Tadevosyan 2021

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B r a i n He r n i a t i o n an d

Intracranial Hypertension
a, b
Aleksey Tadevosyan, MD *, Joshua Kornbluth, MD

 Cerebral herniation  Herniation syndromes  Intracranial pressure
 Intracranial hypertension  Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
 Hepatic encephalopathy

 Cerebral herniation is a devastating event, with high rates of morbidity and mortality, and
may manifest with symptoms, such as increased nausea, somnolence, and agitation.
 Intracranial hypertension and cerebral herniation are not synonymous. Although most
events of herniation do occur in the setting of intracranial hypertension, patients with
spontaneous intracranial hypotension and sinking skin flap syndrome may have cerebral
herniation with low or normal intracranial pressure.
 Treatment of intracranial hypertension involves conservative measures, such as head of
bed elevation and midline maintenance of neck position to improve intracranial venous
drainage, augmentation of mean arterial pressure to maintain appropriate cerebral perfu-
sion pressure, and higher-tiered therapies, such as hyperosmolar therapy, sedation and
pentobarbital coma, temporary paralysis, hypothermia, and surgical decompression.
 Critically ill patients with sepsis and multiorgan failure (liver failure or acute kidney injury)
and intracranial pathology are at higher risk of developing cerebral edema, intracranial hy-
pertension, and herniation. Care should be taken with seemingly innocuous therapies,
such as dialysis, because volume shifts may cause or exacerbate cerebral edema.


Intracranial pressure (ICP) is defined as the pressure measured within the intracranial
vault. This is a dynamic pressure consisting of a systolic, diastolic, and derived mean
pressure and may fluctuate physiologically. Normal ICP (measured as the mean) typi-
cally is 10 cm H2O to 20 cm H2O, or 7 mm Hg to 14 mm Hg. ICP is governed by the
relationship between volumes of brain tissue, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and intracra-
nial blood in the arterial and venous compartments. Expansion of any 1 of these results

Department of Neurology, Tufts University School of Medicine, Beth Israel Lahey Hospital and
Medical Center, 41 Mall Road, Burlington, MA 01805, USA; b Department of Neurology, Tufts
University School of Medicine, Tufts Medical Center, 800 Washington Street, Box#314, Boston,
MA 02111, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Neurol Clin 39 (2021) 293–318

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ncl.2021.02.005 neurologic.theclinics.com
0733-8619/21/ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
294 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

in compensatory decrease in 1 or more of the other, resulting in limited changes in ICP.

Furthermore, the cranium is considered nonexpansile after closure of the fontanelles
and, therefore, once these compensatory mechanisms are exhausted, an increase in
volume causes a pathologic increase in ICP (Fig. 1). This classically is referred to as
the Monro-Kellie doctrine, although recent data suggest that in vivo, the doctrine
might not be completely accurate.1
ICP is an important determinant of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Based on the
Monro-Kellie doctrine, it can be extrapolated that mean CPP 5 mean arterial pressure
mean ICP.2 In the uninjured brain with intact cerebral autoregulation, cerebral blood
flow (CBF) remains relatively constant within a wide range of CPP (approximately 50–
150 mm Hg), although this exact range may vary between individual patients, where
patients who are chronically hypertensive have the CBF/CPP curve shifted to the right
(Fig. 2).3 These patients may be more susceptible to cerebral ischemia in setting of
systemic hypotension (such as during septic shock). Autoregulation is maintained
largely via cerebral arteriolar reactivity, whereby, with preserved autoregulation, with
an increase in CPP. there is progressive vessel constriction maintaining an unchanged
CBF.4 As CPP increases past the point of maximal autoregulation, there is passive
vasodilation leading to increased blood flow and progressive hyperemia (see
Fig. 2).4 In patients with severe brain injury with complete loss of autoregulation, an
increase in systemic blood pressure, and therefore CPP, inadvertently may increase
CBF. This leads to increased cerebral blood volume in a brain with an already elevated
ICP, causing a further worsening of intracranial hypertension (see Fig. 2).
The individual patient characteristics, trends, and dynamics of ICP generally are
more important to patient management than isolated values, but mean ICP exceeding

Fig. 1. Cerebral compliance—pressure versus volume curve. In a compliant brain, relatively

larger changes in volume cause a small increase in ICP. As the various compartments of the
brain become full (mass lesion, edema or hemorrhage in the brain parenchyma, venous
congestion from cerebral sinus thrombosis, and hydrocephalus), however, even with the
slightest change in volume, there may be a large change in pressure. If untreated, this
may lead to intracranial hypertension and herniation. DV 5 Change in Volume, DP 5
Change in Pressure.
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 295

Fig. 2. Cerebral autoregulation. In healthy patients, as CPP is increased, the CBF remains
largely stable within the zone of autoregulation, where arteriolar muscle reactivity leads
to vasoconstriction in the face of increasing pressure. Under low pressures where vascular
tone is low, increase in pressure causes an increase in flow. Above the zone of autoregula-
tion, further increase in pressure leads to passive vessel dilation, hyperemia, and ischemia,
leading to hypertensive encephalopathy. In patients who are chronically hypertensive, the
zone of autoregulation is shifted to the right as a protective measure against systemic hy-
pertension. These patients may be more susceptible to cerebral ischemia with systemic hy-
potension (such as in shock). In patients with severe brain injury, autoregulation may be
lost; thereby, increase in perfusion pressure leads directly to increased CBF, increased intra-
vascular volume, and worsening of an already existing ICP crisis.

20 mm Hg to 25 mm Hg is defined as intracranial hypertension and generally is treated

aggressively.5,6 Intracranial hypertension may reduce CPP based on these principles
and lead to cerebral hypoperfusion and ischemia. Guidelines suggest a CPP greater
than 60 is a useful lower threshold of cerebral perfusion to maximize outcomes in
brain-injured patients.7 In addition to analysis of mean ICP, analysis of ICP waveform
when monitored may provide useful information about intracranial compliance and
may help guide care.8 An assessment of the degree of change in ICP to phasic
changes in the respiratory cycle or to provocative maneuvers, such as jugular vein oc-
clusion, also may give an examiner information about intracranial compliance.



For purposes of this review, acute intracranial hypertension and herniation are focused
on. More chronic causes of intracranial hypertension (eg, idiopathic intracranial hyper-
tension) and herniation (eg, slow-growing brain tumors) may cause significant
changes in anatomy and physiology separate from the acute changes discussed in
this article.
Intracranial hypertension may occur relatively uniformly in the cranium due to diffuse
injury, for example, anoxic brain injury or subarachnoid hemorrhage, or may occur in 1
or more brain compartments and cause a differential of pressure across intracranial
structures. This may lead to cerebral herniation, defined as a shift of brain tissue
through a naturally occurring opening in another tissue, which is a life-threatening
296 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

emergency and is associated with poor outcomes in a variety of neurologic disorders.9

Cerebral herniation may occur as a result of intracranial mass lesions, either focal or
diffuse, or of disorders of CSF circulation, and the clinical consequences are due to
the cause of herniation, the tissue that herniates, the degree of derangement of adja-
cent brain, and the time course at which herniation proceeds and is reversed. Cerebral
herniation is the common final pathway for many different diseases and may happen
along with an increase in ICP.
Initial signs of intracranial hypertension are somewhat nonspecific and include
headache, nausea, vomiting, increased somnolence and obtundation, and, at times,
worsening agitation. In the inpatient setting especially, it is difficult to ascertain
whether a patient’s worsening mental status is due to rising ICP or myriad other
causes, such as worsening infection, uremia, hyperammonemia, polypharmacy,
hypercarbia, and other acute central nervous system events, including seizure and
acute stroke. Although in most instances uncontrolled and rising ICP leads to hernia-
tion, there are cases where herniation occurs in the setting of normal or even low ICP
as well.10 Therefore, intracranial hypertension and cerebral herniation are not synon-
ymous. In the appropriate clinical context, brain herniation should be in the differential
in patients having an acute change in mental status. One of the most concerning fea-
tures of brain herniation is further injury to the brain microvasculature, and at times
larger vessels, which in turn can cause further tissue ischemia, increasing cytotoxic
edema and hemorrhage and worsening herniation. There are multiple anatomic pat-
terns of cerebral herniation, and, although most forms of herniation share certain clin-
ical features, such as acute change in mental status, they also may present with
unique and nuanced clinical manifestations, as discussed later and summarized in
Table 1.

Subfalcine Herniation
Subfalcine herniation consists of midline shift of the medial structures of the brain, pri-
marily movement of the ipsilateral cingulate gyrus underneath the falx cerebri (also
called cingulate herniation), caused by mass effect in the ipsilateral cerebral hemi-
sphere (Fig. 3A).11 Degree of herniation is quantified by measuring the midline shift
of the septum pellucidum at the level of foramen of Monro.12 Clinically, patients
demonstrate findings consistent with medial frontal lobe dysfunction, including abulia,
emergence of frontal release signs, and loss of initiative.13 In severe cases, subfalcine
herniation can cause unilateral or bilateral compression of the anterior cerebral ar-
teries, pericallosal artery leading to unilateral or rarely bilateral leg weakness, and
acute urinary retention.14–16

Descending Transtentorial Herniation

Descending transtentorial herniation (DTH) occurs when there is downward herniation
of brain matter past the tentorium cerebelli and can occur in 2 separate patterns:
lateral DTH and central DTH.11,12,17 Lateral DTH occurs with the displacement of
the parahippocampal gyrus past the edge of the tentorium (Fig. 3B).18,19 Most
commonly, this involves the herniation of the most medial part of the anterior temporal
lobe (uncus) causing compression of the midbrain and the contralateral cerebral
peduncle against the tentorial edge.12 Ipsilateral midbrain injury at this level manifests
with worsening of mental status and ipsilateral cranial third nerve palsy, resulting in a
dilated and unresponsive pupil. The ipsilateral posterior cerebellar artery (PCA) also
can be compressed with infarctions in the occipital lobe and medial temporal lobe.
Compression of the contralateral cerebral peduncle containing the uncrossed
descending corticospinal and corticobulbar pathways results in weakness ipsilateral
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 297

Table 1
Review of herniation syndromes11,12

Type of Herniation Displaced Structures Clinical Manifestation

DTH Anterior temporal lobe/uncus Ipsilateral CN3 palsy, ipsilateral
 Anterior lateral Posterior parahippocampal weakness, PCA territory
 Posterior lateral gyrus infarction,
 Central Midbrain and diencephalon Parinaud syndrome
PCA/SCA infarction, coma, various
cranial nerve injuries (pontine
Duret hemorrhages)
Ascending cerebellar Midbrain and median Pinpoint pupils, coma,
transtentorial cerebellar structures bradycardia, ventricular
herniation arrhythmia, respiratory arrest
Tonsillar herniation Cerebellar tonsils, medulla, PICA infarcts, obtundation,
and pons respiratory arrest, hemodynamic
Transalar herniation Inferior frontal gyrus Ipsilateral MCA stroke
 Descending Anterior temporal horn Ipsilateral MCA/ACA stroke
Subfalcine herniation Cingulate gyrus Ipsilateral or bilateral leg
weakness, frontal lobe
syndromes, acute urinary
retention, somnolence
Transcalvarial Area of brain herniating Symptoms may be determined by
herniation through craniectomy, with area of brain
compression of brain along adjacent to defect
edges of bony defect

Abbreviations: ACA, anterior cerebral artery; CN3, cranial nerve 3; PICA, posterior inferior cere-
bellar artery.

to the culprit supratentorial mass lesion (known as the false localizing sign) with a
newly upgoing toe an early finding.20
Increased mass effect in the posterior temporal lobe and occipital lobe can cause
herniation of the posterior component of the parahippocampal gyrus, resulting in
the effacement of the lateral quadrigeminal plate cistern as well as displacement
and torsion of the brainstem.11,19 The unique clinical manifestation of this type of her-
niation often is Parinaud syndrome, followed by coma if pressure is not relieved.11,12,21
Central herniation occurs when bihemispheric supratentorial mass effect results in a
downward herniation of the thalamus and midbrain through tentorial incisura and the
medulla through the foramen magnum.11 Radiographic findings occur in the rostral to
caudal direction with the effacement of the perimesencephalic cisterns, inferior
displacement of the quadrigeminal plate, and the basilar artery resulting in Duret hem-
orrhages.22,23 This is followed by acute obstructive hydrocephalus with increased
downward pressure as well as infarction of the vascular territories supplied by the
PCAs, resulting in increased cytotoxic edema and further compression on the brainstem
as herniation continues. Clinically, patients develop agitation, followed by obtundation,
with bilaterally poorly reactive and at times fixed midposition pupils, and then decorti-
cate followed by decerebrate posturing, Cushing triad, and coma, and death.12,24

Tonsillar Herniation
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation can occur in isolation in the setting of increased mass
effect in the posterior fossa or as a result of supratentorial pressure, in which case
298 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

Fig. 3. Representation of radiographic herniation. Radiographic examples of cerebral herni-

ation. All are CT images without contrast. (A) Subfalcine herniation after intracerebral hem-
orrhage. Arrow points to cingulate gyrus under the falx. (B) Uncal herniation after large
right MCA stroke. Arrow points to uncus causing displacement of the midbrain. (C) Transfor-
aminal tonsillar herniation after cerebellar stroke. Arrow points to cerebellar tonsil below
the level of the foramen magnum. (D) Transcalvarial herniation after DC for treatment of
severe TBI. Arrow points to the area of the brain compressed against bony defect and

tonsillar herniation accompanies downward transtentorial herniation (Fig. 3C).11,12

Acute tonsillar herniation (not to be confused with chronic or congenital tonsillar her-
niation, as seen in Chiari malformations) occurs when 1 or both of the cerebellar tonsils
herniate caudally through the foramen magnum. As with other types of herniation,
tonsillar herniation also can cause obstructive hydrocephalus with the effacement of
the fourth ventricle. Compression of the medulla causes decreased mental status, he-
modynamic instability, and respiratory arrest.25 The posterior inferior cerebellar ar-
teries can be compressed, leading to cerebellar infarcts.11,17

Ascending Cerebellar Transtentorial Herniation

Ascending cerebellar transtentorial herniation also occurs in the setting of increased
mass effect in the posterior fossa. Pressure within the medial structures of the
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 299

cerebellum may push the cerebellar vermis and cerebellar hemispheres superiorly
through the tentorial incisura.26 In some instances, rapid decompression of a supra-
tentorial mass or evacuation of hemorrhage may lead to this type of herniation.17
This also can occur in patients with sinking skin flap syndrome who had undergone
surgical decompression for large SDH, severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), or acute
stroke and are postcranioplasty. Cranioplasty, especially with placement of a negative
pressure subgaleal drain, is thought to induce a negative pressure environment supra-
tentorially, thereby pulling the posterior fossa anteriorly and cranially.9,27 As with other
types of herniation with pontomedullary compression, initial clinical symptoms include
obtundation, hemodynamic and respiratory instability, severe bradycardia, life-
threatening arrhythmias, and pinpoint pupils.28,29 There is evolution of pupillary size
from severely miotic to midposition fixed as herniation progresses with upward move-
ment of the midbrain.26 As with DTH, vascular compromise can occur with impinge-
ment of unilateral or bilateral superior cerebellar artery (SCA) or PCA.26,30
Importantly, patients with ATH usually do not have elevated ICP; therefore, clinicians
should not ignore the signs of herniation even with normal ICP if a monitor is present.

Transalar Herniation
Descending herniation occurs from mass effect in the frontal lobe whereby the inferior
frontal gyrus is displaced posteriorly and caudally with respect to the sphenoid wing.11
Ascending herniation occurs with the displacement of the anterior temporal lobe ante-
riorly in the cranial direction over the sphenoid ridge.11 The middle cerebral artery
(MCA) and supraclinoid internal carotid artery are displaced and compressed against
anterior clinoid process, resulting in ipsilateral anterior circulation stroke.11,12,17

Extracranial Herniation
Extracranial herniation describes protrusion of brain matter through a cranial defect
that was caused by trauma or surgery (Fig. 3D). As herniation progresses, brain tissue
may compress against the edges of the skull, causing both venous and arterial infarc-
tion. Clinical findings depend on the area of brain tissue that is herniating.


Although most instances of brain herniation occur in patients with elevated ICP, it also
has been described in patients with intracranial hypotension. Spontaneous intracranial
hypotension (SIH) usually occurs in the setting of a spinal CSF leak.31,32 Targeted or
blind epidural blood patch (EBP) is the mainstay of therapy. The most common clinical
manifestation is acute-onset orthostatic headache.33,34 Brain imaging often shows
smooth diffuse dural enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), whereas
in other conditions with dural enhancement, such as carcinomatous, granulomatous,
or bacterial meningitis, dural involvement is nodular, localized, and patchy.35,36 In se-
vere cases, patients rapidly can develop stupor followed by coma.37 On imaging, such
clinical deterioration coincides with caudal displacement of the brainstem, termed,
brain sagging, resulting in downward displacement of the thalamus onto the posterior
fossa, compression of the pons and midbrain against the clivus, impingement of ce-
rebral peduncles, and effacement of the basal cisterns, leading to obstructive hydro-
cephalus.38–40 Subdural hemorrhage (SD) and hygromas can be present and usually
are bilateral; however, unilateral collections occur as well.41–43 A diagnosis of SIH
may be missed or delayed in patients presenting with SD, especially if MRI, demon-
strating the typical features of SIH, is not completed. In lieu of this, it is important to
recognize the possibility of SIH, not hypertension, as the cause of neurologic decline
300 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

in patients admitted with nontraumatic SD. Some patients with bilateral subdurals and
intracranial hypotension may have bilateral midposition hypoactive and at times
nonreactive pupils with preserved consciousness. Without treating the underlying eti-
ology responsible for SIH, surgical decompression of SD while leading to temporary
improvement in clinical status leads to recurrent subdural collection formation usually
within hours of procedure and worsening caudal herniation because the brain now
exposed is to atmospheric pressure.42,43 On the other hand, when EBP is performed
prior to SDH evacuation and the leak is treated, patients rapidly may develop intracra-
nial hypertension because the mass effect from SDH remains. Henceforth, clinicals
should monitor patients with intracranial mass lesions who undergo EBP carefully.
In this condition, low ICP not always may be present; it is estimated that approxi-
mately 30% to 50% of patients with SIH have normal and sometimes even elevated
ICP.44,45 This makes accurate estimation of ICP in patients with SIH challenging, espe-
cially those with SD with midline shift and herniation from the subdural itself. Trende-
lenburg positioning has been used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in patients with
SIH and SD.46 Failure to improve neurologically after Trendelenburg positioning may
imply presence of intracranial hypertension from mass effect and may necessitate
evacuation of subdural fluid collections if the patient is in extremis, followed by treat-
ment of SIH.47


Management of intracranial hypertension is one of the main tenets of neurocritical

care. Elevated ICP from a distinct pathology if left untreated can cause further second-
ary neurology injury, with subsequent further increase in ICP leading to a difficult to
control feedback loop. Management can be divided into tiers, ranging from the funda-
mental neuroprotective measures of tier 0 to tier 3 therapies, such as hypothermia and
high-dose barbiturate coma, used in selected groups of patients (Table 2). The ICP
monitoring and treatment modalities presented in this section largely are from the
TBI literature; given the quality and depth of the clinical studies, however, they can
in part be generalizable to other conditions causing intracranial hypertension (Table 3).

Hyperosmolar Therapy
Hyperosmolar therapy long has been a mainstay in treating acutely elevated ICP, with
the most frequently used formulations being 20% mannitol boluses and hypertonic sa-
line (HTS), 2%, 3% 7.5%, or 23.4%, in the United States. Although recognizing the util-
ity in decreasing ICP, given the paucity of high-quality studies, the most recent
guidelines from the Brain Trauma Foundation do not explicitly recommend the use
of hyperosmolar therapy in patients suffering from intracranial hypertension with

Table 2
Tiers of therapy for intracranial pressure control

Tiers Treatments
Tier 0 HOB >30 , head/neck midline (facilitates venous drainage), euglycemia,
eucapnia, euthermia, SpO2 >94%, avoidance of hyponatremia and
hypotonic fluids, ICP <22 mm Hg, CPP goal >60 mm Hg
Tier 1 Hyperosmolar therapy, EVD placement for CSF diversion
Tier 2 Temporary hyperventilation, increased sedation, neuromuscular blockade
Tier 3 Barbiturates to achieve burst suppression, hypothermia, decompression
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 301

Table 3
General overview of conditions causing intracranial hypertension

Primary Causes of Acute

Intracranial Hypertension Main Treatments (in Addition to Tier 1 Therapies)
TBI Hyperosmolar therapy, decompression, burst suppression,
Acute ischemic and Hyperosmolar therapy, decompression
hemorrhagic stroke
Acute hydrocephalus EVD placement
Subarachnoid hemorrhage Hyperosmolar therapy, vasospasm management, EVD
Brain tumor Dexamethasone or alternative, decompression
Cardiac arrest Therapeutic hypothermia/targeted temperature
Acute liver failure Hyperosmolar therapy, RRT (aggressive ammonia
Meningitis/encephalitis/abscess Hyperosmolar therapy, antimicrobials, corticosteroids

TBI.48 Many of the studies investigating the use of mannitol and HTS in decreasing ICP
have been small retrospective studies and case series as well as meta-analyses pool-
ing a heterogenous group of patients (TBI, stroke, and intracranial hemorrhage).49–53
In 2008, a small prospective trial by Francony and colleagues54 compared the effects
of single infusion of equiosmolar doses of 20% mannitol and 7.45% of HTS on ICP.
Each arm had 10 patients and of 20 patients 17 were TBI patients and 3 with acute
ischemic stroke. After a prolonged infusion of approximately 20 minutes, both treat-
ment modalities seemed to have an equivalent decrease in ICP (by 37%–41%) with
sustained effect of approximately 120 minutes (with continued decrease in ICP by
23%–32%).54 In a 2015 study by Mangat and colleagues,55 the New York State data-
base of the Brain Trauma Foundation TBI-trac was analyzed retrospectively for pa-
tients admitted with severe TBI with Glasgow Coma Scale score (GCS) less than 8,
who had received either mannitol or HTS. There were 35 patients who received HTS
and 477 who received mannitol, and, after matching of baseline characteristics, 25 pa-
tients from each group were reviewed. There were no statistically significant differ-
ences in mortality at 2 weeks of therapy. In a follow-up study with the same
database, use of HTS was associated with a reduction in total number and percentage
of days with high ICP and low CPP.56
In 4 recent meta-analyses, there were no significant differences in mortality or favor-
able neurologic outcome between HTS and mannitol, although improved control of
intracranial hypertension with HTS.57–60 In the recent Seattle International Severe
Traumatic Brain Injury Consensus Conference (SIBCC) expert panel recommenda-
tions, sodium and osmolarity thresholds of 155 mEq/L and 320 mEq/L, respectively,
are recommended, above which administration of further hyperosmolar therapy likely
is futile.61 In the authors’ institution, alternating boluses of 3% HTS, 250 mL to 500 mL,
and mannitol, 0.5 g/kg to 1 g/kg, are used.

Steroids most often are used in patients with vasogenic and not cytotoxic cerebral
edema in an acute setting.62,63 Conditions in which vasogenic edema predominates
include brain tumors; demyelinating conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and acute
disseminated encephalomyelitis; and cerebral abscesses. The utility of corticosteroids
302 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

in treatment of cytotoxic edema, such as in ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage,

and TBI, has been studied; however, there is no clear evidence of clinical benefit. In a
meta-analysis by Wintzer and colleagues64 that included 7 randomized controlled tri-
als (RCTs) where dexamethasone was studied in patients with spontaneous intracere-
bral hemorrhage, there was no improvement in risk of death or morbidity, and there
was a nonsignificant trend toward increased risk of complications (hyperglycemia,
psychiatric symptoms, hypokalemia, and gastrointestinal bleeding). In a prospective
observational diffusion tensor imaging MRI study, dexamethasone administration in
TBI patients was associated with significant decrease in degree of pericontusional
edema, although there were no changes in clinical outcome.65

Sedation and Analgesia

Sedation and analgesia are important and universally utilized treatments in managing
patients with intracranial hypertension.66 The most common agents used in the neuro-
logical intensive care units in the United States for this purpose include fentanyl, pro-
pofol, and midazolam, and, if burst suppression is deemed necessary,
barbiturates.67,68 It is thought that sedation decreases cerebral metabolic rate and ox-
ygen consumption, leading to decreasing blood flow and blood volume and thereby
lower ICP.66,69–71 Sedation and analgesia also blunt the response to pain from trauma
and discomfort of the endotracheal tube, thereby minimizing episodes of hyperten-
sion, which, in patients with impaired autoregulation, may lead to ICP spikes.68 The
most common and concerning side effect of sedation is decreased cardiac output
and hypotension, which, if not anticipated, can have an adverse impact on CPP by
decreasing the mean arterial pressure.66,68 Other well-known common side effects
include bradycardia with dexmedetomidine use, ileus and possible bowel obstruction
with opiate use (especially in conjunction with paralytics for ICP control), refractory hy-
pokalemia with pentobarbital coma followed by rebound hyperkalemia, and propofol
infusion syndrome with propofol use, especially with doses higher than 4 mg/kg/h to
5 mg/kg/h.72–76 Propofol and midazolam are thought to be equivalent in their role in
ICP reduction.77 Addition of propofol to morphine improved outcomes compared
with morphine alone in a small RCT.78
Despite the pervasive notion that ketamine may raise ICP, there has been renewed
interest in its use for sedation given hemodynamically inert properties and perceived
decreased propensity in causing delirium compared with opiates and benzodiaze-
pines.68,79 According to 3 review articles of available literature, ketamine use was
not associated with significantly increased ICP.80–82 Most studies reviewed were small
prospective cohort and retrospective studies, and only 6 were focused on patients
with elevated ICP. In these 6 studies, however, no deleterious effect of ketamine on
ICP was noted.83–88 In a newly published review, Gregers and colleagues89 concluded
that although no studies have clearly shown that ketamine is harmful in patients with
elevated ICP, the quality of data available does not allow for a strong recommendation
of use of ketamine in patients with intracranial hypertension.
For hemodynamically stable patients with suprarefractory intracranial hyperten-
sion not responsive to tier 1 and tier 2 interventions to control ICP, barbiturates
have been used to achieve electroencephalogram burst suppression for ICP control.
In a multicenter prospective RCT from the 1980s by Eisenberg and colleagues,90 pa-
tients with severe TBI (GCS 4–7 with reactive pupils) and elevated ICP for specified
duration (with different ICP targets for patients who had a craniectomy) were ran-
domized into a conventional therapy arm (control) and treatment arm (pentobarbital
loading dose, followed by continuous infusion after). Conventional therapy included
head of bed (HOB) elevation, hyperventilation, morphine, paralytics, mannitol
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 303

therapy, and ventriculostomy. Some patients also had undergone craniectomy. Most
patients in the control arm eventually crossed over and received pentobarbital as
well. Patients who received pentobarbital were observed to have a significant
decrease in ICP, had an improved mortality outcome at 1 month, and neurologic
outcome at 6 months (death and vegetative state).90 In a prospective observational
study from Europe, outcomes of patients with severe TBI who received barbiturates
at 2 doses (high-dose group receiving >2 g/24 h for 3 consecutive days or until death,
n 5 71; and low-dose group, n 5 140) were compared with those who received con-
ventional therapy only (n 5 961).91 After adjusting for age, GCS score, and Injury
Severity Score, no statistically significant differences were observed in mortality at
hospital discharge and at 6 months.91 In a recent Cochrane review, use of barbitu-
rates was associated with decreased ICP, but this did not translate to improvement
in mortality or neurologic morbidity.92 The most recent BTF guidelines recommend
use of high dose barbiturate for suprarefractory intracranial hypertension in hemody-
namically stable patients.48

Hypothermia after cardiac arrest has been known to improve mortality and neuro-
logic outcomes in patients with cardiac arrest.93,94 It is less clear whether hypother-
mia also improves outcomes in patients who have intracranial injury from other
pathologic processes, with TBI remaining the most feverishly studied pathology. It
has been theorized that hypothermia conveys its beneficial effects via multiple
mechanisms, including reduction of mitochondrial dysfunction and free radical for-
mation, blunting of reperfusion injury, preservation of blood-brain barrier with a
resultant decrease in vasogenic edema, and antithrombotic effects leading to
decreased cerebral vascular microthrombosis.95–97 It is unclear in which patient
population hypothermia should be instituted, including its timing and duration. A
few small, earlier trials have shown that hypothermia may improve mortality and
neurologic outcomes in patients with severe TBI.98–101 In a meta-analysis of 20
RCTs between 1993 and 2011 comparing therapeutic hypothermia (<36 C) versus
normothermia that included 1885 adult patients with severe TBI, hypothermia was
associated with significant reduction in poor neurologic outcome and mortality,
albeit the investigators themselves state of inherent bias and low quality of some
of the included trials.102 In recent years, there have been few large, RCTs that eval-
uated both prophylactic and therapeutic use of hypothermia in patients with severe
TBI. In a multicenter RCT (National Acute Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia II [NABIS:
H II]), patients with severe TBI were randomized to normothermia and hypothermia
groups where cooling was administered to 33 C for 48 hours within 4 hours to 5 hours
of randomization.103 This study did not show a difference in death or severe disability
within 6 months of follow-up. In a subgroup analysis of patients who received surgi-
cal evacuation of hematoma with bone flap off to relieve pressure, however, those
who underwent concurrent hypothermia did statistically better than the control
group.103 Similar conclusions were reached in a previous small RCT, where patients
with severe TBI who had undergone unilateral craniectomy on admission were found
to have favorable neurologic outcome at 12 months after admission after undergoing
moderate hypothermia (33 C–35 C) for approximately 4 days after surgery.104 In the
larger Eurotherm3235 RCT, patients with severe TBI who had undergone hypother-
mia (32 C–35 C) for 48 hours as rescue therapy and replacement for hyperosmolar
therapy (followed by hyperosmolar therapy if needed) did not have improved neuro-
logic outcomes at 6 months and had a statistically significant increase in unfavorable
outcome and all-cause mortality.105 Similarly, in the most recent trial (Prophylactic
304 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

Hypothermia Trial to Lessen Traumatic Brain Injury-Randomized Clinical Trial), in

which patients with severe TBI were prophylactically cooled to 33 C for 72 hours
on initial contact (including out-of-hospital cooling to 35 C and re-evaluation on
arrival to emergency room), compared with standard therapy, there were no differ-
ences in neurologic outcome or death at 6 months.106 One weakness of these
studies is that higher-tiered therapies perhaps were instituted more aggressively
than necessary thereby diluting the effect of the intervention being studied. Another
caveat is that maintenance of normocapnia during hypothermia may induce a hypo-
carbic state and, therefore, chronically decreased cerebral perfusion in patients un-
dergoing hypothermia as because-corrected PaCO2 is lower than measured.107,108
The Targeted Therapeutic Mild Hypercapnia After Resuscitated Cardiac Arrest: A
Phase III Multi-Centre Randomised Controlled Trial (TAME Cardiac Arrest Trial)
currently is investigating this concept.


The decision for any surgical treatment of high ICP and/or cerebral herniation must be
based on the likelihood of benefit to the patient’s outcome. Surgical treatment of intra-
cranial hypertension and herniation usually is targeted at the site of the most mass ef-
fect from the acute injury. Surgical treatment targeted at augmenting CSF drainage
through ventriculostomy catheter placement remains the primary surgical intervention
in diffuse brain injuries. Intracranial hypertension and herniation due to acute hydro-
cephalus is best treated with extraventricular drain (EVD) placement and is preferred
over the use of a lumbar drain due to the risk of transforaminal herniation. EVD place-
ment with continuous CSF drainage currently is supported by the guidelines for
ischemic cerebellar stroke,109 spontaneous ICH,110 and TBI.48

Surgical Resection of Mass Lesion

Surgical resection of lesions causing mass effect may immediately lower ICP and
reduce herniation, although not always associated with a prompt and significant
improvement in patient condition. Expedient surgical intervention has shown the
most benefit for extra-axial hematomas and for cerebellar ICH greater than 3 cm in
diameter or with hydrocephalus and/or brainstem compression.110 The STITCH II trial
included 601 patients with spontaneous lobar ICH without IVH and showed a nonstat-
istically significant but nevertheless clinically relevant benefit for spontaneous super-
ficial ICH.111 Surgical evacuation may still be considered as a life-saving measure for
select patients.

Decompressive Craniectomy in Traumatic Brain Injury

Decompressive craniectomy (DC) involves creating a large unilateral or bilateral bone
window(s), with or without durotomy, to allow for a larger compartment for a swollen
brain and negating the Monro-Kellie doctrine. The DECRA trial showed that early
(within 72 h of injury) bifrontotemporoparietal DC decreased ICP but was not associ-
ated with a better outcome than the control arm.112 The follow-up, the RESCUEicp
trial, allowed for unilateral or bilateral DC and resulted in a lower mortality for patients
randomized to receive surgery though with higher rates of vegetative state and severe
disability compared with medical care.113 An important distinction is that in the RES-
CUEicp trial, surgical decompression was reserved as a last resort therapy after other
higher-tiered medical interventions were exhausted (excluding barbiturate coma).
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 305

Hemicraniectomy in Large Hemispheric Stroke

DC also has been considered for treatment if elevated ICP and herniation after large
hemispheric stroke. A meta-analysis of 3 RCTs, DECIMAL, HAMLET, and Destiny,
looking at DC for large hemispheric stroke showed that early (<48 h after onset) DC
significantly improved survival (78% DC vs. 29% control) and resulted in varying levels
of the severity of disability measured at 1 year.114 A more recent review and meta-
analysis reached the same conclusion.115 Decision making regarding DC in large
hemispheric stroke must be made with the understanding the DC may be life-
saving and should be predicated on the degree of infarction and patient-specific char-
acteristics and preferences. It must be stressed, however, that across these trials
approximately 50% of surviving patients under 60 years old and approximately 80%
above 60 years old survived with severe functional disability (modified Rankin scale
score 4–5) at 12 months’ follow-up.

Hepatic Encephalopathy and Intracranial Hypertension
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) refers to a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric symptoms
in the setting of acute or chronic liver dysfunction and is classified via the following 4
factors: underlying disease, severity of manifestation, time course, and existence of
precipitating factors (Table 4).116,117 Conditions causing HE include drugs, toxins,

Table 4
Characteristics of hepatic encephalopathy116,117

Classification Subclassification Features

Underlying disease process Type A Acute liver failure
Type B Portosystemic bypass
Type C Cirrhosis
Severity of symptoms Minimal Subtle clues identified on neuropsychiatric
Grade I testing
Grade II Trivial lack of awareness
Grade III Euphoria or anxiety
Grade IV Shortened attention span with impairment
of addition or subtraction
Altered sleep rhythm
Lethargy or apathy
Disorientation for time
Obvious personality change, with
inappropriate behavior
Somnolence to semistupor but responsive
to stimuli
Confused with gross disorientation
Bizarre behavior
Time course Episodic Episodes of self-limited HE during lifetime
Recurrent Multiple events of HE occurring at <6 mo
Persistent Symptoms always present with varying
Precipitating factors None Infections, electrolyte and metabolic
Precipitated disturbance, gastrointestinal bleeding
306 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

and infections leading to acute liver failure, decompensated chronic cirrhosis, and
certain inborn errors of metabolism.118–121 Cytotoxic and vasogenic edema is a hall-
mark of HE and is in part mediated by hyperammonemia. A detailed discussion of
the complex and incompletely understood pathophysiology of ammonia-induced ce-
rebral edema is outside the scope of this article, but in short it includes a complex
interplay between direct cerebral neurotoxicity of ammonia and other cytokines and
impaired cerebral perfusion as a result of a sepsis-like physiology with high output car-
diac failure, low systemic resistance, and hypotension from seepage of proinflamma-
tory mediators from the splanchnic circulation into the systemic circulation.122–124
Ammonia metabolism primarily occurs in the liver, where it is converted to urea. It
also occurs in the skeletal muscle tissues and the brain, where ammonia is metabo-
lized into glutamine.121 The kidneys play an important role in excretion of ammonia:
in healthy patients, approximately 20% of daily ammonia clearance occurs via renal
excretion.121,125,126 Therefore, critically ill patients with liver dysfunction and acute kid-
ney injury (often caused by the liver dysfunction itself) are at higher risk of developing
Although it is thought that abnormal ammonia levels in the serum do not always
correlate with neurologic symptoms, it has been demonstrated that high levels
(>200 mmol/L) seem to be associated with increased risk of cerebral edema, intracra-
nial hypertension, and herniation.127–129 Treatment of hyperammonemia primarily in-
volves increased gut excretion, with lactulose and rifaximin being mainstays of
therapy, whereas decreasing protein intake. Renal replacement therapy (RRT) is
another important treatment of elevated ICP in patients with hyperammonemia.130,131
Timing and duration of RRT remain understudied, but it is argued that early initiation
may lead to better outcomes.132,133 In a prospective clinical trial, Slack and col-
leagues134 showed an average 22% median decrease in serum ammonia levels within
24 hours of continuous RRT and directly correlated with filtration rate. Methods of RRT
are important to consider as well. Although it would be quicker to perform intermittent
hemodialysis (HD), there is some evidence that continuous RRT might be a safer op-
tion given the graded removal of ammonia and less risk of rebound cerebral
edema.135,136 Current guidelines from the European Association for the Study of the
Liver recommend continuous forms of RRT over intermittent HD in patients with
As in patients with primary neurologic injury (TBI or acute stroke), there is evidence
that hyperosmolar therapy can decrease ICP in patients with acute liver failure, and
sodium level of at least 145 mmol/L is recommended.120,131,138 In the authors’ institu-
tion, hyperosmolar therapy usually is instituted after serial head CT scans show pro-
gressive edema in conjunction with worsening clinical status and rising ammonia
levels. Many patients with hyperammonemia concurrently are hyponatremic; thus,
care should be taken to not raise the sodium level too rapidly given concerns of os-
motic demyelination syndrome. Therapeutic hypothermia has been used in patients
with acute liver failure with intracranial hypertension with variable success.139,140 In
a prospective study by Jalan and colleagues,141 14 patients with intracranial hyperten-
sion and acute liver failure were cooled to 32 C to 33 C as a bridge to liver transplan-
tation after failing standard medical therapy. Prior to cooling, the mean ICP was
36.5 mm Hg and CPP of 40.1 mm Hg, and at 4 hours the mean ICP decreased to
16.3 mm Hg and CPP increased to 66.4 mm Hg. These changes persisted for at least
the next 24 hours. Of the 14 patients, 1 patient died of brain herniation, and the rest
underwent liver transplantation within a median of 32 hours of cooling with complete
neurologic recovery. In a prospective nonblinded RCT by Bernal and colleagues,142 46
patients with acute liver failure and intracranial hypertension were randomized into a
Brain Herniation and Intracranial Hypertension 307

33 C (moderate hypothermia [MH]) and 36 C (control) groups for 72 hours. No statis-
tically significant differences were noted in hospital mortality (41%–46%) or rate of
complications. In the MH group, however, none of the patients who received trans-
plantation died whereas in the control group 33% of the patients (4/12) undergoing
transplantation passed away. Other treatments of hyperammonemia with variable
success include medications and ammonia scavenging agents, such as high dose
L-carnitine, hydroxocobalamin, biotin, arginine, L-ornithine phenylacetate, and sodium

Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome

HD is a frequently used procedure for RRT in patients with end-stage renal disease
(ESRD). The primary aim of RRT is to mimic the function of the kidneys by removing
the excess body water, urea, and other generated toxic solutes by ultrafiltration.
Removal of solutes via HD may cause intracerebral volume shifts. Increased brain vol-
ume after HD has been described in both animal and human studies.147,148 Clinical
manifestations of rapid removal of volume and solute via HD has been termed, dialysis
disequilibrium syndrome (DDS), and can present with benign symptoms, such as
headache, nausea, and dizziness, to severe signs, such as stupor and coma.149 Pre-
sentation usually is within 24 hours of dialysis and often during the procedure it-
self.150,151 It is postulated that in patients with ESRD there is an increase in cerebral
intraparenchymal urea and other hyperosmolar solutes (idiogenic osmoles) to main-
tain brain-blood osmolar steady state in response to increased overall serum osmolar-
ity.147,151,152 During HD, as volume and solutes are rapidly removed, the osmolarity in
brain tissue is thought to exceed that of plasma, causing influx of water into the brain
leading to cerebral edema.150,153,154 In a second hypothesis, correction of acidosis af-
ter HD results in elevation of serum bicarbonate and carbon dioxide, which after diffu-
sion into brain tissue causes in situ acidosis after conversion into carbonic acid, further
augmenting formation of osmolar solutes.150,155–157 In a study by Walters and col-
leagues,148 the average increase in brain volume after HD was approximately 3% of
total brain volume.
Although in most patients these shifts may cause some mild symptoms during dial-
ysis, in critically ill patients with brain injury and elevated ICP, even the slightest in-
crease in volume may induce cerebral herniation.158 In a small case series by
Kumar and colleagues,159 1 patient with acute IPH and 1 patient with bilateral acute
SDH while undergoing HD for baseline ESRD developed clinical signs of herniation.
Head CT imaging in both patients showed effacement of basal cisterns and worsened
edema without change in size of hemorrhage. Although most commonly occurring in
patients with an already compromised blood-brain barrier, elevated ICP, and reduced
intracranial compliance, DDS with herniation also has been described in critically ill pa-
tients with sepsis undergoing HD for acute renal failure without known intracranial pa-
thology.160,161 Other conditions associated with DDS include severe metabolic
acidosis, especially in the contexts of extremes of age,162,163 new dialysis, having
missed multiple dialysis sessions,164,165 carcinomatous and bacterial meningitis,166
hydrocephalus,167 and hypertensive emergency149,168 (Box 1). There also are case re-
ports of patients developing leukoencephalopathy and osmotic demyelination instead
of generalized edema and herniation.169–171
In place of intermittent high-volume HD, continuous venovenous HD (CVVHD) with
lower rate of filtration has been proposed as a safer alternative.150,160 Even with
CVVHD, however, there have been 2 cases of DDS during dialysis.172 Clinicians
should be mindful that patients who have been receiving hyperosmolar therapy and
now are hypernatremic may have an acute drop in sodium levels if the default bath
308 Tadevosyan & Kornbluth

Box 1
Risk factors associated with development of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome

Primary intracranial processes with elevated ICP (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, TBI, SD,
subarachnoid hemorrhage)
Conditions causing cerebral edema (acute demyelinating conditions, encephalitis,
hypertensive emergency, hyperammonemia)
Conditions leading to breakdown of blood-brain barrier (neoplastic, inflammatory and
infectious meningitis, sepsis, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura–hemolytic uremic
syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation)
Hyperosmolar state (hyperglycemic nonketotic coma, uremia, hypernatremia)
Severe metabolic acidosis
Missed dialysis days or new to dialysis
Extremes of age

composition is used where sodium concentration usually is 135 mEq/L to 140 mEq/L.
At the authors’ institution, 3% saline infusion frequently is continued simultaneously
with CVVHD to dampen the serum sodium fall. Especially in patients with intracranial
injury undergoing any form of RRT, clinicians should rapidly recognize signs of clinical
decompensation and act to relieve cerebral edema and ICP.


Improved methods of rapid identification and prediction of those at highest risk of

developing intracranial hypertension and herniation as well as patients most likely to
benefit from aggressive treatments are needed. Potential tools for making these deter-
minations may include a combination of the neurologic examination, radiographic im-
aging, assessments of cerebral ischemia and tissue stress, ICP, regional CBF,
cerebrovascular reactivity, electrophysiology, and others. This approach to assess-
ment is termed multimodal monitoring.173 Currently, evidence remains weak for robust
recommendation of certain aspects of multimodal monitoring (mainly surgical place-
ment of intracranial monitors), given its invasive nature, resource utilization, cost,
and generalizability. In addition, noninvasive technologies, such as automated pupill-
ometry,174 optic nerve sheath diameter detection with ultrasound,175 near-infrared
spectroscopy,176 cranial accelerometry, and electroencephalogram spectrum anal-
ysis,177 among others, all are showing promise to screen for cerebral herniation, mea-
sure ICP, and trend response to therapy without need for invasive surgical


The authors have nothing to disclose.


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