NTSE Stage 1 Booklet

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Page # 1

Page # 2
Physics _______________________________________P.4 to P.8

Chemistry _______________________________________P.9 to P.13

Maths _______________________________________P.14 to P.18

Biology _______________________________________P.19 to P.21

MAT _______________________________________P.21 to P.31

SST _______________________________________P.25 to P.34

Page # 4
1. The graph shows position as a function of time for two trains A and B running on parallel
tracks. For times greater than t = 0, which of the following statement is true?

(a) At time tB, both trains have the same velocity

(b) Both trains speed up all the time
(c) Both trains may have the same velocity at some time earlier than Tb
(d) Graph indicates that both trains have the same acceleration at a give time.
Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 41:43 to 45 : 37

2. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height h meter. It takes T seconds to reach the
ground. What is the position of the ball of T/3 second?
(a) 8h/9 m from the ground (b) 7h/9 m from the ground
(c) h/9 m from the ground (d) 17h/18 from the ground
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 33:55 to 37 : 34

Page # 5
3. A bomb of Mass 30 kg at rest explodes into two pieces of masses 18 kg and 12 kg. The
velocity of 18 kg mass is 6 m/s. The kinetic energy of the other mass is
(a) 324 J (b) 486 J (c) 256 J (d) 524 J
Ans: (b)
Sol. Solution Check From: 1:08:11 to 1:09:50

4. The circuit shown has 5 resistors of equal resistance R. Calculate equivalent resistance
across points A and B.

(a) 11R/12 (b) 13R/12 (c) R/5 (d) 15R/6

Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 20: 41 to 22:11

Page # 6
5. A wire of resistance R connected to a source of constant potential difference produces a
heat H in time ‘t’ seconds. If the wire is stretched to twice its original length, the heat
developed when connected to the same source for the same time will be:
(a) 2H (b) 4H (c) H/2 (d) H/4
Ans: (d)
Sol. Solution Check From: 42: 23 to 45:55

6. Two wires A and B have lengths 40 cm and 30 cm respectively. A is bent as a circle of

radius r and B into an arc of radius r. A current I1 is passed through A and I2 through B. To
have same magnetic field at the center, the ratio of I1 : I2 is
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 3 : 5 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 4 : 3
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 22: 00 to 25:55

Page # 7
7. By keeping the incident ray fixed, a plane mirror is rotated so as to vary the angle of
incidence. When the mirror is turned by 10°, the reflected ray is turned by:
(a) 10° (b) 5° (c) 20° (d) 40°
Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 39:37 to 41:30

8. A ray falls on a prism ABC (AB = BC) and travels as shown in figure. If refractive index of
glass with respect to air is 1.5, find Sin r

3 3 2 2 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 3 3
Ans: (b)
Sol. Solution Check From: 39:37 to 41:30

Page # 8
9. An object, a convex lens of focal length 20 cm and a plane mirror are arranged as shown
in figure. How far behind the mirror is position of the final image of the object?

(a) 40 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 10 cm

Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 44:51 to 48:05

10. A sound signal is simultaneously sent in air and water from a boat on a river. The echo of
sound striked by river bed is heard in 4s, while echo striked by aeroplane is heard in 8s.
Find the distance between aeroplane and river bed [velocity of sound in air =350 m/s,
velocity of sound in water = 1500 m/s.]
(a) 4.4 km (b) 6.7 km (c) 8.8 km (d) 13.4 km
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 23:00 to 26:35

Page # 9
11. Select the correct set of statements regarding change in properties, as we move down the
second group in periodic table.
I. Atomic size increases y.
II. Electronegativity increases
III. Tendency to loose electrons increases
IV. Valency remains same
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV (c) I, II and (d) I, III and IV
Ans: (d)
Sol. Solution Check From: 27:07 to 29:18

12. Two organic compounds 'A' and 'B' react with sodium metal and both produce the same
gas ‘X’, but with sodium hydrogen carbonate only compound B reacts to give a gas ‘Y’.
Identify 'A', 'B’, ‘X’ and Y: (2019)
(a) A = Ethylene, B = Ethyl Alcohol. X = Carbon dioxide. Y = Hydrogen
(b) A = Ethyl Alcohol, B = Acetic acid. X = Hydrogen, Y = Carbon dioxide
(c) A = Methyl alcohol, B = Ethyl alcohol. X = Hydrogen, Y = Carbon dioxide
(d) A = Acetic acid, B = Formic acid, X = Carbon dioxide, Y = Hydrogen
Ans: (b)
Sol. Solution Check From: 32:21 to 34:29

Page # 10
13. You are provided with 18 g each of O2, N2, CH4 and H2O. Which of the
following is the correct decreasing order of number of atoms present in these samples?
(a) CH4 > H2O > N2 > O2 (b) O2 > N2 > H2O > CH4
(c) CH4 >N2 > O2 >H2O (d) N2 > H2O > O2 > CH4
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 40:36 to 43:00

14. A metal 'M' of moderate reactivity is present as its sulphide ‘X’. On heating in air, ‘X’
converts into its oxide, ‘Y’ and a gas evolves. On heating ‘Y’ and ‘X’ together, the metal ‘M’
is produced. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ respectively are (2017)
(a) 'X' = cuprous sulphide, ‘Y’ = cuprous oxide
(b) 'X' = cupric sulphide, ‘Y’ = cupric oxide
(c) 'X' = sodium sulphide, ‘Y’ = sodium oxide
(d) X = calcium sulphide, ‘Y’ = calcium oxide
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 15:18 to 20:23

Page # 11
15. Calculate the number of particles in each of the following:
(i) 46 g of Na atoms (ii) 8 g O2 molecules
(iii) 0.1 mole of carbon atoms
Ans: (i)  N = 12.044  1023
(ii)  N = 1.5055  1023 = 1.5  1023
(iii) = 6.022  1022
Sol. Solution Check From: 26:37 to 34:51

16. If NA is Avogadro's number then number of valence electrons in 4.2 g of nitride ions (N 3-) is
(a) 2.4 NA (b) 4.2 NA (c) 1.6 NA (d) 3.2 NA
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 34:52 to 42:30

Page # 12
17. Haemoglobin contains 0.33% of iron by weight. The molecular weight of haemoglobin is
approximately 67200. The number of iron atoms (at. wt. of Fe = 56) present in one
molecule of haemoglobin is
(a) 6 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 2
Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 55:26 to 01:37

18. Match the column -I with Column - II.

(a) (a) - (R), (b) - (P), (c) - (Q), (d) - (S)

(b) (d) - (P), (c) - (Q), (b) - (R), (a) - (S)
(c) (a) - (P), (b) - (Q), (c) - (S), (d) - (R)
(d) (a) - (Q), (b) - (P), (c) - (S), (d) - (R)
Ans: (d)
Sol. Solution Check From: 10:09 to 13:00

Page # 13
19. When you place iron in copper sulphate solution, the reddish-brown coating formed on the
nail is ?
(a) Soft and dull (b) Hard and flaky
(c) Smooth and shining (d) Rough and granular
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 17:08 to 21:17

20. The Freon containing two carbon atoms, two fluorine atoms and four chlorine atoms is
(a) Freon – 112 (b) Freon – 114
(c) Freon – 113 (d) Freon – 111
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 12:59 to 14:12

Page # 14
21. The area of shaded portion in the figure is

(a) 77 sq. units (b) 74 sq. units

(c) 72 sq. units (d) 89.5 sq. units
Ans: (d)
Sol. Solution Check From: 8:10

22. In the given fig. AM ⊥ BC and AN is bisector of A . If B = 65 and C = 33, then the
value of MAN will be

(a) 33o (b) 25o

(c) 16o (d) 41o
Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 4:15

Page # 15
1 1  1 
23. If x + = 1 and y + = 1, then what is the value of  z + + 1 .
y z  x 
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 4:00

24. Let P(x) be a polynomial of degree 3 and P ( n ) = for n = 1, 2,3, 4 . Then the value of P(5) is
(a) 0 (b) 1/5
(c) -2/5 (d) 3/5
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 15:05

Page # 16
 
25. If    but 2 = 5 − 3, 2 = 5 − 3 then equation whose roots are & is
 

(a) 3x − 19x + 3 = 0 (b) 3x + 19x + 3 = 0

2 2

(c) 3x 2 − 18x + 3 = 0 (d) 3x 2 + 18x + 3 = 0

Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 49:05

26. Let x be the greatest number by which if we divide 366, 513 and 324, then in each case the
remainder is the same. Find the sum of digits of x.
(a) 2 (b) 5
(c) 3 (d) 4
Ans: (c)
Sol. Solution Check From: 24:00

1 3 3
27. If N = 3 4 + 3 2 + 1, then the value of 3
+ 2+ is
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 7 (d) 1
Ans: (d)

Page # 17
Sol. Solution Check From: 23:00

28. The mean of marks scored by 100 students was found to be 40. Later on, it was discovered
that a score of 53 was misread as 83. Then the correct mean will be
(a) 39.7 (b) 39.9
(c) 39.6 (d) 39.8
Ans: (a)
Sol. Solution Check From: 11:00

29. If the angle of elevation of a cloud from a point ‘h’ meter above lake is '  ' and the angle of
depression of its reflection in the lake is '  ' , find the distance of the cloud from the point of
2h sec  2h
(a) (b)
tan  − tan  tan  − tan 

2h sec  2h
(c) (d)
tan  + tan  tan  + tan 
Ans: (a)

Page # 18
Sol. Solution Check From: 15:15

30. The graph of the polynomial p ( x ) = x 5 + ax 4 + bx 3 + cx 2 + dx + e has five distinct x-intercepts,

one of which is at (0, 0). Which of the following coefficients cannot be zero?
(a) b (b) d
(c) a (d) c
Ans: (b)
Sol. Solution Check From: 55:00

Page # 19
31. Choose correct statement/s
I. Respiration in roots occurs by diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through root hairs.
II. The leaves of plants have tiny pores on their surface called guard cells for gaseous
(a) I only (b) II only (c) I and II (d) None
Ans: (a)
Sol: The leaves of plants have tiny pores on their surface called stomata for gaseous
32. The smallest cell organelle was discovered by
(a) Porter (b) Robert Hooke (c) Palade (d) Kolliker
Ans: (c)
Sol: George Palade (1955) first observed ribosomes (smallest cell organelle) in animal cells so
ribosomes are also known as Palade particles.
33. Pulmonary artery carries
(a) Oxygenated blood (b) Deoxygenated blood
(c) Both (d) None
Ans: (b)
Sol: In human blood circulation - deoxygenated blood from body enters into heart through
veins. From heart it goes to lungs for oxygenation through pulmonary artery.
34. A pea plant having tall height and green seed colour (TTyy) is crossed with another pea
plant having dwarf height and yellow seed colour (ttYY). What would be the nature of
plant and its seed colour in the first generation (F1 generation)?
(a) Tall green (b) Dwarf green (c) Dwarf yellow (d) Tall yellow
Ans: (d)
Sol: Tall height is dominant over dwarf and yellow seed colour is dominant over green. So, in
F1 generation plant with Tall height and yellow seed colour appear.
35. Which of the following is common to both plant and animal cells?
(a) Plastid, Ribosome, Cell wall
(b) Centriole, Mitochondria, Leucoplast
(c) Chloroplast, Endoplasmic reticulum, Vacuole
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum, Ribosomes, Golgi apparatus

Page # 20
Ans: (d)
Sol: Endoplasmic reticulum, Ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, Vacuole, Mitochondria are common
to both plant and animal cells. Plastids (chloroplast, leucoplast, chromoplast) and cell wall
are associated with plant cell only. Centriole is characteristic of animal cell.
36. If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level, then how much energy will be available to
peacock as food in the following chain?
Plant → Mice → Snake → Peacock
(a) 0.02 J (b) 0.002 J (c) 0.2 J (d) 20 J
Ans: (a)
Sol: According to this law, during the transfer of organic food energy from one trophic level to
the next higher level, only about ten percent of the transferred energy is stored as flesh.
Plant with 20 J will transfer 10% of it to mice that is 2 J, mice will transfer 10% of 2J to
snake i.e. 0.2 J and snake will transfer 10% of 0.2J to peacock i.e. 0.02 J
37. Sequence of events which occur in a reflex action are
(a) Receptor – motor neuron – CNS – sensory neuron – effector muscle
(b) Effector muscle – CNS – sensory nerve – sensory organ
(c) CNS – sensory neuron – motor neuron – effector muscle
(d) Receptor organ – sensory neuron – CNS – motor neuron – effector muscle
Ans: (d)
Sol: Sequence of events in a reflex action are-
Receptor in the skin detects a stimulus (the change in temperature).
Sensory neuron sends electrical impulses to a relay neuron, which is located in the CNS.
Motor neuron sends electrical impulses to an effector from CNS.
Effector produces a response (muscle contracts to move hand away).
38. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid) are found in cells of all living
beings. DNA is different from RNA in having
(a) Uracil (b) Adenine (c) Thymine (d) Guanine
Ans: (c)
Sol: DNA differs from the RNA because, the thymine present in DNA is replaced by uracil in
RNA. DNA has deoxyribose sugar while RNA has ribose sugar.

Page # 21
39. The plant hormone which is gaseous in nature is
(a) Abscisic acid (b) Cytokinin
(c) Auxin (d) Ethylene
Ans: (d)
Sol: The gaseous plant hormone, ethylene, with the simplest structure as compared to other
plant hormones, has some important functions in plants including the germination of seed,
abscission and tissue senescence.
40. One common passage for respiration in bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals is
(a) Kreb’s cycle (b) Glycolysis
(c) Pyruvate (d) Phosphorylation
Ans: (b)
Sol: One common passage for respiration in bacteria, protists, fungi, plants and animals is


41. A watch which gains 5 second in 3 minutes was set right at 7 a.m. In the afternoon of the
same day, when the watch indicated quarter past 4 o’clock, what will be the true time.
Sol. Solution Check From : 17:37

42. At what time between 9 and 10 am will a digital clock be showing a PALINDROMIC time ?
Sol. Solution Check From : 24:52

Page # 22
43. Complete the given figure analogy by choosing the correct answer from the given

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Sol. Solution Check From : 08:09


44. Complete the given figure analogy by choosing the correct answer from the given
alternative :

Page # 23
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Ans (c)
Sol. Solution Check From : 13:38

45. The square boxes in the figure below are to be painted with different colours such that no
two adjacent boxes (even) diagonally) have same colour. How many minimum colours do
you need in each case ?

(a) 3,3 (b) 3,4 (c) 4,4 (d) 4,3

Ans (c)
Sol. Solution Check From : 15:45

Page # 24
46. Find the missing term
13, 34, 74, ? , 290
(a) 168 (b) 170 (c) 172 (d) 174
Ans (b)
Sol. Solution Check From : 21:23

47. Find the value of X in the following figure

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 12

Ans (b)
Sol. Solution Check From : 24:45

Page # 25

48. Find the missing term

5,7,14,24,42, ?, 119
(a) 71 (b) 67 (c) 65 (d) 63
Ans (a)

Sol. Solution Check From : 04:05


49. If 20 people shake Hand with each other, how many handshakes are there in total ?
(a) 380 (b) 190 (c) 95 (d) 100
Ans (b)
Sol. Solution Check From : 12:24
Nn4Dw lsurVGx&index=2

Page # 26
50. What single discount is equivalent to two successive discounts of 20% & 15% ?
(a) 64% (b) 35% (c) 32% (d) 50%
Ans (c)
Sol. Solution Check From : 20:20

51. What is the larger angle between minute and hour hand at 4:40 ?
(a) 100° (b) 140° (c) 180° (d) 260°
Ans (a)
Sol. Solution Check From : 15:27

52. An accurate clock shows 8’O clock in the morning. Through how many degrees will the
hour hand rotate when the clock shows. 2o’Clock in the afternoon ?

Page # 27
(a) 184° (b) 185° (c) 180° (d) 175°
Ans (c)
Sol. Solution Check From : 18:08

53. We need to identity a similar pattern being following in first 2 figures and apply the same
pattern in 3rd figure and find the required number

Square of natural numbers

(a) 31 (b) 29 (c) 49 (d) 52

Ans (a)
Sol. Solution Check From : 05:40

Page # 28
54. Find the missing term

(a) 5 (b) 12 (c) 6 (d) 8

Ans (c)
Sol. Solution Check From : 11:41

55. Find the missing number

(a) 8 (b) 15 (c) 16 (d) 14

Ans (d)
Sol. Solution Check From : 14:38

Page # 29
56. How many parallelograms are there in the figure?

(a) 90 (b) 85 (c) 60 (d) 70

Ans (a)

Sol. Solution Check From : 14:14


57. Find the total number of straight lines

(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 20

Ans (b)

Page # 30
Sol. Solution Check From : 36:00

58. Count total no. of triangles in the figure

(a) 24 (b) 28 (c) 32 (d) 36

Ans (a)
Sol. Solution Check From : 39:17

59. Count Total no. of Semi circles

Page # 31
(a) 20 (b) 18 (c) 16 (d) 14
Ans (b)
Sol. Solution Check From : 45:18

60. Find the value of ……. ?

(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 15 (d) 2

Ans (b)
Sol. Solution Check From : 49:25

Page # 32
61. Which of the following picture was page of music book by E.T. Paul
(a) Dawn of century (b) Dawn of industrial age
(c) Dawn of Agricultural age (d) Dawn of 21st Century
Ans. (a)
62. Assertion (A) : Gandhiji’s idea of satyagraha emphasised on the power of truth and the
need to search for truth.
Reasoning (R) : Gandhiji believed that a satyagrahi could win the battle by appealing to
the conscience of the oppressor.
Select the correct option from the given alternatives.
(a) A is true and R is false.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(d) Both A and R are false.
Ans (c)
63. Put the following events in sequence.
(i) Return of Lenin (ii) October Revolution
(iii) Russian peace with Germany (iv) February Revolution
(v) Centralised Planning
(a) I, III, IV, V, II (b) iv, i, ii, iii, v (c) iv, ii, i, iii, v (d) ii, v, i, iii, v
Ans (b)
64. Choose the correct statements:
i. The Zollverein was formed in 1834
ii. It abolished tariff barriers.
iii. It reduced the number of currencies from thirty to one
iv. it was initiative of Prussia and joined by all German states
(a) i, ii, iii, iv (b) ii and iii (c) i, ii and iv (d) ii, iii and iv
Ans. (c)

Page # 33
65. Which article in Indian Constitution stipulates that there shall be Vice- President of India
(a) Article 63 (b) Article 65 (c) Article 66 (d) Article 62
Ans. (a)
66. Point out the difference between the local government in India before and after the
Constitutional amendment in 1992.
i. it became mandatory to hold regular elections to the focal government bodies.
ii. one third positions reserved for women
iii. Elected officials exercise supreme power in the government.
(a) Only i (b) i and ii (c) i, ii and iii (d) ii and iii
Ans. (b)
67. Choose the incorrect statement out of the following statements:
(a) The southwest monsoon is a continuation of the southeast trade wind, deflected
towards the Indian subcontinent after crossing the equator.
(b) In winter, India is under the influence of North West monsoon due to westerly jet
(c) The southwest monsoon sets in over the Kerala coast by 1st June.
(d) The shift in the position of the ITCZ is related to the phenomena of the withdrawal of
the westerly jet stream from its position over the north Indian plain.
Ans. (d)
68. Statement (I): 75% of Indian rainfall is received from South-West Monsoon
Statement (II): Tamil Nadu which is located in the leeward side receives abundant rainfall
(a) Statement (I) and (II) are correct
(b) Statement (I) and (II) are incorrect
(c) Statement (I) is correct and (II) is incorrect
(d) Statement (I) and incorrect and (II) is correct
Ans. (c)
69. In the context of democracies, what is successfully done by democracies?
(a) Eliminated conflicts among people
(b) Eliminated economic inequalities among people
(c) Eliminated differences of opinion about how marginalized actions are to be treated.
(d) Rejected the idea of political inequality

Page # 34
Ans. (d)
70. The national assembly of France voted in April 1792 to declare war against
(a) Germany and Austria (b) Germany and England
(c) Prussia and England (d) Prussia and Austria
Ans. (d)

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