ENGLISH9 AS4 JudgingValidity FINAL PDF

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

ACTIVITY SHEET #4: Judging Validity of Evidence

MELC: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to
At the end of this worksheet, the learners will be able to:
1. identify the evidence stated in the text;
2. determine the validity of the evidence presented; and
3. write valid evidence or logical statements to support a claim or assertion.

Judging Validity of Evidence
Whenever we listen or read a text, we process the information heard or read to determine if we will believe what
was being said o stated. We often go back to look for evidence within the text that will support the claims or
assertations. This support is called text evidence.
TEXT EVIDENCE is any evidence from a fiction or nonfiction text that can be used to support ideas, arguments,
opinions, and thoughts. When we cite textual evidence, we paraphrase, quote, or refer to the specific part of
the text that we are using to back up or support our thoughts and ideas.
However, finding textual evidence may not be enough. To prove that an assertion or what being said is true,
the evidence used must be valid. VALIDITY refers to the soundness and strength of an argument. But the
question is, how can we determine the validity of an evidence?
When we check the validity of evidence, we should always look for the source of information and verify if it is
a “good, reliable, and valid source.” The following questions may be asked:
1. Who is the author of the source? What are his or her credentials - is her or she a recognized expert
in the field? Are they representing an organization? If so, what is the organization's mission and goals?
If you are unsure, try doing a Google search on the author or their organization.
2. How did the source get its information? If the source includes references, look at a few of the
references - do they look like reliable sources of information? Does it look like the author is citing the
source correctly?
3. What if the source you have found does not have references? If a source does not include
references, see if you can fact check the information in other ways. For example, if you are looking at
a news article that quotes experts in a field, do a Google search of the expert's name and see what
information you can find on him or her.
Often, you can also check the validity using:
(1) direct personal observation or on the testimony of qualified experts and resource people, and
(2) logic and correct reasoning.
Many times, however, some speakers and writers do not always offer sufficient proof/ evidence, much less
the best proof, and they may even attempt to hide the real issues by using half-truths and outright lies.
Listeners or readers must be aware of the common devices unscrupulous propagandists use to cloud the
issue and raise irrelevant arguments. They should also learn to be responsible to their assertions by providing
honest and convincing proof themselves.
*Please see sources in References

Directions: Put a check ( ✓) in the space provided if the statement is a verifiable fact and write I if it only
expresses an inference.
Ex. I At assembly this morning, the students were rowdy and unmanageable as usual.
_______ 1. After assembly this morning, ten students were asked to report to the Discipline Office.
_______ 2. Half of the mangoes I bought are unripe and sour.
_______ 3. The bands are too noisy, the crowds are unruly, and the music is uninspired.
_______ 4. Three Customs agents have been charged with graft.
________5. Eighty-two percent of the student population elected Lara as president of the student council.
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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Directions: Read the paragraph below. On the blank, write T is the statement is true, F if it is false, and ?
if you can’t be sure. Then, write an evidence to support your answer.

Bugs Malone has been killed. Police brought in five suspects all of whom have criminal records. In
addition, police have established for certain that all five were near the scene of Malone’s death at about the
same time it took place. All five had important reasons for wanting Malone dead. One of the five criminals,
Solly Timms, has been able to establish his complete innocence.
Source: Dadufalza, Corazon P. et.al ( 2009). English CV for High Schools. Makati City: The Bookmark Inc.

Example: ? Bugs Malone was a criminal

Evidence: The paragraph does not say that he was a criminal. It only stated that he has been killed.

_____ 1. The person responsible for Malone’s death had a criminal record.
Evidence: _________________________________________________________________________

_____ 2. All of the five criminals brought in by the police were known to have been near the scene of the murder.
Evidence: _________________________________________________________________________

_____ 3. Solly Timms has a criminal record.

Evidence: _________________________________________________________________________

_____ 4. Solly Timms is known to have been near the killing of Bugs Malone at the time it happened.
Evidence: ________________________________________________________________________

_____ 5. All five criminals wanted Malone to be murdered.

Evidence: ________________________________________________________________________

Directions: In each of the following situations, explain how you would verify if the given assertion /
statement. Write your answers on the blank.

Example: The teacher stated, “The People’s Republic of China has been the largest population in the world.
Answer: Consult an atlas, an almanac or encyclopedia.

1. There are more female than male babies born in the Philippines.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

2. There will be a blackout in the area tonight starting at 6:00 p.m.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Your best friend exclaims, “I just won a free trip to Japan!”

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

4. The English teacher suspects that Ruben’s term paper is plagiarized.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

5. The refrigerator salesman claims, “This brand is the best by in the market today.”
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

6. This tea rejuvenates, prevents cancer, and cures other ailments.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.

_____ 1. What do you call the statements that support the claims or assertations in a text?
a. assertion b. claim c. evidence d. opinion
_____ 2. What does validity mean?
a. the soundness and strength of an argument c. the argument comes from the internet
b. the argument may be true or false d. the length and depth of an argument
_____ 3. How can the validity of evidence be determined?
a. check the source of information c. consult a dictionary or a newspaper
b. ask a teacher to verify the information d. call a friend
_____ 4. Which of the following CANNOT be a source of a valid evidence?
a. first-hand experience c. statements from recognized experts in the field
b. direct observation d. gossips from neighbors and friends
_____ 5. My sister is very intelligent. She graduated Valedictorian in elementary and high school and was able
to get in U.P. Diliman for college. What evidence was used to support the claim that the sister is
a. She graduated valedictorian in elementary. c. She got in U.P. Diliman.
b. She graduated valedictorian in high school. d. all three

Directions: Read the paragraph below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now. The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in what
is now part of the United States. Christopher Columbus who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking. Soon the dried
leaves were transported to Europe where smoking began to catch on. In the late 1800s, the Turks made cigarettes popular.
Cigarette smoke contains at least two harmful substances-tar and nicotine. Tar which forms as the tobacco burns and
damages the lungs and therefore affects breathing. Nicotine, which is found in the leaves causes heart to beat faster and
increases the breathing rate.
Smoking cigarettes is dangerous. The U.S Public Health Service stated that cigarette smoking is the cause of lung cancer
and several other deadly diseases.
The U.S government now requires that each package of cigarettes bears a special warning about the danger of smoking.
Source: Folses, Keith. (2001). Intermediate Reading Practices. USA: University of Michigan Press, p. 143

1. Which statements provide evidence for the following claims or assertions?

a. People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now.


b. Cigarette smoke contains at least two harmful substances-tar and nicotine.


c. Smoking cigarettes is dangerous.


2. Are the pieces of evidence stated valid or not? Why or why not?
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(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Activity Sheets)

3. What can you do to check the validity of evidence?


Answers were complete for every There were one or two numbers with Only one number has an answer.
number. no answer.
All answers were correct. One or two answers were incorrect. Most of the answers were incorrect.
FOCUS Evidence is valid and supports the Some cited evidence does not support The few cited evidence was also
claim. the claim. wrong.
Demonstrate ability to read with Demonstrate some understanding and Does not demonstrate ability to read
perception and analysis some analysis with perception and analysis

Avalos, Adelaida G. (2009). From Grammar to Fluency in 30 Days. Los Baños, Laguna: FPR Publishing
Dadufalza, Corazon P. et.al ( 2009). English CV for High Schools. Makati City: The Bookmark Inc.
Folses, Keith. (2001). Intermediate Reading Practices. USA: University of Michigan Press, p. 143
How to Teach Text Evidence Skills to Primary Readers. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.missdecarbo.com/text-
What is a "Good" Source? Determining the Validity of Evidence. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://umd.instructure.com/courses/1082806/pages/what-is-a-good-source-determining-the-validity-of-


Name of Learner: Week:
Grade & Section: Subject:
For Learners (Please complete the statements.)
The part of the activity sheet that I found very
difficult to answer …
The part of the activity sheet that I found very
easy to answer …
I still need help on …
For Parents / Guardians (Please check one in each column.)
My son / daughter was able to do all the exercises in the
My son / daughter …
activity sheets
on his / her own without any help was able to answer all exercises
was not able to finish answering some of the
with a little help from parent / guardian
was not able to answer all the exercises the activity
with a lot of help from parent / guardian

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