Review of Subliminal How Your Unconsciou
Review of Subliminal How Your Unconsciou
Review of Subliminal How Your Unconsciou
Leonard Mlodinow
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior
For personal use only -- not for reproduction
ISBN: 978-0-307-47225-0
[fMRI]… have made it possible, for the first time in human history,
for there to be an actual science of the unconscious’ (p. 5).
Mlodinow does an injustice to psychology here, since the most
important demonstrations of unconscious mentality have taken place
within that discipline. Easily the most important experimental para-
digm used for demonstrating unconscious mentality has been the
dissociation paradigm, a fact which moved Matthew Erdelyi to say
that ‘[t]he “unconscious”… always involves, and is defined by, a
dissociation between two indicators (or sets of indicators)’ (Erdelyi,
2004, p. 76). In experiments demonstrating unconscious perception,
for instance, the first of these is supposed to indicate consciousness of
a stimulus, while the other indicates perceptual sensitivity to that
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and don’t tip over?’ (pp. 33–4). Indeed, decisions are commonly
regarded as mental acts. But why not simply regard such automatic
behaviours as more or less sophisticated mechanical reflexes? Or
should we also say that alarm clocks ‘decide’ to ring when they reach
the pre-set time? That said, unconscious mental states may sometimes
influence our automatic actions.
Another phenomenon we should distinguish is being aware of an
action, but being unaware of a certain fact about it. An example would
be saying something offensive, while not realizing that it’s offensive.
Motivated reasoning, which Mlodinow discusses in the final chapter,
is arguably in this category. When assessing an issue for truth, we use
motivated reasoning when there is a certain conclusion which we hope
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is true, and then, like a lawyer tasked with convincing others of this
conclusion, we ‘seek evidence that supports it, while also attempting
Copyright (c) Imprint Academic 2013
because he/she has the same surname. But could this be the principle
factor on which their love is based? If so, then we could expect that if
Sarah Brown met James, and didn’t fancy him (he lacks the traits she
avers to look for in a partner), she might find herself warming to him
after discovering that he too is a Brown. This factor should be
sufficient in itself to sustain romantic feelings (or it wouldn’t be a
‘principle factor’). But that is implausible to say the least, and the
mentioned findings hardly prove it. What they might lead us to expect,
however, is that if James and Charlie were similarly good-looking,
funny, etc. then Sarah might rate James more highly if he, but not
Charlie, was also a Brown. It would take much stronger evidence than
Mlodinow presents to show that, in matters of the heart, we are ruled
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Erdelyi, M.E. (2004) Subliminal perception and its cognates: Theory, indeter-
minacy, and time, Consciousness and Cognition, 13 (1), pp. 73–91.
Gardner, S. (2003) The unconscious mind, in Baldwin, T. (ed.) The Cambridge
History of Philosophy 1870–1945, pp. 107–116, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Irvine, E. (2013) Measures of consciousness, Philosophy Compass, 8 (3), pp. 285–
Newell, B.R. & Shanks, D.R. (2014) Unconscious influences on decision-making:
A critical review, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, pp. 1–19.
Igor Aleksander
Impossible Minds: My Neurons, My Consciousness
London: Imperial College Press, 2015, 452 pp.
ISBN: 978-1-78326-569-5
close to the speed of light. When he puts down again, perhaps in the
Kensington Gardens of 2014, only a few seconds have passed on the
clock in his space ship, but two decades of important changes in
neuroscience and biology have happened on Earth, little of which is
apparent in this book.
The author acknowledges that impressive computers, such as chess
playing machines, derive their success from the stored abilities of the
programmers. Instead, he is interested in the ability of a computer to
demonstrate the mental properties normally found in living organisms.
He asks what aspects of neurophysiology might give a subject the
feeling that they were conscious, and argues that some guide to this
might be derived from the study of computer processing. The com-
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puter used for his own research attempted to replicate feats that would
be termed ‘conscious thought’ if performed by humans.
Copyright (c) Imprint Academic 2013
Mention here neither implies nor precludes subsequent review