Balance - Testing

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Guidance Document for Calibration of Document No. GD07 /09
Mass(Weighing Scale & Balance) Revision no. 0
Effective Date. 2021- 05- 17

Prepared by: Mesay Gemechu Approved by: Araya Fesseha

Position: Testing Laboratory Position : Director General
Signature: Signature:

1. Classification of Groups and sub-groups ................................................................. 2

2. Reference ..................................................................................................................... 4

3. Environmental Conditions: (At Lab & Site) ............................................................... 8

4. Metrological Traceability Requirement ................................................................... 11

5. Calibration Method .................................................................................................... 11

6. Calibration Procedure ............................................................................................... 12

7. Recommended Calibration Interval ...................................................................... 15

8. Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................ 15

9 Sample Scope............................................................................................................ 18
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Calibration of Mass(Weighing Scale & Balance) Effective Date. 2021- 05-17

1. Classification of Groups and sub-groups

1.1 Name of the product/Device under Calibration


Sr. Parameter Relevant Standard Permanent Onsite Mobile

No. Facility Calibratio Facility

Non-automatic Weighing EURAMET cg - Yes* Yes No

Balances 18/v.3 or OIML-R-
76-1 and OIML-R76-
2. Electronic Balances Yes* Yes No
3. Comparators Yes* Yes No

High Capacity Weighing OIML R 47 Yes* Yes No

Machines (above 50 kg)

*Note 1: Permanent facility for their internal use only and not meant for external customer.

Note 2: This technical requirement is based on the above-mentioned guideline. Lab may
follow any relevant standard; however, care shall be taken to follow the
requirements in totality.

1.2 Classification basedon Minimum Readability


Sr. Type of Balance Minimum Readability (d) No. of Digits Accuracy

No. after Decimal Class
Place (g)

1. Ultra-micro balance d = 0.1µg=0.0000001g 7 I

2. Micro balance d = 0.1µg=0.000001g 6 I

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Sr. Type of Balance Minimum Readability (d) No. of Digits Accuracy

No. after Decimal Class
Place (g)

3. d = 0.01 mg=0.00001g 5 I

4. Analytical balance d = 0.1mg=0.0001g 4 I

d = 50 mg to 1 mg = 0.05g
5. Precision balance 2 to 3 II
to 0.001g

6. Medium balance d = 1 g to 2 g 0 III

7. Ordinary balance d >5 g 0 IV

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1.3 Classification based on scale interval

Accuracy Class Verification of Number of Verification Minimum
Scale Interval, e Scale Intervals, n = Max/e Capacity,
Minimu Maximum Min (Lower
m limit)

Special I 0.001 g ≤ e* 50 000** - 100 e

II 0.001 g ≤ e ≤ 0.05 100 100 000 20 e

High g
5000 100 000 50 e
0.1 g ≤ e

III 0.1 g ≤ e ≤ 2 g 100 10 000 20 e

5g≤e 500 10 000 20 e

Ordinary IIII 5g≤e 100 1000 10 e

*It is not normally feasible to test and verify an instrument e< 1mg, due to uncertainty of
the test loads.

** Refer section exception in 3.4.4 of OIML R 76-1.

2. Reference

2.1 Selection of Weights &Restriction

a) Selection of weights for calibration of weighing machines depending on

capacity and scale division (resolution):

Lowest class of weights required for different types of weighing machine

Table - 4
Capacity 0.01mg or
100g 10g 1g 100mg 10mg 1mg 0.1mg
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Up to
M1 M1 F2 F1 E2
200g to
M1 M1 F2 F1/E2 E2 E2
1kg to
M2 M2 M1 F2 E2 E2 E2
30kg to
M2 M1 F2 F1 E2
M2 M1/F2 F1 E2

b) The standard weights or standard masses used for the verification of an

instrument shall not have an error greater than 1/3 of the maximum permissible
error of the instrument for the applied load.

2.2 Example for Selection of Weights for Balance Calibration:

Table - 5
Capacity Calibration Readability Required Error Error Selectable
of the weight accuracy of as per as per class as per
balance required weight E2 F1 class
(Readability/3) Class class requirement
1000g 1kg 0.01g=10mg 10/3=3mg 1.6mg 5mg 1.6mg

From the above table it is clear that we need to select 1kg of E2 class for calibration of the
above balance.

Note 1: Based on the historical data validity of reference weights may be extended upto 5
years for E1.

Note 2: Lab cannot calibrate balances using lower class of accuracy weights than
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2.3 Maximum permissible errors for reference standard (weights) (± m in mg)

Nomina Maximum Permissible Error for weights (± m in mg)
l Value E1 E2 F1 F2 M1 M1-2 M2 M2-3 M3
5000 kg 2500 8000 25000 50000 80000 160000 250000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000 kg 1000 3000 10000 20000 30000 600000 100000
0 0 0 0 0 0
1000 kg 1600 5000 1600 50000 10000 16000 300000 500000
0 0 0
500 kg 800 2500 8000 25000 50000 80000 160000 250000
200 kg 300 1000 3000 10000 20000 30000 60000 100000
100 kg 160 500 1600 5000 10000 16000 30000 50000
50 kg 25 80 250 800 2500 5000 8000 16000 25000
20 kg 10 30 100 300 1000 3000 10000
10 kg 5.0 16 50 160 500 1600 5000
5 kg 2.5 8.0 25 80 250 800 2500
2 kg 1.0 3.0 10 30 100 300 1000
1 kg 0.5 1.6 5.0 16 50 160 500
500 g 0.25 0.8 2.5 8.0 25 80 250
200 g 0.10 0.3 1.0 3.0 10 30 100
100 g 0.05 0.16 0.5 1.6 5.0 16 50
50 g 0.03 0.10 0.3 1.0 3.0 10 30
20 g 0.02 0.08 0.25 0.8 2.5 8.0 25
10 g 0.02 0.06 0.20 0.6 2.0 6.0 20
5g 0.01 0.05 0.16 0.5 1.6 5.0 16
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2g 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.4 1.2 4.0 12

1g 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.3 1.0 3.0 10
500 mg 0.00 0.02 0.08 0.25 0.8 2.5
8 5
200 mg 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.20 0.6 2.0
6 0
100 mg 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.16 0.5 1.6
5 6
50 mg 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.4
4 2
20 mg 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.3
3 0
10 mg 0.00 0.00 0.025 0.08 0.25
3 8
5 mg 0.00 0.00 0.020 0.06 0.20
3 6
2 mg 0.00 0.00 0.020 0.06 0.20
3 6
1 mg 0.00 0.00 0.020 0.06 0.20
3 6
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2.4 Use of Reference standard (Weights) for Lab & Site;

Table - 7
Permanent Onsite Mobile
Sr. No. Class
Facility Calibration Facility
1. E1 Yes* Yes Yes
2. E2 Yes* Yes Yes
3. F1 Yes* Yes Yes
4. F2 Yes* Yes Yes
5. M1 Yes* Yes Yes
6. M2 Yes* Yes Yes

3. Environmental Conditions: (At Lab & Site)

3.1 Temperature: If no particular working temperature is stated in the descriptive

markings of an instrument, this instrument shall maintain its metrological properties within
the following temperature limits: -10°C +40°C.

An instrument for which particular limits of working temperature are stated in the
descriptive markings shall comply with the metrological requirements within those limits.
The limits may be chosen according to the application of the instrument.

The ranges within those limits shall be at least equal to:

5°C for instruments of class I,

15°C for instruments of class II,

30°C for instruments of classes III and IV

3.2 Humidity: Humidity shall be maintained in between 40%RH to 60%RH

3.3 Vibration: The Calibration area shall be free from vibrations generated by central
air-conditioning plants, vehicular traffic and other sources to ensure consistent and uniform
operational conditions.
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3.4 Illumination: The recommended level of illumination is 250-500 lux on theworking


3.5 Acoustic Noise: Noise level shall be maintained less than 60 dBA, it affects
adversely the required accuracy of measurement.

3.6 Effect of Gravity 'g' on Calibration of Balance

a) The weighing values are different when the weighing height changes.

b) The further a weight is from the centre of earth, the smaller the gravitational
force acting on it. It decreases with the square of the distance. Example: The
weight display changes when the weighing is performed at 10 m higher
(moving from the first floor to fourth floor of a building). To determine the
weight of a body, the balance measures the weight force i.e., the force of
attraction (Gravitation force) between the earth & the weighing sample. The
force depends essentially on the latitude of the location & its height above sea
level (distance from the centre of earth).

c) The nearer a location is to the equator, the greater the centrifugal acceleration
due to the rotation of the earth. The centrifugal acceleration counteracts the
force of attraction (Gravitation Force).

d) The poles are the greatest distance from the equator & closest to the earth
centre. The force acting on a mass is therefore greatest at the poles.

Example: In the case of 200 g weight that shows exactly 200.00000 g on the first floor, the
following weight result on the fourth floor (10m height).

200g × r2 / (r + Δ)2

Where, r is the radius of earth at that point of measurement, Δ is change in height

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200 63700002 / 63700102 = 199.99937g

e) The formula to determine the mass needed to obtain the required force is as

m = mass of the weight (true mass)
g = gravity at fixed location, m/s2.

It is very important the gravity value for the location where the weight is to be
used to be established. Not using the correct gravity for the location will
result in significant errors.
α = air density - Mass per unit volume of air (kg/m 3)
ρ = material density - A quantitative expression of the amount of mass contained
per unit volume. The standard unit is the kilogram per meter cubed (kg/m 3 )

f = required force
Calculation Example

1 newton = 101.971621 grams-force

mass = (9.80665/g)(1 + (α / ρ)f
g = local gravity in m/s2
α = air density = 0.0012 g/cm 3
ρ = density of weight material = 7.9 g/cm 3
f = force
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9.79957 m/s2 local gravity

mass =(9.80665/9.79957)(1+(0.0012/7.9)*101.971621 = 102.0607941

Note: This example calculation was performed using a standard value for air
density and material density. To minimize uncertainty, the actual value for the air
density at the place of use and the density of the material should be used.

3.7. Mains Power supply: An instrument operated form a mains power supply shall
comply with the metrological requirements if the power supply varies:

a) In voltage from – 15% to + 10% of the value marked on the instrument,

b) In frequency from – 2% to +2% of the value marked on the instrument, if AC is


4. Metrological Traceability Requirement

To achieve traceability, laboratories shall follow ENAO ‘Policy on Calibration and
Traceability of Measurements’.

5. Calibration Method

5.1 Suggested standards:

a) OIML R76-1 Metrological and technical requirements – Non-automatic

weighing instruments.

b) OIML R76-2 Non-automatic weighing instruments – Test report format.

c) EURAMET cg – 18 V.03 guidelines on the calibration of Non-automatic

weighing instruments.

d) OIML-R-111-1 Weights of classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M1-2, M2, M2-3 and
M3 metrological and Technical requirements.

e) OIML R 47- Standard weights for testing of high capacity weighing machine.

f) OIML D28 Conventional value of the result of weighing in air.

g) UKAS Guide Lab - 14: Calibration of weighing balance.

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Note: Latest version of the relevant standard(s) should be followed

6. Calibration Procedure

6.1 Preconditions, preparations: Calibration should not be performed unless:

a) the instrument can be readily identified,

b) all functions of the instrument are free from effects of contamination or

damage, and functions essential for the calibration operate as intended,

c) presentation of weight values is unambiguous and indications, where given,

are easily readable,

d) the normal conditions of use (air currents, vibrations, stability of the weighing
site etc.) are suitable for the instrument to be calibrated,

e) the instrument is energized prior to calibration for an appropriate period, e.g.

as long as the warm-up time specified for the instrument, or as set by the user,

f) the instrument is levelled, if applicable,

g) the instrument has been exercised by loading approximately up to the largest

test load at least once, repeated loading is advised. Instruments that are
intended to be regularly adjusted before use should be adjusted before the
calibration, unless otherwise agreed with the client. Adjustment should be
performed with the means that are normally applied by the client, and
following the manufacturer’s instructions where available. Adjustment could be
done by means of external or built-in test loads. The most suitable operating
procedure for high resolution balances (with relative resolution better 1 × 10-5
of full scale) is to perform the adjustment of the balance immediately before
the calibration and also immediately before use. Instruments fitted with an
automatic zero-setting device or a zero-tracking device should be calibrated
with the device operative or not, as set by the client. For onsite calibration the
user of the instrument should be asked to ensure that the normal conditions of
use prevail during the calibration. In this way disturbing effects such as air
currents, vibrations, or inclination of the measuring platform will, so far as is
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possible, be inherent in the measured values and will therefore be included in

the determined uncertainty of measurement.

6.2 Performance Check of the balance

6.2.1 Repeatability Test: This test is carried out at max load capacity and half load
capacity of the balance under calibration. At least 10 readings for balance up to 10 kg and
5 readings for balance above 10 kg shall be taken and the standard deviation gives the
repeatability values. Maximum of the two should be considered for uncertainty calculation.

6.2.2 Linearity Test or Departure of Indication from the Nominal Value: The
departure of indication from nominal value or the linearity of the scale is measured at
sufficiently equally spaced points over the ranges of the balance to ensure safe
interpolation, if needed between these points. Usually minimum 10 such readings are
taken including no load and the maximum capacity load.

6.2.3 Eccentricity Test
Eccentric loading

a) The indication for different positions of a load shall meet the maximum
permissible errors.

b) Unless otherwise specified hereafter, a load corresponds to 1/3 of the sum of

the maximum capacity and the corresponding maximum additive tare effect
shall be applied.

c) On an instrument with a load receptor having 'n' points of support, with n>4,
the fraction 1/(n-1) of the sum of the maximum capacity and the maximum
additive tare effect shall be applied to each point of support.

d) On an instrument with a load receptor subject to minimal off-centre loading

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(e.g. tank, hopper...) a test load corresponding to 1/10 of the sum of the
maximum capacity and the maximum additive tare effect shall be applied to
each point of support.

e) On an instrument used for weighing rolling loads (e.g. vehicle scale, rail
suspension instrument) a rolling test load corresponding to the usual rolling
load, the heaviest and the most concentrated on which may be weighed, but
not exceeding 0.8 times the sum of the maximum capacity and additive tare
effect shall be applied at different points on the load receptor.

f) Large weights should be used in preference to several small weights. Smaller

weights shall be placed on the top of larger weights, but unnecessary stacking
should be avoided within the segment to be tested. The load shall be applied
centrally in the segment if a single weight is used, but applied uniformly over
the segment, if several small weights are used.

g) Maximum deviation observed is recorded as eccentricity error.

Fig. A, B & C: Four quarter segments of Weighing Pan


5 2 5 2 5 2
1 1
4 3
4 3 4 3
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7. Recommended Calibration Interval

For the reference weights used in calibration of balance/ comparator at permanent lab or
at site facility.

Reference Weights Recommended Recommended

Interval (Permanent) Interval *(For on-Site)

Weights of E1 class 3 years 2 years

Weights of class E2 to F2 2 years 1 years

Weights of class M1 to M2 1 years 1 years

Note: Recommendation is based on present international practice. However, laboratory

may refer ISO 10012 and ILAC G24 for deciding the periodicity of calibration other than
above recommendations.

8. Measurement Uncertainty

8.1 Uncertainty Components in Balance Calibration

The components of measurement uncertainty to be considered but are not limited to the

a) Repeatability.

b) Linearity or departure of indication

c) Resolution

d) Reference standard weights

e) Drift in mass or instability of the mass of weights used

f) Eccentricity (whenever the test is carried out)

8.1.1 Uncertainty due to Repeatability: At least six repeated readings shall be taken
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with a weight near to the maximum capacity of the balance or the range to be calibrated.
Estimated standard deviation will be the repeatability contribution.

8.1.2 Uncertainty due to Eccentric Loading: If this contribution is known to be

significant, the magnitude must be estimated and if necessary, the contribution must be
included in the uncertainty budget. Acceptable solution for the uncertainty due to

uE =[(d1/d2) *D]/ (2*√3)

WhereD is the difference between maximum and minimum values from the eccentricity
test performed according to OIML R 76-2; d1 is the estimated distance between the

centres of theweights and d2 is the distance from the center of the load receptor to one of

the corners.

Note: When 10 readings are taken for estimation of repeatability error, the contribution of
eccentricity need not be added to the uncertainty.

8.1.3 Uncertainties associated with the Balance

a. Uncertainty due to the display resolution of a digital balance

For a digital balance with the scale interval, d, the uncertainty due to resolution

ud = (d/2/√3)

b. Uncertainty due to Reference Mass

us = (Us/k)

Where Us is the standard uncertainty of the reference standard weight and k is

the coverage factor from its calibration certificate.

c. Uncertainty due to Drift in Mass

Drift in Mass uD= 10% of us/ √3

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d. Uncertainty due to Repeatability

Standard uncertainty due to RepeatabilityuA = s/√n-1

e. Combined Standard Uncertainty of the Weighing Balance

2 2 2
uc =√(us + ud + uD + uA )

Expanded uncertainty U = k *uc

f. Overall Uncertainty of the Balance: The overall uncertainty of the balance to

be reported is the limit of the performance (F) of the balance given by:

F = k * SD (max) + U (Cmax)


SD (max) = the maximum standard deviation of repeatability at half load and

full load = magnitude of the maximum correction for the balance reading

U (Cmax) = the expanded uncertainty associated with Cmax the correction of

the balance.

8.2 Reporting of Results

The calibration certificates issued to the customer shall be in accordance with clause ofISO/IEC/17025:2017. Apart from that it shall also include the following:

a) Thermal stabilization hours (as per 2.9)

b) Class of weight used for calibration depending on the class of accuracy of


c) Environmental conditions during calibration

d) Exact location of the balance during calibration

e) Declaration that, the calibration certificate issued for weighing balance used
for scientific or industrial purposes only.
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8.3 Verification of Comparator

To verify the performance of the comparator same procedure shall be followed to

ascertain its performance as per manufacturer specification. Only uncertainty due to
standard deviation (from repeatability) is considered during calibration of weights. No other
components like eccentricity, error of indication etc. are taken into account for a

8.4 Evaluation of CMC

8.4.1 CMC value is not the same as expanded uncertainty reported in the calibration
Certificate/Report. CMC values exclude the uncertainties which are attributed to the UUT
(Unit under test/calibration).

8.4.2 For the purpose of CMC evaluation, the following components should be

a) Type A uncertainty

b) Uncertainty of the reference standard weight.

c) Uncertainty due to drift in reference standard weight (due to wear and tear,
transportation or temperature variation)

8.5 Legal Aspects

Calibration of weighing balance done by any accredited laboratories is meant for scientific
and industrial purpose only. However, if used for commercial trading, additional
recognition/ approval shall be complied as required by Dept. of Legal Metrology,
Regulatory Bodies, etc.

9 Sample Scope

An illustrative example: Correct Presentation of Scope

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Calibration of Mass(Weighing Scale & Balance) Effective Date. 2021- 05-17

Sr. Parameter* Master Range(s) of Calibration and Measurement Remarks/

No / Device equipme measureme Capability ** Method
. under nt used nt Used
Claimed Observed Rec
by by omm
Laboratory Assessor ende
d by

Mass - F2 Class up to 210 g 1.5 mg 2 mg 2 mg Calibration

Electronic Standar of
Weighing d electronic
Balance Weights weighing
balance of
1. Class II
: 1mg

As per
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