S 1

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Day 1

What is Automation?

Industrial automation is the control of machinery and processes used in various

industries by autonomous systems through the use of technologies like robotics and
computer software. Industries implement automation to increase productivity and
reduce costs related to employees, their benefits and other associated expenses, while
increasing precision and flexibility. With the Industrial Revolution came
mechanization, which brought cheaper and more plentiful goods. Generally, the
mechanical processes in industries were faster and produced greater quantities of goods
but still required skilled workers. Not only did machines require operators but when
errors occurred, they would waste materials, cause production issues and even damage
equipment. With the arrival of automation, control loops were added to machine
operation. These can be open control loops that allow for human input or closed loops
which are fully automated. Industrial control systems (ICS) allow for monitoring and
control locally and remotely. With these increasingly advanced control mechanisms,
industries can operate 24 hours a day. Productivity has increased, errors are reduced and
quality is improved. However, automation does have some negative impact, including
high initial costs, reduced worker employment and the elimination of some ethical
human oversight. As automation continues to advance and gain popularity in new
industries, it is possible to see these events increase.

Industrial Automation:

PLC implementation

Embedded development


AI Program
PLC Implementation

Measurement Device &Sensor

Control Device

PLC Interface & Programming

Field Implementation




The above work proposal is in every automation process

Day 2

Basic Electrical and Electronics


Power Generation

Power Transmission

Power Distribution

Load unit

Power Generation

Wind, Solar, Thermal power, Hydro power, Nuclear power

Power Transmission

High Voltage transmission, Low Voltage transmission

Power Distribution

The power is distributed every area


Industrial, House Hold Application


Basic Electronics

Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor this basic electronic components working, use as

circuit how to identify the value of components.


Other Electronic Devices

Diode, transistor, SCR, TRIAC, MOSFET, IGBT, Regulator and IC’s this
component use and indentify the part number.


The diode is used in rectify the AC to DC converter in AC source.

Otherwise DC sources to drop the voltage.


The transistor is type of electronic switch and signals amplify. It is used only
DC signals.


Silicon Control Rectifier is an power electronics devices. It is used High and

Low voltage DC in one SCR model. Otherwise two SCR connection anti-parallel it
is used AC voltage side.SCR is control the PWM technique. It is Speed Control of
DC motor, Solid state Breaker.


The TRAIC is controlled AC and DC control. It is used AC Load control. i.e

Lamp dimmer, Fan speed control , etc.,


MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor). It is used

in Inverter, SMPS, DC&AC Motor Drive.


Isolated Gate Bi-polar Transistor (IGBT) it is power electronic device its

switching time is very fast in another devices. It is used in high power motor drive
and solid state breaker, inverter, high power converter.

The regulator is used in DC voltage control. It is constant voltage device. It

is +Ve & -Ve voltage control. This regulator no is 78xx and 79xx.

The Day three is an above component is see and how to identify fault.

Day 4:

Fabrication of Circuit design and manual PCB

Every electronic process control important one circuit design. The circuit
making used in electronic components for Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, IC’s, etc.,
The circuit basic electronic symbols and usage. The next process is circuit
fabrication in circuit board. The process is an two types one is manual design and
computer design.

Manual Design PCB

Hand making of PCB design is follow of rules and design. First identify the
component distance is one end to another end. Second to takes the copper plain
board. Third process is to marking component distance in copper side in our plain
board. Next process to design circuit layout to draw the permanent marker pen.
The day 4 is circuit design in PCB board theory and sees the process.


The Day five continues process in PCB manual design and next step remove
the copper layer used ferric chlorate acid. This acid to mix the water in small
amount and the PCB board inside and tilting dry and final remove the unwanted
copper. Next process drilling and soldering


Measurement of electric parameters like Voltage, Current, Frequency,

Power factor, Earth resistance, power.

Voltage Measurement:

The AC and DC voltage is measure the voltage sensor. The DC voltage is

measure voltage divider circuit and amplifiers. The AC voltage is measure the help
of potential transformer and attenuator circuits. The potential transformer like
step down transformer the transformer connects the parallel in every place. The
attenuator circuit is one type of amplifier to increase or decrease the amplitude
and AC to DC converter. The sensor identify the Low voltage and High voltage
fault detection

Current Measurement:

The AC and DC current measure the current sensor. The current sensor is
connecting the series in every circuit. The current is Hall sensor, Transformer
type, clamp type sensor is available in our markets. The all sensor output is
connecting a input in amplifier circuit. The output of current sensor current
converts voltage is using shunt resistance and diode is used AC to DC voltage and
blocking the negative signals. The current sensor is used to measure the load
current and overload current, No load current fault monitoring and protection.


The power is calculate the P=VI formula.

Power Factor:

The power factor is calculating the difference between voltage and current.
The theory is calculating the formula. The hardware measurement circuit is zero
crossing detectors. The zero crossing detectors is the AC sine wave cross the zero
the circuit output is square wave. The voltage and current output is phase angle
difference to calculate power factor.


Different Types of Sensors

The following is a list of different types of sensors that are commonly used in various
applications. All these sensors are used for measuring one of the physical properties
like Temperature, Resistance, Capacitance, Conduction, Heat Transfer etc.

1. Temperature Sensor
2. Proximity Sensor
3. Accelerometer
4. IR Sensor (Infrared Sensor)
5. Pressure Sensor
6. Light Sensor
7. Ultrasonic Sensor
8. Smoke, Gas and Alcohol Sensor
9. Touch Sensor
10. Color Sensor
11. Humidity Sensor
12. Position Sensor
13. Magnetic Sensor (Hall Effect Sensor)
14. Microphone (Sound Sensor)
15. Tilt Sensor
16. Flow and Level Sensor
17. PIR Sensor
18. Touch Sensor
19. Strain and Weight Sensor
We will see about few of the above-mentioned sensors in brief. More information about
the sensors will be added subsequently.

Temperature Sensor
One of the most common and most popular sensors is the Temperature Sensor. A
Temperature Sensor, as the name suggests, senses the temperature i.e., it measures the
changes in the temperature.

There are different types of Temperature Sensors like Temperature Sensor ICs (like
LM35, DS18B20), Thermistors, Thermocouples, RTD (Resistive Temperature
Devices), etc.

Temperature Sensors can be analog or digital. In an Analog Temperature Sensor, the

changes in the Temperature correspond to change in its physical property like resistance
or voltage. LM35 is a classic Analog Temperature Sensor.

Coming to the Digital Temperature Sensor, the output is a discrete digital value
(usually, some numerical data after converting analog value to digital value). DS18B20
is a simple Digital Temperature Sensor.
Temperature Sensors are used everywhere like computers, mobile phones, automobiles,
air conditioning systems, industries etc.

Proximity Sensors
A Proximity Sensor is a non-contact type sensor that detects the presence of an object.
Proximity Sensors can be implemented using different techniques like Optical (like
Infrared or Laser), Sound (Ultrasonic), Magnetic (Hall Effect), Capacitive, etc.

Some of the applications of Proximity Sensors are Mobile Phones, Cars (Parking
Sensors), industries (object alignment), Ground Proximity in Aircrafts, etc.

Infrared Sensor (IR Sensor)

IR Sensors or Infrared Sensor are light based sensor that are used in various
applications like Proximity and Object Detection. IR Sensors are used as proximity
sensors in almost all mobile phones.
There are two types of Infrared or IR Sensors: Transmissive Type and Reflective Type.
In Transmissive Type IR Sensor, the IR Transmitter (usually an IR LED) and the IR
Detector (usually a Photo Diode) are positioned facing each other so that when an
object passes between them, the sensor detects the object.

The other type of IR Sensor is a Reflective Type IR Sensor. In this, the transmitter and
the detector are positioned adjacent toeach other facing the object. When an object
comes in front of the sensor, the infrared light from the IR Transmitter is reflected from
the object and is detected by the IR Receiver and thus the sensor detects the object.

Different applications where IR Sensor is implemented are Mobile Phones, Robots,

Industrial assembly, automobiles etc.

Ultrasonic Sensor
An Ultrasonic Sensor is a non-contact type device that can be used to measure distance
as well as velocity of an object. An Ultrasonic Sensor works based on the properties of
the sound waves with frequency greater than that of the human audible range.
Using the time of flight of the sound wave, an Ultrasonic Sensor can measure the
distance of the object (similar to SONAR). The Doppler Shift property of the sound
wave is used to measure the velocity of an object.

Light Sensor

Sometimes also known as Photo Sensors, Light Sensors are one of the important
sensors. A simple Light Sensor available today is the Light Dependent Resistor or LDR.
The property of LDR is that its resistance is inversely proportional to the intensity of
the ambient light i.e., when the intensity of light increases, its resistance decreases and

By using LDR is a circuit, we can calibrate the changes in its resistance to measure the
intensity of Light. There are two other Light Sensors (or Photo Sensors) which are often
used in complex electronic system design. They are Photo Diode and Photo Transistor.
All these are Analog Sensors.
There are also Digital Light Sensors like BH1750, TSL2561, etc., which can calculate
intensity of light and provide a digital equivalent value.

Smoke and Gas Sensors

One of the very useful sensors in safety related applications are Smoke and Gas
Sensors. Almost all offices and industries are equipped with several smoke detectors,
which detect any smoke (due to fire) and sound an alarm.

Gas Sensors are more common in laboratories, large scale kitchens and industries. They
can detect different gases like LPG, Propane, Butane, Methane (CH4), etc.

Now-a-days, smoke sensors (which often can detect smoke as well gas) are also
installed in most homes as a safety measure.

The “MQ” series of sensors are a bunch of cheap sensors for detecting CO, CO2, CH4,
Alcohol, Propane, Butane, LPG etc. You can use these sensors to build your own
Smoke Sensor Application.

Alcohol Sensor
As the name suggests, an Alcohol Sensor detects alcohol. Usually, alcohol sensors are
used in breathalyzer devices, which determine whether a person is drunk or not. Law
enforcement personnel uses breathalyzers to catch drunk-and-drive culprits.

Programmable logic controller
A programmable controller is currently defined as a digital electronic device
that uses a programmable memory to store instructions and to implement specific
functions such as logic, sequence, timing, counting and to arithmetic to control
machines and processes.
Programming languages
A software program written into the user memory provides a way for the user to
communicate with the PLC. The program is a control plan that tells the processor what
to do when certain conditions exists. Several different forms of programming
languages have been developed by PLC manufacturer to enable instructions to be
written. The four most common types of languages are:
 Ladder diagram
 Boolean algebra
 High-level languages
 State languages
We are learning in Ladder languages
Ladder language
This is still the premier language the PLC. The ladder diagram has many advantages:
 It is readily available understand and maintained by skilled workers
familiar with relay logic. It simplifies training, Ladder language, however,
generally lacks good flow control instructions.
 It provides graphical display of program execution by showing power
flow through ladder diagram, thereby making it easier to debug.
 Program is fast. It generates more readable for sequence control.

Basic Ladder Logic Symbols:

• A horizontal link along which

Power can flow
(Press Alt + Right, Left, Up and Down)

• Normally open contact

(Press OK)

• Normally closed contact

(Press OK + Alt)
• Output coil: if the power flow
to it is on then the coil state is on (Press

Input symbol:

• Normally open switch

• Normally closed switch

• Push to on switch

• Push to off switch


• limit switch

Output symbol:

• Motor

• Lamp

• Buzzer
• Relay coil CR

• Solenoid valve


TT0 –Timer
(On delay timer, Off delay timer,
One shot pulse, flashing pulse)


CC0 – Counter

Set Operation:

SQ0 – Set (S)

Reset Operation:

RQ0 – Reset (R)


Used to hold the Supply during the ladder logic

operation. I0 I1 Q0

Q0 (Latch)

When I0 is pressed Q0 get energized, the latch also get energized.Q0 will be
turned off by pressing the I1 switch. (ie Closed to open ).


Day nine is fully working in PLC basic Programming

Logical AND

------[ ]--------------[ ]----------------( )

Key Switch 1 Key Switch 2 Door Motor

The above realizes the function: Door Motor = Key Switch 1 AND Key Switch 2

This circuit shows two key switches that security guards might use to activate an
electric motor on a bank vault door. When the normally open contacts of both switches
close, electricity is able to flow to the motor which opens the door.

Logical AND with NOT

------[ ]--------------[\]----------------( )
Close Door Obstruction Door Motor
The above realizes the function: Door Motor = Close door AND NOT(Obstruction).

This circuit shows a pushbutton that closes a door, and an obstruction detector that
senses if something is in the way of the closing door. When the normally open
pushbutton contact closes and the normally closed obstruction detector is closed (no
obstruction detected), electricity is able to flow to the motor which closes the door.

Logical OR

--+-------[ ]-------+-----------------( )
| Exterior Unlock | Unlock
| |
+-------[ ]-------+
Interior Unlock

The above realizes the function: Unlock = Interior Unlock OR Exterior Unlock

This circuit shows the two things that can trigger a car's power door locks. The remote
receiver is always powered. The lock solenoid gets power when either set of contacts is

Industrial STOP/START

In common industrial latching start/stop logic we have a "start" button to turn on a

motor contactor, and a "stop" button to turn off the contactor.

When the "start" button is pushed the input goes true, via the "stop" button NC contact.
When the "run" input becomes true the seal-in "run" NO contact in parallel with the
"start" NO contact will close maintaining the input logic true (latched or sealed-in).
After the circuit is latched the "stop" button may be pushed causing its NC contact to
open and consequently the input to go false. The "run" NO contact then opens and the
circuit logic returns to its quiescent state.
--+----[ ]--+----[\]----( )
| start | stop run
| |
+----[ ]--+
-------[ ]--------------( )
run motor

P.L.C Ladder logic

Ladder diagram description
Ladder diagrams and Boolean mnemonics’ are considered basic languages.
These basic languages are instruction sets that perform the most fundamental control
operations, such as On-Off relay switching, timing, and Counting. The Functional
Block and English statements are considered high-level languages. These are capable
of executing more sophisticated control operations than the basic languages, such as
analog control, diagnostics. And report generation.
The display unit ‘DO’ has the internal setting as follows
[00] CHR
Here the DO specifies the display unit executed by the PLC.
LO specifies the logical operation such as AND or OR LOGIC.
TRG represents whether the trigger is required or not.
XOO, YO gives the row and column position.
[OO] represents the Bit level of character.
CHR is the character specification.
Similarly the display units
D2- low voltage
D3 - current overload,
D4- temperature high
D5- speed high
are used for displaying the various parameter faults.
The timer ‘TO’ have the following internal settings.
RES 05.01
This reset option is used for giving the light indication after 5 seconds of the fault.
The timer ‘T1’ has the following internal settings.
T1 S A
RES 10.01
This timer is used for giving the alarm after the fault has occurred and continued up to
10 seconds from the time of fault occurrence.
The PLC comparator has the internal comparison setting as follows.
I4v >= 02.8v
This is used for giving the preset value as 2.8v.The I4 input is used to get the present
value of temperature in terms of voltage.
The timer ‘T2’is used for giving one shot trigger in continuous interval of time.
T2 O S A
RES 02.01
O represents one-shot trigger.
DAY 10

Day 10 is we working practical in PLC in ladder logic. Timer, Counter, Display

program in design and verify the output in PLC OMRAN model.

DAY 11

This day we are design in ladder logic in Computer software in Siemens and
OMRAN the logic design and output verify.

DAY 12

Day 12 is control working of control devices in Relay, Circuit breaker, TRAIC

control circuit, MOSFET based inverter. We are learning theory and working practical.

DAY 13

We working Circuit design software layout to convert Copper board. Every

industrial based drive circuit is design in PCB software. The software layout is very
difficult to design in copper board. This one of the way in layout to PCB circuit
making. The software layout is printing the lasers printer. The printout is place the
copper side in copper board to heating the top of circuit in few minutes and next
cleaning the water to print the circuit in copper board next continuous process in DAY

DAY 14


What is Microcontroller- The microcontroller is minicomputer it is working on DC

power and Programming memory.
How to Program- The controller IC we are programming in software’s in computer

Which Language – the Language in C and C++ and Instruction set. To write the
program and compiling code to save .HEX file. The hex file format is machine

Use of Microcontroller:

It is used in Home automation, Industrial, Robot, etc.,

DAY 15

OPEN Studies in Electrical Product

Inverter, Stabilizer, Transformer, UPS, Solar Panel, Motors, and SMPS, Motor
drives, water level controller, and programming Patch processing control.

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