Physics Notes
Physics Notes
Physics Notes
Forms of energy
We cannot see energy, but we see the effect of energy on systems in the world around us. For
example, a car is a system that consists of various parts. The energy of the parts will affect the
whole car and the car itself will also have energy. The parts of the car move because of fuel and
so the whole car moves. The engine gets hot. The lights can be switched on. These are all
examples of energy. Energy is the ability to do work. There are different forms of energy. These
are the main forms:
Electrical energy - this is the energy transferred when an electric current flow around a
Kinetic energy - this is the energy an object has due to its movement
Potential energy - this is stored energy -for example, when an object is positioned above
the ground (often called gravitational potential energy) or when a rubber band is
stretched (often called elastic or strain potential energy)
Chemical energy - the energy stored in substances, such as fuels and food, which is
released in chemical reactions
Sound energy - energy transferred by sound waves
Light energy - energy transferred by light waves
Nuclear energy - the energy released from the center (nucleus) of atoms when
radioactivity is produced
Solar energy - energy from the Sun
Heat energy - energy due to the temperature of an object
Conservation of energy
Think about what happens when you turn on an electric light bulb. Once the switch is pressed,
electrical energy is carried through wires to the bulb. Inside the bulb, this electrical energy is
changed into light energy and heat energy. So, energy can be changed from one form into
Scientists have looked at lots of energy changes, like lighting a bulb, and have carefully
measured the total energy before and after the change. They find that:
the total energy before a change = the total energy after a change
This happens because energy cannot be created or destroyed. This is called the conservation
of energy.
We can show the energy change (conversion) when a light bulb is switched on like this:
electrical energy → light energy + heat energy
The heat energy is wasted energy. We switch the bulb on to light up the room, not to heat it up.
Scientists have found that some energy is wasted in all energy changes.
a) A fairground ride
Some fairground rides are like giant pendulums. They swing back and forth, suspended on a
single pivot. At the top of each swing, the ride stops for a split second before plunging
downwards, then up to the other side.
The ride will eventually stop because some energy is wasted on every swing which is not shown
above. Heat energy is also produced because of friction (of the moving parts of the ride at the
pivot and of air resistance as the ride moves).
b) Watching television
When you watch television, the energy change can be shown as:
The unwanted, wasted energy is heat energy. The less energy wasted when we use an
electrical appliance, the more efficient the machine is.
c) Shining a torch
The flow diagram below (called an energy transfer diagram) shows the energy changes that
take place in a torch:
Chemical energy in the battery+ electrical energy in the wires → light energy + heat energy
from the torch
Batteries and cells store energy in the chemicals inside them. The chemicals are chosen
because they can transfer their chemical energy into electrical energy as they react together.
The electrical energy is converted to heat energy inside the torch's bulb (wasted energy) and
light energy (useful energy).
The chemicals in the battery will eventually run out and the reaction that releases electrical
energy will no longer take place. Then the batteries have to be disposed of safely or if
rechargeable will need to be put in their charger and plugged into the mains electricity supply to
regenerate the original chemicals again
d) Going up in an elevator
electrical energy from the mains → kinetic energy as motor spins and elevator moves →
gravitational potential energy as it rises
The electrical energy from the mains supply operates a strong electric motor that lifts the heavy
elevator attached to strong metal cables. As the elevator rises it gains gravitational potential
solar energy from the sun → heat energy stored in water inside the solar panel system
Solar panels use energy radiated directly from the sun to heat the water that circulates through
the black panels you see on some roofs. You can see solar panels on page 159.
Here are the energy changes in a nuclear power station that generates electricity:
There are no nuclear reactors generating electricity in the Caribbean at present, but there a five
in the state of Florida, at three different sites. There are issues with nuclear power stations
because of the potentially disastrous consequences of accidents at these plants.
1. by conduction, or the transfer of energy from matter to adjacent matter by direct contact,
without intermixing or flow of any material.
2. by convection, or the transfer of energy by the bulk mixing of clumps of material. In
natural convection it is the difference in density of hot and cold fluid which causes the
mixing. In forced convection a mechanical agitator or an externally imposed pressure
difference (by fan or compressor) causes the mixing.
3. by radiation such as light, infrared, ultraviolet and radio waves which emanate from a hot
body and are absorbed by a cooler body.
In Module 2 we found that metals are good conductors of heat energy. They allow heat energy
to pass through them easily. Pans are usually made of copper, steel or aluminum metals.
Pans are made of metal because they are good conductors of heat energy, so heat travels from
the source of energy into the food easily. You can test which of these metals, aluminum, steel or
copper, is the best conductor of heat energy by carrying out an experiment.
Substances conduct heat by passing on extra vibrations from atom to atom. Metals can also use
their free electrons, which are not bound to any one atom, to transfer heat energy. These can
move quickly through the metal, carrying the heat energy with them.
Pan handles are made of an insulator, such a wood or plastic, so you do not burn your hand
when picking up a hot pan. Insulators contain no free electrons, so heat energy does not spread
as quickly through an insulator as it does through a metal.
Liquids are not good conductors of heat energy as shown by the experiment below.
A fluid is a liquid or a gas. Whenever we heat a fluid, heat energy moves around the fluid by
convection currents. You might have seen birds gliding in the sky. They use convection currents
in the air to give them lift.
When a fluid is heated its particles move around more quickly. This means that a given number
of particles will take up more space.
As the fluid warms up, it expands and its density decreases. This means that the hot part of the
fluid will rise. It floats upwards. The heat energy is transferred by the hot particles moving from a
warmer place to a cooler place. We call this convection.
As the warmer particles rise, cooler ones move sideways to take their place. This in turn makes
particles in the fluid move downwards to take their place and a cycle is set up. This is how
convection currents form in fluids.
A convection current can be seen in a large beaker of water heated by a Bunsen burner. Adding
a colored crystal allows us to see the movement of the water.
Look at the diagram of the experiment at the top of the next page. The large beaker is heated
gently on a tripod and gauze.
You should note however that when a fluid is heated it expands because of the increased
movement of its particles - the particles themselves DO NOT expand.
The wind near the coast often blows in from the sea in the daytime (a sea breeze). Look at
Figure 5.4d. Then, at night, it blows out to sea (a land breeze). These land and sea breezes are
caused by convection currents in the air.
In sunlight, the land warms up more quickly than the sea. So the air above the land rises. Cooler
air from over the sea rushes inland take its place. So in daytime we get a breeze coming in off
the sea. At night-time, the land cools down more quickly than the sea. So the warmer air above
the sea rises. Then the cooler air from over the land rushes out to take its place. This produced
a breeze out to sea from the land.
Radiation is another way of transferring heat energy. It transfers energy in the form of invisible
waves, such as infrared radiation. These waves are given off from any hot object. You can feel
radiated heat energy when you hold your hands near a fire.
You might have seen images taken at night using an infrared camera. These cameras detect
infrared radiation given off from objects. The hotter the object, the more infrared radiation it
gives off (emits).
[Picture of the police and army using 'night-vision' cameras to detect people in the dark]
Radiation does not need a substance to transfer heat energy, unlike conduction and convection.
That is why it can travel through space which is a vacuum (contains no particles). The Sun's
energy travels through space to reach Earth by radiation.
In experiments with shiny, silvery cans and dull, black cans of water, scientists find that:
a) a dull, black can of cold water warms up faster than a shiny, silvery can containing the same
volume of water in sunlight, and
b) a dull, black can of hot water cools down faster than a shiny, silvery one.
Fossil fuels
Coal, oil and natural gas are called fossil fuels. They are found beneath the ground or the
seabed. Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. They have taken millions of years to
form. As these fossil fuels start to run out, the following alternative forms of renewable energy
will become increasingly important. Renewable energy sources will not run out.
Solar energy
This is energy from the Sun. It can be used in solar cells which transform the Sun's energy into
electrical energy. Alternatively, it can be used directly to heat water for use at home using solar
it is clean.
it is pollution-free.
it does not consume any of the earth's resources.
it is plentiful.
Biofuels come from plants or animals. We can either use the plant or animal material directly, as
with wood or use their products, as with biogas. Bagasse is the pulpy remains left after the juice
is removed from sugar cane stalks. It is a useful fuel. Woodchip can be used to heat homes or
generate electricity. New trees are planted to replace the ones cut down to burn as fuels.
Biogas is made from the waste products of farm animals and humans, as well as waste
vegetation. The waste is collected into special biogas generators where microorganisms break
down the waste materials to form the biogas.
Crops are also specially grown to make fuel for vehicles. This biodiesel is made from vegetable
oils extracted from crops such as maize, oilseed rape, and palm.
Ethanol is another liquid biofuel. It is produced by the fermentation of sugar from crops, such as
sugar cane, using yeast. It can be mixed with petrol and sold as 'gasohol' to run cars.
Wind energy
On high ground, near the coast, or even out at the sea, wind turbines are becoming more
common. The huge blades of the wind turbines are positioned facing the wind. They catch the
wind and spin or rotate around. This provides the energy to generate electricity.
Wind power can also be used in refrigeration, to circulate air for cooling purposes, and to dry
crops. There are several advantages to using wind power. These are :
Wave energy
The movement of waves across the sea, caused by the wind, can be used to make electricity.
Floats can rock up and down to harness the energy of the waves.
it is clean.
it is pollution-free.
it does not consume any of the earth's resources.
it is plentiful.
Geothermal energy
This uses energy from hot rocks beneath the Earth's surface. Water is piped down to areas
where the hot rocks are not too deep and steam returns to the surface. The steam is used to
drive turbines to generate electricity, as in conventional fossil fuel power stations.
The advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy are very similar to those of wind
energy. However, it does use up some water and a relatively higher surface area of land.
Hydroelectric energy
Hydroelectric energy uses the gravitational, potential energy stored in water held in a dam. The
water is allowed to fall to a lower level and on the way downturns the turbines to generate
it is clean
It is not available everywhere and reservoirs may cause a change in ecological balance.
Countries in which hydropower exists are Canada, Belize, Venezuela, Jamaica and Dominica.
Guyana has the potential for several hydro-power stations because of its many waterways and
waterfalls. However, the resources need to be harnessed since the location of the falls and the
populated areas are thousands of miles apart and are spanned by huge rain forests. At present
in the Rupununi area, there is a hydropower station, and it supplies electricity to the residents
Fossil Fuels
• coal
• natural gas.
Fossil fuels have taken millions of years to form. Coal came from trees and ferns that died and
were buried beneath swamps about 300 million years ago.
Crude oil was formed from tiny sea animals and plants which lived about 150 million years ago.
They were buried under layers of sand and silt on the seabed. They did not decay normally as
there was hardly any oxygen there. The increased pressure and temperature changed them into
the oil. Natural gas is usually found with crude oil.
The plants and animals that formed fossil fuels originally got their energy from the Sun. This
became stored as chemical energy in the fossil fuel. So, when you burn fuel you are using
energy that started off in the Sun.
In our world today, oil is our major source of energy. Just look around at our vehicles, oil has
determined the design of our cars, buses, etc. Consider the size of our engines where the fuel is
converted to other types of energy. If our cars were to be powered by steam from wood instead
of petrol, think of the design and size of the cars.
The discovery of oil has a great impact on our society and general lifestyle. One of the
advantages is that it can be used to produce electricity. This type of energy is used to operate
thousands of appliances in the home, office, school, and industry and this has made life much
easier. Even though oil and coal are used to provide a lot of heat, the majority is used to
produce electricity.
Many nations and countries have become rich due to the discovery of oil. However, there are
several disadvantages which need urgent attention if we hope to save ourselves and our
6. Men usually lose their lives in case of the caving in of the roof of the mine.
The greatest disadvantage is the pollution. Both coal and oil, when burnt, produce smoke. This
pollutes the atmosphere and has become a health hazard. Another cause of pollution is the
spilling of crude oil over land and in the waterways. This affects many aquatics, land, and air
animals. Millions of liters of oil usually cover the water and/ or the land and millions of dollars
are spent to clean up the mess. Oil spills have been the concern of environmentalists for many
years, and they are fighting for legislation to protect our animal life and the rest of our
Problems caused by fossil fuels
Most fossil fuels contain sulfur impurities. When we burn the fuel, the sulfur turns into sulfur
dioxide (SO) gas. Power stations burning coal or oil give off most sulfur dioxide. This is the main
cause of acid rain. Cars burning petrol or diesel also contribute to making our rain acidic.
• Fish-hundreds of lakes now have no fish left in them at all. Aluminum in the soil gets washed
into the lakes by acid rain. This poisons the fish.
• Buildings - acid rain attacks buildings and metal structures. Limestone buildings are most
badly affected.
Global warming
The Earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse. As you learned in topic 3.14, gases, such as
carbon dioxide, absorb some heat energy given off as the Earth cools down. This heat energy
gets trapped in the atmosphere and cannot escape out into space.
However, we are making more and more of these gases. Whenever we burn a fossil fuel, we
make carbon dioxide.
The extra carbon dioxide seems to be making the Earth hotter. We call this global warming.
There is great concern in the Caribbean over the effects of global warming. People are worried
by the predictions of:
• more droughts
Energy Conservation
We all need to conserve energy. Most of our electricity is produced in power stations that burn
fossil fuels. Fossil fuel supplies are limited and will run out eventually, so we should all try to use
less. For example, crude oil and natural gas will probably run out in your lifetime. Coal will last
longer. Using fewer fossil fuels will also reduce air pollution. Electricity is a major household bill.
Therefore, if people can think of ways to conserve energy, it could reduce their electricity bills.
Here are some ways of using less electricity (electrical energy) and saving money:
• switch off lights when they are not in use
• choose energy-efficient devices when buying new appliances • use energy-saving light bulbs
in place of traditional filament bulbs (which waste a lot of energy as heat)
[Picture showing the type of light bulb saves energy compared with filament light bulbs which
waste more energy as heat]
• select low energy programs when running electrical appliances such as washing machines or
dishwashers use traditional tools if possible instead of electrical devices
• when doing work on gardens and homes (and the exercise is good for you)
• shower instead of having a bath as it uses less hot water which is sometimes heated
We can also use less fuel by using cars less. For example:
• take public transport, such as the bus, as this is a more efficient way of using fuel.
Electrical circuits
Electricity can only flow if there is a complete pathway for it to pass around. The unbroken
pathway from, and back to, an electrical power supply is called a circuit. The power supply can
be a cell, battery, power pack, or electrical socket.
The electricity itself is made up of moving electrons (the tiny negative particles from inside
atoms - see section 2.5). Look at the simple electrical circuit in Figure 5.10a. It shows the
electrons moving through a circuit made up of a cell and a lamp.
Electrical symbols
We use circuit diagrams to represent circuits. The components in the circuit are each given a
symbol. Figure 5.10b shows some common electrical symbols.
We find that all metals are good conductors of electricity, whereas most non-metallic materials
are insulators.
Carbon in the form of graphite is an exception as it is a non-metal that does contain electrons
that are free to move through its structure.
There are some materials, such as silicon, which will conduct electricity slightly (not as well as
metal but better than an insulator). These are called semiconductors. They are used to make
components used in computers.
• Electrical appliances
• Lighting
Electrical safety
electricity can be. An electric shock can kill so from an early age
we should be aware of the hazards and how to behave safely. It is very important that you never
touch a bare wire that is plugged into the mains circuit. Here are some other safety rules:
ensure that your hands are free of moisture when switching electrical appliances on or off •
make sure the mains switch to the house is off when working
on domestic wiring
• always get a qualified electrician to carry out electrical repairs. electricians should wear rubber-
soled boots and protective
• never overload a socket by attaching too many electrical appliances at once using adapter
plugs - this can cause a fire
Electrical appliances are very useful, but if too much current flows into them they can overheat
and cause fires. This is why we use fuses. A fuse contains a thin wire that melts and snaps if
too much current passes through it.
The correct fuse rating, for example, 3-amp, 5 amp, or 13 amp, depends on the power of the
appliance and the mains voltage.
A fuse is chosen that will allow this current to pass through but will blow' (melt and snap) if more
than the required number of current surges into the appliance.
• circuit breakers
• surge protectors
• Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
• line conditioners.
We explained what an electric current is in section 5.10. But there are different types of circuits
possible. Electrical components, such as lamps, can be arranged in series or parallel circuits.
Series circuits
In a series circuit, the components are connected in line with each other. Look at the image
[Picture of Two lamps in series]
The current flows through one lamp then the next. We can measure the current using an
ammeter. An ammeter connected into a series circuit in any position gives the same reading.
This shows that the current is the same at any point in a series circuit.
If one of the lamps in this series circuit is unscrewed or blows, the other lamp goes out too.
There is no pathway for the current to make its way back to the other end of the cell. Compare
this with the parallel circuit shown below:
Parallel circuits
In the parallel circuit, if one lamp blows, the other stays lit. This is because there is still a
complete circuit without the current having to go through the broken branch in the circuit.
The current leaving the cell or battery is split between the branches of the parallel circuit before
rejoining again on the way back to the cell.
So, if you have a chain of lights it is always best to arrange them in a parallel circuit rather than
a series circuit. Then, when one light blows, the rest stay lit. In a series circuit, when one lamp
blows, all the lamps go out.
Electricity meters
Most people rely on electrical appliances. However, they have to pay for the electrical energy
they use. Electricity boards measure energy consumption using electricity meters in homes.
They use a unit of energy called a kilowatt-hour (kWh).
1 hour.
• an analog display (where dials rotate for each digit - see image below)
• a digital display (where numbers change and can be read directly - see image below).
The electricity supplier will read your meter, perhaps every month, or you can read it and send it
in. They will charge you for the number of kilowatt-hours used.
In the worked example at the top of the next page, the charge is divided into two rates called
Block 1 and Block 2. A fuel surcharge is also applied to the energy consumed for the first 100
units. Some companies also make a standing charge which must be paid even if you use no
Worked example:
A consumer used 100 units (kWh) of electricity in a month. The first 50 units were charged on a
Block 1 tariff of 60 cents per kWh, and the next 50 units where Block 2 at 70 cents per kWh.
Total = $105.00
Energy interactions - forces
A force can cause a change in an object. The force may change an object's:
• speed
• shape.
However, there are still forces acting on objects that are not moving or changing shape.
Whenever you push an object, the object will push back on you with the same size force, but in
the opposite direction.
If a book is placed on a table, a force acts vertically downwards from the book. This is the
book's weight, measured in the units of force, newtons (N). At the same time, the table pushes
vertically upwards on the book with an equal force. We must apply another force to move the
book to another position on the table.
[Image showing the stability of an object based on newton's third law]
We can represent forces by arrows that point in the direction the force is acting. The length of
the arrow is drawn to scale to represent the size of the force. The forces acting at a point can be
added up to give a resultant force. If the forces cancel out to give a resultant force of zero, the
object is either stationary or moving at a constant velocity.
A jet plane moves forward because its engines push hot gases backward and the reaction force,
called thrust, pushes the plane forward. The thrust is opposed by the friction of the plane with
the air it moves through (called air resistance). The weight of the plane, caused by gravity
pulling it downwards, is overcome by lift from air under the wings.
Types of forces
You cannot see a force but often you can see what it does. When a force is exerted on an
object, it can change the object’s:
direction of movement
shape (for example, an elastic band gets longer if you pull it)
[Image of car drifting on the wet road]
Weighing an apple using a newton meter. A force meter also called a newton meter, is used to
measure forces. Forces can be contact forces, where objects must touch each other to exert a
force. Other forces are non-contact forces, where objects do not have to touch each other.
These include:
Any two objects tend to attract each other. The larger the mass of an object, the stronger its
attraction for other objects.
The objects we use in everyday life are too small to notice this attraction. But when you consider
an object the size of a planet, then these forces become significant. It is the force of attraction
between the objects on Earth and the Earth itself that keeps everything on the surface of the
planet. We call this the force of gravity. This force always acts towards the center of the Earth.
The force of gravity acting on us is called our weight, measured in newtons (N), where a mass
of 1 kg has a weight of about 10N.
The area around a bar magnet where magnetic materials feel the force of a magnet is called a
magnetic field. Iron filings sprinkled in a magnetic field shows there are lines of magnetic force.
These are shown to run from the North pole of the magnet to its South pole.
Measuring forces
Forces can be measured using a force meter, also called a newton meter. Force meters contain
a spring connected to a metal hook. The spring stretches when a force is applied to the hook.
The bigger the force applied, the longer the spring stretches, and the bigger the reading.
The unit of force is called the newton, and it has the symbol N. The greater the force, the bigger
the number, so 100 N is a greater force than 5 N.