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Balayan Senior High School



The K to 12 Curriculum of 2010 is the new method of education

implemented here in the Philippines, and it is one of the said keys to have a

higher chance of success rate here in the country. Holistically this curriculum

aims to come out with employment and entrepreneurship ready-learners. The K

to 12 system of Education had greatly changed the education here in the

Philippines. By then adjustments are created by the teachers and challenges are

faced either.

Through the new curriculum, teachers are also able to be more flexible in

nurturing their students. But because of this curriculum, teachers also face

challenges that cause them difficulties in teaching. Studies had shown that using

different teaching strategies would not help in order to surpass the challenges

they are facing. But researchers are aware that has something to do on how they

cope up with these challenges. For the much clarify and vivid information, this

study is conducted for more verified and accurate findings.

Background of the study

According to Cruz (2010) is the most recently new implemented education

system here in the Philippines. Under the terminology of President Benigno

Aquino III he signed into the law Republic Act No. 10533 that each student

should undergo this curriculum. In relation to this, Magsino (2009) said that the
Balayan Senior High School

implementation of this curriculum should be adopted in the Philippines in order to

attain the needs and demands in the modernize globalization. Moreover, this new

curriculum of Department of Education is merely see as new way for the country

to be globally competent. But with this new curriculum teachers are greatly

affected and so do their teaching strategies. According to Ednave R. Gatchalian,

V. Mamisao, J; Canuto, X; Caugarin, M; Kid, J. and Ilao, M. (2018) there are

problems and challenges encountered by teachers because of this curriculum

and with it their teaching strategies are affected either.

According to Alcantara et al. (2015) teaching strategies refers to the

technique and/or method used by a teacher employs with his/her students. In

educational institutions, the strategies used by a teacher are also where his/her

student learns well. So with that, the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum

affected how a teacher teaches. His/her way of teaching adjusts in order to come

along with the curriculum guide of this new educational system. Teaching

Strategies of a teacher is one way for him/her to be able to deliver his/her

lessons well and this new curriculum they were able to face different challenges

such as how they will be tackling their lessons. The implementation of this new

education system surely affected the teaching strategies of the 21 st Century

teachers and causes them to encounter different challenges.

To further enrich such study, research was conducted by different

personalities. Nemenzo (2018) stated that there is significant but weak

relationship between the challenges encountered by teacher, and how they cope
Balayan Senior High School

up with it by their teaching strategies. Furthermore, it was stated that the

challenges they are facing are resolved by how the performance of their students

increases and so with the use of their teaching strategies (Nemenzo, 2018).

In order to provide necessary and efficient information, studies were also

conducted with this, the study entitled “Evaluating the Challenges Encountered

by Balayan Senior High School Teachers under the K to 12 Program in Relation

to their teaching Strategies” was conducted to determine the significant

relationship of the two variables.

Statement of the Problem

Challenges are often encountered by teachers. For years of teaching

surely, they have faced and resolved such challenges with this, the study aimed

to know the relation of the teaching strategies to how extent they cope up with

the challenges.

Specially, this research was intended to address the following questions:

1. What are the challenges encountered by Balayan Senior High School

teachers under K to 12 Curriculum?

2. What are the effects of these challenges to the teaching strategies of

teachers under the K to 12 Curriculum?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the challenges encountered by

Balayan Senior High School under the K to 12 Curriculum with their

Teaching Strategies?
Balayan Senior High School

Significance of the Study

The new implemented education system, which is the K to 12 Curriculum,

therefore has caused different challenges to the teachers. With it their teaching

strategies were also affected. The following are the significance of the study as


For the students, they will be aware that they are not the only people

affected by this new curriculum but also the teachers which affected teaching life.

For the teachers, to raise awareness within them about the challenges

they encountered and how to deal with it.

For the Parents, for them to realize that not only their child are the one

that is suffering but also the teachers which would lead them to also give


For the Future Researchers, they can use this research study as one of

their primary sources and would also help them to understand their teacher if

they could not help them all throughout in finishing their own study.

For the Community, they will be able to know that there really are

teachers who no not suffer problems at home but also in their teaching


For the Department of Education, they will know that the new

implemented curriculum causes teachers challenges upon teaching and they will

be able to give help in order to resolve or lessen those challenges.

Balayan Senior High School

Scope and Delimitation

This research study focuses on the challenges encountered by Balayan

Senior High School teachers under the K to 12 Curriculum in relation to their

teaching strategies. The sample populations are the teachers from the Senior

High School within Caloocan ES teachers. The researchers will evaluate the

challenges that affect the teachers teaching strategies under the new education

system. The topics that not covered by this study is the work performance of

teachers, academic performance of the students and personnel of the school and

teachers from other school.

Balayan Senior High School





According to some, there are researches that have been conducted in

order to investigate the challenges of a teacher with the new curriculum, and also

how they cope up with it through their teaching strategies. This chapter discusses

the definition of challenges, definition of K to 12 Curriculum. Definition of teaching

strategies, relation of the challenges and K to 12 Curriculum and relation of K to

12 Curriculum and teaching strategies.

Definition of Challenges

Challenges as define by as the opportunity of growing and

achieving success and it is by nature by which it serves as an act where an

individual should exert effort, skill and strength (Turner, 2017). Through the

challenges of someone they are able to test themselves to know whether what

they are best at. With these challenges someone could definitely be best known

and grow and be cutthroat. Moreover, if someone would take challenges as an

obstacle to be excellent at all where in its core it is an empowering thing (Turner,


Definition of K to 12 Curriculum

Curriculum is a content and process by which individual learns in order to

gain knowledge and understanding of something. By its formal and informal

Balayan Senior High School

pattern students are able to develop their skills and learn to positively improve

their value (Ednave et al; 2018). In it the K to 12 Curriculum of 2010 being

implemented as the new education here in the Philippines. As where students

should have sufficient time to mastery of their skills. As where students should

have sufficient time to mastery of their skills, a develop learner with lifelong

knowledge, graduates ready for tertiary education and development of middle-

level skills, employment and entrepreneurship skills (Official Gazette of the

Philippines, 2015). As well as for newly 21 st teachers to have more competitive

skills expertise and well defined personalities.

Definition of teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies refers to the usage of teachers of different methods,

techniques, procedures, systems and process in teaching their students. Also

this is what a teacher uses to assist student in learning. According to San Jose

(2015) there are three theories of teaching. Moreover, the teaching environment

(San Jose, 2015).

Relation of Challenges to K to 12 Curriculum

The new education system of the Department of Education has created

big impact with working life of teachers. With the implementation of K to 12

Curriculum the teachers were able to face different challenges. According to

Ednave at al. 2018 this curriculum causes teachers to face challenges when they

are teaching. Moreover, the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum therefor seen

Balayan Senior High School

as one source of the challenges of teachers and the Department of Education

should address these challenges. (Ednave et al.2018).

Relation of K to 12 Curriculum to Teaching Strategies

According to Sarmiento (2017) teachers created different adjustments

upon the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum. Through it teachers face

difficulties and one of it is how will and what teaching strategies would they apply

in teaching. Furthermore, a statement from a teacher says that they even have

difficulties on how they are going to disseminate the information needed for

students to learn. Moreover, the K to 12 Curriculum therefor serves an

adjustment for teachers (Sarmiento, 2017).

Theoretical Framework

With the various numbers of studies that has been conducted in order to

answer a problem, study about the new education system was also included. The

new education system was said to be the key in order for the Philippines to have

higher success rate and to build globally competitive learners. In it challenges

and teaching strategies were for see as variables that resolves within the new

curriculum. Moreover, it was tested out that there is a significant relationship

between the two variables. Lastly, it was stated that this K to 12 curriculum

causes challenges to teachers that its scope is the teaching strategies of

Balayan Senior High School


Significant numbers of studies have been carried out, most especially in

countries where such study is needed. These studies are conducted to know

whether the K to 12 Curriculum had something to do with the challenges they

faced with regards to their teaching strategies. Moreover, the studies conducted

to determine the relationship between the two variables.

Teachers’ evaluation on K- 12 Curriculum

According to Villareal (2018), Education itself is undergoing transitions and

adaptations to modern technology and to that of globalization which creates

inevitable problems that imply the need for effective teaching in all levels from

pre-elementary to post tertiary. The dynamic forces and agents of change make

obsolete the previous variables deemed effective in the past. Hence, the

teaching of different subject areas also undergoes various changes at one time

or another in response to curriculum modification set and implemented by

educational authorities.

Synthesis: This is related to the researcher’s study because they both focusing

on different teaching. This study is contrast to the study of researchers because

of ten year when year the research is conducted.

Balayan Senior High School

Problems encountered by Teachers in the teaching- learning process: A

basis of an action plan

According to Nomenzo (2018) the study aimed to identify the extent of

problems encountered by teachers in relation to their performance in terms of

individual performance and Review Form (IPCRF). The schools covered by this

study were the central schools of the 3rd Congressional District of DepED Negros

Oriental Division. There were 193 elementary school teachers who participated

as respondents in the survey. Results revealed that majority of the teachers have

been in the teaching profession for more than ten years. Majority of them are

bachelor’s degree holders only.

Synthesis: This study is related to the researcher’s study because they both

encountered the problems in teaching. This study is contrast to the study of

researchers because of the respondents and the place where it is conducts.

Problem and challenges encountered in the implementation

Ednave (2018) stated that a curriculum is the formal and informal content

and process by which learners gain knowledge and understanding, develop skills

and alter attitudes, appreciations and values under the auspices of the school

(Doll, 1988 as cited in Sweetland, n.d.). All curricula, no matter what their

particular design, are composed of certain elements. A curriculum usually

contains a statement of aims and of specific objectives; it indicates some

selection and teaching, whether because the objectives demand them or

Balayan Senior High School

because the content organization requires them. Finally, it includes a program of

evaluation of the outcomes (Taba, 1962 as cited in Sweetland, n.d.).

Synthesis: This study is related to the researchers because both studies talks

about specific objectivity on the teaching. This study is contrast to the study of

researchers because this study focuses on the formal and informal content.

The K-12 Program of the department of education

According to Procedural-Social and Behaviour Sciences May (2015). This

research investigates learning challenges face by students in Higher Education.

The population of the study consisted and undergraduates, postgraduates and

instructors in a School of Education in a selected university in the United States

of America. The researchers adopted qualitative approach which involved the

use of questionnaire, interview, and documents analysis to triangulate the data.

The sample population comprised 181 undergraduate and postgraduate students

and 22 instructors from the School of Education.

Synthesis: This study is related to the researcher’s study because they both

talks about challenging teaching. This study is contrast to the study of

researchers because of the respondents and place where it was conducted.

Balayan Senior High School

Challenges of the K-12 Program Implementation in the Public Elementary

Schools of Pangasinan, Philippines

According to Cocal and Marcellano (2017), the implementation of k-12

means larger budget for the Department of Education and more expenditure for

the families who will be sending their children to school. K-12 is not only an issue

of economic development. This study determined the anticipatory resource

management employed by the principals in the different schools of Pangasinan

to ensure greater and successful implementation of the K-12 program. The

respondent of the study were the 230 out of 539 principals of the different public

elementary schools of the six schools divisions of Pangasinan.


This study is related to the researchers’ study because they talk about the

implementation of k-12 larger budget for the department of education. This study

is contrast to study of researchers because they have many of respondents.

Balayan Senior High School



 Number of
are faced by PROCESS
teachers.  Give tips
 Their advised on
teaching how to
strategies are avoid or
not suitable lessen the
for some challenge
students they are OUTPUT
because of facing.  Teachers
the new  Asses what will have
curriculum. their much
teaching easier time
strategies of teaching
are and  They will
inform them be able to
what to use teach
in different without lots
teaching of hassle.


There is a significant relationship between the challenges encountered by

the teachers and the teaching strategies they are using.

Balayan Senior High School



This chapter deals with the methods, procedures, materials and

instrument needed to be able to attain and/or answer the problems of the said

study. Moreover, this chapter covers the research method, sampling design,

subject of the study, the data gathering instrument, the data collection procedure

and the plan for data analysis.

Research Method

According to McMillan and Schumacher (1984) a research design is how a

study is planned and conducted. It includes the procedures and techniques to

determine and answer the research problem. For the researchers to evaluate the

challenges encountered by teachers and its relations to their teaching strategies,

they would descriptive research design and correlational design for them to

identify the degree of relationship between the two variables. Furthermore, one of

the objectives of a quantitative research is to develop mathematical models and

statistical hypothesis on the phenomena (Hunter, Laura and Leachey, 2008).

Lastly, the data needed would be gathered through a self-constructed


Sampling Design

The Sampling is used to give someone the probability of any sample being

drawn (Data Science Central, 2019). This study will use non probability sampling

specifically Purposive Sampling to determine the samples of the study.

Balayan Senior High School

Subject of the Study

The researchers’ subjects of the study are the teachers of Balayan Senior

High School. The total sample population are teachers (20) and will be given of

the survey questionnaire in order to answer the problem.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will used self-constructed and adapted survey

questionnaire as the data gathering instrument necessary in getting the accurate

data for the study. The questions presented in the survey questionnaire will fall

under the statement of the problem.

Data Collection Procedure

After constructing the research instrument, they will now be validating it

and then ask for permission letter to disseminate it. Then the researcher will

personally administer the survey questionnaire and discuss the objectives and

significance of said study.

The survey questionnaire will be then left for one (1) hours for

respondents to have enough time answering it.

Data Analysis Plan

After gathering the data needed for the interpretation of answers, the

researchers will then analyze and understand the data gathered. Furthermore,

the researchers will then test if their study has significant value. Moreover, the

interpretation will be written using statistical and narrative form for more vivid and

accurate explanation of the results.

Balayan Senior High School



This chapter deals with the interpretation, presentation and analysis of the

gathered data from the study. Mean (X) scores are the responses of the

respondents regarding the relation of the challenges within the implementation of

K to 12 curriculum and the effects to the teaching strategies of Balayan Senior

High School Teachers.

I. Challenges Encountered by Balayan Senior High School Teachers

under K to 12 Curriculum




1. Experiencing unorganized

class 2.7 Agree 4.5

2. Not able to control

students 2.15 Disagree 13

3. Disrespect by students

because of being close to 1.9 Disagree 15

their age

4. Time management

because of uneven workload 2.65 Agree 6

Balayan Senior High School

5. Having no balance time

between personal and work 2.45 Disagree 8.5


6. Inadequate personal space

at work 2.35 Disagree 11.5

7.Appearance of non-

cooperative colleagues 2.9 Agree 1

8. Having the feeling of non-

belongingness 2. 05 Disagree 14

9. Lack of instructional

materials 2.35 Disagree 11.5

10. Overload of social

responsibility besides from 2.8 Agree 2.5


11. Experience absence of

accommodation 2.6 Agree 7

12. Hindrance of dealing with

the student’s parents 2.4 Disagree 10

13. Responsibility of parents

are sometimes pass on 2.8 Agree 2.5

Balayan Senior High School

14. Countless number of

paper works that interfere 2.45 Disagree 8.5

with other personal matter

15. Pressured of the

performance because of 2.7 Agree 4.5

School Administration


The table above shows statements about the challenges encountered by

Balayan Senior High School Teachers under K to 12 curriculum.

It states that teacher’s main problem is the appearances of non-

cooperative colleagues, with a mean of 2.9. It is also stated that the overload

social responsibility and the fact that responsibilities of parents are sometimes

passed on the teachers, are the second in ranks of the problems of the teachers

with a mean of 2.8. It is followed by statements saying experience unorganized

class and being pressured of the performance because of School Administration

class and being pressured of the performance because of School Administration

is also a big challenge to them with a mean of 2.7. Next is mismanagement of

rime because of uneven workload with a mean of 2.65. Then teachers

experiencing absence of accommodation is also problem within today’s

curriculum with a mean of 2.6. After that are statement of having no balance time
Balayan Senior High School

and countless number of paperwork are the next statements which therefore

disagreed with a mean of 2.45. Furthermore, it is followed by the statement

number 12 which states that dealing with student’s parents is not a hindrance to

them with a mean of 2.4. Then, statement number 6 and 9 where it has a mean

of 2.35 which means that inadequate personal space and lack of instructional

materials is not a challenge to them. Next is statement 2 where teachers

disagreed that they are not able to control their students with a mean of 2.15.

After that is statement 1, wherein teachers says that they never feel the feeling of

non-belongingness, with a mean of 2.05. Lastly, teachers disagreed that they are

disrespect by their students because of being close to their age, with a mean of

Balayan Senior High School

II. Effects of Challenges to the Teaching Strategies of Balayan Senior

High School under K to 12 Curriculum




1.Not able to avoid 2

mistakes while teaching 2.5 disagree

2.Causes you not to have

cooperation with the 2 disagree 8.5


3.You are distracted in

class discussion 2.05 disagree 7

4.As uneven work

appears you are often 2.2 disagree 3.5

not focus and confused

5.Having interest outside

work and lose your mind 1.9 disagree 11

about work

6.I am challenge how to

deal with different people 2.9 Agree 1

Balayan Senior High School

7.Having low energy

during class 1.8 Strongly Disagree 12

8.You are feeling lonely

when teaching 1.45 Strongly Disagree 14

9.Having low confidence

when teaching 1.5 Strongly Disagree 15

10.Teachers mainly

focus on taking 2.1 Disagree 6

responsibility for one’s

own mistakes.

11.You become stress in

various social 2.2 Disagree 3.5


12.You tend to have

negative attitude brought 1.7 Strongly Disagree 13

by interaction with the

student’s parents when


13.You are often out of

the class because of 2 Disagree 8.5

fixing your student’s

Balayan Senior High School


14.You tend to forget to

take care of yourself and 2.2 Disagree 3.5

your work.

15.Experiences hard time

on focusing how to have 2 Disagree 8.5

perfect performance.


The table above shows statements about the effects of the challenges to

the teaching strategies of Balayan Senior High School under the K to 12


Among the stated effects above, only the statement number 6 was

agreed by teachers where it says that they are challenge how to deal with

different people, with a weighted mean of 2.9, rank 1. The rest of the statements

was disagreed by teachers, respectively statement number 1 with a mean of 2.5,

statement number 2 with a mean of 2, statement number 3 with a mean of 2.05,

statement number 4 with a mean of 2.2, statement number 5 with a mean of 1.9,

statement number 10 with a mean of 2.1, statement number 11 with a mean of

2.2, statement number 13 with a mean of 2, statement number 14 with a mean of

2.2, and statement number 15 with a mean of 2. The other four (4) statements
Balayan Senior High School

were strongly disagreed by teachers wherein statement number 7 with a mean of

1.8, statement number 8 with a mean of 1.45, statement number 9 with a mean

of 1.9, and statement number 12 with a mean of 1.7.


x y xy x2 y2

2.l7 2.5 6.75 7.29 6.25

2.15 2 4.3 4.62 4

1.95 2.05 4 3.80 4.20

2.65 2.2 5.8 7.02 4.84

2.45 1.9 4.7 6.0 3.61

2.35 2.9 6.8 5.52 8.41

2.9 1.8 5.22 8.41 3.24

2.05 1.45 3 4.20 2.10

2.35 1.5 3.5 5.52 2.25

2.8 2.1 5.9 7.84 4.41

2.6 2.2 5.7 6.76 4.84

2.4 1.7 4.08 5.76 2.84

2.8 2 5.6 7.84 4

2.45 2.2 5.39 6.0 4.84

2.7 2 5.4 7.29 4

∑37.3 ∑30.5 ∑76.14 ∑93.87 ∑63.88

Balayan Senior High School

The table above shows the value of xy, x2 and y2 together their with it are

their average respectively.

Correlation between the Challenges and Teaching Strategies of Balayan

Senior High School Teachers

r= n(xy)-(x)(y)

r= 20(76.14)- (37.3)(30.5)

r= 1,522.8-1,137.65

r= 385.15

r= 0.200086

t value

t= r √n-2
t= 0.200086 √20-2
t= l-1.145l
t= 1.145
Balayan Senior High School


r-value t-value Degrees Level of Critical Decision

of significance value
= = 0.200086
0.200086 √20-2 n-2
1- =20-2 0.05 1.734 Reject Ha
(0.200086)2 =18
= l-1.145l
= 1.145

In this table it shows the summarization of the correlation of the

challenges encountered and teaching strategies of the Balayan Senior High

School teachers under the K to 12 Curriculum.

Balayan Senior High School




The study is conducted to determine the challenges encountered by

Balayan Senior High School Teachers and how know whether their teaching

strategies are affected by these challenges. The respondents of this study are

the teachers of Balayan Senior High School at Caloocan, Balayan, Batangas

with a total of 20 total populations.


The first objective of the study is to determine the challenges

encountered by teachers of Balayan Senior High School under K-12

Curriculum that is based on the gathered data of the researcher by their

questionnaire. Therefore the researcher found out that there are numbers

of the challenges that is being encountered by the teachers and most of

them are about their social life on how they deal with their environment.

The second objective is to know the effects of these challenges

encountered by Balayan Senior High School Teachers to their teaching

strategies and its came out that the teaching strategies of the teachers are

not affected by the challenges they encountered. On the other hand, there

is only one effect that the teachers agreed with which is, “I am challenge

how to deal with different people”.

Balayan Senior High School

The last objective of the study is to test of the correlation of the two

variable which is the challenges and teaching strategies of the teachers. It

proved that there is no significant relationship between the challenges

encountered by the teachers and the teaching strategies they are using.


Based on the gathered findings above, the following conclusion

drawn and therefor the researcher concluded that:

1. The teachers of Balayan Senior High School under the K to 12

Curriculum encounters challenges in their teaching career. Their

most encountered problems the appearance non-cooperative


2. There is only one effect their teaching strategies have with the

challenges. It is how they are going to deal with different people

cause by the inadequate personal space. Their teaching

strategies are not affected but their socializing skills is affected

3. The significant relationship between the challenges encountered

by teachers and their teaching strategies are not visible. Which

clearly means that their teaching strategies are not affected by

these challenges, which means that they are able to handle

these challenges and the teachers never let it happen that their

work will be affected because of it.

Balayan Senior High School


After completing the data analysis, the researchers found out that the

teaching strategies of the teachers are not affected by the challenges

within the curriculum. Therefore, the researchers recommend that

teachers should continue what they are doing in order to overcome these

challenges. Moreover, they should also look after the challenges they

agree with, so that the next time around they could avoid and/or have

solution for it at the moment. Lastly, teachers should look upon on each

other to know if their co-workers are having problems in their teaching


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