Process Instrumentation, Dynamics and Control

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Process instrumentation, Dynamics and control

2-Marks question and answers


1. Define controlled variable, manipulated variable and load variable in process control.
Controlled variable: it is the quantity or condition of the control system which is directly
Measured and controlled.
Load variable: the load variables of a process are all other independent variables except the
Control variable and manipulated variable.
Manipulated variable: it is the quantity or condition which is varied by the automatic
Controller so as to affect the value of control variable
2. Define degrees of freedom.
The Degree of freedom is defined as the independent variable that must be specified in order
ro define the process completely. The number of degree of freedom can be found by the
f = V – E Where
V = Number of independent variable describing a process
E - Number of independent equation physically relating the V variables.
3. What are the different mathematical models used in process control?
1. Experimental approach: In this case the physical equipment of the chemical process is
available and the various values of input (disturbance, manipulated variable) are change and
through appropriate measuring devices the outputs of process change with time. Such a
procedure is time and effort consuming and it is usually quite costly because a large number of
such experiments have to be performed.
2. Theoretical approach:
This is given in terms of mathematical equations (differential, algebraic) whose solution yields
the dynamic or static behavior of the chemical process that is examined.
4. What is meant by self-regulation?

Self regulation of a process is defined as the process is one in which either inflow and outflow is
dependent to the controlled variable. Most of the causes the flow is self regulating because of its
steady state is increased by increasing the outflow.
5. What is non-self regulation? Give an example.
A non-self regulating process is one in which both inflow and outflows are independent of the
controlled variable this type of process has no steady state gain. The example of the non self
process is a simple liquid level system with constant outflow.
6. Define the term resistance in liquid level system.
The resistance is defined as the ratio between the rates of change of head to the rate of change of
flow. This may be classified based on flow, turbulent or laminar resistance. The turbulent
resistance is not linear but laminar resistance is linear.
7. Enlist the distinguishing features of process control systems.
i.) Increase in quantity of number of products.
ii.) Improved in quality of products.
iii.) Saving in processing materials.
iv.) Saving in plant equipment.
v.) Decrease in human drudgery.
8. A tank operating at 10 ft head, 5 lpm outflow through a valve and has a cross section
area of 10 sq. ft. calculate the time constant.
Given h = 10 ft. Q = 5 lpm, A = 10 ft2.
Time constant T = AR but R = h / q = 10 / 5 = 2
T = 10 x 2 = 20 min.
9. A thermometer having a time constant of 1 min and is initially at 50
it is immersed in a bath and maintained at 100
0C at t = 0. Determine the temperature reading at t = 1.2 min.. T = 1 min , A = 50 0 C Y(t) = A
(1- exp ( - t / T) + 50 = 84.940C
10. What are the assumptions made to get the mathematical model of an non interacting
a. The liquid to be of constant density
b. The tanks to have uniform cross sectional area.
c. The flow resistance to be linear.
17. How the mathematical modeling of higher order process obtained?

The mathematical modeling of higher order process are obtained in three ways
a. N first order processes in series
b. Processes with dead time
c. Processes with inverse response.
11. What is the need for process automation?
Process automation is employed to maintain a controlled variable at a desired value. The main
advantage of automatic control is that a machine can perform the task more rapidly and
consistently than a human being.
12. Difference between batch process and continuous process?
Batch process:
A process in which the materials or work are stationary at one physical location while being
treated. Eg. Thermal type process.
Continuous process:
A process in which the materials or work flows more or less continuously through a plant
apparatus while being treated. EgStorage vessel control.
13. list any four objectives of process control.
A. safety
B. Production specifications.
C. Environmental regulations.
D. Operational constraints
E. Economics
14. What is the significance of "degree of freedom"?
Degree of freedom is the independent variables that must be specified in order to define the
Process completely. Consequently the desired control of a process will be achieved when and
Only when all the degree of freedom has been specified. A good understanding of degree of
Freedom is inherent in a process and they are very crucial for the design of effective controllers.
15. What are the 2 approaches employed tops obtain the mathematical model of a process?
Experimental approach and theoretical approach

Experimental approach: in this case the physical equipment of the chemical process is
Available and the various values of input (disturbance, manipulated variable) are change and
through appropriate measuring devices the outputs (temperature, pressure, flow rate,

concentration) of chemical process change with time. Such a procedure is time and effort
consuming and it is usually quite costly because a large number of such experiments have to
be performed
16. How does the control of unit operation affect the quality of product?
Unit operations play an important role in the development of chemical process. They provide
building blocks, or process segments, that can be analyzed and designed individually and then
combined into larger processing system.

17. Define process variable, load variable and manipulated variable.

Process variable: It is the quantity or condition of the control system which is directly measured
and controlled. Load variable: the load variables of a process are all other independent variables
except the control variable and manipulated variable. Manipulated variable: it is the quantity or
condition which is varied by the automatic controller so as to affect the value of control variable.
18. How the mathematical modeling of higher order process obtained?

The mathematical modeling of higher order process are obtained in three ways
a. N first order processes in series
b. Processes with dead time
c. Processes with inverse response.
19. Distinguish between parameters and variables of a process.
Process parameters
Process variables
1. This is the quantity which is known and it is constant.
2. This is supplied by external world.
3. This has definite value ( set point, Controller parameters )
This is quantity to be measured in the process.
This is developed in the process itself.
This does not have definite value
20. Distinguish between batch process and continuous process.
Batch process
Continuous process
1. A process in which the materials or work are stationary at one physical location while
being treated. Eg. Thermal type process.
2. This is suitable for different kinds for product

3. The quantity of product is less
4. The control system is simple.
5. The Process variables are lumped
A process in which the materials or work flows more or less continuously through a
Plant apparatus while being treated. Eg. Storage vessel control.
Suitable for one or two products Quantity of product is large
The control system is complicated. The pv is distributed over the entire system.

1. What are the basic control actions in process control?
The basic control actions used in process control is
a).On – off control b) Proportional control c).Proportional – Integral control
d).Proportional - Integral - Derivative control
2. Define proportional band.
Proportional band (PB) is defined as the error (expressed as a percentage of the range of
measured variable) required to move the valve from fully closed to fully open. The Pb and
Proportional gain (Kp) is given by PB = 100 / Kp.
3. Define reset time
The time required for the output of a proportional – Integral controller to change an amount
equal to the amount of proportional response provided by a step change of actuating signal.
4. Define differential gap. Why is it introduced in a process?
A differential gap in two-position control causes the manipulated variable to maintain its
previous value until the controlled variables has moved slightly beyond the set point. In actual
operation it is the same as hysteresis. A differential gap is caused in the two-position controller if
small friction exists at the bearing on the float arm.
5. What are the applications of on-off control?
The on – off control are used in electric heater, thermostats, rapid operation switches, electrical
contacts, simple water level control and etc.
6. What is meant by offset? How can you eliminate the offset in a process?

The difference between the set point and the steady state value of the controlled variable is
referred as offset. This is commonly happened when the proportional only controller is used.

This can be eliminated by adding integral term in the controller.
7. What is meant by integral wind up?
The reset action in a PI controller causes its output to go an changing as long as the error is non-
zero For various reasons the error cannot be eliminated quickly in many situations and therefore
if the time interval is long enough, develops due to reset action leading finally to saturation
known as the reset action or integral windup.
8. What is anticipatory control? Why is it called?
The derivative control action is anticipatory control. .With the presence of the derivative term
(de / dt), the PID controller anticipates what the error will be in the immediate future and applies
a control action which is proportional to the current rate of change in the error. Due to this
property the derivative control action is sometimes referred to as anticipatory control
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of PI control?
1. It removes or reduces the steady state error without the need for manual reset.
2. It removes or reduces the steady state error without the need for manual reset.
1. It may lead to oscillatory response of increasing or decreasing amplitude which is undesirable
and the system may become unstable.
2. Constant steady state error.
10. What is meant by single speed floating control?

If the error is zero the output will not change but remains (floats) at whatever setting it is, when
the error goes to zero. The output of the control element changes at a fixed rate when the error
exceed the neutral zone
11. Write the transfer function of PID controller and sketch its step response.
The transfer function PID controller is
U(s) / E(s) = Kp ( 1 +( 1/ Tis ) + Tds)
12. Derivative control cannot be used alone. Justify your answer.
When the error is constant the derivative action is zero. The derivative action Anticipates future
errors and introduces appropriate Action. When the process has noise the derivative control
amplifies the noise and makes the noisy one. It introduces a stabilizing effect on the Closed –
loop control response of a process

13. Explain the principle of multi-position control.
In the Two position (On – Off) controller the control action is only in two states. In the multi
position control several intermediate position are used. This control mode is used to reduce the
cycling and overshoot and undershoot. This mode is represented as
P = Pie > | ei
| i = 1,2,………n

14. What are the main disadvantages of a proportional controller?

The major drawback or proportional controller is offset. When the proportional gain is increase
the controller will oscillate which tends to unstable system
15. Recommend control modes for flow process and thermal process.
The flow process has small time constant which gives fast response so the PI controller is
suitable the thermal process is sluggish in nature so derivative action should be present in
controller mode. So PID controller is suitable for thermal process.
16. Distinguish between Direct and reverse action of a controller.
Direct action controller
Use to produce and maintain the desired quality of the product
Reverse action controller
The process may be necessary when direct control is difficult to accomplish.
17. What is dead time?
Dead time is a fixed interval of time between the change of an input to an element and the
beginning of response to the input.
18. Define decay ratio.
The ratio of the amounts above the ultimate value of two successive peaks is called as decay
ratio. The decay ratio is expressed as, Decay ratio = exp ( -2ζπ /  1 – ζ2)
19. What do you meant by optimum controller settings?
Having decided the type of controller for a given system, and given the performance criteria for
the closed loop response(eg., minimum peak error, ¼ decay ratio, IAE etc.) optimum controller
settings are the best suited values of the controller(Kp, Ti, Td) which satisfies the performance
criteria set by the designer and selecting these values is called controller tuning.
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 2-position control?
Advantages: Easy to design, Low cost
Disadvantages: Cycling, FCE is subjected to high frequency of oscillation

1. What is meant by tuning in process control?
To adjust the controller parameters is referred as tuning. The controller may tune using the
simple criteria such as ¼ decay ratio, minimum setting time, and minimum error. Using time
integral performance such as ISE, IAE, ITAE the controller may tune. The popular method of
controller tuning is Process reaction curve and Z-N method.
2. What is meant by ultimate period Pu of a controlled process?
The ultimate period Pu of sustained cycling is defined as Pu= 2π / phase cross over frequency.
3. What is a process reaction curve?
This is a plot drawn between the measurement output and time when the closed loop system is
disconnected between the controller and final control element and is manually operated with step
4. State the relation between maximum overshoot and decay ratio.
The relation between maximum overshoot and decay ratio is, decay ratio = (overshoot)
5. Give the optimum controller settings for a PID controller based on Zeigler-Nicholas
The optimum controller settings for a PID controller based on Zeigler-Nicholas method is the
proportional gain Kc= Ku/ 1.7, Integral time I= Pu/ 2 & Derivative time D= Pu/ 8 where the
Ultimate gain Ku= inverse of the amplitude ratio Ultimate period of oscillation Pu= 2π / phase
cross over frequency
6. What is ITAE and when to go for it?
ITAE is integral of the time weighted Absolute error and it is defined as ITAE = t | e(t) | dt.
To suppress errors that persist for long times, the ITAE criterion will tune the controllers better
because the presence of large t amplifies the effect of even small errors in the value of the
7. What is ISE and when to go for it?
ISE is integral of the square error and it is defined as ISE = | e2(t) dt. To suppress large errors
the ISE is better, because the error is squared and thus contributes more to the value of the

8. What is IAE and when to go for it?
IAE is integral of the Absolute error and it is defined as IAE = | e(t) | dt. To suppress small
errors IAE is better than ISE because when square small numbers ( < 1) they become even
9. Why is it necessary to choose controller settings that satisfy both gain margin and phase
It is necessary to choose controller settings that satisfy both gain margin &phase margin in order
to avoid unstable behavior by the closed loop of a process
10. What is tuning a controller based on quarter – decay ratio?
It’s the tuning of parameters of the controller so as to obtain a step change in the load (error).
The response gives decay ratio of ¼.it is defined as the ratio of successive amplitude of the peaks
decay ratio=C/A.
11. When do you go Process reaction curve method for controller tuning.
1. For the multi capacity processes whose response is sigmoid
2. Process with very short time delay
3. The process whose response is overdamped
12. What is cycling?
An important mode of dynamic variable error is the oscillation of an error about zero. This
means the variables is cycling above or below zero set point.
13. Briefly explain about Damped oscillation method
Using only proportional action and starting with low gain adjust the gain adjusted until the
transient response of the closed loop shows a decay ratio of 1 / 4. The optimum setting of
damped oscillation method is more accurate than ultimate method.
14. Under what circumstances derivative control action is added or removed in a
The derivative action is recommended for temperature and composition control where there is a
sluggish and Multi capacity processes. The derivative action Anticipates future errors and
introduces appropriate Action. It introduces a stabilizing effect on the Closed –loop control
response of a process.

15. Explain the continuous cycling meth
The continuous cycling method or on-off control is a position type control action in which the
may is quickly changed to either a max or min value depending on whether the controlled
variable is greater or less than the set point.
16. Why derivative mode of control is not recommended for a noisy process?
The derivative control mode is not recommended for a noisy process because even when the pv
settles down at the set point the derivative control gives the control action for noises that are at
higher frequencies, so the pv moves around the set point.
17. Merits and demerits of single seated and double seated control value?
Single -seated control value
 It has only one port opening between seat and plug
 Simple in construction.
 Can be shut-off to provide zero flow.
large force acts a value because of differential head acting across port and seat area. Double
seated control value
Advantages: Net force acting on value stem is small
Disadvantages:Cannot be shut off tightly because of differential pressure and temperature
expansion of value plug and valve body.
18. What is tuning a controller based on quarter – decay ratio?
It’s the tuning of parameters of the controller so as to obtain a step change in the load (error).
The response gives decay ratio of ¼.it is defined as the ratio of successive amplitude of the peaks
decay ratio=C/A.
19. What is cycling?
An important mode of dynamic variable error is the oscillation of an error about zero. This
means the variables is cycling above or below zero set point.
20. Write Ziegler Nichols tuning formulae.
Kc I( min) D( min) P only Ku / 2 P-I Ku / 2 Pu / 1.2 P-I-D Ku / 2 Pu / 2 Pu / 8
Where Ku= ultimate gain, Pu= ultimate period of oscillation


1. What is ratio control? Where is it needed?

Ratio control is special type of feed forward control where two disturbances are measured and
held in a constant ratio to each other. It is used to control the flow rates of the two streams
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of feedback and feed forward controllers?
Advantages: 1. Acts before the effect of a disturbance has been felt by a system. 2. Good for
slow systems.
3. Does not introduce instability in closed loop response.
Disadvantages: 1.Requires identification of all possible disturbances and their direct
2. Cannot cope with unmeasured disturbance.
3. Sensitive to process parameter variations.
4. Requires good knowledge of the process model.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cascade control?
The Cascade control is useful in reducing the effect of a load disturbance that moves through the
control system slowly. This type of control gives very high performances than Conventional
control. The drawback of this type of control is the two loop should be tuned Properly with fine
tuning methods.
4. Define and explain the concept of feed forward control.
Feed forward control configuration measures the disturbance directly and takes control action
to eliminate its impact on the process output. Therefore; feed forward controllers have the
theoretical potential for perfect control.
5. What kind of processes stand to benefit the most from feed forward control? Why?
Feed forward control configuration measures the disturbance directly and takes control action
to eliminate its impact on the process output. Therefore; feed forward controllers have the
theoretical potential for perfect control.
6. Briefly explain about multivariable control.
When many inputs (manipulated variables) and many controlled variable (measured outputs) are
present in a loop the multi variable control is suitable. The variables may be interacting,
interconnecting and decoupling. This may be controlled by this method.

7. State the conditions for the cascade control to be effective.

Cascade control is useful in reducing the effect of a load disturbance that moves through the
control system slowly since the inner loop has the effect of reducing the lag in the outer loop
with the result that the cascade system results more quickly with a higher frequency of response.
For cascade control process of the inner loop should be faster than the outer loop. For cascade
control to be effective the control action of the inner loop is often proportional with the gain set
to a high value. The action of the primary controller is generally PI or PID.
8. Give the applications of cascade control.
The cascade control are used in CSTR’s ( Continuous Stirrer Tank Reactors ), distillation
column, value position control, boilers and etc.
9. The combination of feed forward and feedback is more effective than feed forward or
Feedback control. Say true or false.
True. The feed forward control take care of all disturbances affecting the system and the
feedback control, controls the measured parameters.
10. Ratio control is a specific case of feed forward control. Say true or false.
True. The Ratio control is a special type of feed forward control.
11. What is the advantage of cascade control over conventional control?
The cascade control has two loops. When any load changes the inner loop corrected before they
affected the primary loop. This control gives high performance when the load is frequency
changes. The tuning of the control is easy compared to conventional feedback control
13. Mention an application where Ratio control is used.
The ratio control are used in the air fuel mixture control in combustion, reflux control of
distillation columns, mixture of hot and cooled water in heat exchangers and etc.
14. State any two conditions under which the cascade control is much effective?
The cascade control is recommended whenever high performance is mandatory in the face of
frequent load changes, where the secondary part of the process contains an undue amount of
phase lag or non-linearity.
15. Differentiate between feedback and feed forward control.
Feed Back control: It is useful for slow process. It does not introduce instability in the closed
loop response.

Feed forward control: It does not require identification and measurement of any disturbance.
It may create instability in the closed loop response. It is unsatisfactory for slow processes
It is insensitive to parameter changes.
16. When cascade control will give improved performance than conventional feedback
The cascade control is recommended whenever high performance is mandatory in the face of
frequent load changes or where the secondary part of the process contains an undue amount of
phase lag or non-linearity.
17. When the split range control is needed in a process?
In a split –range control we can control a single Process output by coordinating the actions of
several Manipulated variables, all of which have the same effect on the controlled output. The
split range control are used, when the additional safety and operational optimality whenever
18. What is inferential control? Give an example:
Inferential control uses secondary measurements to adjust the PV, as CV cannot be measured.
An estimator in the inferential control computes the estimate of values of unmeasured cv from
material and energy balance and the measured outputs.
Eg. Distillation column fig 2.2c pg. 17 Stephanopoulos
19. How is the controlled variable of inner loop chosen in a cascade control system?
The inner loop in a cascade control is the secondary loop. When the process has a variable that
need not be controlled, but whose value affects the CV, then we have a secondary controller so
as to control that value so that they don’t affect the CV.
20. Describe split-range controller with an example.
In a split –range control we can control a single Process output by coordinating the actions of
several Manipulated variables, all of which have the same effect on the controlled output.
Eg: in a split range control of the pressure in a steam Header, several boilers discharge steam in a
common Steam header and from there to the process needs .Here instead of controlling the steam
flow from each boiler, the firing rate and steam production rate at each boiler is controlled .The
control objective is to maintain constant pressure in steam header when steam demand at various
processing units increase.


1. What is the function of valve positioned?

The valve positioned are use to minimize the effect of lag in large-capacity actuators, stem
friction due to tight stuffing boxes, friction due to viscous or gummy fluids, process line in
pressure changes.
2. What is the function of an actuator? What are the different types of actuators?
An Actuator is used to translate the output signal of the automatic controller into a position of a
member exerting large power and often it is employed as a power amplifying mechanism.
Different types of actuators used in control valve are pneumatic actuators, hydraulic actuators,
electro-pneumatic actuators, and electric motor actuators.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic actuator over other actuators?
The pneumatic actuator is used in wide range of pressure. The pneumatic signal is easily
available which can transmit quite long distance without and transmission losses. No wear and
tear problem is needed as in hydraulic actuators. The main drawback in pneumatic actuators is it
requires signal conversion when the process is automated. This type of actuators is dependable
and difficult in construction.
4. Define range-ability of a control valve.
The range ability of a control valve is the ratio of maximum controllable flow to minimum
controllable flow.
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of rotary type motion valves over linear
stem motion type valves?
The rotary type stem motion valve is providing high capacity flow with minimum pressure drop.
They are used to handle slurries or fibrous materials. They require minimum space for
installation and they are used in low pressure services. The rotating type valves have low leakage
tendency and the range ability is limited.
6. What are the different types of process parameters to be considered in selection of
control valves?
Different types of process parameters to be considered in selection of control valves are the
pressure drop across the value, range ability, flow rate coefficient, control valve size and etc.

7. What are the different types of factors to be considered in control valve sizing?
The proper sizing of the control valve is important because of the effect on the operation of
automatic controllers. if the control valve is oversize, for eg, the valve must operate at low lift
and the minimum controllable flow is too large. In addition, the lower part of the flow-lift
characteristics is most likely to be non-uniform in shape. On the other hand if the control valve is
undersize, the maximum flow desired for a process may not be provided.
8. Differentiate flashing and cavitations in a control valve.
In a control valve when the pressure at vena contract goes below the vapor pressure and also at
the pressure is below the liquid vapor pressure. So the fluid enters the port as a liquid & comes
out as a vapor. This phenomenon is called Flashing. It occurs in a valve when the pressure drop
across the orifice first results in the pressure is being lowered to below the liquid’s vapor
pressure and then recovering to above vapor pressure. This pressure recovery causes on
implosion or collapse of the vapor bubbles formed at the venacontracta. This Phenomenon is
called Cavitation.
9. What are the different types of flow-characteristics of a control valve?
The flow lift characteristics of a control valve fall into three approximate categories
a. Decreasing sensitivity type
b. Linear type
c. Increasing sensitivity type.
10. What do you mean by Flashing?
In a control valve when the pressure at venacontracta goes below the vapor pressure and also at
the pressure is below the liquid vapor pressure. So the fluid enters the port as a liquid & comes
out as a vapor. This phenomenon is called Flashing.
11. Suggest suitable control valves for use on slurries and fluids with suspended particles.
Gate valves, ball valves and Pinch valves are suitable for control of slurries and fluid with solid
12. When a Butterfly valve is used?
The butterfly valve is most often used in sizes from 4 to 60 inch for the control of air and gas.
It is also used for liquid flow if the pressure differential is not large.

14. Mention the two distinct characteristics of an equal percentage valve.
The equal %valve has increasing sensitivity and linear Characteristics. When the valve pressure
drop is small or when the process gain decreases with increasing flow this valve can be used.
15. What is the function of the spring in a control valve?
The spring is used to bring back the actuator in static position. The spring develop Inertia and
static force which may use to get the force balance in control valve.
16. What are I/P and P/I converter? State the stand and valves for P and I in
instrumentation practice.
I/P and P/I converter are signal converters which are use to convert current to pneumatic and vise
versa in process system. The standard Pneumatic value is 3 – 15 psi and the current is 4 – 20mA
17. Why installed characteristics of control valve are different from inherent
The inherent characteristics of control valve are desired by the manufacture with standards, but
the installed characteristics are change when the control valve is in usage. Because the control
value may apply many applications its coefficient may not be same for all conditions.
18. What is meant by cavitation in a control valve?
It occurs in a valve when the pressure drop across the orifice first results in the pressure is
lowered to below the liquid’s vapour pressure and then recovering to above vapour pressure.
This pressure recovery causes on implosion or collapse of the vapour bubbles formed at the
venacontracta. This Phenomena is called Cavitation
19. Why is equal % valve mostly used in process industries?
The equal %valve has increasing sensitivity and linear Characteristics. When the valve pressure
drop is small or when the process gain decreases with increasing flow this valve can be used.
20. What is meant by cavitation and flashing in a control valve?
Flashing: In a control valve when the pressure at venacontracta goes below the liquid vapour
pressure the fluid enters the port as a liquid & comes out as a vapour. Cavitation: It occurs in a
valve when the pressure drop across the orifice first results in the pressure is being lowered to
below the liquid’s vapour pressure and then recovering to above vapour pressure. This pressure
recovery causes on implosion or collapse of the vapour bubbles formed at the venacontracta.

21. What is self regulation?
It is the ability of a control valve to reach a specific value for nominal changes in the load
variable without any controller.

Process instrumentation, dynamics and control

13-Marks Question answers

Unit – I


1. Explain briefly about the interacting and non-interacting system.

2. Explain briefly about the batch and continuous process with an example

3. Describe the dynamics involved in second order process

4. Problems in interacting and non-interacting system

5. Derive the transfer function of first order level, pressure and flow process

6. List the objectives of Process control

7. Define Manipulated variable and Controlled Variable and explain

8. Why do we need mathematical modelling of process?

9. Distinguish between continuous and batch process

10. Compare servo and regulatory operation

11. Give the dynamics of first order level and flow process

12. What is self-regulation?

13. Compare interacting and non-interacting systems

14. Derive the transfer function of first order level process

15. Mention the name of various modelling approaches used in process control

Unit – II


1. Describe briefly about the simple performance and integral performance criterion

2. Explain in detail about the open loop tuning method and give its PID controller settings

3. Define controller tuning.

4. List the types of tuning methods

5. What is Process Reaction Curve?

6. Define one-quarter decay ration

7. Compare ISE, IAE and ITAE

8. Give PID controller settings of damped oscillation method

9. Compare simple performance and integral performance criteria

10. Give the steps involved in open loop tuning method 9. Give the formulae for the PID
controller using Z-N method 10. Define ITAE.

11. Explain in detail about the Z-N tuning method procedure and give its PID controller settings

12. The control system contains a three-mode controller. (a) For the closed loop, develop
formulas for the natural period of oscillation r and the damping factor 5 in terms .of the
parameters K, 70. q , and 71. For the following parts, TD = 71 = 1 and rt = 2, (b) Calculate l
when K is 0.5 and when K is 2. (c) Do 6 and r approach limiting values as K increases, and if so,
what am these values? (6) Determine the offset for a unit-step change in load if K is 2. (e) Sketch
the response curve (C versus r) for a unit-step change in load when K is 0.5 and when K is 2. v)
In both cases of part (e) determine the maximum value of C and the time at which it occurs.

13. By means of the Routh test, determine the stability of the system shown in Fig. 9 P14.2 when
K, = 2. 4. In the control system of Prob. 13.6, determine the value of gain (psi/’ F) that just
causes the system to be unstable if (a) 70 = 0.25 min, (b) 70 = 0.5 min.

14. Prove that, if one or mom of the coefficients (ao, a 1, . . . , an) of the characteristic equation
is negative or zero, then there is necessarily an unstable root. Hint: First show that also is minus
the sum of all the rqots, u2/uo is plus the sum of all possible products of two roots, u/uo is (- 1)’
times the sum of all possible products of j roots, etc.

15. Prove that the converse statement of Prob. 14.4, i.e., that an unstable root implies that one or
mom of the coefficients will be negative or zero, is untrue for all n > 2. Hint: To prove that a
statement is untrue, it is only necessary to demonstrate a single counterexample. 14.6. Deduce an
extension of the Routh criterion that will detect the presence of roots with real parts greater than
-- (+ for any specified cr > 0.

Unit – III


1. Explain briefly about the continuous and discontinuous controller modes

2. Explain the design steps involved in design of electronic PID controller

3. Compare Proportional, Integral and derivative control actions

4. Define on/off controller

5. Define error and offset

6. Define Proportional Band and Reset time

7. Define integral windup.

8. Why derivative controller alone is not recommended for noisy process?

9. Draw the electronic PI controller 8. Why electronic controller is preferred than pneumatic
controller for a process?

10. Draw the Pneumatic PID controller

11. Explain briefly about the operation of pneumatic PID controller and mention its applications

12. In the control system shown in Fig. P14.9, find the value of K, for which the system is on the
verge of instability. The controller is replaced by a PD controller, for which the transfer function
is KJTDS + 1). If K, = 10, determine the range of ? D for which the system is stable.

13. The characteristic equation is s4 +4s3 + 6s2 + 4s +(l+K) = 0 (a) Determine the value of K
above which the system is unstable. (b) Determine the value of K for which two of the roots are
on the imaginary axis, and determine the values of these imaginary roots and the remaining two

14. Given the control diagram shown in Fig., deduce by means of the Routh criterion those
values of rr for which the output C is for all inputs R and U.
15. Write the characteristic equation for the control system shown in Fig. P14.10. (b) Use the
Routh Test to determine if the system is stable for K, = 4. (c) Determine the ultimate value of Kc,
above which the system is unstable.

Unit – IV


1. Explain in detail about the characteristics of control valves

2. Explain the operation of I/P converter and Actuators

3. Explain in detail about the cavitation and Flashing. Mention its elimination methods

4. Describe briefly about the parameters involved in control valve selection

5. Explain the following i. Control valve sizing ii. Materials used in Valve body and Trim y

6. Draw the root-locus diagram for the control system shown in Fig. P15.6. (a) Determine the
value of Kc needed to obtain a root of the characteristic equation of the closed-loop response
which has an imaginary part 0.75. (b) Using the value of K, found in part (a), determine all the
other roots of the characteristic equation from the mot-locus diagram. (c) If a unit impulse is
introduced into the set point, determine the response of the system, C(t).
7. Explain the following with suitable examples

a) Cascade control

b) Adaptive control

8. Discuss in detail implementation of disturbed control system in control of chemical plants

9. Analyze the feed forward control system and its applications in industries

10. Compare different stability criteria available for analysis of control system.

11. Discuss routh criterion for stability of a control system

12. Compare pneumatic controller and electronic controller

13. State the theorem of translation function

14. What is the regulatory problem? Explain

15. Discuss about the servo problem

Unit – V


1. Explain in detail about the cascade control scheme with an example

2. Explain in detail about the selective control scheme with an example

3. Explain in detail about the adaptive control scheme with an example

4. Explain in detail about i. inferential control scheme ii. Ratio control scheme

5. Describe various control scheme used in CSTR process

6. Describe various control scheme used in Distillation process

7. Explain the principle and working of an optical pyrometers

8. Define the terms accuracy, repetability, span, sensitivity and errors

9. Discuss the principle and working of below mentioned instrument used for measurement used
for the measurement of following parameters:

10. Discuss the principle and working of below mentioned instrument used for measurement
used for the measurement of following parameters:

Viscosity of liquid and pH

11. Discuss the various schemes used for the control of shell and tube heat exchanger

12. Discuss the principles of cascade control with suitable examples

13. Explain the principle and working of instruments used in process industries for measuring

14. Discuss briefly the instruments which are used in measuring pressure in process industries

15. Explain with principle, the range of application of thermometers commonly employed in
chemical industry

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