Drying Dehumidifying Catalogue - 01 2022 EN

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Drying and

For the treatment of hygroscopic polymers, including
those with demanding drying requirements, Piovan
provides a wide range of desiccant dryers. These dryers
are available with both desiccant beds or honeycomb
rotor technology.
All the models keep the moisture and temperature val-
ues constant,resulting in the highest consistency and
quality of the final product. The new generation of
Piovan dryers ensure optimised function in the various
processing phases and high energy efficiency. In addi-
tion, Piovan offers hot air dryers, also available for high
throughputs to remove surface moisture from non-hy-
groscopic thermoplastic materials.
Piovan also provides the ideal solution for mould dry-
ing. A series of dedicated dryers to avoid any risk of
condensation on the mould surface, above all in in-
jection and blow moulding applications with fast cycle
times and in PET Preform systems.

General catalogue
DPA HR | HRM Split
G | ESP RPA Condenso
Easypure CR CDF
GenesysNext TN Cyclone
DP | DPM TNS PureTech
DS | TDM Modula
From 0.5 to 25 kg/h
DPA Series use compressed air for dry-
ing hygroscopic polymers.
The running parameters can be easily
loaded from the internal database.
With the use of desiccant cartridges
DPA can reach lower Dew Point values
(up to –40°C).
For the models with glass hopper, the
removable cone allows easy and fast
cleaning operations.
The control manages the airflow in
7 increments and adjusts the dryer's
functioning according to the material
throughput. The system thus avoids
wastage of energy and compressed air.
DPA dryers can be equipped with the
IMD (Intelligent Material Drying) that
ensures an optimal management of
the drying process, avoiding material
over-heating and thermal degradation.
Thanks to the Material Database, the
control automatically regulates the
process condition once the materi-
al has been selected and the hourly
Compact design throughput has been set.

Dew Point values down to -40 °C

Programmable database of
50 materials with predefined
drying and dehumidifying

Drying hopper volume range 1 - 30 dm³ (estimated production: 0.5 -25 kg/h)

Average Dew Point -25 °C / -40 °C with desiccant cartridge

Compressed air pressure (bar) 5-7

Options Manual or Venturi feeding, coalescence filter, serial port RS485 Mod-
bus, daily-weekly timer

Desiccant cartridge integrated in the The hoppers can be realised in DPA dryers can be installed directly
machine to reach value of Dew Point stainless steel or glass according to on the machine throat or on a frame

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up to –40°C the volume with an intermediate feeding system

Hopper Process “C” or “S”

Hopper Process air Manual Venturi
volume heating power hopper
material flow (m³/h) feeding loader
(dm³) (kW) loader

DPA1 1 10 0.6 Yes Yes -

DPA3 3 construction 10 0.6 Yes Yes -

DPA6 6 10 0.6 Yes Yes -

10 30 0.6 Yes - Yes

DPA20 Stainless
20 30 0.9 Yes - Yes
DPA20C* steel
DPA30 construction
30 30 1.2 Yes - Yes

50 30 1.2 Yes - Yes

*Provided with molecular sieves

From 20 to 4,400 m3/h
The drying solution for non-
hygroscopic thermoplastic materials
characterised by high flexibility, with
hopper capacity from 10 to 3,000

G series
• installation on IMM or extruders
for direct feeding
• floor installation on trolley to feed
multiple machines.
• configuration with separate air
generator unit
• for single or multiple machine

Accurate temperature control

Stainless steel hoppers

Optimal solution for non-

hygroscopic materials
drying and dehumidifying

The hot air dryers of G series are very For the medium range production, For high throughput machines,
compact for an easy installation on ESP30-80 series, the process blower ESP120-400, the hot air dryers are a
the IMM throat and the filters are mounted on the separate unit with an individual frame
frame, while the heater is on the to lodge high performance blowers

Process Fan / blower Blower load Air flow rate Heating load Compatible Installation
connection (mm) num. power (kW) (m³/h) power (kW) hopper mode

G31 50 1 x fan 0.08 20 1.5 T10-T30

G33 50 1 x fan 0.3 70 2.5 T50-T150 On the

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G35 50 1 x blower 0.3 120 3 T100-T300

ESP30 ESP40 ESP60 ESP80 ESP120 ESP150 ESP200 ESP300 ESP400

88.9 125 150 200 250 300

Blower num 1 2

Blower load power

3 3 4 7.5 12.5 15 26.6 30 49
(kW) at 50 Hz

Air flow rate

300 400 600 750 1,000 1,600 2,600 2,800 4,400
(m³/h) at 50 Hz

Heating load power

Max 18 Max 40 -

T300- T300- T600- T800- T1000- T1500- T2000- T3000- T4500-

Compatible hopper
T800 T800 T1000 T2000 T3000 T4500 T4000 T8500 T13500

Installation mode On hopper frame Separate frame


Easypure allow a significant improve-

ment in the quality of the recycled ma-
terial, being integrated in the process
of mechanical recycling, after the pel-
letizing phase.
This because Easypure removes the
low boiling substances contained in
the recycled plastic material, that can
generate undesired smells.
Easypure is a flexible system since the
main parameters can be adjusted ac-
cording to actual process conditions.
The temperature, the amount of air
and the residence time can be con-
trolled and adjusted manually or in a
completely automatic way.

Improving pellets quality

Removing contaminations

Extend use of PCR, even in high

demanding application
drying and dehumidifying

System control Piovan proprietary microprocessor or PLC system

System integration control can integrate material feeding, post cooling and post conveying control to
bagging station or storage (only with PLC)
Main options Material recirculation, filling level adjustable, process air flow regulation, process
air post-filtering section (including cyclone filter and condensing unit)

The deodorizing systems are sized The complete system includes a The residence time is a critical
according to specific running fully insulated hopper with stainless parameter to assure the material
parameters, different from the steel construction for the surfaces in quality and so it is controlled

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traditional drying systems contact with the material managing the filling level

Max throughput Air flow Hopper volume

From 300 to From 800 to From 1,500 to

2,000 kg/h 6,000 m³/h 14,000 dm³

Sizing in function of material type and contamination level.

From 400 to 3,500 m3/h
High performance, fully automatic,
mono hopper drying system that re-
duces the production costs.
Genesys Next is the cutting edge solu-
tion for
• Optimising the energy usage
• Scrap reduction thanks to contin-
uous tracking of injection pressure
Moisture Minder measurements, on-
line residual humidity in plastic gran-
ules, are integrated in the Genesys-
Next control.
GenesysNext is also a step toward cir-
cular economy: with  PureTech filtra-
tion system, available as an option, an
advance filtration of the VOC present
in the process air is possible. This is
especially required in case of recycled
materials that can release low boiling
substances during the heating or injec-
tion process and preserve the desic-
cant towers.
The control of GenesysNext is de-
signed also to combine together two
machines, with a single HMI, in order
to extend the application range.
Final product costs reduction

Ideal for producing with

recycled plastic

Absolute process stability

drying and dehumidifying

Range 400 –3,500 m³/h—multi-dryer solution available for higher throughput

Versions Dual-dryer, with electrical heater, combined heating (electrical + gas burner) or with gas
Options PureTech activate carbon process filter, regeneration circuit with/without water or with en-
ergy recovering valve, air conditioning for high temperature environments, Dew Point stabi-
lizer, remote display, integrated energy meter.

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Process blower with on board Intuitive HMI with 10” coloured touch Optimized internal circuit with the
frequency converter and Can Open panel and PLC advance control with new energy recovering valve for the
communication interface to be fully high computing capacity for a full regeneration circuit
integrated in the control process control

Air flow rate Min flow Reference PET chips Process Electrical heater
Frame Heater
(m³/h) rate production (kg/h) pump (V/Ph/Hz)

GN40 400 110 175

GN50 500 110 220
GN70 700 170 300 Internal
GN100 1,000 230 430 1 B 400/3/50
GN150 1,500 310 650 450/3/50
GN180 1,800 380 780
GN250 2,500 820 1,100
C External
GN270 2,700 610 1,170
GN350 3,500 1,020 1,520
From 250 to 3,500 m3/h
Smart - Plus - Adaptive The GMP range is available in 3 config-
urations SMART, PLUS and ADAPTIVE.
The operator’s interface is an 7", col-
our touch screen. The HMI offers ac-
cess to all the system’s components for
specific adjustments or settings.
GMP is a single or multi hopper drying
system, that can adapt and automat-
ically control operating parameters,
such as temperature, Dew point and
flow rate of the process air, according
to the production detected.
A flow meter, located in the air supply
line, controls the air flow instantane-
ously and so the airflow is modulated
automatically by the drying unit, re-
sulting in optimum process operating
conditions and energy optimization.
In case of many different raw materi-
als to dry, one GMP dryer can be com-
bined with a multi-hopper system. This
is a highly flexible and cost effective

Full auto-adaptive operation

Automatic air-flow adjust and


Regeneration heat recovery

drying and dehumidifying

The GMP is designed to be efficient: Intuitive control with all the data to The Dew Point stabilizer (option)
the cooling water flow rate, for keep the process under control allows an advance control of the
example, is managed with an process, increasing stability level
automatic valve

Drying Process air dew Resident time /

Production Process air flow
temperature point Material level

Variable according
Fixed at 100% of ca-
SMART Manual setting to the regeneration - Full filling level

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Manual Auto set on
Auto set from Stable with Dew Point input production input Level adjustable to
material database stabilizer Automatic Auto set on production control resident time
detection detected

Max flow rate (m³/h) Min flow rate (m³/h) Process pump Frame Electrical feeding (V/Ph/Hz)

GMP25 250 65 A
GMP40 400 100
GMP50 500 150
GMP70 700 200
GMP100 1,000 250 C 400/3/50
GMP150 1,500 400
GMP180 1,800 450
GMP250 2,500 650
GMP270 2,700 675
GMP350 3,500 875
604 - 615 From 50 to 150 m3/h
DP and DPM are characterised by dew
point up to -50 °C and process air tem-
perature up to 200 °C (HT version).
DP and DPM are easy to use thanks to
a large intuitive display available in the
operator’s language with the status of
the machine and key parameters ac-
cessible from the main screen.
Hoppers capacity goes from 30 to
400 dm³, single or multiple and their
number can be easily configured ac-
cording customer’s needs.

Long lasting reliable machine

Easy to use

Suitable for a wide range of

drying and dehumidifying

Max process temperature 150 °C / 200 °C HT version

Air flow rate range (m³/h) 55—150 m³/h

Configurations Double tower with single (DP604-609-613) or double blower (DP605-

610-615). Single hopper or multi hopper (PTU version), single hopper
with common trolley (DPM version).
Options Regeneration in close loop (only for DP605-610-615), pressure switch,
daily and weekly timer, Dew Point control (DP605-610-615) or Dew Point
alarm (DP604-609-613), serial interface, visual and acoustic alarm, ener-
gy saving for cooling water.

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All the dryers in this series are The filters can be easily extract from The DPM version includes a common
equipped with double desiccant the front, while the side panels can be frame on wheels to lodge the dryer
tower and with one or two blowers completely removed for extraordinary and the drying hopper

Process air flow Connection to process Electrical feeding

Load power (kW)*
(m³/h) (mm) (V/Ph/Hz)

DP604 55 3.9
DP605 75 4.1
DP609 85 5.7 400/3/50
50 380/3/60
DP610 110 5.9
DP613 130 8.3

DP615 150 8.5

*Load power for HT version / 50 Hz

619 - 620 - 621 - 622 From 200 to 450 m3/h
DP is characterised by dew point up to
-55 °C and process air temperature up
to 200 °C (HT version).
Microprocessor control with self-ad-
justing PID algorithm for high preci-
DP is easy to use thanks to a large
display available in the operator’s lan-
guage with the status of the machine
and key parameters accessible from
the main screen.
Hoppers capacity goes from 300 to 2500
dm³, single or multiple and their num-
ber can be easily changed at any time.

Long lasting reliable machine

Easy to use

Suitable for a wide range of

drying and dehumidifying

Max process temperature 150 °C MT version / 180°C HT version

Air flow rate range (m3/h) 200 ÷ 450 m³/h

Configuration Single hopper or multi-hopper PTU

Hoppers available DP619: T300 - T600 / DP620: T300 - T800

DP621: T600 - T1000 / DP622: T600 - T2500
Options Pressure switch to detect filter clogging, daily-weekly timer, Dew Point
control, close circuit for regeneration phase, serial interface, visual and
acoustic alarm, energy saving for the cooling water.

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The dryers can be combined with Removable panels for complete High drying capacity thanks to the
single or multiple hopper, to match access to the internal components large desiccant towers
customers requirements and for an easy maintenance

Process air flow (m³/h) Connection to process (mm) Load power (kW)* Electrical feeding (V/Ph/Hz)

DP619 200
20.1 (HT)
DP620 250 400/3/50
23.5 (HT)
DP621 350 460/3/60
27.6 (HT)
DP622 450
36 (HT)

*50 Hz—single hopper

623 - 624 - 640 - 644 From 650 to 1,400 m3/h
DP is characterised by dew point up to
-60 °C and process air temperature up
to 200 °C (HT version).
Microprocessor control with self-ad-
justing PID algorithm for high preci-
DP is easy to use thanks to a large
display available in the operator’s lan-
guage with the status of the machine
and key parameters accessible from
the main screen.
Hoppers capacity goes from 800 to
4,000 dm³, single or multiple and their
number can be added to at any time.
DP series
• optimise energy consumption ad-
justing the energy according to the
process need
• avoid material thermal degrada-
tion or over-drying.

Long lasting reliable machine

Easy to use

Suitable for a wide range of

drying and dehumidifying

Max process temperature 150 °C MT version / 200 °C HT version or dependent from hopper in multi
hopper configuration
Air flow rate range (m³/h) 650 —1,400 m³/h

Configuration Single hopper or multi-hopper PTU

Hoppers available DP623: T800 - 2500 / DP624: T1000 - 2500

DP640: T2000 - 3500 / DP644: T2500 - 4000
Options Pressure switch to detect filter clogging, daily-weekly timer, Dew Point
control, close circuit for regeneration phase, serial interface, visual and
acoustic alarm, energy saving for the cooling water.

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Thanks to the higher air flow, it is The control integrates all the drying Close loop configuration for the
possible to manage many materials functions, with short cut buttons for regeneration circuit, to guarantee
with just one dryer and dedicated the more common actions always the best Dew Point values

Process air flow Connection to process Electrical supply

Load power (kW)*
(m³/h) (mm) (V/Ph/Hz)

DP623 650
57.7 (HT)
DP624 800 400/3/50
75.3 (HT)
DP640 1,000 460/3/60
81.6 (HT)
DP644 1,400
96.7 (HT)

*50 Hz — single hopper

503 - 507 Up to 75 m3/h
DS and TDM are able to operate with
Dew Point values down to –35 °C. Pro-
cess air temperature up to 150 °C.
DS and TDM are very flexible since
they can be
• coupled with hoppers up to 200 dm³
• installed on the processing ma-
chine or on a mobile trolley.

Compact and efficient

Installable on the processing

machine or on a mobile trolley

Cost-effective solution for low

throughput applications
drying and dehumidifying

Max process temperature 150 °C

Air flow rate range (m³/h) 45—75

Versions DS dryer and hopper on floor level, TDM dryer and hopper on common
Hoppers available for TDM T30, T50, T75, T100

Options Modbus RS485, daily-weekly timer, VA1 suction box (for TDM version)

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Compact and robust internal circuit Integrated display to easily visualise TDM version includes a common
with low maintenance request, the process temperature and frame for dryer and drying hopper to
composed by a single tower and indicator lamps for the machine easily move the unit.
a blower both for process and status.

Process air flow Connection to process Load power Electrical feeding

(m³/h) (mm) (kW) / 50Hz (V/Ph/Hz)

45 2.1
TMD503 230/1/50
DS507 220/1/60
75 3.2
From 50 to 450 m3/h
By adopting the honeycomb desiccant
rotor technology, the HR Series is able
to ensure versatility for small and me-
dium productions.
The technology is characterised by
constant dew point and clean process
thanks to
• large absorbing capacity
• zero dust emission
• continuous regeneration process
and close loop cooling phase.
HR and HRM dryers are also flexible
since they operate with single or mul-
tiple hoppers and can be installed be-
side the process machine or on a mo-
bile frame. 

Minimal consumption and

constant dew point

Compact design with minimum


Zero dust emission

drying and dehumidifying

Max process temperature 150 / 200 °C (HT version)

Air flow rate range (m³/h) 50—450

Versions HR with single hopper, HRM with drying hopper on the same movable
frame, HR with PTU drying hoppers
Options Modbus RS485 or Profibus communication board, visual and acoustic
alarm, daily-weekly timer, process cooler, pressure switch to detect filter

EN_Piovan_HR | HRM_DSC_28_00 | Non contractual document

Honeycomb rotor with internal Honeycomb rotor with AC motor Compact design for the HRM models,
glass-fiber supporting structure and and reinforced belt for a continuous with drying hopper integrated on the
aluminium silicate absorbing material drying, regeneration and cooling of same mobile frame
the rotor

Process air flow Connection to process Load power Electrical feeding

(m³/h) (mm) (kW)* (V/Ph/Hz)

HR50 6.6
HRM50 7.6 (HT)

HR100 8
HRM100 63.5 9.5 (HT)

11.7 400/3/50
150 380/3/60
HRM150 13.7 (HT)
HR200 12
HRM250 14 (HT)

HR300 300
25 (HT)
HR450 450
29 (HT)

*50 Hz—single hopper

From 400 to 2,900 m3/h
Piovan Mould Dryers is ideal to prevent
condensation in the mould area. They
can operate in open or closed loop and
for single or multiple machines.
Consistent dew point is assured by the
PID control. Designed for fast start-up,
do not need settings by operators.
They are ideally suited for:
• Mould enclosures of fast-cycle
• Mould enclosures of blow mould-
ing machines
• Mould enclosures and robot area
of PET IMM’s.
The drying action is obtained with the
combination of two steps:
• pre-condensing phase, in which
the cooling water is used to reduce
the humidity content.
• drying phase: the Dew Point of the
process air is improved thanks to
the internal desiccant wheel.
The temperature of the air going into
the enclosure can be further adjusted
For ambient temperature up to thanks to a post-cooler.
45°C and humidity up to 90% The cooling water consumption is min-
imized with an automatic regulating

Easy maintenance

Compact footprint for

installation close to primary
machine on mezanine or floor
drying and dehumidifying

Process air flow range 400—2,900 m³/h

Minimum Dew Point -15 °C

Options Open or close loop, version with or without after-cooling. PLC version ad-
aptable to the environmental conditions of the installation site

RPA can be installed on the PET bay The RPA layout is compact with the The Dew Point of the process air sent
mezzanine, with a minimum footprint integration of the pre-cooler and of to the mould cabinet is kept constant
at ground level the desiccant internal rotor thanks to the rotating internal rotor

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Process air flow Process connection Load power Electrical feeding
(m³/h) (mm) (kW) (V/Ph/Hz)

RPA400 400 150 4.3

RPA800 800 200 7.8
RPA1200 1,200 250 10.8
RPA1800 1,800 250 17.9
RPA2400 2,400 355 23.6
RPA2900 2,900 355 26
From 150 to 4,000 dm3
CR assures best crystallisation, improv-
ing the drying phase. The design has
been specifically developed to exceed
the material glass transition tempera-
ture and to guarantee homogeneous
crystallization, assuring optimal flow of
the material.
Crystallising hoppers are equipped
with high efficiency planetary motor
gears to guarantee low rotation speed
of the vertical paddle shaft and mini-
mize dust creation.
The vertical shaft is assembled with
screw connections between the differ-
ent paddle groups, in order to facilitate
maintenance and the substitution of
each single paddle.
The process is kept under control with
a complete set of temperature probes
and level sensors.
The access to the inner part is facili-
tated by a large hinged and insulated
door and by the removable cone (con-
figuration according to size).
CR crystalliser can run both with flakes
and granules.
Suitable for granules, flakes and
regrind materials

Robust and reliable

Homogeneous agitation of the

drying and dehumidifying

Level sensors 100% working level and extra max safety level; capacitive or vibrating type
Feeding and discharging rotary valves at crystalliser inlet and outlet or VA1/VA2 suction box for
devices granules or VAH1/VAH2 suction valve for flakes

Options 50% working level for reduce throughput, vertical shaft with adjustable
speed, temperature probe on process air return, Modbus or Profibus
communication interface

Low speed rotating paddle shaft Upper and lower rotary valves Inspection door for cleaning and
to keep material moving, with the available as option to manage the maintenance operations, with

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minimum generation of friction and feeding and the material discharge insulation layer and anodised
dust operations aluminium external covering

Hopper volume (dm3) Hot air dyer model Flakes configuration

CR150 150 ESP20

CR200 200 ESN40
CR500 500 ESP60
CR1000 1,000 ESP120
CR1300 1,300 ESP150
CR2000 2,000 ESN200
CR3000 3,000 ESP300
CR4000 4,000 ESP400
Up to 2,500 l
The range of drying hoppers includes
different sizes for production from few
kilograms up to thousands of kilos.
Insulated drying hoppers characterised
by optimum ratio between height and
diameter for proper heat exchange.
Full thermal insulation of cones, cylin-
ders, inspection doors.
Made in stainless steel for preserving
at best the processed material, TN
hoppers are easily accessible to all
parts, thanks to the inspection door.
External cover in embossed anodized
aluminium for maximum robustness.
Available on request a wide range of
thermally insulated suction box.
Slide gate provided as standard.

Efficient thanks to the effective

thermal insulation

Easy accessible

Optimum drying thanks to

proper heat distribution and
material flow
drying and dehumidifying

The range of drying hoppers includes Each hopper can be completed with a
different sizes for production from complete set of accessories, such as
few kilograms up to thousands of kilos manual or pneumatic slide gate, load
cells, level sensor or ladder

Volume (dm³) Receiver interface Insulation layer (mm) Process connection (mm)

TN10 10
TN30 30
TN50 50
TN75 75 50

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TN100 100 60
TN150 150
TN200 200
TN300 300 Ø 280 mm
TN400 400
TN600 600
TN800 800 88.9—101
TN1000 1,000
TN1500 1,500 125
TN2000 2,000
TN2500 2,500
From 3,000 to 13,500 l
Natural evolution of TN series, T1 hop-
pers are specifically designed for high
capacity productions.
Insulated drying hoppers characterised
by optimum ratio between height and
diameter for proper heat exchange.
Made in stainless steel for preserving
at best the processed material, T1 hop-
pers are easily accessible to all their
parts, thanks to the inspection door.
External cover in embossed anodized
aluminium for maximum robustness

Optimum drying thanks to

proper heat distribution and
material flow

Efficient thanks to the effective

thermal insulation

Residence time control thanks

to load cells or level sensor
drying and dehumidifying

Feeding device Integrated or external receiver; for integrated receiver two sizes are avail-
able according to hopper model.
Discharging device Version for material unloading by gravity and as alternative VAH valve for
the interface with a vacuum feeding system. Pneumatic slide gate includ-
ed in both case
Level control Capacitive continuous level sensor or load cells (compulsory load cell with
Adaptive GMP or GenesysNext dryer)
Construction material Stainless steel for all the surfaces in contact with granules; 100 mm insu-
lation layer with 0.8 mm aluminium cover layer.

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There are two solutions for the Load cell to monitoring the hourly
vacuum receiver: it can be a standard production
one with external installation or it can
be totally integrated in the hopper

T1-3000 T1-3500 T1-4000 T1-4500 T1-5500 T1-6500

Volume 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,500 6,500

Integrated receiver C50

Inteface for
external receiver

T1-7000 T1-7500 T1-8000 T1-8500 T1-10000 T1-10500 T1-12000 T1-13500

Volume 7,000 7,500 8,000 8,500 10,000 10,500 12,000 13,500

Integrated receiver C100

Interface for
D.280—D.450 mm
external receiver
Up to 16,000 l
TNS flakes are drying hoppers spe-
cifically designed to ease the flow of
flakes with its specific geometry: acute
cone angle and increased material dis-
charge diameter.
Like any Piovan hopper, TNS for flakes
assures optimum drying for consistent,
best quality final products.
Double air outlet reduces air speed
avoiding light material dispersion.

Designed to ease flakes drying

thanks to proper geometries

Optimum drying thanks to

proper heat distribution and
material flow

Efficient thanks to the effective

thermal insulation
drying and dehumidifying

Discharging device Suction box VAH1 / VAH2 pneumatically actuated to work by batch and to
avoid clogging.
Level control Load cells (integrated in the frame) or continuous capacitive level sensor
(integrated in the lid).
Construction material Stainless steel for all the surfaces in contact with granules; 100 mm insu-
lation layer with 0.8 mm aluminium cover layer.

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The TNS flakes hopper can be The TNS drying hopper can be
completed with accessories such as integrated in a complete system, that
load cells, ladder and upper platform includes dryer, cyclone filter and fume
o suction box VAH1/2 condenser

TNS 2500 TNS 3000 TNS 3500 TNS 4500

Volume 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,500

Receiver interfaces D.450 mm


TNS 5500 TNS 6500 TNS 7500 TNS 8500 TNS 11500
10000 13000 16000

Volume 5,500 6,500 6,500 8,500 10,000 11,500 13,000 16,000

Receiver interfaces D.578 mm

Up to 2,500 l
PTU and PTUN can be combined in a
multi-hopper drying system in order to
guarantee maximum flexibility.
Each hopper is equipped with an elec-
trical heater on board and the control
allows the setting of a different tem-
perature for each hopper; in this way
different materials can be dried at the
same time, using the right process pa-
rameters for each of them. The pro-
cess air flow passing through the hop-
per can be adjusted by the operator
or in a fully automatic mode according
to the actual production with Modula.
With a multi-hopper drying system it
is possible to dedicate a drying hopper
for each material, making quicker and
easier material changes without the
need of cleaning and emptying oper-
ations. The presence of just one main
dryer makes this solution efficient and
cost effective.
The drying hoppers are realised ac-
cording to the highest quality standard
with complete insulation layer, smooth
stainless steel surface in contact with
Efficient thanks to the effective the plastic chips and a wide door for
maintenance and cleaning.
thermal insulation

Easy accessible

Independent set point for each

single hopper
drying and dehumidifying

Each unit is complete with stand for PTU-SET drying system have an high degree of flexibility but with competitive
floor positioning, electrical heater and costs and compact installation layout
piping lines

Hoppers Max numb Air flow rate Dryer
heater and
model of hoppers indication compatibility


EN_Piovan_PTU | PTUN_DSC_34_00 | Non contractual document

PTUL-2 T30 2 Yes - -
Yes -
PTUL-3 T50 3 Yes - -
PTU-SET 8 Yes Yes -
T150 Yes Yes
PTUN-SET T200 16 - - Yes


300 400 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2500

300 400 600 800 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

Electrical 15.6
6-9-12-15- 6-9-12-15- 6-9-12-15-
heater 4-6-9-12 4-6-9-12-15 11.7-15.6-19.5-23.4 19.5
18 18-23.4 18-23.4
(kW) 23.4
Up to 2,500 l
Modula automatically adjusts
and controls all operating param-
eters for each individual hopper
and hence uses only the overall
amount of energy strictly required.
The airflow can be adjusted and
controlled instantaneously and in-
dependently hopper by hopper. In
addition, total airflow is modulated au-
tomatically by the central drying unit,
resulting in optimum process operat-
ing conditions.
Modula is characterised by:
• Self-modulating operation for 50%
energy savings
• Inverter controlled process blower
• Material database management

Energy efficient functioning:

optimized automatic modulation
of all drying parameters for each
specific polymer

Continuous adjustment of

Up to 16 hoppers
independently managed
drying and dehumidifying

Drying hopper model PTUN

Max number of hoppers 16

Drying hopper capacity 10—2,500 dm³

Dryer model GMP Adaptive multi-hopper

Dryer air-flow range 400 - 3,500 m³/h

Option: Multidryer configuration

EN_Piovan_Modula_DSC_35_00 | Non contractual document

Each unit is complete with stand for PTU drying system have an high degree of flexibility but with competitive costs
floor positioning, electrical heater and and compact installation layout
piping lines
Up to 2,000 l
For installation sites where the ceiling
height can be a limit, Piovan Group
provides a specific series of hoppers
of particularly compact dimensions.
The split hopper can be installed above
the primary machine or on the ground.
The split hoppers are thermally in-
sulated and can be provided with or
without heating system leaving totally
or partially the drying process to the
upstream main one.

Compact solution for low ceiling

installation sites

Easy to use by means of

dedicated HMI or integration
with dryers, inspection window
and level sensors

Thermally insulated for

energetic optimisation
drying and dehumidifying

Discharging device Pneumatic slide gate for gravity feeding of the IMM

Level control Two HT level sensor to manage the refilling

Construction material Stainless steel for all the surfaces in contact with granules; 100 mm insu-
lation layer with 0.8 mm aluminium cover layer

The split hopper is equipped with The split hopper has two level sensors The split hopper is placed on the IMM
a local HMI, but it can also be to manage the refilling process throat and the material is transferred
integrated in the PET dryer control by gravity

EN_Piovan_Split_DSC_36_00 | Non contractual document

Volume Electrical feeding Heating power Blower load power
(dm³) (V/Ph/Hz) (kW) kW/50 Hz

T100V 100 1.5—2.5—3.5—6 1.5

T300V 300 12 2.2
T600V 600 400 / 3 / 50 25.2 3
TN1000S 1,000 460 / 3 / 60 27.3 13.3
TN1500S 1,500 27.3 13.3
T2000S 2,000 27.3 26.6

Condenso is designed to condense the

low boiling substances released from
the plastic pellets, rPET or flakes during
the heating process. The main features
• smart energy recovery to minimize
the consumption of cooling water
and heating power.
• PureTech technology to remove
VOC and contaminants
• High condensing performance
• Smart function to maximize con-
densing process
• Easy maintenance
• Condenso modules can be installed
in parallel for higher flow rates.

High filtration capacity with

PureTech Technology

Auto adaptive control to

maximize condensation process

Maximum energy efficiency,

thanks to the integrated
recovery system
drying and dehumidifying


Pressure switch to detect filter clogging opt std

High energy efficiency kit opt opt
Advance performance kit opt opt
Quick couplers for water connections opt opt
Discharging pump with control of the collecting bin - opt

EN_Piovan_Condenso_DSC_37_00 | Non contractual document

The droplet separator installed During the maintenance operations, The discharge can be done by gravity
after the first condensing section the heat exchanger can be easily or with an integrated pump and a two
guarantees the best performances removed thanks to the quick collecting tanks

  CND1500 CND2500

Max process air flow m³/h 1,500 2,500

Cooling water max flow rate l/h 7,000 10,000

Cooling water inlet temperature °C 15

Max cooling power kW 38 55

Min - max cooling water pressure kPa 200 - 800

Water connection   1 – ½” Gas F

Length/Depth/Height mm 1,400 x 900 x 1,960 1,420 x 1,200 x 2,020

From 1,000 to 6,000 m3/h
CDF is Piovan’s solution for removing
low-boiling contaminants from the
process air, released during the drying
process of post consumer products like
rPET or flakes.
Metallic filters remove dust particles
before the condensing phase. The
cooling batteries then remove the
low-boiling oils which drop into col-
lecting tank easy removable.
CDF can be equipped with a water
modulating valve for a fine tuning of
water consumption, according to ac-
tual requirements.

Effective solution to remove low

boiling contaminants

Ideal for processing post-

consumer plastic

Easy accessible collection tank

drying and dehumidifying

Cooling water maximum 34 °C

Cooling water pressure 2—8 bar

Electrical feeding 230 V 50-60 Hz l (load power 0.1 kW)

Options Collecting bin with bigger volume (13 lit) and raised frame, quick cou-
plers, Energy Saving with modulating valve to manage the cooling water,
differential pressure switch to detect filter clogging, stand alone control
or dryer integrated version

EN_Piovan_CDF_DSC_38_00 | Non contractual document

The structure of the CDF is modular The quick couplers allow an easier The low boiling substances are
and so the same module can be extraction of the heat exchanger for condensed and collected; a 13 litres
combined to realise the CDF4000 and maintenance and cleaning collecting bin is available

Air flow (m³/h) Cooling power (kcal/h) Connections to process (mm)

CDF500 350 - 650 18,000 150

CDF1000 550 - 1,000 27,000 150
CDF2000 1,100 - 2,200 50,000 250
CDF4000 2,200 - 4,400 100,000 300
CDF6000 4,400 - 6,600 150,000 300
Cyclone FILTER
Cyclone filters remove dust in the pro-
CL55 - CL65 / CL55A - CL65A cess air of crystallising or drying sys-
It is a cartridge-less filter that works
by means of cyclonic phenomena that
separates the dust from air by a cen-
trifugal effect.
The collecting bin can be easily emp-
The advance version, CL55A and
CL65A, is equipped with an integrat-
ed lifting device of the collecting bin:
a wide lifting handle allows easy posi-
tioning of the bin for the connection to
the cyclone body.

Ideal for processing dusty


Cyclonic technology

Easily maintenance
drying and dehumidifying

Maximum air temperature 200 °C

Applications For drying or crystallising circuit

Construction material Filter body: stainless steel; supporting frame: painted steel

Insulation layer for all the surfaces Lifting device to put in place the Manual valve to segregate the
that can be accidentally touched by collecting bin and to easily connect it collecting bin from the process and
operators with the cyclone body (advanced bin) to make possible the discharge
operation without stopping the

EN_Piovan_Cyclone_DSC_39_00 | Non contractual document

Connections to process Collecting bin volume
Max air flow (m³/h) Advance bin
(mm) (dm³)

CL55 2,500 250

CL65 4,500 300
CL55 A 2,500 250
CL65 A 4,500 300
Up to 240 kW
As alternative to traditional electric
process air heater, a single hopper
drying system can be equipped with
a gas heating chamber, operating with
high efficiency heat exchangers, pat-
ented by Piovan.​
This solution enables the End User to
considerably save operational costs, in
the countries where gas is particular-
ly price effective.
The temperature control is very pre-
cise thanks to the PID hot air temper-
ature control, that assures a maximum
variation of ±1°C on the set value.
Suitable gasses are:​
• Natural gas​
• Butane​
• Propane​
• LPG​

The right solution where natural

gas is more cost effective than

Fine temperature control

Suitable for different type of

drying and dehumidifying

Range 17 ÷ 240 kW / 400 ÷ 4.200 m³/h

Electrical feeding 115—230 V, 50-60 Hz

Max working pressure (bar) 0.45

Efficiency rate 85%

Fuel gas Methane or LPG

Fuel gas pressure range (kPa) 4—15

EN_Piovan_GHP_DSC_40_00 | Non contractual document

The highest level of safety is Complete set of pressure switches
guaranteed by three thermal switches to check: minimum and maximum
process air pressure, minimum gas
pressure and burner ventilation

Process Fuel gas Min - max Average consumption with Air flow
connection (mm) connection power (kW) methane / LPG* (m³/h) range (m³/h)

GHP8 17—55 4.2 - 1.4 400 - 1,400

GHP10 25 —100 6-2 650 - 1,800
GHP12 300 35—140 10 - 3.5 1,200 - 2,800
GHP13 35—200 12 - 4.2 1,500 -3,000
GHP14 1 1/4” 60—240 14 - 5 1,700 - 4,200

* delta temperature between inlet and outlet of the gas heater: 110 °C

PureTech is a high-tech filter that com-

bines the mechanical dust filtration of
particles ≥ 8 µm and a chemical filtra-
tion of volatiles. The filter is made with
a stainless steel frame that contains a
chamber for the activated carbon and
the paper layer with a nanotech finish-
ing of the surface.
PureTech filters provide a reduction of
VOC that can be present in the pro-
cess air and consequently in the final
products. This is especially important
when using recycled materials, due to
the higher presence of potential con-

For the processing of any kind

of recycled PET

Contaminants extraction

Production line lifespan

drying and dehumidifying

Dust filtration section > 8 micron with nanotech paper filter

VOC filtration section activate carbon

Max temperature 150 °C

Compatibility components FDA approved

The extraction and substitution of PureTech provide also a mechanical filtration and the clogging status is always
PureTech are quick and easy and under control, thanks to a differential pressure transducer
don’t require any specific tool

EN_Piovan_PureTech_DSC_41_00 | Non contractual document

Typical VOC extracted*:
Acetaldehyde, Toluene, 1,2-Ethanediol, p-Xylene, 1-Hexanol 2-Ethyl-, Benzene, Acetic acid butyl ester, Ethanol,
Benzyl Alcohol, 1,3-Dioxolane 2-methyl.

SolidPhaseMicroExtraction (SPME) Time

*: Data from samples collected with drying system running with a percentage of r-PET higher than 50%.
AIPC is an innovative control by means
of which any Piovan drying system of
the GenesysNext series can be con-
nected to the preform injection mould-
ing machine.
AIPC has the capability of reading the
injection pressure in real time and of
stabilizing it to the desired value.
The new algorithm specifically devel-
oped by Piovan R&D can constantly
adjust airflow, temperature and dew-
point of the process air, so that the in-
jection pressure be kept at the highest
possible level of constancy.
AIPC is particularly valuable as
• The new preform formats require
thinner walls
• The use of recycled material, that
means great variability of chemi-
cal-physical characteristics among
batches, is increasing.

Great reduction of scrap rate

Limits the variability due to the

use of recycled material

Highest energy efficiency of the

whole process
drying and dehumidifying

Process variable Injection pressure

Monitoring of the process A pressure transducer monitors the effective hydraulic injection
pressure (other direct interfaces with IMM are not required)
Control parameters AIPC can control all the drying parameters that can affect injection
pressure: Dew Point, airflow and temperature of the process air.
Compatibility AIPC can be integrated in the Genesys (GP, first generation) and
GenesysNext dryer.

The AIPC algorithm can be fully The drying parameters have a direct AIPC can minimize scraps ration,

EN_Piovan_AIPC_DSC_42_00 | Non contractual document

integrated in the control of Genesys relation with the injection pressure; increasing productivity and the
dryer AIPC provides IMM with PET chips in quality of the produced preforms
the best conditions to match process

Steadily in line
with the injection

Set point

Patent Pending

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