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Quantitative Techniques

1. (c)
Ratio of efficiency of A & B is 3:2
Ration of efficiency of B & C is 5:4
Ratio of efficiency of A, B & C is 15:10:8
A, B and C together can do the job in 11× =

2. (b)
Let the speed of metro train be ‘x’ and that of motorcycle be ‘Y’.
120 480
+ =
200 400 25
+ = ....(2)
X Y 3
Solve to get X = 60, Y = 80.
Alternate Method
Use options and check.

3. (b)
Quality of Cheaper (35 − 30) 5
= = = 1:1
Quality of Dearer (30 − 25) 5
Required ratio is Dearer : Cheaper since the first solution is Dearer.

4. (b)
12 15 16
Wecansee that men, women & children are in the ratio = , , , or 2: 3: 4.Number of men,
6 5 4
women & children = 10, 15, 20. Now if each man gets 6a, we have10 × 6a + 15 × 5a + 20 × 4a
= 430 or a = 2. Answers are Rs. 12, 10, 8.

5. (c)
Required value
= (l2 + b 2 + h 2 )
= 16 + 64 + 144
= 222

6. (a)
Let the speeds be 2A and A kmph resp. ⇒ =6
A = 6 and the speed of B = 6 kmph

7. (c)
6 20
Required value = 24 × × = 90 days
8 4

8. (a)
Given that the speed of the train is
72 km/h = 20 m/s
Let L be the length of the train, then
(L + 100)
= 15
L = 200m
Time taken to cross a man moving in the opposite direction at 20 m/s
t = 200/90 = 5 s

9. (c)
20% of CP = Rs. 100 or CP = Rs. 500
Now the Aman wants a profit of 50%.
Therefore, he has to sell it at a price of 500 × 1.5 = Rs. 750

10. (a)
Amt. filled in 1 hour = .
1 1
Amt emptied in the same time = −
6 9
Total time required to empty it = = 18 hours.
1 1
 − 
6 9

11. (b)
As per the problem:
Akbar : 100, Birbal 80
Akbar : 200, Chandragupta : 150
We first need to make Akbar equal in both the ratios. Akbar : 200, Birbal : 160
Akbar : 200, Chandragupta : 150
Therefore, in a 160 m race, Birbal can beat Chandragupta by 10 m.
n a 500 m race, Birbal can beat Chandragupta by 10 × =
31.25 m

12. (d)
X + Y + Z = 14800 …(1)

X = Y + 25% of Y = …(2)

Y = Z + 20% of Z = …(3)

∴ Eq. (1) gives

5Y 6Z
+ +Z=
4 5

3Z 6Z
⇒ + +Z=
2 5

⇒ 37Z = 7400 ⇒ Z = 4000

∴ Y = 4800, X = 6000.

13. (c)
Discount = 3%

Price = 1300.
⇒ S.P = .97 × 1300 = 1261

14. (b)
After solving

Given expression = − 3 b 2

Since b2 is always positive therefore, = − 3 b 2 is always negative.


15. (a)
Ritika is 3 km behind Rahul when Rahul has covered the 9 km lead and 3 km extra. Relative
speed = 2 km/hr.

Time taken to cover 12 km = = 6 hr

Time at which Rahul is 3 km ahead = 1330 hr + 0600 hr = 1930 hr

16. (d)
As per the problem:
Savings of Chitra = Rs. 4000

So, expenditure = 10000 – 2000 – Rs. 6000

New income = Rs. 8000

So expenditure = 6000 × 0.9 = 2700

New saving = Rs. 2600

4000 − 2600
% change in saving = × 100 = 35%

17. (c)
L.C.M. of 5, 6, 7, 8
= 35 × 24 = 840

Therefore, the required number = 840x + 3,

Which is exactly divisible by 9.

For x =2, it is divisible by 9.


Required number = 840x + 3

= 840 × 2 + 3

= 1683

18. (a)
Let daily working hours & wages per hour before increase be H and W respectively

So his Salary/day = HW

Working hours after increase = 1.3H, wages per hour = 1.2 W

63 6 33
So his daily salary = H× W= HW . Thus an Increase of 44%
50 5 25

19. (b)
When Raj runs 950 m, Philips would run 931 m. Hence, the start given is × 1000 =

20. (c)
Let the required time be t hours after 9 am. The clock would have lost time = 3t minutes.
Now according to the problem
420 + 3t = 60t
57t = 420
t = 420/57 = 7.36 hours
That is 7.36 hours after 9 am or 7 hours and 0.36 x 60 = 22 minutes (approx.) after 9 am.

21. (b)
2 1
x =2 + 2 +2
3 3

2 1
⇒ ( x − 2) = 2 +2
3 3

 2 1
⇒ ( x − 2) =  2 + 2 

 3 3
2 1  2 1
= 4 + 2 + 3× 2 ×2 2 3 + 2 3 
3 3  

= 6 + 3 × 2 ( x – 2)

⇒ (x − 2)3 =6 + 6x − 12 =6x − 6

⇒ x 3 − 8 − 6x(x − 2) = 6x − 6

⇒ x 3 − 6x 2 + 6x =

22. (c)
Let the total work be 4 units (LCM of 2, 4 and )
One day work of A and B = a + b = = 2 units / day
One day work of B and C = b + c = = 1units / day
One day work of A and C = c + a 4= 20 =
units / day
12 / 5 12 3
2(a + b + c) = (2 + 1 + )

a+b+c= units / day

4 12
Days required to complete the work by all the 3 together = = days
7/3 7

23. (a)
The bag has 25-paise, 50-paise and 1 -rupee coins in the ratio 4:2:5. Now this is the ratio of
the number of coins while the total value of the coins has been given. So we first need to
convert coins into value.
Let the coins be 4x, 2x and 5x respectively.
4x coins of 1/4 rupee each = value is Rs. x.
2x coins of 1/2 rupee each = value is Rs. x.
5x coins of 1 rupee each = value is Rs. 5x.
x + x + 5x = 770
7x = 770 ⇒ x = 110
Value of all 25-paise coins = Rs. 110
Value of all 50-paise coins = Rs. 110
Total value = Rs. 220

24. (c)
Given 3 women = 4 girls, so 9 women = 12 girls and 15 women = 20 girls.
9 women + 15 girls = 12 girls + 15 girls = 27 girls, will reap a field in 15 days.
So, 1 girl will reap a field in = 27 × 15 days
27 × 15
Thus 36 girls will reap the field in = = 11.25days

25. (a)
If C earns Rs X, A earns 1.2X & B earns 1.6 X Now 1.6X – X = 60 or X = 100.

26. (a)
Since the winner gets 60 % of the total votes, the loser must have got 40% of the total votes.
Let the total number of votes be T. Then
0.6T – 0.4T = 150
0.2T = 150 ⇒ T = 750
We need to find the votes polled by the losing party, that is
40 of 750 =0.4 × 750 = 300 votes

27. (d)
Total expenses = (35% of 3750) + 386 + 940 + 136 + 200 + 37.5 = 3012
Total receipts = 3750 Total profit = 3750 – 3012 = 738
% profit = 
738 
 × 100 =
 9000 

28. (c)
Suppose the hound catches the rabbit in t minutes
⇒ Number of jumps by the rabbit = 35 t & distance covered = 20 × 35t = 700 t cm.
Similarly Distance covered by hare = = 25t × 60 = 1500 t cm.
Now, 1500 t – 700t = 70 meters or t = 8.75 min.

29. (d)
Let there be x litres of wine in the beginning
 x − 6
  =
 6  100
⇒ x = 60 gallons

30. (a)
Both the trains take 6 hours for their journey. Let distance Delhi & Lucknow be 6 km. Therefore,
speed of each train is 1 km/h.
Now, train from Katara starts at 7 am at a speed of 1 km/h. Therefore, it would have travelled 2
km from 7 to 9 am. Distance Katara & Lucknow at 9 am will be 4 km which will be covered at a
relative speed of 2 km/h.
So, time taken to meet will be 4/2 that is two hours from 9 am, that is 11 am.

31. (b)
Weighted means give us
1 7 7
× (max) = (max)
5 8 40
1 3 3
× (max) = (max)
10 4 40
1 1 1
× (max) = (max)
4 4 16
9 1 9
× (max) = (max)
20 2 40
 7 3 1 9 
 + + +  max
= 
40 40 16 40 
= 172
Max = 320

32. (c)
The digit sum of factorial of numbers till 5! is 9. 6! onwards each factorial will have digit sum as

33. (c)
Let A = abc and B = cba
Therefore, B – A = 100c + 10b + a – (100a + 10b + c) = 99(c – a). B – A is a multiple of 7.
Therefore, c – a = 7 (a, c) (1, 8) or (2, 9). Hence, number is between 108 to 198 or 209 to 299.

34. (b)
Using the formula,
n(A ∪ B ∪ C)
= n(A) + n(B) + n(C) − n(A ∩ B) − n(B ∩ C) − n(C ∩ A) + n(A ∩ B ∩ C)
We have,
n(A ∪ B ∪ C) = 90 + 50 + 70 – 20 – 15 – 30 + 5 = 150
That is, 50 people do not play any of the three

35. (a)
Number of people who only play Basketball
= 50 – 20 – 15 + 5 = 20
Percentage = 10%

36. (a)
Number of people reading Cricket and TUK-TUK only = 30 – 5 = 25
Number of people reading Basketball and TUK-TUK only = 15 – 5 = 10
Difference between the two groups = 25 – 10 = 15

37. (d)
The situation is not possible since the LCM has to be a multiple of the HCF.

38. (a)

Initially After 4 months After 7 months

Lal 70 50 66
Bhan 50 70 70
Chaman 40 40 24

New rent = 16 per month. ⇒ Rs 16 × 12 = Rs. 192 per year

Net for Lal = 70 × 4 + 50 × 3 + 66 × 5 = 760
For Bhan = 50 × 4 + 70 × 8 = 760
For Chaman = 40 × 7 + 24 × 5 = 440
The shares will 76, 76 and 40.

39. (b)
In normal time rate = = Rs. 12 per hour

During sale rates are increased by 50% i.e.,

Rate 40-hour week = 480 + 50% of 480 = Rs. 720

∴ Rate per hour = = Rs. 18 per hour

Now, according to the question,

Required commission = 18 × 60 = Rs. 1080

40. (b)
25% × 100%
1000 − x

⇒ x = 200

Hence, he uses weight, 1000 – 200 = 800 g

Data Interpreters

1. (a)

2. (a)

3. (d)

4. (a)

1003 = 1 × 1 × 17 × 59
Using both the statements together, ‘a’ is the largest one.

5. (c)
Using statement I alone cannot give us any result. Using statement II alone gives that q is an odd
Using both the statements together we get pq is an odd number.

6. (c)
Using statement A only gives us two different sets of values of A and B – (97, 97) and (97, 1). So,
unique value of HCF cannot be obtained.
Using the statement B only also does not give us a unique number. However, using both the
statements together gives us the values of A and B as – (97, 1). And HCF of these two numbers = 1.
7. (b)
This question can be answered by using either statement alone.

8. (d) In none of the statements given marks have been given in terms of numbers, hence we cannot
find the marks obtained in mathematics.

9. (c)
Using statement A alone gives that the difference between the digits of the number is 7. This gives the
possibility of many numbers like 81, 92 etc. using statement B alone also gives the possibility of
many numbers.
Using both the statement together, we get a unique number.

10. (c)

11. (a)
Using statement A alone, average of the given four numbers = 11, hence their sum = 44, hence the
numbers will be 8, 10, 12, 14. Hence, the value of largest integer, whichever is that, is 4.
Using statement B alone is not going to give us the result.

12. (a)

13. (a)

14. (c)

15. (a)

16. (b)
Quantity 1: 550(5325-1)
Highest power of 5 that is contained in the given expression is 50
Quantity 11: After 54, the remainder left when 5n is divided by 1000 is 125 when n is odd and 625
when is even
So, it remainder is 125
Quantity 11 > Quantity 1

17. (b)
Quantity 1 = x2 – 20x = 96
x = 24, –4 (Cannot be negative)
x = 24
Quantity 11 = 2(10x + y) = 9(10x + x)
88y – 11x = 0
Solving equation
x = 8, y = 1
Number = 81
Quantity 11 > Quantity 1

18. (a)
18 – 12 = 6 lac tonnes

19. (a)
× 100 =
20. (c)
× 100 =
21. (b)
× 100 =
22. (c)
Highest difference between the production and sales in 2016 i.e. 10 lac tonnes.

23. (d)
540 − 130
Required % = × 100 =

24. (a)
Percentage share of foreign tourists vising HP
× 100 =

25. (c)
Ratio = 535 : 15 = 107 : 3
26. (c)

27. (d)

28. (b)

´ 100 = » 8%

29. (b)

´ 100 = » 41%

30. (c)

3456 + 9128 = 12584

31. (a)

19008 + 28337 + 20538 + 14430 + 29645 + 36983

= 24823.5

32. (d)

19008 : 20538
1056 : 1141

33. (b)

Quantity I: 231228 divisible by 3 since the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. To make it divisible by
10 also we need to make the last digit 0 such that the number remains divisible by 3. On adding 12 to
231228 we get 231240 which is divisible by 30.
Quantity II: 231228 is divisible by 9 since the sum of its digits is divisible by 9. To make it divisible
by 10 also we need to make the last digit 0 such that the number remains divisible by 9. On
subtracting 18 to 231228 we get 231210 which is divisible by 90.

Hence, Quantity I < Quantity II.

34. (b)

20 ´ 6 ´ 15
Quantity I: Time take = 15 days
10 ´ 12

20 ´ 6 ´ 15
Quantity II: Time take = 20 days
18´ 5

Hence, Quantity I < Quantity II.

35. (d)

From the given information we get.

2A = B + C …..(i)
4B = A + C …..(ii)
A 5 A 5
+ and = …..(ii)
B 3 C 7
3 7
From (i) and (iii) we get A : B : C 1: : = 5 : 3: 7
5 5
A’s share = ´ 150 = 50
B’s share = ´ 150 = 30
C’s share = ´ 150 = 70
Quantity I: Required difference = 50 – 30 = 20
Quantity II: Required amount = 50 × 0.4 = 20
Clearly, Quantity I = Quantity II

36. (c)

´ 100 = 22.93

37. (c)

6577 - 4239
= 55.15%
38. (c)

In December 2018 ⇒
D = 1.25 × 9036 = 11295

11295 - 7643
% required = ´ 100
= 47.74%

39. (b)

´ 100 = 36.79%

40. (a)

1120.35 + 8001.7 + 9212.65 + 10391.4 + 8791.75

= 47677.85

Logical Reasoning

1. (d)

Argument I is strong because consumers should also share some burden. Argument II is also strong
because increase in the price of petroleum products will increase the price of many other

2. (a)

Argument I is strong because a large section of employees cannot be ignored. Argument II is not
strong because, it does not give any reason behind it.

3. (a)

When a single person is given so many responsibilities, it is possible that he may not concentrate on
the main responsibility i.e. teaching. So, argument I is strong. Argument II is not strong because it
does not give any reason behind it.

4. (b)

Argument I is not strong due to the word ‘only’. Argument II is strong because chances of degrading
of the standard of training cannot be ruled out.

5. (c)

Argument I is not strong due to the word ‘only’. Argument II is not strong because such parents are
increasing illiteracy, so they should be fined.

6. (d)
Both the assumptions are implicit because after this appeal may residents may reduce consumption of
potable water and many activities may welcome this move.

7. (d)

Both the assumptions are implicit because company officials may be able to make all the necessary
preparations for the silver jubilee celebrations and majority of guest invited by the chairman may
attend the function.

8. (b) Assumptions I is not implicit because the notice board was put after assuming its positive
response. Assumptions II is implicit because the traffic police department may be able to nab most of
the offenders and impound their licences.

9. (a)

After seeing that heavy penalty was imposed on those who were trying to cross the railway track,
people may refrain from crossing railway track in future. So, assumption I is implicit while II is not
because no one wants to pay hefty penalty.

10. (c)

Assumption I is going against the statement, so it is not implicit. Assumption II is not implicit due to
the word ‘all’.

11. (a)

Assumption I is implicit because government assumes that heatwaves may not continue beyond a
fortnight. Assumption II is not correlated with the statement, so it is not implicit.

12. (d)

The government has made that announcement because it has adequate funds to run these programmes.
By these programmes, affected people may be able to get at least one meal a day. So, both the
assumptions are implicit.

13. (a)

So, only I follow

14. (a)
15. (c)

16. (a)

According to the statements Venn-diagram is

17. (a)

According to the statements, Venn-diagram is

I. Atleast some pencils are erasers. (True)

II. All erasers being pencils is a possibility. (False)

18. (a)

The density of sea water is higher as compared to river water, so when a ship enters the sea from a
river, it rises. So, both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation A.

19. (d)

A person with blood group O is considered a universal donor. So, (A) is false and (R) is true because
group O blood does not contain any antigens.

20. (a)

When plaster of Paris sets into a hard mass, it keeps the fractured bones in a fixed position which
helps them to rejoin. So, it is used by doctors. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A)

21. (a)

The body of fish is streamlined which helps it to cut its way through the water.

22. (c)
Md. Nabi step down from his captaincy of ODI and T20 teams and Md. Nabi has actually batted
better as captain is one effects independent causes.

23. (a)

Many people are opting for change from private sector to public sector because worldwide recession
has created uncertainty in the job market. It is considered that public sector jobs are more certain than
the private sector jobs. So, statement (A) is the cause while statement (B) is the effect.

24. (b)

As government has imposed ban on government school teacher on joining private coaching classes, so
local teachers, union has called the one day strike against it. So, statement (B) is the cause and
statement (A) is its effect.

25. (d)

Course of action I is desirable on the basis of humanity. Course of action II will help for long time
means helpful for future.

26. (b)

Course of action I does not make sense as any kind of imposition because of negative effect. Course
of action II is likely to help things improve.

27. (b)

Reasons should be detected for the loss. Privatization of Indian Airlines is not a guarantee of making
it profitable organization. So, action I does not follow but action II follows, because it must curb its

Solution for question 28 to 30: From the given information we get the following result.

Task P Q+S R+S S T

Time 9 am – 11 11 am – 12 noon – 1 pm – 2 2 pm – 3
am 12 noon 1 pm pm pm

28. (c) Vijay would complete work R by 1 pm

29. (c) T can start at 2 pm

30. (b) Vijay can complete all the tasks by 3 pm

31. (d)
From the figure, it is clear that Ravi has to cover the distance BC in the South direction to reach at C.

32. (c)

Required distance = AD = (4 + 2)m = 6m

From the given information, we can draw the following family tree.

33. (d)

P is the grandmother of R

34. (a)

P is the housewife

35. (b)

R is heavier than only P. it means that P is the lightest and R is the second lightest

So, final order of weight is


So, Q is the heaviest.

36. (a)

13 – 1 33 – 3 53 – 5

Solution: (Q. Nos. 37 and 38)

@ means ‘>’

# means ‘<’

& means ‘≠’

% means ‘=’

37. (c) Given, 3M % 2N and N % 30

= 3M = 2N and m = 30

= 3M = 2N and N = 30

= 3M = 2 × 30

= 20 = M

= 20% M

38. (a) N@P, P#O, O@M and N%M

= N > P, P < O, O > P and N = M





39. (a) The sale of liquor was high due to the Holi which is a dry day so, (b) is the cause and (A) is its

40. (d) Bulb filament is made from tungsten because it has very high melting point so both (A) and
(R) are false.
Indian and Global Environment

1) a

2) c

3) b

4) d

5) b

6) b

7) d

8) c


10) a

11) b

12) d

13) a

14) c

15) b

16) a

17) d

18) a

19) c

20) b

21) c

22) d

23) c

24) a

25) c

26) a

27) b
28) d

29) a

30) c

31) b

32) a

33) c

34) b

35) d

36) a

37) c

38) a

39) b

40) d

Language Comprehension

1. (a)

As we are talking about mobility here, a positive word is required. Hence, benefits is the most

2. (d)

With age ‘at’ is used. Also, the past tense verb is required here.

3. (a)

In the first blank, we require a word which means ‘important’ or significant. Hence, central is
appropriate here.

4. (b)

As per the context of the sentence, if we are using the word ‘annotations’ here then transcriptions is
the only word makes sense here meaningfully.
5. (a)

Touch-and-go means to have an uncertain and possibly bad result

6. (d)

Red tapism is an idiom referring to regulations or conformity to formal rules or standards.

7. (a)

As per the given sentence, point of view of the consumers is more correct.

8. (d)

No correction is required here, as the sentence is correct as it is.

9. (b)

As ‘seeds’ is the plural subject here, there is a requirement of plural verb only.

10. (b)

Combined with must be used here instead of combined by.

11. (c)

Among is not used when talking about two parties. Between should come in place of among.

12. (b)

Magical and enchanted are both synonym pairs.

13. (c)

Blast and whomp are synonym pairs. Other options have no link.

14. (d)
Juggle means to cause to believe what is untrue. With respect to its meaning, hustle is the most
appropriate here.

15. (d)

Gargantuan means usually large. Monumental also means the same. Hence, D is correct.

16. (a)

Lengthen means to extend whereas abbreviate means to cut short.

17. (a)

Omnifarious means comprising or relating to all sorts or varieties.

18. (b)

Mono is the woot word which means single. Mania means a serious mental illness that may cause
somebody to be very excited or violent. Hence, the correct answer must be Monomania.

19. (d)

Following the flow of information and ideas, it can be easily deduced that PQRS is the most
appropriate sequence here.

20. (c)

S states the date on which earthquake shook the nearby island and other statements take forward
the narration.

21. (a)

The given fact is stated in the second paragraph of the passage.

22. (b)

The second last line of the last paragraph clearly states that attracting and retaining teaching faculty
is the severe problem faced by the government-run institutions.
23. (a)

The given passage mainly talks about changes introduced by the Medical Council of India. Hence, the
first title is the most appropriate here.

24. (c)

Flag something means to draw attention to information that you think is important, especially by
putting a special mark next to it.

25. (a)

The second statement is stated differently in the first line of the second paragraph.

26. (a)

As we are talking about differences between weather and climate here. That’s why B is the most
appropriate option.

27. (d)

As the passage mainly describes weather and climate. Informative tone is the most appropriate

28. (d)

Considering the description of climate and weather in the given passage, the last option is well

29. (c)

Both statements are given in the last paragraph of the passage.

30. (d)

Certain means doubtless; self-assured describes it most appropriately.

31. (b)

The given passage clearly states that most chocolate contains very few polyphenols, or even none at

32. (c)

As the given passage, mainly describes Cacao fermentation process. Hence, the process writing is
most appropriate here.

33. (d)

Both the statements are given in the passage. Hence, neither I nor II is the incorrect statement.

34. (b)

Ripening is the most appropriate synonym of the word sprouting.

35. (a)

Considering the context of the given line, a word with meaning as influence will be most appropriate

36. (b)

The passage at various places describes the after effects of COVID-19.

37. (d)

All the first 3 options are clearly mentioned in the passage. Hence, last option is the most
appropriate here.

38. (a)

The passage elaborates threats related to COVID-19 and also wants people to learn lessons from it.
Hence, the cautious tone is relevant.
39. (a)

Scepticism is the word related to confusion. Hence, first option makes sense.

40. (d)

Except D, all are antonyms of aggravate.

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