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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of Degree of


Submitted By
Md Shavez Khan
MBA 3rd Sem
Roll No:- 1800102349

Under the guidance of

Dr. Yasir Arafat Elahi

Department of Commerce & Business Management

Faculty of Commerce & Management
Kursi Rd, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226026
Session: 2022-2023
Department of Commerce & Business Management
Faculty of Commerce & Management
Kursi Rd, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226026

Session: 2022-2023

I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the Summer Training Project Report


CAPITAL SERVICES” is based on my own work carried out during the course of my

study under the supervision of Dr. Yasir Arafat Elahi.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project

work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report

does not contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other

degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.

(Signature of the Candidate)
Name of the Candidate: Md Shavez Khan
Roll No.: 1800102349

(Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi)

Department of Commerce & Business Management
Faculty of Commerce & Management
Kursi Rd, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226026

Session: 2022-2023


This is to certify that the Summer Training Project Report entitled "MARKETING AND
Department of Commerce & Business Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management,
Integral University, in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Administration, is a record of work carried out by Md Shavez Khan
, Roll No. 1800102349, under my guidance.
The Summer Training Project Report of student is found to be satisfactory for submission
for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration. I wish him all the best for
his/her future endeavors.

Dr. Yasir Arafat Elahi

Assistant Professor


This report has been made possible due to invaluable support of a number of people to

whom I owe my heartfelt gratitude and without whose help , I may not have been able to

complete this report . It was a great chance for learning and professional development.

Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was provided with an

opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many

wonderful people and professionals who led me though this Summer Training Project


I want to sincerely thanks to our very helpful Prof. A.K. Saxena Dean & Dr. Syed Shahid

Mazhar Head of Department, Department of Commerce & Business Management for

giving me the opportunity to prepare the report and supporting me throughout the span.

This report documents the work done during the period of study at Integral

University, Lucknow under the supervision of Dr. Yasir Arafat Elahi (Assistant

Professor)  The report first shall give an overview of the topic that was chosen by me

completed  with details. Then the results obtained shall be discussed and analyzed. Report

shall also elaborate on the future works which can be persuaded as an advancement of the

current work. I have tried my best to keep report simple yet technically correct. I hope I

succeed in my attempt. 

Name:- Md Shavez Khan

Roll No. 1800102349


The present report is an outcome of the Summer Training Project Report

which is an important part of MBA curriculum under Integral University and
Sal Institute of Management. SIP seeks to broaden the outlook of students
by offering an exposure to the real life organizational environment along
with its different functional practices and to implement the knowledge
gained in the campus.

This study is an attempt to assess the "MARKETING AND


I have made all possible efforts and the necessary investigations to submit
this report in an enlightened form in a very short time but like any other
article or thesis this report is not free from limitations ,though I have
tried my best to keep it free from errors. I apologize in case any errors are
found which were not deliberately made.

“Practice makes man perfect as it said that study with knowledge you know
only theoretical work and with experience you know that exact practical
function in meaning”.


Sr. No Content

Ⅰ. Title Page

Ⅱ. Declaration

Ⅲ. Certificates by Guides (Industry and University)

Ⅳ. Acknowledgement

1. Introduction

2. Company Profile

3. Objectives Of The Study

4. Research Methodology

5. Data Analysis & Interpretation

6. Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion

7. Bibliography

8. Appendix



What is Marketing Strategy ?

Marketing strategy is the comprehensive plan formulated particularly for

achieving the marketing objectives of the organization. It provides a blueprint

for attaining these marketing objectives. It is the building block of a marketing

plan. It is designed after detailed marketing research. A marketing strategy helps

an organization to concentrate it’s scarce resources on the best possible

opportunities so as to increase the sales.

A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching

prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or

services. A marketing strategy contains the company’s value proposition, key

brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level


A thorough marketing strategy covers the four Ps of marketing: product, price,

place, and promotion.

A marketing strategy is designed by:

1. Choosing the target market: By target market we mean to whom the organization

wants to sell its products. Not all the market segments are fruitful to an

organization. There are certain market segments which guarantee quick profits,

there are certain segments which may be having great potential but there may be

high barriers to entry. A careful choice has to be made by the organization. An

indepth marketing research has to be done of the traits of the buyers and the

particular needs of the buyers in the target market.

2. Gathering the marketing mix: By marketing mix we mean how the organization

proposes to sell its products. The organization has to gather the four P’s of

marketing in appropriate combination. Gathering the marketing mix is a crucial

part of marketing task. Various decisions have to be made such as -

 What is the most appropriate mix of the four P’s in a given situation

 What distribution channels are available and which one should be used

 What developmental strategy should be used in the target market

 How should the price structure be designed

Importance of Marketing Strategy

 Marketing strategy provides an organization an edge over it’s competitors.

 Strategy helps in developing goods and services with best profit making potential.

 Marketing strategy helps in discovering the areas affected by organizational

growth and thereby helps in creating an organizational plan to cater to the customer


 It helps in fixing the right price for organization’s goods and services based on

information collected by market research.

 Strategy ensures effective departmental co-ordination.

 It helps an organization to make optimum utilization of its resources so as to

provide a sales message to it’s target market.

 A marketing strategy helps to fix the advertising budget in advance, and it also

develops a method which determines the scope of the plan, i.e., it determines the

revenue generated by the advertising plan.

In short, a marketing strategy clearly explains how an organization reaches it’s

predetermined objectives.

Understanding Marketing Strategies

A clear marketing strategy should revolve around the company’s value

proposition, which communicates to consumers what the company stands for, how

it operates, and why it deserves their business.

This provides marketing teams with a template that should inform their initiatives

across all of the company’s products and services. For example, Walmart (WMT)

is widely known as a discount retailer with ―everyday low prices,‖ whose business

operations and marketing efforts are rooted in that idea.

Marketing Strategies vs. Marketing Plans

The marketing strategy is outlined in the marketing plan—a document that details

the specific types of marketing activities that a company conducts and contains

timetables for rolling out various marketing initiatives.

Marketing strategies should ideally have longer life spans than individual

marketing plans because they contain value propositions and other key elements

of a company’s brand, which generally hold constant over the long haul. In other

words, marketing strategies cover big-picture messaging, while marketing plans

delineate the logistical details of specific campaigns.

For example, a marketing strategy might say that a company aims to increase

authority in niche circles where their clients visit. The marketing plan puts that in

action by commissioning thought leadership pieces on LinkedIn.

Benefits of a Marketing Strategy

The ultimate goal of a marketing strategy is to achieve and communicate a

sustainable competitive advantage over rival companies by understanding the

needs and wants of its consumers. Whether it’s a print ad design, mass

customization, or a social media campaign, a marketing asset can be judged based

on how effectively it communicates a company’s core value proposition.

Market research can help chart the efficacy of a given campaign and can help

identify untapped audiences to achieve bottom-line goals and increase sales.

How to Create a Marketing Strategy

Creating a marketing strategy requires a few steps. HubSpot, a digital marketing

resource, offers insight into how to create your strategy.

1. Identify your goals: While sales are the ultimate goal for every company, you

should have more short-term goals such as establishing authority, increasing

customer engagement, or generating leads. These smaller goals offer measurable

benchmarks for the progress of your marketing plan. Think of strategy as the high-

level ideology and planning as how you accomplish your goals.

2. Know your clients: Every product or service has an ideal customer, and you

should know who they are and where they hang out. If you sell power tools, you’ll

choose marketing channels where general contractors may see your messaging.

Establish who your client is and how your product will improve their lives.

3. Create your message: Now that you know your goals and who you’re pitching

to, it’s time to create your messaging. This is your opportunity to show your

potential clients how your product or service will benefit them and why you’re the

only company that can provide it.

4. Define your budget: How you disperse your messaging may depend on how

much you can afford. Will you be purchasing advertising? Hoping for a viral

moment on social media organically? Sending out press releases to the media to

try to gain coverage? Your budget will dictate what you can afford to do.3

5. Determine your channels: Even the best message needs the appropriate venue.

Some companies may find more value in creating blog posts for their website.

Others may find success with paid ads on social media channels. Find the most

appropriate venue for your content.

6. Measure your success: To target your marketing, you need to know whether it is

reaching its audience. Determine your metrics and how you’ll judge the success of

your marketing efforts.

Why does my company need a marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy helps a company direct its advertising dollars to where it

will have the most impact. Compared with the data from 2018, the correlation

between organization and success in marketers jumped from being almost four

times more likely to almost seven times more likely in 2022.4

What do the four Ps mean in a marketing strategy?

The four Ps are product, price, promotion, and place. These are the key factors

that are involved in the marketing of a good or service. The four Ps can be used

when planning a new business venture, evaluating an existing offer, or trying to

optimize sales with a target audience. It also can be used to test a current

marketing strategy on a new audience.

What does a marketing strategy look like?

A marketing strategy will detail the advertising, outreach, and public relations

campaigns to be carried out by a firm, including how the company will measure

the effect of these initiatives. They will typically follow the four Ps. The functions

and components of a marketing plan include market research to support pricing

decisions and new market entries, tailored messaging that targets certain

demographics and geographic areas, and platform selection for product and

service promotion—digital, radio, internet, trade magazines, and the mix of those

platforms for each campaign, and metrics that measure the results of marketing

efforts and their reporting timelines.

Is a marketing strategy the same as a marketing plan?

The terms ―marketing plan‖ and ―marketing strategy‖ are often

used interchangeably because a marketing plan is developed based on an

overarching strategic framework. In some cases, the strategy and the plan may be

incorporated into one document, particularly for smaller companies that may only

run one or two major campaigns in a year. The plan outlines marketing activities

on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, while the marketing strategy outlines the

overall value proposition.



Agile Capital Services is the choice of many reputed Multinational Organizations

and businesses because of its commitment to deliver best results. ACS pride itself

with the reputation of being the trusted and reliable talent acquisition partner as

well as providing expert guidance towards achieving financial independence to its


We are having experts who are providing consultancy services regarding financial

and investment sector to individual so that they can secure financial future of

themselves and their family. Providing the professional and expert advice in wealth

maximization, career planning and bridging the gap between the job seeker and

talent seeker. Our experts provide financial advice in the simplest way possible

because we believe in managing wealth in less complicated way

Agile Capital Services Is One Of India's Emerging Consulting Firm. At Agile

Capital, We Provide Wealth Management Services To High And Ultra High-

Net-Worth Individuals (Hnis & Uhnis).

Our highly trained and specialized team engage with clients from across the

country as well as those based abroad. in addition to our custom-designed

solutions, we focus on 'un complicating' the entire process of investment for each

client. our focus on building long-term relationships defines our business. our

advisory backed by a strong product and research team, underscores the unmatched

value of the ACS proposition.

At AGILE CAPITAL, we cater to financial needs of individual and corporate


Our Vision

Our Vision is to significantly increase the Wealth of our Clients by providing them

the best Financial Services as well as the most valuable recruitment services.

Our Mission

Our Mission We thrive to provide the best and the simplest Wealth Management

advice through Honest Financial Solutions as well as inspire the candidates to

explore job opportunities across various Industrial Sector.

Our Identity

Our professionals and experts working round the clock to provide best HR and

financial solutions to our clients and organizations in order to give them edge over

their competitor. We are committed to provide best opportunities for the job


Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. is a conglomerate company in the contemporary

human capital/staffing arena, Vocational Training and SAP IT Support with an aim

to lead the way endowing with comprehensive solutions for growing organizations.

We, at Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. seek to venture a trustworthy drive

providing the most reliable professional custom key in the areas such as

recruitment, Manpower Outsourcing, Vocational Training and SAP IT Support.

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. solely focuses on the enhancement of client

organizations by providing quality services on various aspects of their human

resources, Training and IT Support and by letting the organization focus on its core


On the recruitment’s side we follow a three pronged approach during the

search process which is customized for every client:

 Understanding our client’s need and customizing our search process and resources

deployed accordingly

 A two layer vetting process (Telephonic and face-to-face) before short listing

profiles for the client’s requirement

 Providing a detailed tracker to the client with our assessment and flagged


During entire process of recruitment’s, from search to joining, our clients have full

access to the entire management team and recruitment’s team deployed to trouble

shoot and re-calibrate their specific solution.

Executive Search and Selection

 Recruitment mandates across levels, across Industry

 Volume / bulk hiring

 Recruitments for contract/temporary hiring

 Support staff hiring

 Advertizing / job posting

 Candidate screening

 Resume short-listing and analysis

 Interview scheduling

 Interview candidates

 Negotiations and offer management

 Offer letter generation

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Value Proposition

 Outsourced HR services (e.g. recruitment process outsourcing, employee benefits)

 Manpower Outsourcing on contract

 Outsourced Finance & Accounting (e.g. payroll, Time reporting, payables, expense


 General Administration Services (e.g. office administration, procurement)

 Workforce management

 Managed employee lifecycle services

o New hire/existing network on-boarding and induction

o Time and attendance management

o Payroll processing

o Benefits administration

o Compliances

o Settlements

o Insurance

 HR Helpdesk/Contact center

 Claims administration

India is one of the youngest nations in the world with more than 62% of its

population in the working age group (15-59 years), and more than 54% of its total

population below 25 years of age. This presents a formidable opportunity as well

as a huge challenge. Every year, out of 15 million youth entering the job-market,

over 75% are not job-ready. This stark difference is due to lack of technical and

soft skills. Paucity of highly trained workforce, as well as non-employ-ability of

large sections of the conventionally educated youth, who possess limited job skills

are the dual challenges to be addressed to reap the demographic dividend.

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. is supporting to enhance the skills of millions of

youth across the country and empower them with livelihood linked skilling

programs. It aims to build an inclusive, enabled and skilled society by skilling

youth and providing employment in identified core sectors including Education,

Retail, Automobile, Hospitality, Health Care, Building and Construction, Telecom

and Beauty & Wellness to name a few.

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. offers employability programmes to unemployed

rural youth, poor urban youth, Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), youth with below

poverty line demographics, women including adolescent girls and youth from

socially disadvantaged groups and creates corporate ready workforce. It bridges the

gap between millions of jobs opportunities across multiple sectors and the skills of

the available workforce.

Various type of training’s conducted are:

 Vocational Skills Training

 Digital Literacy

 Up-skilling Programmes

 Soft Skills Training

 Behavioral Training

 Customized Training

Programmes Key Sectors

Our Approach

Community Mobilization

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. reaches out to youth to sensitize and convince

them, answer their queries and successfully enroll them in relevant programmes.

Appropriate communication tools are used to showcase the success stories

pertaining to region specific skilling programs and information on the exact job

roles is disseminated with an objective to create a demand for the skilling


Training & Certification

The candidates are then screened, batches are formed and training is conducted by

Certified Vocational Skill Instructors on approved Qualification Packs (QPs). The

training is a blend of both classroom and practical exposure. Industrial visit are an

integral part of the training and helps the candidates in gaining an exposure of the

actual work environment Candidates are assessed and certified on successful

completion of training.

Quality is paramount for Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.. The same is ascertained

through training the candidates using the best in class training methodology as well

as through conducting rigorous training for the skill instructors. From mandatory

boot camps to periodic refresher workshops to functional training & specialized

training like Instructional Design boot camps, the skill instructors at Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd. are nurtured with continuous learning & development

opportunities. Instructional Design Workshops are also organized for the skill

instructors at regular intervals for their skill up gradation.

Placement Support & Settlement

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. works on a backward integration approach. Once

the schemes are announced by the government, Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

reaches out to corporate across different geographical locations of India. Basis the

geographical spread of candidates, Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. sets up

centrally located centers and starts the process from mobilization to certification.

Once the candidates are certified, job fairs are organized which are attended by

leading companies from nearby locations. Post their placements, candidates are

tracked and mentored/counseled throughout the initial working days.

 Apparel Made-Ups Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council

 Healthcare Sector Skill Council

 Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council

 Retailers Association’s Skill Council of India

 Telecom Sector Skill Council

 Tourism & Hospitality Skill Council

 Automotive Skills Development Council

 Electronics Sector Skills Council of India

 Construction Skill Development Council Of India.

 Banking Financial Services & Insurance Sector Skills Council

Skills for Schools and Colleges

A business sees success when its foundation is strong. The same goes for a nation.

A nation becomes strong only when its foundation, i.e., its youth is empowered.

Empowerment is achieved when the right set of skills are disseminated among the

students at the right time.

We, at Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Learning, believe that the journey of a

candidate from a potential to an apt talent begins with skills training at the

grassroots level, i.e., schools and colleges. With the implementation of Skills Skill

Development Framework (SDF) from class IX onwards, the awareness as well as

demand for vocational training is going to soar across all levels.

We not only train the students in schools but also deliver capacity building training

to schools. In addition, we provide Effective School Management and Leadership

training to Principals, Vice Principals and Heads of institutions. We also provide

comprehensive end-to- end solutions in the skills assessment domain.

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. is playing a pivotal role in Introduction of

vocational education from class 9 onwards by following the Skill Development

Framework (SDF) .The SDF enables a person to acquire the desired competency

levels, transit to the job market and up-skill their competencies when required.

SDF Training Methodology

Focused on holistic learning and development of students, this novel training

intervention includes face- to-face classes by professional trainers, practical

classes, field visits/ industry visits, guest lectures, preparation of models/ charts/

projects, preparation of student portfolios and role plays.

Skills Assessment

AV Professional Learning provides comprehensive end-to- end solutions in the

skills assessment domain. The range of services include:

 Setting up of exam centers

 Deployment of exam center staff

 Exam centre operations

 Managing the candidate flow

 Security and quality of exams

 Project Management

 Training

 Audits and Supervision of Exam Delivery

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. manages and provides these skills assessment

solutions for one of the world’s leading organization which promotes cultural

relations, educational opportunities as well as testing and assessment services.


Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. provides the following models for flexible

engagements with clients from its offshore software development center. These

models are designed to address diverse requirements and build close relationships

with clients, from project based engagements to outsourced software development

SaaS support. These models are proven to improve operational efficiencies and

reduce costs through mature systems and processes built over a decade of serving


Working with teams from different countries and cultures has helped Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd. develop a process that is flexible and can be adapted to the

specific needs of the engagement. Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. understands that

the same solution may have to be rendered differently when delivering to a

different target audience in a different country. This understanding helps in

ensuring that the requirements are well understood for the specific audience(s) and

in reducing the time and effort required in sharing this understanding.

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. has developed an offshore model that has matured

over the years, applying the learning from the experiences in various engagements

and working with different partners – both service and product companies.

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. uses processes and tools that address the critical

success factors for engagements utilizing the onshore-offshore model.

Largely, two modes of offshore development can be identified – one, in which all

of the development is typically handled by a single offshore team and the other, in

which development is by distributed teams, usually one onsite and another



Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. ABAP developers acquire well-built technical and

analytical skills in development. Our development encounter ranges from the core

SAP modules to claim to fame regions, for example, SAP HR, SD, HCM, FICO,

MM, SD, PP & PM. Our SAP ABAP developers create inventive solutions for help

your SAP infrastructure. We have been giving Onsite and Remote development

services at a cost effective price. Our remote development arrangement enables

clients to spend IT budgets on value-added development instead of paying

consultant expenses.

Our group of the SAP ABAP specialists can possibly create custom reports and

interfaces with ABAP programming that exceeds expectations in the market for its

remarkable execution. The application created in the SAP ABAP does not rely

upon a specific server or database stage; henceforth it can be moved starting with

one stage then onto the next easily. By considering the same, we as a SAP ABAP

developement have built up the protest which has the best execution in view of our

conveyance procedure.


Although companies invest in their SAP ERP Software, a proper professional and

expert guidance and support are mandatory to make the most of their investment in

such program.

We are the widely known SAP consulting company in Pune who comprehend both

our client’s functional business necessities as well as the technical design of the

program. Numerous domestic and offshore companies trust on our services

because we assist our clients to profit from a range of new development

possibilities, the prospect of skilled resources and enhanced cost flexibility. We

boost our client’s business by delivering development specific to clients right on


We do it by means of our up-to-date know-hows and our well trained, dexterous

team of application specialists and programmers. This team is directly in

connection with the client’s offices and companies by means of dedicated links

thus work in the similar setting as the client’s company.


SAP S/4 HANA is a new generation of ERP solutions running in real time,

integrating predictive analytics, big data and mobile access. These solutions will

support organisations in transforming workplaces, engaging with customers in new

ways and providing new opportunities to collaborate. By unifying data in real time,

SAP S/4 HANA provides instant insights enabling better decisions. SAP S/4

HANA will eventually replace all SAP systems.

SAP S/4 HANA is more than just a new technology. It is designed to drive instant

value across lines of business and industries with the ultimate sophistication. It


 Real time: Eliminate batch processing and data reconciliation.

 Responsiveness: Improve user satisfaction by reducing waiting time.

 Simulation: Explore the impact of business decisions on the outcome.

 Predictions: Discover and respond to future opportunities and challenges.

 Drilldowns: Analyze at any level without exporting data.

 Recommendations: Built-in data driven decision support systems


In several cases, after a new system has been implemented, SAP inclusive, it has

been observed that organizations are often challenged by the use of the technology.

And this we have found to be hindered by factors such as:

1. Culture,

2. Lack of willingness to change,

3. Training gap,

4. But most especially, insufficient skillful personnel to use the system

Our observation of this occurrence in both local and International organizations,

led us into putting together, a strong Post Implementation Support Team,

Comprising of individuals, who are highly skilled in various modules of SAP, with

wealth of several years of experience in various Industries.

Our support Team works with your organization leading you through the transition

periods and beyond, training the process owners, instilling in them enough

knowledge to enable them perform their day-to-day processes efficiently and also,

to be able to handle a first and second level trouble shooting of the system without




1. To study the concept cf E-Marketing adopted by Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd.

2. To understand the Recruitment strategy adopted by Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd.

3. To create awareness amoung potential customer regarding services Of Agile

Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

4. To findout the problems faced by Start-up/Business.



Research is a common parlance which refers to search for knowledge. It is a

procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of science to

the general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique, which provide

precise tools, specific procedures, and technical rather philosophical means for

getting and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulating

different type of research designs is available depending upon the nature of

research project, availability of manpower and circumstances.


A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of

data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with

economy in procedure. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure

within which research is conducted. This research was descriptive in nature


The research undertaken was a descriptive research as it was concerned with

specific predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning a study

on customer satisfaction of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services in Lucknow

a. Methods of Data Collection. There are several methods of collecting primary

data, particularly in surveys and descriptive researches. In descriptive research,

we obtain primary data either through observation or through direct

communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal

interviews. I have used questionnaires(Primary) and Internet source

(Secondary) for data Collection


There were two types of data sources used in this research. These were


Primary data is the data collected for the first time from the source and never

have been used earlier. The data can be collected through interviews,

observations and questionnaires.


Secondary data is the data collected from already been use or published

information like journals, diaries, books, etc .In this research project, secondary

source used were various journals, and website of various online journals.


A sample design is made up of two elements. Sampling method. Sampling

method refers to the rules and procedures by which some elements of the

population are included in the sample. Some common sampling methods are

simple random sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling.

I have used simple random sampling for study.

d. UNIVERSE OF STUDY: Universe of the study means all the Customers

of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. in Lucknow.

Sample Area: Lucknow

I have used Random sample for study.

f. SAMPLE SIZE: A sample of minimum respondents will be selected from

customers of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services in Lucknow. An effort

was made to select respondents evenly. The survey was carried out on100


g. SAMPLE UNIT: customers of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services in


h. STATISTICAL TOOLS TO BE USED: A structured questionnaires is used

to collect the data and data will be analyzed with the help of percentage table,

respective graph, bar graph and pie charts.

It means what all tools are used to present the data in a meaningful way so that

it becomes easily understandable. In this research tables and graphs were used

for presenting the data.




1. Are you satisfied with services before purchasing Services in Agile Capital
Services Pvt. Ltd. office?


54% Average
Below average


It is observed that, 54% of the customers are highly satisfied with the Pre-purchase

services and 6% are dissatisfied with the Pre purchase services.

2. What is your opinion about the Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services
for Value for Money?


Above Expectatiom As per Expectation Below Expectation




42% of the respondents are of opinion that Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.
Services are as per expectation & 20% are of the opinion that the Agile Capital
Services Pvt. Ltd. Services are below expectation.

3. Are you satisfied with the after sales services of Agile Capital Services Pvt.


ExcellentGoodAvverageBelow average


20% 30%



It is observed that, 45% of the customers are highly satisfied with the Post-

purchase services And 5% are dissatisfied with the Post purchase services.

4) Rank the following Parameters on Your purchase Preference?


10% 15%
15% Quality
25% Recommendation


Most of the respondents prefer quality followed by price and availability. This

response shows that customers are ready to pay of quality.

Q5) Does Purchase of Services is directly related to income level?






The result was totally skewed to one side and respondents agree that Purchase of

Services is totally related to the Income level of an Individual which is 90%.

Q6) Why does one person purchase a Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?


50% Exclusivity
Interested in Art
25% Flaunt Value


In opinion of respondents, majority of people buy Services because they want to

flaunt their superiority over others.

Q7) Does quality of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. is more superior then others?



10% Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral
20% Disagree


On the basis of Analysis 80% of the respondents believe in the superior quality of


Q8) What is the factor that effect most while purchasing a Agile Capital Services
Pvt. Ltd.?



Quality of Services
40% 20%
Good quality of


On the basis of the Analysis, we found that majorly people tend to see as brand of

the Services as the major factor that affects the buying decision of a customer and

other factors that are too taken into considerations.

9. What is your remark about services of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?



Good Average
Below average



It is observed that, 55% of the customers are satisfied with the services, and 3% are

not satisfied.

10. What is your expectation for improvement in Agile Capital Services Pvt.



24% Quality

46% Service



46% of the customers are of opinion that Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. should

improve in quality, 24% of the customers feel that they should improve their

services, Rest opted for the quality.

11. What is your repurchase intention?



Yes No


It is observed that, 74% of the customers are ready to repurchase the Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd.’s service, 26% are not ready to purchase the service.

12. Will you recommend Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services to others?


72% No


It is observed that, 72% of the customers are ready to recommend the service to the

friends and relative, 28% are not ready to recommend the service to the friends and


13. What is your preference about Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?

62% No


It is observed that, 62% of the customers are ready to prefer Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd. Services, 38% are not ready to prefer Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.


14 ) Are you satisfy with the Manpower of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?

Source: Questionnaire


More Satisfied Satisfied
Not Satisfied & Dissatisfied


Source - Questionnaire

INTERPRETATION : 100% of the respondents 49% of the respondents

approached were satisfied with the Manpower of the Agile Capital Services Pvt.

Ltd.. Followed by 27% was extremely satisfied, 17% are neutral and rest of the 7%

is more dissatisfied with Manpower of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd..

15 ) Are you satisfied with the Recruitment of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?




Extremely Satisfied Satisfied
Neutral Dissatisfied


INTERPRETATION : 100% of the respondents 47% of the respondents

approached were satisfied with the recruitment feature of the Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd.. Followed by 27% was extremely satisfied, 17% are neutral and

rest of the 7% was dissatisfied with recruitment feature of Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd..

16) Are you satisfied with the Training Services?




Extremely Satisfied
27% Satisfied
Neutral Dissatisfied


INTERPRETATION : 100% of respondents 40% of the respondents approached

were satisfied with the Training SERVICES of the Agile Capital Services Pvt.

Ltd.. 20% were more satisfied, 27% of them neutral and 13% are dissatisfied with

the Training SERVICES of the Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd..

17 ) Are you satisfied with E-Learning Services cost?

E-Learning Services

Extremely Satisfied Satisfied
Neutral Dissatisfied


INTERPRETATION : The sample drawn on the probability basis shows that out of

100% of respondents 51% of the respondents approached were satisfied with the E-

Learning Services of the Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.. 23% were extremely

satisfied, 21% of neutral and 5% are dissatisfied with the E-Learning Services.

18)Are you a satisfied with Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?





The sample drawn on probability basis shows that 78% of the customers were

satisfied with Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. and only 22% were not satisfied

with Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd..


1. Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. has excellent percentage of customer

satisfaction according to the data analysis and Interpretation.

2. Most of the people are satisfied with its low E-Learning Services and

Training service provided by Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

3. Based on the Manpower, most of the people are satisfied with it.

4. Based on Recruitment, Training services, E-Learning Services most of the

people are satisfied with it.

5. If we took the satisfaction level of people toward Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd., it becomes good.

6. Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. should continue to maintain the standard of

the service.

7. Customer are highly satisfied with the service which help in customer




 Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. has to implement good customer relationship

management strategy that enhances customer satisfaction level.

 The company can undertake R&D to improve the existing feature which helps

to increase the customer satisfaction.

 As majority of the respondents are satisfied with the recruitment feature of

Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd., the company should maintain the same

standard and it is suggested to come up with suitable measure to reduce the

negative opinion among the consumer who are of the opinion that the

Manpower is a dissatisfying factor.

 As such, Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. should focus on the aspects, which

will enhance the customer satisfaction and thus the market share.



 The scope of study is limited to the respondents are selected from in and

around Lucknow.

 Measurement of customer satisfaction is complex subjects, which uses non-

objectives method, which is not reliable.

 The sample unit was also 100 respondents.

 There may be some biased response from the respondents.

 Some respondents did not provide the full data.



Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. is the best job board. The Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd. have best ATS resume software as per needs of job researcher. The Agile

Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. also help customers to clear the interview with of expert,

experts will conduct webinar for customers. The staff of the Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd. also helpful for the customers and employee’s problem related to the

management system or for customers provide the resume in 24 hours. The Agile

Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. also part of officially Samsung India partner and google

education partner. They provide more powerful ATS RESUME which designed by

AI and for webinar send mail to customers. The Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

also provide proper guidance to the employers. Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.

need to work more precisely on their promotional strategy as because this could

allow them to invite the customer at a vide extent and would give the Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd. an opportunity to expand themselves. The Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd. have unlimited resume for customers. The Agile Capital Services Pvt.

Ltd. provides best facilities to the trainers because the Agile Capital Services Pvt.

Ltd. employers doing hard work.Divide Only 10 interns in single batch so the

easily gives training them and solve the query easily how to do work. The Agile

Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. directly contact with their customer. Agile Capital

Services Pvt. Ltd. have branches in various part of the city. Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd. need to make themselves introduced to the market through various forms

of advertisements. Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. also change their techniques

according to the current update. The training should be sufficient as the satisfaction

of the learners

It becomes quite clear there is no their alternative of short cut to the development

of marketing mix for HR business used in a planned purposeful manner the

effective tool for management which help to increase knowledge and skill and also

to increase the productivity and wealth of the organization.



 Kotler, P (2002),‖Marketing Management‖, Millennium Edition, Tenth

Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc, A Pearson Education Company, Upper Saddle

River, New Jersey ,pp.

 Hair, Joseph, F., Anderson, Rolph, E. and Tatham Ronald, L. (1987),

Multivariate Data Analysis, New 'fork: MacMillan Publishing Company.

 Helen Woodniffe (1997), "Financial Sewices Marketing", Services

Marketing, Macmillion, Delhi.

 Hill, N., (1996), Handbook of Customer Satisfaction Measurement, Gower

Press, Alders hot, UK.

 Jay ram, N. and Sandhog, R.S. (1998), Housing in India - Problems, Policy

and perspectives, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.

 Jeffrey Gitomer (1998), Customer satisfaction is worthless: Customer

loyalty is priceless: How to make customers love you, keep them coming

back and tell everyone they know, Austin TX: Board Press.



Name: - Gender:-

Address: -

1. Are you satisfied with services before purchasing Services in Agile Capital
Services Pvt. Ltd. office?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Below average

2. What is your opinion about the Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services
for Value for Money?
a) Above Expectation
b) As per Expectation
c) Below Expectation

3. Are you satisfied with the after sales services of Agile Capital Services Pvt.
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Below average

4) Rank the following Parameters on Your purchase Preference?

a) Price
b) Quality
c) Availability
d) Involvement
e) Recommendation

5) Does Purchase of Services is directly related to income level?

a) Yes
b) No

6) Why does one person purchase a Services?

a) Quality

b) Flaunt value

c) Interested in art

d) Exclusivity

7) Does quality of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Service is more

superior then others?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

8) What is the factor that effect most while purchasing a Agile Capital
Services Pvt. Ltd.?

a) Price
b) Quality of Services
c) Good quality of manpower
d) Staffing
e) LMS
9. What is your remark about services of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Below average

10. What is your expectation for improvement in Agile Capital Services Pvt.
a) Price
b) Quality
c) Service
d) Other

11. What is your repurchase intention?
a) Yes
b) No

12. Will you recommend Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. Services to others?
a) Yes
b) No

13. What is your preference about Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?
a) Yes
b) No

14 ) Are you satisfy with the Manpower of Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

15 ) Are you satisfied with the Recruitment of Agile Capital Services

Pvt. Ltd.?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

16) Are you satisfied with the Training Services?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

17) Are you satisfied with E-Learning Services cost?

a. Extremely Satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Neutral
d. Dissatisfied

18) Are you a satisfied with Agile Capital Services Pvt. Ltd.?

a. Yes
a. No


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