Beehive 3 Bre SB

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Student Book

Helen Casey

Months of the Year When’s your birthday? It’s in … . My birthday is (March) (second).
A New Year
It’s my (ninth) birthday. Ordinal Numbers
page 4
Lesson 1 Words Lesson 2 Grammar Lesson 3 Words and Grammar

1 Hair and faces

Functional Language
What does (he) look like? (He) has … .
Have Questions and Answers
Describing people
Superlatives (Short Adjectives)
Our Friends
Me too. / Me neither. (he / she / they)
page 6

2 Places in the city

Functional Language
Present Progressive (Questions and
Things to do in the city
Present Progressive (Questions)
In the City
page 18 How do I get to … ? Take … . Present Progressive (Negative)

Extensive Reading Appearance and Personality page 30 A How to … guide A play

3 Jobs
Functional Language
Wh- Questions (Simple Present)
Simple Present (Negative)
Actions at work
I want to be a … .
Our Busy World
page 32 Can you guess? Why? Because … .
I think … . I think you’re right.

4 Places in the country

Functional Language
There was / There were (with some, any,
a lot of)
Could you … ?
Let’s Explore!
page 44 Great! Is it nearby? Simple Past (to be with Adjectives) I could / couldn’t … .

Extensive Reading Exploring Nature page 56 A short story An information leaflet

5 Healthy habits
Functional Language
How often do you … ? (with Expressions of
Free time activities
Adverbs of Frequency (always,
Healthy Living
page 58 I forget to … . How often … ? (he / she / it) often, sometimes, never)
I remember to … .

6 Food
Functional Language
Count and Noncount Nouns (Affirmative)
Count and Noncount Nouns (Questions
Cooking (verbs)
Adverbs of Manner
In the Kitchen
page 70 We need … . and Negative)
What else?
Extensive Reading Amazing Food page 82 A magazine article A poem
7 Chores
Functional Language
Simple Past Regular Verbs (Affirmative)
Simple Past Regular Verbs (Negative)
Party preparations
Had to
Family Life
page 84 I have to … .

8 Everyday things
Functional Language
Simple Past Irregular Verbs (Affirmative)
Simple Past Irregular Verbs (Negative)
A Roman town
Simple Past (Yes / No Questions)
Our History
page 96 I think it’s … years old.
Yes, I agree. / I’m not sure.
Extensive Reading Life in the Past page 108 An information text A diary
9 Places in a school
Functional Language
Object Pronouns (me, you, him, her, it)
Object Pronouns (us, them)
School rules
Must and must not
School Life
page 110 It’s over there. On the
left / right / straight ahead.

10 Vacation activities
Functional Language
Going to for Future Plans (I / you)
Going to for Future Plans (he / she / we / they)
Things to pack
Going to for Future Plans
Vacation Plans
page 122 Why don’t we … ? I’d rather… . (Yes / No Questions)

Extensive Reading Traveling Around the World page 134 An online geography article A classic story
Poster Times Seasons

Lesson 4 Story Lesson 5 Skills and Culture Project and Review

The Monkey and the Elephant Clubs and teams in Australia and Mexico Make a class puzzle
Emotional Well-being Working as An online forum display
a team Writing Focus Adjective order

Serena’s Good Idea Capital cities of the U.K. and Singapore Make a city tour leaflet
Emotional Well-being Solving A postcard
problems Writing Focus Capital letters

Junko’s Dream Exciting jobs in Tanzania and Malaysia Make a jobs poster
Emotional Well-being Believing in An interview
yourself Writing Focus a or an

The Giant’s Causeway Places to visit in Vietnam and Portugal Make a map of an island
Emotional Well-being Dealing with A blog
disappointment Writing Focus Time phrases

Busy Ben Exercise in Brazil and China Make a Healthy Living

Emotional Well-being Dealing with An online post board game
stress Writing Focus too

A Giant Omelet Traditional food from Spain and Morocco Make a recipe book
Emotional Well-being Learning A recipe
from mistakes Writing Focus Time order words

The Farmyard Party Family festivals in the U.S.A. and Japan Make a family festivals
Emotional Well-being Doing your A school magazine article poster
part Writing Focus Regular past tense: spelling

The Two Brothers History in Norway and Egypt Make a museum display
Emotional Well-being Learning to A report
forgive Writing Focus Paragraphs

The Friendship Chain School transportation in Canada and Switzerland Design an amazing school
Emotional Well-being Being kind A personal account
Writing Focus Topic sentences

The Town Mouse and the Country Places to vacation in the U.K. and Ukraine Make a plan for a class trip
Mouse An email
Emotional Well-being Embracing Writing Focus Email greetings and sign off
new opportunities
Starter Unit

A New Year

1 Listen, point, and repeat. 001

2 Listen and say the chant. 002

January February March

April May June

July August September

October November December

3 Listen and circle. 003

1 When’s your birthday, Emma? 3 When’s your birthday, Nina?

It’s in March / April / May. It’s in January / June / July.

2 When’s your birthday, Hector? 4 When’s your birthday, Omar?

It’s in September / October / It’s in February / August /
December. November.

4 Ask and answer.

When’s your birthday? It’s in … .

4 Months of the Year When’s your birthday? It’s in … .

5 Listen and follow. 004 When’s Emma’s birthday?

What’s the date today?


It’s March fifteenth. 1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first

2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second

3rd third 13th thir teenth 23rd twenty-third

4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth

5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth

6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth

It’s my birthday!
7th seventh Maria
17th seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh
Happy birthday, Emma!

8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth

9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth

6 Listen, point, and repeat. 005 10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thir tieth
7 Look at the calendar in 6. Then read
31st thir ty-first
and circle.

My birthday is March
second / fourth.

My birthday is March
twenty-second / twenty-seventh.
Jacob Maria

8 Write. Then match the cakes.

1 I’m seven years old today! It’s my seventh birthday. c
2 I’m eleven years old today! It’s my birthday.
3 I’m six years old today! It’s my birthday.
4 I’m two years old today! It’s my birthday.

Ordinal Numbers My birthday is (March) (second). It’s my (ninth) birthday. 5

Let’s describe our friends.

Lesson 1 Words
1 dark hair

1 Look, share, learn.

2 Listen, point, and repeat. 006
2 light hair
3 Listen and say. 007

4 curly hair

3 short hair
5 straight hair

7 glasses

6 freckles

8 long hair

4 Describe yourself. Play True or False.

I have glasses. False!

6 Words Hair and faces

Look! The red group 1
5 Look at the puzzle. What is the same? Write. all have curly hair.

curly hair

6 Describe yourself. Write.

I have .
I have .
I don't have .

7 Listen and repeat. 008 Then talk with your friend.

I have freckles.

Me too.
Up! 1
I don't have curly hair.

Me neither. Play Who Has … ?

Functional Language Me too. / Me neither. 7

1 Lesson 2 Grammar Let’s ask what
people look like.

1 Listen and follow. 009 Then act.

Does she look like me? She has straight hair.
Hello. Is my cousin here? Does she have curly hair?
It’s May!

No, she doesn't. And she Yes! She’s my cousin!

What does she look like?
doesn't have freckles.

2 Look, listen, and learn. 010 Then point to the people in the picture.

What does she look like?

He / She / It She has curly hair.
She doesn't have straight hair.
What do they look like?
I / You / We / They They have dark hair.
They don't have light hair.

3 Listen and match. 011

Anna c

4 Ask and answer.

Can you see my friend, Jane?

What does she look like?

She has curly hair. She doesn't have glasses.

8 Grammar What does (he) look like? (He) has … .

5 Look, listen, and learn. 012 Then point to the picture and answer the questions. 1

Does he have light hair?

He / She / It
Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Do they have glasses?
I / You / We / They
Yes, they do. No, they don't.

6 Look and check ✔. Then point and say.

1 Does she have light hair? 4 Do they have freckles?

Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. ✔ Yes, they do. No, they don't.
2 Does she have long hair? 5 Do they have straight hair?
Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. Yes, they do. No, they don't.
3 Do they have glasses? 6 Does he have short hair?
Yes, they do. No, they don't. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

7 Look and write.

1 Do they have glasses? No, they don't.
2 Does he have curly hair?
3 Does he have long hair?
4 Do they have dark hair?

Up! 2
Play Guess Who!

Grammar Have Questions and Answers (he / she / they) 9

1 Lesson 3 Words and Grammar Let’s say how our
friends are different.

1 Listen, point, and repeat. 013

2 Listen and say. 014

Beehive Afterschool Sports Club Are you ...?

1 brave 2 strong 3 young

4 tall 5 fast 6 funny

Our club is for everyone! Come and join us!

3 Listen and number. 015

4 Play the Mime game.

You’re strong!

Yes! Your turn.

10 Words Describing people

5 Look, listen, and learn. 016 Then point to the picture and answer the questions.

Who’s the youngest? He’s the youngest.

Who’s the tallest? He’s the tallest.
Who’s the fastest? She’s the fastest.

tall taller the tallest

brave braver the bravest
funny funnier the funniest
big bigger the biggest
good better the best

6 Look and write questions and answers.

1 Who’s the fastest ? (fast)

Ali is the fastest.
2 Who’s ? (young)

3 Who’s ? (tall)

4 Who’s ? (funny)

Ali Liz Ben Tina

7 Listen and follow. Then sing. 017–018

We’re All Different!

We don’t care who’s the funniest – Who’s tall? Who’s short? old young
Or who’s very strong! We don’t care! We don’t care!
We’re all different! We’re all friends! Who’s brave? Who’s fast? small big
And we get along! We don’t care! We don’t care!

Up! 3
Who’s the oldest? Play Line Up!

Grammar Superlatives (Short Adjectives) 11

1 Lesson 4 Story Let’s read about
two friends.

1 Look at the pictures. What animals can you see?

2 Listen and read. 019 How are Monkey and Elephant different?

The Monkey and the Elephant

1 Elephant and Monkey are playing. 2 But who’s the best?

I’m strong! I’m the best!

I’m the fastest!

I’m fast!

I’m the best! I’m

the strongest!

3 Owl has an idea. 4 Monkey is fast. He gets to the river first.

Let’s see who’s the best. I’m strong. I can swim.
Who can get that mango? Oh! I can’t swim. Climb on my back!

I can! I’m the best!

No, I’m
the best!

5 The tree is tall. I can climb. I can 6 They have the mango!
get the mango.
Oh! I can’t Good job! So … who’s the best?
climb the tree.

12 Story Vocabulary and grammar review

7 8

Stop! You can swim. You can climb.

Me! I’m strong and I can swim. You’re different, but you’re a team!

Me! I’m fast and

I can climb!

Yes! We’re a good team!

3 Read again and circle.

1 is fast. 4 can’t swim.

2 is strong. 5 can’t climb.

3 has an idea. 6 are a good team.

4 Number the sentences in order.

Monkey climbs and helps Elephant.

Monkey and Elephant learn a lesson.

1 Two friends are angry.

Monkey and Elephant go and get the mango.

Elephant swims and helps Monkey. Think, Feel, Grow

Is it better to be fast or strong?
Why are Monkey and Elephant
5 Act out the story. a good team?
6 Home–school Read the story at home.

Up! 4
Act out the story with your puppets.

Story Comprehension and discussion 13

1 Lesson 5 Skills and Culture Let’s learn about clubs and
teams in Australia and Mexico.

Listening and Speaking

1 Listen, point, and repeat. 020

2 Listen and say the number. 021


1 gardening club 2 cooking club


3 cricket team 4 music club

3 Listen and number. 022 Point and say the clubs and teams.

4 Watch the video. Which clubs and teams does Lucy go to?
5 Listen and follow. 023 Then talk about what you do after school.

What do you do after school?

I’m in a music club. What about you?

I'm on a basketball team.

14 Listening and Speaking Clubs and teams

Reading and Writing
6 Look at the photos. Which club or team is Diego in?
7 Listen and read. 024 Who is Diego’s best friend?

Home About Me Search
Our Team
I live in Mexico City. It’s the biggest city in Mexico.
There are a lot of people in Mexico City. They come
from all around the world.
At my school we have a lot of clubs and teams. I’m on a
basketball team. My sister is in a music club and a dance
club. A club is a great place to make friends.
My best friend is on the basketball team. His name is
Yoshi. He has short dark hair and brown eyes. He’s brave
and he’s funny. He can throw and he can run. Yoshi is fast.
He’s the fastest player on the team. He’s from Japan.
We also have players from Brazil, Italy, China, and Mexico,
of course. We’re fast and strong. We’re the best team!

8 Read again. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 Diego is on a baseball team. F
2 Yoshi has long dark hair and brown eyes.
3 Yoshi is funny and he’s fast.
4 They have players from Brazil and China. Look! We put
adjectives describing
size before adjectives
9 Writing Focus Read and circle the adjectives describing size.
describing color.
short dark long big light blue small brown
10 Complete the sentences.
1 My friend has short light hair. (light, short)
2 He has eyes. (small, blue)
3 They have hair. (dark, long)
4 I have eyes. (brown, big)

11 Write a description of your friend. Go to your Workbook page 13

Reading and Writing An online forum 15

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