Final Research Paper

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This chapter includes the introduction, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,

hypotheses of the problem, significance of the study, scope and delimitation, definition of

terms and the conceptual framework.

1.1 Introduction

Agriculture has been developed in many regions around the world. In the Philippines,

agriculture is an important part of the economy, a tropical country with only wet and dry

seasons are ideal for farming and in that sense, agriculture became one of the main source of

income, and not only to supply local markets but also overseas especially with crops like rice

and sugar which have high demands overseas and more of a subject for exportation. The

Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, (2008) explained that radish (Raphanus

sativus) is one of the major vegetable crops in the Philippines. Radish produces a good yield

of seed under a temperate climate with less humidity especially during the reproductive stage.

It is fast maturing, easy to grow, and has many nutritional values. Radish is known for its

tender root that can be consumed either cooked or raw.

But no matter how easy it is to take care of a crop it still needs enough nutrients to

grow with a good quality, and to make that happen, farmers use fertilizers, this has helped the

farmers to be able to grow as a healthy crop with enough nutrients. Though fertilizers also

have its negative effects on plant growth and the soil. Synthetic fertilizers are inexpensive,

have high nutrient contents, and are rapidly taken up by plants. However, the use of excess

fertilizer can also result in problems, such as nutrient loss, surface water and groundwater

contamination, soil acidification or basification, reductions in useful microbial communities,

and increased sensitivity to harmful insects (Chen 2006). Organic fertilizer has several

shortcomings, including low nutrient content, slow decomposition, and different nutrient

compositions depending on its organic materials, compared to synthetic fertilizers. However,

organic fertilizer has multiple benefits due to the balanced supply of nutrients, including

micronutrients, increased soil nutrient availability due to increased soil microbial activity, the

decomposition of harmful elements, soil structure improvements and root development, and

increased soil water availability.

In this study, the researchers are focusing on what will help the farmers for their

production, though both have pros and cons. What we are looking for the best effective

fertilizer, the ideal one. This will be a continuous study in the future that whatever fertilizer

that comes out more efficient in providing essential needs to grow, it must be check it’s

shortcoming and make another set of research topic to enhance its weaknesses in that case

both the farmers and the environment.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.What are the factors affecting the growth of the Radish?

2. Is there any significant significance in combining two fertilizers (organic and inorganic


3. What are the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer in the growth of the radish

(Raphanus sativus)?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To validate if there is a significant effect of applying the two types of fertilizer to the

growth of the radish

2. To determine if the product acceptable to users in terms of:

a) Effectiveness

b) Accuracy

1.4 Hypothesis of the Problem

1. There is no significant effect in using the two types of fertilizer on the growth of the


2. There is no significant effect in applying the mixture of the two types of fertilizer

1.5 Significance of the Study

In this study, the useful information acquired from this will serve as insights for

further investigations. The product of the study would be beneficial for the following:

 Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU)- When successfully released in the

market, the BLGU will be benefiting in terms of maximizing the workforce from its

people. Also, the local government will be able to design local policies to boost

farming modernization for the populace.

 Tourism Industry- people will get to see how the actual farming process works.

Neighboring areas will be coming over to benchmark and boost tourism.

 Farmers- The farmers will benefit it the most, it would fasten the growth of the crops

and the waiting months to increase income. Also, it will make high quality crops that

would meet the consumers preferences.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to measure the effectiveness of organic and inorganic fertilizer on the

growth of the radish (Raphanus sativus). The study will include the mixture of organic and

inorganic fertilizers that can enhance the growth rate of the radish within one (1) month. The

study will be conducted at Humantoc’s residence. The researchers will use an observational

method by measuring the growth of the radish after the given time frame.

1.7 Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined in the context

of this research:

Inorganic Fertilizer - The substance the researcher will apply to the soil to make the radish

grow faster.

Location – It is where the radish will be planted.

Organic Fertilizer- Is a kind of fertilizer that is made up of decomposed rice straw.

Radish- Is the root crop or vegetable we are going to use in our study.

Season-The study will take place during the dry season for the reason that radish grows faster

during dry season based on our observation.

Soil- It supplies the structural support to the radish and also the source of water and nutrients.

1.8 Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Organic  Growth of the

Fertilizer radish
 Inorganic

Moderating Variable

Moderating Variable
 Soil
 Season
 Location

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study wherein the three different variables

intersect with each other. In the application of organic and inorganic fertilizer, the researchers

chose a crop (Radish) for it grows faster and is suitable with this season and applied the two

independent variables which are organic and inorganic fertilizer. These fertilizers affect the

growth of the radish in different ways namely in terms of the quality, size and the mass of the

said crop (radish). The growth may vary based on what fertilizer is applied, the kind of soil
where the radish will be planted whether it’s loamy or not, and the locale of the study where

it is near and accessible to the researchers.



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing

information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Local Studies

The Philippines is primarily an agricultural country with a large portion of Filipinos

living in rural areas and supporting themselves through agricultural activities. Agriculture is

the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. It includes the

preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to markets.

Agriculture provides most of the world’s food and fabrics. Cotton, wool, and leather are all

agricultural products. Agriculture also provides wood for construction and paper products.

These products, as well as the agricultural methods used, may vary from one part of the world

to another.

A fertilizer is a natural or artificial substance containing the chemical elements that

improve growth and productiveness of plants. Most fertilizers that are commonly used in

agriculture contain three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is

beneficial for plant growth and development or for the quality attributes of the harvested

product of a given plants species grown in its natural or cultivated environment. The

application of organic and inorganic fertilizer to the soil is considered as good agricultural

practice because it improves the fertility of the soil and plant quality. They are applied to

replace the essential nutrients for plant growth to the soil after they have been depleted.

Application of fertilizers by farmers without information on soil-fertility status and crop

nutrient requirement affects both the soil and crop adversely.

Radish (Raphanus sativus) is a vital edible root vegetable of the Cruciferae family. It

is usually grown for its young tender root, either used as raw in salads or in pickles. It

contains mustard oils which give it pungency. It may be grown as a cool-season annual crop

when sown in the spring and early summer or as a biennial if sown in fall. Its easy cultivation

approaches and wide-ranging climatic variations and uses might be the reasons for its

popularity. Amongst several elements accountable for radish low production, proper nutrient

application is the key of importance for sustaining higher crop yield and soil richness.

According to (Pageon, 2012) radish (Raphanus sativus), is one of the major

vegetable crops in the Philippines. It is highly appreciated by consumers for its pungent taste.

It could be eaten raw in salads, prepared as pickles or cooked with fish, meat and shrimp and

other meals. Due to its popularity, radish is often planted in many home garden or raised

commercially in the field. Out of 52,630 hectares devoted to vegetable growing in the

country, 2,050 hectares were planted to radish with a normal average production of 11,269

metric tons (BAS,1979). In the Philippines, it is best grown for seed production at higher

elevation of 2000 feet or above, to fulfill low temperature requirements. Soil fertility is one of

the major factors to be taken into consideration for proper growth and development of crops

(Cagmat et al., 1985). Even with good soil mixture continuous growth of plants in containers

necessitates the addition of an interval of supplementary minerals, especially, of the three

major elements-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (Hartman and Kester, 1975). There is a

vast area for the production of radish as a vegetable, but ironically, there is no local seed

production effort to satisfy radish seed requirement resulting in complete dependence on

foreign seed source. One main reason for this is the lack of technical information on local

seed production of the crop and its feasibility. Radish produces good yield of seed under

temperate climate with less humidity especially during the reproductive stage. High

temperature during flowering causes drying of stigma and non-germination of pollen

resulting in a poor seed yield.

A comparative study of different levels of inorganic fertilizers on radish

production was conducted as the Demonstration Field Area of Surigao del Sur State

University (SDSSU), Tagbina, Surigao del Sur during the wet season last 2003. Results

revealed a highly significant difference on tuber length, tuber weight, and tuber yield of

radish. This result conforms with the report of Stover and Simmonds (1978) that the most

important aspect of soil is to maintain adequate levels of fertilization of nitrogen and

potassium and the correct balance between the cations. The recommended fertilizer produced

the highest yield of radish tubers. Although it obtained the highest tuber weight and tuber

length it did not significantly differ from the plants applied with T3 of NPK fertilizer. Results

further stated that there is no significant difference on plant height, number of leaves, and

tuber diameter.

The production of radish (Raphanus sativus) in Tagbina is limited due to the

nutrient content of soil. PCARRD (1998) revealed that the final amount of fertilizer to apply

is determined by the nutrient supply in the soil and the amount of available nutrients on soil

determined yield responses to the applied fertilizers. Generally, the soil pH of Tagbina is

acidic and this is one of the reasons radish could not produce its optimum yield. One of the

most popular root crops in the Philippines is radish. It is one of the easiest and quickest

vegetables to grow giving a yield of root crops with minimum effort. It is an annual herb with

stalked hairy leaves, the lower ones with margins divided into a featherlike fashion. The

flowers are white to light purple and are borne on elongated branched stalks. The beaked pod

(fruit), 2 to 7 cm long, are spongy and are constituted between the seeds.

According to the study of (Cabesco, 1984), results revealed that the application of 60-

120-180 NPK fertilizers significantly increased the height, fresh weight of leaves and tubers,

diameter and length of radish maturity. It also increased the potassium content of tubers and

leaves. Yield parameters during the first and second planting were comparable.

Foreign Studies

According to (Khan, 2006), intensive farming generally needs large additions of

organic matter to maintain fertility and enhance crop yields. Sewage sludge or biosolids are

by-products of municipal and industrial waste water treatment and a rich source of organic

nutrients. Sewage sludge having a high content of organic matter, macro and micro nutrients,

can be used as fertilizer or soil conditioner for food, vegetable crop, horticultural plants and

pasture, which in most cases can be beneficially recycled. In the past sewage sludge was

regarded as a waste product due to expected high levels of contaminants such as pathogens,

pollutants, and synthetic materials discharged in sewer from homes and industries, which

were often incinerated, dumped on occasion or landfill.

As a result of rapidly increasing population, urbanization, and industrialization,

wastewater production and sewage sludge generation have increased manifold. Due to high

cost of mineral fertilizers and escalating trends in their prices, there is an increasing trend of

using sewage sludge in agriculture, especially under intensive cropping in arid and semiarid

regions of the country.

Organic and inorganic fertilizers are essential for plant growth. Both fertilizers supply

plants with the nutrients needed for optimum performance. Organic fertilizers have been used

for many for many centuries whereas chemically synthesized inorganic fertilizers were only

widely developed during the industrial revolution. Inorganic fertilizer has significantly

supported global population growth, it has been estimated that almost half the people on the

earth are currently fed as a result of artificial nitrogen fertilizers use. (Frisman et. al.,2008)

Commercial and subsistence farming has been and still is relying on the use of

inorganic fertilizers for growing crops. This is because they are easy to use, quickly absorbed

and utilized by crops. The continued dependence of developing countries on inorganic

fertilizers has made prices of many agricultural commodities sky rock. The chemical

fertilizers used in convertional agriculture contain just a few minerals (Maserirambi et. al.,

2010). Most vegetable farmers in tropical Africa are smallholders who cannot afford the cost

of inorganic fertilizers, although soil fertility limits yield of vegetables especially in urban

centres (Makinde et. al., 2010).

A field experiment was conducted at the Madras Christian College Farm during

February- March 2011 to study the effect of various compositions of organic, inorganic

fertilizers and their interactions on the growth of white radish plant. A 22 factorial

experiment was conducted as a Randomized Completely Block Design in four replications.

Four unique combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers were applied for each replicate.

The parameters measured to study the growth are weight, number of leaves and the length of

the bulb. The study reveals that inorganic fertilizer had a significant impact on the weight and

number of leaves but not on the length of the bulb of the radish plant. The interaction of the

fertilizers had a significant effect on the length of the bulb of the radish plant (Kezia et. al.,


The response of radish plants to organics materials and inorganic fertilizers under

sandy soil conditions was investigated. A pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse at

the Faculty of Agriculture, (Saba-Basha) - Alexandria University, Egypt during 2013-2014.

Radish plants were treated with eight sources of organic materials (Sheep, rabbit, chicken,

poultry (Quail), compost, seaweed, Lemon waste and Town refuse) beside control in different

doses of the recommended nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization (100, 75, 50, 25

and 0 % of N, P and K) on growth and chemical composition of radish (Raphine's sativus)

and available of NPK and micronutrients i.e. Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn in sandy soil. The study was

done using a pot experiment in a complete random design consisting three replicates.

At harvest, growth characters, plant height (cm), chlorophyll contents and dry

weight of shoot and tuber (g plant-1) of radish were recorded and subjected to statistical

analysis. Using organic materials or inorganic fertilizers caused an increase in growth

characters and soil availability compared with control. The chicken manure was more

effective than the other organic materials which caused an increase in plant height, dry

weight of shoot and tuber, besides the increase in nutrients contents in leaves and tubers

except N contents compared with control. The inorganic fertilizers resulted in an increase in

plant growth and nutrients contents except Cu in plants. Mixing chicken manure with

inorganic fertilizers (at 50% of the recommended doses) gained the highest values of most

plant growth characteristics and nutrient contents of radish plants. Also, chicken manure

caused an increase in soil available Fe, Mn and Zn compared with other treatments (Alhadad

et al., 2015).

A study was conducted in Horticulture farm of Agriculture and Forestry

University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal, during November 2015 to February 2016 by using three

commercial radish varieties (All Season White, Mino Early Long White and Pyuthane Red)

and five nutrient sources combination of organic manure (Poultry and Farm yard manure) and

recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer (100:80:40 NPK kg ha-1) replicated three times in

a factorial RCBD design. Most of the plant growth and yield parameters were found superior

in treatments consisting of poultry manure (PM) alone and in combinations with inorganic

fertilizer. Treatment consisting of farm yard manure (FYM) was found inferior in most of the

cases. At the time of harvest, significantly higher plant height (37.5 cm), number of leaves

per plant (24.77), root diameter (39.01 mm), average leaf length (35.03 cm), average leaf

width (12.86 cm) was observed in treatment consisting PM (50%) and RDF (50%). Similarly,

root yield (73.98 t ha-1) and shoot yield (62.52 t ha-1) was also found higher in the same

treatment. Among the three commercial radish varieties, Mino Early Long White was found

superior in most of the growth and yield parameters viz., number of leaves per plant,

biological yield, root yield, root length, root diameter, marketable root, smooth root and

excellent fleshed root percentage (Shah et al., 2018).

Muttusamy and Muthukrishnan (1971) reported that nitrogen and phosphorus

alone affected the fresh weight of the top. Nitrogen increased the fresh top weight and root

weight. The effect of potassium did not reveal any trend. The fresh weight of root showed a

significant response to phosphorus-potassium interaction and the response of nitrogen was

significant also in dry weight of tops and roots, which were applied at the rate of 50:100:100

kg per ha. The effect of N (30, 50 or 70 kg/ha) and P2O5 (15 or 30 kg/ha) on the yield of

three radish cultivars Japanese white, Pusa Himani and Chinese pink were investigated

during rabi 1994 at Jammu and Kashmir. Pusa Himani produced higher yields (37.3 t/ha) than

either Japanese white or Chinese pink. The addition of phosphorus had no significant

influence on yield, but yield increased with increasing rate of N. The highest yield (38.4 t/ha)

was recorded with highest N rate of 70 kg per ha (Bhat, 1996). A field experiment conducted

on radish cultivar Japanese white during the rabi season of 1987-88 revealed that inter and

intra row spacing of 10 and 5 cm and application of 90 kg N and 30 kg P2O5 produced the

highest root yield per ha (Joshi and Patil, 1992 and Dwivedi et al., 1995).

According to the study of (El-Tarabily et. al., 2003), commercial fish emulsion

was evaluated as a plant growth medium and as a nutrient base to enhance radish growth by

bacterial and actinomycete isolates. Six bacterial isolates including three actinomycetes were

selected from a screening of 54 bacteria (including 23 actinomycetes) based on their ability to

produce plant growth regulators (PGRs) and to colonize radish roots. These isolates were

tested in the presence and absence of autoclaved or non-autoclaved fish emulsion or

inorganic fertilizers. The nutrient contents and types and levels of PGRs in tissues of treated

plants were assayed to determine the basis of growth promotion. Fish emulsion was found to

support plant growth in a sandy soil as effectively as an applied inorganic fertilizer. The plant

growth promotion by bacterial and actinomycete isolates was most pronounced in the

presence of autoclaved or non-autoclaved fish emulsion than in the presence of the inorganic


A pot experiment was carried out to check the response of different organic

manures and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of radish, at the Horticulture

Department Experimental Area, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University. The experiment

was laid out in residual current devices (RCD) with seven treatments replicated thrice. The

treatments included control, farmyard manure, poultry manure, goat manure, press manure,

sewage sludge, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Data on leaf plant, fresh leaf weight

plant, fry leaf, weight of the plant, root length, root diameter, fresh root weight plant, dry root

weight plants, total biomass plant, root yield pot and root yield were recorded and analyzed

statistically. The results revealed that all growth attributes and yield were significantly

enhanced by the application of organic manures and NPK (Kiran et. al., 2016).



This chapter discussed the research design, research setting, instruments to be used,

subjects of the study, data gathering procedure, statistical tools to be used, data analysis, and

coding of data.

3.1 Research Design

In this research study, the researchers use observational and experimental research

design which aims to observe the growth of the radish with respect to the fertilizers that will

be applied in each row of radish and to see the significant difference among the fertilizers that

will be applied. By this, the researchers will determine which among the two fertilizers are

more effective, by measuring its growth within one (1) month.




FRO1 55°F 500 ml 50g

SRI1 55°F 500 ml 50g

TRM2 55°F 500 ml 50g

3.2 Research Setting

The study will be conducted at Humantoc’s residence. The greenhouse will be

constructed in the front yard of the residence where it will receive enough sunlight and air.

Moreover, the soil will have loam with its quality equilibrium – it holds moisture but also

drains well, allows oxygen to reach plants’ roots, and is rich in humus (organic matter). The

locale of the study will be located near Kabasalan Science and Technology High School

which is accessible for the researchers.

3.3 Instruments to be Used

All the needed materials except for the organic fertilizer were bought from Chiong-

Laya Agrivet Store, located at Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.





3.4 Subjects of the Study

The materials used in this study is the main factor of the existence of this study. It is

essential and required for the study that the researchers will conduct. The subjects of the

study are the following: organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer (14-14 atlas), and radish seeds.

Without the aforementioned, the study will certainly fail.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will obtain the data by observing the growth and yield of the radish

that will be planted inside the greenhouse, which is divided into three rows. The (1) first row

of planted radish was applied by organic fertilizer only, the (2) second row was applied by

inorganic fertilizer (14-14 atlas), and for the (3) last row the planted radish seeds will be

applied by the mixture of the two types of fertilizer.

1. The researchers will build a greenhouse by the use of recycled woods,

transparent cellophane and nails.

2. The greenhouse is composed of three rows. The first (1) row will be intended

for the radish seeds that are only applied with organic fertilizer. The second

(2) row will be intended for the radish seeds that only have inorganic fertilizer.

The third (3) row the radish will be planted with the mixture of the inorganic

and organic fertilizers.

3. The researchers sow the radish seeds in the seed bed. One (1) inch apart in

rows and one (1) foot apart in loosened soil.

4. After the researchers planted all the radish seeds, the plants will be covered

and watered gently.

5. Then after two days, the researchers will apply the organic and inorganic

fertilizer to the seeds planted in each row. The organic, inorganic and the

mixture of the two fertilizers.

3.6 Statistical Tools to be Used

The significance of the product will be tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

to be able to analyze and determine the different effect of the two types of fertilizer and the

mixture of the two on the growth and yield of the radish.

3.7 Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Microsoft

Excel. The researchers will gather the data by comparing and measuring the height, length,

weight, temperature, and water that will be used in watering the radish based on what

fertilizers that will be applied. To see if there is a significant difference on the three (3) kinds

of treatment.

3.8 Coding of Data

Using coding, the researchers are able to analyze the data and makes it easier to

interpret. Also, the chosen code use by the researchers are easily remembered.

Table 3.8: Coding of Research Variables

Variables Codes
Organic Fertilizer FRO1
Inorganic Fertilizer SRI1

Mixture of the two fertilizers TRM2


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