(Handout) - MTLBE RA 5527

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Republic Act No. 5527

• “The Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969”

• It was approved on June 21, 1969.

MTLBE: • Medical Technology – profession

Republic Act 5527
• Medical Technologist- professionals
Prepared by: Ms. Rothessa Camingay
• USA recognizes Medical Technologists as professional

1 2

Section 1: Title
• As amended by • “The Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969”
• RA 6138: August 31, 1970
Sections: 16, 21, 22
• PD 498: June 28, 1974
Sections: 2,3,4,7,8,11,13,16,17,21,29
• PD 1534: June 11, 1978
Sections: 3,8,13

3 4


1. Examination of tissues, secretion and excretions of the human body and

body fluids by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic,
Section 2: Definition of Terms hematologic, serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and other laboratory
procedures and techniques either manual or automated
2. Blood banking procedures and techniques
(a) Practice of Medical Technology 3. Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques;
• A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of medical 4. Histopathologic and Cytotehnology; provided that nothing in this
paragraph shall inhibit a duly registered medical laboratory
technology within the meaning of this Act, who for a fee, salary or
other compensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly
through another, renders any of the following professional services
procedures. Presidential Decree 498 !!!
technician from performing histopathologic techniques and

5. Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the

for the purpose of aiding the physician in the diagnosis, study and use of and/or application of medical technology knowledge and
treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general: procedures;
6. Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains
and others, provided such reagents, standards, stains and others are
exclusively for the use of their laboratory;
7. Clinical laboratory quality control;
8. Collection and preservation of specimens;

5 6

Section 2: Definition of Terms

• (b) Pathologist
(a) “Medical Technology”.— An auxiliary branch of laboratory • A duly registered physician who is specially trained in methods of
medicine which deals with the examination by various chemical, laboratory medicine, of the gross and microscopic study and
microscopic, bacteriologic and other medical laboratory interpretation of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human
procedures or technic which will aid the physician in the body and its functions in order to diagnose disease, follows its
diagnosis, study and treatment of disease and in the promotion course, determine the effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of
of health in general. death and advance medicine by means of research.

7 8


Section 2: Definition of Terms Section 2: Definition of Terms

(c) Medical Technologist (d) Medical Laboratory Technicians
• A person certified and registered with the Board as qualified to
assist a medical technologist and/or qualified pathologist in the
•A person who engages in the work of medical technology practice of medical technology as defined in this Act.
under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician
authorized by the department of health in places where
there is no pathologist and who having passed a prescribed
course (Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor
of Science in Hygiene) of training and examination is
!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!
registered under the provision of this Act.

12 13

Section 2: Definition of Terms

(e) Accredited Medical Technology Training
• (d) “Medical Technician”.— A person who not being a graduate • A clinical laboratory, office, agency, clinic,
of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of hospital or sanitarium duly approved by the
Science in Hygiene, but having passed the corresponding civil DOH or its authorized agency.
service examination, performs the work of medical technology
under the supervision of a registered medical technologist
and/or qualified pathologist.

14 16


Section 2: Definition of Terms Section 2: Definition of Terms

• (f) Recognized School of Medical Technology • (g) Council
• The council of medical technology
• Any school, college or university which offers a course in Medical education established under this Act.
Technology approved by the Department of Education in
accordance with the requirements under this Act, upon • (h) Board
recommendation of the council of medical technology education
• The Board of Examiners for Medical
Technology established under this Act.

17 18

Section 3: Section 4:
Council of Medical Technology Education, Compensation and Traveling Expenses of
Its Composition Council Members
PD 1534 PD 498 Original RA 5527 • For every meeting actually attended, the
Chairman Director of CHED Commissioner of the PRC Secretary of Education or Chairman shall be entitled to a P50* while
Director of Private Education
members shall be entitled P25** per diem
Vice- Chairman of the PRC Chairman of the Director of the Bureau of each regardless of whether or not they
Chairman Board of Medical Technology Research and Laboratories of receive regular salaries from the government.
the Department of Health

Members 1. Director of BRL; 1. Director of Private 1 – 3. Board of MT (Chairman

2 – 4. Board of MT (Chairman Education; and 2 members); • In addition, the Chairman and members of
and 2 members);
5. Representative of
2 & 3. 2 members of the
4. Dean of Institute of
Hygiene of UP;
the Council shall be entitled to traveling
Deans/Heads of SMT and PH; 4. Director of the BRL of the 5. A representative of the expenses in connection with their official
6 & 7. President of PSP and
5. Representative of
Deans/Heads of MT
deans/heads of private
schools of MT;
6 & 7. President of PAMET
!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!
and PSP

19 21


Section 5:
Functions Of The Council Of Medical
Technology Education
a) To recommend the minimum required curriculum for the course of
• Section 4. Compensation and Traveling Expenses of medical technology
Council Members.— The chairman and members of
the Council shall be entitled to a twenty-five pesos
per diem for every meeting actually b) To determine and prescribe the number of students to be allowed
attended: Provided, That the number of meetings
authorized with a per diem shall not exceed two in a to take up the medical technology course in each school, taking into
month: And Provided, further, That officials receiving account the student-instructor ratio and the availability of facilities
regular salaries from the Government shall not for instruction
receive per diem. In addition the chairman and
members of the council shall be entitled to traveling
expenses in connection with their official duties.

22 23

Section 5: Section 5:
Functions Of The Council Of Medical Functions Of The Council Of Medical
Technology Education Technology Education
c) To approve medical technology schools meeting the requirements • To inspect, when necessary, the different medical technology schools in the
and recommend closure of those found substandard
• To certify for admission into an undergraduate internship students who
have satisfactorily completed three years of the medical technology course
d) To require all medical technology schools to submit an annual or its equivalent and to collect from said student the amount of five pesos
report, including: for the operating fund of the Council
a) Total number of students and instructors
b) List of facilities available for instruction • To formulate and recommend approval of refresher course for applicants
c) List of their recent graduates and new admission who shall have failed the Board Exam for the third time
a) On or before the month of JUNE

• To enforce necessary rules and regulations for the proper implementation

of the foregoing functions.

24 25


Section 6: Minimum Required Course Section 7: Medical Technology Board

• Professional Regulation Commission
• Medical Technology course shall be at least four years, • “Board”
including a 12-month satisfactory internship in accredited
• Chairman – Pathologist
• Members - RMT
• appointed by the President of the Republic of the
• recommendation of the Professional Regulation Commission
• The Chairman and members of the Board shall hold office
for three (3) years after appointment or until their
successors shall have been appointed and duly qualified.

• In case of death, disability, or removal of a member of the
Board, his successorPresidential Decree
shall serve only the balance of 498
his !!!

26 29

Section 8: Qualification of Examiners

• No person shall be appointed a member of the Medical Technology Board
• Section 7. Board of Examiners for Medical Technology.— There is hereby created unless he or she:
a Board of Examiners for Medical Technology which shall hereafter be referred to
as the Board composed of a chairman who is a pathologist appointed by the 1. Filipino citizen
President of the Philippines from a list submitted by the Philippine Society of
Pathologists and two members who are registered medical technologists 2. Good moral character !!! Presidential Decree 1534 !!!
appointed by the President of the Philippines from among a list submitted by the
Philippine Association of Medical Technologists each one to serve a term of 3. Qualified Pathologist or Duly RMT of the Philippines with the degree of
three years: Provided, That the first Board to be created one member who shall Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in
act as chairman shall serve for three years, one member for two years and the Hygiene/Public Health;
third member for one year: And Provided, Further, That the first members of the
Board of Examiners for Medical Technology shall be issued a certificate of 4. Has been in the practice of laboratory medicine or medical technology for
registration as Medical Technologist without prior examination in accordance
with the provisions of this Act. No member shall be allowed more than one at least ten years prior to his/her appointment
reappointment. The President of the Philippines shall fill the vacancy that may
occur but the appointee shall serve only the unexpired term of the incapacitated 5. Not a member of the faculty of any MT school for at least 2 years prior to
member. appointment or having pecuniary interest direct or indirect in such institution
!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!
30 31


Section 9: Executive Officer of the

Section 8: Qualification of Examiners
• No person shall be appointed a member of the Medical Technology Board unless he
or she: • The Commissioner of Civil Service
1. Filipino citizen • Executive Officer of the Board
2. Good moral character • conduct the examinations
3. Qualified Pathologist or Duly RMT of the Philippines with the degree of Bachelor
of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene/Public Health; • The Secretary of the Board of Examiners
4. Has been in the practice of laboratory medicine or medical technology for at least • Secretary of the Board.
ten years prior to his/her appointment • shall keep a register of all persons to whom COR have been granted
5. Not a member of the faculty of any MT school having pecuniary interest direct or
indirect in such institution,
Provided: That for the first three years following the approval of this Act, the
requirement mentioned in number four (4) shall be reduced to five years.

32 33

Section 10:
Compensation of Members of the Board of
Section 11:
Examiners for MT Functions and Duties of the Board
(a) Administer the provisions of this Act
• P10.00 – Each applicant examined
(b) Administer oaths
• P5.00 – Each applicant w/ COR w/out exam.
(c) Issue, suspend, and revoke CORs for the practice of
medical technology and medical laboratory technician

!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!

34 35


Section 11: Section 11:

Functions and Duties of the Board Functions and Duties of the Board
(d) Look into conditions affecting the practice of MT in the Philippines
and, whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be deemed
!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!
proper for the maintenance of good ethics and standards in the
practice of medical technology; (g) To determine the adequacy of the technical staff of all clinical
laboratories and blood banks before they could be licensed with the
Department of Health
(e) Investigate violations of this Act, and for this purpose issue (h) To prescribe the qualifications and training of medical
subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure appearances of technologists as to special fields of the profession and supervise their
witnesses and production of pertinent documents. specialty examination conducted by the professional organization of
medical technologists
(f) Draft such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out (i) To classify and prescribe the qualification and training of the
the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the same shall be issued only technical staff of clinical laboratories as to: Medical Technology;
after the approval of the President of the Philippines. Medical Technologist; Senior Medical Technologist; Medical
Technologist and Medical Laboratory Technician

36 37

Section 13: Accreditation of SMT and

Section 12: Removal of Board Members
Training Laboratories
• Grounds to remove a Board member from his office: PD 1534 PD 498 Original RA 5527

1. Neglect of duty Approval of

Department of Education and
Culture (upon the recommendation
Department of Education (upon
the recommendation of Board)
Department of Education

2. Incompetency of Board)

3. Malpractice Approval of Department of Health through the PRC (upon the recommendation DOH or its authorized agency
Training Bureau of Research and of the Board) with the recommendation of the
4. Unprofessional, unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct Labs Laboratories (upon the Council
*Members of the Board may be removed by the President of recommendation of the Board)

the Philippines upon the recommendation of the PRC Laboratory

Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology,
Serology, Parasitology, Hematology,
bacteriology, serology,
parasitology, hematology,
bacteriology, serology,
parasitology, hematology, and
Blood Banking, Clinical Microscopy, biochemistry and blood banking, biochemistry, and that the scope
and Histopathologic techniques, and that the scope of activities of of activities of said laboratory
and that the scope of activities of said laboratory offer sufficient offer sufficient training in said
said laboratories offer sufficient training in said laboratory laboratory procedures
training in said laboratory procedure

40 41


Section 14: Inhibition Against the

Section 15: Examination
Practice of MT
• No person shall practice the medical technology • All applicants will undergo written examination
profession unless he/she has a valid COR from the
MT Board.
• Exception: • Greater Manila area, Cebu, Davao
(a) Duly registered physicians.

(b) Medical technologists from other countries, called in

for consultation or as visiting or exchange professors to • Annually: August or September
colleges or universities: Provided, That they are only
practicing the said function.

(c) Medical technologists in the service of the

• Thirty days before the examination, written notice shall be published
United States Armed Forces stationed in the in at least three (3) newspapers with national circulation
Philippines rendering services as such for members of
the said forces only.

43 44

Section 16: Qualification of Examination Section 17: Scope of Examination

(a) Good health and good (a) Good health and good (a) Good health and good
RA 6138
Original RA 5527

PD 498

moral character moral character moral character • Clinical Chemistry à 20% -100 items
(b) Completed 4 years of (b) Completed 4 years of (b) Has completed a course • Microbiology & Parasitology à 20% -100 items
BSMT/BS Hygiene or BSMT/BS Hygiene or of 4 years of BS Medical
persons graduated from persons graduated from Technology/ BS Public • Hematology à 20% -100 items
other paramedical other paramedical Health conferred by a
professions who are professions who are recognized school, college • Blood Banking and Serology à 20% -100 items
performing Medical performing Medical or university or having • Clinical Microscopy à 10% -100 items
Technology for the last five Technology for the last five graduated from some
years prior enactment (Sec. years prior to examination other profession and has • Histopathologic Techniques
6 + 1 yr internship or (practiced before June 21, been actually performing Cytotechnology, MT Laws &
practical training) 1969) medical technology for the
last five (5) years prior to Related Laws and its Implementing
the date of the Rules, Code of Ethics à 10% -100 items
examinations, if such 100% - 600 items
performance began prior
to June 21, 1969. !!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!

46 48


Section 17: Scope of Examination Section 18: Report of Rating

• The Board shall prepare & submit the schedule (for publication) • Board should report the results of the board examination 120
of subjects for examination at least four
days before the date days after the completion of the exams to the Chairperson of
of examination. the PRC.

• The Board shall compute the general average of each examinee. • Results shall be submitted by the PRC Chairperson to the
President of the Philippines for approval.
• The Board may add, change or remove list of subjects or
weights depending on the trends of medical technology

!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!

49 67

Section 19: Ratings in the Examination Section 19: Ratings in the Examination
• To pass the board examination, a candidate must: • No further examination will be given after failing three
üObtain a general average of at least 75% in the
written test
• Unless until completion of:
üNo rating below 50% in any major subjects • 12 months refresher course in a MT school, or:
üHas not failed in at least 60% of the subjects • 12 month postgraduate training in an accredited
computed according to their relative weights. laboratory

• Graduates of other paramedical professions (other than BS

MedTech or BS Public Health) admitted to an examination
(under the provisions of this Act) SHALL NOT BE GIVEN

68 69


Section 21: Issuance of Certificate of

Section 20: Oath Taking
• All successful examinees shall be required to take • COR – issued after applicant passed MT Board exams
a professional oath before the Board or before
any person authorized to administer oaths • No COR shall be issued to a board exam passer who is less than
before entering the practice of Medical 21 years old.
Technology in the Philippines.
• RMTs shall be required to display his COR in the place where he

• Application fee: P115.00

!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!

70 71

Section 21: Issuance of Certificate of Section 21: Issuance of Certificate of

Registration Registration
• The Board shall issue COR as MT without examination: • The Board shall issue a COR as medical technician without
examination :
• BS MT or BS Public Health (duly recognized schools) in the Philippines
or in any foreign country. • Application: P50.00
• who passed the Civil Service Examination for medical technician given on
March 21, 1964
• In the case of the latter: • who finished a 2-year college course and has at least (1) year experience as
(1) the standard of MT Education is substantially the same as ours; medical laboratory technician
• a 1-yr deficiency in college = 2 years of experience
Shallhave been ininthe practice ofoffor
MT atforforat3atleast
(2) Shall
began inthe
the of MT
least years If Ifsuch
to the
years. application of the • no academic attainment = 10 years of experience as a medical technician
such under BRL began
performance or in foreign
priorcountries if performance happened before June 21, 1969
to APPLICATION • Has failed to pass the board exam for MT but had obtained a general rating of
(3) Individuals from other professions in the practice of MT for the last 8 years prior to filing at least 70%.
an application; provided it began before June 21, 1969
• A registered medical technician when employed in the government shall have the
equivalent civil service eligibility not lower than second grade.
!!! RA 6138
!!! Presidential !!!498 !!!
Decree !!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!
72 73


Section 22: Fees Section 23: Refusal to Issue Certificate

• The Board shall charge each applicant for:
qFee for examination • The Board shall refuse to issue a COR to:
qRegistration qAny person convicted by court
qimmoral or dishonorable conduct
qUnsound mind
qIssuance of COR qIncurable, communicable disease
• Person below 21 years old
• Alien
qNew certificate lost, destroyed or mutilated
!!! RA 6138 !!!

74 76

Section 24: Administrative Investigation Section 24: Administrative Investigation

• Penalty of reprimand and suspension of license
• Investigation conducted by:
• Majority vote (2/3)
• At least 2 members of the Board • Must surrender COR within 30 days after the decision
• With the presence 1 legal officer – shall not • Penalty of revocation
participate in the proceedings but sees to it that the • Unanimous vote (3/3)
investigation is within the bounds of law. • No penalty of revocation shall be imposed unless there is an
unanimously vote for all the 3 members of the board
• The Board may, by majority vote, impose the penalty of
reprimand or suspension, the latter however not to exceed
two years.

77 78


Section 26: Reinstatement, Reissue or

Section 25: Appeal
Replacement of Certificate
• Revocation or suspension of license can be appealed • If suspension period has already finished, COR shall be re-issued
to the PRC whose decision shall become final after 30 upon request.
days unless appealed to the President of the
Philippines • The Board of Medical Technology may re-issue revoked COR for
• An action will be dismissed for lack of reasons deemed proper and sufficient after the application of re-
jurisdiction or due to prematurity.

79 80

Section 27: Foreign Reciprocity

• No foreigner shall be admitted to examination or be • FOREIGNERS WHO ARE ALLOWED THROUGH RECIPROCITY
given a COR or be entitled to any of the rights or
privileges under this Act unless the country or state of • Foreign professionals who are called by the government for
which he is a subject or a citizen permits Filipino MTs consultation, exchange professors or instructors in the
to practice within its territorial limits on the same basis specialized branches of the professions
as the subjects or citizens of said country or state.
• Foreign professionals who come to Philippines by virtue of
international convention.

81 82


Section 28: Roster of Medical

Section 29: Penal Provision
• Prepared annually by the Secretary of the Board • Penalty:
• P2,000 - P5,000 or:
• Name, address, citizenship, date of registration or issuance of
• 6 months to 2 years imprisonment or:
• Open for Public Inspection

83 86

Section 29: Penal Provision Section 29: Penal Provision

• Punishable acts of a medical technologist: • Punishable acts of a medical technologist:
a) Any person who shall practice Medical Technology in the e) Any person presenting or attempting to use as his own, the
Philippines without being registered or exempted from certificate of registration of another
registration in accordance with this Act
f) Any person who shall give any false or fraudulent evidence of any
b) Any RMT who practices without the necessary supervision kind in obtaining a COR as a medical technologist
of a qualified pathologist or physician authorized by DOH
g) Any person who shall impersonate any registrant of like or the
same name
c) Any RMT who shall make fraudulent laboratory reports
h) Any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended
d) Any RMT who shall refuse or fail, after due warning by certificate of registration
the MT Board, to display his COR

87 88


!!! Presidential Decree 498 !!!

Section 29: Penal Provision Section 30: Separability Clause
• Punishable acts of a medical technologist: • This is the part that states that if any section or provision of
i) Any person who shall in connection with his name or otherwise, this Act is held to be unconstitutional or revoked, the other
assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to sections or provisions of the law shall not be affected.
convey the impression that he is a Medical Technologist without
holding a valid certificate of registration ;
Any person or corporate body who shall allow anyone in his employ who is
j) Any
not aperson who
registered shall technologist/medical
medical violate any provision of this technician
laboratory Act to
engage in the practice of medical technology or recommend for appointment
k) Any to theor
person position of medical
corporate bodytechnologist/medical laboratory
who shall violate the technician
rules and
knowing that of
regulations he Board
is not registered
or ordersaspromulgated
such by it after having
been duly approved and issued by the President of the
Philippines upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Civil
Service for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act

89 90

Section 31: Repealing Clause Section 32: Effectivity

• All acts, executive orders, rules, and regulations, or parts • Approved June 21, 1969
thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
hereby repealed. Provided, however, that nothing in this
Act shall be construed as repealing or amending any
portion of the Medical Act of 1959 (RA 2382, as
amended by RA 4224) , the Clinical Laboratory Act of
1966, and the Blood Banking Law of 1956.

91 92


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