KaganStructures 1

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Learning Strategies Kagan Structures for Cooperative Learning

 Kagan Structures are ways of setting up an activity. They aim at:

1. Getting students engaged in learning.
2. Developing thinking and social skills.
3. Promoting self-confidence and decision making.
4. Encouraging speaking and listening skills.
5. Creating interaction and entertainment.
 Learning Strategies:
Structure Way of Setting Up
1. T gives a question or topic and provides think Time.
2. Ss pair up with their partners.
3. S1 shares while S2 listens and praises.
4. Partners switch roles.
1. T gives a question with multiple answers and provides think Time.
Rally 2. Ss pair up with a partner.
Robin 3. Ss take turns and answer orally.
4. T asks for whole class feedback.
1. T asks a question and gives think time.
2. Ss gather in teams of 4 members.
3. Teams take turns and give oral answers.
1. T gives a Question / Problem.
2. Ss pair up their partners and share one piece of paper.
3. S1 answers question, S2 gives feedback.
4. T gives a new Question / Problem.
5. S2 answers question, S1 gives feedback.
1. T gives a question and provides think time.
Rally 2. Ss gather in teams.
Table 3. Team members record their answers on a piece of paper that is passed around the table.
4. Team members should give an answer that is different from the one before them.
1. Ss form teams and take numbers from 1 to 4.
2. T gives a question or problem.
3. Ss work individually to solve the problem or answer the question.
4. Ss should record their ideas on slips of paper.
5. Ss share their answers with their groups and agree on one response.
6. T selects Ss by number to share their feedback with the class.
1. Ss form groups of 4 members (Home team).
2. Ss are given a number from 1 to 4, and each number has a different task.
Jigsaw 3. Home team work together to answer a task and share their answers inside the group.
4. Ss with the same number should form Expert team.
5. Expert team share what they learned from Home team.
1. Ss are given a set of prepared cards on a topic.
2. On each card, there is a question and an answer.
Fan &
3. S1 fans the cards. S2 chooses a card and reads it to S1.
4. If S1 does not know the answer, S2 coaches S1 to reach the answer.
5. S2 praises S1 and then switches the roles.
1. Ss are given cards with both question and answer.
Quiz Quiz 2. Ss pair up with a partner.
Trade 3. S1 quizzes S2. S1 coaches S2 to the correct answer if necessary.
4. Partners switch roles and play again by trading their cards.
Find 1. Ss are given a list of statements or questions to answer or complete about a topic.
Someone 2. Ss mix up in the class and hurry to find someone who can answer their questions
Who or complete the statements.

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