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(Kèm theo Công văn số 147/TCGDNN-ĐTCQ ngày 22 tháng 01 năm 2020
của Tổng cục Giáo dục nghề nghiệp)

Grammar Vocabulary Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Unit 1: Family - Be, - Jobs -Listening to -Talking - “My friend - Writing a
and friends possessive (pp.7-8) people about yourself Minh” short
(p.7) adjectives and - talking about (pp.12-13) (pp.13- paragraph
pronouns Common themselves 14) about
(pp.8-9) verbs and and their yourself
- Present simple activities families (p.16)
(pp.14-15) (p. 14) (pp.11-12)
Unit 2: - Adverbs - Sports -Listening to - Interviewing - “What does -Writing a
Leisure time of and activity people talking friends about she usually short
(p.17) frequency (pp.17-18) about their their hobbies do on paragraph
(pp. 18-19) - Free- hobbies (pp.20-21) Saturdays? about
- Can/ can’t time (pp.19- ” (pp.21- activities
(p. 23) activities 20) 22) you enjoy
28) Units 1 & 2
Unit 3: Places - There is/ - Places in a -Listening to -Interviewing -“Da Nang -Writing a
(p.29) there are and city and people talking friends about city – a worth- short
prepositions of common about their places (pp. 35-36) living city in paragraph
places adjectives items in a Vietnam” describing
(pp. 31-33) (pp. 29-31) house (pp. 37-38) your room
- Things in a (pp. 33-34) (p.39)
(pp. 38-39)

Unit 4: Food - Countable - Food -Listening to - Asking friends -A menu at -Writing a
and drink and and drink people about foods and a restaurant short
(p.40) uncountable (pp.40-41) talking about drinks they buy in (pp.46-47) paragraph
nouns; how foods the market about what
much/ how and drinks (pp.44- your friend
many (p. 42) they like 45) should do
- Should/ (p.43) and
shouldn’t shouldn’t do
(pp.47- to have good
51) Units 3 & 4
Unit 5: Special - Present - Adjectives -Listening to - Asking friends -“Tet in -Writing a
occasions continuous of appearance people talking about their Vietnam” short
(p. 52) (pp.53-54) (p.52) about their special days (p. 56) paragraph
- Present simple - Clothes and activities and a (pp.55-56) about a
and present colours Halloween day festival or
continuous (p.58) (pp.54-55) special event
(p.57) that you want
to enjoy with
your family
or friend.
Unit 6: Vacation - Past simple - Vacation -Listening to - Asking “My first Writing a
(p.60) of Be and can activities people talking friends about trip to short
(pp.62-63) (pp.60-61) about their their last Hanoi” paragraph
- Past simple - Vacation vacations vacations (p.65) about your last
– regular items (p.68) (p.63) (p.64) vacation
verbs (pp.66- (p.69)

76) Units 5 & 6
Unit 7: Activities - Present - Daily - Listening to - Interviewing - A letter - Writing
(p.77) simple activities people talking friends about from Dalat about your
and (pp.78- about their daily activities city (p.81) friends’
present 79) free time (p.80) activities
continuou - activities during break
s (p.79) Personality (p.80) time (p.83)
- Verb + to adjectives
infinitive/ (p.83)
Unit 8: Hobbies & - Past - Hobbies - Listening to -Asking a -“What is - Writing a
interests simple and and interests people friend about a hobby?” short
(p.84) past (pp.84-85) talking about their hobbies (p.87) paragraph
continuous - Play/do/go + the activities (p.86) about your
(p.85) sport (pp.87- they enjoy hobbies
88) (p.86) and
92) Units 7 & 8
ANSWER KEY (pp. 93-120)
LISTENING SCRIPT ( pp. 121-130)

Tài liệu dạy học môn tiếng Anh trong chương trình đào tạo trình độ trung
cấp bao gồm 08 đơn vị bài học (unit). Mỗi đơn vị bài học gồm các phần sau:
1. Warm up: nhằm giúp người học thực hành kỹ năng nói theo cặp và theo
nhóm thông qua tranh ảnh để tăng thêm sự hứng thú vào bài học thông qua các họat
động như làm việc nhóm (be in groups), giới thiệu bản thân với bạn bè (introduce
yourself to your classmates), mô tả các bức tranh với bạn bè (talk about the
pictures with a partner).
2. Vocabulary: nhằm giúp người học củng cố lại từ vựng theo từng chủ đề
một cách sinh động thông qua các hoạt động như hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi (ask and
answer questions with a partner) hoặc nối động từ/danh từ với bức tranh (match
each verb/ noun with a picture). Có nhiều loại chủ đề đa dạng như Nghề nghiệp
(Jobs), Thể Thao (Sport), Các hoạt động giải trí (Leisure activities), Nơi chốn
(Places), Các đồ vật trong nhà (Things in a house), Đồ ăn thức uống (Food and
drink), Ngoại hình (Appearance), Quần áo và màu sắc (Clothes and colours), Các
hoạt động trong kỳ nghỉ (Vacation activities), Đồ vật dùng trong kỳ nghỉ (vacation
items), Hoạt động hàng ngày (daily activities).

3. Grammar focus: nhằm giúp người học thực hành các chủ điểm ngữ pháp
thông qua các dạng bài tập đa dạng như điền câu (complete the sentences), hỏi và
trả lời các câu hỏi (ask and answer the questions), đặt câu hỏi (make questions), đặt
câu (make sentences), viết lại câu (rewrite the sentences), hoành chỉnh bảng
(complete the table). Các chủ điểm ngữ pháp gồm thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp
diễn, quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, thì hiện tại hoàn thành, tính từ sở hữu, đại từ
và đại từ chỉ định; các trạng từ chỉ tần suất, động từ khiếm khuyết, giới từ chỉ nơi
chốn, danh từ đếm được và không đếm được…
4. Listening: Thông qua các dạng bài tập nghe như Listen and read the
dialog, Listen and answer the questions, Listen and choose the correct answer,
Listen and circle T (True) or F (False), người học nghe và hiểu được những cụm từ
và ý chính về các chủ đề liên quan đến các thành viên gia đình, các hoạt động giải
trí trong thời gian rảnh rỗi, vị trí đồ đạc trong nhà, các loại thức ăn và đồ uống phổ
5. Speaking: nhằm giúp người học thực hành kỹ năng nói thông qua các bài
tập đa dạng như đọc và nghe hội thoại (read and listen to the conversation), phát ân

(pronunciation), phỏng vấn bạn học (interview a friend), làm việc theo cặp (work
in pairs) và thay thế những từ/câu in đậm, gạch dưới (replace the bold and
underlined words/phrases. Các tình huống giao tiếp đơn giản, ngắn gọn, quen
thuộc như tự giới thiệu bản thân, gia đình, nghề nghiệp, sở thích; chỉ đường đến
những địa điểm thông thường; đặt được câu hỏi về số lượng.
6. Reading: nhằm giúp người học đọc và phân tích được các đoạn văn bản
ngắn và đơn giản về các vấn đề quen thuộc và cụ thể; đọc hiểu đại ý và thông tin
chi tiết thông qua các bài đọc có liên quan đến giới thiệu bạn bè, các hoạt động
trong thời gian rảnh rỗi, nơi chốn, các thức ăn và đồ uống phổ biến.

7. Writing: nhằm giúp người học có thể viết được các mệnh đề, câu đơn
giản và kết nối với nhau bằng các liên từ cơ bản; viết đoạn văn ngắn về các chủ đề
có liên quan đến bản thân, sở thích và các hoạt động trong thời gian rảnh rỗi, mô tả
nhà ở, thức ăn và đồ uống.
Tài liệu dạy học này kèm theo hai đĩa ghi âm nội dung tất cả các bài đối
thoại và các bài tập nghe.


Work in pairs. Introduce yourself to your classmates.
A: Hi. I’m John. What’s your name?
B: My name is Susan. Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you, too.

A. Match each job with the appropriate picture.
1. a teacher
2. a singer
3. a doctor
4. a taxi driver
5. a shop assistant
6. a worker

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

B. Ask and answer questions with a partner using the jobs in exercise A.
A: Are you a teacher?
B: No, I’m not. I’m a worker.


A. Read the following text and underline the correct answer about Trinh.
1. Trinh is from Dong Nai province/ Ho Chi Minh city.
2. She’s 20 / 19 years old.
3. Her sister is a teacher / a shop assistant.

My name’s Trinh. I’m 20 years old. My college is in Ho Chi Minh city. But I’m not
from this city – I’m from Dong Nai province. This is a photo of me and my two
sisters. Their names are Thanh and Uyen. Thanh is 19 years old. We’re at the same
college, but we aren’t in the same class. Uyen isn’t at our college. She is a shop

B. Complete the table with the affirmative and negative forms of the verb be.
Refer to the text in exercise A.
Affirmative Negative
I1 … I 4
… He/She/It5
He/She/It2 … … You/We/They6
You/We/They … …
Interrogative Short answers
Am I …? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is he/she/it…? Yes, he/she/it is.
No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes,
Are you/we/they…? you/we/they are. No,
you/we/they aren’t.

C. Complete the sentences with both the affirmative and negative forms of the
verb be.
1. My name is Tom.
My name is Tom. / My name isn’t Tom.
2. Our mother in the kitchen.
3. I hungry.

4. We in class now.
5. My motorbike new.
6. My parents from Manchester.
7. I 23 years old.
8. It very cold today.
D. Make questions using the interrogative form of be.
1. Taylor Swift / your favourite singer?
Is Taylor Swift your favourite singer?
2. they / from Malaysia?

3. your parents / at home?

4. our school / very new?
5. your brother / tall?
6. you / 19 years old?
7. you / thirsty?
8. your house / near here?

E. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise D.

Is Taylor Swift your favourite singer? Yes, she is. /

No, she isn’t.

F. Circle three possessive adjectives in the text in exercise A and then

complete the table below.

Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Possessive
adjectives adjectives
I it its
you your we
he his you your
she her they

Demonstrative pronouns
Grammar point

Singular: this that

Plural: these those
This and these are used for things that are
near us (‘here’). That and those are used for
things that are farther away (‘there’).

G. Make sentences and then match them with the appropriate pictures.
1. this / your pencil?
Is this your pencil? Picture C
2. that / not my bike
3. these / not his shoes
4. these / your books?
5. this / not my cell phone
6. that / her handbag?
7. those / their helmets
8. this / not my computer

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

A. Listen and read the dialogue.
Alex This is your album, isn’t it?
Carey Yes, certainly.
Alex Can I look at it? I really like looking at photos.
Carey Sure. They’re from my grandpa’s birthday party. He’s 85 years
Alex Oh! He looks really fantastic at his age.
Carey Yes, he’s fine, but he has to walk with a stick.
Alex And who’s next to your grandpa?
Carey That’s my uncle Peter. He loves playing tennis.
Alex Oh yes. And who’s that?
Carey That’s my cousin Mary. I’m not really into her.
Alex Why not?
Carey I don’t know. She’s so wonderful. She can speak 3 languages
and play the piano.
Alex I understand. Do you like meeting up with all your family
Carey Yes, I do.
Alex And how about your parents?
Carey They like it, too. As long as the party isn’t at my house.

B. Circle T (TRUE) or F (FALSE) for the sentences below.
1. Carey loves looking at photos. T F
2. Carey’s grandpa is 80. T F
3. Carey’s grandpa can’t walk without a stick. T F
4. Carey’s uncle isn’t interested in tennis. T F
5. Mary can speak 3 languages. T F
6. Carey likes Mary. T F
7. Carey doesn’t like family meeting T F
8. Carey’s parents like to meet family members at home. T F

C. Listen to what Anna says about her family and answer the following
1. How many sisters does Anna have?

2. How many cousins does Anna have?

3. How old is Anna’s mother?

4. Who is Isabel?

5. What is Anna’s uncle’s name?

6. Who does she like best in her family?

D. Answer the questions about yourself.

1. What are your mother’s and father’s names?

2. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

3. How many cousins do you have?

4. Do you have any aunts and uncles?

5. How old are your grandparents?

6. Who is your favourite person?

A. Fill the gaps with your information and then introduce yourself to a
partner and take turns making conversations.

All about me
. I study
Mordern languages
Do you enjoy it?
Yes, it’s fun.
It’s OK, I guess.
Not really.
I live .
in a dormitory
with friends
on campus
with my family
in an apartment

I work .
in a convenience store
in a grocery store
I don’t have a job
in a restaurant
in an office
as a tutor

as a pizza delivery driver
Other: _

Student A: Hello, what’s your name?

Student B: My name is Somchai. I study Art.
My friend Minh
My friend's name is Minh. Minh is from Ho Chi Minh city, in Vietnam. He is
Vietnamese. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is
from Boston, in the United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works
and lives with Minh in France. They speak English, French and Vietnamese.

Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with
other children from all over the world. Rose, their daughter, has friends from France,
Switzerland, and Austria. Jack, their son, goes to school with students from South
Africa, Spain, and Canada.

A. Read the text and choose the correct option a, b, c or d.

1. Where is Minh from?
a. France b. Vietnam c. Spain d. Canada
2. Where is his wife from?
a. New York b. Switzerland c. Boston d. France
3. Where are they now?
a. Spain b. Boston c. France d. Sweden
4. Where is Jane’s family?
a. United States b. England c. Canada d. Vietnam
5. How many languages does his family speak?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
6. What are the children's names?
a. Minh and Jane b. Jane and Jack c. Rose and Jack d. Rose and Minh
7. The school is .
a. international b. big c. small d. difficult

B. Are these sentences T (TRUE) or F (FALSE)?

1. Jane is Canadian.

2. Minh works in France now.
3. There are many children from different countries at the school.
4. There are children from Australia at the school.


A. Put each verb in the correct place.
go have play study do eat work

1. chocolate, meat, beefsteak

2. video games, the guitar, football
3. camping, swimming, to school
4. homework, karate, an exercise
5. English, hard, mathematics
6. for a company, part-time, late
7. a sister, freedom, a big house


Present simple
Grammar point

The Present simple is used to describe

1. something that always or regularly
2. a fact that is always true.

Present simple
I like fast food. You like We like fast food.
fast food. He/She/It likes You like fast food.
fast food. They like fast food
- Add -es to verbs ending with -o, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -ss
- Add -s to verbs ending with “consonant + y” (Change -y to -
ie and add -s)

A. Complete the sentences with the Present simple affirmative form of the
verbs below.
Go have play study do work watch live
1. We _watch_ cartoon films every day.
2. My brother English at a language center.
3. My aunt in a big house in the country.
4. I to school by bike.
5. My uncle for a small company.
6. My family four members.
7. My father badminton every morning.
8. My friends homework every night.
Present simple
I don’t like fast food. We don’t like fast food.
You don’t like fast food. You don’t like fast food.
He/she/it doesn’t like fast They don’t like fast food

B. Rewrite the sentences in exercise A using the Present simple negative form
of the verbs.
Example: We _don’t watch_ cartoon films every day.

Present simple
We form present simple questions with do or does + base form
of the verbs.
Do I/you/we/they watch TV?
Does he/she/it like chocolate?

C. Complete the questions with Do or Does.

1. you speak English?
2. Cristiano Ronaldo play football?
3. you go to school on Sunday?
4. your friends go out at weekends?

5. you watch TV?
6. your brother like football?


My name is Peter. I’m from Australia. I live in Sydney. I study business at

University of Sydney. I don’t live on campus. I live with my parents in a
small house. I have a part-time job and I work in a café on weekends. I like
football, but I don’t play it because I don’t have much free time. I also like
music a lot. I really love to make friends from other countries.

Hello, I’m Nga. My friends call me Chris at work. I am from a big city in
Vietnam. I work for a big company in Ho Chi Minh city. I am an office
worker. I live in an apartment with my sisters. I don’t like sports but I love
movies. I go to the cinema every weekend. I also want to practice my
so I study English at a language center in the evening.

A. Read the two short paragraphs about Peter and Nga. Write P (Peter) or N
(Nga) for the following statement.
1. I live in Vietnam.
2. I live in a house.
3. I love football.
4. I study business.
5. I enjoy films.
6. I work for a company.
7. I work for a café.
8. I study English in the evening.

B. Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include the following information
in your writing.

1. Your name and where you are from

2. Where you live and whom you live with
3. What you study and where you study
4. Your accommodation
5. Your job / part-time job
6. Your hobbies


1. Look at Victoria's family tree. Label each of her family members with the
correct word from the box.

brother/sister father grandmother aunt

grandfather cousin mother uncle

2. Study the family tree and write the correct words

3. Complete the chart with the correct nationalities for the countries

Brazil Canada Japan South Korea Turkey

Britain China Mexico Spain The United States
-ian -an -ish -ese


4. Rewrite the sentences. Use a subject pronoun and a nationality.

1. Kanya is from Thailand.
2. Joe is from Britain.
3. George is from Greece.
4. Mrs. Karim is from Australia.
5. Emma is from the United States.
6. Mr. Morioka is from Japan.

1. Write sentences with the information in parentheses and the correct form of
1. (Carla and Rafael / be / from Peru.) Carla and Rafael are from Peru.
2. (Be / Josh and Ann / Canadian?)
3. (Jon and I / not / be / from China.)
4. (Be / Kyle and Tim / American?)

2. Complete the conversations with the sentences from Exercise 1. Use subject
pronouns and contractions when possible.
1. A: Where are Carla and Rafael from?
B: They’re from Peru.
2. A: ?
B: Yes, they are.
3. A: Are you from China?
B: No,
4. A: ?
B: No, they’re not.

3. Complete the conversation with the correct form of be.

Eva: Hi! Where (1) you and your friends from?

Tessa: I (2) from the United States, but my friends (3)
from different countries.
Eva: Oh. Where (4) they from?
Tessa:Well, Kaan (5)_ from Turkey, amd Mari (6) from
Japan. Roberto and Mateo (7) from Mexico.
Eva: Oh. (8)_ Roberto and Mateo from Mexico City?

Tessa:No, they (9)_ . Roberto (10) from Monterrey and
Mateo (11) from Puebla.
Eva: Really? I (12) from Puebla,too!

4. Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.

1. Are / Where are you and Denise from?

2. What / Where city is Ahmed from?
3. Are / Is you Japanese?
4. Are / What country are they from?
5. What / Where are they from?
6. Are / Is they Turkish?

5. Read the information in the guest book. Answer the questions.

Welcome to our
Please tell us your name and nationality
Name City Country
Mr. Kwan Smith Jeiju South Korea
Mrs. Emily Hanson Dallas The United States
Leo Douglas Lima Peru
”•Ǥ ˜‡”‡ •–ƒ„—Ž —”‡›
Mike —
Johnson Vancouver Canada
Daniel Richard New York The United States
Isabel Richie Quito Ecuador
Ms. Aya Tatsumi Tokyo Japan
Mr. John Foster Toronto Canada

1. Are Leo and Isabel American?

2. What city is Emily from?

3. Is Kwan from Jeiju?
4. Where are John and Mike from?
5. What city is Daniel from?
6. Where is Everen from?
7. Is Mr. Richard from New York?
8. Are Aya and Leo from Turkey?

6. Fill in the gaps with negative forms of the verbs.

1. I ………. like tea.

2. He ………. play football in the afternoon.
3. You ………. go to bed at midnight.
4. They……….do the homework on weekends.
5. The bus ……….arrive at 8.30 a.m.
6. My brother ……….finish work at 8 p.m.
7. Our friends ………. live in a big house.
8. The cat ………. like me.

7. Underline the correct forms.

1. Police catch/ catches robbers.

2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.
3. They never drink/ drinks beer.
4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.
5. She have/ has a pen.
6. Mary and Marcus eat out/ eats out everyday.
7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.
8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches students.

8. Write the correct forms of the verbs

1. She (not study) ………. on Saturday.
2. He (have) ………. a new haircut today.
3. I usually (have) ……….breakfast at 6.30.
4. Peter (not/ study)……….very hard. He never gets high scores.
5. My mother often (teach)……….me English on Saturday evenings.
6. I like Math and she (like)……….Literature.
7. My sister (wash)……….the dishes every day.
8. They (not/ have)……….breakfast every morning.

9. Write the completely meaningful sentences.

1. she/ not/ sleep late on weekends.

2. we/ not/ believe/ ghost.

3. you/ understand the question?

4. they/ not/ work late on Fridays.

5. David/ want some coffee?

6. she/ have three daughters.

7. when/ she/ go to her Chinese class?

8. why/ I/ have to clean up?


1. Write the correct word next to each family member.

uncle great-grandfather cousin aunt

grandparents nephew mother-in-law niece

1. My mother’s sister is my
2. My father’s brother is my
3. My parents’ parents are my
4. My grandmother or grandfather’s father is my
5. My husband or wife’s mother is my
6. My uncle’s son or daughter is my
7. My brother or sister’s son is my
8. My brother or sister’s daughter is my

2. People are talking about their families. How many brothers and sisters do
they have?

Older brothers Younger Older sisters Younger
brothers sisters
1. Stephanie
2. Donna
3. Bob
4. Rosie
5. Tina

3. Listen again and choose the correct answers

1. Stephanie would like to have
A. brothers
B. sisters
C. cousins
2. Donna’s brother is a
A. teacher
B. student
C. professor
3. Bob’s sister_ bosses him around.
A. never
B. sometimes
C. always
4. Rosie’s friend would like to come from a_ family.
A. small
B. big
C. medium-size
5. Tina is child.
A. an only
B. a lonely
C. one

4. People are talking about themselves and other family members. Which
family members is the speaker most similar to? Listen and check (√) the
correct answers.

Father Mother Sister Brother
1. Wen-ping
2. Michael
3. Justin
4. Susan
5. Robert
6. Beth

5. Listen again. How is each family member different from the speaker? Write
the letter.

1. Wen-ping’s brother a. likes sports.

2. Michael’s brother b. likes reading and music.
3. Justin’s sister c. is taller than the father.
4. Susan’s father d. prefers to play cards.
5. Robert’s sister e. hates flying.
6. Beth’s father f. isn’t interested in music.

1. Write the phone numbers.
1. 802-4591:
2. 589-6523:
3. 302-1479:
4. 466-5082:
5. 453-2719:

2. Complete the conversation with the correct questions from the box.

Liz: Hey, Ann. (1)
Ann: It’s Kanok.
Liz: (2)
Ann: K-A-N-O-K
Liz: OK. (3)
Ann: It’s 385-926-8017.
Liz: Thanks. (4)
Ann: It’s [email protected].
Liz: Thai? (5)
Ann: Bangkok.

3. Circle the correct sentence to complete each conversation.

1. A:
B: That's my mother.
a. How old is she?
b. Who's that?
c. Where is she from?
d. How old is that?
2. A:
B: They're Greg and Ted.
a. Who are they?
b. Who's that?
c. How old are they?
d. How old is he?
3. A: How old are they?

a. They're my brothers.
b. He's twenty-five.
c. They're nineteen and fourteen.
d. She's my daughter.
4. A: Who are they?
a. They're twenty and thirty.
b. They're my parents.
c. That's my father.
d. She's fifty-four.
5. A:
B: She's twelve.
a. How old is your sister?
b. Who's that?
c. Who are they?
d. How old is your father?

4. Complete the questions with How old and the correct form of be. Then
answer the questions. Use pronouns and write the numbers in parentheses as
1. Mr. Haik? . (39)
2. Paula? . (45)
3. Mr. and Mrs. Ryu? . (72/68)
4. Jake? (11)
5. Cora and Steven? . (13/20)

5. Look at Alice’s information. Complete the conversation.

Richard Alice Young

[email protected]

Kelly Smith

John Smith

Agent: Hello, Alice. (1) ?

Alice: Richard.
Agent: OK. And how old are you?
Alice: (2)
Agent: And your emergency contacts – (3) ?
Alice: They’re Brice Richard, Kelly Smith and John Smith.
Agent: Who’s Brice Richard?
Alice: (4)
Agent: OK. (5) ?
Alice: He’s 28.
Agent: OK. And who are Kelly and John Smith?
Alice: They’re my parents.
Agent: (6) ?
Alice: She’s 52 and he’s 56.


1. Read the webpage and answer the questions.

1. How old is Leila?
2. How old is Aileen?

2. Read the webpage again and answer the questions.

1. What’s Savas’ family name?

2. Where is Savas from?
3. Are Ela and Leila American?
4. Are Dogan and Kaplan brothers?
5. Is Kaplan in the United States?
6. Is Kaplan a teacher?


Hi, I am Savas Kara. I am American but my parents and my grandparents are from
Turkey. We’re all in the United States now, but where is the rest of our family?
If you are a Kara, write to me.
Hello, Savas. My name is Ela. Your grandfather and my father are brothers.
I’m in Turkey with my husband and my daughter, but my sons are in the
United States. My mother, Leila, is here, too. She’s 90!
Hey, Savas. I’m Dogan. Ela is my mother. I’m a teacher at a college in Boston.
I’m here with my wife, Dunay, and my daughter, Aileen. She’s 7. My brother is
in the United States, too. His name is Kaplan, and he’s an engineer. He’s in New
York. He’s single. What city in the United States are you in?

3. Read the text and finish the tasks below.

A. Answer the following questions
1. How old is Ana?
2. Is she British?
3. How many brothers has she got?
4. What’s her mother’s name?
5. What’s her father’s name?
6. How old is Tim?
7. Who is Eddy?

8. How many cousins has Ana got?
9. What are their names?

B. Complete the table with family relationships.


C. Match the opposites.

old small
big short
happy serious
tall fat
slim young
funny hate
love unhappy


1. Write about one of your relative you are admired of him or her most.
2. Write about one of your best friends.


A. Talk about the pictures with a partner.

B. What sport do you like to play in your free time?

football basketball tennis badminton other


A. Match each verb with a picture.
1. swim
2. jump
3. ski
4. draw
5. ride
(b) (c)
6. sing

(d) (e) (f)

B. Write play, do or go to each sport.

We normally use
play with team sports and ball sports.
play badminton
go with sports that end in –ing.
go cycling
do with other sports.
do aerobics

1. karate
2. football
3. tennis
4. yoga
5. badminton
6. swimming
7. jogging
8. aerobics
9. volleyball
10. track and field


A. Read the following text describing Peter’s activities on Sunday. What

activities are mentioned in the text?

I always do judo on Sunday morning. I usually get up early and play chess with my
brother. Judo and chess are always fun. After that, I go to the park with my friends. In
the afternoon, I usually watch football, but sometimes I do my homework. In the
evening, I hardly ever stay home. I usually go to the gym and do yoga with my
friends at the gym. I’m often there until 10 p.m.

B. Complete the table with the adverbs of frequency below.

always usually often never sometimes hardly ever
0% 100%
1 2 3 4 5 6

Adverbs of frequency
Grammar point

1. We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something

2. We normally put an adverb of frequency
after the verb be
before ordinary verbs.

C. Look at the table. How often do you do the activities in the evening?
Complete the table with adverbs of frequency.

Activity You Your partner

do homework
hang out with friends
cook dinner
watch TV
clean the floor
play games
wash the dishes
listen to music

D. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the activities in the table.
How often do you do I usually do
homework homework
in the in the
evening? evening.

A. Have you ever done these things? Check and compare it with your
1. Play tennis 6. Cycle
2. Do yoga 7. Ski
3. Go to a gym 8. Play football
4. Windsurf 9. Play golf
5. Play tennis 10. Go to cinema

B. Listen and choose the correct answer.

1. a. going to the gym b. jogging c. swimming
2. a. playing soccer b. playing volleyball c. playing golf
3. a. playing baseball b. playing tennis c. playing football
4. a. jogging b. swimming c. windsurfing
5. a. watching TV b. playing tennis c. reading
6. a. riding a bike b. diving c. walking
C. Listen and match.
1. Uyen a. play golfs
2. Carey b. ride bicycles
3. Alex c. plays baseball
4. Uyen d. takes walks
5. Uyen e. plays video games

D. Listen again and check the correct information.

1. Uyen Exercise a lot Exercise a little Never exercise
2. Carey Exercise a lot Exercise a little Never exercise
3. Alex Exercise a lot Exercise a little Never exercise

4. Uyen Exercise a lot Exercise a little Never exercise
5. Uyen Exercise a lot Exercise a little Never exercise

Choose a personality type (Athletic, Artistic or Studious) and interview a

Do you like to play football? Yes, I do. I usually play football

every weekend.

Do you like to play football?
Do you like to do aerobics?
Do you like to play baseball?
Do you like to play tennis?
Do you like volleyball?
Do you like yoga?
Do you like basketball?

Can you ski?

Can you do judo?
Can you play golf?
Can you swim?

Do you like to cook?
Do you like to read?
Do you like to sing?
Do you like to dance?
Do you like art?
Do you like music?
Do you like books?
Do you like movies?
Can you draw?
Can you sing?

Can you play guitar?
Can you play piano?

Do you like to study hard?
Do you like to do your homework?
Do you like to speak English?
Do you like to go to class?
Do you like languages?
Do you like exams?
Do you like grammar?
Do you like libraries?
Can you study all day?
Can you read fast?
What does she usually do on Saturdays?
Reading 1

Mai usually gets up early on Saturdays to go shopping with her mum. They
do the shopping for the whole week at a big shopping centre nearby. She
likes looking for new music in the shops there. Mai is a hip-hop fan and her
mum likes country music. They always spend hours in the music shops.
After lunch, she does some homework and spends an hour in front of her
computer and downloads music for her MP3 player. She meets her friends
once a week.
They go to the youth club, and talk about music and football and play

Read the texts and answer the following questions.

1. Who does Mai go shopping with on Saturdays?
2. Where do they do the shopping for the whole week?
3. What kind of music does Mai like?
4. How often does she meet her friends?

Reading 2

Hoa’s family usually goes to their second house in the country, so she
always gets up early at weekends. This house is in a small village about an
hour away from where she lives in Ho Chi Minh city. Her grandmother and
some uncles and aunts live in the same place. They’ve got a big garden and
a tennis court so she can play tennis or go for walks with her grandmother.
On other Saturdays she gets up late, does a bit of homework and sometimes
goes to a football match in the afternoon. She is really a big football fan
and some of
her best friends are football fans too.

Read the text and circle T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).

1. Hoa’s family has the second house in a big city. T F
2. The second house is near the first one in Ho Chi Minh city. T F
3. Hoa’s grandmother has a big garden. T F
4. Hoa usually plays tennis with her uncles and aunts. T F
5. Hoa always gets up early on Saturdays. T F
6. Hoa and her friends really enjoy football. T F

B. Discuss with a partner.

1. What do you do with your friends in your free time?
2. When do you spend time with your family?
3. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends at
weekends? Why?


A. Match the photos with eight of the words or phrases below. Which
activities do you usually do in your free time?

dancing drawing jogging listening to music

reading books reading magazines surfing the internet
taking photos playing video games watching films playing basketball

1._ 2._ 3. 4.

5._ 6. 7. 8.

B. Work in pairs. Which activities can you do:

1. at home? 4. on your own?
2. outside? 5. with a friend?
3. in a sport centre? 6. in a team?


The form of can is the same for all persons (I, you, we, they,
he, she, it…)
Affirmative Negative
I can swim. I can’t swim. (can’t = cannot)
Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
We use can to talk about ability.

NOTES Pronunciation
can /kæn/
can’t /kɑːnt/

A. Complete the sentences using can/can’t and the verbs below.

do play dance drive sing speak write
1. Peter is 2 years old. He can draw, but he _can’t write_.
2. Mary loves music and she many songs.
3. He never goes to the bar, because he .
4. Tom has a car, but he it.
5. My brother is really interested in football. He football very
6. Harry can speak English, but he Spanish.
7. My friend usually goes to the gym because she yoga.

Refer to the paragraph in Part 3 – Grammar Focus 1 and write a short
paragraph about activities you enjoy. Include the following information in
your writing.
1. Note some sports you like to do. (football/ basketball…)
2. Note some other activities you like to do. (listen to music/ read books…)
3. Use adverbs of frequency for your activities
4. Mention sports/activities you like but you can’t play

UNITS 1 & 2

A. Write am, is or are

1. The weather is nice today.
2. I tired.
3. This bag heavy.
4. These bags heavy.
5. She my sister.
6. My brother and I tall.
7. Amy at home. Her parents at work.
8. I taxi driver. My sister a nurse.

B. Write complete sentences. Use is/ isn’t/ are/ aren’t.

1. (your shoes new) Your shoes are new.
2. (my brother a teacher) .
3. (this house not very big) .
4. (his parents not doctors) .
5. (my keys in your bag) .
6. (Mary 18 years old) .

C. Make questions for sentences in Exercise B.

1. Are your shoes new?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?

D. Write true sentences, using am/ am not/ is/ isn’t/ are/ aren’t.
1. (I/ 19 years old)
I am 19 years old. / I am not 19 years old.
2. (I/ afraid of dogs)
3. (Canada/ a big country)

4. (my teacher/ young)
5. (it/ hot today)

6. (I/ hungry)

E. Complete the sentences with the Present simple affirmative form of the
verbs below.
eat go live play sleep work
1. He the piano.
2. They in a very big house.
3. They a lot of fruit.
4. She to the cinema a lot.
5. My brother eight hours a night.
6. My father in a factory.

F. Write sentences from these words using the Present simple.

1. always/ early/ Sue/ arrive
Sue always arrives early.
2. Julia/ parties/ enjoy/ always
3. work/ Megan/ hard/ usually
4. Jenny/ always/ nice clothes/ wear
5. dinner/ we/ have/ always/ at 6:30
6. television/ Mario/ watch/ never
7. like/ chocolate/ children/ usually
8. basketball/ I/ play/ often/ after work


G. Write negative sentences using the Present simple.

1. I play the piano very well.
I don’t play the piano very well.
2. They know my phone number.
3. We work very hard.

4. My brother likes music.

5. He has a cat.
6. You get up early every day.

H. Complete the sentences using negative form of the verbs below.

cost go know read see use wear
1. I buy a newspaper every day, but sometimes I it.
2. Tom has a car, but he it very often.
3. They like films, but they to the cinema very often.
4. She is married, but she a ring.
5. I much about football. I’m not very interested in it.
6. It’s not an expensive hotel. It much to stay there.
7. Peter lives near us, but we him very often.

I. Make questions with Do…? and Does…?

1. I like chocolate.
Do you like chocolate?
2. I play tennis.
3. Peter likes video games?
4. Your friend lives near here.

5. Your brother speaks English.
6. Your sister does yoga every morning.
7. Sue often travels on business.
8. They go to the cinema at weekend.
9. Nicole works very hard.

J. Put the words in the correct orders to make sentences.

1. play/ my/ can/ brother/ football
2. I/ can’t/ tennis/ play
3. Sue/ English/ read/ can’t
4. mother/ cake/ can/ a/ make/ my
5. my/ ride/ can/ horse/ father/ a
6. Bill/ drive/ his/ can/ car
7. you/ my/ can't/ use/ new/ phone


1. Label the pictures with the correct phrases of sports and activities.

1. ride a horse 6. dive 11. ski 16. skate

2. play the guitar 7. sing a song 12. play basketball 17. surf the Net
3. play football 8. play tennis 13. play the violin 18.swim
4. play the piano 9. surf 14. rollerblade 19. jump
5. ride a bike 10. sail 15. climb 20. skip

a b c d e_

f_ h i j

l m o

p q r_ s t

2. Write the names of sports or activities

3. Put the letters in the correct order to make online activity words and
1. c r s h e a / h e t / n t t I e e n r
2. p s o h / e n l n i o
3. l a p y / m a g s e

4. p d u l o a / s v d o e I
5. o p t s / m me c o n t s
6. c c e h k / m l e i a
7. l o o d w n d a / c i m s u
8. t c a h / t i w h / s r d f i n e

4. Complete the sentences with online activities. Use the correct verb forms.

1. Do you 2. Helen 3. Liz 4. I

at work? everyday. on her on
friends’ webpages? Sundays.

5. Ethan 6. They 7. Does she 8. We

at night. of their cat of her on the computer
every day. favourite singers? on weekends.

5. Complete the chart with the correct words from the box.

8:15 midnight the afternoon the weekend

class night the evenings Tuesday afternoon
Friday noon the morning weekdays

1. Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. Molly_ two cars. 4. I a
motorcycle. a. have a. doesn’t
b. has b. has
c. not have c. don’t have
2. Alex his bike to work. 5. You _the subway to
work. a. ride a. take
b. rides b. takes
c. to ride c. doesn’t take
3. We to school. 6. Simon a cab.
a. not walk a. drive
b. doesn’t walk b. don’t drive
c. don’t walk c. drives
2. Complete the text with the simple present forms of the verbs in parentheses.
I (not/have) a car. I (take) the train to work.
My wife (not/take) _the train. Her friend (have) a car,
and she (drive)_ _to work. So my wife (go) to work in
her friend’s car.
Our children Amanda and Brett (take) the bus to school. And
they (ride) their bikes to their friends’ houses. Our daughter Lisa
(walk) to school.
Our son Jerry is 24, and he (not/go)_ _to school. He
(have)_ a motorcycle, and he (ride) _it to work.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. on / study / weekend / Does / Andy / the / ?

2. day / eat / Do / every / they / breakfast / ?

3. at / to / work / go / Does / his / 8:00 / sister / ?

4. the / Do / coffee / in / evening / her / grandparents / drink / ?

5. weekdays / TV / Do / watch / on / Liv and Martin / ?

6. go / after / to / Does / midnight / Vanessa / bed / ?

4. Write the adverbs of frequency in the correct order.


5. Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. always / Robin / to school / walks / .

2. games / sometimes / play / online / We / .

3. work / you / on Saturdays / ever / Do / ?

4. download / Sara and Toby / often / music / .

5. to work / Fran / the bus / ever / take / Does / ?

6. Keiko / with / hardly ever / chats / friends / .

6. Read the answers. Write the questions with ever.

1. ?
Yes, she usually checks email in class.
2. ?
No, he never gets up early.
3. ?
No, I never play games online.
4. ?
Yes, they often go to bed after midnight.
5. ?
No, they never shop online.
6. ?
Yes, we sometimes download music.

7. Match the questions and the answers.

1. What do you and your friends do for fun? a. On weekends.
2. Where do you and your family eat out? b. My wife.
3. When do you hang out with friends? c. I ride my bike.
4. Who do you go dancing with? d. Because I don’t drive.
5. How do you get to school? e. We download music.
6. Why do you take the bus to work? f. At Terry’s Restaurant.

8. Circle the correct words to complete each question.

1. Who / Why do you watch movies with?

2. Why / How do you get to your English class?
3. What do your parents / your parents do for fun?
4. Why you / Do you take English classes?
5. When / What do you usually go shopping?
6. Where you do / do you hang out with friends?
7. When time / What time do you usually get up on Mondays?
8. When do you do / do you eat out?

9. Complete the questions with the correct Wh-words, subject pronouns and
simple present verbs.
A. Marta: Hi, Peter. ?
Peter: I usually go to the mall.
Marta: to the mall?
Peter: Because I don’t shop online!
Marta: to the mall?
Peter: I drive.
B. Liz: Hey, Sally. out?
Sally: I usually eat at The Blue Café.
Liz: with?

Sally: I go with my husband and my children.
Liz: usually there?
Sally: We usually go on Sundays.
C. Jack: Hey, Mark. for fun?
Mark: For fun? Well, I often hang out with friends.
Jack: out?
Mark: We usually go to the park or a club.
10. What can they do? What can’t they do?

play the guitar ski sing play golf

ride a horse play basketball skateboard draw

play the violin play volleyball drive

Example: Simon CAN play basketball.



1. People are talking about sports and exercises. Listen and number the

2. Which sports or activities is the person talking about? Listen and circle the
correct answers.

1. a. swimming 3. a. playing basketball 5. a. swimming

b. going to the gym b. playing football b. jogging
c. jogging c. playing tennis c. windsurfing
2. a. playing volleyball 4. a. playing tennis 6. a. diving
b. playing golf b. watching TV b. riding a bicycle
c. playing soccer c. reading c. walking

3. Listen again. Match the people on the left with the activities on the right.
1. Bill a. golfs
2. Liz_ b. bicycles
3. Victor c. plays baseball
4. Maria d. takes walks
5. David e. plays video games

1. Talk about your weekly routine. Use the simple present forms of the verbs,
adverbs of frequency and other time expressions.

drink coffee eat dinner get up go to school study English

eat breakfast exercise go to bed read the news watch TV

Example: I always get up early on weekends.

2. Are the sentences true or false for you? Write T (true) or F (false). Correct
the false sentences.

1. I often play video games on weekends._

2. I never shop online.

3. I hardly ever search the Internet.

4. My father often checks email.

5. My mother sometimes posts comments online.

3. Complete the interview. Use the information in the notes.

Reporter: Where do you work?

Interview Sandra: I work at Beth’s Restaurant.

Sandra Mill: Reporter: How work?
- works at Beth’s Sandra: .
Reporter: work?
- walks to work because she
doesn’t have a car Sandra: Because .
- watches movies with Reporter: fun?
friends for fun
Sandra: .
Reporter: with?
Sandra: .

1. Read the webpage “A trip to New York City”. Check all the ways to go to
each place.
Boston Washington, D.C. Coney Island Orchard Beach

Boston Take the train from Penn Station. The trip is 3 hours and
35 minutes. Trains go to Boston all day and night. Take
a bus from New York to Boston. The buses go every
hour from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day. On
Saturdays, buses are at 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m., too. The
trip is 4 hours.
Washington, D.C. Take the train from Penn Station. You are on the train
for 21/2 hours. The times are different every day. Check
the schedules.
Buses go every hour on weekdays and every 30 minutes
on weekends. The first bus is at 7:30 a.m. The last bus is
at 7:30 p.m. You’re on the bus for 4 hours.
Coney Island Take the D, Q, N, or F subway to Coney Island
Terminal. The trip is 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Take a bus. The B36, B64, B68, B74, B82, X28, and
X38 go to Coney Island.
Orchard Beach Take the number 6 subway to Pelham Bay. Then take
the Bx12 bus to Orchard Beach. (You can take the Bx5
on weekends in the summer, too.) The trip is 11/2 hours.

2. Read the text again. Write B (Boston), W (Washington, D.C.), C (Coney
Island), or O (Orchard Beach). Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. The trains are at Penn Station.
2. The number 6 subway goes there.
3. The first bus is at 7:00 a.m.
4. You take the B74 bus.
5. The subways from New York don’t go there.

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

What do you do for fun?

Teenagers always hang out with friends. They often go dancing at school
dances. They go shopping at the mall. They sometimes watch movies at the theater
or their friends’ houses. They hardly ever eat out at restaurants. When they don’t
hang out with friends, they chat with their friends online and post comments on
their friends’ webpages. They also download music and play games online.
People aged from 20 to 30 hang out with friends, too. They never go to
school dances, but they go dancing at clubs. They eat out at restaurants with their
friends and family. They sometimes play sports in the park on weekends. They
upload videos and download music at home.
People aged from 31 to 40 watch movies with friends and family. They check
email and post photos of their family and friends online. They often eat at home on
weekdays and eat out on weekends. They sometime go dancing with friends or thei
husbands and wives. They are busy, so they often shop online.

1. What do teenagers always do with their friends?

2. What do teenagers hardly ever do?

3. Where do people from 20 to 30 years old go dancing?

4. Who do people from 20 to 30 years old eat out with?

5. When do people from 31 to 40 years old eat at home?

6. Where do people from 31 to 40 years old often shop?

1. Complete the chart with information about your weekend including two
activities you do and two activities you don’t do.

2. Write about your weekly routine, telling about the activities you enjoy.
On Saturdays, I get up late and watch TV. I don’t study, and I don’t go to
work. On Sundays, …………….


A. Talk about the pictures with a partner.
What can you see?

B. Is your hometown big or small? Do you prefer small towns or big cities?


A. Match each place with the correct picture.
1. a cinema
(a) (b)
2. a bank
3. a hotel
4. a library
5. a train station
6. a supermarket
7. a restaurant
8. a post office

9. a coffee shop
10. a shopping mall

(c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j)

B. Match each adjective with its opposite.

1. expensive a. great
2. busy b. unfriendly
3. terrible c. cheap
4. friendly d. boring
5. exciting e. quiet

C. Ask a partner what he/she can do in these places.
What can you do in a I can buy and drink a cup of coffee in a
coffee quiet
shop? coffee



There is/ There are

There is (singular) There are (Plural)

Affirmative Affirmative
There is a chair in the room. There are some chairs in the
Negative Negative
There isn’t a chair in the room There aren’t any chairs in the
Interrogative Interrogative
Is there a chair in the room? Are there any chairs in the room?
Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.
a, some and any
1. We use a/an with singular nouns.
Example: a house, a dog, an apple
2. We use some with plural nouns in affirmative sentences.

Example: I have some apples.

3. We use any with plural nouns in negative sentences and in
Example: I don’t have any apples.
Do you have any apples?

A. Complete the sentences with There is or There are.
1. twenty-five students in this class.
2. a basket near the door.
3. a library in our school.
4. three pens in my bag.
5. a book on my desk.
6. a chair near the teacher’s desk.

B. Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any.

1. There’s picture on the wall.
2. Is there dictionary on your table?
3. There are plants near the window.
4. Are there eggs in the fridge?
5. There isn’t whiteboard in our classroom.
6. There aren’t _ flowers in the garden.
7. There is umbrella near the door.

C. Rewrite the sentences. Make the affirmative sentences negative and the
negative sentences affirmative.
1. There isn’t a chair in this room.
There is a chair in this room.

2. There are some students in the classroom.

3. There are some pencils on the desk.
4. There is a car near the tree.
5. There aren’t any plants in the garden.
6. There are some books on the shelf.
7. There is a bin near the desk.

D. Match the prepositions below with the pictures.
between behind in front of near in opposite on under
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

E. Look at the pictures and complete the following sentences with prepositions
in exercise B.
1. The boy is the ball.

2. The elephant is the chair.

3. The chair is the elephant.

4. The man is the girl.

5. The book is the table.

6. The dog is the box.

7. The dog is the armchair.

8. The TV is the dog and the cat.

A. Listen and answer with “Yes” or “No”
1. Is Uyen’s new bedroom big?
2. Is the poster about famous people?
3. Is her bookshelf small?
4. Is there a light in the room?
5. Are the curtains blue?
6. Is there a laptop in her room?
7. Is her mom at home?

B. Alex is helping Uyen clean up the house. Where should he put the items?
Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. The magazines
a. On the bookshelf
b. In the bookshelf
c. In the dictionary
2. The remote control
a. Beside the TV
b. On top of the TV
c. Beside the program guide
3. The keys
a. On the desk
b. Inside the box
c. Inside the drawer

4. The baseball cap
a. On the hook
b. Next to the papers
c. On the coffee table
5. The glasses
a. Inside the suitcase
b. Next to the TV
c. Behind the water bottle
6. The belt
a. On the sofa
b. Under the sofa
c. On the floor next to the window.


A. Make a list of three things you like and three things you don't like about
your neighborhood. Then tell your partner.
Things I like about my neighborhood Things I don't like about my
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

B. Complete the questionnaire. Then interview a partner.

In your neighborhood

Is there.... Are there any...

You Your You Your

partner partner
a big park? great restaurants?
a bank? friendly coffee shops?
a post office? department stores?
a small library? convenience stores?
a bus or train station? good, cheap hotels?
a good supermarket? expensive stores?
a busy shopping mall?
a movie theater?

Where can you...

go out with your friends?

get a good pizza?

use the internet?

study English?

play sports?

C. Giving directions
Excuse me……………
- Where’s the post office?
- Is there a post office near here?
- How can I get to the post office?
- Do you know where the post office is?

Label the pictures with the following words
1. go through
2. go along (a) (b)
3. go past
4. go down
5. go up
6. turn right
7. turn left

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Work in pairs and replace the bold and underlined words/phrases if possible.
Student A: Excuse me, do you know where the supermarket
is? Student B: Yes, it’s near the post office.
Student A: Oh, right. Where’s that? I’m new here.
Student B: Oh, Ok. Go along this street and turn
right. Student A: Yes…
Student B: The supermarket is on your left, opposite the post
office. Student A: Thanks very much.
Student A: You’re welcome.
Da Nang city – a worth-living city in Vietnam

Interesting places
Do you want to visit Da Nang city for the weekend? There are a lot of interesting
places like Dragon Bridge, My Khe Beach and Ngu Hanh Son. It is fantastic to look
at Dragon Bridge at night.

Do you like to go shopping? There are a lot of department stores and supermarkets
in Da Nang city. There are also some shopping centres. You can find everything
you want. You can go shopping every day.

Outdoor activities
There are some golf courses and tennis courts so you can play golf and tennis. You
can ride a bike or walk around the streets to look at the city.

Food and drink

You can enjoy fresh seafood in Da Nang city. There are a lot of restaurants here.
The food is good and the service is good too. There are also some nice coffee

Friendly people
People in Da Nang city are honest and friendly. They are willing to help other
people. Many tourists like the people here.

A. Read the tourist information leaflet above and write nouns that refer to
1. ……………………………… 2. ………………………………
3. ……………………………… 4. ………………………………
5. ……………………………… 6. ………………………………
7. ……………………………… 8. ………………………………
9. ……………………………… 10. ………………………………

B. Read the leaflet again and answer the following questions.

1. What are some interesting places in Da Nang city?
2. Where can you go shopping in Da Nang city?
3. Where can you play golf and tennis?
4. How is the food in Da Nang city?
5. Why do many tourists like the people in Da Nang city?


A. Match each description with a photo.
1. bed
(a) (b)
2. pillow
3. TV
4. flower
5. chair
6. table
7. wall
8. armchair
(c) (d)
9. lamp
10. carpet

(e) (f) (g) (h)

(i) (j)

B. Work in pairs. Look at the photo, ask and answer.

Is there a bed in Yes, there is. There is a bed in
the room? the room.

Write a short paragraph describing your room and include the following
information in your writing.
1. Things in your room and their positions
2. What you usually do with those things
3. What you like most in your room
3. Why you like those things

My house has many rooms such as living room, kitchen, dining room, etc.
But I loves his bedroom the most. It's on the second floor of my house. In this
room, there is a large bed that I usually sleep well every night. It's beautiful
and it's made of wood. Next to my bed is a large desk where I work and read
every day. On the desk are documents to work on each flight and his work
laptop. Besides, next to my desk there is a large wooden bookshelf. It helps
me relax and find information. In addition, there is a large wooden wardrobe
in my room that has a lot of clothes. It's everything in my bedroom. I love it
because it's where I always relax after a hard day's flight work. Besides, I
have a lot of sweet memories in this room like the happy memory of my
slumber party with my colleagues. In short, obviously my favorite room in
the house is my bedroom


1. Label the pictures with the correct words from the box.

bank coffee shop newsstand bookstore gas station

subway station bus stop library supermarket

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

2. Answer the questions. Use the places in Exercise 1.

1. Where can you usually get some coffee?

2. Where can you usually get a newspaper?

3. Where can you usually get a book?

4. Where can you get gas for a car?

5. Where can you usually get some food?

3. Complete the puzzle with the words of places in a city.

4. Match the adjectives and their meanings.

1. ancient a. fun with lots of enjoyable things to do

2. beautiful b. a crowded and busy place
3. boring c. well-known
4. bustling d. wonderful
5. charming e. lots of things going on
6. contemporary f. dirty
7. cosmopolitan g. very pleasing on the eye
8. crowded h. costing a lot of money
9. exciting i. dull and not very interesting
10. expensive j. a place that has a long history
11. famous k. full of people
12. fantastic l. very interesting
13. fascinating m. nice, very pleasing
14. huge n. very big
15. lively o. liked by a lot of people
16. popular p. modern
17. polluted q. somewhere with a rich and varied mix
of cultures and languages

5. Label the objects in a house.

a. bed b. cabinets c. calendar d. fan e. chair

f. curtains g. desk h. drawers i. fireplace j. kitchen

k. mirror l. sofa m. lamp n. remote control

o. television p. telephone q. toilet

r. wardrobe s. stairs t. pillow

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

6. Where do you usually find these things in your apartment or house? Put the
items in the lists.

Toilet bed dresser shower refrigerator piano

Stove sofa mattress bathtub coffee table microwave

living room bedroom bathroom kitchen


1. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of BE and prepositions of

1. The clock _the wall.
2. The ball the table.
3. The cat the armchair.
4. The table the armchair.
5. The carpet the floor.
6. The lamp the table.
7. The flowers_ _the vase.
8. The table_ the chair and the armchair.

2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Sometimes more than
one answer is possible.
1. is / The / supermarket / next to / the / post office / .

2. The / Maple Street / department store / on / is / .

3. the / hotel / drugstore / across from / The / is / .

4. bookstore / café / in / the / The / is / .

5. the / library / The / bank and the school / is / between / .

6. First Avenue / The / hotel / is / on the corner of / and / Market Street / .

3. Read the clues. Label the places with the correct words. Then answer the
A. * The supermarket is on the corner of Second Avenue and Parkson Street.
* The coffee shop is between the bank and the hotel.
* The library is next to the bank

1. _ 2. _ 3. _ bank 4. _

Parkson Street

5. Is the hotel between the coffee shop and the supermarket?

6. What is on the corner of Stand Avenue and Parkson Street?

7. What is next to the supermarket?

8. Is the coffee shop next to the library?

B. * The drugstore is across from the post office.

* The Internet café is next to the drugstore.
* The bookstore isn’t on Park Street.
* The newsstand is next to the bookstore.
1. _ 2. _ post office 3. _ 4. _
Stamp Street
Park Street

First Avenue

5. What is on the corner of Park Street and First Avenue?

6. What is between the post office and the newsstand?

7. Is the Internet café on First Avenue?

8. Is the bookstore across from the drugstore?

4. Complete the conversations. Use the correct forms of there is / there are.
A: Excuse me. (1)_ in this
city? B: (2) . The museums are on First
A: Great. And are there any zoos here?
B: No, (3) , but there’s an aquarium. It’s near the
art museum.
A: OK. Thanks.

C: Excuse me. (4) near here?

D: A swimming pool? Yes, (5) . (6) one in the
C: Great. (7)_ near the park?
D: No, (8)_ . The library is across from the school, about
ten blocks from here.
C: Thank you very much.

5. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with there is / isn’t or there
are / aren’t.
1. a TV in the living room.
2. a picture on the wall.
3. two sofas in the room.
4. three chairs and a table.
5. a rug under the sofas.
6. a stereo set under the window.

6. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with is/isn’t, are/aren’t, a/an,
some/any .
1. There cooker next to the fridge.
2. There _ plates in the sink.
3. There glasses on the table.
4. There clock over the fridge.
5. There boxes on the floor.

7. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with is/are and a place

1. There a guitar _the wardrobe and the night table.

2. There two tennis balls the floor.
3. There _a rug_ the guitar.
4. There a toy car the magazine.
5. There _two posters the wall the bed.
6. There a tennis racket the bed.

8. Look at the pictures. Check if the sentences are True (T) or False (F).

1. There are two pictures on the wall in the living room. ( )

2. There is a TV in front of one of the sofas. ( )
3. There is a rug in the kitchen. ( )
4. There is a bin in front of the fridge. ( )


1. Tony is helping Cindy clean up the house. Where should he put the items?
Listen and circle the correct answer.
1. the magazines
a. on the bookshelf on top of the dictionary
b. on the bookshelf next to the dictionary
c. in the dictionary
2. the remote control
a. beside the TV on the TV program guide
b. on top of the TV next to the TV program guide
c. beside the TV program guide in front of the TV
3. the keys
a. in a box on top of the desk
b. in a box inside one of the desk drawers
c. inside a drawer next to a box
4. the baseball cap
a. on the hook behind the door
b. on the doorknob
c. on the floor behind the door
5. the glasses
a. inside the case on the coffee table
b. on the coffee table next to the papers
c. on top of the papers on the coffee table
6. the belt
a. on the sofa in front of the window
b. on the chair next to the window
c. on the floor next to the window

2. Listen to people talking about their new apartments. What do they already

Bookshelf TV Stereo Dinner table Sofa

1. Becky
2. Paul
3. Sarah
4. Sam

3. Listen again. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F).

True False
1. a. She wants to buy a cheap stereo.
b. She wants a large sofa.
2. a. He wants to find a bigger bookshelf.
b. He wants to find a cheaper dinner table.
3. a. She doesn’t have very many books yet.
b. She has enough money to buy a stereo.
4. a. He’s waiting for the new TV models.
b. He bought a dinner table last week.

1. Complete the directions with the correct words from the box.

blocks left take turn up walk

Start on Maple Street. (1) to the corner of Pine

Street. Take a (2) on Pine Street.

Go (3) Pine Street.
(4) right on First Avenue.
Walk four (5) .
(6)_ a right on Post Street.
Go down Post Street. It’s on the right.

2. Write the conversation in the correct order.

Excuse me. Is there a drugstore near here?

Go up Palm Street and turn right in Second Avenue.

OK. Thank you very much.

Turn right on Second Avenue?



3. Complete the chart with the number of each place in your town or city.
Then write the sentences with there is / there are and practise speaking with
your partner.

Place Number
amusement parks

swimming pools
post offices


1. There in my town.

Welcome to Gatlinburg, Tennessee

There are a lot of interesting things to do in Gatlinburg! Think about all of the
fun places to visit there!


We have a lot of museums. Go to the Hollywood The Great Smoky Moutains National Park is in
Star Cars museum and see musicians’ cars, too! Gatlinburg. You can walk in it every day. We don’t
Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum is also great. have a water park, but there are water slides at Ober
And Ripley’s Aquarium has very unusual fish. We Gatlinburg Ski Resort and Amusement Park.
don’t have a zoo in Gatlinburg, but you can see
animals outside.

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Are there any museums in Gatlinburg?

2. Is there an aquarium in Gatlinburg?

3. Are there any zoos?

4. Are there any parks in Gatlinburg?

5. Is there a water park?

6. Is there an amusement park?

2. Write sentences about Gatlinburg with there is / are / isn’t / aren’t and the
information in parentheses
1. (aquarium / 1)
2. (museums / 9)
3. (zoos / 0)
4. (movie theaters / 4)
5. (water parks / 0)
6. (amusement parks / 1)


1. Think about your room by answering these questions.

1. On which floor is your room? My room is on the first/second floor.

2. What colour are your walls? The walls are painted in
3. What furniture do you have on your walls? I have_
4. What do you have on your walls? On my walls, I have
5. What do you like best in your room? I like my best.
6. What else would you like in your room? I want a

2. Write abour your room

Talk about a kind of food you like.
What kind of food do you like?
Do you like to eat out or eat at home? (a)


A. Match each food item with a picture.
1. bananas
(b) (c) (d)
2. cheese
3. beefsteak
4. chicken
5. carrots
6. potatoes
7. prawn
8. butter (g)
(e) (f)
9. fish
10. oranges
11. mushrooms
12. salmon

(h) (i) (j) (k) (l)

B. Put the food

items in part A
into the correct
1. Fish and seafood:
2. Meat:
3. Dairy products:
4. Fruit and vegetables:

C. Match each drink item with a picture.
1. lemon juice
(a) (b)
2. beer
3. wine
4. soft drinks
5. tea
6. coffee
7. smoothies
8. mineral water
(c) (d)

(g) (h)

D. Work in pairs.

What kind of food and drink do you like? I like beefsteak and mineral water.


Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable nouns are things that you can count. They have a
Grammar point

singular and a plural form.

an apple two apples
Uncountable nouns are things that you can’t count, you can
only weigh or measure. They only have a singular form.
some butter I like coffee.

A. Put the nouns below in the correct groups

banana cheese beefsteak carrot potato butter
orange coffee rice cabbage apple milk egg
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
banana,… cheese,…

Asking about quantity

Grammar point

1. We use How much…? with uncountable nouns.

How much butter is there in the bottle? None.
2. We use How many…? with plural countable nouns.
How many tomatoes are there in the fridge? Three.

B. Complete the questions with How much or How many.
1. sugar do you need for a cup of coffee?
2. people are there in your family?
3. tables do you see in the class?
4. money do you spend a week?
5. tomatoes do you put in the fridge?
6. water is there in the bottle?
7. butter is there in the jar?
8. lights are there in your living room?

C. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question in Exercise B.

How much sugar do you need Not much. Just a spoonful
for a of
cup of sugar
coffee? .

A. Listen and circle T (True) or F (False).
1. Uyen wants chicken and tomatoes. T F
2. Uyen eats salad every day. T F
3. Carey loves salad. T F
4. Carey’s mother has salad every day. T F
5. Carey wants fish with tomatoes. T F
6. Carey’s dad likes to drink milk. T F
7. Carey likes to drink orange juice. T F

B. Listen and check two things that each person bought.

1. Shampoo 2. CD
Tomatoes Cassette
Apples Poster
Soup Game
Soap Video

3. Notebooks 4. Shoes
Books Socks

Magazines Tie
Stamps Coat
Newspaper T-shirt

5. Cake 6. Book
Soda Notebook
Bread Magazine
Cookies Stamp
Chocolate Newspaper

A. Read the shopping list. Ask and answer questions about things in the
Things to buy Is there any bread?

bread Yes, there is some.

eggs How much is there?
There isn’t much.
cookies Is there any milk?
potatoes No, there isn’t.
Are there any apples?
apple juice Yes, there are.
cheddar cheese How many are there?
A lot

B. Complete the questions using much or many.

1. How people are there in the room?
2. How gas is there in the car?
3. How money do you have in your pocket?

4. How eggs do we have?
5. How milk is there in the refrigerator?
6. How apples do you want?

C. Choose an answer for each question in Exercise B.

a. A kilo, please.
b. There are two cartons.
c. There are only two left.
d. Only five dollars.
e. Twenty. Nine men and eleven women.
f. The tank is full.

D. Find mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.

1. How much potatoes do you want?
How many potatoes do you want?
2. I don’t like an ice cream.
3. Can I have a bread, please?
4. I’m hungry. I like a sandwich.
5. There isn’t many milk left.
6. I’d like some fruits, please.
7. How many money do you have?
8. We have lot of homework today.

E. Work with your partner. Make a shopping list each. Buy the things you
need in the market. Take turns to be the seller.

Can I help you?
Yes, please. I’d like a/some...

Here you are. Anything else?

Yes. Can I have a/some...?
How much is that?


Main courses
Cheese burger VND 60,000
Double cheese burger VND 65,000
Chicken curry with rice VND 50,000
Seafood salad VND 55,000
Egg salad VND 40,000
Fish and mushroom pie VND 60,000
Ice cream VND 25,000
Banana cake VND 15,000
Fruit cake VND 20,000
Apple VND 25,000
Orange VND 20,000
Banana VND 15,000
Pear VND 20,000
Mixed fruits VND 40,000

Orange juice VND 30,000
Apple juice VND 35,000
Tea VND 25,000
Coffee VND 20,000
Water VND 10,000

A. Put these words in the correct groups below.

fruit cake lemon tea chicken salad ice cream
chocolate cake fish pie fruit juice fried chicken
custard cheese burger black coffee mineral water

Main courses



B. Read the menu and decide if the sentences below are T (TRUE) or F
1. You can eat salad in this restaurant.
2. This restaurant sells seafood.

3. There are three different types of cake
4. They don’t have desserts in this restaurant.
5. The water is free in this restaurant.


A. Read the conversation below and answer the questions.
Frank Hi Susan!
Susan Hi Frank!
Frank What are you eating?
Susan I’m eating fried chicken with some potato chips.
Frank Oh, no. You shouldn’t eat too much fast food. It’s really bad for
your health.
Susan But I’m hungry!
Frank No, Susan! You should eat healthy food, like fish and vegetables.
Susan Yes, OK. You’re right.
Frank And I also see some coke. You shouldn’t drink it too much. It
makes you gain weight.
Susan Well, so what should I drink now?
Frank You should drink more mineral water. Lemon juice or orange
juice is also quite good.
Susan Yes, I see. Thanks, Frank.
1. What shouldn’t Susan eat and drink?
2. What should she eat and drink?

We use should / shouldn’t to give advice, or say something is
a good or bad idea.
Should is followed by the base form of the verb. The form of
should is the same for all persons.
Affirmative Negative
You should drink more You shouldn’t stay up late.
Should I stop now?
Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t.

B. Match the problems with the advice.
1. I am thirsty now.
2. I can’t do this exercise.
3. I feel so sleepy.
4. John fails the exam.
5. Mary wants to lose weight.

a. You should ask Peter for help.

b. You should go to bed early.
c. He should study harder.
e. You should find something to drink.
f. She should eat more fruits and vegetables.

Write a short paragraph about what your friend should and shouldn’t do to
have good health, using should and shouldn’t. Include the following
information in your writing.
1. Note some kinds of food and drink your friend should eat and drink.
2. Note some kinds of food and drink your friend shouldn’t eat and drink.
3. Mention sports/activities your friend should play/do.
4. Mention activities your friend shouldn’t do.
5. Specify benefits your friend will have when he/she does these things.

UNITS 3 & 4

A. Choose There is or There are to complete the sentences.

1. There is / There are four people in my home.
2. At my school, there is / there are a library.
3. There is / There are a river in my town.
4. There is / There are some students in class.
5. There is / There are a lot of shops in my town.
6. There is / There are a beach near my house.

B. Write about your hometown using There is… or There are...

1. There are some restaurants in my hometown.
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8. .

C. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. We don’t have milk for breakfast.
2. I don’t want lettuce in my sandwiches.
3. We need flowers in this room.
4. Please bring me water.
5. I can’t see apples in the fridge.
6. Do you have pens with you?
7. There are chairs in the room.

D. Make the sentences negative. Be careful with some and any.

1. There is some chicken in the fridge.
There isn’t any chicken in the fridge.
2. I want some chilies on my pizza.
3. I drink some milk for my breakfast.
4. There is a pineapple on the table.
5. I want an egg for breakfast.
6. I have some apples.
7. There are some sandwiches for your friends.

E. Put the words in the correct order to make questions and write short
1. is/ fish/ any/ there
Is there any fish?
Yes, there is.
2. carrots/ there/ any/ are
3. any/ is/ chicken/ there
4. is/ pineapple/ there/ a
5. potatoes/ there/ any/ are

F. Complete the sentences with much or many.

1. There aren’t eggs in the fridge.

2. He doesn’t have rice.
3. They don’t have bananas.
4. There isn’t water in the bottle.
5. We don’t have sugar.
6. There aren’t tomatoes in the kitchen.
G. Complete the questions with how much and how many, and there is and
there are.
1. How many oranges are there?
2. cheese ?
3. chairs ?
4. strawberries ?
5. butter ?
6. cabbage ?
7. milk _?
8. eggs _?

1. Look at the picture. Complete the puzzle with food words. What’s the
mystery word?

2. 4.
1. 6.
2. 7.


2. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1:

1. Lynn usually eats noodles at her favorite Chinese restaurant.
2. I can’t eat dairy. I never eat .
3. Carl’s favorite food is fruit. He eats and .
4. I usually have milk and fruit with my in the morning.
5. and are my favorite vegetables.
6. Tanya’s favorite grain is . she usually has it with beans.

3. What food do you eat? Write two examples for each group or I don’t eat.

Example: I eat bananas and apples. or I don’t eat fruit.

4. Cross out the word that doesn’t belong in each list:

1. On pizza: tomatoes cheese pancakes
2. Italian food: pizza hot dog spaghetti
3. In a salad: carrots cheese soup
4. Japanese food: tacos sushi rice
. 5. In Soup noodles salad chicken

5.Match each drink item with a picture:

orange juice milk cola lemonade
water tea hot chocolate milkshake

a………………………. e……………………….
b………………………. f……………………….
c………………………. g……………………….
d………………………. h……………………….

1. Are the food words countable or uncountable nouns? Write C (countable
noun) or U (uncountable noun):
1. apple C 3. milk 5.meat 7.chicken
2. cheese 4. tomato 6.pasta 8.egg

2. Complete the questions with How much or How many:

1. beer is there in the fridge?
2. eggs do you want?
3. languages do you speak?
4. people are there in the class?
5. days are there in a week?
6. milk do you drink everyday?
7. kilos of rice do you want?
8. soda does she want?
9. is this? It’s ten dollars.
10.How oranges are there in the fridge?

3. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t:

1. You stay up too late because it’s not good for your health.
2. No one be late for school tomorrow because we will have an exam.
3. I think there be a garbage dump in front of the restaurant.
4. You go for a check-up regularly.

5. I think you be more tactful.
6. you have any questions, please write me an email.
7. What I do to learn better?
8. My father thinks that I _be so into computer games.
9. The candidates be here before 10am, or they will be disqualified.
10. You _learn about some cultural features of the country you are going
to visit.

4. Write sentences using should or shouldn’t:

1. You/ go/ to/ see/ doctor/ regularly

2. Which dress/ I/ wear/today?

3. The teacher/ think/ Jim/ study/ harder.

4. The boys/ not/ climb up/ the wall.

5. I/ watch TV/ go out/ with/ friends/ now?

6. If/ Jim/ be/ sick, he/ stay/ home.

7. How much/ water/ we/ drink/ everyday?

8. What/ I/ not/ do/ at/ chinese restaurant?

9. You/ inform/ your parents/ before/ you/ go.

10. Josh/ not/ devote/ all/ his free time/ to/ playing games.

5. Complete the sentences with would like or wouldn’t like:
1. What you to eat?
2. I a hot dog.
3. What she ?
4. She some french fries.
5. How you your steak?
6. I it well done.
7. They to watch TV.
8. Your parents that. (negative)
9. Bob living in California. (negative)
10. you some ketchup?

1.Write the words below in the chart. Then add one more item to each list.
salad apple pie coffee carrots steak peas fish juice
cake tea chicken ice cream broccoli soup shrimp cocktail

Appetizers Main dishes Vegetables Desserts Drinks

2.People are oerdering food in a restaurant. Listen and check () each

person’s order.

Appetizers Appetizers Appetizers
Vegetable soup 4.50 Soup of the day 4.50 Chicken soup 4.50
House salad 3.75 Greek salad 5.00 Spinach salad 3.75
Main Dishes Main Dishes Main Dishes
Steak with fries 18.00 Vegetable plate 9.50 Beef stir-fry 5.95
Roast chicken 9.95 Grilled fish with 13.00 Hamburger 4.95
Spaghetti with 11.00 broccoli or peas with fries
meat sauce

Desserts Desserts Desserts

Apple juice 3.75 Chocolate cake 3.75 Cheese cake 3.50
Ice cream 2.75 Ice cream 2.75 Fresh fruit 2.75

Drinks Drinks Drinks

Tea 1.50 Iced tea 1.50 Coffee/Tea 1.50
Soda 1.75 Soda 1.75 Milk 2.00
Coffee 1.50 Coffee 1.50 Soda 1.75
Juice 2.00 Juice 2.00 Juice 2.0

3.People are talking about meals they had at a restaurant. Did they like their
meals? Listen and check () the correct answer.
Liked Didn’t like
1.the appetizer
the main dish
the vegetables
the dessert

2.the appetizer
the main dish
the vegetables
the dessert

3.the appetizer
the main dish
the vegetables
the dessert

4.the appetizer
the main dish
the vegetables
the dessert
4.Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Listen and check
True False
1. The steak was a little tough.
2. The cake was delicious.
3. The steamed vegetables were perfect.
4. The onion soup was too salty.

1. Look at Karen’s answer to the quiz. Then answer the questions.
How international is your diet?
How often do every day twice a once a twice a once in a never
you have week week month while
Brazilian food
Colombian food
Japanese food
Korean food
American food
Italian food
Greek food

1.How often does Karen eat Brazilian food? She eats Brazilian food once a week.
2.How often does she eat Colombian food?
3.How often does she eat Japanese food?
4.How often does she eat Korean food?
5.How often does she eat American food?
6.How often does she eat Italian food?
7.How often does she eat Greek food?

2. How international is your diet? Answer the quiz with your own information.
Then write sentences with the time expressions.
How often do every day twice a once a twice a once in a never
you have week week month while
Brazilian food
Colombian food
Japanese food
Korean food
American food
Italian food
Greek food

Example: I never eat Mexican food.

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

3.Complete the conversation. Use the correct forms of the expressions from the

love really like like not like not like at all hate

A: Let’s make lunch. Do you like noodles?

B: No, I (1) don’t like noodles.
A: How about Mexican food?
B: Yes, I (2) .
A: Ok. How about rice and beans?
B: I (3) .
A: OK. Rice and beans. I have some fish, too.
B: I (4) .How about chicken?

A: I (5) .How about beef?

B: I (6) .Let’s have rice and beans with beef.

4.Complete the conversation with your own information. Use some of the
expressions from Exercise 6.

Nina: Do you like fish?

You: .
Nina: Do you like pasta?
Nina: How about eggs?
Nina: Do you like Chinese food?

Nina: How about Italian food?

1. Read the text:

Sometimes, it’s difficult to eat out with my friends. Everybody likes different
kinds of food! My friend Jon loves Asian food. He likes dumplings, and he
really likes sushi. Sandy usually eats pasta. She loves spaghetti and noodles.
Jake, her brother, likes American food. He usually has a hot dog or a
hamburger. Louis likes tacos, but his favorite meal is breakfast. He loves
cereal, eggs, and pancakes. And Kristen is always on a diet. She only eats soup
and salad. It’s terrible. How about me! Well, I eat anything. I love all kinds of
2. Label the pictures with the correct underlined food words.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.


What do you usually eat? How often do you eat out? What’s your favorite
recipe? We want to hear from you!
In my family, we usually have a well-balanced diet. We eat vegetables, fruit, and
grains everyday. We eat chicken about three times a week, and we eat fish once or
twice a week. We hardly ever have beef. We eat it once in a while at restaurants,
but we don’t eat out very often. We do have some special days, though. Once a
month, we eat out with our children at our Chinese restaurent. The dumplings are
delicious! And my mom comes over and makes Mexican food twice a month.
Here’s my favorite easy receipe: Veggie pizza
Get some Italian bread. Put vegetables on top. I use peppers, tomatoes, and
Then add cheese, and cook it in the microwave for one minute. Delicious!

3. Read the text (Easy chef forum). Then answer the questions.:
a. How often does Isabel eat at a Chinese restaurant?

b.Who makes Mexican food?

c.What’s Isabel’s favorite recipe?

4. Write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).

1. Isabel has two children. NI
2. Isabel’s family eats vegetables seven days a week.
3. Isabel’s mother makes Mexican food for the family every
4. Isabel’s husband sometimes makes veggie pizza.
5. Isabel’s family never has beef.
6. Isabel can’t cook Mexican food.
7. Isabel likes dumplings.
8. Peppers are vegetables.

Write a short paragraph about what your friend should and shouldn’t do to
have good health, using should and shouldn’t. Include the following
information in your writing.
1. Note some kinds of food and drink your friend should eat and drink.
2. Note some kinds of food and drink your friend shouldn’t eat and drink.
3. Mention sports/activities your friend should play/do.
4. Mention activities your friend shouldn’t do.
5. Specify benefits your friend will have when he/she does these things.


Talk about the pictures with a partner.
What can you see? Where are the people? What are they doing?

A. Complete each phrase with be or have.
1. _have_ straight black hair
2. a mustache
3. bald
4. tall
5. short brown hair
6. a beard
7. short
8. curly hair
9. blond hair
10. fat
11. thin

B. Use some of the words and phrases in Exercise A to talk about the people in
the pictures.
He has a beard. I think he is tall
and thin.

(b) (c) (d) (e)


We use the Present Continuous to talk about actions that are
happening now.
S + am/is/are + V-ing
Grammar point

She is talking on the phone.

S + am/is/are + NOT + V-ing
She isn’t talking on the phone.
Am/is/are + S + V-ing?
Is she talking on the phone?
Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Signal words for the Present Continuous

- now / right now
- at the moment

- at present
- today
- Look!
- Listen!
- Be quiet!

A. Use the suggested information to write sentences describing what John, his
family members and his pet are doing at the moment.
1. John/ watch TV

John is watching TV.
2. His mother/ cook

3. His father/ read a newspaper

4. His sister and brother/ play chess

5. His dog/ lie on the floor

B. Write questions using the Present Continuous tense.

1. you/ wear white socks?
Are you wearing white socks?

2. you/ learn English?

3. our teacher/ smile?

4. we/ sit next to the door?

5. our teacher/ write on the board?

6. your father/ work in a factory now?

7. your mother/ cook now?

C. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise B.

Are you wearing Yes, I
white socks? am./ No,
I’m not.

A. Listen to the dialog. What do Alex and Carey agree to do together? Choose
the correct answer.
a. play football b. go swimming c. go for a bike ride

Mark: Hi John. What are you up to this weekend?

John: I intend to play football on Sunday morning with some friends.
Mark: Are you free in the afternoon?
John: Yes, I am.
Mark: Wonderful! Let’s go swimming. It’s been so hot these days.
John: No, thanks. I don’t know how to swim.
Mark: OK. How about going for a bike ride in the park?
John: Great! What time can we meet?
Mark: What about meeting at 2 PM at my house?
John: Fine. See you then.

B. Work in pairs. Practice the dialog and try to replace the phrases in bold.
Activities: Go dancing, go ice-skating, go to the beach, go camping, have dinner,
have a drink, play volleyball, play hide-and-seek, play badminton

C. Listen to Carey talking about Halloween Day and fill in the blanks with the
words in the box.

fancy holiday horror events bands traditional

trick lanterns apple food

In the United States, Halloween is a great (1)_ . It is
celebrated on 30 October, and people often go to (2) dress parties.
topic is about (3) and superpowers. Restaurants and clubs hold
special (4) , too. They prepare (5) and drink for the
day. They also invite live (6)_ to play. Children often go door to
door and shout (7) “_ or treat”. They visit their neighbours and ask
for sweets and chocolates. They also make Halloween (8) with

candles. They like to play (9) games. The holiday happens just after
the (10) harvest.

A. Look at these questions. Tell your partner about you and your family.
What do you usually do with your family on holidays?

B. Look at the list of days. Which days are special? Match the special days
with the pictures.

birthday yesterday Easter

Mother’s day Halloween New Year’s Eve
today Monday Valentine’s Day
weekend Thanksgiving Friday
wedding day tomorrow Christmas Day

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

C. Which days do you celebrate in your country? What do you do?

make a cake wear special clothes
give cards and presents watch fireworks
have a meal have a party
go out with friends give flowers or chocolates


Tet is Vietnam’s main holiday. It starts around the beginning of February. Tet is a
special occasion for Vietnamese families to get together. They buy new clothes,
clean houses and cook traditional foods. Some typical foods are banh chung, (a
sticky rice cake) and mut (candied fruits). People often decorate their homes with
flowers and plants.

On Tet holiday, everyone is nice and polite to each other. They also have many
activities. They go to pagodas. Children receive lucky money from adults. Many
people visit relatives or friends to wish a happy New Year. Young people often hang
out with friends and go to amusement parks. Tet is always meaningful to

A. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. When is Tet in Vietnam?
2. What do people often do to prepare for Tet?
3. What are some typical Tet’s foods?
4. What are some popular activities on Tet holiday?
B. Discuss with a partner.
1. What do you often do on Tet holiday?
2. What kind of food do you often prepare for Tet?



We use the Present continuous
1. for actions happening at the time of speaking.
We use the Present simple
1. for regular events and actions
2. for facts which are always true
Time expressions
1. We normally use the Present simple with time expressions
such as usually, always, every day, never, on Sundays…
2. We normally use the Present continuous with time
expressions such as today, at the moment, tonight, now…

A. Complete the following sentences using the Present simple or Present

cook do go help like
prefer not understand want play

1. you breakfast at the moment?

2. We to the zoo. you to come with us?
3. I my English homework at the moment, but I some
4. I this pizza, it’s really nice – but I still Vietnamese food.
5. he online games again? He never with the

B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1. What do you usually have for breakfast?
2. What are you wearing now?
3. Who do you usually talk to in class?
4. How do you feel when you pass the exam?
5. How are you feeling now?

What do you usually have I usually have bread and milk
for for
breakfast breakfast
? .


A. Match the clothes in the pictures with the words below.
1. boots
(a) (b) (c)
2. dress
3. _ gloves
4. hat
5. jacket
6. shoes
7. shorts (d) (e) (f) (g)
8. shirt
9. trousers
10. jeans
11. tie
12. scarf
13. T-shirt
(h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m)

B. Match the colour with each word below.

1. black 2. blue
3. brown 4. green
5. grey 6. orange

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)

7. pink 8. purple
9. red 10. white
11. yellow

C. Work in pairs. Ask and answer using the words in Exercises A and B.

What colour is the boy’s jacket? It’s black.

Write a short paragraph about a festival or special event that you want to
enjoy with your family or friends. Include the following information in your

1. Note what the festival or special event is.

2. Mention some activities you like to do.
3. Mention some activities you and your family and friends
like to do together.
4. Mention kinds of clothes you and your family and friends
wear on that occasion.
5. State how you and your family and friends feel.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct meaning:
1. Jannuary March May July
2. ………… July August September
3. September October November …………
4. Jannuary ………… July October
5. ………… May August November

2. Look at Kelly’s birthday calendar. When is each person’s birthday?

Write sentences with words for the dates.
Birthday Calendar
Sort by: dates
Makato Saito
June 22nd 1. Makato’s birthay is June twenty-second.
Kyle Brown
June 23rd 2.
Lucia Ferrari
June 29th 3.
Jack O’Dell
June 30th 4.
Dan Stuart
July 1st 5.
Daniel Lucas
July 5th 6.
Amanda Rivera
July 8th 7.

Emily Simpson
July 12th 8.

3. Put the letters in the corrrect order to make party checklist pictures:
1. h o s o c e h e t uscmi choose the music
2. d s e n het osilvtnitan
3. m k e a a eusgt slti
4. l p a h e h t mneu
5. k a b e a c e k a
6. r e d a e r o c eht omor
7. y b u a fgit
8. p p e e r a hte dofo

1. Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.
1. Jacob’s going to/ go to visit relatives on Sunday.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are going drive/ are going to drive to work next
3. We’re not going to/ not going to go to the beach.
4. Chet is going to not take/ isn’t going to take the train to work.
5. A: Are you going to stay/ go to staying home today?
B: Yes, I am going/ I am.
6. A: Is Sarah go/ Is sarah going to study in Brazil?
B: No, she isn’t/ she doesn’t.

2. Look at the calendar. Write sentences about the people’s future plans with
be going to. Use the words in parentheses.

Jannuary February March
22- Ellie’s trip to Ecuador
April May June
21- Danna’s 1st day at new 7- Tim’s graduation from 2 – Willy’s vacation
job college (one week)
July August September
23- Jill and Lucas - 10 – Brian and Nicole’s
skydiving 1st day of college.
October November December
11 – Amy and Ken’s 13- Heather’s big party

1. (travel) Ellie is going to travel to Ecuador on March 22nd.

2. (start her new job)
3. (graduate from college)
4. (go on vacation)
5. (go skydiving)
6. (start college)
7. (get married)
8. (have a party)

3. Write yes/ no questions with be going to and the information in parentheses.

1. (you/ take/ a taxi/ to work?)
A: Are you going to take a taxi to work?
B: Yes, I am.
2. (they/ get/ married/ next week)

B: No,
3. (he/ create/ a website for me?
B: No,
4. (we/ eat out/ on Friday)
B: Yes,
5 (She/ look for/ a job)
B: Yes,
6 (you/ do/ the dishes/ tonight)
B: No,

4. Complete the chart with information about future plans for you/ your
family, or your friends. Use the events in the box or your own ideas.
get married graduate star a new job
go skydiving have a big party travel to [country name]

Person Event Date

Example Max and Leah get married August 3rd

5. Write sentences with the information in Exercise 4 and be going to
Example: Max and Leah are going to get mariied on August 3 rd.

6. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. going/ to/ buy/ you/ What/ are/ Jen?
What are you going to buy Jen?

2. help/ going/ Henry and me/ Who’s/ to/?

3. John/ going/ When/ to/ you/ are/ see/?

4. to/ is/ going/ How/ Senva/ send/ the invitations/?

5. to/ What time/ Paul and Vera/ going/ is/ he/ call/ ?

6. is/ Where/ going/ she/ meet/ to/ you and Jim/?

7. Complete the chart with the correct subject pronouns:

Subject pronouns I you he she It we they

Object pronouns me

8. Rewrite the email to correct the underlined mistakes:

To: [email protected]
[email protected]
Subject: Mom’s birthday

Hi, Olivia!
How are you? I’m busy with Mick and Susanna. I’m going to take they to a
soccer game at 12:00. Then we’re going to go shopping. Susanna has a concert on
Friday. I’m going to buy it a new dress. Mick needs a new computer. I’m going to
buy him at CompSave.
Listen, Mom’s birthday is Sunday. What are we going to get him? Do you
want to get she a sweater and a scarf? Look at the pictures. I can buy they
online today. You can pay my later. Mom helps we all the time, so let’s surprise
hers with a party. Let’s have a cake. Can you bake its? Dad is going to be here
tomorrow. I can tell he about the party.
I’m going to call your after the soccer game. Are you going to be
home? Your sister,

How are you? I’m busy with Mick and Susanna. I’m going to take them to
1. What do you like to do on the weekend? Check () your answer and
compare them with a partner:

Yes No Yes No
exercise at the gym go shopping
go to a movie watch sports on TV
rent a video go to a disco
play a computer game go to a park
play sports go rollerblading
eat out other:………………

2. These people are calling friends about the weekend. Are these statements
true or false? Listen and check () the correct answer.
True False

1. Penny agree to go to a movie with Bob.
2. Anne can’t come to the party.
3. Ken invites Nancy to a movie.
4. Anne and Mike are going to see a football game.
5 Wendy can’t go to Jack’s house.

3. Listen again. Circle the correct answer for each question:

1. When does Bob want to go to the movies?
a. on the weekend
b. on Friday morning
c. on Friday night
2. When is the party?
a. on Sarturday night
b. the weekend after next
c. on Sunday night
3. When does Ken want to go out with Nancy?
a. on Friday morning
b. on Friday night
c. on the weekend
4. When is the game?
a. on Sunday night
b. on Sunday afternoon
c. on Saturday afternoon
5. When is the movie on TV?
a. Tuesday night
b. Thursday night
c. tonight

4. Listen to these invitations. Does the person accept or refuse? Check () the
correct answer.
Accept Refuse
1. Bobby
2. Melissa
3. Jack
4. Betty
5. Ralph
6. Jill

5. Listen again. What is each invitation for? Give the correct answer.

1. a. breakfast 3. a. coffee 5. a. tennis

b. dinner b. lunch b. a drive
c. coffee c. dinner c. a trip

2. a. a concert 4. a. a party 6. a. a walk

b. a play b. dinner b. a party
c. a movie c. a barbecue c. shopping

1. Complete the words with the correct letters.
Declining an invitation Accepting an invitation
1. I’m sorry. I can’t. 4. S………I’d l……to.
2. I’m a……….. I can’t. 5. Yeah. That s………. g……
3. I’m r………..sorry, but I can’t. 6. S………. g………..

2. Complate the conversation with phrases from Exercise 1. More than one
answer is possible.

Sam: Hello!
Ty: Hi, Sam. It’s Ty. Listen, Do you want to go to a basketball game on Saturday?
Sam: Saturday?...............................(1)............................................
Ty: Oh, OK. Well, do you want to go to the beach on Sunday?
Sam: The beach? ...............................(2)............................................
Ty: Great. I’m going to drive. Can we meet at your house at 9.00 a.m.?
Sam: ...............................(3)...........................................! See you at 9.00 on Sunday.

3. Write a conversation about invitations with the phrases from Exercise 1 and
your own ideas. Use the conversation in Exercise 2 as a model:

Marc: Hello!


Host: Kelly
What: A party for Joe’s birthday!
Where: Kelly’s house
542 Maple Street
When: Saturday, June 14th
6.00 p.m.

It’s Joe’s birthday. Let’s give him a great party! Shhh…don’t tell him! I’m going to
prepare dinner and bake a cake. Come early and help me decorate the house! Bring
him a gift or a card. Are you going to come? Don’t be late!
Are you going to come? Post a comment:
Yes No …………………………………….. Guests:
…………………………. ……………………………………..

RayS: Sure, I’m going to come!
Matt Blake: It sounds great. I’m going to bring my wife.
Dawn447: Josh and I are going to be there. See you on Saturday.
Ellie Smith: I’m going to bring my guitar and play him a song!
Paul Peters: I’m goingto be late, but I’m going to be there!
Lydia: I’m sorry, I can’t. My mother is visiting, and we are going to see a play that
Ali: I’m afraid I can’t come to Joe’s party. Tell him “Happy Birthday!”

1. Look at the invitation. What are they going to celebrate?

2. Read the invitation again. Then write T (true), F (false), or NI (no

1. The party is at 6:00 p.m. on June 14th. …T….
2. Guests are going to bring food to the party. ……..
3. Kelly is going to bake a cake. ……..
4. Matt’s wife isn’t going to come to the party. ……..
5. Ellie can play the guitar. ……..
6. Lydia is going to buy Joe a gift. ……..

Write a short paragraph about a festival or special event that you want to
enjoy with your family or friends. Include the following information in your

1. Note what the festival or special event is.

2. Mention some activities you like to do.
3. Mention some activities you and your family and friends
like to do together.
4. Mention kinds of clothes you and your family and friends
wear on that occasion.
5. State how you and your family and friends feel.


A. Talk about the pictures with a partner.
What can you see?
Where are these places?

B. What do you like to do on vacation?

sunbathe on the beach
go to a theme park
travel to a lot of new places
spend your time on a farm


A. Match each activity with a picture. (a) (b)
1. go sightseeing
2. go camping
3. sunbathe on the
4. visit pagodas
5. go on a guided tour
6. stay on a farm
(c) (d)
7. go to a theme park
8. go hiking
9. visit grandparents
10. go to the cinema

(e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j)

B. Check () the vacation activities you enjoy. Ask and answer questions with
a partner.
Do you like to go sightseeing Yes, of course. I think going
when you go on sightseeing is
vacation? interesting!


Past Simple: Be
Grammar point

I/he/she/it was in Paris.

We/you/they were in Paris.
I/he/she/it wasn’t in Paris.
We/you/they weren’t in Paris.

Was I/he/she/it in Paris?
Yes, he/she/it was. / No, he/she/it wasn’t.
Were you/we/they in Paris?
Yes, we/they were. / No, we/they weren’t.
Note: wasn’t = was not; weren’t = were not

Past Simple: Can

Could is used for all persons.
Grammar point

He could swim when he was child.

He couldn’t swim when he was a child.
Could he swim when he was a child?
Yes, he could. / No, he couldn’t.
Note: couldn’t = could not

A. Complete the conversation with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

Rose: Where (1) you last night, Anne?
Anne: Well, I (2) at home with my mum.
Rose: You (3) at the cinema with John?
Anne: No, I couldn’t go because my mum (4) sick.
Rose: What a pity.
Anne: How (5) the film?
Rose: It (6)_ pretty good, but the ending (7) very happy.

B. Write sentences using could and was

1. He / read / five
He could read when he was five.
2. John / play piano / six
3. My brother / draw beautiful pictures / seven
4. We / speak two foreign languages / eighteen.

5. She / dance / eight
6. Tiger Woods / play golf / three

C. Write questions using the Past simple form of be and can.

1. walk / one
Could you walk when you were one?
2. write your name / three

3. read / two

4. count from one to ten / two

5. talk / three

6. ride a bike / six

7. swim / five

D. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions in Exercise D.

Could you walk when you Yes, I could. /
were No, I couldn’t.

A. People are talking about their vacations. Did they enjoy them? Listen and
choose Yes or No.
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes
No No No No
5. Yes 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. Yes
No No No No

B. Listen again and match.
1. The weather was . a. fantastic
2. The people were . b. terrible
3. The ski trip was . c. disappointing
4. Their trip to China was . d. nice
5. Her trip to the beach was . e. clean.
6. The hotel wasn’t . f. awful
7. Shopping in India was . g. short
8. His vacation was too . h. terrific

C. People are talking about their vacations. Listen and check the correct
1. She learned to surf very fast. True False
2. It was cool at night. True False
3. The museums were boring. True False
4. The weather was fantastic. True False
5. He traveled to the USA. True False
6. They had a comfortable trip. True False

A. Read the information about Jim and Army. Make notes about your last
Questions Jim Army Me
Where/go? Vermont Japan
When/go? last June last October
a week three weeks
How/travel? train plane
Where/stay? a bed and breakfast with friends
went walking in the visited Tokyo and
countryside Kyoto

some beautiful some beautiful
What/see? mountains and rivers; temples; not Mount
not any people! Fuji
Enjoy the
yes Yes

B. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with When did you last...?
Ask another questions for more information.
When did you last take a vacation?
Last August.

Where did you go?

To Florida

Yukio took a vacation last August and she went to Italy.

take a vacation take a photo write an e-mail

watch a DVD go to a party get a present
go shopping talk on a cell phone eat in a restaurant
Tell the class some things you learned about your partner.


My First Trip to Hanoi

My name’s Nam and I want to tell you a funny story about my first trip. Last
weekend I went to Hanoi with my family. We took a cheap flight and we stayed in
a hotel in the city centre. I packed all my clothes and my computer in a bag. My
dad asked me not to check it in but I did. We got our luggage at the airport. When I
opened my bag, it was full of books and girls’ clothes. The bag looked exactly like
my bag but there were skirts, shoes and lots of books and magazines. I phoned the
airport but they didn’t know anything about my bag. Therefore, I spent three days
without any clothes and computer. My brother gave me some of his clothes but
they were too big and I looked terrible! We also visited some famous places in

such as Hoan Kiem Lake, Tran Quoc Pagoda and I took some photos of my family.
On the last day of my trip, my bag suddenly arrived at the hotel. I was very happy
to see it and I didn’t have to pack. Anyway, we had a great trip.

Hoan Kiem Lake

A. Read the text again and decide if the sentences are T (TRUE) or F
1. Nam went to Hanoi with his friends.
2. They stayed in a hotel in the city centre.
3. Nam packed only his clothes in a bag.
4. They stayed in Hanoi for a week.
5. Nam had a bad trip.

B. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What did Nam take with him to Hanoi?
2. Did he have his computer in Hanoi?
3. How long did he stay in Hanoi?
4. Why did Nam ‘look terrible’ in Hanoi?



Past Simple tense is used to talk about a completed action in the
The form of Past Simple is the same for all persons.
1. Most verbs: add –ed watch watched
2. Verbs ending in -e: add –d dance danced
3. Verbs ending in a consonant and -y: change –y to -ied
study studied
4. Verbs ending in a short vowel and a consonant: double the
consonant and add –ed chat chatted plan planned
5. However, there are a lot of irregular past tense forms in English.
Here are some common irregular verbs in English, with their past
tense forms:
Base form Past form
break Broke
buy bought
catch caught
do Did
grow Grew
hide Hid
keep Kept
know Knew
make Made
pay Paid
read Read
say Said
see Saw
sell Sold
send Sent
sleep Slept
speak Spoke
spend Spent
tell Told
wear Wore

A. Put the time expressions below in the correct order (1-9). Start with the
most recent.
four years ago last year yesterday morning
yesterday afternoon last week last night
last month the day before yesterday two months ago


B. Write sentences using Past simple tense.

1. they/ play/ football/ yesterday
They played football yesterday.
2. last year/ I/ celebrate/ birthday party/ in a restaurant.

3. My mother/ clean/ house/ at the weekend

4. Tom/ send a message/ his girlfriend/ yesterday morning

5. We/ travel/ Dalat City/ three years ago.

6. My sister/ wash/ her clothes/ last night.

7. Last week/ Peter and John/ return/ their hometown

C. Ask each student to use each verb below to create a sentence describing his
or her activity in the past.
chat cook study walk phone visit work watchplay listen stay

I played chess with my father last night. I visited my
grandparents two
months ago.


A. Match each item with a picture.
1. map
2. passport
(a) (b)
3. _ sunglasses
4. camera
5. umbrella
6. tent
7. first aid kit
8. sandals
(c) (d) (e)

(f) (h)

B. Match each item above (1-8) with a definition.
1. You can take a lot of pictures with this.
2. We wear these on your feet in hot weather.
3. These protect your eyes when it is very sunny.
4. You sleep in this when you go camping.
5. You use this in case of the rain.
6. You use this when you get injured.
7. This helps you when you are lost.
8. You show this when you enter or leave a foreign country.

Write a short paragraph about your last vacation in the past using Past simple
tense. Include the following information in your writing.
1. Note where you had your vacation.
2. Note whom you went with and whom you met.
3. Note the place where you stayed.
4. Mention some special places you went to and
food you ate during your vacation.
5. Mention some activities you enjoyed and didn’t
enjoy during your vacation.
6. Provide your feeling about the vacation.

UNITS 5 & 6

A. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in Present continuous.
1. homework/ doing/ the/ I’m/ now
I’m doing the homework now.
2. watching/ my brothers/ TV/ are
3. our dog/ eating/ is/ food/ its
4. the/ shining/ is/ sun
5. a/ Maria/ coat/ wearing/ is
6. you’re/ the guitar/ playing
7. my/ me/ sitting/ best friend/ next to
8. breakfast/ cooking/ my mother/ is

B. Make the sentences in exercise A negative.

1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .
5. .
6. .
7. .
8. .

C. Complete the questions using the Present continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. Then write true answers.
1. it (rain) outside?
2. the sun (shine)?
3. your friends (sit) near you?
4. you (wear) jeans?
5. you (listen) to music at the moment?
6. you (eat) anything at the moment?

D. Complete the email. Use the Present continuous form (affirmative, negative
or interrogative) of the verbs in brackets.

To: [email protected]

Dear Peter,

How are you? 1 (enjoy) your new school?

Everyone here is fine, but 2 (get) really
angry with my brother. He 3 (do) lots of
exams this term, so he (work) very hard.
He spends every evening at his desk. I have to do all his
jobs around the house because he 5 (help)
with the housework at all. It’s so unfair!

That’s all for now. Mum 6 _ (call) me.

Dinner is ready! When 7 (plan) to visit us?

E. Complete the email. Use the Present simple or Present continuous forms of
the verbs in brackets.

To: [email protected]

Hi Susan,

What 1 (you/ do) at the moment?

I2 (sit) in Mario’s café. I 3_

(drink) a milkshake. This café 4 (make)
the best milkshake in town! I 5 (often/
come) here after school with my friend Mary. In fact, I
6 (wait) for her now. She’s always late. I
7 (not understand) why! Anyway, can I
borrow your geography textbook? I 8
(need) it for that test next week. I can’t find mine. Oh,
Mary 9 (come) into the café now.

F. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use
the Present simple in one gap and the Present continuous in the other.
1. Tom often sandals to school, but today he shoes.
2. We a DVD at the moment, but we TV in evenings.
3. I usually a sandwich for lunch, but today I some
soup. (have)
4. Jason and Tilly their rooms right now, but they usually
them at the weekend. (clean)
5. He usually news on the newspaper, but he news on
the computer now. (read)

G. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the affirmative or
negative form of the Present simple or the Present continuous.
have know laugh like prefer sing watch
1. Which you , blue or green?
2. “Where’s Tom?” “He a shower”.
3. I this pizza. It’s horrible!
4. “We the answer to this question”.
“Well, ask the teacher”.
5. “What’s that terrible noise?” “Kate !”
6. “Why Ben ?”
“Because he a funny film”.

H. There are mistakes in five of these sentences. Find the mistakes and write
the five sentences correctly.
1. “Are you wanting an ice-cream?” “No, thanks”.
2. Right now I do my homework.
3. Tom and Peter are hating maths.
4. I doesn’t believe in ghosts.
6. I’m sometimes play the guitar in my bedroom.
I. Complete the Past simple sentences. Use the words in brackets
1. I usually walk to school. (cycle)
Yesterday, I cycled to school.
2. I usually watch TV before school. (listen to music)
This morning, .
3. Most weekends, I play football. (play basketball)
Last weekend, .

4. We’re visiting the USA. (live there)
Ten years ago, .
5. She’s often late for school. (arrive early)
Yesterday morning, _.
6. This morning, the weather is fantastic. (rain every day)
Last month, .
7. I usually go on holiday with friends. (travel alone)
Last summer,

J. Complete the sentences with you own ideas using the Past simple.
1. Last weekend, _.
2. Two years ago, .
3. Yesterday, .
4. Last summer, .
5. Yesterday morning, .
6. Last month, .

K. Underline one mistake in each sentence. Write the sentences correctly.

1. I started school ago six years.
2. We trainned for six months for this competition.
3. I chat to my cousins in Italy last night.
4. We planed our holiday this morning.
5. I watched a great DVD afternoon yesterday.
6. My parents both studyed maths.
7. My uncle moved to Canada last summer ago.


8. The bus stoped in front of the town hall.


L. In some of these sentences, the past simple form is incorrect. Underline the
incorrect verbs and write the sentence correctly. Tick the correct sentences.
1. I taked a lot of photos yesterday.
2. I did my homework this morning.
3. We speaked to the teacher earlier.
4. I had cereal for breakfast.
5. You comed home late last night.
6. My grandfather fighted in World War 2.

M. Complete the sentences with the Past simple affirmative form of the verbs
below. All the verbs are irregular.
buy catch draw dream fall find see think
1. When I was at the beach, I a picture of face in the sand.
2. She’s in hospital because she off her horse.
3. He presents for all of his family.
4. She about her answer for a long time before speaking.
5. My friend a gold ring at the bottom of a swimming pool.
6. They the last bus home at midnight.
7. She about becoming a film star.
8. The teacher me using my smartphone in class.

N. Write sentences in the Past simple affirmative. Some verbs are regular and
some are irregular.
1. we/ see/ an interesting film/ last night
2. I/ travel/ around Japan/ last summer
3. my brother/ bring/ home/ a cat/ yesterday
4. I/ get/ a good grade/ last term
5. my cousins/ arrive/ a few minutes ago
6. the lesson/ finish/ an hour ago
7. I/ cook/ dinner/ yesterday evening
8. my parents/ teach/ abroad/ ten years ago



1. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.

1.That was an interesting book. I read it in 2005 and in 2007.

2. Can we watch a different movies? This is _ _ _ _ _

3.This is a _ _ n party. We’re having a great time.

4. The library is always _ _ _ _ _

5.Those hot dogs were _ _ r _ _ _ _ _I didn’t eat them.

6. I went to an _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ soccer game last weekend! The players were

very good.

7. My mother’s friends are very _ _ _ _ __ I can’t study.

8. This game is _ _ _ _ __ g It’s 0 to 0, and my favorite player isn’t playing.

9. This food isn’t great, but isn’t not bad. It’s _ _

2. Cross out the words that don’t make phrases with the verbs:

1. go to the beach pictures sightseeing

2. take a tour to a festival pictures
3 relax Souvenirs at home at a hotel
4. buy new clothes souvenirs sightseeing
5. shop in a market Online a tour


1. Complete the text with the correct forms of the simple past of be (not)

Did you read a good book?


I read Moby Dick. It …(1) was… boring. I didn’t like it.
Dan 91
No… Moby Dick …(2)… boring! It …(3)…interesting! I loved it!
Wow, Dan91! You’re kidding, right? Moby Dick …(4)… interesting at all! It’s 822
OK, long, yes, but boring, no!Moby Dick ….(5)… exciting, I read four Herman
Melville books, and they …(6)… all great!
What? I don’t think so. I read three of his book, and they …(7)… great. They
…(8)… all terrible!

2. Was or Were? - Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. I happy.
2. You angry.
3. She in London last week.
4. He on holiday.
5. It cold.
6. We at school.
7. You at the cinema.

8. They at home.
9. The cat on the roof.
10. The children in the garden.

3. Look at the tour information, then answer the questions in full sentences.


Last First Day People Getting Activities Time
name name traveling to Miami
with by
Arai Hiro Monday wife Train go sightseeing 11:00 a.m.-
9:00 p.m.
Clark Patty Tuesday -- Train Take a tour of 10: 00 a.m.-
the Miami 12: 00 p.m.
Hall Lucy Thursday husband, Car Go to Miami 8:00 a.m.-
two Metrozoo 8:00 p.m.
Vargas Ricardo Wednesday wife, one Bus Go to the 9:00 a.m.-
child Seaquarium 4:00 p.m.
Young Harry Tuesday -- Bus Go to an art 2:00 p.m.-
festival 6:00 p.m.

1.Where did Patty go on vacation? She went to Miami.

2. What did Hiro and his wife do in Miami?
3. Who did Lucy travel with?
4. How did Harry get to Miami?

5. What time did Patty’s tour start?
6. How did Ricardo and his family get to Miami?
7. What time did the art festival end?
8. What did Ricardo and his family do in Miami?

4. Read the answers. Write the Wh- questions for the underlined part of the
answers. Use the information from Exercise 3:

1. How did Lucy and her family get to Miami? They drove.

2. ?
He traveled with his wife and child.

3 ?
She took a tour of the Miami Science Museum.

4. ?

He went to the art festival on Tuesday.

5. ?

They took a train.

6. ?

It started at 2:00 p.m.

5. Complete the sentences with the Simple past tense.

1. Yesterday, I (go) to the restaurant with a client.

2. We (drive) around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking
3. When we (arrive) at the restaurant, the place (be) full.
4. The waitress (ask) us if we (have) reservations.
5. I (say), "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
6. The waitress (tell)_ us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly (walk) back to the car.
8. Then we (see) a small grocery store.
9. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) some sandwiches.
10. That (be) better than waiting for two hours.

6. Write the sentences in the Simple Past Tense:

1. I/ go swimming/ yesterday.
2. Mrs. Nhung/ wash/ the dishes.
3. my mother/ go shopping/ with/ friends/ in/ park.
4. Lan/ cook/ chicken noodles/ dinner.
5. Nam/ I/ study/ hard/ last weekend.
6. my father/ play/ golf/ yesterday.
7. last night/ Phong/listen/ music/ for two hours.
8. they/ have/ nice/ weekend.

9. she/ go/ supermarket yesterday.
10. We/ not go/ school last week.

7. Use the correct form of the verbs

Yesterday (be).......... Sunday, Nam (get)...............up at six. He (do) ...........
his morning exercises. He (take) ...............a shower, (comb).............. hair, and then
he (have) .............. breakfast with his parents. Nam (eat)............ a bowl of noodles
and (drink) ........a glass of milk for his breakfast. After breakfast, he (help)
.............. Mom clean the table. After that, he (brush).......... his teeth, (put).......... on
clean clothes, and (go)............ to his grandparents' house. He (have) .............. lunch
with his grandparents. He (return) ............ to his house at three o'clock. He
(do).............. his homework. He (eat).......... dinner at 6. 30. After dinner, his
parents (take).......... him to the movie theater. It (be)...............a very interesting
film. They (come) .............. back home at 9. 30. Nam (go)................... to bed at ten

8. Read the text again. Then answer the following questions:

1. What day was yesterday? .................................................................................
2. What time did Nam get up? ..............................................................................
3. What did he do after breakfast? .........................................................................
4. Who did he have lunch with? ...........................................................................
5. What time did he have dinner? ..........................................................................
6. What time did Nam go to bed? ........................................................................


1. When do you use these words and phrases? Write them in the correct lists.
Then add your own expressions to each list.

not bad wonderful very disappointing nothing speacial awful all right
so- so terrific fantastic pretty boring really great terrible

Didn’t like it Likeed it a little Liked it a lot

2. These people didn’t have a good vacation. What did they do? Listen and
circle the correct answer.
1. a. went away 5. a. went to the beach
b. stayed home b. went to the country

2. a. went to Hawaii 6. a. went skiing

b. went to Okinawa b. stayed home

3. a. went away 7. a. went skiing

b. stayed home b. stayed home

4. a. invited relatives to stay 8. a. went to Las Vegas

b. visited relatives b. went to Los Angeles

3. People are talking about their vacations. Listen and check () the correct
answers. Are the statements true or false?

True False
1.She learned to water-ski very slowly.
2. It was cold at night.
3. The museums were interesting.
4. The weather wasn’t good.
5. He went to France.
6. They had a comfortable trip.


1. Read the news. Is it good or bad? Write G (good news) or B (bad news).

1. I got a promotion. I’m so happy! ..G..

2. I missed my flight. Now, I’m waiting for the next flight. …..

3. I was sick yesterday. My friends saw a great play without me. …..

4. I won a contest and got a trip to Mexico. It’s so exciting! …..

5. I lost my new cell phone. I bought it last week, and it was 7 million VND. …..

6. I got a new job. It’s very interesting! …..

2. Write the conversation in the correct order. Then practice with your

Did you have a good weekend?

It was great. I went to a new club with friends.

It was OK. I stayed home all weekend. I was sick.
Thanks. And how was your weekend?
That’s nice!
That’s too bad.

A: Did you have a good weekend?

B: It was OK.

3. Write a conversation with some of the sentences from the box. Use the
conversation in Exercise 2 as a model. Then pratice with your partner.

It was good. I saw an interesting play.

It wasn’t great. I lost my wallet.
That’s excellent!
That’s awesome!
That’s terrible!

A: Did you have a good weekend?


4. Complete the conversation with simple past Wh- questions.

A: Hi, B! (1)How was your vacation?

B: My vacation was great!

A: (2) ?

B: I went to Danang.

A: That’s exciting! (3) ?

B: My brother and our friends C and D.

A: That’s nice. (4) ?

B: We flew. We left at 6:00 a.m. We flew to Hanoi and then to Hai Phong.

A: (5) ?

B: We got to Hanoi at 4:30.

A: Oh, that’s not bad. (6) ?

B: We went sightseeing in Hanoi, and then we went to the beach for four days and

A: Awesome! (7) ?

B: Oh, the food was excellent. We ate a lot.

5. Think about the last time you visited relatives or friends in another city or
country. Aswer the questions:

1. Where did you go?

2. How old were you?
3. Who did you see?

4. Who did you travel with?
5. How did you get there?
6. What did you do there?
7. What did you eat there?
8. What did you buy there?
9. Did you get up early or late?
10. Was it exciting or boring?


1. Label the picture with the correct headings from the text in Exercise 2:

*go to the festival
*shop of souvenir

1. Make a Calendar 2.

3. 4.

2. Read the text. Then answer the questions:
Be safe when you travel. Here are some thimgs you can do to have a fun
vacation. Learn from our readers’ mistakes!
Plan your trip before you go! Lucy took a bus to London in England. She didn’t
get a hotel before the trip. When she got there, she didn’t find a hotel at first.
She finally found one, but she didn’t paid a lot of money for it!
Search the Internet for the weather. John went to Rome, but he didn’t check the
weather for Italy. He took only T-shirt and shorts, and he didn’t take a coat. He
was cold.
Write down the days of your trip, and make a list of things to do each day.
Mary and Peter went to Japan, but they didn’t make a list. The first two days of
their trip were wasted. They didn’t do anything fun because they didn’t know
where to go. They finally went sightseeing in Tokyo, but they didn’t go to the
markets. They bought souvenirs at the airport!
Don’t for get your wallet and passport. Lucas got to the airport for er trip to
Sydney, Australia. His wallet and her passport were at home. He missed his

1. How did Lucy get to London? She took a bus.

2. What cothes did John take to Rome? .
3. Who did Mary travel with? .

4. Did Peter buy souvenirs at the markets in Tokyo? .
5. Where was Lucas’s wallet?


Write a short paragraph about your last vacation in the past using Past simple
tense. Include the following information in your writing.
1. Note where you had your vacation.
2. Note whom you went with and whom you met.
3. Note the place where you stayed.
4. Mention some special places you went to and food
you ate during your vacation.
5. Mention some activities you enjoyed and didn’t
enjoy during your vacation.
6. Provide your feeling about the vacation.


A. Talk about the pictures with a partner.
What can you see?
Where are the people?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

B. Match each activity below with a picture.

drink coffee in the café
learn in the room
work in the office
ride a motorbike on the road

A. Match each activity with a picture.
1. wash the dishes
2. watch a movie (a)
3. play basketball
4. play a computer game
5. make a cake
6. study English
7. make the bed
8. do homework
9. iron the clothes
10. go shopping
(b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

(h) (i) (j)

B. Ask and answer questions with a partner.

What is she doing? She is washing the dishes.



Present Simple
Present Simple is used to describe habits, truths and fixed
Affirmative He always gets up early.
Grammar point

Negative He doesn’t like coffee.

Interrogative Does the train leave at 7 a.m.?
Present Continuous
Present Continuous is used to describe actions happening at the
moment of speaking.
Affirmative She is making a phone call.
Negative He isn’t talking on the phone now.
Interrogative Is your brother learning in the room?

A. Complete the conversation with the Present simple or Present continuous

form of the verbs in brackets.
Rose: Hi Anne. (1) (you/enjoy) the song?
Anne: Not very much. I (like) pop songs. This one is not my
Rose: It’s my mother’s favourite song.
Anne: Oh, really? The band (3) (not play) badly now. Lots of people
(4) (5)
(dance) and (sing). Who is your mother’s
favourite singer?
Rose: This one. She (6) (wear) a red hat.
Anne: Great! But I (7) (not know) her name.
Rose: She’s Christina. She (perform) very well.

A. Steven is talking about his activities. Listen and check () the activities he
does or does not do.

Steven’s activities does does not

1. Playing video games
2. Going camping
3. Hiking
4. Shopping
5. Surfing the Internet

B. Listen again and answer the following questions

1. What do the speaker and his friends want to do in their free time?
2. Why doesn’t the speaker love going shopping?
3. What is his favourite indoor activity?

Complete the questionnaire. Then interview a friend.

Questions Your answer Your friend’s


1. What time do you usually get


2. Do you always have breakfast?

3. What time do you go to school?

4. Are you often late for class?

5. What time do you have dinner?

6. What time do you often do your

7. Do you study at night?


Dear Jenny,
Hi! I’m enjoying my vacation in Dalat city. I’m staying with my aunt’s family. They’re very
hospitable. I’m writing this letter in the living room and my aunt’s children are sitting
here with me. They’re watching cartoons on TV.
As you know, I’m going sight-seeing here. I really love this city because I’m
learning a lot about Vietnamese culture. I visit a lot of places and the landscapes are
very beautiful. I can speak a little Vietnamese, but I can’t read and write it. Anyway,
the food is delicious and I’m eating a lot! The weather is also wonderful. It’s quite cold
here in December.

Lots of love,
P.S. I’m sending you a photo of Dalat city.

Read the letter and check () your answers about Susan.

Yes No Don’t know
1. Susan is enjoying her vacation in Dalat city.
2. She’s staying in a hotel.
3. Susan’s aunt has two sons.
4. She is watching cartoons on TV now.
5. She’s going swimming.
6. Vietnamese culture is hard to understand.
7. She can read and write in Vietnamese very well.
8. Vietnamese food is good.
9. She likes the weather.
10. The photo of Dalat city is beautiful.


In English:
1. Some verbs are followed by the infinitive of another verb.
Mary wants to learn Vietnamese.
2. Some verbs are followed by the –ing form (gerund) of another verb.
Mary enjoys learning Vietnamese.
Verb + infinitive Verb + -ing form
agree, arrange, ask, decide, avoid, consider, enjoy, fancy,
expect, hope, learn, offer, plan, keep, mind, practice, postpone,
promise, refuse, want finish, dislike
Verb + infinitive or –ing form (with little or no change in meaning)
begin, continue, hate, like, love, prefer, propose, start

A. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or –ing form of the following

pay win learn help talk play go

1. I’m very confident. I usually expect any games.

2. John is very generous. He always offers _.
3. Susan is a big fan of films. She enjoys to the cinema every
4. She is so talkative. She keeps even when no one listens.
5. He is very busy, so he refuses me with the homework.
6. My brother really enjoys sports, so he likes tennis almost every
7. I begin English today.

B. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or –ing form with your true
information. Then tell your classmates.
1. I usually avoid…
2. I don’t mind…
3. I really want…

4. Now I decide…
5. I enjoy…
6. I sometimes keep…

I usually avoid walking in the rain.

I don’t mind helping him.


A. Match the personality adjectives in A with their opposites in B.
kind quiet shy
polite pessimistic
confident unkind
optimistic rude mean
talkative unfriendly
lazy serious
funny hard-working
friendly impatient

B. Fill in each gap with an appropriate adjective in Exercise A .

1. John is very . He keeps doing things until he is successful.
2. Mr Jackson usually gives some of his money to the poor. He is so .
3. When I was at high school, I was too to speak before the class.
4. My sister always says “thank you” when someone helps her. She is
5. Peter never finishes his homework before class. He is so .
6. Tom is very . He always thinks about bad results before doing


Imagine you are at breaktime at school. Write a short paragraph about

current activities of your classmates and yourself using Present simple and
Present continuous. Include the following information in your writing.

1. Note where you and your friends are .

2. Note the estimated number of people you can see at breaktime .
3. Mention what you and your friends are doing.
4. Mention how you and your friends feel.


1. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box

under to on in in front behind at

a. Tom stands an umbrella in the rain.

b. Ann stands in of the mirror.

c. The boy is the chair.

d. The book is the table.

e. Peter goes the supermarket with his mother.

f. I usually go to school 7:15

g. The sofas are the living room.

h. She likes doing yoga the morning.

2. Match the pictures and the sentences from exercise 1
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 8.

3. Match the phrases with the correct pictures

a. get dressed b. make breakfast c. brush her teeth

d. comb his hair e. eat out f. have a bath
1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

4. Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B


Old Short

Intelligent Young

Strong Hot

Cold Hard

Soft Long Weak

Heavy Stupid

Dangerous Dirty

Clean Expensive

Ugly Beautiful

Cheap Safe

5. Fill in each gap with an appropriate adjective in Exercise 4

1. The man is so . He can’t stand without the stick.

2. This shirt costs only 100.000 Dong. It’s very _.

3. It’s to walk alone at night.

4. Your room is very dirty. Let’s it now!

5. Nobody wants to buy this dress because it’s so .

6. I prefer the weather to the hot weather.

7. The pillows are so . I really like them.

8. Peter can lift heavy things. He is .

9. That girl solves all the equations. She is very .

10. I want to have a journey after the Covid quarantine.

11. The rain is so . That makes me wet and cold.


1. Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.

1. My teacher (have) long hair.

A. have B. has C. haves D. to have

2. I am my homework now.

A. doing B. to do C. do D. does

3. The new student (not know) -where his desk is.

A. doesn't know B. don’t know C. isn't knowing D. aren't knowing

4. Look! The man (climb) -up the tree.

A. is climbing B. climbs C. are climbing D. climb

5. Martin (live)_ in a small flat. He and his wife always

(get) up early to water flowers.

A. is living, get B. lives, get C. lives, gets D. is living, gets

6. What is the new chairman (do) _now. I (see) -
that he (be)_ very busy.

A. doing, am seeing, is B. do, see, is

C. doing, see, is D. doing, sees, is

7. Tom (be) mad? He ( throw) all his books and

(cry) now.

A. Is, are throwing, crying B. Is, is throwing, crying

C. Is, throws, cries D. Is, is throw, cry

8. Now Mr. Long (design ) his dream house.

A. Is designing B. designs

C. to design D. designing.

9. Usually, I (have)_ _lunch at 12.00. -_ -you (have)

lunch at 11.00?

A. has, do, has B. have, do, have

C. have, is, having D. have, is, have

10. Everynight , she (have) dinner at 7.00 p.m.

A. have B. is having

C. is have D. has

2. Complete the sentences in the conversations with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets

1. A. - How often does John (go)_ to the library?

B. - No, he (not like) to read books. He only (want)

to listen to music.

A. - What_ _he (do) at the

moment? B. - He some chores.

2. A. - What do you usually ( have) - for Breakfast?

B. - I (not know)_
I (not often prepare) breakfast.

My mother (prepare)_ _it now.

3. Fill the gaps with negative forms of the verbs using Present Simple Tense.

1. A good student (miss) the class often.

2. Bad students ( do) their homework more often.

3. He or she (turn off )the lights when they leave the room.

4. They (do) anything between breaks.

5. The best student (make) any mistakes.

6. Jimmy says: “Please (disturb) when I’m doing my work”.

7. Jack (want) to do anything in his freetime.

8. David and his friends (play) games. They sing and play
guitar together.

9. Anna (be) late for school once again.

10. The teacher notices her students: “Check your answers carefully,
(hurry)! We still have 10 minutes left!”

4. Fill the gaps with negative forms of the verbs using Present Continuous

1. Is your dad eating a pizza?

No, he (eat) a pizza. He is over there. Can you see the

man with the beard?

2. Are you drinking milk now?

No, I (drink) milk now. It's a banana milkshake.

3. Is it snowing in your country?

It's quite warm today, so it (snow) at the moment.

4. Am I doing this assignment with you?

No, you (do) this assignment with me. And who are you, by the

5. Are your parents travelling these days?

No, they (travel) these days. My mum and dad prefer staying
at home.

6. Are you wearing a hat today?

No, I (wear) a hat today. I have a new scarf. I'll show

7. Are your friends playing golf?

Well, they are on the golf course, but they (play) golf just

8. Is your sister building a house? And your brother?

They (build) a house, but they are trying to buy an

5. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences

1. Where do your mother often buy this book?

2. Are Tom studying?

3. Hoa not have good speaking skill.

4. The young girl not writing the letter now.

5. Are Lam fond of listening music?

6. They studies math.

7. What you usually do in the morning?

8. They are traveling London.

9. The plane is land now.

10. Why she is saying loudly?

6. Fill the gaps with the correct verb forms. Then answer the questions.

Dave talk about Susan’s birthday party. Read and answer the questions below.

It (0. be) is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be) _at Susan's
birthday party. Susan (2. wear) a beautiful outfit and (3. stand)
next to her bestfriend - Katy. Some guests (4. drink) wine
or beer in the corner of the room. Some of her relatives (5. dance) _in
the middle of the room. Most people (6. sit) on chairs, (7. enjoy)
foods and (8. chat) with one another. We often (9. go)
to our friends' birthday parties. We always (10. dress) well
and (11. travel) by taxi. We like them because parties never (12.
make)_ us bored.


1. When is Susan’s birthday party?

2. What is Susan wearing?

3. What are some guests doing?

4. How often do Dave and his friends go to their friends' birthday parties ?

5. Why do Dave and his friends like parties ?

7. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms

1.Sit down! A strange dog (run) to you.
2.My mom often (buy) meat from the butcher’s.
3.My brothers (not/ drink) coffee at the moment.
4.Look! Those people (climb) the mountain so fast.
5.That girl (cry) loudly in the party now.
6.These students always (wear) warm clothes in summer.
7.What (you/ do) in the kitchen?
8.I never (eat) potatoes.
9.The 203 bus (set off)_ every fifteen minutes.
10.Tonight we (not/ go) to our teacher’s wedding party.

8. Write the completely meaningful sentences.

1.He/ often/ have/ breakfast/ late.

2.You/ do/ the housework/ at the moment?

3.I/ not/ go/ to school/ on weekends.

4.John’s girlfriend/ wear/ a red T-shirt/ now.

5.They/ like/ beer or wine?

6.What/ he/ usually/ do/ at night?

7.The teacher/ never/ lose/ his temper.

8.Why/ you/ listen/ to music/ loudly now?


1. Which sports or activities is the person talking about? Listen and circle
the correct answer.

1. a. swimming b. going to the gym c. jogging

2. a. playing volleyball b. playing golf c. playing soccer

3. a. playing baseball b. playing football c. playing tennis.

4. a. playing tennis b. watching TV c. reading

5. a. swimming b. jogging c. windsurfing

6. a. diving b. riding a bicycle c. walking

2. Listen to the conversations and fill the blanks.

1. - David: Hi Theresa, it’s me David. (1)_ ?

- Theresa: Hi David,(2) . What about you?

- David: (3) .

2. - Julia: Hey James, what’s up?

(4)_ ?

- David: Hi, Julia. Sorry, I can’t. (5)

with my mom.

- Julia: Oh. Ok, no problem. Maybe some other day. Have fun!

3. Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answer

A. T-shirt B. Jeans C. Drinking water

Marco Look at that girl over there. Isn’t she cute?

Alex Which girl?

Marco Over there. She’s wearing those cool (1)

Alex Wait. What else is she wearing?

Marco She’s wearing a (2)

Alex OK, but I she two girls like that. What’s she doing?

Is she (3)

Marco No, she’s talking on the phone.

Alex Oh her? That’s Kelly. She’s my girlfriend.

4. Listen to the conversation and fill the blanks.

1. Mark always in the morning, but today he

in the afternoon.

2. Mark his hair, but he never his hair.

3. Mark a tie today, but he never his tie.

4. Where is Mark going ? He with a

5. Is Mark going out with Susan ? Yes, he

6. How does Betty know? Because Mark a new shirt, he

a tie and he his glasses.

5. Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answer

Conversation 1

Man: Where are you?

Woman: I (1) inside. I (2) a letter to
my friend. I (3) him about my life and my new job.
Man: Are you using the computer?
Woman: I (4) _the computer because I like to hand
write letters. My hand (5) though.

Conversation 2
Man: Where is Mary?
Woman: Mary (1) in the kitchen. She is chopping up some
vegetables because she (2)_ a vegetable soup.
Man: How is she making it?
Woman: She (3) a recipe and following the
instructions inside. She (4) herself.

Conversation 3
Man: What is Bob doing?
Woman: Bob (1) on his car. He (2) it a
tune up. He (3) the oil and (4)_ all the
parts of the cars.
Man: But, he (5) ? He (6)
Woman: He (7) his time because he wants to do the
job right. He (8) to the radio as he works.

Conversation 4
Man: Where are the twins?
Woman: They(1) outside.
They (2) soccer with their friends. They (3) the
front lawn as a soccer pitch.
Man: Are they having fun?
Woman: They (4)_ a lot of fun. They (5) so
they (6) lots of energy. I think they (7)
to lose weight.


1. Circle the correct words to complete each sentence and practice speaking

with a partner

Sally: Hello?

Jordan: Hi. Sal. It’s Jordan. Do you have good time / a minute?

Sally: Oh, sure/ sorry. I’m busy / can’t right now. I’m cleaning.

Can I call / talk you back?

Jordan: Ok, sure/ sorry. Talk to you minute / later.

Sally: Thanks. Bye.

2. Choose the correct sentences to fill the blanks and practice speaking with
the partner
1. Is Brad taking the class ?
2. What are you and Dave doing these days?
3. Are you taking an art class?
4. Where are you studying French?
5. What are you doing these days?

Erin: Hi, Fei. What are you doing these days?

Fei: Oh, I’m studying French!
Fei: At the Bonjour Language School.
Fei: No, he’s not. He’s taking tennis lessons.
Erin: Tennis? That’s great.
Fei: He loves it. So,
Erin: We’re painting and drawing a lot!
Erin: Yes, we are! Oh, I’m late. Bye, Fei.
Fei: Bye, Erin. I mean, au revoir!

3. Write the words in the box and put them in the correct spaces. Then
practice the conversations with your partner.

1. Read the clues and complete the chart with (yes) or (no)

Carmen is taking a salsa class

Thomas isn’t working these days
Megan isn’t learning a language or looking
for a job
Daniel is taking a language class

Who is…. Looking for a Taking a Studying Creating a

job? dance class Turkish? website?





2. Answer the question. Use the information in exercise 1

1. What’s Carmen doing these days?

2. What’s Thomas doing these days?

3. What’s Megan doing these days?

4. What’s Daniel doing these days?

3. Match the questions and answers

a. Because she’s looking for a
1. What class is Debbie taking? e job

in Rome.
2. Where is Kathryn going? b. Yes, she is.
3. Is Tonya creating a website? c. She’s going to her dance
4. Are Cindy and Mia tutoring students? d. No, I’m not.

5. Why is Anna studying Italian? e. She’s taking a Spanish class.

6. Are you looking for a job? f. No, they’re not.

4. Read the following text, then do the exercise below

On Sunday, Tom gets up at 10 o'clock. Then he reads his newspaper in the

kitchen. He has breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother in
In the afternoon, at 1.00, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that, they
eat dinner in a restaurant. At 6.00, Tom swims for one hour and then he goes by
bike to his brother´s house. They talk and listen to music.
Tom watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of warm milk. He
goes to bed at 11.30.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Where does Tom have breakfast?
A. In the kitchen B. In his bedroom C. In the lounge
2. Who does he telephone in the morning?
A. His sister B. His brother C. His mother
3. Where does his mother live?

A. In England B. In his brother's house C. In Scotland
4. What time does he play tennis with his sister?
A. 1pm B.2pm C.11.30am
5. How long does Tom swim for?
A. One hour B.Two hours C.Six hours
6. How does Tom go to his brother's house?
A. By bike B.By car C. On foot
7. What does Tom drink in the evening?
A. Wine B.Beer C. Milk
8. What time does Tom go to bed?
A. 11pm B.11.30pm C. Midnight

5. Read this conversation between Linda and Hugo, then answer the
True/False questions.

Linda: Hello, do you have a little spare time?

Hugo: No, sorry.
Linda: It won't take long, just a couple of minutes.
Hugo: Oh, OK, what do you want to know?
Linda: We want to know what sports you do, how much exercise you do
every day or every week.
Hugo: Well, I like playing soccer. That's my favorite sport. I play a match
every Sunday and every Wednesday.
Linda: Who do you play with?
Hugo: Just some friends from college.
Linda: What other exercise do you do? Do you go swimming?
Hugo: No, I don't like swimming.
Linda: Can you swim?
Hugo: Yes, I can, but I don't enjoy swimming. I prefer running. I go running
once or twice a week.
Linda: Where do you go?

Hugo: There's a big park near my house and I go running there.
Linda: Do you also go in the winter when it's cold and snowy?
Hugo: Yes, it's good for keeping me warm!
Linda: I couldn't run in the snow! Do you play tennis or volleyball or another
sport like that?
Hugo: No, but I go to karate classes on Thursday evenings.
Linda: Isn't that dangerous?
Hugo: I started karate about four years ago so I'm quite good at it now.
Linda: OK, thanks for your time.

1. Hugo is in a hurry.

2. Linda asks questions about diet and exercise.

3. Hugo plays his favorite sport three times a week.

4. Hugo plays soccer with people from his job.

5. Hugo can't swim.

6. Hugo prefers running to swimming.

7. Hugo goes running near his house.

8. Hugo isn't very experienced in karate.


1. Write present continuous questions with the information in parentheses.

1. (What/you/do/these days) What are you doing these days? (Example)

2.(you/take/an art class)

3.(Brad/take/the class)


5.(What/you and Dave/do/these days)

2. Complete the two sentences of the present continuous tense based on the

Cook/eat at a restaurant Look for a book/ hold a book

End/ start Run/ watch a movie

1. They’re running (example) 2.

They’re not watching a movie (example)

3. 4.

3. Write present continuous sentences with the information in parentheses.

1. (Matt/ not drive/ to work)

Matt is not driving to work (Example)
2. (We/play/soccer/at the park)

3. (Chloe/not sit/ in the café)

4. (The game/start/now)

5. (They/swim/in the pool)

6. (Joan/not have/ lunch right now)

7. (I/call/Audrey)

8. (You/not run)

4. Write a short paragraph about the activities that you and your family
usually do at weekends . Using the Present Simple Tense.

For example:


Saturday is a day to do things with family and friend. We cook a nice

lunch with our family’s members; or have brunch with friends....


Talk about the pictures with a partner.

Who are these people? Where are they? What are they doing?


A. Match each activity with a picture.
1. read a book
(a) (b)
2. go to a concert
3. plant flowers
4. take photos
5. watch a movie
6. visit places
7. learn a language
8. collect stamps

(c) (d) (e)

(f) (g) (h)

B. Match each activity above with an interest.

a. photography
b. languages
c. gardening
d. movies
e. reading
f. music
g. collecting
h. travel

C. Share your interest with a partner.

I like reading books in my free I like learning English.
How about


Past Simple
Grammar point

Past Simple is used to describe a sequence of actions or events that

happened one after the other in the past.
I opened the door, entered the room and sat down in my place.
Past Continuous
Past Continuous is used to describe a scene in the past.
The sun was shining. Birds were singing.

Past Simple & Past Continuous
Past Simple and Past Continuous are used together to describe a
sudden action or event that interrupted another action or event.
When she came yesterday, he was watching TV.

A. Complete the text with the Past simple or Past continuous form of the verbs
in brackets.
Yesterday, when Mary 1 (come) to John’s house, he 2 _ (watch) his
favourite program on TV. Mary (want) to ask John to help her with the
English homework. The homework (be) too difficult for her to finish it
on her own. Mary (need) his help because John 6 (study)
English very well. While John (explain) the homework to her, she
8 9
(take) notes what he (say). At last, Mary 10
(understand) and 11 (finish) her homework.

A. People are talking about their activities. Which activity does each person
enjoy doing now? Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. Uyen
Playing the guitar
Playing in a band
Playing the piano
2. Carey
Bird watching
Reading the newspaper
3. Alex
Watching videos
Playing video games
4. Uyen
Collecting stamps
Collecting paintings
Collecting baseball cards
5. Carey

Reading newspapers
Playing golf
Going swimming

Complete the questionnaire. Then ask a friend.

Questions Your answer Your friend’s


1. What is your hobby?

2. When did you start it?
3. Does it cost a lot of money?
4. When was the last time you read
a book?
5. When was the last time you
What is a hobby?
We have a hobby for pleasure and we have no idea of making a profit out of it.
Some people like collecting stamps while some others enjoy photography. These
hobbies or interests are sometimes expensive but very pleasant. Some people are
interested in going fishing because they feel relaxed when they sit near a lake or a
river with the rod and line in hand. Others spend their spare hours painting or
gardening and these are creative hobbies. There may be as many hobbies as there
are men.
In selecting hobbies, people should follow certain rules. A person should select a
hobby that causes no harm to others. A person gets annoyed when his neighbor
plays the music too loudly. In fact, a hobby is extremely personal, so it should not
affect people around. Moreover, one should be careful not to select a hobby that is
too expensive because the hobby can become a burden. Last of all, hobbies should
also be creative; however, people should not try to make hobbies their professions
to earn money because hobbies may lose their value.

Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T), False
(F) or Not given (NG).

1. People have hobbies for money.

2. Most hobbies are very expensive.
3. People enjoy going fishing because they can have a feeling of relaxation.
4. Drawing and planting flowers can be creative hobbies.
5. People should freely choose their hobbies without thinking about anything
6. People tend to choose harmful hobbies.
7. A person should not choose a hobby that makes people around him or her
8. Earning money from hobbies is sometimes not very good.


A. Fill in the blank with play, go or do and match each phrase with a picture.
1. _play_ badminton _e_
2. baseball (a)
3. cycling
4. golf
5. aerobics
6. judo
7. swimming
8. weightlifting
9. table tennis_
10. surfing

(b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)
(h) (i) (j)

B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1. What sports do you enjoy?
2. When did you start them?
3. How often do you do them?
4. Where do you do them?
5. What sports do you enjoy watching on TV?
6. Who are your favourite players? / What are your favourite teams?
What sports do your enjoy? I really enjoy football and badminton.

Write a short paragraph about your hobbies and interests. Include the
following information in your writing.
1. Note one hobby or interest you have.
2. Mention when and why you began to do it.
3. Mention who you do with and where you do it.
4. Mention the reasons why you enjoy it.
5. Mention the second hobby or interest with the same steps as in 1, 2, 3, 4.


A. Complete the sentences with the Past continuous form of the verbs in
1. Yesterday at 6 p.m. we (have) dinner.
2. Harry (not listen) so he didn’t know how to do the exercise.
3. Kate (lie) on the beach and Anna (eat) an ice
4. Tom and Peter (smile) and Nancy (take) a photo
of them.
5. Why you and Zoe (argue)?
6. Hannah was annoyed because a man on the train (talk) loudly on
his phone.
7. At 1 a.m. Fred still (chat) with his friends on
8. My eyes were closed, but I (not sleep).

B. Complete the text with the Past continuous form of the verbs below.
carry follow hurry leave rain
stand wear not wear
When I got off the coach in London, the weather was awful. It 1 and
2 3
was a cold wind. A short, fat man, who a hat and a small
briefcase, got off after me. It was five o’clock and lots of people work
and 5 to catch the bus or the Underground. I 6 a raincoat so I
went into a department store and bought a cheap umbrella. When I came out, the
7 8
short, fat man from the bus outside the department store.
he me?

C. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences.

1. Tom looked at the weather outside: it was grey, but it didn’t rain / wasn’t
2. You didn’t answer when I phoned you this morning. What did you do / were
you doing?
3. Mary switched off her computer, put on/ was putting on her coat and left / was
leaving the office.
4. She closed the window because some children made / were making a lot of
noise outside.
5. When I told my friends about the robbery, they didn’t believe / weren’t
believing me.
6. She didn’t hear the doorbell because she had / was having a shower.

D. Complete the sentences. Use the Past simple form of one verb and the Past
continuous form of the other.
1. I (see) Henry as I (cycle) to the sports centre.
2. While we (prepare) the picnic, it (start) to rain.
3. All my friends (leave) the party when I (arrive).
4. As we (walk) by the river, we (hear) a shout.
5. We (not eat) very much while we (stay) in that
6. I (drink) my dad’s coffee while he (not look).
7. She _(drop) her new phone as she (put) it in her
8. I (meet) a really interesting person while I (wait)
for the bus.

E. Complete the text with the Past simple or Past continuous form of the verbs
in brackets.

In January 2014, a doctor from New Zealand had (have) a frightening
experience with a shark – but his calm reaction (make) him the star
of new reports around the world.

James Grant 3 (fish) with friends one Saturday when a shark attacked
him. He 4 (not see) anything, but he 5 (feel) a sudden pain
in his leg. At first, he thought that his friends 6 (play) a prank on him.
He 7 (turn) around – but nobody 8 (be) behind him. Then he
9 10
(realize) what (come).

Luckily, James 11 (carry) a knife so he 12 (use) it to fight off

the shark. Then he 13 (get) out off the water and 14 _ (look) at
his leg. The bites were 5 cm long and they (bleed) a lot. James
(clean) his leg. Then he and his friends 17 (go) to a
café! While they (enjoy) a drink, somebody 19
James a bandage because his leg 20 (bleed). He 21 (go) to
hospital for some treatment, but on Monday he was back at work.

F. Circle the correct verb form in these sentences. Tick the box if both forms
are correct.
1. My friends agreed paying / to pay for my ticket.
2. I don’t mind cycling / to cycle in the rain.
3. I start learning / to learn the piano.
4. Two men admitted stealing / to steal the painting.
5. We end up staying / to stay at the hotel for a week instead of two nights.
6. Do you like going / to go for walks on the beach?
7. I hate seeing / to see animals in pain.
8. I don’t expect passing / to pass all my exams.
9. She offered phoning / to phone me later.

G. Complete the text with the infinitive or –ing form of the verbs in brackets.
Sometimes both are correct.
At the end of a long journey, most people prefer 1 to get (get) home and relax
as soon as possible. They don’t fancy 2 (shop), but they don’t want
(arrive) home with nothing to eat. Now, travellers who pass through
Gatwick Airport in London can avoid 4 (return) home on an empty
fridge by choosing (visit) a virtual shop. There are no real products in
the shop, only images on ten large screens. When you decide 6 (buy)
something, you use your smartphone to scan it. You keep 7 (scan)
items until you’ve found everything you need, then you pay. After that, you can
spend a week or two 8 (enjoy) your holiday. The shop promises
(deliver) your shopping soon after you get home. According to the
retailer, the virtual shop is a perfect combination of traditional and online
shopping. People enjoy 10 (look) around shops, but they also love
(shop) online because it’s so convenient.



1. Label each picture with the correct word from the box

Baseball Golf Karate Swim Yoga

Gymnastic Bowling Ski Table tennis


2. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1. Use play, go or
do when necessary

1. You can do gymnastics at the gym center on the first floor of the
2. You can everyday on the court.
3. You can in the mountain in winter.

4. You can at the yoga center at 8 a.m or 5p.m.
5. You can on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

3. Look at the pictures. Write 1 sentences in each picture using

I like + (Noun or V-ing).... or I don’t like + (Noun or V-ing).....


I like seeing movies in the cinema.

I don’t like watching TV at home.







4. Find, circle and write the vocabulary of hobbies based on the given

1. 11.

2. 12.

3. 13.

4. 14.
5. 15.

6. 16.

7. 17.

8. 18.

9. 19.
10. 20.

5. Match the noun from the box with the correct.



3. collect:_

4. play:

5. take:

6. watch:


1. Put the words in the correct order to make questions and answers.

1. play/ does/ she/ What/ sports/? table/ plays/ tennis/ She.

A: What sports does she play?

B:She plays table tennis.

2. gymnastics/ they/ do/ Where/ do/ ? school/ do/ at/ They/ gymnastics/.



3. like/ Does/ he/ karate/ ? he/ Yes/, / does/.



4. play/ golf/ When/ do/ you/ ? the/ golf/ I/ play/ in/ morning/.



5. you/ Do/ swim/ in/ ? don’t/ No/, / they/.



2. Circle the correct words to complete the conversation

Tom: Hey, Ann. Do you like/ likes karate?

Ann: No, I doesn’t/don’t. I like/likes yoga.
Tom: Do/When do you do yoga?
Ann: I usually do/does yoga after work.
Do/What do you like yoga?
Tom: No, I do/don’t. But my brother like/likes it.
Ann: Do/Where do you like golf?
Tom: Yes! I play/ plays golf a lot. Do you do like/like golf?
Ann: Yes, I do/does.
Tom: Great! Let’s play golf on Saturday.
Ann: OK.

3. Complete the text with the past simple forms of the verbs in parentheses.
Yesterday I (1-learn) from my teacher how to clean hands
properly and I (2-realize) that would be very helpful for
everyone in the Covid-29 pandemic. Firstly, she (3- wash) her
hands with soap and water. She (4- use) soap and warm water
to wash her hands. She carefully washed her hands for 30 seconds. After 30
seconds she (5- stop) _washing her hands. She turns off the
water. She (6- dry) her hands on a clean towel. Finally, she

(7-apply) a couple of drops of hand sanitizer on every
centimeter of her hands very cautiously.

4. Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs in

1. They (see) a good film last night.

2. He (buy) a lot of English books yesterday.

3. They (be) students last year.

4. She (be) in Da Nang City last week.

5. They (wear) the uniform two days ago.

6. It (take) me 40 minutes to get there.

7. They (decorate) the room last month.

8. She (teach) me English two months ago.

5. Complete the following sentences with the words given, using the past
simple forms of the verbs .
1. She/ buy a lot of souvenirs/ last summer vacation.

2. My mother/ give me a yellow cap.

3. they/ arrive at the airport/ at eight o'clock this morning.

4. I/ speak to her about my vacation yesterday.

5. Mr Quang/ teach maths for me last week.

6. Use the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. They usually (paint) their house blue.
2. My brother (buy) a new car two months ago
3.Nam (help) his farther repair the radio at this time.
4. I (be) busy last night , so I (miss) a good film on TV.
5. He (teach) Math in this school in 1986
6. Mr Jobinson (watch) TV everynight
7. Mrs Hai ( make) a dress gor her daughter.

7. Complete the sentences with the past simple ( Affirmative / Negative /

Interrogative ) of the verbs in brackets
1: My sister and her husband ( come ) from Greece
2: I ( not like) The U2 concert
3: On Monday Johann ( go ) to school on foot.
4: ( they / leave ) - the country last Saturday ?
5: ( you / like ) the film ?
6: They (not finish ) the homework yesterday
7: ( she / go ) to the cinema with her parents last night ?
8: No, she didn’t. She ( stay ) at home. She
( get ) a cold
9: We (go ) to Spain y car
10: I ( have ) a wonderful holiday with my family last July
11: ( you / travel ) to Madrid by car or bu plane ?
12: Many years ago it ( be ) very difficult to live without
electricity .
13: Last year they ( buy ) a house at the seaside.
14: I (meet ) him the day before yesterday.

8.Complete the following sentences with the past continuous forms of the
verbs .
1. Ted (play) his guitar at half past seven.
2. At midnight, I (sleep), but Jane (listen)
to music.
3. Luke (stand) outside the bank when suddenly two
robbers ran past him.
4. I know Doug (work) late at the office because I saw
him when I (leave)
5. you (have) a shower when the earthquake
6. Penny (run) to catch the bus when she slipped and fell.
7. When you saw Eugene he (go) home?
8. At midnight? Erm... we (watch) a DVD, I think.
9. Complete the following sentences with the words given, using the past
continuous forms ( Affirmative / Negative / Interrogative ) of the verbs .
1. (What/ you/ do) at this time yesterday?
2. (He/ not/ look) at me when I waved to him.
3. (You/ have) a date when I saw you last night?
4. (Where/ they/ go) _while I was calling you this
5. (Why/ you/ not/ wear) your old clothes when repairing
the car?
6. (It/ not/ rain) when we went out so we left the
umbrella at home.
7. (Maria/ not/ drive)_ fast when the accident happened.
So what was the reason?
8. (What/ your mother/ do) while you were going
out eating with me last night?

9. During the 1990s, (we/ not/ cooperate) with any
local firms but with foreign companies.
10. (They/ not/ study) the whole morning yesterday
because they told me they were tidying their rooms at that time.
10. Complete the following sentences with the words given, using the past
simple and the past continuous forms of the verbs .
1. Peter (play) a video game when his brother, Jack,
(enter) the room.
2. I (study) for my English test when my mother
(come) home from work.
3. Emma (wash) the dishes when the telephone
4. I (eat) a sandwich while my parents (drink)
5. I (watch) a DVD when my cat (jump) on me.

11. Choose the correct answer

1. The Smiths aren’t painting/ weren’t painting their house last weekend
2. Tom cleaned/ was cleaning the living room when Jane was arriving/
3. Did/ Were the students writing an essay in class this morning?
4. Frank was fixing/ fixed his car when his mobile rang/ was ringing.
5. Mark didn’t wear/ wasn’t wearing a coat when it started / was starting
to rain.
6. He drove/ was driving to work this morning when Anna was calling/


7. While my parents were working/ was working, I was studying/ studied at


8. When I walked/ was walking home, I tripped/ was tripping and was


9. At 8 o’clock last night, we were having/ had dinner at a Chinese


10. I slept/ was sleeping in my room while my mother cooked/ was cooking

breakfast in the kitchen.


1. Look at the people. What are they thinking about? Write the correct

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

2. Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answer.

Anthony Ana, do you like (1)

Let’s go to a concert on Saturday.

Ana Sorry, but I’m busy.
Anthony So, what do you do for fun?
Do you (2)_
Ana No, I don’t. Sorry…
Anthony Oh. Well, are you free (3)_ _Let’s watch TV together.
Ana I don’t watch TV. I read books.
Anthony OK.Hmm… Hey, do you like coffee? Let’s go to a café
Ana Sorry, Anthony.

3. Listen to a conversation about where Gemma plays different sports.

1. Where did Gemma play baseball:
A. In the stadium B. At school C. In the park
2. Where did Gemma play hockey?
A. On the field B. At the sports club C. On campus
3. Where did Gemma go skating?
A. In the playground B. On the walking street C. On sidewalk
4. Where did Gemma play volleyball?
A. On the sand B. In the stadium C. At the sports club

4. Listen to the conversations and choose the correct answers.

Erika, Mike and David are talking about their hobbies in free time.
Conversation 1: Erika and David ask Mike some questions about his hobbies

1. Do Mike enjoy going skateboarding?

A. No, he doesn’t B. Yes, he does

C. He never goes skateboarding

2. How often does Mike go skateboarding?

A. Twice a week B. Twice a month C. Five times a month

3. What else does Mike like doing in his freetime?

A. Dancing B. Go Skiing C. Go Swimming

Conversation 2: Erika talks about her hobbies

1. What does Erika often do with her brother and her cousins

A. Have pizza and watch movies.

B. Play basketball and watch soccer matches.

C. Both are correct

2. What does Erika do with her family in her freetime.

A. Playing games B. Hiking and camping C. Eat out

Conversation 3: David and Mike ask Erika some questions about her hobbies

1. How often does she go for a bike ride?

A. Very often B. Often C. Mostly at weekends

2. What else does she like doing in her freetime?

A. Listening to music B. Watching TV C. Cooking

3. How did she learn to play the piano?

A. At Music school B. From her sister C. From her father

Conversation 4: Erika asks David some questions about his hobbies

1. What does David like doing?

A. Listening to music B. Going to concerts C. None of them

2. What else does David like doing?

A. Reading books B. Watching anime C. Reading comics

3. What kind of activities does he like doing?

A. Jogging and baseball B. Skipping and football C. Dancing and golf

4. Which club did David join?

A. Baseball and tennis club B. Baseball club C. Tennis club


1. Match the questions and the answers. Then practice speaking

2. Rearrange the sentences to make a suitable conversation by writing the

correct number in the box.

Those are posters of my favourite singers.

Singers? They’re very nice. Thank you.

They’re my favourite T-shirts.

Hi. Tell me about your collections. What are these?

Oh, they’re interesting. And what are those?

3. Complete the conversation then practice speaking with your partner.

A: What is your hobby?

B: I enjoy collecting stamps.

A: When did you start the hobby?

B: I started my hobby when (1)

A: How can you find stamps?

B: I (2)

A: Why do you enjoy this hobby?

B: (3)

How about you? What (4)

A: I don’t like collecting stamps. I love (5)_

4. Complete questions for the answers. Then practice speaking with your

1. A: Where _on holiday?

B: I like going to the mountains on holiday.

2. A: Who at school?

B: I like sitting next to my friend Jack at school.

3. A: What kind to?

B: My friends like listening to rap music.

4. A: What on Sunday evenings?

B: I enjoy going to the cinema.


1. Write the name of the hobbies from the box into each blank according to
the description


At first, people preferred to collect by country. They chose one topic in their
own country. Nowadays, people enjoy collecting in topics from several
countries. The most favourite themes are sports, art and music, birds and
flowers, etc.

Many people enjoy this hobby because they have a close contact with
outdoors, exercise, and nature. They also gain a knowledge of insects.
Today this hobby becomes very popular in the world. For many people, it is a
form of exercise and an enjoyable leisure activity. With a little soil, some
seeds, and a few basic tools, people can enjoy creating a beautiful thing and
watching it grow.

2. Complete the text with the verbs in the box in the correct form. Maybe
some verbs can be used more than once.

Nam has a lot of hobbies. He (1) chess at school and he

also (2) skating. After dinner, he (3) for a walk
and he (4) to music every evening in his room. John loves sports.
He (5) athletics at school, and he (6) football after
school.On Saturdays, John and his friends (7) swimming. On
Sundays, they (8)_ basketball in the park. On Sunday evenings,
they sometimes (9) a film.

3. Choose the correct answer A, B, c or D to fill each blank in the following

Coin collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Most coin
(1) enjoying to have a complete set of a country’s coins. Some people
collect coins for pleasure;(2) collect coins in order to sell them later. From
coins, we can also (3) something about certain famous people and events
in a country’s (4) . Many beginning collector go to the bank and buy
coins. Then they (5) coins for their collection.

1. A. collectors B. collecting C. collected D.collections

2. A. another B. other C. others D.the other

3. A. teach B. learn C. give D.offer

4. A. history B. nature C. science D.geography
5. A. look B. see C. watch D.find

4. Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or
false (F).
After school Ann goes home to do her model-making. She loves making
models. She started about two years ago. She needs about two weeks to make
a model. Then she puts it on the shelf in her bedroom. She has about fifteen
models now. She thinks she will need to get another shelf soon. Last term she
tried to start a club for model-making at school but the teachers and other
children weren’t interested. She thinks she has a lot of fun anyway.
1. Ann made models when she stayed at school.
2. She has made her models for about one year.
3. It takes her two weeks to make two models
4. She will need another shelf for her models soon
5. Susan tried to start a club for model making and the teachers and other
children were interested in it very much.

5. Fill a word in each blank in the following passage

My favourite hobby is reading. I (1) this hobby when I was 5
years old. I still remember the first book I read, which was (2) a
lazy rabbit. I was so excited when I read that book, so I kept (3)
. I enjoy reading (4) it develops my imagination. It also widens
my knowledge. I can understand (5) a nation has its name or what
causes natural disasters. Moreover, (6) helps me connect with
other students because (7) is a book club at my school. We
gather once a week to (8) what we have read.


1. Write about your interest and your family members’ interests.

Example: I am interested in sports.

I am not interested in fashion.

2. Think about your favorite hobby. Fill the word web with your own
information. Then write a short paragraph of 100 words about our
favorite hobby.

My favourite hobby

1. Name of the hobby:

2. Started:

3. Person who shares my hobby:

4. To do this hobby I have to:

5. Future: will

6. Feelings about the hobby:


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