Past 311 Final Exam

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December 18, 2021

Gesabel B. Sardilla BPA-3S

1. Explain the role of classical bureaucracy in Philippine Public Administration.

Answer: The role of classical bureaucracy in Philippines public administration is for having these
following: Serve citizens, not customers, seek the public interest, value citizenship over
entrepreneurship, think strategically, act democratically, recognize that accountability is not
simple, serve rather than steer, and value people, not just productivity. In the public sector,
bureaucracy is essential for enforcing laws and regulations. A bureaucratic structure is intended to
manage large-scale, methodical coordination among numerous people operating at various levels
in order to achieve a common goal.

2. Enumerate the 6 characteristics of Weber’s classical bureaucracy and explain each.

1. Hierarchy

The hierarchy of authority is a system in which different positions are related in order of
precedence and in which the highest rank on the ladder has the greatest power. The bottom
layers of bureaucratic organizational structures are always subject to supervision and
control of higher layers.

2. Division of labor
Division of Labor is a Division of work, functional specialisation. Every employee in the
organisation has a well defined power & authority,based upon employee’s specialisation &
expertise. Executive Operations Policy & Planning Strategic Planning Policy Development
Regional Management Special Projects Legislative Relations Office Staffing Maintenance

3. Formally written rules

For an organization to work efficiently, everyone must know what to do and when to do it.
This means their actions must be predictable. To ensure predictability, their roles and the
organization’s operating procedures must be written in a manual or handbook, with
everyone in the organization expected to be familiar with its rules. Much of the
communication among members of bureaucracies is written in the form of memos and e-
mail rather than being verbal. This written communication leaves a paper trail so that
accountability for individual behavior can later be determined.
4. Procedures
5. Impersonality
6. Neutrality

3. Does inter-governmental relationship prevent a rise of an “empire within an empire”?

4. Define work ethic and accountability in public service.

Ethics provide accountability between the public and the administration. Adhering to a code of
ethics ensures that the public receives what it needs in a fair manner. It also gives the
administration guidelines for integrity in their operations. That integrity, in turn, helps foster the
trust of the community. Bycreating this atmosphere of trust, the administration helps the public
understandthat they are working with their best interests in mind. Accountability is an important
element of good government. It is about the relationship between the State and its citizens, and
the extent to which the State is answerable for its actions.

5. Distinguish values from ethics and culture

Ethics is the intent to observe the spirit of the law. Compliance in the context of governance refers
to obeying the law. , while culture refers to the religious practises followed by an enterprise
complying with the law. Culture is all about what a company does when there are no written rules.

6. Who is considered accountable and by what means does it considered accountable?

Who is accountable to whom varies, depending on whether decisions or actions taken are internal
or external to an organization or institution. In general, an organization or an institution is
accountable to those who will be affected by its decisions or actions. Accountability cannot be
enforced without transparency and the rule of law. Not only government institutions but also the
private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to the public and to their
institutional stakeholders.
7. What is/are the laws in the Philippines that prevents corruption in public service.



SECTION 1. Statement of policy.—It is the policy of the Philippine Government, in line with the
principle that a public office is a public trust, to repress certain acts of public officers and private
persons alike which constitute graft or corrupt practices or which may lead thereto.

(Section 2-16)

Republic Act 9485 (The Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007)

8. Where do you rank the Philippines in terms of corruption among ASEAN countries? Explain

Last year 2020, ranking ASEAN countries in terms of corruption, the Philippines is listed as 34th
country and I rank Philippines in terms of corruption among ASEAN countries by prevailing
corruption as abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

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