Pipes and Piping Components For Plants: Company Specification

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Eni S.p.A.

Exploration & Production division





Rev. 3

December 2007

3 Revisione generale Tecnomare MECC Motti Dec. 07

2 Emissione in accordo alle Direttive CEE STIN IMPI STIN Jul. 97

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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REV. 3 December 2007
Exploration & Production division
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Rev. 2 22 Sheets
July 1997
Issue according to CEE regulations

The revision has been carried out in accordance with CEE Standard
requirements, requiring the highlighting of functional requirements and
the deletion of discriminatory elements.

In this specification the installation functional requirements previously

expressed in specification 05892.PIP.GEN.PRG for off-shore plants and
05908.PIP.GEN.PRG for on-shore plants have been unified.

Matters concerning the design have been transferred in specification


Rev. 3 25 Sheets
December 2007
General Revision

This specification has been reviewed by restructuring chapters

according to 14044.VAR.GEN.RWP and 14045.VAR.GEN.RWP and
normative references have been revised.

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1.1 Scope

1.2 Normative references

1.2.1 European normative references

1.2.2 Normative references of ISO, IEC and national organizations
1.2.3 Normative references of other organizations
1.2.4 Laws
1.2.5 Internal normative references


2.1 Operative environment

2.2 Functional requirements

2.2.1 Aboveground piping

2.2.2 Underground piping
2.2.3 Piping to centrifugal pumps
2.2.4 Piping to the equipment
2.2.5 Piping to furnaces
2.2.6 Piping to turbines
2.2.7 Piping to compressors
2.2.8 Tube bundle exchanger piping
2.2.9 Wellheads piping
2.2.10 Piping for compressed air lines
2.2.11 Piping blow-down
2.2.12 Vents and drains
2.2.13 Valves
2.2.14 Sample outlets
2.2.15 Service stations
2.2.16 Frost protection
2.2.17 General layout requirements

2.3 Ergonomics

2.4 Safety

2.5 Requirements for Quality Management and Quality Assurance

2.6 Additional Test Requirements

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1.1 Scope

This specification defines basic requirements for the installation of

piping and piping components. Design requirements are reported in
specification 05892.PIP.MEC.SDS.

This specification applies to piping and piping components located

inside the plant (on-shore plants or production platforms); requirements
for piping components connecting with pipelines or sealines are
reported in other documents of Internal Normalisation.

Application of this document shall be taken into account only in extra-

European countries according to ANSI/ASME and/or similar regulations.

1.2 Normative references

1.2.1 European normative references

Not applicable since all components comply with ANSI/ASME


1.2.2 Normative references of ISO, IEC and national organizations

Not applicable since all components comply with ANSI/ASME


1.2.3 Normative references of other organizations

API Spec. 6A Specification for Wellhead and

Christmas Tree Equipment

API Std 610 Centrifugal pumps for general

Refinery Service

API Std 617 Centrifugal compressors for general

Refinery Service

ASME B 31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum

Refinery Piping

NEMA SM 23 Steam turbines for mechanical drive


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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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1.2.4 Laws

No laws applicable to the argument exist. This document can apply in

non-EU countries if it respects all applicable laws of the country in
which operations are carried out.

1.2.5 Internal normative references

05329.PIP.MET.PRG Piping Supports – Design Criteria

05395.PIP.MEC.DWG Typical piping assembly – Line

sample point connections (SP1-SP2)

05396.PIP.MEC.DWG Typical piping assembly – Line

sample point connections (SP3)

05397.PIP.MEC.DWG Typical piping assembly – Line

sample point connections (SP4 –

05398.PIP.MEC.DWG Typical piping assembly – Vessel

sample point connections (SP6)

05887.OPF.SAF.SDS Oil Production Platforms - Safety

General Criteria

05894.PIP.GEN.SDS Piping And Piping Components Of

Line For Plants - Assembling And
Inspection Of Piping

15701.PIP.MEC.SDS ‘Y’, ‘TEE’ and ‘Temporary for flanges’


15801.PIP.MEC.SDS Manual Valves

20199.VON.SAF.SDS Onshore Installations - Safety

General Criteria

20200.GPF.SAF.SDS Gas Production Platform - General

Safety Criteria

20243.VON.SAF.SDS Onshore Installations - Design Layout

And Safety Spacing

20251.GWH.MEC.SDS Graphic Symbols For Mechanical


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2.1 Operative Environment

When defining Piping and piping components positioning / storage, the

environmental conditions of the installation site defined in design
specifications shall be anyway taken into account.
All environmental elements that might affect the component reliability
shall be taken into account; such as:

- Minimum and maximum temperatures;

- Wind direction and speed;
- Elevation above sea-level;
- Condensate Build-up;
- Solid presence (sand, dust);
- Corrosive or polluting substances presence;
- Possible moulds formation;
- Seismic events;
- Possible direct or indirect contacts;
- Mechanical stress and vibrations during normal operation;
- Electromagnetic influences;
- Explosion or fire hazard

2.2 Functional Requirements for installation

2.2.1 Piping Above ground level

As a rule, all the process and service piping in off-shore plants shall be
installed above ground level.
As a rule, in plant and service areas, overhead piping will be routed on
pipe racks.
Outside these areas, and in interconnecting zones, piping will
preferably be arranged on ground on concrete supports.

In case of multi-floor pipe-rack, piping conveying service fluid will

preferably be located at the upper floor.
The space between the axis of two contiguous pipes shall be, as a
minimum, equivalent to the sum of half the external diameter of the
flange of bigger diameter or of bigger pressure rating, plus half the
external diameter of the minimum pipe plus about 25 mm.

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If one or both the pipes are insulated or steam traced insulated, the
previous distance will be increased by 50 mm.

In general, branch connections shall be installed at the bottom of the

lines conveying liquids and in the upper part of the lines conveying gas
or steam.
All the process and service piping at battery limit of a plant or group of
plants shall be equipped with block valves and eventually with
spectacle blind.

2.2.2 Piping Below ground level

2.2.3 Piping for drainage in closed circuit, sewers, cooling and fire-fighting
water will generally be installed below ground level.

Below Ground level shall be less than 100 mm at least in comparison

with the frost-line and in any case with a minimum overlapping of 0.5 m
of embankment.
Smaller embankments are allowed if alternative suitable protection is
Piping below ground level shall be externally protected from corrosion.
Diameter of piping below ground level shall never be less than 2”.
Insulated piping or with temperature over 100°C could not be installed
below ground level.

2.2.3 Piping to centrifugal pumps

a) Suction lines

When, between the suction line and the nozzle of an horizontal pump, a
horizontally installed reduction is foreseen, this shall be of eccentric
type and with the flat side upwards.
For big pumps equipped with distributing baffle, the suction lines shall
be arranged in such a way as to achieve a uniform distribution of the

Suction lines shall be equipped with a strainer between the block valve
and the relevant nozzle. The strainers shall have a port cross section,
approximately equal to:

- 3 times the pipe section for ND ½” ÷ 1” ½;

- 2 times the pipe section for ND 2” ÷ 12”;
- 1.5 times the pipe section for ND >12”.

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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The filters shall be:

- permanent, if required for process reasons, and unless otherwise

indicated, of Y-type, for ND ½” ÷ 8”;

- temporary, screen type, to be installed during start up of the plant

for ND ≥ 1” ½;

- permanent strainers shall be provided with valve drain and

connected to a drain funnel.

A block valve on suction line shall always be provided. The diameter of

the valve shall be chosen according to the nozzle and pipe diameter,
and particularly:

- when the pipe diameter is equal or larger by one size than the
pump nozzle size, the block valve shall have the same diameter of
the pipe;

- when the pipe diameter is two or more size larger than the pump
nozzle size, the valve diameter shall be one size smaller than the
pipe size.

The following table shows what has been previously stated:


8” 8” 8”
8” 6” 8”
6” 4” 6”
8” 4” 6”
10” 6” 8”
12” 6” 10”

b) Discharge line

A check valve and a block valve shall always be present on discharge

line, unless otherwise indicated.
The check valve shall be located between the pump and the block
valve as protection against over pressure and possible liquid re-flux in
case of shutdown with block valve open. The valve diameter shall be
selected according to the nozzle and pipe diameter, and particularly:

- when the nozzle diameter is equal to or a size smaller than the

pipe size, the block valve and check valve diameter shall be the
same as the nozzle size;

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- when the nozzle diameter is two or more sizes smaller than the
pipe size, the block valve and check valve diameter shall be one
size larger than the nozzle size.

The following table shows, as an example, what has been previously



8” 8” 8”
8” 6” 6”
6” 4” 4”
8” 4” 6”
10” 4” 6”

When pumps (main/stand-by units) deal with fluids with temperature

over 200°C, or the lines are equipped with heating liquid or tracing, a
“by-pass” on the retain valve - on-off valve group shall be foreseen.
This valve by-pass shall have ¾” diameter, unless otherwise indicated
on process flow diagram.

c) Drains for purging line

Suction and discharge lines which can be subject to purging operations

shall be equipped with valved drains both upstream and downstream of
block valve at the suction and discharge sides.
In this way, the pump will be excluded from purging circuit to avoid any
damage of the mechanical seals during this operation.

d) Supporting

Suction and discharge lines shall be supported by using adjustable

supports close to the machine. Centrifugal Pumps: loads on nozzles

Allowable loads on nozzles of process lines shall not be greater than

two times the value showed in the table 2-1A, API 610 8th Edition on
each nozzle. Allowable loads on nozzles greater than DN 16” shall be
agreed with the pump supplier.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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2.2.4 Piping to Equipment

Pipes intended to connect pieces of equipment shall be installed

leaving enough space for access and maintenance operations, in order
to avoid direct stress on the pipes themselves.

All the valves shall be installed, if possible, directly to equipment


In onshore plants, the boilers will preferably be turned towards the pipe-
rack piping. The opposite side will therefore be available for the service
platforms and relevant connecting stairs.

Safety relief valves on vapour-line:

- if discharging into the atmosphere, shall be located at the highest


- if discharging into a closed circuit, shall be located at the lowest

point along the column, with respect to the elevation of the blow-
down header. Piping to Equipment: loads on nozzles

Allowable loads on carbon steel equipment nozzles, such as columns,

vessels, exchangers, shall comply with table 1 unless otherwise specified
in the supply specification issued for order or in the data sheets issued for
the specific project.
Allowable loads for stainless steel, non-ferrous material or alloy
equipment shall be half the value given in table 1.

Supplier shall assume forces and momentum defined in table 1 in

simulatenous action on each component and direction added to the
design pressure.

In the following tables, maximum allowable loads acting on the surface

between nozzle and shell of the vessel are listed:

Fr (kN) = Radial Force Mt (KN m) = Torque

Fc (kN) = Circumferential Force Mc(kN.m) = Circumf Momentum
Fl (kN) = Longitudinal Force Ml(kN.m) = Longitud Momentum

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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(columns, vessels, exchangers)
Nozzle Rating
150 lb 300 lb 600 lb 900 lb 1500 lb
(KN) (KNm) (KN) (KNm) (KN) (KNm) (KN) (KNm) (KN) (KNm)
2” 1.5 0.3 1.5 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5 2 0.5

3” 3 0.8 3 1 3.5 1.5 4 1.5 5 2

4” 3.5 1.5 3.5 2 4 2.5 5 3 6 3.5

6” 6 3.5 6 6 8 7 10 9 12 10

8” 7 6 7 9 12 14 14 16 20 21

10” 9 9 9 13 18 18 18 25 27 34

12” 12 13 12 19 24 26 25 39 33 53

14” 13 18 13 21 26 36 28 43 40 60

16” 16 24 16 29 32 48 35 58 52 81

18” 17 30 20 38 34 60 44 77 - -

20” 22 32 21 40 44 64 48 84 - -

24” 25 41 29 54 50 82 68 118 - -

Flange Rating :150# and 300#

DN 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 42” 46”

Fr 39.0 42.0 45.0 48.0 51.0 54.0 63.0 69.0
Fc 29.3 31.5 33.8 36.0 38.3 40.5 47.3 51.8
Fl 39.0 42.0 45.0 48.0 51.0 54.0 63.0 69.0

Mt 76.1 88.2 101.3 115.2 130.1 145.8 198.5 238.1

Mc 50.7 58.8 67.5 76.8 86.7 97.2 132.3 158.7
Ml 114.1 132.3 151.9 172.8 195.1 218.7 297.7 357.1

Dia 48” 54” 56” 60”

Fr 72.0 81.0 84.0 90.0
Fc 54.0 60.8 63.0 67.5
Fl 72.0 81.0 84.0 90.0

Mt 259.2 328.1 352.8 405.0

Mc 172.8 218.7 235.2 270.0
Ml 388.8 492.1 529.2 607.5

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Flange Rating : 600#

Dia 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 42” 46”

Fr 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 105.0 115.0
Fc 48.8 52.5 56.3 60.0 63.8 67.5 78.8 86.3
Fl 65.0 70.0 75.0 80.0 85.0 90.0 105.0 115.0

Mt 126.8 147.0 168.8 192.0 216.8 243.0 330.8 396.8

Mc 84.5 98.0 112.5 128.0 144.5 162.0 220.5 264.5
Ml 109.9 127.4 146.3 166.4 187.9 210.6 286.7 343.9

Dia 48” 54” 56” 60”

Fr 120.0 135.0 140.0 150.0
Fc 90.0 101.3 105.0 112.5
Fl 120.0 135.0 140.0 150.0

Mt 432.0 546.8 588.0 675.0

Mc 288.0 364.5 392.0 450.0
Ml 374.4 473.9 509.6 585.0

Flange Rating : 900#

Dia 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 36” 42” 46”

Fr 78.0 84.0 90.0 96.0 102.0 108.0 126.0 138.0
Fc 58.5 63.0 67.5 72.0 76.5 81.0 94.5 103.5
Fl 78.0 84.0 90.0 96.0 102.0 108.0 126.0 138.0

Mt 152.1 176.4 202.5 230.4 260.0 291.6 396.9 476.1

Mc 101.4 117.6 135.0 153.6 173.4 194.4 264.6 317.4
Ml 131.8 152.9 175.5 199.7 225.4 252.7 344.0 412.6

Dia 48” 54” 56” 60”

Fr 144.0 162.0 168.0 180.0
Fc 108.0 121.5 126.0 135.0
Fl 144.0 162.0 168.0 180.0

Mt 518.4 656.1 705.6 810.0

Mc 345.6 437.4 470.4 540.0
Ml 449.3 568.6 611.5 702.0

Note: Stresses on DN larger than 24” shall be considered only in case they are
explicitly required in the project documentation.

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2.2.5 Piping to furnaces

In on-shore plants, burners utility headers (fuel oil and fuel gas,
atomisation steam) shall be arranged with vertical bundle, along the
furnace walls, supported by the frame of the same furnace.

Control valve groups, on furnace utility headers, shall be assembled in

a single area close to the same furnace. Process control valves, if any,
shall also be located close to the utility control valves, in order to group
the instrumentation part to make easy the operators’ job.

The space between each valve in the manoeuvring groups for the
burner utilities shall be enough to easily reach the manoeuvring

Piping shall keep into consideration the disassembling of the burner.

2.2.6 Piping to turbines

All the low points of the turbine casing shall be provided with steam

The steam feeding pipe shall be valved at the branch from the header
and close to the turbine. Upstream the turbine, a suitable condensate
discharge system shall be installed. A permanent strainer shall be
provided on the steam feed line.

The turbine discharge, if connected to a header, shall be equipped with

a block valve and a safety valve upstream, designed on the basis of
maximum design conditions expected for the discharge. Piping to turbines: loads on nozzles

Allowable loads on process nozzles of steam turbines, shall be

according with NEMA SM 23 standard regulations.

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2.2.7 Piping to compressors

Generally, the piping will reach compressors from the bottom to make
accessibility and maintenance operations easy. This is particularly valid
for complex machines, such as those operated by a condensing-type
turbines with lubrication system, snubbers and coolers.

Piping will be arranged according to the type of machine to be fed. In

any case, in compliance with plant requirements, the machine shall be
left as free as possible, and always accessible with bridge crane,
monorail or by other devices provided for maintenance.

On suction piping of any stage, the installation of cone-type temporary

strainers shall be provided.

For piping connected to reciprocating compressors, the pressure

surges shall be analysed by suitable devices, taking into consideration
the following circuit elements:

- suction line up to first stage of the system;

- all the lines with intermediate coolers and separators;
- discharge line from last stage cylinder, up to the first equipment or
large capacity header.

As a general rule, the maximum pressure surge shall be less than 6%

of the average discharge pressure.
In order to be within the limits established for pressure surges some of
the following modifications may be provided:

- variation of piping linear development;

- insertion of diaphragms;
- insertion of dampening surge chambers;
- variation of line size;
- modification of the circuit connecting diagram.

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Sheet 15 of 25 Piping to alternative compressors: loads on nozzles

Allowable loads on process nozzles of alternative compressors shall be

corresponding to forces and momentum induced from adiacent pipes and
defined in the following table.

DN Pipe
Resulting allowable Force Resulting Allowable Momentum
2” to 10” 1.38 N/mm2 41 N/mm2

12” to 20” 1.38 N/mm2 27.5 N/mm2

Resulting force and momentum, given by multiplying allowable stress,

from table, respectively by pipe section area and by section modulus.
Forces caused by seismic events acting on process components shall be
arranged with the equipment supplier.
Allowable stress on nozzles larger than DN 10” of rating class 600# e
900#, shall be subject to arrangements between Company/Contractor
and Supplier. Piping to centrifugal compressors: loads on nozzles

Allowable loads on process nozzles of centrifugal compressors shall be at

least 3 (three) times values expected in NEMA SM 23 with a high factor
arranged with supplier.

2.2.8 Tube extractable bundle exchanger piping

The piping arrangement at shell & tube heat exchangers shall be

designed in such a way that part of the lines can be disassembled to
allow the removal of the bundle during maintenance.
A suitable supporting shall be provided in order to reduce, within the
allowed limits, the load due to the piping on the equipment nozzles.

2.2.9 Well-head piping

For connection lines to wellhead, attention must be paid to the following


- for offshore installations, the line completion occurs in open sea

and only after dismantling of the wellheads; therefore, flanged or
clamped connections, where welding is not possible, shall be

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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- piping are rather rigid due to their remarkable thickness; therefore

a study of their arrangement in order to obtain a flexible enough
layout and minimise the stress to wellhead may be necessary.
Moreover, in offshore plant installations, it shall be taken into
account the relevant oscillation of the wellheads in comparison
with the level of the piping support; oscillation due to thermal
expansion of the casing where the wellhead is placed and to the
settling of the platform during the time;

- should the production fluid convey sand or abrasive material,

“TEE” pieces shall be used instead of curves for direction
changes. The “TEE” pieces with caps shall be suitably oriented in
such a way that the process fluid does not beat on the wall of
“TEE” piece but on the stagnating fluid on the bottom of the cap.
The base (cap) can be flanged (or replaced by flange or blind
flange) when periodic is envisaged;

- in crude oil flow lines the first “TEE” piece will be located at no less
than 10 diameters of straight length from the choke valve;

- the location of fitting foreseen for corrosion or erosion tests shall

take into account the dimensions of extractor and the space
needed for this operation;

- the components of the wellhead are subject to API Spec. 6A rule,

therefore the applicability of the design rule ASME B31.3 begins
downstream the wing valve;

- no fixed piping shall be installed in the vertical well, as well as in

the adjoining area.

2.2.10 Piping for compressed air lines

Sub-manifold and user branch pipes shall be provided at the top of

manifold to avoid condensate entrainments.
On the main manifolds it shall be necessary to have a branch with
bottom connection for drainage of condensate, if any, provided with an
accessible valve at its end.
Some drainage points, easily accessible, shall be forecast in the circuit.

A branch connection shall be provided on main header with valve and

cap in order to allow extensions without stopping operation.

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2.2.11 Piping blow-down

The branching-off of a discharge pipe from the blow-down header shall

always be at the top of the pipe and with an inclination of 45° in the
direction of the flow. Side branching-off is allowed provided that the
branch slopes towards the main header.
The blow-down header shall run with a slope of minimum 5‰ towards
the separator avoiding intermediate pockets of the liquid.

2.2.12 Vents and drains

All the lines, which are not open drains, shall be provided with vents at
the highest point and drains at the lowest points.
Valves may be replaced by a plug if the vent is expected only for test
All the process and instrumentation drains, frequently used, shall be
conveyed in to the open or closed drainage systems.

2.2.13 Valves

Manual block valves shall be operated, in order of preference, as


- from grade;
- from walkways;
- by extension;
- by chain.
Normally, valves should not be installed with valve stem below the
horizontal position.

Valves manoeuvring shall be made easy by gear operators, whose use

shall be in accordance with specifications 15801.PIP.MEC.SDS
(manual valves) and 20451.PIP.GWH.SDS (wellhead gate valves) and
the relevant Data Sheets of normalized single valve.

The height of the handwheel axis from the manoeuvring floor will
preferably be 1200 - 1400 mm, in any case it shall not exceed 2200

Butterfly valves shall be provided with gear operator for operations with
extension or chains.

All the valves, with an end not connected to a line, shall be equipped
with blind flanges or caps.

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Sheet 18 of 25 Control valves

The following criteria shall be followed for the installation of regulation


- control valves with ND < 2” shall be equipped with “by-pass “ and

block valves.
For larger sizes, when the “by-pass” is not provided, the control
valve shall be fitted with a manual control device.
Diameters of block valves and “bypass”, to be provided on control
valve sets, will be in accordance with table 2;

- a valved drain shall be provided upstream each control valve

between that valve and block valve;

- “bottom-pipe” elevation of each control valve shall be as a rule 500

mm form the working floor;

- a free clearance of 300 mm shall be left over the top of the valve
cap to allow the disassembling of it and of the support. Blowdown valves

Blowdown valves shall be installed as near as possible the equipment

nozzle to be blocked and with stems in horizontal position or, anyway,
within the induction range allowed by the valve manufacturer. Safety relief valves

Safety relief valves shall be located as close as possible to the

equipment which is to be protected and must be accessible for
checking and maintenance.
Discharge of safety valves for non dangerous fluids venting into the
atmosphere shall be arranged or conveyed in a safe area.
Safety valves shall always be installed on the lines that may be shut off
at their end, when the line internal fluid at the maximum ambient
temperature, can reach pressure level higher than the rating of the line

When it is required that the discharge of safety valve is connected to a

closed circuit (blow-down), the valve shall be installed higher than the
header in order to create a natural drainage.
Otherwise, means which prevent the liquid from stagnating in the
discharge pipe shall be provided.
The pressure drop between the vessel and the safety valve, if not
otherwise specified by documents issued for the specific project, shall
not exceed 3% of the calibrating pressure of the valve itself.

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With separators or vessels two interchangeable safety valves (one as

spare) with “change over” or “locked open” shall be installed for security

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Sizing of block and by-pass valves on control valves sets

SERVICE 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14
BLOCK 1/2 3/4 1 1 1 1/2
BY-PASS 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4

BLOCK 3/4 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2

BY-PASS 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1
BLOCK 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2
BY-PASS 1 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2
BLOCK 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 2

BY-PASS 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2
BLOCK 2 2 3 3
BY-PASS 2 2 2 2
BLOCK 3 3 4 4
BY-PASS 3 3 3 3
BLOCK 4 4 6 6
BY-PASS 4 4 4 4
BLOCK 6 6 8 8
BY-PASS 6 6 6 6
BLOCK 8 8 10
BY-PASS 8 8 8
BLOCK 10 10 12
BY-PASS 10 10 10
BLOCK 12 12
BY-PASS 12 12
BY-PASS 14 Thermal expansion valves

Thermal expansion valves, when used for protection of a line section

which can be shut off from two sides, shall be installed following the
criteria indicated for safety valves in paragraph

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Sheet 21 of 25 Battery limits

All the process and utility piping at the battery limits of one unit or a
group of linked units, shall be equipped with block valves and, if
needed, with a spectacle blind.

2.2.14 Sample outlets

Sample outlets, unless otherwise indicated, shall be carried out by a ¾”

pipe and final ½” globe valve; they shall be in compliance with
05395.PIP.MEC.DWG, 05396.PIP.MEC.DWG, 05397.PIP.MEC.DWG
and 05398.PIP.MEC.DWG documents.
They shall not be located in dead point on the line and the connecting
pipe shall be as short as possible.

Consistently with the maximum allowable lengths of the connecting

piping, the sample outlet shall be grouped and a suitably sized drain
funnel shall be located on the vertical projection of the sample outlet
Sample outlet on equipment and piping with temperature ≥ 80° C shall
be provided with a cooling device.

2.2.15 Service stations

In process areas, pump and compressors areas and where necessary

for maintenance and cleaning reasons, service stations shall be
provided with quick coupling for connection of flexible hoses. The
concerned services will be:
compressed air, low-pressure steam (for on-shore plants), water and
further services, if required.

The connection diameter shall be ND ¾”; the hose lengths will be 15 m,

if not otherwise specified in documents issued for the specific project.
The quick couplings shall be arranged with respect to the operator as
follows: compressed air on the left, steam on the centre and water on
the right.
For safety reasons, the quick couplings shall preferably be oriented

2.2.16 Frost protection

The frost protection of utility piping shall be performed with the following

- for long shut down periods, all circuits shall have valved drains at
lowest points in order to allow the emptying of these circuits;

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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- water circuits equipped with return system shall be provided, next

to utilities inlet and outlet, with block valves; a “by-pass” between
return and discharge, shall be foreseen in order to guarantee
circulation, and suitable drains for equipment drainage;

- water circuits without any return, shall have a block valve in

proximity of users; a valved branch shall be foreseen upstream the
valve, in order to allow circulation, discharging a very limited flow
rate, and suitable drain connections downstream the block valve,
user side, to allow the drainage of dead sections;

- block valves at branches from headers shall be located as close

as possible to the header itself in order to avoid long sections with
stagnating fluid and to make the branch fully drainable;

- the service air circuit shall have, at the tail appendices, valved
vents and drains to assure the continuity of flow and the drainage
of the condensate;

- for on-shore installation, in case of underground water headers,

block valves at the user shall be located immediately above
ground level;

- for on-shore installation, all the firefighting hydrants shall be self-


- for on-shore installation, all the steam traps shall be thermo-static

or thermodynamic (the latter with vertical installation). Bucket or
float type traps, if not replaceable, shall be protected by heating.
For off-shore installation, steam traps of air system shall be float
type, and protected with heating, if required in the specifications
issued for the specific project.

2.2.17 General layout requirements

The arrangement of the unit areas, storage areas and shipment

devices, within the limited area, shall be set taking into account the
following factors:

- soil characteristics;
- main roads and rail access ways;
- location of the pipelines which connect the site with the outside;

Il presente documento è RISERVATO ed è di proprietà di ENI E&P. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né sarà utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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- direction of the main winds;

- local legal regulations concerning the location of units and storage
facilities. Arrangement of the units

Arrangement of the various process units, and the utilities inside the
unit area, shall consider the number and dimension of the same and
shall be based on economic, operability and safety considerations
which shall respect the requirements included in specifications
20199.VON.SAF.SDS and 20243.VON.SAF.SDS for on shore plants,
20200.GPF.SAF.SDS and 05887.OPF.SAF.SDS for off-shore plants. Pipe rack

For steel pipe-rack support plates shall have the following heights:

- main pipe rack 4.60 - 6.20 - 7.80 m

- individual and secondary pipe rack 3.80 - 5.40 - 7.00 m

The above mentioned values, which are suggestive and shall be

verified from time to time, have been determined taking into account
maintenance and operation concerns
The design of a pipe-rack, after sizing the piping, shall consider the
space needed for maintenance and for operation: in both situations
safety shall be granted Centrifugal pumps

Horizontal pumps shall preferably be located below the side portal

frames of the pipe rack, with the hydraulic section facing outward.
If pumps are located in double row, a free space (minimum 3 m)
between two alignments is requested to allow the passage of mobile
Pipes and accessories shall be located in such a way as to give access
to at least one of the long sides of pump-motor group and to the motor.
Discharge piping shall preferably be aligned with one another.
The height of base plates shall be 200 mm.
Deviations are allowed for pumps with particular dimensions, with
respect to block valve manoeuvrability and feasibility on pump

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This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of ENI E&P. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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2.3 Ergonomics

Piping shall be located in such a way to:

- not to hamper the escape and normal ways;

- to respect the operative requirements;
- to be accessible for safety, maintenance and calibrating

Moreover, ergonomic impacts, if relevant, are indicated inside each


2.4 Safety

All the safety requirements, stated in the following specifications, shall

be complied with:

05887.OPF.SAF.SDS Oil production platform General

safety criteria

20199.VON.SAF.SDS Onshore installations - Safety

general criteria

20200.GPF.SAF.SDS For production platform -

General safety criteria

20243.VON.SPE.SDS On shore installation - Design

layout and safety spacing

2.5 Requirements for Quality Management and Quality Assurance

Further additional Requirements for Quality Management and Quality

Assurance Management are included in the applicable management
specification attached to bid.

2.6 Additional requirements for review

This specification supplies piping and components installation

requirements; test requirements are included in the specification
dedicated to each components, such as:

05894.PIP.GEN.SDS Pipes and piping components for

plants - Assembling and testing of
steel piping components

15801.PIP.MEC.SDS Manual valves

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15701.PIP.MEC.SDS ‘Y’, ‘Tee’ and ‘Temporary filters for


20451.PIP.GWH.SDS Wellhead installations - Gate valves

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