Adoption Model

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published: 23 May 2022

doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.763991

The Philippine Teachers Concerns on

Educational Reform Using Concern
Based Adoption Model
Krizia Magallanes, Jae Young Chung * and Sunbok Lee
Department of Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea

This study aims to identify the Philippines teachers’ concerns in K–12 implementation. The
Concerns Based Adoption Model was applied to determine the level of concerns, and the
Stages of Concern Questionnaire has been administered to 400 teachers. Findings
indicate that consequence and collaboration was the teachers’ current concern
(impact stage). Furthermore, experience and education factors showed the biggest
significance affecting their collaboration among teachers. These current concerns
Edited by:
match the existing problems of Philippine education: poor PISA results and lack of
Tara Ratnam, resources. This research urges the Philippine government to promote professional
Independent researcher, Karnataka, development activities that encourage teamwork and collaboration among teachers.
Reviewed by: Keywords: Philippine education, CBAM, teacher collaboration, level of concerns, educational policy
Balwant Singh,
Partap College of Education, India
Taehoon Kang, 1 INTRODUCTION
Sungshin Women’s University, South
Korea The approval of the Republic Act 10,533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or K–12 law)
Junyeop Kim, reformed the entire education system of the Philippines including curriculum, teacher training,
Hongik University, South Korea and offered programs (Tamar and Atinc, 2017). Schools are expected to be the training ground for
Juhyoung Park,
students to prepare them for the real world. As the curriculum is used as the blueprint on what
Gyeongin National University of
Education, South Korea students should learn, the teaching force plays the biggest role in delivering this essential
information to the students (Redondo, Jr. and Bueno, 2019). With the new program
Jae Young Chung
implementation in the Philippines, teachers’ response to this new policy should also be taken
[email protected] into consideration. As stated by Fritz (2001, as cited in Tuytensa and Devosab, 2009), teachers are
susceptible to different outlooks to policy change hence it is essential to understand how teachers
Specialty section: view the policy and it’s characteristics.
This article was submitted to Educators and policymakers are responsive in implementing change and policies to suit the
Teacher Education, following needs of the students, teachers, and the educational environment. Educational
a section of the journal developments and modifications in education require proactive participation and response from
Frontiers in Education the teachers. Therefore, the teacher’s preparedness and self-regulation are essential for them to
Received: 24 August 2021 deliver proper instruction and exert their influence in the classroom (Bray-Clark and Bates, 2003). To
Accepted: 04 January 2022 study these educational innovations and arising concerns surrounding them, the Concerns Based
Published: 23 May 2022
Adoption Model (CBAM) became one of the most effective frameworks and an “empirically
Citation: grounded model” for implementation analysis (Anderson, 1997). CBAM was conceptualized by
Magallanes K, Chung JY and Lee S Gene Hall and defines, describes, and predicts the possible levels of teacher concerns and behaviors
(2022) The Philippine Teachers
during implementation (Hall et al., 1979; Hall and Hord, 1987; Hall and Hord, 2001). The CBAM
Concerns on Educational Reform
Using Concern Based
model can be utilized in various ways by using the tools for measuring the process of implementation
Adoption Model. like curriculum developments, school programs, etc. Significantly in the field of education, CBAM
Front. Educ. 7:763991. can aid in the field of education through the following reasons: (1) evaluate the effects of reform
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.763991 programs or initiatives for educators and recognize the dynamic structure of the educational

Frontiers in Education | 1 May 2022 | Volume 7 | Article 763991

Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

organization which involves the interplay within various key Education Systems: Experiences from Five Case Countries
players; (2) contains a “conceptual framework for change” that publication prepared by the Asian Development Bank, they
thoroughly recommends an effective change implementation and enumerated eight factors that influenced the reform in the
understand the individuals involved in the change process Philippines: large size, secondary lags, low cycle completion,
through the three dimensions of CBAM; and (3) study the inequality, academic test performance, teacher development,
individuals’ feelings, perceptions, behavior, and professional public-private partnership, and education spending recovering
development (Saunders, 2012, pp. 187–188). The CBAM (Sarvi et al., 2015). Hence, in 2010, the administration prioritized
model consists of three dimensions: seven Stages of Concerns educational reform, and meticulously planned for the enactment
(SOC), eight Levels of Use (LoU), and innovation configurations. of the Republic Act of 10,533 or the Enhanced Basic Education
For this research, the focus will be on the seven SOC which Act (CHED, n, d). This educational reform is set not just to
consists of the Unconcerned/Awareness, Informational, Personal, simply meet the global standards but to also assure that the next
Management, Consequence, Collaboration, and Refocusing generation of graduates would be at par and on a level with the
stages (George et al., 2013). rest of the world.
Considering the impact and importance of teachers in any The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization or
educational implementation, it is important to investigate the SEAMEO (2017) stated that K–12 holds a set of objectives:
basis of teachers’ concerns regarding the adoption process. aligning the system with the international standard, refining
Hence, the present study examines the concerns Filipino the youth’s educational experience, and boosting the country’s
teachers have in response to new situations or demands competitiveness. Table 1 shows the specific objectives and
emerging from the adoption of the K–12 educational system. corresponding features of the K–12 education system:
The teacher’s ability to face different challenges and self- The implementation of this program started in the year 2011
regulation is essential for them to deliver proper instruction and the first batch of Senior High School students graduated by
and exert their effects in the classroom (Bray-Clark and Bates, 2018. Figure 1 shows the yearly plan of the government and their
2003). For this research, the following questions will be explored: targeted years for the new batch undergoing the K–12 system.
(1) Among the seven stages on the CBAM, what is the current Based on the plan, the universal Kindergarten started in 2011,
concerns level of the teachers regarding the new K–12 while the Grade 7 and the new Grade 1 curriculum were
implementation and the difference across teachers’ experience implemented by the following year. In 2016, the first Senior
and involvement with the innovation? and (2) What are the High School program began and hence the first batch of Senior
factors affecting the current level of concern on the K–12 High School students graduated in the year 2018.
implementation? Due to the nature of the new educational The Basic Education is now compulsory for all and is
reform, recent research is directed more on the new system structured based on the following: Kindergarten or Early
and its implementation process. Hence, there is currently a Childhood Education, 6 years of Elementary or Primary
gap in the literature focusing on the teacher’s development Education (Grade 1–6), 4 years of Secondary/Junior High
and sentiments towards the reform. As Department of School (Grade 7–10), and 2 years of Senior High School
Education Secretary Leonor Briones highlighted their intention (Grade 11–12). After graduating from high school, students
to thoroughly review the K–12 educational program can opt to attend a Technical Vocational Education and
(Montemayor, 2018), it is integral to assess the teacher’s level Training Program (TVET) and/or Higher Education. Students
of preparedness by learning their personal insights on their own can start Kindergarten from the age of 5 and are expected to enter
standing in the educational reform. This research will aid in their last year of Senior High School by the age of 17 (Sarvi et al.,
understanding the current impact of the education reform on the 2015).
teachers and students, and what should be the main points and
focus on improvement. 1.1.2 Teachers’ Concerns on the K–12 Implementation
According to Vilches (2017), teachers’ impact and performance
are considered a huge influence on the success and failure of
1.1 Theoretical Background: Educational
Reform and Teachers’ Concerns
1.1.1 K–12 Educational Reform in the Philippines TABLE 1 | Programs based on K–12 objectives.
The Republic Act of 10,533 or Enhanced Basic Education Act of
Objectives Features
2013 (K–12) is one of the biggest reforms the Philippines has
experienced after more than 50 years of having a 10-years 1. Strengthen the early childhood Universal kindergarten
educational system. The most significant contribution brought education
2. Relevant curriculum Enhanced and decongested curriculum
by this reform is the additional 2 years of Senior High School
3. Integrated and seamless learning Spiral progression
(SHS) which makes the new system befitting to international 4. Proficiency through language Mother tongue-based multilingual education
standards (Oxford Business Group, 2021). Moreover, all technical (MTB-ME)
and vocational courses are also offered to prepare students to join 5. Gearing up for the future Senior high school
the workforce (Barlongo, 2015). The adoption and 6. Nurturing the holistically College and livelihood readiness for 21st
developed Filipino century skills
implementation process of the K–12 system has been a well-
discussed matter before its execution. In the Transitions to K–12 Source: SEAMEO (2017)

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Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

educational reforms; hence, implementing reforms and The CBAM was inspired by the works of Frances Fuller as she
programs should be done alongside teachers. The sudden theorized the “concerns theory for teacher education.” In one of
implementation of the K–12 in the Philippines left teachers her papers about Concerns of Teachers: A Developmental
in confusion with their roles in the new educational system, Conceptualization, she notes that there must be a close
specifically the development of their roles throughout the observation between knowing what teachers need and what is
process, the appropriateness of the new curriculum and the available to them. Her research contains two studies and groups
real classroom situation, and the difference in the internal of student teachers that were surveyed through a counseling
communication of different education stakeholders. A study method. The first study results showed that student teachers
conducted by Braza and Supapo (2014) about the problems of were first concerned with their “self” on how they can meet the
the Mathematics curriculum under the K–12 education system supervisor’s expectations, deal with school authority, and
showed that there are three main problems in the perform class maintenance. This concern gradually shifted to
implementation: administrative, teacher-related, and student- their “students’” performance in class and effective learning. The
related. The teachers were discovered to struggle in delivering second study showed a similar response with the first on how the
the content of class materials and possess poor teaching student teachers’ concern shifted from “self” to “students.” In this
strategies/skills. Due to the lack of professional development study, the student teachers’ responses were divided into three
opportunities, teachers were unprepared to teach the content categories: (1) Where do I stand? How adequate am I? How do
based on the assigned schedule and have a more diversified others think I’m doing? [self] (2) Problem behavior of pupils.
teaching methodology. Moreover, the absence of proper Class control. Why do they do that? [student management] (3)
support and materials led to lesser time for teachers to Are pupils learning? How does what I do affect their gain?
efficiently instruct the content. Dizon et al. (2019) further [student concerns]. Results showed that there is a correlation
supported this claim stating that there is a lack of in the student teachers’ concern between [1] and [2] while there is
preparation for teaching development. It is necessary that a difference between [1] and [3] and [2] and [3], which shows that
teachers themselves must be well-equipped with proper there is a distinction between the flow of teachers’ concern from
teaching strategies that maximize teacher-student participation. self to students (Fuller, 1969, pp. 211–214). Fuller’s work shows a
Outside the four walls of the classroom, various concerned developmental sequence of teachers’ concerns from themselves to
groups in the Philippines like Alliance of Concerned Teachers student management to impact on students—the self, task, and
Partylist Representatives Antonio Tinio and France Castro impact concerns. Self-concerns refer to the personal dilemmas of
strongly expressed that the Philippines was not yet ready for the teacher in his/her ability to perform well; task concerns refer
the full implementation of the K–12 system. They expressed to the responsibilities and duties teachers need to keep in mind in
that there is a “persisting shortages in school and classrooms, managing the classroom; and lastly, impact concerns refer to the
particularly senior high school; lack of textbook, learning facilities, evaluation and worries of teachers in the possible effect of their
and other needs of students.” Teachers were also left to shoulder teaching and management to the students (Christou et al., 2004).
the expenses on their own (Tibay, 2018). The ACT noted that the Research works from the University of Texas conducted studies
Department of Education is already late in reviewing the concerning the adoption of teachers and professors on certain
implementation process; nonetheless, they are hoping that both implementation. They saw similar results with the one Fuller had
the DepEd and Congress will have an “honest-to-goodness review” before and hypothesized that there are certain categories of
of the first run of the implementation to show the lapses and points concerns and logical progression in the development of
of improvements the government can manage for the education concerns. This led the researchers to identify the three
sector (Juntereal, 2019). dimensions of CBAM: seven Stages of Concerns (SOC), and
eight Levels of Use (LoU), and innovation configurations (Hall,
1975). Hall and Hord (2001) explained that the Stages of Concern
2 CONCERNS-BASED ADOPTION MODEL which utilizes the Stages of Concern (SoC) questionnaire is the
most important data gathering tool in the model (George et al.,
Hall and Hord, Hord et al., Loucks-Horsley and Stiegelbauer (as 2013).
cited in in Khoboli and O’toole, 2012, p. 140) explained that
CBAM “focuses on how people, such as teachers, parents, 2.1 Stages of Concern
students and policy makers, respond to change.” Moreover, it The Stages of Concern identify the individual’s worries or
also shows the emotional and psychological processes individuals feelings about innovation. It is called stages because of the
go through once they are confronted and/or adopt an innovation step-by-step development evolution of the concerns as they
(Hall, 1975). Under this model, there are 5 assumptions about the shift from one to another. These stages are used to determine
innovation in classroom and instruction: (1) change is a process, in which part of the process the individual’s feelings are
not an event; (2) change is executed by individuals; (3) change is heightened. It consists of seven stages which were classified
an intimate personal experience; (4) change contains progressive into three categories centering on Fuller’s developmental
growth in feelings and skills; (5) change can be enabled by sequence of concerns: self, task, and impact (Hall, 1975).
interventions directed toward the individuals, innovations, and Table 2 features the seven stages, their corresponding
contexts involved (Anderson, 1997). developmental sequence, and their definition.

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Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

2.2 CBAM Application The second result showed that teachers with more
Christou et al.’s (2004) research investigated the reform in the experience scored higher in the personal and informational
Mathematics curriculum in Cyprus’ elementary schools. To stages than the beginning teachers. Highly experienced
efficiently instruct Mathematics, some developments were teachers, even in the absence of full information on the
focused on changing the curriculum content and resource implementation, have more confidence in dealing with
materials. Teachers were expected to assist the students to innovation. Beginning teachers showed more concern in
discover things by themselves rather than spoon-feeding collaborating with other colleagues and work than the
them. Based on their research findings of curricular consequence of the implementation on their students
change, they believe that teachers are the key to the (Christou et al., 2004).
effective implementation by understanding how they In the case of Jordanian universities, CBAM was used to
handle the process. However, there seems to be a conflict evaluate the E-learning system and check the “current stage
between the teaching methods of teachers and reforms in the of concern” of the faculty members in 12 Jordanian
Math curriculum which led to a huge concern and frustration universities. A total of 400 faculty members received the
among teachers. Because of this, the researchers wanted to questionnaire, and 138 faculty members finished the
identify the concerns teachers have in the new curricula and questionnaire. The responses were analyzed through the
Mathematics textbooks in Cyprus. They wanted to look at the SPSS program. Results showed that teachers’ highest level of
“degree to which Cypriot teachers had accepted and followed concern was on the informational stage which had 83%, which
it in the classroom.” Also, they wanted to see if there is any was followed by the management stage with 73%. These results
difference between the teacher’s experience in the education showed that teachers are curious about using the E-learning
field and their involvement with the implementation. The system and the requirements needed to fulfill this system. The
participants consist of 155 male and 500 female teachers lowest group percentages are from Awareness (54%),
coming from 100 elementary schools in Cyprus. The Refocusing (55%), Collaboration (56%), and Consequence
researchers utilized their own adapted version of the (59%). Based on Fuller’s developmental sequence of
Stages of Concern Questionnaire which includes 36 items concerns, the lowest percentages are under the impact level,
and can be answered based on a 9-item Likert scale—ranging which means that teachers need more training on the use of the
from Strongly Disagree [1] to Strongly Disagree [9]. Since the e-learning system to push their focus from personal concerns
questionnaire was modified, factor analysis was done to check to the impact of the system on their students and on others
the validity of the questionnaire. Answering the two main (Matar, 2015).
research questions, the first result of the study showed that
the informational and personal stages have the highest mean
showing that teachers were acquainted with the objectives 3 METHODOLOGY
and philosophy of the Mathematics book. Meanwhile, the
management stages (task) garnered a low mean value This study follows cross-sectional research which aims to identify
expressing those teachers were more concerned about their the current stage Philippine teachers are in regarding the K–12
ability to deliver the objectives of the material. The fewer educational implementation. The participants were chosen via
focus teachers had in their “self” phase showed that they are random sampling and were asked to answer an online survey. The
less concerned with starting the implementing the survey was distributed with the permission of the respective
Mathematics curriculum since they had experiences with department of education branches and the researchers
the implementation of other innovations before. Moreover, contacted the head or principals of different schools for
it was hypothesized that the more teachers overcome the assistance. The number of responses collected consists of 400
task stage, the higher chances they will have little concerns participants from different elementary and secondary private and
over the impact phase of the development of concerns. public schools in the Philippines.

TABLE 2 | CBAM stages of concerns.

Stage level Stage of concerns Definition

Self 0 Awareness Uninterested or unconcerned about the innovation

1 Informational General awareness of innovation is present and there is little concern for oneself about the innovation. The adopter inquiries
about some details and information about the innovation
2 Personal Individuals show more concern about how the innovation will directly affect them and their colleagues also. They also show
interest in their “role” for this innovation
Task 3 Management Organization, implementation process, and management of the innovation are of great concern to the adopter; most
especially concern over the “time requirements” which would play a huge impact on their uncertainty on the success of the
Impact 4 Consequence Effects of the innovation on the affected individuals are evaluated
5 Collaboration Creating partnerships with other colleagues for the success of the implementation
6 Refocusing Individuals involved evaluate if the innovation should be continued, modified, or stopped

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Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

3.1 Data Analysis settings such as a cross-sectional and longitudinal study to a

For the 1st question, the independent variables of the study were the number of educational innovations. Conclusive evidence shows
teachers’ total teaching experience and the years of their involvement that SoCQ was able to accurately measure the Stages of Concerns,
in the implementation of the new educational system in the and at the same time shows reliability and validity (Hall et al., 1979).
Philippines, and the dependent variables are the seven stages of For this study, the SoCQ includes a set of scales to prepare a
concerns. Based on the study, four groups of teachers were dispersed numerical representation of the level and possible causes of
across the whole range of teaching experience, and three groups concerns toward the Philippines’ educational innovation.
covered the years of involvement with the innovation. Table 3 Specific words such as “10-years education system” were added
presents the numbers of teachers in each group. To answer to fit the context of the Philippines’ educational system innovation.
research question 1, the mean and standard deviation will be The adopted SoCQ included a total of 37 items: 35 items for the
computed to check the relationship between the levels and statements/items where participants are asked to choose on a 0–7
teachers’ experience and involvement with the innovation. The Likert Scale: 0 = Irrelevant, 1 = Not True of Me Now, 2 = Not True
second question seeks to determine the factors affecting the of Me Now, 3 = Somewhat True of Me Now, 4 = Somewhat True of
teachers’ current stage of concern. To compute this, the regression Me Now, 5 = Somewhat True of Me Now, 6 = Very True of Me
analysis was done. Gender, Education level, School Type, School Now, and 7 = Very True of Me Now. The remaining 2 items inquire
Location, Mountain area, and Teaching Level were chosen as about the year of involvement in the innovation and their training
predictors to determine the personal profiles and working (school) in preparation for the innovation. As per the SoCQ manual, the
environment of the teachers. Table 4 presents the descriptive statistics order of the items was kept in their exact order to avoid risks of
of the following variables and predictors mentioned above. reliability and validity.
Before analysing the variance and regression of the data, a
3.2 Instrumentation: Concern Scales reliability analysis was carried out on the CBAM scale comprising
The Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) was adopted as the 7 items. Cronbach’s alpha showed the questionnaire to reach
data gathering tool for this research. Before the 35-item acceptable reliability, α = 0.90. The Cronbach alphas for all stages
questionnaire was finalized, a 195-item instrument was were high except for the Awareness stage which got α = 0.66.
analyzed using the item-scale score correlation and content Nonetheless, the values of the alphas show that the instrument
analysis to avoid redundancy of the items which led has acceptable reliabilities for the study. The alphas for each stage
researchers to decrease the items to 35 with 5 items per scale. are as follows: (Informational α = 0.91, Personal α = 0.90,
This 35-item questionnaire was conducted in various research Management α = 0.85, Consequences α = 0.85, Collaboration
α = 0.85, and Refocusing α = 0.88).

TABLE 3 | Teachers involvement by years of teaching experience and years of

involvement in the innovation. 4 RESULTS
Years of teaching experience

Years of involvement in innovation 1–5 6–10 11–20 >20 Total

4.1 Research Question 1: Teachers’ Current
0–2 84 26 28 8 146 Stage of Concern Across Experience and
3–5 33 66 82 54 235
6–8 1 10 6 2 19
Total 118 102 116 64 400 Table 5 shows the mean and standard deviation responses in
relation to the teacher’s experience and involvement in the

TABLE 4 | Descriptive statistics for the Philippine teachers.

Variables N Min Max Mean SD

Male (Male = 1) 400 0 1 .84 .37

Teaching level (Junior High School = 1; Senior High School = 2) 400 1 3 1.54 .71
Involvement 400 0 8 3.08 1.93
Experience 400 1 45 11.58 8.57
Education (Graduate = 1) 400 1 3 1.28 .49
School type (Public = 1) 400 1 2 1.08 .27
School location (Municipal = 1) 400 1 2 1.21 .41
Awareness 400 0 35 19.99 6.41
Informational 400 0 35 24.80 6.02
Consequences 400 0 35 26.58 5.90
Personal 400 0 35 25.65 6.30
Management 400 0 35 23.13 6.27
Collaboration 400 0 35 26.22 5.94
Refocusing 400 0 35 26.64 6.13
Valid (listwise) 400

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Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

innovation. Analyzing the table, the low mean value of Awareness others for the utilization and improvement of the
(x= 2.00) shows that teachers were all well-informed about the implementation. As seen in the table, both the Consequence
innovation given that frequent discussions and concerns have and Collaboration stages fall under the category of Impact which
been raised by education-related organizations and even some shows that teachers are now on the stage of worrying whether the
private and public sectors. Moreover, because they were already implementation has a positive impact on their students’ lives.
involved with this innovation for a sufficient period, their
awareness stage is on a low level.
The next stage, Task stage (Management, x= 2.1) has a lower 4.2 Research Question 2: Factors Affecting
mean compared to the Self Stage: Awareness (x = 2.00), the Current Level of Concern
Information (x = 2.12), and Personal (x = 2.14). However, it To identify which factors of the CBAM were strongly related to
has a relatively low mean average compared to that of the each stage, we conducted a regression analysis using the CBAM
impact stage (Consequence, x = 2.15; Collaboration, x = 2.15; stages as the dependent variables. The CBAM stages are
Refocusing, x= 2.12). This means that teachers were now focusing divided into seven and Gender, Education level, School
on how to achieve their class objectives, assessing the students’ Type, School Location, Mountain area, and Teaching Level
performance, and achieving the end goal of the innovation. Thus, it were used as predictors. We also calculated the interaction
can be hypothesized that as the teachers under the new K–12 effect between Involvement with Innovation and Teaching
education became used to the new implementation, their concerns Experience. Before checking which factors of the CBAM
are more on finding ways for students to adapt to the new were strongly related to each stage, the coefficients were
educational program. checked to see which stage gives the best level of
The highest means can be seen on the Consequence (x= 2.15) significance and can be analyzed for this question.
and Collaboration stages (x= 2.15), indicating that the teachers As presented in Table 6, Collaboration (p = 0.012) showed the
are now more concerned about the effects of the implementation strongest significance among the seven. Based on their r-squared,
on their students and their colleagues’ activity. Under the the collaboration (R2 = 0.060) stage showed the highest significance
consequence stage, teachers are more focused on the impact among the seven. Table 7 illustrates the regression analysis with the
and relevance of the innovation to the students, educational chosen predictors for this study. The low R2 value for this study can
outcomes, and changes needed for better student outcomes be attributed to the hard differentiation of human behavior towards
(George et al., 2013). Anderson (1997) further explained this the change process (Frost, 2021). Achen (1977, as cited in
stage where teachers will also try to modify the innovation or their Figueiredo Filho et al., 2011) also noted that the small R2 value
application to see better effects. The Collaboration stage, on the is not a sign of a weak relationship among variables. The variance
other hand, also shows the teachers’ willingness to work with interpreted from the R2 can depend on the variation of the variables

TABLE 5 | Means of SoC by teachers’ experience and by teachers’ years of involvement in the innovation.

Inv Exp Awareness Information Personal Management Consequence Collaboration Refocusing

Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

1 1 1.99 0.66 2.13 0.47 2.15 0.46 2.12 0.52 2.14 0.47 2.15 0.46 2.14 0.50
2 2.10 0.54 2.03 0.51 2.11 0.51 2.02 0.44 2.10 0.49 2.08 0.52 2.15 0.55
3 2.18 0.41 2.14 0.31 2.09 0.40 2.28 0.31 2.21 0.33 2.15 0.32 2.19 0.32
4 2.00 0.65 2.05 0.54 1.94 0.54 1.96 0.62 1.96 0.55 1.85 0.57 1.97 0.56
5 1.76 0.77 1.89 0.76 1.84 0.78 1.91 0.79 1.78 0.82 1.86 0.76 1.84 0.75
Total 2.02 0.63 2.09 0.49 2.10 0.49 2.09 0.52 2.11 0.50 2.10 0.49 2.12 0.52
2 1 1.98 0.80 2.04 0.62 2.04 0.64 1.95 0.71 2.09 0.53 2.03 0.65 1.97 0.61
2 2.05 0.69 2.14 0.41 2.18 0.38 2.10 0.52 2.21 0.32 2.21 0.30 2.16 0.47
3 2.09 0.69 2.17 0.53 2.17 0.51 2.08 0.56 2.19 0.36 2.23 0.36 2.17 0.44
4 2.12 0.54 2.13 0.26 2.13 0.23 2.23 0.28 2.18 0.25 2.11 0.28 2.19 0.32
5 2.18 0.60 2.17 0.33 2.15 0.36 2.10 0.48 2.10 0.42 2.13 0.32 2.09 0.49
Total 2.07 0.67 2.13 0.46 2.13 0.46 2.08 0.54 2.16 0.39 2.14 0.42 2.11 0.48
3 1 2.31 0.50 2.42 0.47 2.24 0.41 2.39 0.47 2.12 0.47 2.23 0.48 2.20 0.58
2 1.86 0.75 2.09 0.67 2.16 0.73 2.05 0.79 2.18 0.59 2.23 0.61 2.07 0.79
3 1.76 0.74 2.12 0.73 2.13 0.72 2.03 0.71 2.18 0.66 2.26 0.67 2.06 0.69
4 2.14 0.49 2.17 0.44 2.24 0.45 2.16 0.44 2.28 0.35 2.24 0.40 2.18 0.43
5 2.03 0.73 2.26 0.47 2.26 0.49 2.27 0.48 2.20 0.43 2.20 0.40 2.20 0.51
Total 1.94 0.71 2.16 0.60 2.20 0.62 2.13 0.65 2.19 0.53 2.23 0.54 2.12 0.65
Total 1 2.00 0.69 2.12 0.51 2.12 0.50 2.09 0.57 2.13 0.48 2.13 0.51 2.11 0.54
2 1.98 0.69 2.09 0.56 2.15 0.58 2.06 0.64 2.17 0.49 2.18 0.51 2.12 0.65
3 1.97 0.68 2.14 0.58 2.14 0.58 2.10 0.59 2.19 0.50 2.22 0.50 2.13 0.54
4 2.09 0.55 2.12 0.41 2.12 0.42 2.13 0.45 2.16 0.40 2.09 0.44 2.12 0.44
5 2.05 0.69 2.18 0.48 2.17 0.50 2.16 0.53 2.11 0.50 2.13 0.44 2.12 0.54
Total Total 2.01 0.67 2.12 0.52 2.14 0.53 2.10 0.57 2.15 0.48 2.15 0.49 2.12 0.55

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Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

included in the study. Interpreting the significance of this study can 5 DISCUSSION
also be seen from both the statistical and practical significance.
Statistical significance focuses on the p-value (null hypothesis) In the present study, the current level of teachers’ concern, as shown
while, on the other hand, practical significance observes the in Table 2, shows their concern for the innovation consequences and
effect size and usefulness of the results based on the field of need for collaboration. This result can be attributed to the recent
study. In short, a study that may not be statistically significant result of the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment
can still be practically important. One example is the area of Gene (PISA). PISA is an examination given by OECD to 15-year-olds, was
and Environmental study; the effect size of .01 can be considered as participated for the first time in 2018 by the Philippines to evaluate
a significant effect size even if the value is small (Lawrence, 2017). their current global standing. Unfortunately, the country performed
Under the Collaboration stage, the highest significant effect is worse among the 79 participating countries—ranking last with an
shown on teachers with years of experience, followed by education average score of 340 points which is lower than the global 487
and the interaction effect for involvement and experience. For the average (Punongbayan, 2019). Table 8 shows the Reading,
education factor, teachers with a graduate degree, either master’s or Mathematics, and Science scores of the 5 top- and low-ranking
doctorate, showed a significant result showing that there is an countries in the 2018 PISA.
increase in the collaboration sense for teachers who had their As the students who experienced the first run of the K–12
graduate degree. Teachers who have more teaching experience implementation in 2018, the result above is a wake-up call for all
tend to seek lesser collaboration with colleagues or any the education stakeholders. More importantly, this is where the
individuals. However, the interaction effect between greatest concern of the teachers lies—on whether the current and
involvement with innovation and experience showed teaching method is effective to the students. ACT France Castro
significant results. As the teacher gains more years of specifically pointed out the “congested curriculum” as a huge
involvement with the innovation and teaching experience, contributing factor to the poor performance in the international
the more they tend to be open for collaboration. The line assessment. According to him, the curriculum negatively
chart below shows the relationship of involvement and influences the performances of the teachers and students as it
collaboration, assuming that experience is at 10, 20, 30, and jeopardizes the teaching time and the period of student learning
40 years. It is observable that levels of collaboration tend to (Corrales, 2020). Moreover, this so-called “chopseuy method,” a
increase at levels of involvement, and as the levels of coined teaching method where teachers try to teach a bit of each
experience increase, there is a higher rate of increase of lesson, defeats the purpose of the mastery of content and teacher’s
collaboration per year of involvement. Hence, there is a pedagogy (Manuel, 2020). Unless the government decides to
higher impact of involvement to collaboration if the restructure the curriculum, students will graduate with lesser
teachers have more teaching experience. learnings and the PISA results will stay on the bottom tier. These
problems raise the concerns of teachers to seek effective ways
either through professional development or collaborating with
their co-teachers to discover more teaching methods.
Suggesting collaboration among colleagues or any professional
educator presents as a good solution to this disheartening result.
Lara-Alecio et al. (2012) and Goddard et al. (2010) documented
that teachers who were involved in collaborative activities had their
students score higher in Science, Mathematics, and Reading
assessments. Creating a positive community among the teachers

TABLE 7 | Regression results with the Collaboration Stage regressed on multiple


Collaboration B SE T-Stat
FIGURE 1 | Interaction effect between involvement in innovation and
teaching experience. Teachers’ background
Male (Female = 0, Male = 1) 0.087 0.067 1.299
Teaching level: Junior high school −0.044 0.058 −0.759
Teaching level: Senior high school −0.057 0.077 −0.734
TABLE 6 | Coefficients table for the CBAM stages. Involvement −0.020 0.023 −0.872
Experience −0.017 ** 0.006 −2.797
Dependent variable R-Squared F -value p-Value Involvement x experience 0.004* 0.002 2.559
1 Awareness 0.042 1.534 0.117 Graduate (Bachelors = 0, Graduate = 1) 0.132* 0.057 2.301
2 Information 0.026 0.932 0.509 School environment
3 Personal 0.028 1.001 0.445 Type: Public (Private = 0, Public =1) −0.056 0.097 −0.581
4 Management 0.023 0.842 0.598 Location: Municipal (City = 0, Municipal = 1) −0.051 0.064 −0.805
5 Consequence 0.034 1.247 0.254 Mountain: Yes (No = 0, Yes = 1) −0.033 0.054 −0.609
6 Collaboration 0.060 2.240 0.012
7 Refocusing 0.035 1.282 0.233 *p < 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Frontiers in Education | 7 May 2022 | Volume 7 | Article 763991

Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

TABLE 8 | PISA 2018 results of the 5 top and low countries. The second research question showed that teachers with
Level Rank Country Reading Mathematics Science higher teaching experience tend to focus less on collaborating
with other teachers. Similar to other research findings (Christou
Top 1 B-S-J-Z* (China) 555 (1) 591 (1) 590 (1) et al., 2004; Ronfeldt et al., 2015), the lesser sense of
2 Singapore 549 (2) 569 (2) 551 (2)
collaboration from highly experienced teachers can be
3 Macao (China) 525 (3) 558 (3) 544 (3)
4 Hongkong (China) 524 (4) 551 (4) 517 (10) attributed to their self-efficacy and background in dealing
5 Estonia 523 (5) 523 (8) 530 (5) with the subtleties of classroom changes. On the other hand,
Low 75 Morocco 359 (74) 368 (75) 377 (75) the interaction effect between experience and innovation shows
76 Lebanon 353 (75) 393 (69) 384 (73) that as the levels of experience increase, the collaboration also
77 Kosovo 353 (76) 366 (76) 365 (76)
78 Dominican Republic 342 (77) 325 (79) 336 (79)
increases per year of involvement. Regarding their educational
79 Philippines 340 (78) 353 (78) 357 (78) background, teachers with graduate degrees showed significant
results which are in contrast with previous research findings
Source: OECD (2019).
*B-S-J-Z refers to Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang.
(Puteh et al., 2011; Hao and Lee, 2015; Yea Lo, 2018). Other
*( ): Ranking by Mean Score. research shows that teachers have demonstrated equal concerns
about the classroom system and delivering curriculum
classroom content; particularly in preparing their materials
and strategizing their teaching methods, teachers are
where they can share ideas and teaching methods and lessen the distracted with their individual concerns that collaboration is
stressors for teachers can directly impact not only the teachers’ not a viable option for them. In the Philippines’ case, teachers
personal needs but also support the students more on their with higher education degrees than bachelors would likely
educational journey. With all the issues surrounding the K–12 engage in collaborative efforts compared to those who only
implementation, the Philippine government needs to strengthen its have bachelors. Teachers with higher degrees are trained more
teaching force by providing sufficient materials and resources for on teaching pedagogy and have discovered more about the
teachers to utilize. Adding co-teaching programs will also be specificities of the education field. Given the lack of resources
helpful to students who are lagging or needs educational in the Philippines, these teachers are more flexible to plausible
attention are supported during and even after the class. options available in their surroundings: cooperation with co-

5.1 Collaborative Education for Effective

Among the seven stages of concerns, collaboration showed
significance for both research questions. An effective This research was aimed to evaluate the current concerns of
collaboration aims for not only personal development but also teachers as the first run of the K–12 implementation is done, and
benefits the group which is achievable through proper to see if their teaching experience and involvement with the
cooperation with each other—a “community of learners and innovation has an effect on their level concerns. Through using
support” focusing on the social aspects of education (Head, the CBAM questionnaire, the questions were classified into 7
2003) Previous research findings (Lee and Smith, 1996; stages—all can be classified into Fuller’s concerns theory for
Goddard et al., 2007; Berry et al., 2009; Louis et al., 2010; teacher education. The questions delved into topics concerning
Dumay et al., 2013) showed that encouraging collaboration their teachers’ concerns from shifting to their decades-old 10-
among colleagues leads to the teacher effectiveness such as years system to a new K–12 system that modified not only the
discovery effective teaching practices and better student number of school years but also the curriculum and learning
outcomes. According to Mora-Ruano et al. (2019), research method. The data presented showed that teachers are more
proved that there are benefits for teacher collaboration (Lee focused on the impact stage. Out of the three stages,
and Smith, 1996; Louis et al., 2010; Dumay et al., 2013). consequence and collaboration showed the highest mean scores,
Hailen (2015, as cited in Mora-Ruano et al., 2019) reported indicating that teachers are heavily concerned about the impact of
that Finland's 2016 curriculum reform identifies a the new educational system on their students, and the ways they
“collaborative atmosphere” as the key to advancing the can do to improve their teaching methodology. We can
school system. Cooperating among each other in achieving hypothesize that Philippine teachers are now generally more
the school curriculum objectives can promote teacher concerned about two things: the influence of the innovation on
professional development (Mora-Ruano et al., 2019). For their students, and professional development especially through
students, collaboration benefits have improved learning and coordination with others. Teachers are eager to know whether their
increased clarity about their intended outcomes (Langer et al., students can gain sufficient knowledge from their teachings, can
2003). Previous research (Shachar and Shmuelevitz, 1997; comprehend and learn about the things they need for school
Pounder, 1999; Berry et al., 2009; Goddard et al., 2010) assessment and daily life, and can modify the ways of the
showed that students who attended schools with high levels implementation for better educational output.
of teacher collaboration performed well in their school The results of the study showed that educational organizations
activities. should focus more on reforming the innovation as the results and

Frontiers in Education | 8 May 2022 | Volume 7 | Article 763991

Magallanes et al. Analysis of Philippine Education: CBAM

resources provided to the teachers are insufficient. Based on the with the students’ welfare. Implementation efforts should focus on
issues and findings, there are three things the government should engaging collaboration and should also consider the availability of
focus on now: (1) revisiting and loosening the curriculum; (2) resources for the teachers and students. With the lack of the
investing in Professional Teacher Development; and (3) creating previous study addressing these concerns, this research hopes to
collaborative teaching programs and training. Teachers have contribute to the direction of the modification of the K–12
expressed in the beginning that the proposed curriculum is educational system.
hard for them to deliver, not only because of the lack of
resources but also because of their insufficient skills and time.
In the Philippine context, collaboration needs more work and DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
attention as the resources and time of the teachers may be limited.
Pursuing collaboration requires the cooperation of not only the The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be
teachers but also the government. Providing professional made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
development opportunities that enable more collaborative
activities among teachers is highly encouraged. If the
curriculum developers can plan and create a more systematic ETHICS STATEMENT
curriculum flow, then it would help teachers to strategize their
teaching methods and lesson plans. To make this more feasible, Ethical review and approval was not required for the study on
the government should invest in giving more opportunities for human participants in accordance with the local legislation and
training and seminars. Moreover, the education department can institutional requirements. The patients/participants provided
also increase team buildings and training to open more their written informed consent to participate in this study.
opportunities for teachers to collaborate with each other and
learn from each other’s teaching methods.
It is important to note that even if the concerning stage is in AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
its higher stage, it does not mean that the lower-level concerns
are gone. There are a lot of educational factors and individual KM conducted the data gathering and wrote the manuscript. JC
insights that might affect and increase the concerns of some specific edited, reviewed, and assisted in the necessary steps to proceed with
stages. What each education stakeholder should do is to make sure the study. SL assisted in the data analysis and final review of the paper.
that the initial concerns—being informed of the context of the
innovation, making sure that the involved individuals need and
readiness are observed, and organizing and managing of FUNDING
innovation—are properly monitored and resolved so that
teachers can focus on their roles in the classrooms. In summary, This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the
the Philippine Department of Education needs to understand that Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of
teachers, even in a different environment, are heavily concerned Korea (NRF-2020S1A5C2A03093092).

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