Production of The Pharmaceutically Useful Biopharmaceuticals by rDNA Technology

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Production of the pharmaceutically useful biopharmaceuticals by rDNA technology

A few decades ago, it was realized that certain proteins could be used as pharmaceutical agents
for the treatment of human diseases, e.g. insulin for diabetes mellitus, interferon for viral
diseases. However the availability of such therapeutic pharmaceutical products was limited due
to costly and cumbersome procedures involved in their isolation. Further, their use in humans
was associated with several complications. For instance, administration of pig insulin to diabetic
patients results in the development of antibodies.
The advent of recombinant DNA technology heralded a new chapter for the production of a wide
range of therapeutic agents in sufficient quantities for human use. The commercial exploitation
of recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology began in late 1970s by biotechnological companies to
produce proteins. There are around 400 different proteins being produced by
rDNAtechnologyand as of now around 30 have been approved for human use.
Recombinant DNA technology involves using microorganisms, macroscopic organisms, or
hybrids of tumor cells and leukocytes:
 to create new pharmaceuticals:
 create safer and/ormore effective versions of conventionally produced pharmaceuticals:
 to produce substances identical to conventionally made pharmaceuticals more cost
effectively than the latter pharmaceuticals are produced.
Recombinant DNA technology enables modifying microorganisms, animals, and plants so that
they yield medically useful substances, particularly scarce human proteins (by giving animals
human genes. for example).
The pharmaceutical products of rDNA technology are broadly divided into following three types
1. Human protein replacements
2. Therapeutic agents for human diseases
3. Vaccines
The synthesis of the cellular proteins is ultimately under the control of genes. Any defect in a
gene produces an incorrect protein or no protein at all. Thus, gene defects will result in inherited
or genetically linked diseases.
Identification of defective or deficient proteins in the causation of inherited diseases is very
important. The rDNA technology can be fruitfully employed to produce human proteins that can

be used for the treatment of genetically linked diseases. This is referred to as human protein
replacement strategy in biotechnology.
The hormone insulin is produced by the B-cells of islets of Langerhans of pancreas. Human
insulin contains 51 amino acids, arranged in two polypeptide chains. The chain A has 21 amino
acids while B has 30 amino acids. Both are held together by disulfide bonds.
Insulin is central to regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin causes cells
in the liver, skeletal muscles, and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the blood. In the liver and
skeletal muscles, glucose is stored as glycogen, and in fat cells (adipocytes) it is stored as
Insulin stops the use of fat as an energy source by inhibiting the release of glucagon. With the
exception of the metabolic disorder diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, insulin is
provided within the body in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from the blood,
which otherwise would be toxic. When blood glucose levels fall below a certain level, the body
begins to use stored sugar as an energy source through glycogenolysis, which breaks down the
glycogen stored in the liver and muscles into glucose, which can then be utilized as an energy
source. As a central metabolic control mechanism, its status is also used as a control signal to
other body systems (such as amino acid uptake by body cells). In addition, it has several other
anabolic effects throughout the body.
When control of insulin levels fails, diabetes mellitus can result. As a consequence, insulin is
used medically to treat some forms of diabetes mellitus. Patients with type diabetes depend on
external insulin (most commonly injected subcutaneously) for their survival because the
hormone is no longer produced internally. Patients with type 2 diabetes are often insulin resistant
and, because of such resistance, may suffer from a "relative" insulin deficiency. Some patients
with type 2 diabetes may eventually require insulin if other medications fail to control blood
glucose levels adequately. Over 40% of those with Type 2 diabetes require insulin as part of their
diabetes management plan.
Diabetes mellitus affects about 2-3% of the general is a genetically linked disease
characterized by the increased blood glucose concentration (hyperglycemia). Insulin facilitates
the cellular uptake and utilization of glucose for release of energy. In the absence of insulin,
glucose accumulates in the blood stream at higher concentration, usually when the blood glucose
concentration exceeds about 180mg/dl, glucose is excreted into urine. The patients of diabetes,
ate weak and tired since the production of energy (i.e ATP) is very much depressed. The more
serious complications of uncontrolled diabetes include kidney damage (neuropathy), nerve
diseases (neuropathy), and circulatory diseases (atherosclerosis.stroke).
Production of recombinant insulin:

Attempts to produce insulin by rDNA technology started in late 1970s.the basic technique
consisted of inserting human insulin gene and the promoter gene of lac operon on to the plasmids
of 1. coli Recently the procedure employed for synthesis involves insertion of genes for insulin A
chain and B chain separately to the plasmids of different.colicultures the lac operon system
( consisting of inducer gene. promoter gene, operator gene and structural gene 7 for galactosidase
is used for expression of both genes. the presence of lactose in the culture mediuminduces the
synthesis of insulin A and B chains in separate cultures. The so formed insulin chains can be
isolated, purified and joined together to give a full-fledged human insulin.
Forms of human insulin:
Human insulin is available in two forms, a short acting (regular) form and an intermediate acting
(NPH) form. NPI (Neutral Protamine Hagedorn) insulin, also known as isophane insulin, is a
suspension meaning that the insulin vial should be rolled or repeatedly turned upside down to
ensure the solution is uniformly cloudy.
Some examples of human insulin:
 Regular (short acting): Humulin S. Actrapid. Insuman Rapid
 NPH (intermediate acting): lumulin 1. Insuman basal. Insulatard
 Premixed human insulins: Humulin M2. M3 and M5. Insuman Comb 15. 25 and 50
As a medication
Biosynthetic "human" insulin is now manufactured for widespread clinical use using
recombinant DNA technology. More recently, researchers have succeeded in introducing the
gene for human insulin into plants and in producing insulin in them. to be specific safflower.
This technique is anticipated to reduce production costs.
Several of these slightly modified versions of human insulin, while having a clinical effect on
blood glucose levels as though they were exact copies, have been designed to have somewhat
different absorption or duration of action characteristics. They are usually referred to as "insulin
analogues". For instance, the first one available. Humalog(insulin lispro), does not exhibit a
delayed absorption effect found in regular insulin, and begins to have an effect in as little as 15
minutes. Other rapid-acting analogues are NovoRapid and Apidra, with similar profiles. All are
rapidly absorbed due to a mutation in the sequence that prevents the insulin analogue from
forming dimers and hexamers. Instead, the insulin molecule is a monomer, which is more rapidly
absorbed. Using it, therefore, does not require the planning required for other insulins that begin
to take effect much later (up to many hours) after administration. Another type is extended
release insulin: the first of these was Lantus(insulin glargine). These have a steady effect for the
entire time they are active, without the peak and drop off effect in other insulins: typically, they
continue to have an insulin effect for an extended period from 18 to 24 hours. Likewise, another
protracted insulin analogue (levemir) is based on a fatty acid acylation approach. A myristyric
acid molecule is attached to this analogue, which in turn associates the insulin molecule to the
abundant serum albumin, which in turn extends the effect and reduces the risk of hypoglycemia.
Both protracted analogues need to be taken only once-daily, and are very much used in the type I

diabetes market as the basal insulin. A combination of a rapid acting and a protracted insulin is
also available for the patients, making it more likely for them to achieve an insulin profile that
mimics that of the body's own insulin release.Insulin is usually taken as subcutaneous injections
by single-use syringes with needles, via an insulin pump, or by repeated-use insulin pens with
needles. Unlike many medicines, insulin currently cannot be taken orally because, like nearly all
other proteins introduced into the gastrointestinal tract. it is reduced to fragments (even single
amino acid components), whereupon all activity is lost. There has been some research into ways
to protect insulin from the digestive tract, so that it can be administered orally or sublingually.
While experimental, several companies now have various formulations in human clinical trials,
and one, the India-based Biocon, has formed an agreement with BMS to produce an oral-insulin
Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates the growth and development.
Growth hormone stimulates overall body growth by increasing the cellular uptake of amino
acids, and protein synthesis, and promoting the use of fat as body fuel.Insufficient human growth
hormone (HGH) in young children results in retarded growth, clinically referred to as pituitary
Growth hormone is used as a prescription drug in medicine to treat children's growth disorders
and adult growth hormone deficiency. In the United States, it is only available legally from
pharmacies, by prescription from a doctor. In recent years in the United States. some doctors
have started to prescribe growth hormone in G11-deficient older patients (but not on healthy
people) to increase vitality. While legal, the efficacy and safety of this use for HGH has not beer
tested in a clinical trial.
Effects of growth hormone on the tissues of the body can generally be described as anabolic
(building up). Like most other protein hormones. Gill acts by interacting with a specific receptor
on the surface of cells.
Increased height during childhood is the most widely known effect of GH. Height appears to be
stimulated by at least two mechanisms:
1. Because polypeptide hormones are not fat-soluble. they cannot penetrate cell
membranes. Thus, GII exerts some of its effects by binding to receptors on target
cells, where it activates the MAPK/ERK pathway. Through this mechanism GI
directly stimulates division and multiplication of chondrocytes of cartilage.
2. GH also stimulates. through the JAK-STAI signaling pathway.[30] the production of
insulin like growth factor (IGF-1. formerly known as somatomedin C), a hormone
homologous to proinsulin The liver is a major target organ of GH for this process and
is the principal site of IGF-1 production. IGF-1 has growth-stimulating effects on a
wide variety of tissues. Additional IGF-1 is generated within target tissues, making it
what appears to be both an endocrine and an autocrine/paracrine hormone. IGI-I also

has stimulatory effects on osteoblast and chondrocyte activity to promote bone


Main pathways in endocrine regulation of growth.

In addition to increasing height in children and adolescents, growth hormone has many other
effects on the body:
 Increases calciumretention, and strengthens and increases the mineralization of bone
 Increases muscle mass through sarcomerehypertrophy
 Promotes lipolysis
 Increases protein synthesis
 Stimulates the growth of all internal organs excluding the brain
 Plays a role in homeostasis
 Reduces liveruptake of glucose
 Promotes gluconeogenesisin the liver
 Contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets
 Stimulates the immune system
Production of recombinant HGH
Biotechnologists can now produce HIGH by genetic engineering. The technique adopted is quite
comparable with that of insulin production. The procedure essentially consists of inserting HGH
gene into E.coli plasmid, culturing the cells and isolation of the HGH from the extracellular
Limitation in HGH production: The HIGH is a protein comprised of 191 amino acids. During
the course of its natural synthesis in the body, HIGH is tagged with a single peptide (with 26
amino acids). The signal peptide is removed during secretion to release the active HGH for
biological functions. The entire process of HGH synthesis goes on in an orderly fashion in the
body. However, signal peptide interrupts HIGH production by recombinant technology. The
complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesized from the mRNA encoding HGH is inserted into the
plasmid. The plasmid containing 1 .coli when cultured, produces full length HIGH along with
signal peptide.But coli cannot remove the signal peptide. Further, it is also quite difficultto get
rid of signal peptide by various other means. Theoretically. cDNA encoding signal peptide can
be cut to solve these problems. Unfortunately, there is no restriction endonuclease to do this job,
hence this is not possible.
A novel approach for HIGH production:
Biotechnologists have resolved the problem of signal peptide interruption by a novel approach.
The base sequence in cDNA encoding signal peptide (26 amino acids) plus the neighboring 24
amino acids is cut by restriction endonuclease ECORI. Now a gene (eDNA) for 24 amino acid
sequence of HGH is freshly synthesized and ligated to the remaining HGHEDNA. The so
constituted cDNA, attached to a vector, is inserted into a bacterium such as E. coli for culture

and production of HIGH. In this manner, the biologically functional HGHI can be produced by
DNA technology.


Biotechnology is very useful for the production of several therapeutic products for treating
human diseases. A selected list of rDNAderived therapeutic agents along with trade names and
their uses in human are given below

Interferons(IFNs) are proteins made and released by host cells in response to the presence of
pathogenssuch as viruses, bacteria, parasites or tumor cells. They allow for communication
between cells to trigger the protective defenses of the immune system that eradicate pathogens or
IFNs belong to the large class of glycoproteins known as cytokines. Interferons are named after
their ability to "interfere" with viral replication within host cells. IFNs have other functions: they
activate immune cells, such as natural killer cells and macrophages: they increase recognition of
infection or tumor cells by up-regulating antigen presentation to T lymphocytes: and they
increase the ability of uninfected host cells to resist new infection by virus. Certain symptoms.
such as aching muscles and fever, are related to the production of IFNs during infection.
All interferons share several common effects: they are antiviral agents and can fight tumors. As
an infected cell dies from a cytolytic virus, viral particles are released that can infect nearby
cells. However, the infected cell can warn neighboring cells of a viral presence by releasing

interferon. The neighboring cells, in response to interferon, produce large amounts of an

enzymeknown as protein kinase R(PKR). This enzyme phosphorylates a protein known as elf-2
in response to new viral infections: the phosphorylated ell-2 forms an inactive complex with
another protein, called elf 213, to reduce protein synthesis within the cell. Another cellular
enzyme. RNAse I also induced following PKR activation-destroys RNA within the cells to
further reduce protein synthesis of both viral and host genes. Inhibited protein synthesis destroys
both the virus and infected host cells. In addition, interferons induce production of hundreds of
other proteins known collectively as interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) that have roles in
combating viruses. They also limit viral spread by increasing p53 activity, which kills virus
infected cells by promoting apoptosis. The effect of IFN on p53 is also linked to its protective
role against certain cancers.
Another function of interferons is to upregulate major histocompatibility complex molecules.
MHC land MHC II, and increase immunoproteasome activity. Higher MIC I expression
increases presentation of viral peptides to cytotoxic T cells, while the immunoproteasome
processes viral peptides for loading onto the MIIC I molecule, thereby increasing the recognition
and killing of infected cells. Higher MIIC II expression increases presentation of viral peptides to
helper 1 cells: these cells release cytokines (such as more interferons and interleukins, among
others) that signal to and co-ordinate the activity of other immune cells.
Interferons, such as interferon gamma, directly activate other immune cells, such as macrophages
and natural killer cells. Interferons can inflame the tongue and cause dysfunction in taste bud
cells, restructuring or killing taste buds entirely.
Interferon therapy
The immune effects of interferons have been exploited to treat several diseases. Agents that
activate the immune system, such as small imidazoquinoline molecules that activate TLR7, can
induce IFN-a. Imidazoquinoline is the main ingredient of Aldara (Imiquimod) cream, a treatment
approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for actinic keratosis,
superficial basal cell carcinoma, papilloma and external genital warts. Synthetic IFNs are also
made, and administered as antiviral, antiseptic and anticarcinogenic drugs, and to treat some
autoimmune diseases.
New research has shown that imiquimod's anti-proliferative effect is totally independent of
immune system activation or function. Imiquimod exerts its effect by increasing levels of the
opioid growth factor receptor (OGFr). Blocking OGFr function with siRNA technology resulted
in loss of any antiproliferative effect of imiquimod.
Interferon beta-la and interferon beta-lb are used to treat and control multiple sclerosis, an
autoimmune disorder. This treatment is effective for slowing disease progression and activity in
relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and reducing attacks in secondary progressive multiple
Interferon therapy is used (in combination with chemotherapy and radiation) as a treatment for
many cancers. This treatment is most effective for treating hematological malignancy: leukemia

and lymphomas including hairy cell leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, nodular lymphoma,
cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.Patients with recurrent melanomas receive recombinant IFN u2b.
Type 1 IFNs have a therapeutic potential for the treatment of a wide variety of leukemias and
solid tumors due to their antiproliferative and apoptotic effects, their anti-angiogenic effects and
their ability to modulate an immune response specifically activating dendritic cells. cytolytic T
cells and NK cells. Research in this area is receiving intensive investigation. Interferon a 2b is
also being used for treatment of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) in the form of
perilesional injection followed by topical interferon a 2b drops
Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are treated with IFN-u, ollen in combination with other antiviral
drugs. Some of those treated with interferon have a sustained virological response and can
eliminate hepatitis virus. The most harmful strain hepatitis C genotype virus-can be treated with
a 60-80% success rate with the current standard-of-care treatment of interferon-a, ribavirin, and
recently approved protease inhibitors such as Telaprevir (Incivek) or Boceprevir (Victrelis).
Biopsies of patients given the treatment show reductions in liver damage and cirrhosis. Some
evidence shows giving interferon immediately following infection can prevent chronic hepatitis
C. although diagnosis early in infection is difficult since physical symptoms are sparse in early
hepatitis C infection. Control of chronic hepatitis C by IFN is associated with reduced
hepatocellular carcinoma.
Administered intranasally in very low doses, interferon is extensively used in Eastern Europe and
Russia as a method to prevent and treat viral respiratory diseases such as cold and flu. However,
mechanisms of such action of interferon are not well understood; it is thought that doses must be
larger by several orders of magnitude to have any effect on the virus. Although most scientists
are skeptical of any claims of good efficacy recent findings suggest that interferon applied to
mucosa may act as an adjuvant against influenza virus, boosting the specific immune system
response against the virus. A flu vaccine that uses interferon as adjuvant is currently under
clinical trials in the US.
When used in the systemic therapy. IFNs are mostly administered by an intramuscular injection.
The injection of IFNs in the muscle, in the vein, or under skin is generally well tolerated. The
most frequent adverse effects are flu-like symptoms: increased body temperature, feeling ill,
fatigue, headache, muscle pain, convulsion, dizziness, hair thinning, and depression. Erythema.
pain and hardness on the spot of injection are also frequently observed. IFN therapy causes
immunosuppression, in particular through neutropenia and can result in some infections
manifesting in unusual ways.

Several different types of interferon are now approved for use in humans. By March 10, 2009.
Multiferon a brand name known generically as human leukocyte interferon-alpha (HulFN alpha-
le) was being used in 14 European countries. This drug was approved for treatment of patients
with high risk (stage 1lb III) cutaneous melanoma, after two treatment cycles with dacarbazine,
following a clinical trial performed in Germany.
In January 2001, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of PEGylated
interferon-alpha in the USA; in this formulation, polyethylene glycolis added to make the
interferon last longer in the body. Initially used for production of PEGylated interferon-alpha
2b(legintron), approval for PEGylated interferon-alpha-20(Pegasys) followed in October 2002.
These PEGylated drugs are injected once weekly, rather than administering three times per week.
as is necessary for conventional interferon-alpha. When used with the antiviral drugribavirin.
PEGylated interferon is effective in treatment of hepatitis C: at least 75% people with hepatitis C
genotypes 2 or 3 benefit from interferon treatment, although this is effective in less than 50% of
people infected with genotype I (the more common form of hepatitis C virus in both the U.S. and
Western Europe).[36]|37||38|Recently. 2 new Protease Inhibitors have been approved which
improves the outcomes for Genotype hepatitis C - boceprevirandtelaprevir. These drugs are used
in addition to PEG-IFN/Ribavirin.
It is also known as erythropoetin or erthropoyetin and or EPO, is a glycoprotein hormone that
controls erythropoiesis, or red blood cell production. It is a cytokine (protein signaling molecule)
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for erythrocyte (red blood cell) precursors in the bone marrow. Human EPO has a molecular
weight of 34 kDa.

Also called hematopoietin or hemopoietin, it is produced by interstitial fibroblasts in the kidney

in close association with peritubular capillary and tubular epithelial cells. It is also produced in
perisinusoidal cells in the liver. While liver production predominates in the fetal and perinatal
period, renal production is predominant during adulthood. In addition to erythropoiesis,
erythropoietin also has other known biological functions. For example, it plays an important role
in the brain's response to neuronal injury. EPO is also involved in the wound healing process.
When exogenous IPO is used as a performance-enhancing drug. it is classified as an
erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ISA). EPO can often be detected in blood, due to slight
differences from the endogenous protein, for example. in features of posttranslational
Mechanism of action:
Erythropoietin has been shown to exert its effects by binding to the erythropoietin
EPO is highly glycosylated (40% of total molecular weight), with half-life in blood around five
hours. EPO's half-life may vary between endogenous and various recombinant versions.
Additional glycosylation or other alterations of EPO via recombinant technology have led to the
increase of EPO's stability in blood (thus requiring less frequent injections). EPO binds to the
erythropoietin receptor on the red cell progenitor surface and activates a JAK2 signaling cascade.
Erythropoietin receptor expression is found in a number of tissues, such as bone marrow and
peripheral/central nervous tissue. In the bloodstream, red cells themselves do not express
erythropoietin receptor, so cannot respond to EPO. However, indirect dependence of red cell
longevity in the blood on plasma erythropoietin levels has been reported, a process termed
Pharmaceutical companies make human recombinanterythropoietin with recombinant
technology, in which genes are inserted to create a custom organism. In this particular case,
bacteria are modified with recombination so that they will produce human erythropoietin which
enn be administered to patients. The same technology is used to produce a variety of other
human hormones. These hormones are as effective in the body as hormones of human or animal
origin, but they are ensier and safer to produce.
There are side effects associated human recombinant erythropoietin, especially in patients who
use it for a long time. It can increase the risk of heavy clotting and adverse cardiovascular events,
and it can also lead to iron deficiency and high blood pressure. In some young athletes,
unexpected death has been linked to IPO usage, which is one of the reasons sports authorities are
concerned about blood doping. Recombinant EPO is chemically slightly different from the made
in the body version, and this can be used on blood tests to determine whether or not an athlete is
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Vaccination is the phenomenon of preventive immunization. In the modern concept, vaccination
involves the administration (injection or oral) of an antigen to elicit an antibody response that
will protect the organism against the future infections.
Vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine
typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made
from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent
stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and
"remember" it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these
microorganisms that it later encounters.
Vaccines may be prophylactic (example: to prevent or ameliorate the effects of a future infection
by any natural or "wild" pathogen), or therapeutic (e.g. against cancer are also being
investigated: see cancer vaccine).
The term vaccine derives from Edward Jenner's 1796 use of cow pox (Latin variolavaccinia.
adapted from the Latin vace?n-us. from vacca. cow), to inoculate humans, providing them
protection against smallpox.
Vaccines do not guarantee complete protection from a disease. Sometimes, this is because the
host's immune system simply does not respond adequately or at all. This may be due to a
lowered immunity in general (diabetes. steroid use. HIIV infection, age) or because the host's
immune system does not have a B cell capable of generating antibodies to that antigen.
Even if the host develops antibodies, the human immune system is not perfect and in any case
the immune system might still not be able to defeat the infection immediately. In this case, the
infection will be less severe and heal faster.
Adjuvants are typically used to boost immune response. Most often aluminium adjuvants are
used, but adjuvants like squalene are also used in some vaccines and more vaccines with
squalene and phosphate adjuvants are being tested. Larger doses are used in some cases for older
people (50-75 years and up), whose immune response to a given vaccine is not as strong.
The efficacy or performance of the vaccine is dependent on a number of factors:
 the disease itself' (for some diseases vaccination performs better than for other diseases)
 the strain of vaccine (some vaccinations are for different strains of the disease)
 whether one kept to the timetable for the vaccinations (see Vaccination schedule)
Some individuals are "non-responders" to certain vaccines, meaning that they do not generate
antibodies even after being vaccinated correctly other factors such as ethnicity, age, or genetic
Recombinant vaccines:
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Biotechnology sector has also played its part in developing vaccines against certain diseases.
Such vaccine which makes use of recombinant DNA technology is known as recombinant
vaccines. It is also known as subunit vaccines.

Recombinant vaccines can be broadly grouped into two kinds:

(i) Recombinant protein vaccines: This is based on production of recombinant DNA
which is expressed to release the specific protein used in vaccine preparation
(ii) DNA vaccines: Here the gene encoding for immunogenic protein is isolated and used
to produce recombinant DNA which acts as vaccine to be injected into the individual.
Steps involved:
Production of recombinant vaccines involves the following steps:
(i) First and foremost, it is important that the protein which is crucial to the growth and
development of the causative organism be identified.
(ii) The corresponding gene is then isolated applying various techniques. Further to this,
an extensive study of the gene explains the gene expression pattern involved in the
production of corresponding protein.
(iii) This gene is then integrated into a suitable expression vector to produce a
recombinant DNA.
(iv) This rDNA is used as vaccines or is introduce into another host organism to produce
immunogenic proteins which acts as vaccines
Recombinant protein vaccines:
A pathogen upon infection produces proteins, vital for its functions, which elicit an immune
response from the infected body. The gene encoding such a protein is isolated from the causative
organism and used to develop a recombinant DNA. This DNA is expressed in another host
organism, like genetically engineered microbes: animal cells: plant cells: insect larvae etc.
resulting in the release of the appropriate proteins which are then isolated and purified. These
when injected into the body, causes immunogenic response to be active against the
corresponding disease providing immunity against future attack of the pathogen.
Based on the proteins involved in evoking immune response recombinant protein vaccines are of
two types:
 Whole protein vaccines: The whole immunogenic protein is produced in another host
organism which is isolated and purified to act as vaccines.
 Polypeptide vaccines: It is known that in the immunogenic protein produced, the actual
immunogenic property is limited to one or two polypeptides forming the protein. The
other parts of the protein may be successful in evoking an immune response but do not
actually cause the disease. For eg: in the case of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae,
consists of three polypeptide chains like Al. A2, and B. The A polypeptides are toxic
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while B is non-toxic. Thus while producing vaccines, the polypeptide B is produced by

rDNA technology and used for vaccination.
DNA vaccines:
It refers to the recombinant vaccines in which the DNA is used as a vaccine. The gene
responsible for the immunogenic protein is identified, isolated and cloned with corresponding
expression vector. Upon introduction into the individuals to be immunized, it produces a
recombinant DNA. This DNA when expressed triggers an immune response and the person
becomes successfully vaccinated, mode of delivery of DNA vaccines include: direct injection
into muscle, use of vectors like adenovirus, retrovirus ete: in-vitro transfer of the gene into
autologous cells and reimplantation of the same and particle gun delivery of the DNA.
In certain cases, the responsible gene is integrated into live vectors which are introduced into
individuals as vaccines. This is known as live recombinant vaccines. Eg: vaccinia virus. Live
vaccinia virus vaccine (VV vaccine) with genes corresponding to several diseases, when
introduced into the body elicit an immune response but does not actually cause the diseases.
(i) Since it does not involve actual pathogen, recombinant vaccines is considered to be
safe than the conventional vaccines.
(ii) It induces both humoral and cellular immune response resulting in effective
Risks involved:
(i) High cost of production.
(ii) Have to be stored at low temperature since heat destabilizes protein. Hence storage
and transportation is tedious.
(iii) Individuals with immunodeficiency may elicit poor immune response.
Recombinant DNA Technology is playing very important role in revolutionizing medicine i.e.
enabling mass production of safe, pure, more effective versions of biochemicals that human body
produces naturally examples includes a variety of products such as hormones. Therapeutic
proteins. Vaccines and various Enzymes and also to create new pharmaceuticals. With sensible
regulatory requirements and expeditious product review by regulatory agencies, biotech
pharmaceuticals can within decades become unprecedented preventers and relievers of human

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