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Unit 8. Data Analysis

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Data analysis

Feyera Senbeta (PhD)

The Meaning of Statistics
Several Meanings
 Collections of numerical data

 Summary measures calculated from a

collection of data

 Activity of using and interpreting a collection of

numerical data
A Meaningful Statistic (Significant)?
 Statistics, descriptive or inferential are NOT a
substitute for good judgment
 Decide what level or value of a statistic is
 State judgment before gathering and analyzing
 Score on performance test of 80% is passing
 Pre/post rules instruction reduces incidents by
Interpretation of Meaning
 Population Measure (statistic)
 There is no sampling error
 The number you have is “real”
 Judge against pre-set standard

 Inferential Measure (statistic)

 Tellsyou how sure (confident) you can be
the number you have is real
 Judge against pre-set standard and state
how certain the measure is

Descriptive Statistics
 Gives numerical and
graphic procedures to Inferential Statistics
summarize a collection  Provides procedures
of data in a clear and to draw inferences
understandable way about a population
from a sample
Descriptive and Inferential
 Descriptive statistics: Mathematical methods (such as
mean, median, standard deviation) that summarize and
interpret some of the properties of a set of data (sample)
but do not infer the properties of the population from
which the sample was drawn.

 Mathematical methods (such as hypothesis

development) that employ probability theory for deducing
(inferring) the properties of a population from the
analysis of the properties of a set of data (sample) drawn
from it.

Did it happen by chance?
 How do you know if something caused or
correlates with something else?
 The appropriate Statistic will tell you:
 If there is a difference from some expected value

 If the difference is statistically significant or merely

due to random chance

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Descriptive Statistics

Summarize or describe the

important characteristics of a
known set of population data

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Descriptive Statistics

Design Descriptive Statistics

Survey Studies Percentages, measures of
central tendency and variation

Causal comparative studies Measures of central tendency &

variation, percentages, standard
Experimental Measures of central tendency &
variation, percentages, standard
scores, effect sizes
Types of descriptive statistics
 Statistic is a quantitative index that describes
performance of a sample or samples

 Parameter is a quantitative index describing the

performance of a population

 Measures of central tendency are used to determine the

typical or average value among a group of values

 Measures of variability indicate how spread out the

values are

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Descriptive Statistics (Vocabulary)
 Central tendency
 Standard deviation
 Normal distribution
 Standard score
Descriptive Measures
 Central Tendency measures. They are
computed to give a “center” around which the
measurements in the data are distributed.

 Variation or Variability measures. They

describe “data spread” or how far away the
measurements are from the center.

 Relative Standing measures. They describe

the relative position of specific measurements in the
Measures of Central Tendency

Sum of all measurements divided by the number
of measurements.

A number such that at most half of the
measurements are below it and at most half of the
measurements are above it.

The most frequent measurement in the data.
Example of Mean

Measurements Deviation
x x - mean
 MEAN = 40/10 = 4
3 -1
5 1
5 1  Notice that the sum of the
1 -3 “deviations” is 0.
7 3
2 -2
6 2  Notice that every single
7 3 observation intervenes in
0 -4
4 0
the computation of the
40 0
Example of Median
Measurements Measurements
 Median: (4+5)/2 =
x x 4.5
3 0
5 1
5 2
 Notice that only the two
1 3
central values are used
7 4 in the computation.
2 5
6 5
7 6
 The median is not
0 7 sensible to extreme
4 7 values
40 40
Example of Mode

5  In this case the data have
5 tow modes:
7  5 and 7
2  Both measurements are
7 repeated twice
Example of Mode
 Mode: 3
7  Notice that it is possible for a
3 data not to have any mode.
Graphing data
 Provides a quick view of the what your data is telling

 There are various types of graphs which are used in

statistics including bar graphs, histograms, scatter
plots, pie charts, frequency polygons etc.

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Example group of test scores

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Frequency Polygon and Pie Chart

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Common mistakes
 Use of one dataset as graph & table
 Use of one dataset as frequency and %
 Which graph to use histogram, pie chart,
 The importance of making graph
Sample Bar Graph

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Sample Histogram

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Sample Scatter Plot

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Frequency Distributions
Frequency distributions are like frequency
polygons; however, instead of straight lines,
a frequency distribution uses a smooth
curve to connect the points and, similar to a
graph, is plotted on two axes.

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J Shaped Curve

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Bimodal Curve with Two Peaks

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Positively Skewed Bell Curve

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Negatively Skewed Bell Curve

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Symmetric Bell Curve/Normal

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What is the Normal Distribution ?
•Where did it come from and why is it so special?

• It is just about anything you measure turns out

to be normally distributed, at least approximately

•That is, usually most of the observations cluster

around the mean, with progressively fewer
observations out towards the extremes

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Sample Histogram

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Just about any histogram can be
converted into a line graph

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Which can be used to plot a
normal distribution

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But how do we get from the
normal to the standard normal?

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Measures of variability
 Range – Difference between the highest and
lowest values (high value -low value = range)
 Variance S2
 Standard Deviation S
 variation of values about the mean

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Measures of variation – range
 Range= highest value-lowest value

Bank waiting time values:

Values of 4, 7, 7 the range is 7-4 or 3

With values of 1, 3, 14, the range is 14-1 or 13

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Other key measures of variation
 S2= Variance

 S Standard Deviation

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Measures of variation –
standard deviation


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The Z statistic will allow you to
standardize a normal

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Inferential Statistics
 To generalize or predict how a large
group will behave based upon
information taken from a part of the
group is called INFERENCE
 Techniques which tell us how much
confidence we can have when we
GENERALIZE from a sample to a
Inferential Statistics (Vocabulary)
 Null hypothesis
 Alternative hypothesis

 Level of significance
 Type I error
 Type II error
Collecting a random sample
 Goal: to understand characteristics about a population

 What’s the average household income of the 09 Kebele

 What proportion of people living in Dire Dawa Town have had

Estimating the mean
 One of the most common goals of statistical
inference is estimating a population mean
with a sample mean
Central Limit Theorem
 When we have n independent, identically distributed
(X1..Xn) random variables, the mean of those random
variables approaches a normal distribution with mean =
µ and variance = 2 , as n gets large.

 Independence of random variables means that the value

of one observation has no effect on the value of another

 Identical distribution of random variables means that

each random variable comes from the same population
(e.g., roll of a die, coin flip).
Simple random sampling
 Each observation drawn does not depend on others
 Thus observations are independent

 Each observation (i.e., each random variable) is

identically distributed
 The population has a distribution that doesn’t change (each
observation is randomly drawn from an identical distribution –
the distribution of the population).

 So the Central Limit Theorem applies!

(when n is large)
What does this mean?
Suppose we take a sample of n=50
observations from a population that frequency
has this distribution:

0 10 20 30
Mean (µ) = 20
Variance ( ) = 100
Std. dev ( ) = 10

We then find the mean of this sample (suppose this mean = 19). Take
another sample of 50 observations and find the mean (suppose it’s 24).
Do this many times, and we’ll come up with a distribution of means. The
Central Limit Theorem tells us this distribution will always look like the
next slide (as long as n is “large”, and 50 is large enough):
The normal curve

16 18 20 22 24
Mean (µ) = 20 Sample size (n) = 50 variance of sample mean = =2
 Population Parameter: µ

 Estimate: ẋ

 Expected: E
Basic Types of Inference
 Point Inference
 The value of a population parameter µ is estimated using a
single value ẋ

Examples: mean, standard deviation, etc.

 Interval Inference
 Attaching a probability to an estimate (i.e., making a
confidence interval)

 Example: we are 95% confident that µ is between 10 and 20

Judging the Quality of the
 ˆ )and
Bias – the difference between E (Θ Θ
(i.e., Bias = E (Θ
ˆ )−Θ

 Bias may be positive or negative (e.g., a

positively biased estimator would indicate the
population parameter is higher than it actually is)

 Efficiency – how clustered the distribution of

is (i.e., how “peaked” is its distribution) Θ̂
Point Estimates (inferring population
parameters from samples)
 Population Mean: µ=x

 Population Proportions: π = P = X /n

 Population Variance: σ 2 = s2

 Population Standard Deviation: σ = s

Confidence Intervals
 The degree of confidence we have in our estimates defined
by a percentage

 Common examples: 90, 95, or 99% confident

 The confidence interval is defined with the α symbol

 In confidence intervals, alpha (α) is the proportion of time

your confidence interval is wrong

 The typical usage is: zα / 2

 Why do we divide by 2?
Confidence Interval Example
 What is the 95% confidence interval for a normally distributed

 α= 1 - desired confidence interval

 α= 1 – 0.95 = 0.05

 Remember that we divide α by 2 since we have uncertainty both

above and below the mean (i.e., 2 tails)

 Therefore we use z0.025 for the 95% confidence interval

 From the z-table we find that z0.025 = 1.96

 What does this mean?

Interval Estimation (making confidence
intervals for population parameters estimated
from samples)
 Case #1 estimating an interval for µ when X is
normally distributed and we know σ

 This is the simplest case because normality

allows us to use the z-table

 This is also unlikely since it requires knowing the

distribution and the σ (which implies knowing µ
Example #1: Create a confidence
interval for µ
 A town is considering building a new bridge over a
river. The primary goal is to reduce workers’
commute times from a particular community. A
random sample of workers in that community are
asked to estimate their reduction in commute time if
the bridge were built.

Our goal is to estimate the mean reduction in

commute time for the whole community if the bridge
were built. Create a 95% confidence interval for this
Example #1 Data
 n = 100 workers are sampled
 x = 17 minutes
 σ = 30 minutes
 What is the 95% confidence interval for
the mean?
Constructing a confidence interval
 Construct a 95% confidence interval around the sample mean
σ σ
P( X − 1.96 ≤ µ ≤ X + 1.96 ) = 0.95
n n

30 30
P(17 − 1.96 ≤ µ ≤ 17 + 1.96 ) = 0.95
100 100

P(17 − 1.96 * 3 ≤ µ ≤ 17 + 1.96 * 3) = 0.95

P(17 − 5.88 ≤ µ ≤ 17 + 5.88) = 0.95

 So we can say that the 95% C.I. is 17 +/- 5.88 or 11.12, 22.88
Example #1 Questions
 What would happen to our interval if we
used a 99% confidence interval instead?

 What would happen to our confidence

interval if we sampled 200 people instead
of 100 people?
Interval Estimation (making confidence
intervals for population parameters estimated
from samples)
 Case #2 estimating an interval for µ when X is
not normally distributed and we know σ

 In this case the n matters a lot, why?

 This is also unlikely since it requires knowing the

distribution and the σ (which implies knowing µ
Interval Estimation (making confidence
intervals for population parameters estimated
from samples)
 Case #3 estimating an interval for µ when σ and
the distribution are unknown

 What should we used instead of σ?

 Can we use the z-table in this case?

 This case is what we see most commonly

t-distribution vs. z-
 When we only have s (and not σ) we use the t-
distribution rather than the z-distribution

 To do so we use the t-table

 How are they different?

 The t-distribution changes depending on the degrees of
freedom (n-1)
 This is reflected in the table and in the symbol tα / 2,n −1
 The t-distribution accounts for more uncertainty (i.e., wider
confidence intervals) since s is just an estimate for σ
t-distribution vs. z-distribution
 As n approaches infinity t and z become equal

 This means that even when we have s instead of σ we can use the z-
distribution if n is large
 Central Limit Theorem: “…as n gets large.”
 What is “large”?
 Rule of thumb: 30

 For n less than 30, the distribution of x does not follow the normal
distribution accurately enough.

 But the distribution of x does closely follow a t-distribution for sample

sizes of less than 30.

 For this class use the t-distribution any time you have s instead of σ
Example #2

 n = 16
 x = 30
 s2 = 1600
 What is the 95% C.I. for the mean?
Example #2
 s = 40
 Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 15
 tα / 2,n −1 = t0.05 / 2,16 −1 = t0.025,15 = 2.131(from the t-table)
s s
P ( X − 2.131 ≤ µ ≤ X + 2.131 ) = 0.95
n n

40 40
P (30 − 2.131 ≤ µ ≤ 30 + 2.131 ) = 0.95
16 16

P (30 − 2.131 *10 ≤ µ ≤ 30 + 2.131 *10) = 0.95

P (30 − 21.31 ≤ µ ≤ 30 + 21.31) = 0.95

 The 95% confidence interval for the mean is (8.69, 51.31)

Interval Estimation (making confidence intervals
for population parameters estimated from
 Case #4 estimating an interval for a proportion π
based on a sample proportion p

 Remember that p = x/n

 In other word, p = the number of “successes” divided by
the number of samples
 For example: the proportion of people over 6ft tall

 In this case we don’t need s or σ, but we do need

the standard deviation of p: π (1 − π )
σp =

Which we estimate as: p (1 − p )

 sp =
Interval Estimation (making confidence intervals
for population parameters estimated from
 Case #4 continued
p (1 − p) p(1 − p )
 Equation: p − zα / 2 ≤ π ≤ p + zα / 2
n n
 We use the z-distribution for estimating an interval for a
proportion π based on a sample proportion p

 This also limits us to using only large samples (in this case n >

 For smaller samples, we calculate the entire distribution using

the binomial mass function: P ( x ) = C xnπ x (1 − π )(i.e.,
n− x
solve for
all x values)
Example #3
 n = 150 people at a convention
 63 people sampled were over 6 feet tall
 What is the 99% C.I. for the true
proportion of all people ≥6 ft tall at the
Example #3
 p = 63/150 = 0.42
 99% C.I. -> z α /2 = z0.005 = 2.58 (from the z-table)

p(1 − p) p(1 − p)
p − zα / 2 ≤ π ≤ p + zα / 2
n n

0.42 * 0.58 0.42 * 0.58

0.42 − 2.58 ≤ π ≤ 0.42 + 2.58
150 150

0.42 − 2.58 * 0.04 ≤ π ≤ 0.42 + 2.58 * 0.04

0.42 − 0.104 ≤ π ≤ 0.42 + 0.104

 The 99% confidence interval for p = 0.42 is (0.316, 0.524)

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