Employment Offer

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Employment Offer
April 27, 2015

Dear: Derek Mbibe Kenkoh Mesei

We refer to your application and the subsequent interview you had with us. We are delighted to make you the
following employment offer;

Job Title: Security Officer

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Reporting to: Keytech Management

Appointment: This appointment is for a limited contractual period of two years and will be reviewed as per
Company’s policies.

If you fail to complete your two years’ service with the Company, you will be liable to pay the cost
of the Visa, Medical Test, Dubai Police Academy, Fingerprint (SIRA Card) and Residence Visa.

Probation: You will be on probation for a period of six months and if your performance is found to be
satisfactory by your Line Manager/Supervisor, you services will be confirmed in writing.

Job Description: Your duties and responsibilities will be communicated to you separately in writing.

Remuneration: For you services you will be paid as follows;

Basic Salary AED 1800/ Per Month

Living Allowances AED 240/ Per Month
Overtime AED 360/ Per Month
Gross Salary AED 2400/ Per Month

Accommodation/ The Company will provide you with accommodation and transportation to and from
Transportation work.

Sponsorship Your employment is subject to approval by local authorities. All other provisions and conditions
will be as per the Labor Laws of United Arab Emirates. A residence visa will be arranged for you
to work in the United Arab Emirates subject to approvals. All costs relating to the residence
visa/employment visa will be covered and paid for by the Company.

Medical Basic Medical Cover will be deducted from your salary each month.

SIRA The cost of the SIRA Course will be deducted from your salary each month.
Failing to pass the course first time you will be liable to pay the retests.

Emirates ID This will also be deducted from you salary as a one-time charge for your ID.

Transfer The Company has the right to transfer to any of its locations at any point of time.

Leave Travel allowance (flight ticket) will be granted up on completing two years of continued service.

Overtime I am willing to provide overtime whilst working for Keytech Security International, if I am required
to do so by the Management.

Integrity The terms and conditions defined in this contract letter shall be considered as an integral part of
the Labor Employment contract issued by the Ministry of Labor& Social Affairs, United Arab

Effective Date On signing the agreement this will be effective within one month.


Termination The Company has the right to terminate your contract at any time, should you fail to
meet the Company’s criteria and rules/regulations.

Fit & Healthy By signing the employment letter I am confirming that I am fit and healthy to work and to carry
out all my duties.

Rules and Regulations The employee is bound to abide by all the Companies laid rules and regulations, and
work related instructions at all times.

Termination As per article of the Federal Labor Law No.8 for the year of 1980, you will have to compensate
the employer for the balance contract period or half of the remuneration for three months
whichever is lower. However, the company shall be entitled to terminate the contact by one
month’ notice to the employee and if the termination by the company was for a reason other than
the reasons as stated in Article 121 of the UAE Labor Law, the Company will compensate the
employee for the balance contract period of three months’ salary, whichever is lower, provided
that such termination was not caused by the unsatisfactory performance of the employee and/ or
the employee’s breach to any of his duties and/ or Company’s rules regulations and procedures.
In the event that separation is a result of resignation by the employee before completion of
contract or the employee is terminated by the company particularly due to unsatisfactory
performance of gross misconduct (as per company’s policies), the Company has the right to levy
all joining expenses and all other expenses incurred on joining, orientation and training of the
employee, against his/her end of services dues payable.
As per Article No. 127 of the Federal Labor Law No.8 for the year 1981 and the Article No 909 of
the Labor Law No.5 for the year 1985 concerning Civil Transactions, if at any point of time during
the employee’s service, the company terminates the services of the employee (for whatsoever
reason) of the employee resigns from his services (for whatsoever reason) the company
reserves the right to refrain him/her from forming/working/assisting any enterprise/business entity
and its branches in UAE, competing with the company, for at least 2 years from the termination
of the contract. If the employee violates the said clause, the company reserves the right to
demand for a compensation penalty of an appropriate amount, as decided by company

Exclusive Employment a) During the continuance of this contract, employee will not directly or indirectly engage or be
concerned or interested as servant or agent of any other firm or corporation in any other trade,
business or profession.
b) You shall not use any trade secrets or confidential knowledge or information acquired in the
course and scope of your employment, other than in the interest of the company.
c) For the purpose of these clauses, the expression ‘trade secrets and confidential information’
shall include the technical detail, techniques, know how, methods of operating, costs and
sources of materials, pricing and purchasing policies, computer printouts, price lists, technical
bulletins, names of clients and potential clients of the company and the above companies and
their products or services.

Failure to abide to the above clauses may result in termination of services and o violation
of these clauses; the company reserves the right to demand for a compensation penalty,
as decided by the company management.

Please sign and return to the Human Resource Department or email to [email protected], to confirm your
Acceptance to all of the above terms and conditions.

We wish you luck in your new assignment and look forward to you being part of Keytech Security International Ltd.

Yours sincerely,

Human Resource Department

I accept all the terms and conditions mentioned herein and accept my position that I have been offered.




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