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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Brief Report

Personalized iPSC-Derived Dopamine

Progenitor Cells for Parkinson’s Disease
Jeffrey S. Schweitzer, M.D., Ph.D., Bin Song, M.D., Ph.D.,
Todd M. Herrington, M.D., Ph.D., Tae‑Yoon Park, Ph.D., Nayeon Lee, Ph.D.,
Sanghyeok Ko, Ph.D., Jeha Jeon, Ph.D., Young Cha, Ph.D., Kyungsang Kim, Ph.D.,
Quanzheng Li, Ph.D., Claire Henchcliffe, M.D., D.Phil., Michael Kaplitt, M.D., Ph.D.,
Carolyn Neff, M.D., Otto Rapalino, M.D., Hyemyung Seo, Ph.D., In‑Hee Lee, Ph.D.,
Jisun Kim, Ph.D., Taewoo Kim, Ph.D., Gregory A. Petsko, D.Phil., Jerome Ritz, M.D.,
Bruce M. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., Sek‑Won Kong, M.D., Pierre Leblanc, Ph.D.,
Bob S. Carter, M.D., Ph.D., and Kwang‑Soo Kim, Ph.D.​​

Sum m a r y

From the Departments of Neurosurgery We report the implantation of patient-derived midbrain dopaminergic progenitor
(J.S.S., B.S.C.), Neurology (T.M.H.), and cells, differentiated in vitro from autologous induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs),
Radiology (K.K., Q.L.), the Gordon Cen-
ter for Medical Imaging (K.K., Q.L.), and in a patient with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. The patient-specific progenitor
the Division of Neuroradiology (O.R.), cells were produced under Good Manufacturing Practice conditions and character-
Massachusetts General Hospital, the De- ized as having the phenotypic properties of substantia nigra pars compacta neurons;
partment of Pediatrics, Computational
Health Informatics Program, Boston Chil- testing in a humanized mouse model (involving peripheral-blood mononuclear
dren’s Hospital (I.-H.L., S.-W.K.), and the cells) indicated an absence of immunogenicity to these cells. The cells were im-
Connell and O’Reilly Families Cell Manip- planted into the putamen (left hemisphere followed by right hemisphere, 6 months
ulation Core Facility, Dana–Farber/Harvard
Cancer Center (J.R.), Boston, and the apart) of a patient with Parkinson’s disease, without the need for immunosuppres-
Department of Psychiatry (B.M.C.) and sion. Positron-emission tomography with the use of fluorine-18-L-dihydroxyphe-
the Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory nylalanine suggested graft survival. Clinical measures of symptoms of Parkinson’s
(B.S., T.-Y.P., N.L., S.K., J.J., Y.C., H.S.,
J.K., T.K., P.L., K.-S.K.), McLean Hospital, disease after surgery stabilized or improved at 18 to 24 months after implantation.
Belmont — all in Massachusetts; the De- (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others.)
partments of Neurology (C.H.) and Neuro-
surgery (M.K.) and the Brain and Mind

Research Institute (G.A.P.), Weill Cornell
Medical College, New York; the Depart- issue transplantation in patients with Parkinson’s disease to
ment of Neurology, Kaiser Permanente, replace the lost dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars com-
Irvine, CA (C.N.); and the Department of
Molecular and Life Sciences, Hanyang pacta has been studied since the 1980s. Sources of these cells have includ­
University, Seoul, South Korea (H.S.). ed adrenal medulla1,2 and fetal midbrain tissues from allogeneic or xenogeneic
Address reprint requests to Dr. Schweitzer sources.3-7 Inconsistent symptomatic benefit of various durations has been reported
or Dr. Carter at the Department of Neuro-
surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, with these approaches.8-11 Fetal cell–based therapies have been considered imprac-
55 Fruit St., White Bldg., Rm. 502, Boston, tical because of ethical constraints, difficulty in producing a defined cell product,
MA 02114, or at ­jschweitzer1@​­mgh​.­harvard​ and graft-induced dyskinesias, which may be caused by contaminating serotonergic
.­edu or ­bcarter@​­mgh​.­harvard​.­edu; or to
Dr. Kwang-Soo Kim at the Molecular Neu- neurons, excess dopamine production, or both.8,12 Pluripotent stem cell–derived
robiology Laboratory, Rm. 216, McLean midbrain dopaminergic progenitor cells (mDAPs) represent a possible cell source
Hospital, 115 Mill St., Belmont, MA that can be produced with greater consistency.13,14 Advances in the technology for
02478, or at ­kskim@​­mclean​.­harvard​.­edu.
creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and for guiding their in vitro dif-
Drs. Schweitzer, Song, Herrington, Park,
and N. Lee and Drs. Carter and K.-S. Kim
ferentiation toward a midbrain dopaminergic fate offer the hope of achieving the
contributed equally to this article. benefits of fetal-tissue transplantation without its inherent practical and ethical
This article was updated on May 20, 2020, concerns.15-17 An autologous cell source may additionally obviate the need for im-
at munosuppression. We report data from a patient treated by our group with this
N Engl J Med 2020;382:1926-32. method; no other patients were similarly treated.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1915872
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

1926 n engl j med 382;20  May 14, 2020

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Brief Report

Me thods secretion and electrophysiological properties in

vitro characteristic of substantia nigra pars com-
Oversight pacta dopaminergic neurons, showed functional
Informed consent included a discussion of the efficacy in animal models similar to that of fetal
risks associated with first-in-human use of this midbrain-derived tissue,18 and passed FDA-man-
method in Parkinson’s disease, with a review of dated release criteria (Figs. S2 through S4 and
currently available medical and surgical thera- Tables S4 through S9). After treatment with
peutic options, including deep-brain stimulation. quercetin, the final cell products (at day 28) had
The study was conducted under regulatory guid- no detectable remaining undifferentiated iPSCs
ance from the Food and Drug Administration (with an upper boundary of the 95% confidence
(FDA) under Individual Patient Expanded Access– interval of ≤1 undifferentiated cell per 1 billion
Investigational New Drug application 17145. day-28 differentiated cells),18 on the basis of im-
Approval was obtained from institutional review munostaining and real-time polymerase chain
boards at Weill Cornell Medical Center and at reaction–based assays. Serotonergic neurons, a
Massachusetts General Hospital. All procedures potential cause of graft-induced dyskinesia,12
in animals were conducted with approval from were not detected in the final product (Figs. S3
the McLean Hospital Animal Care and Use Com- and S4).
mittee. All the authors vouch for the complete-
ness and accuracy of the data reported, includ- Graft Survival under Autologous or
ing adverse events, and for the adherence of the Allogeneic Conditions in Humanized Mice
study to the protocol, available with the full text Patient-derived iPSCs (C4) and allogeneic human
of this article at There was no indus- embryonic stem cells (H9) were differentiated to
try involvement in the study. day-28 mDAPs (C4-mDAPs and H9-mDAPs), and
1×105 cells of each line were grafted into the
Creation of Autologous iPSCs striatum of nonobese diabetic mice with severe
Fibroblasts that were harvested from a skin biopsy combined immunodeficiency (NOD SCID) and
were used to generate multiple iPSC lines that depletion of the interleukin-2 receptor γ (NOD
were tested for pluripotent differentiation poten- SCID gamma mice), patient-humanized NOD SCID
tial in vitro and in vivo and screened by whole- gamma mice (C4-hu; using patient’s peripheral-
exome sequencing for the presence of protein- blood mononuclear cells obtained 24 months
coding mutations.18 A single iPSC clone (designated [left hemisphere] and 18 months [right hemi-
C4) was selected for further characterization and sphere] after surgery), and allogeneic humanized
for production of mDAPs under Good Manufac- mice (K1-hu). Animals were killed at 2 weeks and
turing Practice conditions. examined histologically for graft survival by la-
beling for human neural-cell adhesion molecule
Characterization of In Vitro Differentiated (hNCAM+) cells, for the presence within the
mDAPs graft of neurons expressing markers for dopa-
The C4 iPSC-derived cells showed normal karyo- minergic neurons (tyrosine hydroxylase [TH+]
type and were characterized as mDAPs with neurons), and for cellular immune response
dopamine neuron–specific and other neural (CD4+ cells).
markers, in two validation experiments.18 Whole-
genome sequencing of both the C4 iPSCs and Clinical Measures
C4-derived progenitors was performed, and the Neurologic examinations were performed and
progenitors were compared with the original Parkinson’s disease–specific measures assessed
source fibroblasts; the results confirmed the at baseline and at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after
absence in the progenitors of known cancer- each implantation and at 6-month intervals
associated and neurodegeneration-associated mu- thereafter. At each examination, the neurologist
tations (Fig. S1 and Tables S1 and S2 in the Sup- recorded the “off” time, when medication did
plementary Appendix, available at not adequately control motor symptoms, as re-
Before clinical use, neurons that were derived ported by the patient. Prespecified assessments
from these progenitor cells showed dopamine included the Movement Disorder Society Unified

n engl j med 382;20  May 14, 2020 1927

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS), The patient underwent two MRI-guided stereo-
part III (scores range from 0 to 132, with higher tactic surgical procedures for implantation in
scores indicating worse parkinsonian motor the putamen, left hemisphere followed by right
signs),19 and the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease hemisphere, separated by 6 months, conforming
Questionnaire (PDQ-39; scores range from 0 to to regulatory guidance from the FDA. At each
156, with higher scores indicating worse quality operation, three trajectories were made in the
of life).20 (A complete list of clinical assessments putamen posterior to the level of the anterior
is provided in Table S3.) commissure, each spanning the superior–inferior
extent of the nucleus.21 A total of 4 million cells
Brain Imaging were delivered at each operative procedure, divid-
Computed tomographic (CT) scans were per- ed equally among the three tracks. Intravenous
formed intraoperatively to confirm accurate place- cefazolin was administered perioperatively. No
ment of the cell injection in the putamen and immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids, or anticon-
immediately postoperatively for hemorrhage vulsants were used at any time. After each sur-
screening at or near the site of implantation. Se- gery, the patient was monitored overnight and
rial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans discharged the following day.
and magnetic resonance spectroscopic findings
were reviewed for any evidence of tumor, stroke, R e sult s
or hemorrhage. Serial fluorine-18-L-dihydroxy-
phenylalanine (18F-DOPA) positron-emission to- Immunogenicity of Grafts after
mography (PET)–CT was performed to assess Implantation in Humanized Mice
for the presence of presynaptic dopamine termi- As shown in Figure 1A and Figure S5, both patient-
nal activity in the engrafted putaminal regions. derived mDAPs (C4-mDAPs) and allogeneic mDAPs
Changes in radioisotope uptake were judged (H9-mDAPs) survived in NOD SCID gamma
semiquantitatively by 18F-DOPA standardized up- mice, and both graft types were rejected when
take value ratios. transplanted to allogeneic humanized mice
(K1-hu). Patient-humanized mice (C4-hu) per-
Safety Monitoring mitted the survival of autologous C4-mDAPs,
Serial clinical neurologic examination to detect with grafts staining positively for hNCAM+ cells
adverse neurologic events, along with imaging and containing TH+ neurons at 2 weeks after
reviews, was performed by two study neurolo- implantation, whereas C4-hu mice rejected allo-
gists and a study radiologist (all of whom are geneic H9-mDAPs, with prominent CD4+ lym-
authors). The patient continued to be treated phocytic infiltrates (Fig. 1B and 1C).
independently by an author who is his commu-
nity neurologist. Imaging at 0 to 24 Months after Implantation
in the Patient
At 3 months after the first implantation, 18F-DOPA
C a se R ep or t
PET–CT imaging showed an initial decline in
The patient was a 69-year-old right-handed man 18
F-DOPA uptake from baseline in the putamina,
with a 10-year history of progressive idiopathic followed by small increases in 18F-DOPA uptake
Parkinson’s disease. He was receiving extended- at subsequent times up to 18 months and 24
release carbidopa–levodopa (in capsules contain- months after implantations on the right side and
ing 23.75 mg and 95 mg, respectively, at a dose left side, respectively. Increased activity was
of three capsules four times daily), rotigotine greater on the right (second implant) than on
(4 mg daily), and rasagiline (1 mg daily) (total the left and was most prominent in the posterior
daily dose, 904 mg of levodopa equivalents). He putamen near the graft sites, as seen on the
reported poor control of his symptoms, with color intensity scale and on quantitative com-
3 hours of “off” time per day, characterized by parisons of selected subregions (Fig. 2A and Fig.
worsening tremor, posture, and fine motor con- S6). Semiquantitative changes from baseline in
trol; increases in the levodopa dose beyond these uptake of the radioisotope are shown in Figure 2
doses caused orthostatic hypotension. The pa- and varied from −4.0% to 13.5% on the right and
tient had not had dyskinesias. from −4.8% to 9.8% on the left.

1928 n engl j med 382;20  May 14, 2020

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Brief Report

C4-mDAPs H9-mDAPs




NSG C4-hu K1-hu
C4-mDAPs H9-mDAPs C4-mDAPs H9-mDAPs C4-mDAPs H9-mDAPs

NSG+C4-mDAPs C4-hu+C4-mDAPs C4-hu+H9-mDAPs


Figure 1. Immunogenicity of Midbrain Dopaminergic Progenitor Cells (mDAPs) in Humanized Mice.

Panels A and B show mouse brain sections stained with antibodies against human neural-cell adhesion molecule (hNCAM) (Panel A)
and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) with hNCAM (Panel B) at 2 weeks after transplantation of autologous and allogenic mDAPs, to detect the
presence and dopaminergic differentiation of surviving grafts. In Panel B, the bottom row of images depicts magnified areas of the TH
images. Panel C shows staining with anti-CD4 antibodies, with major cell loss and T-cell infiltration only in the allogeneic grafts placed
in the patient-humanized animals. Cells were counterstained with Hoechst 33342. All scale bars indicate 100 μm. C4-hu denotes an NSG
mouse (nonobese diabetic mouse with severe combined immunodeficiency and depletion of the interleukin-2 receptor γ) humanized
with patient-derived peripheral-blood mononuclear cells, C4-mDAPs patient-derived mDAPs, H9-mDAPs human embryonic cell line–
derived mDAPs, and K1-hu an NSG mouse humanized with volunteer-derived peripheral-blood mononuclear cells.

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A Positron-Emission Tomography B Magnetic Resonance

12 Mo after surgery 1 24 Mo after surgery 1 Imaging
Baseline 3 Mo after surgery 1 6 Mo after surgery 2 18 Mo after surgery 2
Right Left Right Left Right Left

18F-DOPA SUV Ratio 1.1 1.45

Change in regional putaminal uptake Right Left
Anterior –4.0% –4.8%
Posterior 5.4% –1.6%

Anterior 10.7% 1.6%

Posterior 13.5% 9.8%

Figure 2. Imaging.
Panel A shows axial fluorine-18-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (18F-DOPA) positron-emission tomographic images at the
level of the basal ganglia at the time points indicated: baseline (4 months before first surgery), 3 months after the
left implantation, 12 months after the left implantation and 6 months after the right implantation, and 24 months
after the left implantation and 18 months after the right implantation. A decrease in 18F-DOPA uptake 3 months after
the initial left implantation was followed by a modest increase in dopamine uptake on both sides (right greater than
left), mainly in the posterior putamen near the graft sites. The table below the images shows the percentage change
in 18F-DOPA uptake (by standardized uptake value [SUV] ratio) with respect to baseline before surgery or to the low-
est uptake measured 3 months after the first (left side) implantation, as indicated by the timeline arrows. Anterior
and posterior denote the position of the measured region of interest within the putamen. Panel B is a T2-weighted
BLADE magnetic resonance image at 18 months after the left implantation and 12 months after the right implanta-
tion. Arrows indicate the location of the implants. Hyperintensity on T2-weighted imaging was associated with the
graft sites, more prominently on the right.

MRI at 6 months after the first implantation ment therapy (“off”) were not measured before
and subsequent time points showed areas of in- the first implantation because the patient declined
creased T2-weighted signal intensity approximat- to cease medications owing to worsened symp-
ing the locations of the graft sites in the pu- toms. Scores in the off period were 43 at 4 weeks
tamina, as well as along parts of the surgical after the first implantation, 33 to 41 at subse-
tracts within the white matter, more pronounced quent follow-up times, and 33 at 24 months.
on the right (Fig. 2B and Fig. S7). No contrast Scores on the MDS-UPDRS, part III, at the peak
enhancement was seen at the six putaminal im- dose of dopamine replacement therapy (“on”)
plantation sites. At 6 months after the second were 38 at the time of implantation, 19 to 35
surgery, a 4-mm region of enhancement was during follow-up, and 29 at 24 months. PDQ-39
observed 3 cm above the target in one tract; CT scores (assessing Parkinson’s disease–related
and MRI including arterial spin labeling mag- quality of life, with lower scores indicating bet-
netic resonance perfusion imaging and magnetic ter quality) were 62 at the time of implantation,
resonance spectroscopy showed changes consis- 2 to 34 during follow-up, and 2 at 24 months
tent with postsurgical gliosis (Fig. S7). (Fig. 3 and Table S3).
At 24 months, the patient’s Parkinson’s dis-
Clinical Assessments ease medications were extended-release carbidopa–
At 24 months after the first (left) implantation levodopa (in capsules containing 23.75 mg and
and 18 months after the second (right) implan- 95 mg, respectively, at a dose of three, three,
tation, the patient reported no adverse events or two, and three capsules four times daily), rotigo-
decline in function. Scores on the MDS-UPDRS, tine (4 mg daily), rasagiline (1 mg daily), and
part III (assessing parkinsonian motor signs), droxidopa (100 mg daily) (total daily dose, 847
after overnight withdrawal of dopamine replace- mg of levodopa equivalents); this represented a

1930 n engl j med 382;20 May 14, 2020

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Brief Report

two iPSC-derived grafts were delivered to the tar-

get putaminal sites and survived for 24 months
(left side) and 18 months (right side). Improve-
40 Off ments in the 18F-DOPA PET signal were modest but
were most prominent near the graft sites in the
30 posterior putamen, the subregion in which de-

On creased uptake is typical in Parkinson’s disease.22,23

The improvements in motor assessments and
10 patient-rated symptom scales in our patient should
be interpreted with caution, because both he and
0 the raters were aware of the intervention and
0 6 12 18 24
there were no control comparisons. Clinical
Months since First Implantation
changes appeared gradually during the 18 to 24
B PDQ-39 months after implantation, a time frame consis-
60 tent with gradual reinnervation of the putamen
by projections from dopaminergic neurons. Dur-
ing this time, the levodopa equivalent daily dose
40 decreased by 6%, a reduction of uncertain clini-
cal importance. Studies of fetal-tissue transplan-

tation have suggested that conclusions about

long-term graft survival and clinical effects may
require longer follow-up than we report.10,11 At the
dose of cells implanted, after 18 to 24 months
0 6 12 18 24 of follow-up, we did not observe dyskinesias or
Months since First Implantation other adverse neurologic effects. MRI, PET, and
clinical improvements were all more prominently
Figure 3. Longitudinal Clinical Assessments of Parkinson’s associated with the right (second) procedure
Disease–Related Motor Function and Quality of Life. than the left, possibly related to improved pro-
Panel A shows scores on the Movement Disorder Society cedural efficiency with the second implantation,
Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS),
including a shorter time from cell harvesting to
part III. Scores (range, 0 to 132, with higher scores in-
dicating worse parkinsonian motor signs) are shown implantation (Fig. S8).
both after overnight withdrawal of levodopa (“off”) It is uncertain whether the immune system in
and at the peak dose of levodopa (“on”). Panel B shows the central nervous system would react differ-
scores on the 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Question- ently to iPSC-derived autologous as compared
naire (PDQ-39) assessing quality of life. Scores range
with allogeneic mDAPs.24 One goal of autolo-
from 0 to 156, with higher scores indicating worse qual-
ity of life. In both panels, the dashed line at 6 months gous-cell therapy is to avoid the requirement for
indicates the time of the second implantation. an indeterminate period of immunosuppression
inherent in the use of nonautologous tissue. No
immunosuppression was used in the course of
6% decrease in levodopa equivalents as com- this patient’s treatment, given the hypothesis that
pared with before the implantations. He report- the autologous source of the original fibroblasts
ed less than 1 hour of “off” time per day. Dys- would yield an implantable cell product recog-
kinesias were not reported by the patient or nized as self. The graft-survival experiments in
observed during clinical examination — similar autologous as compared with allogeneic human-
to their absence preoperatively. ized mice reported here support this hypothesis.
An autologous-cell approach is costlier and more
labor intensive than the use of generally available,
pre-characterized allogeneic cell lines, requiring
We describe the application of a personalized cell- production and safety testing for each use.
therapy strategy using autologous, iPSC-derived We report the production and implantation of
dopaminergic progenitor cells in a patient with iPSC-derived autologous dopaminergic progeni-
Parkinson’s disease. Imaging suggested that the tor cells in a patient with Parkinson’s disease,

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Brief Report

with clinical and imaging results suggesting pos- We thank present and past members of the molecular neu-
robiology laboratory (including Melissa Feitosa, Dabin Hwang,
sible benefit over a period 24 months. Further Yeahan Kim, Shibo Cao, Jacob W. Feldmann, María José Luna,
studies are warranted to address how this ap- and Jin Hyuk Jung) for their technical assistance; Philip E.
proach will perform in a variety of patients with Stieg of the Weill Cornell Brain and Spine Center at the New
York–Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and staff (Aly-
diverse genetic backgrounds and disease pheno- son Hignight, Mary O’Hehir, and Kristin Strybing); Blagovest
types over a period longer than 24 months. Nikolov for his help in filing the application to the Cornell in-
Supported by grants (K23NS099380, NS070577, NS084869, stitutional review board; Stephen M. Kaminsky and Hyunmi
and OD024622) from the National Institutes of Health and by Lee, directors of the Belfer Gene Therapy Core Facility; and
philanthropic support, partly funded by the patient described the personnel of the Dana–Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Cell
in this report, of the Parkinson’s Cell Therapy Research Fund at Manipulation Core Facility, especially Sarah Nikiforow, Hélène
McLean Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital and the Nègre, and Laëtitia Pinte, for their technical and administrative
William and Elizabeth Sweet Endowed Professorship in Neuro- help in setting up the cell production in accordance with Good
science at Harvard Medical School. Manufacturing Practice conditions.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at

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