to assist its activities related to the conservation of war records and
support for the veterans and their descendants, in an effort to deliver
Moreover, by establishing transparent corporate culture, promoting win-win management, hope to the Korean War veterans around the world.
and ensuring flawless quality control, it will solidify its position as a reliable enterprise for both
clients and the public as a whole. Donation for Colombian disaster relief
We gave donations for disaster relief in Colombia, which suffered
Thank you all for your continued support for and interest in LIG Next1. I sincerely hope that you flooding and landslides caused by unprecedented heavy rain, to
will help and encourage LIG Nex1 to take another leap forward in the future. promote friendship between the two countries as a private company.

[Domestic activities]

Safeguarding of the nation and honoring of patriots

Kim Ji-chan
Employees of LIG Nex1 and their family members visit Seoul National
LIG Nex1 CEO and President
Cemetery regularly to pay tribute to martyrs and cherish their patriotic
spirit by offering flowers and cleaning up the area, while doing their
part to improve the morale of military personnel and welfare of their

Coexistence with local communities

LIG Nex1 makes contributions and engages in support activities for
those in need in local communities surrounding its establishments,
including the elderly living alone and disadvantaged youth, to
strengthen local partnership.
LIG Nex1 practices ‘shared growth with society’ by infusing the value
1 Safeguarding of the nation and honoring of patriots of safeguarding the nation inherent to a defense company into its CSR
2 Volunteer services to improve the residential environment in activities.
the Philippines
We will be the force that protects the Domestic establishments Overseas establishments

self-reliant defense of global peace. Yongin House (headquarters) U.S. Branch Office
207 Mabuk-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 1101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1650, Arlington,
Tel. 1644-2005 VA 22209, USA

Pangyo House Latin American Branch Office

333 Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do Carrera 11 No 94a-34 Piso 8 Bogota,
The Vision of LIG Nex1 – which has never ceased to meet
Tel. 1644-2005 Colombia
the challenges and innovate to provide the reliable power that protects
Daejeon House Saudi Arabia Branch Office
the nation, from R&D for cutting-edge weapon systems to their
181 Jukdong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon Abdurrahman Al Al-Shiek Street, Al-Salmaniya,
mass-production – are always looking toward tomorrow. Tel. 042-718-3400 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

‘A more secure Korea, a more peaceful world’ Gumi House 1 & 2 UAE Branch Office

LIG Nex1’s passion for a better tomorrow will continue. 354-25 Sanho-daero, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do unit 612 Al Khatem Tower ADGM Square
Tel. 054-469-8222 Al Maryah Island
Abu Dahbi Uae 111999
Gimcheon House
1487 Jucheon-ro, Nam-myeon, Gimcheon-si, Indonesian Branch Office
Gyeongsangbuk-do Menara Mulia Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11
Tel. 054-715-6130 Jakarta Utara DKI Jakarta 12930

Jinhae House
P.O.B. 602-4, Chungjang-ro 1, Jinhae-gu, Cheongwon-
si, Gyeongsangnam-do
Tel. 055-541-5601~5603

Seoul Office
369 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul
Tel. 1644-2005

Jinhae Office
2nd fl. KT Jinhae Branch Building, 49 Jungwondong-
ro, Jinhae-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
Tel. 055-552-8910

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