Position Paper About Learner-Centered Teaching

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Learner-centered teaching is an approach that places the learner in the center of

the learning. This means that the student is responsible for learning, and the instructor

is the one responsible for facilitating the learning (Smith, Graeme. 2017). This is the

type of approach where the teacher is responsible for sharing the lecture with the

student, and the student has the responsibility to sink the information they got from their

lecturer. This is the usual approach that teachers nowadays use in classroom settings,

for this also uses interactive strategies where students can engage during classes and

develop their skills. Mostly, decision making, problem-solving, teamwork, and

presentation skills are being enhanced in this type of learning approach, which will be

useful in the upcoming years, especially when the students started working. 

Here in the Philippines, K to 12 curriculums is advertised as learner-centered. It

focuses on Filipino children's optimum development (K to 12 toolkits: Reference Guide

for Teacher Educators, School Administrators, and Teachers, 2012). Before, the

classroom's educational approach is based on a teacher-centered approach where the

students must focus solely on their teacher. There is no interaction between the teacher

and students, which is not suitable for students as they work alone in this approach, and

collaboration between others is discouraged. In a teacher-centered approach, the

students do not have any chance to enhance skills that will help them when they started

working. The learner-centered approach helps the students unleash their hidden

abilities and desire to learn new things.

Learner-centered is being seen as a good practice internationally as this

approach also develops learners to learn how to learn and work on their own. In this

approach as well, it teaches the students to choose what they will learn and how they

will learn and assess their learning. Unlike Teacher-centered approach, the teachers too

are the facilitator of the students not as a whole class but facilitating them individually,

based on the learning ability each student has which have more advantage as the

teacher gets to know their students and the abilities they need to improve or the skills

they have. 

Background Information: 

           In the Philippines, a learner-centered curriculum was introduced in 2012 as a

part of the K to 12 basic education programs. However, before the curriculum that we

are now familiar with, DepEd uses a teacher-centered curriculum during the 1930s

during American Colonization. As the Americans are the ones who introduced the

current type of education that we all know, they have also influenced the learning

approach that the teacher used in the classroom setting. However, this type of approach

will not work well with some students who have different learning styles, as this

approach also uses the learning style that the teacher prefers. 

Learner-centered approach was created by a Swiss clinical Psychologist Jean

Piaget. Piaget observed that children cognitively construct knowledge and meaning

through new experiences and interactions, as opposed to rote memorization (Jay,

Mitchell. 2016). John Dewey also believe that learning is a social and experiential

process where he believes that the students who could learn to think critically and solve
real world problems have the ability to prepare in their future. Carl Rogers’ also

contributed in learner-centered with his ideas about the formation of the individual. He

stated that “the only learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered”.

Maria Montessori was also a forerunner of learner-centered where she believes that

preschool children learn through independent self-directed interaction with the previous

presented activities.

As said in the introduction, learner-centered approach means that students are

puts at the center of the learning process. Since teacher-centered, the teachers are the

primary source of knowledge while in learner-centered, the active learning is

encouraged. However, during 1930s, American Public Schools used Teacher-centered

teaching approach and it was also brought here in the Philippines. Time pass by,

America and other countries slowly embraced the learner-centered approach with the K

to 12 learning curriculum and on 2012, Philippines also embraced the said learning

system that until now are used by the Education system.

As the time progress, every schools are now embracing the introduced

curriculum however, teachers who used to taught the previous curriculum are still trying

to adjust with the sudden changes. There are still some schools in the country wherein

they are still adjusting with the said system especially the students in the places where

government find it hard to reach. Teachers are trying their best to let the students

experience the learning-centered approach even with the circumstances they are in.

It will not be too long until every students and teachers will be able to experience

the student-learned approach. With this, every student will have their chance to learn
not only the necessary skills needed for their future but also the future generation will

have more chances to learn and discover new things that will shape up the education



           As our country is still trying to fight against COVID-19, the Department of

Education implemented that education must be done via online classes and modular

platform this school year. However, some teachers have trouble implementing the

learner-centered approach, especially teachers who are used to traditional classroom

settings. First, during online classes, it is unsure if the students are willing to learn due

to different distractions, especially when students are studying in their house, which is

most comfortable. The very same thing with modular education where the teacher will

not know if the students are the ones who answered the said modules or even studied

the lessons. There are students in traditional face to face classes that are easily

distracted, so what more in the classrooms? It is hard to know if the student truly learns

even if classes are being held in online platforms and in their houses, which is the

current struggle for learner-centered curriculum nowadays.

Another thing, there are classroom activities that are impossible to be done,

impacting the students' experience of learning (e.g., scientific laboratory activities,

Physical Education Group Activities, etc.). Few schools can let the students experience

such activities, for example, with the laboratory activities with Labster application where

students are simulating laboratory exercises. However, the students should experience

traditional activities rather than just doing the activities behind the screen. Extra-
curricular activities as well is hard in this type of learning especially in Modular Platform

as the student do not have any quizzes but rather just for them to answer modules

given to them. Online classes would still have the said participations, but it will be

limited with the situation our country is currently in. Active participation is also needed in

this learning approach, but if the student is using modular education, it is truly

impossible and the teachers will only rely on the scores the students has in their

modules and projects.

There are also problems with the students who have are slow-learners for some

teachers could not be reached during the time they need them. Since teachers are

working from home, it is natural to understand that teachers would also work on their

home chores. With this, students have to learn on their own until the teacher answers

their questions, which might take longer than they expected. Lastly, some teachers are

not experts with technologies, making it even hard for them to initiate activities that will

help students develop. It is also hard for teachers to evaluate students, for there are

students who wish to participate in classes but cannot do so due to faulty devices. 

In regard with the research and thesis, especially those who are graduating, this

affects their professor’s learning approach as been said in the paragraph above,

professors are working from home wherein they have necessary chores to do. With the

free time differences between the professors and students, it is hard to get approval

with the research titles unlike in the traditional classes where you can easily get

professor’s ideas and immediate feedbacks.

Everyone is adjusting in this type of education platform however; it is a struggle

for everyone to maintain the same learning experience as this is the first time everyone

experienced having classes virtually and staying at home.


           In conclusion, today's issue in this learning approach is the current educational

platform being used due to the worldly pandemic and how it affects both teachers and

students. The new education platforms have their right side, but in terms of the current

learning curriculum, it is best to say that the curriculum will be more effective in the

traditional face to face class. Regarding the teachers who are not familiar with current

technologies and apps, the Department of Education may hold seminars for those who

need it to come up with activities that will help both teachers and students during class.

Also, the slow-learner students could have their separate lesson schedules in order for

them to be able to ask a question without waiting for hours. Teachers and Professors

could also give their free schedule to their students in order for them to reach them out

without waiting for hours just for their responses. However, these are just possible if the

Department of Education thought of another way to make the learner-centered teaching

effective even in online classes and modular form, then it is safe to say that teachers

and student will be able to do their respective responsibilities, whether in a classroom or

at their home.









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