MECH 430 Assignment 8

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Course: Mech-430 Fluid Mechanics II

Homework 8. Solutions.
Problem 1. Air enters a constant area duct at Mach number of 0.15, a pressure of 200 kPa, and a
temperature of 20◦ C. Heat is added to the air at a rate of 60 kJ/kg. Assuming that the flow is steady
and the effects of wall friction can be ignored, find the temperature, pressure, and Mach number at
which the air leaves the duct.

Solution. For M1 = 0.15 we have: T01 = 293.15 ∗ 1.0045 = 294.5 (isentropic relation); T1 /T∗ =
0.12181, p1 /p∗ = 2.3267, T01 /T0∗ = 0.10196 (from Table A5). Thus, T ∗ = 293.15/0.12181 = 2407 K,
p∗ = 200/2.3267 = 86 kPa, T0∗ = 2888 K.
We know that to make the flow sonic we have to add qmax = Cp (T0∗ −T01 ) = 1.0035(2888−294.5) =
2603 kJ/kg (for air Cp = 1.0035 J/(kgK)). So, our flow will remain subsonic at the exit and T02 can
be found from the same relation for q: T02 = 354.3 K. Then T02 /T0∗ = 354.3/2888 = 0.1227. Then
from Table A5 we have M2 ≈ 0.165, T2 /T ∗ = 0.1456, p2 /p∗ = 2.3119. So that:

M2 = 0.165 T2 = 350.5 K p2 = 198.8 kPa (1)

Problem 2. Air enters a constant area duct with a Mach number of 2.5, a stagnation temperature
of 300◦ C, and a stagnation pressure of 12 atm. If the flow is choked at the exit of the duct due to
heat added to a section of the duct, determine the stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature
at the exit of the duct and the heat transfer per unit mass. Then, repeat the calculation if there is
a normal shock at the entrance to the duct, just before the heat transfer section.
(a) For M1 = 2.5, we have from Table A5: T01 /T0∗ = 0.71005, p0 1 /p∗0 = 2.2218. Thus:

T0∗ = 807 K p∗0 = 5.4 atm (2)

The heat transfer:

δq = Cp (T0∗ − T01 ) = 234.8 kJ/kg (3)
(b) If we have a shock at the entry, then My = 0.513, p0 y /p0 x = 0.4990. So, we have from Table
5 (interpolating), T0y /T0∗ ≈ 0.71, p0 y /p∗0 = 1.1087. Since T0x = T0y , we have again:

T0∗ = 807 K δq = 234.8 kJ/kg (4)

As to the stagnation pressure, p0 y ≈ 6 atm, so that

p∗0 = 5.4 atm (5)

Thus, we need the same amount of heat to make flow sonic with or without shock in the duct
(including entrance).

Problem 3. Air enters a duct with a Mach number of M1 = 2.0, and the temperature and pressure
are T1 = 170 K and p1 = 0.7 atm, respectively. Heat transfer takes place while the flow proceeds
down the duct. A converging section (A2 /A3 = 1.45) is attached to the outlet, and the exit Mach
number M3 = 1. Assume that the inlet conditions and the exit Mach number remain fixed. Find
the amount and direction of heat transfer:
(a) If there are no shocks in the system;
(b) If there is a normal shock someplace in the duct;
(c) For part (b), does it make any difference where the shock occurs?

(a) To avoid any shocks, we must select supersonic solution in the converging section. Then,
for the area ratio of 1.45, the Mach number M2 = 1.81. The stagnation temperature T01 = 306 K;
T01 /T0∗ = 0.79339 (Table A5 for M = 2); T0∗ = 386 K. For M2 = 1.81, T02 /T0∗ = 0.834; T02 = 322 K.
The amount of heat transfer (heating):

δq = Cp (T02 − T01 ) = 16.1 kJ/kg (6)

(b) If there is a shock in the duct, it brings the flow to subsonic speeds, so that M2 = 0.45. Let’s
put the shock at the beginning of the duct, then My = 0.5774; T0y = T0x = 306 K. From Table 5 for
My we have T0y /T0∗ = 0.793, T0∗ = 386 K (stays the same as expected!). For M2 = 0.45, we have
T02 /T0∗ = 0.6193, T02 = 239 K. The amount of heat transfer (cooling):

δq = Cp (T02 − T01 ) = −67.2 kJ/kg (7)

(c) Since a shock wave is adiabatic and does not change stagnation temperature, its actual location
does not matter.

Problem 4. A Rayleigh flow of air in a constant-area duct has an initial temperature T1 = 290
K and a Mach number M1 = 0.5. It is desired to transfer heat to the duct such that at section 2,
T02 = 1450 K. Is this possible? If not, what adjustment must be made to M1 to give T02 = 1450 K?
What is the maximum temperature in the duct?

Solution. The stagnation temperature at the entry is T01 = 290 · 1.05 = 304.5 K. For M1 = 0.5,
from Table A5, T01 /T0∗ = 0.69136. Hence T0∗ = 304.5/0.69136 = 440.4 K. This is the maximum
stagnation temperature we can get without changing the entry condition. It is less than the required
temperature. So it is impossible to get the required temperature unless the entry conditions are
An iterative procedure may be used to find the properly adjusted value. However, there is a more
elegant way. We may write the following condition for the required M1 :
T1 1 + γ−1
2(γ + 1)M 2
1 1 + γ−1

= (8)
T0∗ (1 + γM12 )2

This leads to a quadratic equation for M1 having the following solution:

r r
γ+1 γ+1 1
M1 = 2
− − (9)
2γ α 2γ 2 α γ

where α = T1 /T0∗ = 290/1450 = 0.2. Then we have

M1 ≈ 0.218 (10)

The maximum temperature will be achieved at M = 1/ γ = 0.845. For that Mach number
T0 /T0∗ = 0.97952, so that T0 = 0.97952 · 1450 = 1420 K, and therefore T = 1420/1.1428 = 1243 K.
Thus, the maximum temperature is
T ≈ 1243 K (11)

Problem 5. Air flows from a reservoir of stagnation pressure and temperature 10 atm and 300 K,
respectively, through an adiabatic converging-diverging nozzle with the exit-to-throat ratio equal to
3, and then into a constant area (equal to the exit area of the nozzle) pipe with heat transfer.
(a) If the flow entering the pipe is supersonic, find the amount of heat transfer per unit mass
necessary to choke the flow in the pipe;
(b) If the amount of heat transfer is increased in 1.5 times, determine the location of the shock
wave and the Mach number and static pressure at the inlet of the pipe;
(c) If the amount of heat transfer is increased by 30 times, as compared to the case (a), determine
the Mach number and the static pressure at the inlet of the pipe, and the throat Mach number.

(a) The flow in the nozzle is isentropic, so the stagnation temperature at the pipe entry will be the
same (300 K). For the area ratio 3, Mentry = 2.64. This gives us (from Table A5): T01 /T0∗ = 0.69205,
T0∗ = 433.5 K. Thus, the required amount of heat for choking will be:

δq = Cp (T0∗ − T01 ) = 1.0035(433.5 − 300) = 134 kJ/kg (12)

(b) Now our δq = 201 kJ/kg. The stagnation temperature at the entry will remain the same so
that our new T0∗ = 500 K, and T01 /T0∗ = 0.6. From Table A5, Mentry = 0.44. Using an iterative
procedure, it can be found that if a shock is located at As /At = 2.71 the Mach number at the
nozzle exit (pipe entry) will approximately match the above value of 0.44. The exit pressure can be
calculated stating from the reservoir pressure of 10 atm using isentropic and shock relations, and it
is equal to 4.48 atm. Thus,

As /At = 2.71 Mentry ≈ 0.44 pentry = 4.48 atm (13)

(c) Now our δq = 4020 kJ/kg. The stagnation temperature at the entry will remain the same
so that our new T0∗ = 4306 K, and T01 /T0∗ = 0.0697. From Table A5, Mentry ≈ 0.123, which is less
than the isentropic value for the area ratio of 3 and choked throat (about 0.2). Thus, the flow in the
nozzle is entirely subsonic. Familiar procedure leads us to the following values:

Mentry = 0.123; Mthroat ≈ 0.4 pentry = 9.89 atm (14)

Problem 6. Consider isentropic air flow through a converging-diverging nozzle with an exit to
throat area ratio of 4.0. The converging section is connected to a reservoir with T0 = 450 K and
p0 = 3.5 MPa. The flow exits the diverging section and then, at cross-section 1, enters a constant
area section where heat is added. There is a normal shock at the end of the duct (at cross-section
2). The exit static temperature (downstream from the shock) is 560 K. Find:
(a) the Mach number at the exit (after the shock);
(b) the total amount of heat added, in kJ/kg;
(c) the total pressure at the exit of the duct (after the shock), in MPa.

Since there is a shock present at the exit of the constant area duct, the flow before the shock must
be supersonic. Therefore, in the converging-diverging section, the flow must be choked at the throat.
Using Table A2, the Mach number and temperature at the entrance of the constant area duct can
be determined with the use of the area ratio:
Aexit T1
= 4.0, M1 = 2.94, = 0.36648
At To1
Therefore, T1 = 164.92 K.
Knowing that the stagnation temperature of the isentopic flow of the converging-diverging section
is equal to the stagnation temperature of section 1 of the constant area duct, the stagnation and
static temperatures of the sonic state of the Rayleigh flow can be determined. Using M1 = 2.94,
Table A5 can be used:
To1 T1
M1 = 2.94, ∗ = 0.6591, ∗ = 0.29007
To T
Therefore, T ∗ = 568.55 K and To∗ = 682.22 K.
Now, determine the Mach number after the shock at section 2. Knowing that T2y = 560 K and
T ∗ = 568.55K (T∗ remains constant across the shock since the shock just brings us to the subsonic
branch of the same Rayleigh flow), TT2y∗ can be determined:

T2y 560

= = 0.985
T 568.55

With TT2y∗ = 0.985, the downstream exit Mach number can be determined using Table A5 to be:
M2y = 0.686 .
Now that M2y is known, use Table A5 to determine the stagnation temperature at the exit of the
constant area duct.
M2y = 0.686, ∗ = 0.8981
Therefore, To2y = To2x = 612.7K.

Thus, the total heat added is given by the following:

∆q = cp (To2x − To1 ) = 1.005(612.7 − 450) = 163.54

The stagnation pressure after the shock can be obtained from the following:
po2y p∗o 1
po2y = ∗
po1 = 1.0471 · · 3.5 = 1.128 MPa
po po1 3.2481

The above stagnation pressure ratios are taken from Table A5 at M2y = 0.686 and M1 = 2.94,
respectively. We also use the fact that the sonic stagnation pressure is not changing across the shock
since the shock merely brings us to the subsonic brunch of the same Rayleigh flow (with the same
sonic parameters).

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