States of Matter Sheet

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Stateof Matter
Inter Molecular Forces And Thermal Energy
1. London or dispersion forces are due to the presence of
1) Dipole 2) Ions
3) Induced momentry dipoles 4) All
2. Dipole-dipole interaction energy between stationary polar molecules is proportional to
1 1
1) r 3 2) 3) 4) r 6
r3 r6
3. The type of inter molecular forces present between ionic and non-polar compound are
1) London forces 2) Dipole-dipole forces
3) Dipole induced dipole forces 4) Ion induced dipole forces
4. London or disperson forces are present in
1) Cl2  H 2 O 2) H 2 3) NaCl  H 2 O 4) HCl  H 2 O
5. Magnitude of london forces depends on
1) Size of molecules 2) Complexity of molecules
3) Geometry of molecules 4) All
6. Dipole-dipole interaction energy between rotating polar molecules is proportional to
1 1
1) r 3 2) 3 3) 6 4) r 6
r r
7. In case of London forces, if the distance between the particles is doubled, the energy
1) Increases by a factor of 26 2) Decreases by a factor of 26
3) Increases by a factor of 2 3 4) Decreases by a factor of 23
8. When sodium metal is dropped in liquid NH3 , it forms Na+ and gets ammoniated. Which
of the following forces are responsible for the formation of ammoniated sodium ion
1) Ion - induced dipole 2) Dipole - Dipole
3) Ion - dipole 4) Dipole - Induced dipole
9. Non polar compounds can also solidify becomes of
1) van der Waal’s forces 2) Dipole - dipole interaction
3) Ionic bonds 4) Hydrogen bonds

10. Inter molecular forces in solid hydrogen are

1) Covalent forces 2) Van der waals forces
3) Hydrogen bond 4) Dipole - dipole bond
11. Which of the following are correct statements.
1) 760 torr is equal to 1 atmosphere
2) 106 dynes/cm2 is called 1 bar
3) 105 Newtons / m2 is Pascal
4) Latmosphere is 1.013´105dynes/m2
1) 1,3 2) 1,2 3) 1,4 4) 3,4
Gas Laws
12. Which of the following is independent of temperature for a gas
1) Density 2) Rate of diffusion 3) Vapour density 4) R.M.S. velocity
13. A gas is found to have the formula (CO)x its V.D is 70 the value of 'x' must be
1) 7 2) 5 3) 4 4) 6
14. Which of the following is a correct representation
1 1 PT
d1 P1 d 2 P2 P1 P2  2 2
1) Pd   4) d 1 d2
1 1T1  P2 d 2T2
2) 3) d T
T1 T2 1 1 d 2T2
15. The value of the universal gas constant R depends upon the
1) Nature of the gas 2) Mass of the gas
3) Temperature of the gas 4) The units of measurement
16. Which of the following represents a combination of Boyle's Law and Charles Law
P1T2 P2T1
1) P1 V1 T1 = P2 V2 T2 2) V  V
2 1

P1T2 PT T2V1 T1V 2

3)  2 1 4) 
V1 V2 P1 P2
17. V versus T curves at constant pressure P1 and P2 for an ideal gas are show in fig. which
is correct P1
1) P1>P2
2) P1 < P2 V
3) P1 = P2

4) All T
18. The value of gas constant in Joules/ K/mole is
1) 8.314 2) 8.314x107 3) 1.987 4) 0.0821
19. The value of Boltzman constant, K is
1) 1.38x10–16 erg. K–1 molecule–1 2) 1.38x10–23 joule. K–1 moleule–1
3) 3.3x10 –24 –1
cal. K moleule –1 4) All the above
20. The temperature of a certain mass of gas was increased from 400C to 410C at constant
pressure. The volume of the gas.
1) Will remain constant
2)Will increase by of its volume at 273K
3) Will increase by of its volume at 400C
4) Will increase, but the increase in volume cannot be predicted.
21. Which curve does not represent Boyle’s law?

1) P 2) log P

V log V

3) P 4) PV

22. Regarding charles law, which of the following is wrong

1) V 2) T


3) V 4) V

t T
23. Which of the following is not a unit of pressure
1) Pascal 2) Torr 3) Dynes 4) Atm.
24. If methane gas and oxygen gas are placed in two identical containers under same
conditions of temperature and pressure the mass of O2 gas is
1) Negligible in comparison with that of methane
2) Double that of methane
3) Same as that of methane
4) Half that of methane
25. Which among the following exerts greater pressure when equal weights are taken at the
same temperature and pressure in a container of given volume.
1) Oxygen 2) Nitrogen 3) Chlorine 4) Sulphur dioxide

26. The density of air is 0.001293 gm per C.C its vapour density will be at STP
1) 10 2) 16 3) 1.43 4) 14.3
27. Vapour density corresponds to....... lit. of a gas at STP.
1) 11.2 lit 2) 22.4 lit 3) 33.6 lit 4)44.8 lit
28. The product of pressure and volume of a gas has the unit of
1) Momentum 2) Energy 3) Entropy 4) Force
29. The gas constant R represents work done
1) Per molecule 2) Per degree absolute
3) Per kelvin per mole 4) Per mole
30. If m is the mass of a molecule, k is the Boltzmann constant, P is the pressure and T is
the absolute temperature. The density of the gas is given by
KT P.T P.m P.K
1) 2) 3) 4)
Pm K .m K .T T .m
31. A curve drawn at constant pressure is called an isobar and shows relationship between
1) V & 1/T 2) VT & V 3) T & V 4) P & 1/V
32. Charles Law is represented mathematically as
KV 0  273   t 
1) Vt = KV0t 2) V A  3) Vt  V0 1   4) V t  V 0  1  
t  t   273 
33. If a gas is heated at constant pressure. Its density
1) Will increase 2) Will decrease
3) Will remain unchanged 4) May increase or decrease
34. For one gram molecular weight of a gas =
1) 0.2 cal 2) 2 cal 3) 4 cal. 4) 0.4 cal
35. Avogadro's law finds an application in the determination of
1) Atomicity of gas 2) Molecular weights of gases
3) Molecular formula of certain gaseous compounds 4) All the above
36. The volume occupied at 00C and 2 atm pressure by the gas evolved from dry ice of volume
of 8cc is(density of dry ice is 1.1gm/ml)
1) 4.48 L 2) 2.0 L 3) 2.24 L 4)22.4 L
37. If Avogadro number is 'N' and gas constant is 'R', Boltzmann constant is equal to
1) 2) 3) RN 4) R+N
38. Two flasks X and Y each of 500ml capacity contain Hydrogen and Helium respectively at
270C and 1 atmosphere pressure. Flask X contains
1) Same number of atoms as in Y 2) Same weight of the gas as in Y
3) Half the number of atoms as in Y 4) Double the number of atoms as in Y
39. For given mass of a gas if temperature increases
1) Pressure and volume remain constant
2) Volume increases provided pressure remains constant
3) Pressure decreases provided volume is constant
4) Volume decreases provided pressure is constant
40. Which of the following statement is not correct
1) Volume of a gas is zero at absolute zero
2) The ratio of volume of a gases at 00C and 2730C are 1 : 2
3) At constant volume, if pressure is plotted against absolute temperature, the curves are called
4) If temperature is doubled, the volume of the gas will be doubled.
41. In which one of the following process, the volume of the gas does not change
1) Pressure is doubled and absolute temperature is halved
2) Pressure is halved and absolute temperature is doubled
3) Pressure is reduced by three times and absolute temperature is increased by three times.
4) Both pressure and absolute temperature are doubled.
Graham's Law of Diffusion
42. Among N2,O2 and SO2 the gas with high rate of diffusion is
1) O2 2) SO2 3) N2 4) All are same
43. Ansil's Alaram is used to detect ...... in mines
1) CO2 2) CO 3) CH4 4) COCl2

44. The gas which diffuses twice as quickly as SO 2 is
1) CH4 2) H2 3) O2 4) He
45. Which of the following pair of gases diffuse through a porous plug with the same rates of
1) CO, NO 2) NO2, CO2 3) NH3, PH3 4) NO, C2 H6
46. A mixture of 3 gases X(density 0.90), Y (density 0.178) and Z (density0.42) is enclosed
in a vessel at constant temperature. When the equilibrium is established the
1) Gas X will be at the top of the vessel
2) Gas Y will be at the top of the vessel
3) Gas Z will be at the top of the vessel
4) Gases will mix homogeneously through out the vessel
47. Which of the following mixture of gases cannot be separated by diffusion method
1) NO + C2H6 2) NO + NO2 3) CO + CO2 4) C2H4 + C2 H6
48. The process of seperation of a mixture of gases by taking advantage of the difference in
their rates of diffusion is known as.
1) Distillation 2) Adsorption 3) Atmolysis 4) All of them
49. U-235 and U-238 (as hexa fluorides) can be seperated by the method of
1) Chromatography 2) Zone refining 3) Gaseous diffusion 4) Solvent extraction
50. The correct mathematical equations for grahams law are at constant temperature and
r1 M1 1 r1 M2 r1 d2
a)  b) r c) r  M d) r 
r2 M2 VD 2 1 2 d1
1) c, d 2) a, b 3) b, c, d 4) b, d
51. The ratio of rate of diffusion of carbondioxide and nitrous oxide is
1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 16 : 1 4) 1 : 1
52. Which of the following diffuses slowly
1) SO2 2) N2 3) O2 4) Cl2
53. A bottle of perfume is opened in the corner of a large hall of volume 1000m3. After some
time the whole hall smells of the perfume. The property of gases responsible for this
observation is
1) Thermal conductivity 2) Viscosity
3) Diffusion 4) Compressibility
54. Rate of the diffusion of NO2 is
1) Greater than that of NO 2) Less than that of NO
3) Same as that of NO 4) Half of that of NO
55. Under identical conditions which of the following has maximum diffusion rate
1) Cl2 2) H2 3) CO2 4) O2
56. The correct order of diffusion for the gases H2, N2, O2 and NH3 is
1) H2 > N2 > O2 > NH3 2) NH3 > O2 > N2 > H2
3) H2 > N2 > NH3 > O2 4) H2 > NH3 > N2 > O2
57. Gases do not settle to the bottom of a container. This fact is explained by
1) Dalton's law 2) Boyle's law
3) Graham's law 4) Kinetic theory of gases
58. Mixing of two gases by diffusion is
1) Reversible 2) Irreversible 3) Exothermic 4) Endothermic
59. When n1 and n2 are number of moles of gases diffused in times t1 and t2 with molar mases
M1 and M2 respectively then
n1t1 M2 n1t1 M1 n1t2 M2 n1 M2
1)  2)  3)  4) 
n2t2 M1 n2t2 M2 n2t1 M1 n2 M1
60. A balloon filled with acetelyne is kept in a vessel of hydrogen at the same temperature
and pressure. If the balloon is punctured with a pin, it
1) Collapse 2) Bursts 3) Nothing happens 4) Becomes red
61. Among the following gaseous elements with atomic numbers, which will have greater
rate of diffusion.
1) Z = 7 2) Z = 8 3) Z = 10 4) Z = 17
Dalton’s Law
62. Which gas cannot be Collected over water
1) NH3 2) CO 3) N2 4) H2

63. Dalton's law of partial pressure is not applicable to the following mixture of gases at room
1) H2 + N2 2) H2 + O2 3) O2 + N2 4) CO+Cl2
64. The vapour pressure of a dry gas is
1) Less than that of wet gas 2) Greater than that of wet gas
3) Equal to that of wet gas 4) Double then wet gas
65. Aqueous tension is dependent on
1) V 2) P 3) T 4) Weight of gas
66. In a given mixture of gases which do not react with one another the ratio of partial pressure
of each compound is equal to its
1) Weight percent 2) Volume percent 3) Mole fraction 4) Critical pressure
67. Dalton's law of partial pressure is applicable to the following mixture of gases
1) H2 + F2 2) NH3 + HCl 3) SO2 + Cl2 4) H2 + O2
68. Dalton's law of partial pressures is not applicable to one of the following
1) H2 + Cl2 2) SO2 + Cl2 3) NH3 + HCl 4) All the above
69. At the same temperature, HCl gas and NH3 gas are present in two vessels of same volume
at a pressure of 'P' atmospheres each. When one jar is inverted over the other so that
the two will mix, after some time the pressure in the vessels will become.
1) 2) 3) Zero 4) P
2 4
70. Which gas can be Collected over water
1) NH3 2) N2 3) HCl 4) SO2
71. The vapour pressure of a moist gas at 35 0C is 750 mm and aqueous tension at that
temperature is 10mm. Then vapour pressure of the dry gas is
1) 750mm 2) 760mm 3)740mm 4) 720mm
Kinetic Theory And Kinetic Gas Equation
72. Which one of the following is not a statement of kinetic theory of gases
1) The K.E depends upon the temperature of the gas

2) The K.E depends upon the pressure of gas

3) The collisions are elastic
4) Pressure of gas is due to collisions of gas molecules on the walls of the container
73. Which is wrong according to Kinetic theory
1) The average K.E. of the molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temp.
2) All the molecules in a gas have the same K.E.
3) Collisions between molecules are perfectly elastic
4) Pressure is due to the impact of the molecules on the walls of the container
74. At 0 K which is false statement
1) Molecular motion ceases
2) The volume of an ideal gas becomes zero
3) The kinetic energy of the molecules becomes zero
4) Electronic motion ceases
75. According to Kinetic theory of gases, there are
1) Inter molecular attractions
2) Molecules have considerable volumes
3) No intermolecular attractions
4) Velocity of molecules decreases for each collision
76. Boyle's law according to kinetic gas equation is
2 3
1) PV  KT 2) PV  KT 3) PV = nRT 4) PV = RT
3 2
77. If Ek is the average kinetic energy per mole of a gas, then
3 3 2
1) PV  Ek 2) P  V . E k 3) PV  Ek 4) 3 PV = Ek
2 2 3
78. At the same temperature and pressure which one of the following gas will have highest
kinetic energy per mole.
1) H2 2) O2 3) CH4 4) K.E same for all
79. Which of the following is not true regarding Kinetic Molecular theory
1) Molecular motions are uneffected by gravity
2) Average kinetic energy T
3) Molecules are electrically neutral
4) Real gases approach ideal behaviour at high presure and low temperature

80. When two molecules of an ideal gas collide
1) Heat is liberated 2) No heat is liberated
3) Heat is absorbed 4) There is a decrease in the total K.E.
81. The kinetic energy of a mole of ideal gas in calories is approximately equal to
1) 3 times its absolute temperature 2) 2 times its absolute temperature
3) 4 times its absolute temperature 4) 2/3 times its absolute temperature
82. A closed flask contains H2 O in all its three states solid, liquid and vapour at 00 C. in this
the average K.E. of water molecules will be
1) Greatest in the vapour state 2) Same in all the three states
3) Greatest in the solid state 4) Greater in the liquid than in the vapour state
83. When an ideal gas under goes expansion through a porous plug, the gas is expected to
exhibit no cooling because
1) There exist no molecular forces of attraction
2) The molecules collide with each other, without any loss energy
3) The volume occupied by molecules is negligible in comparision to the volume of the gas
4) None
84. The most ideal gas among the following
1) H 2 2) He 3) CO2 4) N 2
85. The kinetic gas equation is applicable when the gas is present in a
1) Cubic vessel 2) Spherical vessel
3) Vessel of any shape 4) Cylindrical vessel
Types Of Molecular Velocities
 P V 
86. The quantity   represents :
 kT 
1) Mass of the gas 2) KE of the gas
3) Number of moles of the gas 4) Number of molecules in the gas

87. R.M.S. velocity of a gas molecule is equal to

1) 2) 3)  M 4) M
88. The RMS velocity of the molecule is minimum if the gas is
1) N2 2) SO2 3) CO2 4) SO3
89. The ratio between the most probable velocity, mean velocity and root mean square velocity
8 8
1) 2 : 3: 2) 1 : 2 : 3 3) 1 : 2 : 3 4) 1: : 3
 
90. The relation between R.M.S velocity,average velocity and most probable velocity is
1) R.M.S velocity > Average velocity > Most probable velocity.
2) Average velocity > R.M.S velocity > Most probable velocity
3) R.M.S.velocity = Average velocity > Most probable velocity
4) Most probable velocity > Average velocity > R.M.S. velocity
91. At S.T.P. the order of RMS velocities of H2,N2,O2 and HBr molecules is
1) H2 > N2 > O2 > HBr 2) HBr > O2 > N2 > H2
3) HBr > H2 > N2 > O2 4) N2 > O2 > H2 > HBr
92. The RMS velocity of gas molecules at NTP cannot be calculated from one of the following
3P 3PV 3 RT 3 RT
1) 2) 3) 4)
d M M d
93. In the calculation of RMS velocity in cm/sec the units of R should be in
1) Ergs/mole/K 2) Joules/mole/K 3) Cals/mole/K 4) Ergs
94. Average velocity is equal to
1) 0.8 R.M.S velocity 2) 0.981 RMS velocity
3) 0.9213 R.M.S velocity 4) 0.756 RMS velocity
95. Which of the following order of root mean square speed of different gases at the same
temperature is true ?
1) (U rms ) H 2  (U rms )CH 4  (U rms ) NH 3  (U rms )CO2 2) (U rms ) H 2  (U rms ) CH 4  (U rms ) NH 3  (U rms ) CO2

3) (U rms ) H 2  (U rms ) CH 4  (U rms ) NH 3  (U rms )CO2 4) (U rms ) H 2  (U rms )CH 4  (U rms ) NH 3  (U rms ) CO2

Types of Molecular Velocities
96. The root mean square velocity of a gas is ‘c’. If pressure of gas is doubled at constant
temperature, what will be the root mean square velocity of the gas sample
1) 2c 2) 2c 3) c 4)
97. At 250 C the gas with maximum R.M.S. velocity is
1) He 2) CO2 3) N2 4) NH3
98. Which of the following statement is incorrect
1) RMS velocity depends on the molecular weight of the gas
2) RMS velocity depends on temperature of the gas
3) RMS velocity depends on the number of molecules present in unit volume
4) RMS velocity is greater than average velocity and most probable velocity.
99. R.M.S. Velocity of a gas is calculated with the formula
M If volume is increased by 3
times, the RMS velocity of the gas
1) Increases by 3 times 2) Decreases by 9 times
3) Increases by 3 times 4) Does not change
100. At the same temperature, which of the following pair of gases have same R.M.S velocity
1) Cl2,O2 2) O2,O3 3) C3H8, CO2 4) CO2 , CO
101. Which of the following gas molecules have the greatest average molecular speed at
1000 C
1) Carbon dioxide 2) Chlorine 3) Nitrogen 4) Oxygen
102. At 300K, the no. of molecules possessing most probable velocity are 100. At 400K
the no. of molecules possessing most probable velocity are
1) 90 2) 100 3) 110 4) 120

103. Among the three types of velocities, which has greater value at a given temperature
1) Most probable velocity 2) R.M.S. velocity
3) Average velocity 4) All the three have same value
104. With the increase in temperature of a gas, the fraction of the molecules having velocities
with in a given range, around the most probable velocity will be
1) Increases 2) Decreases
3) Remains unchanged 4) Initially increases and then decreases
105. The average speed of O2 at 273K is equal to that of H2 at
1) Same temperature 2) Higher temperature
3) Lower temperature 4) Critical temperature
106. A molecule of sulphur dioxide is 4 times heavier than an atom of oxygen gas. The average
kinetic energy of an oxygen molecule at 298K is
1) 1/4th of SO2 molecule 2) Same as that of SO2 molecule
3) 1/2 of that of SO2 molecule 4) 4 times that of SO2 molecule
107. When pressure is increased upon a gas at constant temperature
1) The R.M.S. velocity decreases
2) The R.M.S. velocity increases
3) The R.M.S. velocity remains the same
4) The average kinetic energy of the molecules increases.
108. In a gas 10% molecules have a velocity of 2km/sec and 8% molecules have a velocity
of 1.5 Km/sec and 82% molecules have a velocity 1km. per sec. The most probable
velocity of molecules is
1) 1 km/sec. 2) 1.5 km/sec 3) 2 km / sec. 4) 15 km/sec.
109. In Maxwell velocity distribution curve the peak point corresponds to
1) RMS velocity 2) Most probable velocity
3) Average velocity 4) All of these
Real Gases
110. The critical temperature is the temperature
1) Below which the gas undergoes cooling when expanded into vacuum
2) At which a gas liquefies at 1 atm
3) At which the average kinetic energy of the molecules is minimum
4) Above which the gas cannot be liquefied how so ever high pressure may be applied
111. Which of the following expressions correctly represents the van der Waals equation
of state ?
 na   na 
1)  P  2  (V  nb )  nRT 2)  P   (V  nb )  nR T
 V   V 
 n2a   n2a 
3)  P   (V  nb )  nRT 4)  P   (V  nb )  nRT
 V   V2 
112. The most favourable conditions to liquefy a gas are
1) High T and low P 2) High T and high P
3) Low T and low P 4) Low T and high P
113. In van der Waals equation of state for a real gas, the term that accounts for the
intermolecular forces is
1) Vm– b 2) P + a/Vm2 3) RT 4) 1/RT
114. The intermolecular force of attraction between non-polar molecules is called:
1) H-bonding 2) Dispersion forces
3) Interionic attraction 4) Adhesive forces
115. A given gas cannot be liquefied if its temperature is
1) Equal to its critical temperature 2) Greater than its critical temperature
3) Smaller than its critical temperature 4) Equal to its inversion temperature
116. A real gas expected to exhibit maximum deviations from ideal gas laws at
1) Low T and high P 2) Low T and low P 3) High T and high P 4) High T and low P
117. The temperature at which a real gas obeys the ideal gas laws over a wide range of pressure
is called the
1) Critical temperature 2) Boyle temperature
3) Inversion temperature 4) Reduced temperature
118. The nature of intermolecular forces among benzene molecule is:
1) Hydrogen bonding 2) Dispersion forces
3) Dipole-dipole attraction 4) Ion-dipole attraction.

119. Which of the follwing is the correct representation of van der Waal’s equation for 1mole
of real gas.
 a  a
1)  P  V  (v  b )  RT 2)  P  V  (v  b )  RT
   
 a   a 
3)  P   (v  b )  RT 4)  P   (v  b )  RT
 V2   V2 
120. a/V2 given in van der Waals equation is for:
1) Internal pressure 2) Intermolecular attraction
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Temperature correction.
121. NH3 gas is liquified more easily than N2. Hence
1) Vander waal’s constant a and b of NH 3 > that of N2
2) Vander waal’s constant a and b of NH 3 <that of N2
3) a (NH 3 ) > a (N 2 ) but b (NH 3 ) < b (N 2 )
4) a (NH 3 ) < a (N 2 ) but b (NH 3 ) > b (N 2 )
122. The gas is heated up during Joule Thomson effect at ordinary temperature is
1) O2 2) CO2 3) H2 4) SO2

Liquid state
123. Vapour pressure of all liquids become equal at:
1) Their boiling point 2) Their freezing point
3) 00C 4) Dew point
124. Molecular interactions between molecules is in order:
1) Solid<liquid<gas 2) Solid<gas<liquid 3) Gas<liquid<sold 4) Liquid<solid<gas
125. Which is not a surface phenomenon?
1) Surface tension 2) Viscosity 3) Evaporation 4) All of these
126. As temperature increases, surface tension
1) Decreases
2) Increases
3) Remains constant
4) First increases and remains comstant

127. Which of the following statements ragarding a liquid is not correct ?
1) The surface tension of a liquid is a temperature dependent property
2) The surface tension of a liquid is an intensive quantity
3) The SI unit of surface tension is N m1
4) For a liquid, surface tension and surface energy have different values
128. Increasing temperature of a liquid causes
1) Decrease in its viscosity 2) Increase in its viscosity
3) No effect on its viscosity 4) Decrease followed by increase in its viscosity
129. Which one of the following is expected to have a maximum viscosity at a given
temperature ?
1) Acetic acid 2) Water 3) Ethylene glycol 4) Acetone
130. The thickness of windowpanes of old buildings become thicker at the bottom than at the
top because of
1) Viscosity of glass is very low
2) Surface tension – water is vapourised at any temperature
3) Glass is super cooled liquid
4) Glass is not a true solid
131. The presence of ionic salt in a liquid
1) Decreases the viscosity of the liquid 2) Increases the viscosity of the liquid
3) Does not effect the viscosity of liquid 4) None of the above is correct
132. The surface tension of water at 20 C is 72.75 dyne cm–1
0 0 is. Its value in SI system
20 c
1) 2.275 Nm–1 2) 0.7275 Nm–1 3) 0.07275Nm–1 4) None of the above
133. The viscosity of four liquids P,Q,R and S are 85, 11.4, 18 and 12.3 respectively. then
which flows slowly
1) P 2) Q 3) R 4) S
134. Which of the following expression regarding the unit of coefficient of viscosity is not true.
1) Dyne cm–2 S 2) Dyne cm–2 S–1 3) Nm–2S 4) 1 poise = 10–1 Kgm–1S–1

Intermolecular Forces & Thermal Energy
1. The approximate energy required to break +AB– type ionic crystal into its ions is in the
range of
1) 10 to 100 kJ/mole 2) 50 to 150 kJ/mole 3) 500 to 1000 kJ/mole 4) 2 to 50 kJ/mole
2. Ion-dipole attractions are present in
1) Water 2) NaCl+water 3) Benzene 4) All
3. The energy order of dipole-dipole forces is
1) 1 to 2 kJ/mole 2) 3 to 4 kJ/mole 3) 10 to 20 kJ/mole 4) 15 to 25 kJ/mole
4. The molecular interactions responsible for hydrogen bonding in HF
1) Ion-induced dipole 2) Dipole-dipole 3) Dipole induced dipole 4) Ion-dipole
Gas Laws and Ideal Gas Equation
5. For a given mass of a gas at constant temperature, if the volume, 'V' becomes three
times then pressure P will become
P 3P
1) 3P 2) 3) 4) 9P2
3 T
6. The pressure and absolute temp. of a certain mass of a gas is doubled. The new volume
of the gas is
1) 2) 2V 3) V 4) 4V
7. Volume of a gas at 00C is doubled at constant P and n
1) 273K 2) 2730C 3) 5460C 4)1270C
8. A balloon is filled with hydrogen at room temperature. It will burst if pressure exceeds
0.2 bar. If at 1 bar pressure the gas occupies 2.27 L volume, the volume upto which
balloon can be expanded is
1) 12 L 2) 11.35 L 3) 12.35 L 4) 13 L

9. Two vessels of equal volume contain separately equal amounts of H2 and CH4. If the first
vessel is at 300K and second vessel is at 600K, then the ratio of pressure inside them is
1) 1: 2 2) 2 : 1 3) 4 : 1 4) 8 : 1
10. A gas mixture contains Nitrogen and Methane in 7:4 ratio by weight. The ratio of their
molecules is
1) 7:4 2) 4:7 3) 1:1 4) 1:2
11. One mole of argon will have least density at
1) STP 2) 00C, 2atm 3) 2730C, 2atm 4) 2730C, 1atm
12. A steel vessel of capacity 22.4 lit.contains 2gm of H2 , 8gms of O2 and 22 gm of CO2 at 00
C temperature. The total pressure of the mixture is
1) 3.5 atm 2) 5.25atm 3) 1.75atm 4) 4.0 atm
13. The total weight of a gas mixture which contains 11.2 lit of CO2, 5.6 lit of O2, 22.4 lit of N2,
44.8 lit of He at 00C and 760 mm of Hg pressure is
1) 44gm 2) 22gm 3) 33gm 4) 66gm
14. 0
An open vessel at 27 C is heated until 3/5 of the air in it has been expelled. The
temperature to which the vessel must be heated to achieve this (in0C) is
1) 750 2) 300 3) 600 4) 477
15. 0
The density of CO2 gas at 27 C and 1 atm pressure is ------- (gram/lit)
1) 1.78 2) 1.52 3) 1.96 4) 1.20
16. Four one litre flasks are seperately filled with the gases H2, He, O2 ,O3 at the same temp
and pressure. The ratio of the weights of these gases is
1) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 2) 2 : 1 : 2 : 3 3) 1 : 2 : 16 : 24 4) 2 : 1 : 16 : 24
17. 0
At 25 C and 760 mm of Hg pressure of a gas occupies 600mL volume. The pressure at
height where the temperature is 100C and volume of the gas 640mL is
1) 760 mm Hg 2) 690 mm Hg 3) 800 mm Hg 4) 676.6 mm Hg
18. The total number of electrons present in 1.4 g of dinitrogen gas are
1) 4.2164x1023 2) 4.2154x1023 3) 4.2144x1023 4) 4.2174x1023

19. The total pressure in a mixture of 8 g of dioxygen and 4 g of dihydrogen confined in a

vessel of 1dm3 at 270C is

1) R  0.083 bar dm 3 k 1 mol 1 2) R  0.093 bar dm 3 k 1 mol 1

3) R  0.073 bar dm 3 k 1 mol 1 4) R  0.063 bar dm 3 k 1 mol 1

20. The drain cleaner, drainex contains small bits of aluminum which reacts with caustic
soda to produce dihydrogen. The volume of dihydrogen at 200C and one bar will released
when 0.15g of aluminum reacts is
1) 202.87 mL 2) 203.50 mL 3) 302.50 mL 4) 303.50 mL
21. Density of a gas is found to be 5.46g/dm3 at 270C at 2 bar pressure. The density of the
same gas at STP is
1) 2g / dm3 2) 5g/dm3 3) 4g/dm3 4) 3g/dm3
22. 34.05 mL of phosphorus vapour weighs 0.0625g at 5460C and 0.1 bar pressure. The molar
mass of the phosphorus is
1) 125.77 g mol–1 2) 124.77 g mol–1 3) 126.77 g mol–1 4) 127.77 g mol–1
23. 0
Pressure of 1g of an ideal gas A at 27 C is found to be 2 bar. When 2 g of another deal gas
B is introduced in the same flask at same temperature the pressure becomes 3 bar. The
relationship between their molecular masses is
1) M B  4 M A 2) M B  3M A 3) M B  2 M A 4) M B  M A
24. The pressure exerted by a mass of x mg resting on the area of 1.00 cm2 is 1.00 Pa,
then x is
1) 10.300 2) 10.308 3) 1030 4) 10.2
Graham’s Law Of Diffusion
25. Hydrogen diffuses six times faster than a gas 'X'. The molecular weight of 'X' is
1) 36 2) 72 3) 28 4) 48
26. Rate of diffusion of a gas is 720ml/minute. But the gas diffused for 20 seconds only. The
volume of the gas diffused in ml is
1) 240 2) 120 3) 60 4) 30
27. Assuming that at S.T.P. gas A has a density of 0.09gram per litre and gas B has a density
of 1.43 gram per litre, the ratio between the rates of diffusion of A and B is
1) 1 :16 2) 16:1 3) 2 :1 4) 4 : 1
28. Through a narrow apparature 2 litres of H2 diffuses in 2 hours under same conditions time
required in hours for the diffusion of 1 litre of oxygen is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
29. The density of gas "A" is four times that of another gas "B". If the molecular weight of
A is M, the molecular weight of B will be
1) 2M 2) 4M 3) 4)
4 2
30. A uniform glass tube of 100cm length is connected to a bulb containing Hydrogen at one
end and another bulb containing Oxygen at the other end at the same temperature and
pressure. The two gases meet for the first time at the following distance from the oxygen
1) 80cm 2) 50cm 3) 20cm 4) 6.66cm
Dalton’s Law
31. Equal masses of SO 2 and O 2 are kept in a vessel at 27 0 C. The total pressure of the
mixture is 2.1 atm. The partial pressure of SO 2 is
1) 1.4 atm 2) 7 atm 3) 0.7atm 4) 14 atm
32. A 200cc flask contains oxygen at 200mm pressure and a 300 cc flask contains Nitrogen at
100mm pressure. The two flasks are connected so that each gas occupies the combined
volume. The total pressure of the mixture in mm is
1) 80 2) 60 3) 140 4) 300
33. In a ten litre vessel, the total pressure of a gaseous mixture containing H2, N2 and CO2 is
9.8 atm. The partial pressures of H2 and N2 are 3.7 and 4.2 atm, respectively. The partial
pressure of CO2 is
1) 1.9 atm 2) 0.19 atm 3) 2.4 atm 4)0.019 atm
34. A sample of air contains Nitrogen, Oxygen and saturated with water vapour under a
total pressure of 640 mm. If the vapour pressure of water at that temperature is 40 mm
and the molecular ratio of N2:O2 is 3:1 the partialpressure of Nitrogen in the sample is

1) 480 mm 2) 600 mm 3) 450 mm 4) 160 mm

Kinetic Energy & Molecular Velocities
35. The gases contain 10 22 and 1023 molecules present in different vessels at the same
temperature. The ratio of their average K.E. is
1) 1 : 10 2) 10 : 1 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 5
36. 4gm of He and n gm of CO2 at 250C have same kinetic energie. What is the value of n
1) 2 2) 22 3) 88 4) 44
37. At 270 C, the ratio of R.M.S velocity of ozone to oxygen is

3 4 2
1) 2) 3) 4) 0.25
5 3 3
38. The R.M.S velocity of an ideal gas at 270C is 0.3m/sec. Its R.M.S velocity at 9270 C is
1) 6 m/ sec 2) 0.3m/sec. 3) 0.6 m / sec 4) 3 m / sec
39. The temp. at which the RMS velocity of CO2 is equal to the RMS velocity of N2O at 270 C is
1) 00 C 2) 270 C 3) 2730 C 4)-2730C
40. Air is cooled from 250 c to 00 c . The decrease in rms speed of the molecules is
1) 4.3 % 2) 5 % 3) 4.8 % 4) 3 %
Real Gases, Ideal Gas, Compressibility Factor
The Van der Waals Equation Of State And Critical Phenomenon
41. The values of van der Waals constant ‘a’ for the O2, N2, NH3 and CH4 are 1.360, 1.390.,
4.170 and 2.253 dm6 atm mol–2. The gas which can be most easily liquefied is
1) O2 2) N2 3) NH3 4) CH4
42. The compression factor of a gas is more than unity at STP. Its value of Vm is
1) Greater than 22.4 dm3 2) Lesser than 22.4 dm3
3) Equal to 22.4 dm 3 4) Dependent on its molecular mass
43. The relationship between Pc , Vc and Tc
3 3
1) PV
c c  RTc 2) PV
c c  3 RTc 3) PV
c c  RTc 4) PV
c c  RTc
8 5
44. Critical temperatures of Ammonia and Carbondioxide are 405.5 K and 304.10 K
respectively. Which gas will liquefy first when we start cooling from 500 K to their critical
1) Ammonia 2) Carbondioxide 3) Both 1 & 2 4) None
45 What are the genaral conditions for liquification of a gas
1) Low temperature and high pressure 2) High temperature and high pressure
3) High temperature and low pressure 4) Low temperature and low pressure

1. F2 is gas but I2 is solid, because
1) Larger london forces are present in I2 when compared with F2
2) Lesser number of london force are present in I2 when caompaerd with F2
3)F2 and I2 has same extent of london forces
4) I2 has low bond dissociation energy
2. The melting point of four substances are given in bracket then the attraction forces in a
solid is more in case of
1) Ice (273K) 2) NaF (1270 K)
3) Phosphorous (317K) 4) Naphthalein (353K)
3. Hydration of different ions is an example of
1) Ion - dipole interaction 2) Dipole -dipole interaction
3) Dipole -induced dipole 4) Dispersion
4. The inter molecular forces present in inert gases are
1) Ion - ion 2) Ion - dipole 3) Dipole - dipole 4) Dispersion
5. Inter molecular forces in solid hydrogen are
1) Covalent forces 2) Van dar waals forces 3) Hydrogen bond 4) All

Gas Laws And Ideal Gas Equation:

6. When the pressure on a gas is decreased to 1/4 and the absolute temperature is increased
four-fold the volume of gas
1) Increases by 16 times 2) Decreases to 1/16
3) Increases by 8 times 4) Remains the same
7. At constant volume, for a fixed number of moles of a gas, the the pressure of the gas
increases with a rise in temperature, due to
1) Increase in average molecular speed
2) Decreased number of collisions amongest molecules
3) Increase in molecular attractions
4) Decrease in mean free path
8. The volume of a given mass of a gas is 100ml at 1000C. If pressure is kept constant at
what temperature will the sample have the volume of 200ml?
1) 500C 2)4730C 3) 2000C 4) 4000C
9. The density of a gas is 2.5g/L at 127 C and 1atm. The molecular weight of the gas is
1) 82.1 2) 41.05 3) 56 4) 28
10. The density of a gas is equal to
1) nP 2) 3) 4)
11. 3.5 gms of carbon monoxide at 00C and 760mm pressure contains............ molecules.
[Avogadro number = 6 x 1023 ]
1) 7.5x1023 2) 7.5x1022 3) 1.5x1024 4) 1.5x1023
12. The pressure at which one mole of a gas at 0 C occupies a volume of 1 litre is
1) 1atm 2) 760mm 3) 22.4atm 4) 273 atm
13. On a ship sailing in pacific ocean where temperature is 23.40C, a balloon is filled with 2 L
air. The volume of the balloon when the ship reaches Indian ocean at a temperature of
26.10C is
1) 2.19 L 2) 2.17 L 3) 2.018L 4)2.018 ML
14. Time taken to distribute one Avogadro number of wheat grains, if 1010 grains are
distributed in each second is
1) 1.90956x106 year 2) 1.90955x106 year
3) 1.90956x10 year 4) 1.90955x 105 year
15. A student forgot to add the reaction mixture to the round bottomed flask at 270C but
instead he/she placed the flask on the flame. After a lapse of time, he realized his mistake
and using a pyrometer he found the temperature of flask was 4770C. The fraction of air
that has been expelled out is
4 2 1 3
1) 2) 3) 4)
5 5 5 5
16. The percent of volume occupied by the gaseous molecules and liquid molecules are x %
and y % of the volume of the container then x,y are
1) 0.1 %, 70 % 2) 70 % , 0.1 % 3) 99 %, 1 % 4) 99.9 %, 0.1 %
17. 16gm of oxygen and 3gm of hydrogen are present in a vessel at 00C and 760mm of Hg
pressure. Volume of the vessel is
1) 22.4L 2) 44.8L 3) 11.2L 4) 5.6L
18. At 1270C and 1atm. pressure,a mixture of a gas contains 0.3 moles of N2, 0.2 mole of O2.
The volume of the mixture is
1) 15 L 2) 22.4 L 3) 18.2 L 4) 16.4 L
19. The vapour density of a gas is 11.2. The volume occupied by 10g of the gas at STP is
1) 10L 2) 1 L 3) 11.2L 4) 5.6L
Grahams Law Of Diffusion
20. Under the same conditions the rates of diffusion of two gases are in the ratio 1 : 4. The
ratio of their vapour densities is
1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 16 : 1 4) 1 : 16
21. Two grams of H2 diffuses in 10 minutes. The weight of O2 that can diffuse from the same
container in the same time under similar conditions is
1) 4 gm 2) 0.5gm 3) 6 gm 4) 8 gm
22. One litre of methane takes 20 minutes to diffuse out of a vessel. How long will it take to
diffuse one litre of SO2 through the vessel under the same conditions of temperature and

1) 40 min. 2) 24 min 3) 20min 4) 10min

23. A vessel contains equal number of moles of Helium and Methane. Through a small orifice
the half of gas effused out. The ratio of the number of mole of Helium and methane
remaining in the vessel is
1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 2 3) 1 : 4 4) 4 : 1
24. The relative rates of diffusion of CO2 and Cl2 gases is
1) 1: 1.5 2) 1:1.267 3) 1: 1.2 4) 1: 1.3
25. If 150 mL carbon monoxide effused in 25seconds, the volume of methane effused
in the same time is
1) 150 mL 2) 160 mL 3) 180 mL 4) 198.5 mL
26. Hydrogen chloride gas is sent into a 100 metre tube from one end “A” and ammonia gas
from the other end “B” under similar conditions. The distance from “A” where the two
gases meet is
1) 40.48 metres from the end “A” 2) 43 metres from the end “A”
3) 42.48 metres from the end “A” 4) 43.48 metres from the end “A”
27. 350Cm3 of CH4 and 175Cm3 of an unknown gas ‘A’ diffused in the same time under similar
conditions. The molecular mass of gas A is
1) 32 2) 64 3) 30 4) 71
28. 180ml of hydrocarbon having the molecular weight 16 diffuses in 1.5 min. Unser similar
conditions time taken by 120ml of SO2 to diffuse is
1) 2 min 2) 1.5 min 3) 1 min 4) 1.75 min
29. Which of the gases among O2 , CO2 and SO2 under similar conditions diffuses slower than
NO2 gas?
1) O2 only 2) CO2 & O2 only 3) SO2 only 4) All the three gases

Dalton’s Law
30. A gas mixture contains Nitrogen and Helium in 7 : 4 ratio by weight. The pressure of the
mixture is 760mm. The partial pressure of Nitrogen is
1) 0.2 atm 2) 0.8 atm 3) 0.5 atm 4) 0.4atm
31. 3grams of H2 and 24 grams of O2 are present in a gaseous mixture at constant temperature
and pressure. The partial pressure of H2 is
1 2
1) of total pressure 2) of total pressure
3 3
3 1
3) of total pressure 4) of total pressure
2 2
32. A sample of water gas contains 42% by volume of carbon monoxide. If the total
presure is 760 mm. The pratial pressure of carbon monoxide is
1) 380 mm 2) 319.2 mm 3) 38 mm 4) 360 mm
33. In a mixture of equal weights of H2 and He gases at pressure of 6 atm the partial pressure
of helium is
1) 3 atm 2) 4 atm 3) 2 atm 4) 6 atm
Kinetic Energy & Molecular Velocities
34. 2gm of H2 and n gm of CO2 at 250C have same kinetic energy. What is the value of ‘n’
1) 2 2) 44 3) 22 4) 88
35. The Kinetic energy (in SI units) of 4 g of methane at –730C is
1) 623.6J 2) 633.6J 3) 613.6J 4) 643.6J
36. The kinetic energy of ‘N’ molecules of H2 is 3J at -730C. The kinetic energy of the same
sample of H2 at 1270C is
1) 12J 2) 6J 3) 9J 4) 3J
37. The ratio of the kinetic energies of equal number of moles of H2 and He at the same
temperature is
1) 1:2 2) 2:1 3) 1:1 4) 4:1
38. The temp. at which the RMS velocity of CH4 is equal to the RMS velocity of helium at 270 C
1) 9270 A 2) 9270C 3) 12000C 4) 6230C
39. The RMS velocity of a gas is 3.5 x 104 cm/sec The most probable velocity of the molecules
1) 2.856x 104 cm/sec 2) 3.22x104 cm/sec
3) 3.798x 104 cm/sec 4) 4.289 x104 cm/sec

40. The average speed at T1K and most probable speed at T2K of CO2 gas is 9 ´ 104 cm/sec.
The values of T1 and T2 are
1) 2143 K ; 1694 K 2) 1726 K ; 2126 K 3) 1684 K ; 2143 K 4) 1684 K ; 3368K
Real Gases, Van dar Waal Equation & State Of Critical Phenomenon
41. Vanderwaal’s equation for one mole of CO2 gas at low pressure will be
 a  a
1)  P   V  RT 2) P V  b   RT 
 V2  V2
RT  RT a 
3) P  4) P   2
V b V b V 
42. Compressibility facor for H2 behaving as real gas is
 a   Pb  RTV
1) 1 2) 1   3)  1   4) 1  a
 RTV   RT   
43. Volume of a molecule is related to vander waal’s constant ‘b’ and Avogadro Number by
b 4b b
1) V  2) V  4bN 0 3) V  4) V 
N0 N0 4 N0

Gas Laws & Ideal Gas Equation
1. A gas of volume 2000ml is kept in a vessel at a pressure of 103 pascals at a temperature of
270C. If the pressure is increased 105 pascals at the same temperature, the volume of the
gas becomes
1) 1000 ml 2) 20 ml 3) 2 ml 4) 200 ml
2. How much should the pressure be increased in order to decrease the volume of a gas by
5% at constant temperature
1) 25% 2) 10% 3) 4.26% 4) 5.26%
3. Balloons of 4L capacity are to be filled with Hydrogen at a pressure of 1 atm and 2730C
from an 8L cylinder containing Hydrogen at 10 atm at the same temperature. The number
of balloons that can be filled is
1) 20 2) 18 3) 40 4) 38
4. A bulb of unknown volume ‘V’ contains an ideal gas at 2 atm pressure. It was connected to
another evacuated bulb of volume 0.5 litre through a stopcock. When the stopcock was
opened the pressure in each bulb became 0.5atm. Then V is
1) 17 ml 2) 1.7 L 3) 0.17 L 4) 0.34 L
5. 200 ml of O2 gas maintained at 700mm pressure and 250 ml of N2 gas maintained at
720mm pressure are put together in one litre flask. If the temperature is kept constant,
the final pressure of the mixture in mm is
1) 450 2) 320 3) 632 4) 316
6. Incorrect relationship according to Charles law is
1  dv   dt 
1) V  2)   K 3)   K 4) Both 2 & 3
T  dt  P  dv  P
7. Oxygen is present in a flask of 1.12L capacity at a pressure of 7.6 ´ 10–10 mm of Hg at 00C.
THe number of oxygen molecules in the flask is
1) 1.5x1010 2) 3 x1012 3) 3 x1010 4) 6 x 1012
8. Density of a gas at 276K and 380 mm pressure is 1.5 gram/litre. Weight of 1.25 mole of
the gas in grams is
1) 64 2) 85 3) 24 4) 102
9. The volume at STP of 5.6 grams of a gas whose vapour density is 5.6 is
1) 5.6lit 2) 11.2 lit 3) 22.4lit 4) 44.8lit
10. At 1520mm pressure and 2730 C, number of molecules present in 5.6 litres of a gas are
6 10 23 6 10 23 6 10 23
1) 6x1023 2) 3) 4)
4 16 20
11. At 380mm pressure and 00 C number of moles of the gas present in 11.2 lit of it are
1) 0.25 2) 0.5 3) 0.75 4) 1
12. At 00 C, 1 gram H2 is present in 11.2 litre container. Its pressure in atmospheres is
1) 1.5 2) 0.5 3) 2 4) 1
13. At 00 C and a pressure of 2 atmospheres volume of 1 gram of a diatomic gaseous element
is 350ml. Weight of 1 atom of the element in grams is
1) 2.67x10-23 2) 3 x10-10 3) 6 x10-23 ` 4) 4x10 -20
14. The density of a gas at 270 C and 1 atm is 'd'. Pressure remaining constant, the
temperature at which its density becomes 0.75 d is
1) 200 C 2) 300C 3) 400K 4) 300K
15. When 3.2 gm of sulphur is vapourised, it gives 280ml of vapour at 2730C and 1520mm
pressure. Molecular formula of sulphur is
1) S 4 2) S 2 3) S8 4) S
16. What is the numerical value of gas constant R, in lit atm mol K-1?
1) 0.0821 2) 8.314x107 3) 8.314 4) 1.987

17. For an ideal gas a plot of Vs T will look like

1) 2)


3) 4)

18. The centre of the Sun consists of gases whose average molecular weight is 2. If the density
of the gases is 2.73 ´ 103 kg/m3 at a pressure of 1.12 ´ 109atm, the temperature at the
centre of the sun is (assuming ideal behavior)
1) 108 K 2) 106C 3) 107 K 4) 109 K
Graham's Law of Diffusion
19. The relative rates of effusion of O2 to CH4 through a container containing O2 and CH4 in 3:2
mass ratio will be :
3 2 3 3
1) 2) 3) 4) None of these
4 4 2 2 2
20. At a given temperature and pressure 20 ml of the gas diffuses through a porous
membrance in 5 seconds. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide which diffuses in 10
seconds if the vapour density of the gas is 11.
1) 10 2 2) 20/ 2 3) 40/ 2 4) 10/ 2
21. The ratio of rates of diffusion of gases X and Y is 1:5 and that of Y and Z is 1:6. The ratio
of rates of diffusion of Z and X is
1) 1:30 2) 1:6 3) 30:1 4) 6:1
Dalton’s Law
*22. A sample of air contains Nitrogen, Oxygen and saturated with water vapour under a
total pressure of 640 mm. If the vapour pressure of water at that temperature is 40
mm and the molecular ratio of N 2:O 2 is 3:1 the partial pressure of Nitrogen in the
sample is
1) 480 mm 2) 600 mm 3) 450 mm 4) 160 mm
23. Partial pressure of 3 gases A,B and C in their mixture are PA,PB and PC respectively. If the
number of moles of A,B,C are equal
1) PA  PB  PC 2) PA  PB  PC 3) PA  PB  PC 4) PA  PB  PC
24. Partial pressure of CH4 gas in the mixture of CH4 & He gases in a flask is 0.5 atm. If that
mixture is at STP, the weight of helium gas in the mixture is

1) 2g 2) 5g 3) 0.5g 4) 4g
25. If 1000 ml of gas A at 600 torr and 500ml of gas B at 800 torr are mixed in a 2 litre flask,
the pressure of the mixture will be
1) 500 torr 2) 1000 torr 3)850 torr 4) 2000 torr
26. A gas mixture contains 2 moles of A,3 moles of B,5 moles of C and 10 moles of D. If the
partial pressure of C is 1.5 atmospheres, the total pressure in atmosphere is
1) 3 2) 6 3) 9 4) 15
27. In a gaseous mixture at 200 C the partial pressure of the component gases are as follows,
hydrogen 200mm, carbondioxide 150 mm, methane 320 mm, ethylene 130 mm. Volume
fraction of Hydrogen is
1) 0.25 2) 0.33 3) 0.5 4) 0.75

28. 60% of H 2 and 40% of O2 by volume are present in a mixture at a pressure of 100 mm.
Pressure exerted by H2 is
1) 50 mm 2) 400 mm 3) 60 mm 4) 1000 mm
29. At 270 C a closed vessel contains equal weights of He, CH4 and SO2 exerts a pressure of
210 mm. and partial pressures of He, CH4 and SO2 are P1, P2 and P3. Which one of the
following is correct?
1) P3 > P2 > P1 2) P1 > P2 > P3 3) P1 > P3 > P2 4) P2 > P3 > P1
30. A gaseous mixture of three gases A,B and C has a pressures of 10 atms. The total number
of moles of all the gases is 10. If the partial pressures of A and B are 3.0 in 1.0 atm
respectively and if “C” has a mol. wt. of 2.0 what is the weight of “C” in gms present in
the mixture.
1) 6 2) 3 3) 12 4) 8

31. H2 N2

0.1 L 0.2 L
2 atm 1 atm
Total pressure observed after opening the stopcock is (neglecting the volume of the tube
connecting the two bulbs)
1) 1.33 atm 2) 3 atm 3) 0.3 atm 4) 0.75 atm
Kinetic Gas Equation
32. The energy of a gas per liter is 300 J its pressure will be :
1) 30  105 N / m 2 2) 6  105 N / m 2 3) 105 N / m 2 4) 2  105 N / m2
33. At 270C the total kinetic energy of 8 grams Hydrogen is .......... times, the total kinetic
energy of 8 grams of oxygen
1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 16
34. The average kinetic energy of one molecule of an ideal gas at 270C and 1 atm pressure is
1) 900 cal K 1 mol 1 2) 6.211021 JK 1 molecule1
3) 336.7 JK 1 molecule1 4) 3741.3 JK 1 mol 1
35. At the same temp. total K.E. of 16 grams of methane is ....... times that of 16 grams of
1) Same 2) Two times 3) Four times 4) Three times
36. If the temperature is raised from 200C to 400C, the average kinetic energy of neon atoms
changes by a factor of which of the following

1 313 313
1) 2) 3) 4) 2
2 293 293
Molecular Velocities
37. RMS speed of O 2 molecule and that H 2 molecule at a given temperature are in the
ratio of
uO2 1 uO2 4 uO 1 uO 1
1) u  2) u  1 3) u  4
4) u  16

H 2
1 H 2
H2 H2

38. RMS speed of SO2 molecule at 400K is equal to RMS speed of CH4 molecule at
1) 400K 2) 1600K 3) 100K 4) 200K
39. RMS velocity of O2 at 150 C
1) 1.5x104 cm/sec 2) 4.5x104 cm/sec 3) 6x104 cm/sec 4) 8.9x104 cm/sec
40. Four molecules of a gas have the velocities 3 x 104 cm/sec. 4 x 104 cm / sec.
2 x 104 cm/sec. and 5 x 104 cm/sec. The r.m.s. velocity of the molecules is
1) 3.675x103 cm/s 2) 36.75x103 cm/s 3) 36.75x104 cm/s 4) 3.675x102 cm/s

41. Identify the correct statement among the following
1) Most probable speed increases with increase in temperature
2) Fraction of total molecules with most probable velocity decreases with increase in
3) Area under the curve increases with increase in temperature
4) Same fraction of molecules possess different velocities at same temperature
1) 1 , 2 2) 2 , 3 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 1 ,2, 4
42. Most probale velocity of hydrogen molecules at T0 C is 0 . At (2T+273)0 C, all the molecules
are dissociated into atoms. Then new most probable velocity will be
1) 0 2) 20 3) 30 4) 40
Real Gases
43. The pressure of real gas is less than the pressure of an ideal gas because of:
1) Increase in collisions 2) Increase in intermolecular forces
3) Finite size of molecules. 4) Statement is incorrect
44. The temperature above which a gas cannnot be liquified even high pressure may be ap-
plied is called
1) Boyle’s temperature 2) Critical temperature
3) Liquefaction temperature 4) Inversion temperature.
45. The compressibility factor for one mole of a vanderwaal’s gas at 00C and 100 atm pres-
sure is found to be 0.5 Assume that the volume of gas molecule is negligible . Calculate
the vander waals constant ‘a’.
1) 1.253 atm lit2mol-2 2) 12.53 atm lit2mol-2
3) 0.125 atm lit2mol-2 4) 22.53 atm lit2mol-2
46. Gases vander Waals’ constant ‘b’
NH 3 0.371dm 2 mol 1
CO2 0.0427 dm2 mol 1
C2 H 4 0.0571 dm 2 mol 1
C2 H 6 0.0638 dm 2 mol 1
Which of the following gases is most incompressible in nature?
1) NH3 2) CO2 3) C2H2 4) C2H6
Liquid State
47. Which of the following behaviour is true regarding the coefficient of viscosity (  ) of a
1) Plot of  versus T is linear 2) Plot of  versus 1/T is linear
3)  = E/RT 4) Plot of log  versus 1/T is linear
48. One poise is equal to:
1) 100 centipoise 2) 0.1 kg m-1s-1 3) both 1 and 2 4) 1kgm 1s 1
49. Select the correct order of the following temperatures
A) Boyle Temp B) Critical Temp C) Inversion Temp
1) A  C  B 2) B  A  C 3) A  B  C 4) C  A  B
50. At T(K), the ratio of kinetic energies of 4g of H 2  g  and 8g of O2 (g) is
1) 1:4 2) 4:1 3) 2:1 4) 8:1

51. Under which one of the following conditions do real gases approach the ideal gas behaviour?
1) Low temperature and high pressure 2) High temperature and high pressure
3) High temperature and low pressure 4) Low temperature and low pressure
52. CH4 diffuses two times faster than a gas X. The number of molecules present in 32 g of
gas X is ( N is avogadro number)
1) N 2) N/2 3) N/4 4) N/16
53. The average kinetic energy of one molecule of an ideal gas at 27O C and 1 atm pressure is
1) 900 cal K 1 mol 1 2) 6.211021 J K 1 molecule1
3) 336.7 J K 1 molecule1 4) 3741.3 J K 1 mol 1
54. What is the temperature at which the kinetic energy of 0.3 moles of helium is equal to the
kinetic energy of 0.4 moles of argon at 400K?
1) 400 K 2) 873 K 3) 533 K 4) 300 K
Gas Laws & Ideal Gas Equation
1. A gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature from a volume of 400 ml to a volume
of one litre. The final pressure of gas is 100mm of Hg. The initial pressure of the gas in
mm is
1) 100 2) 200 3) 250 4) 500
2. At S.T.P 10grams of a gas occupies 2 litres. The temperature at which the volume gets
doubled, for the same gas at the same pressure is
1) 273K 2) -273K 3) 546K 4) 5460 C
3. 0 0
At 27 C the pressure of the gas X is 12atm. At - 73 C the pressure of resulting gas is
1) 24 atm 2) 12 atm 3) 8 atm 4) 6 atm
4. At 400K temperature and 0.0821 Pressure the density of Carbondioxide is (gm/lit)
1) 0.01 2) 0.11 3) 2.5 4) 4.4
5. 7.5 grams of a gas occupy 5.6 litres of volume at STP. The gas is (Atomic weights of C,N
and O are 12,14 and 16 respectively)
1) NO 2) N2O 3) CO 4) CO
6. A certain mass of a gas occupies a volume of 2 L at STP. To what temperature the gas
must be heated to double its volume, keeping the pressure constant?
1) 100 K 2) 273 K 3) 2730 C 4) 5460 C
Grahams Law Of Diffusion
7. 5 moles of O2 gas diffused through a porous partition in 30 seconds. How many moles of
H2 gas can diffuse through the partition in 60 seconds under the same condition of pres-
sure and temperature?
1) 2.5 2) 10 3) 40 4) 20
8. 100 ml of O2 diffused though a porous pot in 50 sec. How long will it take for 500 ml of CO2
to diffuse under similar conditions.
1) 100 min 2) 250 min 3) 500 min 4) 750 min
9. CH4 diffuses two times faster than a gas X. The mumber of molecules present in 32g of gas
X is (N is Avogadro number)
1) N 2) N/2 3) N/4 4) N/16
10. A pre - weighed vessel was filled with oxygen at NTP and weighed. It was then evacuated,
filled with SO2 at the same temperature and pressure and again weighed. The weight of
oxygen will be
1) The same as that of SO2 2) 1/2 that of SO2
3) Twice that of SO2 4) 1/4 that of SO2
Dalton’s Law Of Partial Pressure
11. At atmospheric pressure, a litre vessel contains a mixture of Helium and Nitrogen. If
partial pressure of Nitrogen is 500 mm, the partial pressure of Helium will be
1) 500 mm 2) 260 mm 3) 760 mm 4) 1260 mm
12. In a litre flask at a certain temperature, there are 2gm of H2 and 8gm of O2. The mole
fraction of O2 in the given mixture is
1) 0.2 2) 0.4 3) 0.3 4) 0.1
13. Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25 C. The
fraction of the total pressure exerted by oxygen is
1) 2/3 2) 1/3 3) 1/13 4) 1/2

14. A gaseous mixture contain 56 grams of N2, 44 grams CO2 and 16 grams of CH4. The total
pressure of the mixture is 720 mm Hg. The partial pressure of CH4 is
1) 180 mm 2) 360 mm 3) 540 mm 4)720 mm
15. A sample of water gas contains 42% by volume of carbon monoxide. If the total presure is 760
mm. The pratial pressure of carbon monoxide is
1) 380 mm 2) 319.2 mm 3) 38 mm 4) 360 mm
16. 200 ml of O2 gas maintained at 700 mm pressure and 250 ml of N2 gas maintained at
720mm pressure are put together in one litre flask. If the temperature is kept constant,
the final pressure of the mixture in mm is
1) 450 2) 320 3) 632 4) 316

Kinetic Gas Equation & Molecular Velocities
17. According to kinetic theory of gases, The energy per mole of the gas is equal to
1) RT 2) 0.67RT 3) 0.5RT 4) 1.5RT
18. Helium atom is 2 times heavier than hydrogen molecule. At 298K Average kinetic energy
of Helium atom is
1) 2 times that of H2 molecule 2) Same as that of H2 molecule
3) 4 times that of H2 molecule 4) 1/2 times that of H2 molecule
19. The kinetic energy of 4 moles of nitrogen gas at 127 0 C is ____ cals. (R=2cal.mol–1.K–1)
1) 4400 2) 3200 3) 4800 4) 1524
20. What is the temperature at which the kinetic energy of 0.3 moles of helium is equal to the
kinetic energy of 0.4 moles of argon at 400K?
1) 400 K 2) 873 K 3) 533 K 4) 300 K
21. The rms velocity of a gas at a certain temperature is found to be 12,240 cm/sec. The most
probable velocity of that gas is in cm/sec is
1) 103 2) 104 3) 11280 4) 1128
22. The ratio of RMS velocities of molecular hydrogen and molecular oxygen at the same
temperature is
1) 4 : 1 2) 1 :4 3) 1:2 4) 1:8
23. For one mole of hydrogen gas, kinetic energy is 4 x108 ergs. Then its RMS velocity is
1) 4 X104 cm/sec 2) 2X104 cm / sec 3) 107 / 4 cm/ sec 4) 104 cm / sec.
24. By what factor, the mean velocity is to be multiplied to get the RMS velocity.
1.224 1.128 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
1.128 1.224 1.128 1.224
25. If the RMS velocity of a gas molecule at 400K is ‘x’ ms-1 at what temperature its most
probable velocity is ‘x’ ms-1?
1) 300K 2) 600K 3) 200K 4) 800K
Real Gases, Ideal Gases, Van dar Waal’s Equation &Liquid State
26. ‘Boyle temperature’ of a gas is the temperature at which gas :
1) Deviates very much from ideal behaviiour.
2) Shows ideal behaviour over a considerable range of pressures.
3) Gets liquified rapidly by applying pressure.
4) Gets boiled under a pressure of 1 atmosphere of surroundings.
27. In van der Waals equation of real gases ‘a’ represents
1) Size of gas molecules
2) Attractive forces between gas molecules
3) Relative space occupied by gas molecules to the volume of container
4) Collision frequency between the gas molecules which ae at random motion.
28. Select a false statement about compressibility factor ‘z’
1) It is greater than one at very high pressure for real gases.
2) I t is not less t han one for H2 gas at ordinary temperatures.
3) For CO2 gas it is always equal to one.
4) This is equal to one at all conditions for an ideal gas.
29. Compressibility factor ‘z’ for a gas is taken as . Select the correct statements from
the following.
(A) Z = 1 for ideal gas only.
(B) at normal temperature Z > 1 for H2 gas.
(C) for CO2 gas Z > 1 at moderate pressure above its Boyle Temperature.
(D) Z > 1 for real gas at very high pressure.
The correct answer is
1) A, B, C, D 2) A, B, D 3) A, B, C 4) B, C, D
30. a and b are vander waal’s constants for gases. Chlorine is more easily liquefied than ethane
1) a for Cl2 < a for C2H6 but b for Cl2 > b for C2H6
2) a for Cl2 > a for C2H6 but b for Cl2 < b for C2H6
3) a and b for Cl2 > a and b for C2H6
4) a and b for Cl2 < a and b for C2H6

31. The compressibility factor for a real gas at high pressure is
1) 1 + RT/Pb 2) 1 3) 1 + Pb/RT 4) 1 – Pb/RT
32. If Z is a compressibility factor, vander Waals equation at low pressure can be written as
1) Z = 1 + Pb/RT 2) Z = 1 + RT/Pb 3) Z = 1 – a/VRT 4) Z = 1 – Pb/RT
33. Which of the following is true about the effect of rise in temperature on surface tension
and viscosity of a liquid ?
1) Surface tension increases and viscosity decreases
2) Surface tension decreases and viscosity increases
3) Both surface tension and viscosity increase
4) Both surface tension and viscosity decrease
34) The force required to maintain the flow of liquid layers is proportional to :
1) Quantity of liquid 2) Velocity gradient
3) Depth of liquid 4) Container in which the liquid is taken

Gas Laws & Ideal Gas Equation
1. A gas occupies a volume of 2.5 L at 9x105 Nm–2. Calculate the additional pressure
required to decrease the volume of the gas to 1.5 L, keeping temperature constant.
1) 6x105 Nm–2 2) 5x105 Nm–2 3) 7x105 Nm–2 4) 15x105 Nm–2
2. A cylinder containing cooking gas can withstand a pressure of 15 atm. The pressure gauge
of the cylinder indicates 12 atm at 270C. Due to a sudden fire in the building, the tempera-
ture starts rising. At above what temperature will the cylinder explode ?
1) 350 K 2) 375 K 3) 275 K 4) 360 K
3. Calculate the number of gaseous molecules left in a volume of 1mm3 if it is pumped out to
give a vaccum of 10–6 mm Hg at 298K.
1) 3.24x107 2) 3.24x106 3) 3.82x 105 4) 4.6x106
4. 0
10.0 L cylinder of oxygen at 4.0 atm pressure at 17 C developed a leak. When the leak
was repaired, 2.50 atm of oxygen remained in the cylinder, still at 170C. How many moles
of gas escaped ?
1) 0.43 mole 2) 0.53 mole 3) 0.63 mole 4) 0.73 mole
5. Equal molecules of N2 and O2 are kept in a closed container at pressure P. If N2 is
removed from the sy;stem, then what will be the pressure of the container ?
1) P 2) 2P 3) p/2 4) P2
6. On a ship sailing in Indian ocean where the temperature is 26.10C, a ballon is filled with
20.18L of air. What will be the volume of the ballon when the ship reaches Pacific ocean,
where temperature is 23.40C?
1) 20 L 2) 200 L 3) 2 L 4) 28 L
7. A open steel vessel has an ideal gas at 270C. what fraction of the gas is escaped if the
vessel and its contents are heated to 1270C? (neglect the expansion of steel)
1) 3/4 2) 2/4 3) 3 4) 1/4
8. A vessel of irregular shape has a volume ‘V’. It is first evacuated amd coupled with a
vessel of 4L capacity at 35 0 C and 10 atm pressure. If the final pressure in both the vessels
is 3atm, calculate the volume V.
1) 9.3 L 2) 8 L 3) 6 L 4) 8.3 L
9. A synthetic mixture of nitrogen and Argon has a density of 1.4 g L–1 at 00C. Calculate
the average molecular weight. Find out the volume percentage of nitrogen in the mix-
1) 80 2) 90 3) 70 4) 60

10. N2O4 is 20% dissociated at 27OC and 760 torr. The density of the equilibrium mixture is
1) 3.1 gm/l 2) 6.2 gm/l 3) 12.4 g/l 4) 18.6 g/l
Grahams Law Of Diffusion
11. 720cc of a methane diffused through a porous membrane in 30min. Under identical condi-
tions 240cc of gas ‘X’ diffused in 20min. Calculate the molecular weight of ‘X’.
1) 24 2) 64 3) 81 4) 54
12. One litre of hydrogen effused in 8 min through a fine aperture. What is the time requiredfor
the same volume of ozone to effuse under similar conditions?
1) 39.2 2) 49.2 3) 29.2 4) 25

13. A rubber balloon permeable to all isotopic forms of hydrogen is filled with heavy hydrogen
and placed in tank of pure hydrogen. After some times, the balloon will
1) Shrink in size 2) Expand 3) Remain as such 4) Shrink to half of the size
14. For gas balloons A,B,C,D of equal volumes containing H2, N2O, CO, CO2 respectively were
picked with needle and immersed in a tank containing CO2. Which of them will shrink
after some time
1) All 2) Both A,C 3) Only C 4) Both A and D
Dalton’s Law Of Partial Pressure
15. A vessel contain 0.25 moles of Helium and 0.15 moles of neon at 298K and 2.4 atmo-
sphere pressure. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas in the mixtire.
1) 1.5 atm & 0.9 atm 2) 2.5 atm & 0.9 atm
3) 3.5 atm & 1.5 atm 4) 1.5 atm & 1.5 atm
16. N2 + 3H2  2NH3. 1 mole of N2 and 4 moles of H2 are taken in 15 L flask at 270c. After
complete conversion of N2 into NH3, 5Litre of water is added. Pressure set up in the flask
(ignore the vp of H2O)
1) 4.926 atm 2) 3.284 atm 3) 1.643 atm 4) 2.463atm
17. A mixture of 1 mole of hydrogen and 1 mole of chlorine with a little charcoal in a 10 L
evacuated flask was irradiated with light until the reaction was complete. Subsequently
5 L of water was introduced into the flask and the flask was cooled to 27OC.
(aqueous tension at 27OC = 26 mm). The pressure exerted by the system is
approximately equal to
1) 98.5 mm 2) 26 mm 3) 52 mm 4) 76 mm
18. The pressure of moist gas at a given temperature is 10mm Hg at volume V. Aqueous tension
at this temp is 3 mm Hg. The final pressure of gas at the same temperature if the volume is
reduced to 1/3 original volume is
1) 30 mm Hg 2) 27 mm Hg 3) 24 mm Hg 4) 21mm Hg
19. The relative humidity of air is 80% at 27OC. If the aqueous tension at the same
temperature is 27 mm Hg. The partial pressure of water vapour in the air will be
1) 21.6 mm 2) 27 mm 3) 25mm 4) 23 mm
Kinetic Gas Equation & Molecular Velocities
20. At what temperature the kinetic energy of a gas molecule is one-half of its value at 300C ?
1) 151.5 K 2) 251.5 K 3) 303 K 4) 121 K
21. Total K.E. of a sample of a gas which contain 1´1022 molecules is 500 cal at –730C .
Another sample of a gas at 1270C has a total kinetic energy of 1500 cals. Then the
number of molecules in the second sample of gas is
1) 3x1022 2) 2.5x1022 3) 1.5x1022 4) 4x1022
22. Density of a gas at one atm pressure is 1.43x10 g cc –1 . Calculate the RMS
velocity of the gas.
1) 361 ms–1 2) 461 ms–1 3) 261 ms–1 4) 216 ms–1
23. One litre glass bulb contains 2x10 molecules of nitrogen at a pressure of 7.57 x103 Newton m–
2. Find the RMS velocity and temperature of the gas. If the ratio of most probable velocity and
RMS velocity is 0.82, Find the most probable velocity of nitrogen gas at the same temperature.
1)400ms–1 2)405ms–1 3)200ms–1 4)274ms–1
Real Gases, Van der Waals Equation
24. The Compressibility factor for H2 and He is usually
1) > 1 2) = 1 3) < 1 4) None
25. The compressibility factor for an ideal gas is
1) 1.5 2) 1.0 3) 2.0 4) 
26. In vander Waals equation of state the constant ‘b’ is a measure of
1) Volume occupied by the molecules 2) Intermolecular attraction
3) Intermolecular repulsions 4) Intermolecular collisions per unit volume.
27. In van der Waals’ equation of state for a non-ideal gas, the term that account for
intermolecular force is:
 a  1
1) V  b  2) RT 3)  P  2  4)  RT 
 V 
28. The unit of van der Waals constant a is
1) KPa 2) KPa dm3 3) KPa dm3 mol–1 4) KPa dm6 mol–2


  a
29. At low pressures, the van der Wall’s equation is written as  P + V 2  V = RT
 
The compressibiltiy factor is then equal to:
 a   RTV
   a   RTV
1)  1 - RTV  2)  1 - a  3)  1 + RTV  4)  1 + a 
       
30. Given the value of the vander Waal’s constant ‘a’ for the following gases
Gas ‘a’ values ( L2 mole2  atm )
O2 1.36
CO2 3.59
C2H6 5.49
SO2 6.72
Which one of the following gases has the strongest inter molecular forces of attraction
1) O2 2) CO2 3) C2H6 4) SO2
31. Caclulate the pressure exerted by 8.5g of NH3 contained in a 0.5 lit vessel at 300 K. For
NH3, a = 4 atm.lit2.mole–2, b = 0.036 lit.mole–1
1) 21.5 atm 2) 10.5 3) 5.25 4) 30.5
32. A gas obeys the equation of state P(V-b)=RT where, ‘b’ is constant. The slope of an isochore
will be
1) –ve 2) zero 3) 4)
V b P
33. What is the value of ‘b’, if the diameter of a molecule is 2A0, (nearly)
1) 2.4 ml/mole 2) 4.8 ml/mole 3) 7.2 ml/mole 4) 9.6 ml/mole
34. The rise in ‘Z’ with increasing pressure of a gas is due to
1) Vanderwaal constant a 2) Vanderwaal constant b
3) Both a and b 4) Not depending on both
35. Positive deviation from ideal behaviour takes place because of
1) Molecular interaction between atom and pV / nRT  1

2) Molecular interaction between atom and pV / nRT  1

3) Finite size of atoms and pV / nRT  1

4) Finite size of atoms and pV / nRT  1

36. The given graph represents the variations of compressibility factor z =pV/nRT versus P
for three real gases A,B and C.


P (atm)
Identify the incorrect statement.
1) For gas A a  0 and its dependance on P is linear at all pressures
2) For gas A b  0 and its dependance on P is linear at all pressures
3) For gas C, which is a typical gas neither a nor b=0
4) At high pressures the slope is positive for all real gases

37. For one mole of a van der Waals gas when b=0 and T = 300 K, the PV vs 1/V plot is shown
below. The value of ‘a’ (atmliter2.mol–2) is

D 20.6
C 20.1

PV -1
(atm litre mol )
0 10 2.0 3.0 4.0
1) 1 2) 4.5 3) 1.5 4) 3
38. 1 mole of SO2 occupies a volume of 350 ml at 300 K and 50 atm pressure. Calculate the
compressibility factor of the gas.
1) 1 2) 1.1 3) 0.71 4) 0.4
39. An open tank is filled with Hg upto a height of 76cm. Find the pressure at the bottom of the
tank and middle of the tank. (If atmospheric pressure is 1 atm) respectively are

1) 2 atm, 1.5 atm 2) 1.5 atm, 2 atm 3) 1 atm, 1 atm 4) 2 atm, 2 atm
40. Find the height of water upto which water must be filled to create the same pressure at
the in above problem.
1) 1033.6 cm 2) 103. 36 cm 3) 76 cm 4) 10.26 cm
41. Match the following :
List -I List-II
A) R = 8.314J.K–1.mole–1 1) STP condition
B) V = 22.414lit 2) S.I unit
C) P = 760 mm of Hg, T=273K 3) CGS units
D) R = 0.8314x108 4) Gram molecular weight
5) Gram molar volume at STP
1) 5 4 3 1 2) 4 3 2 1
3) 3 5 2 4 4) 2 5 1 3
42. Match the following :
List -I List-II
A) Boyle’s law 1) Pwet  Pdry  Pwater vapour

 V2 
B)Avogadro law 2) V1  n1  
 n2 
 t 
C) Charles law 3) V1  V 0  1  
 273 
 V2 
D) Dalton’s law 4) V1  P2  
 P1 
The correct match is
1) 1 2 3 4 2) 2 3 4 1
3) 4 3 2 1 4) 4 2 3 1

43. List-I

C12  C22  C32  ...  Cn2

C1  C2  C3  ...  Cn

1) Average velocity
2) Velocity of gas molecule at absolute zero kelvin
3) RMS velocity of gas molecules
4)Most probable velocity of gas molecules
1) A-1, B-2, C-3 2) A-2, B-3, C-1
3) A-3, B-1, C-4 4) A-4, B-1, C-3
44. Match the following substances with types of inter molecular forces:
List-I List-II
A) CH4 I) London, dipole-dipole
B) CHCl3 II) London
C) C4H9OH III) London, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bonding.
45. Match the following :
List -I List-II
A) Atmolysis 1) Temperature of the gas
B) Gas burette 2) Volume of the gas
C) Manometer 3) Seperation of Isotopes of Uranium (as UF6 )
D) Thermometer 4) Pressure of air
5) Pressure of gas
1) 1 2 3 4 2) 4 5 1 2
3) 3 1 4 2 4) 3 2 5 1
46. Match the following :
List -I List-II
A) Effusion 1) r
B) Velocity of gas molecules 2) Collision of molecules on the walls
C) Pressure of the gas 3) Vector quantity
4) Scalar quantity
1) 4 2 3 2) 1 3 2
3) 1 2 4 4) 1 4 3


47. Match the liquids in column I with viscosity in column II

column I column II
A) Water I) 3.29
B) Acetone II) 9.68
C) Ethyl ether III) 10.09
D) Carbon tetrachloride IV) 2.33:

48. Match the physical property (in List I) with unit (in List II) :
List-I List-II
A) Viscosity I) Jm-2
B) Surface tension II) Nm-1
C) Surface energy III) Kg m-1s-1
D) Vapour pressure I V) atm

49. Match list I with List II and select the correct answers
List – I List – II
A) Critical temperature 1)
B) Boyle temperature 2)
C) Inversion temperature 3)
D) Reduced temperature 4)
27 Rb

1) 4 1 2 3 2) 3 2 1 4
2) 4 3 2 1 4)2 1 4 3
50. Match the constant ( in List I) with its unit ( inList II):

List – I
A) Gas constant
B) Van der Waals constant “a”
C) Boltzmann constant k
D) Van der waals constant “b”
List – II
P) JK–1 molecule–1
Q) dm3 mol–1
R) atm lit2 mol–2
S) JK–1 mol–1

1) A – R, B – S, C – Q, D – P
2) A – S, B – R, C – P, D – Q
3) A – Q, B – P, C – R, D – S
4) A – P, B – S, C – P, D – Q
51. Match the compression factor under different condition (in List I) with its value (in List II)
List – I List – II
A) Compression factor (Z) P)
for ideal gas
B) Z for real gas at low P Q) 1 pb / RT 
C) Z for real gas at high P R) 1
D) Z for critical state S) 1 a / RTV 
1) 3 4 2 1 2) 1 2 4 3
3) 4 3 2 1 4)2 1 4 3


01) 3 02) 2 03) 4 04) 2 05) 4 06) 3 07) 2 08) 3 09) 1 10) 2
11) 2 12) 3 13) 2 14) 3 15) 4 16) 2 17) 2 18) 1 19) 4 20) 2
21) 3 22) 4 23) 3 24) 2 25) 2 26) 4 27) 1 28) 2 29) 3 30) 3
31) 3 32) 4 33) 2 34) 2 35) 2 36) 3 37) 2 38) 4 39) 2 40) 4
41) 4 42) 3 43) 3 44) 1 45) 4 46) 4 47) 1 48) 3 49) 3 50) 3
51) 4 52) 4 53) 3 54) 2 55) 2 56) 4 57) 4 58) 2 59) 3 60) 2
61) 3 62) 1 63) 4 64) 1 65) 3 66) 3 67) 4 68) 3 69) 3 70) 2
71) 3 72) 2 73)2 74) 4 75) 3 76) 1 77) 3 78) 4 79) 4 80) 2
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