SAN ISIDRO SLPA Consti. and By-Laws

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2 SLPA Constitution and By-Laws

This form should be accomplished for the SLPA covered in the SLP Project for Microenterprise SLP PROJECT
Development - Seed Capital Fund (MD-SCF). 2017-08-26-20-0004


An attachment to the project proposal HOG RAISING




We, independent and enterprising members, believing in our dignity, recognizing the urgency of turning our cherished dreams
into a reality, and accepting the responsibility bestowed in our community, do solemnly swear to adhere and enact the
principles set forth in this Constitution and the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.


The SAN ISIDRO SLPA, herein referred to as SLP Association, shall have its business address at BARANGAY SAN


Sec. 1 The SLP Association believes in the principles of unity through diversity, solidarity, and cooperation
and shall act towards the attainment of common purposes, a common direction, and strong social bonds
within the SLP Association and the community.
Sec. 2 The SLP Association upholds that each member of the association is jointly and severally liable to any
obligation, commitment, and responsibility arising from any agreement contracted by the association
for the benefit of its members and the community.
Sec. 3 The SLP Association contends that leadership is foremost a matter of responsibility, than a privilege,
and that leaders must be good followers themselves.
Sec. 4 The SLP Association believes that the responsibility to the group is a responsibility to the other
members of the association and the community where we all live.
Sec. 5 Positive peer pressure is an effective way to enhance social bonds, strengthen mutual trust and
confidence, ensure observance by the SLP Association members to the rules and tenets of the SLP and
shall at all times be practiced without malice or ill-feelings.
Sec. 6 Mobilizing savings is an effective way of building up members’ resources and ensuring for members,
the members’ families and the community a better future.
Sec. 7 Poverty is not a reason for limiting the members’ access to credit opportunities.
Sec. 8 Recognizing our social responsibilities, we are committed to return the credit assistance to allow other
families in situations similar to ours to avail of the same opportunity extended to us. Moreover, we are
duty bound to undertake other social development programs for ourselves and our communities.
Sec. 9 The SLP Association shall elect its officers from among its members.
Sec. 10 Democracy resides in the SLP Association; hence all policy decisions of the SLP Association shall be
made by a majority of the SLP Association members.


Sec. 11 All members of our SLP Association belong to the poor households within the community. To ensure
that standards of eligibility are followed, members belong to one or more of the following categories:

11. 1 Member’s family income is below the existing poverty threshold

11. 2 Member is part of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and/or is listed under the
National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR, or Listahanan)
11. 4 Member belongs to basic/vulnerable sectors including Differently-Abled (PWDs), and
Indigenous Peoples (IPs)

Sec. 12 All members of the SLP Association have satisfied the following criteria:
12.1 Physical and Psycho-social factors
- Physical, emotional and mental fitness to mage the individual projects
- Age requirement of not lower than 16 years old
- Minimum of 6 months residence in the barangay and has the intention to stay for at least
another 2 years
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- Has no adverse reputation and possesses good moral character

- Has positive work habits and attitude
- Possesses the capacity and appropriate level of aspiration for economic advancement
12.2 Relational factors
- Belonging to the same socio-economic status as the other SLP Association members
- Enjoying mutual trust and confidence
- Has completed the required training, and/or is willing to undergo the other capacity building
activities lined up for the project
- Has paid the membership fee


Sec. 13 All members of the SLP Association shall have the following rights, and privileges
13.1 To avail of loans from the SLP Association
13.2 To vote and be voted upon as Officer of the SLP Association
13.3 To be heard and consulted prior to any SLP Association decisions

Sec. 14 All members of the SLP Association shall have the following duties and responsibilities

14.1 To repay all loans availed from the SLP Association including interest (if there is any),
processing fees, and any other monetary obligations
14.2 To pay all fines and surcharges that may be imposed by the association to its members for breach of
14.3 To observe punctuality in all SLP Association weekly meetings and assemblies
14.4 To stand as guarantor and co-maker of all loans made by other members of the associations

Sec. 15 SLP Association President. The SLP Association President shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

15.1 Preside over the weekly SLP Association assemblies

15.2 Ensure complete attendance of all members in these assemblies
15.3 Maintain and enforce over-all discipline and order
15.4 Approve individual loan proposals
15.5 Withdraw from the SLP Association bank savings account the required funds for approved projects
proposals and disburse the same to the concerned SLP Association members
15.6 Authenticate records of SLP Association Passbooks
15.7 Deposit collections of the SLP Association to its bank savings account together with the SLP
Association Treasurer

Sec. 16 SLP Association Treasurer. The SLP Association Treasurer shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

16.1 Maintain record of attendance of members during assemblies, minutes of the assembly, SLP Association
financial transactions, etc.
16.2 Accept SLP Association member’s remittance, issue receipts of these remittances, and authenticate the
same with the SLP Association President
16.3 Together with the SLP Association President, deposit the SLP Association weekly collections to its bank
savings account
16.4 Assist the SLP Association President in maintaining over-all discipline among the members, and
16.5 Perform the duties and functions of the SLP Association President in his absence


Sec. 17 The tenure of office of the SLP Association Officers shall be [No. of years] year (s).
Sec. 18 In the event of sudden vacancy in the roster of officers, the members in whom the vacancy occur shall elect a
replacement to serve the unexpired term

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Sec. 19 This Constitution may be amended, in whole or in part, by three fourths (3/4) of all members in the
association convened for the purpose


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