Gerund, Its Definition and Its Uses

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Republic of the Philippines




I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define gerund and determine its varied functions;
b. share their thoughts by giving some examples;
c. construct sentences with gerund considering its various functions.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Gerund, Its Definition and Its Uses

Reference: Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Guide, Department of Education,
Republic of the Philippines, First Edition, 2014, p. 255-257
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation

III. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities
* Greetings
- Good morning/afternoon, everyone! - Good morning/afternoon, Ma’am!

* Prayer
- Let us pray first before we start our class for (A student leads a prayer and the whole class
today. Who wants to lead a prayer? prays.)

* Checking of Attendance
- Are there any absentees today? - No one is absent today, Ma’am.
- I am glad to hear that.

* Reminding the learners of the Safety Protocols

(The teacher reminds the students of the Classroom
safety protocols)
- Wear a mask covering your mouth and nose
during class
- Use hand sanitizer or wipes when entering and
leaving class.
- Sanitize markers and other shared tools when
you’re done using them
- Enter the room only when prompted by your
- Maintain social distance when entering
and exiting class.

B. Review
- Before we jump to our new lesson, let us
have a short recap of the previous one. I
have here sentences and you are going to
choose the appropriate progressive tense in
the parentheses to complete them.
(Some students volunteer and answer.)

1. The children (is playing, are playing) at the - The answer is “are playing.”
2. She (will be taking, was taking) her exams - The answer is “will be taking.”
3. I (was sleeping, am sleeping) when you came - The answer is “was sleeping.”
home last night.
4. He (is playing, am playing) with his dog. - The answer is “is playing.”
5. They (will be leaving, were leaving) next month. - The answer is “will be leaving.”
- That is good! I am really happy to know
that you understand well our previous
lesson which is about the Progressive
Tense. Can anyone define what Progressive (A student raises his/her hand and answer.)
Tense is? - It is used to describe an ongoing action.

Very good!
C. Motivation
- Now, I want you to group yourselves into
four groups. You are going to have an
activity about our new lesson.
- Each group will be given 5 words that
show action and will construct sentences
using the verb as the subject. Before you
begin with your sentence, I have here some

1. Acting is Kathryn’s profession.

2. Singing is one of Daniel’s talents.
(A representative from each group presents the
sentence in the class.)
- Very good! Each group has done a great
- If you notice, the previous lesson and the
new one have a similarity. They are both
about using verbs ending in –ing; however,
there are differences when it comes to how
we use them in sentences.

D. Presentation of the Lesson

- Do you have any idea what is our lesson all (Some say “Yes.”)
about? Today, we are going to talk about
Gerund, its definition and uses. It is one of
the verbals, and the others are the infinitive
and the participle. Are you familiar with

E. Lesson Proper
(After revealing the lesson, the teacher presents the
definition of Gerund.)
- Everyone, please read the definition of
Gerund - is defined as a word ending in –ing that (The students read the definition of Gerund.)
is formed from a verb and that functions as a noun,
specifically used as a subject, a subjective
complement, an object of the preposition, a
direct object and an appositive.

(The students have an activity called “One Pic.,

One Verb.)
- I have here some pictures that show
actions. Can anyone tell what action is
being shown in each picture and convert
them into a Gerund? (Some students volunteer and answer…)
1. - The action in the picture is “run.” The
Gerund of “run” is “running.”

2. - The action in the picture is “teach.” The

Gerund of “teach” is “teaching.”
3. - The action in the picture is “jump.” The
Gerund of “jump” is “jumping.”

(After the activity, the teacher discusses the

different functions of Gerund in sentences, shows
some examples and asks some questions during the

- As said in the definition, Gerund can be (The students listen carefully and answer or share
used in a sentence as a subject, a their thoughts whenever the teacher asks
subjective complement, an object of the questions.)
preposition, a direct object and an
appositive. Let us talk about them one by

As a Subject:
When the gerund is performing the action in the
sentence, it’s functioning as a subject.
- Exercising is good for our health.
- Eating healthy food makes your life longer.
(The teacher explains that the “healthy food” in the
second sentence is a gerundial phrase as it modifies
the subject “Eating.”)

As a Predicate Noun:
When the gerund follows a form of the verb “to be”
and rename or explain the subject of the sentence,
it is working as a predicate noun or predicate
Lyka’s favorite exercise is jogging.
His passion was biking.

As an Object of a Preposition:
When a gerund follows a preposition, it’s
functioning as an object of preposition.
(The teacher asks the students about their ideas and
shows a list of preposition.)
- Mary keeps herself in good shape by
- She is undeniably good at painting.

As a Direct Object:
When the gerund is receiving the action in the
sentence, it is working as the direct object.
- Lester does boxing in the gym twice a
- Romeo likes watching horror movies.

As an Appositive:
When the gerund renames or gives more
information about the noun, it is working as an
- My only exercise, walking, is not actually
- His work, driving, is really tiring.

F. Application
The students have an activity and are asked to get a paper and a pen. The teacher shows sentences
and asks the students to identify and write the gerund and its use or function (as a subject, a subjective
complement, an object of the preposition, a direct object and an appositive) in each sentence. The teacher
counts from one to five before they show their answers.

1. They like roaming around the city at night.

2. Writing makes my life meaningful.
3. Her passion is dancing.
4. His love for singing makes him popular.
5. My talent, drawing, has been developed as years pass by.

G. Generalization
1. What is gerund?
2. What are the uses of Gerund?

IV. Evaluation
In the same groupings, each group is given a word which is a verb. Then, they convert the verb
into gerund and use it in sentences. The gerund should be used in five ways, as a subject, a subjective
complement, an object of the preposition, a direct object and an appositive. The leaders from the groups
assign to each member the way on how he or she uses it in a sentence. Afterwards, they will choose one
representative from each group and presents their work in the class.

1. Play 3. Run
2. Pray 4. Text

Content - 50
Grammar - 30
Cooperation - 20

V. Assignment
The students construct a paragraph with the topic of their choice, wherein they use Gerunds as
many as they can and underline each. Also, they are to label each gerund if it is used as a subject, a
subjective complement, an object of the preposition, a direct object and an appositive in each sentence.
The student who has the most number of gerunds in the paragraph gets an additional score.

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