M53BF3 Homework5
M53BF3 Homework5
M53BF3 Homework5
Do as indicated and work independenty. Upload your neat and complete solutions to our
Google Classroom on or before December 08, 2021 (11:59 pm). Submit your output in a
pdf format or in a zip file containing your photographed or scanned solutions. Name your file as
M53BF3_HW5_LastNameFirstName.pdf or M53BF3_HW5_LastNameFirstName.zip. Exam-
ple: M53BF3_HW5_PinoRodney.pdf
A. Evaluate the following limits.
3−x sin x − x
1. 3 points lim 6. 3 points lim
x→3 2x − 8
x→0 x3
ln x 1 − x + ln x
2. 3 points lim+ 1 7. 3 points lim
x→0 e x x→1 1 + cos πx
sec x x1
3. 3 points lim 8. 4 points lim x + e2x
x→ 2 1 + tan x x→+∞
x π cos x
4. 3 points lim √ 9. 4 points lim x−
x→−∞ x2 + 1 x→ π2 + 2
Hint: You may use the fact that
when x < 0, x2 = |x| = −x. That is, −x
= 1. 10. 4 points lim logx (x + 10)
√1 x→+∞
ln(3 + ex )
1 4
5. 3 points lim 11. 4 points lim+ 2
x→+∞ 7x x→3 x − 9 ln(2x − 5)
−Total: points−
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