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Workshop Manual: Training For Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response

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and Response
E mergen c y P repa re d ne s s
RESEARCH Training for
R E AC T O R / T Radiation Emergency
Preparedness and Response

Workshop Manual
IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual


INFORMATION FOR THE COURSE ........................................................................................... 2

WORKSHOP PLAN ....................................................................................................................... 4
Workshop structure ..................................................................................................................... 5
WORKSHOP PROGRAMME...................................................................................................... 14
RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................... 15
Responsibility of the Course Director ....................................................................................... 15
Responsibility of the IAEA Technical Officer .......................................................................... 15
TECHNICAL ASPECTS .............................................................................................................. 16
Faculty ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Equipment and supplies ............................................................................................................ 16
Exposure control ....................................................................................................................... 16
WORKSHOP EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE..................................................................... 17
ATTACHMENT 1 List of participants ......................................................................................... 20

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual


TITLE: IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response

HOST INSTITUTE: [Provide host country/organization]

DATE: [Provide dates]

ORGANIZERS: International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the [Host

PARTICIPANTS Determined by [host or Invitation]

THE WORKSHOP: By the end of the workshop, the participants will:
⇒ understand the risk of emergencies at research reactors and their
potential consequences
⇒ understand the basic concepts of emergency preparedness and
response, including objectives of emergency response and
preparedness, emergency planning categories, planning areas and
zones, planning levels and responsibilities, emergency classes,
conditions and immediate actions, and integrated planning concepts
⇒ understand the step-by-step approach to developing and implementing
emergency response plans
⇒ be able to identify critical tasks and recognize the need for their
⇒ be able to describe a simple concept of operations for emergency
preparedness for research reactors
⇒ know the infrastructure and functional elements of a response
capability for emergency planning for research reactors
⇒ be able to:
⇒ classify an emergency
⇒ make appropriate off-site notifications
⇒ take appropriate actions to protect on-site staff
⇒ implement appropriate off-site protective actions
⇒ treat injured and exposed personal
⇒ provide timely and informative information to the public
⇒ make appropriate international notifications and request
assistance from IAEA
⇒ be familiar with IAEA publications that can be used in developing an
emergency response capability to include:
⇒ GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or
Radiological Emergency
⇒ EPR-RESEARCH REACTOR, Generic Procedures for Response
to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency at Research Reactors
⇒ GSG-2, Criteria for Use in Preparedness and Response for a
Nuclear or Radiological Emergency
⇒ EPR-METHOD 2003, Method for Developing Arrangements for
Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency
⇒ TECDOC-955, Generic assessment procedures for determining
protective actions during a reactor accident

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

⇒ EPR-MEDICAL, Generic procedures for medical response

during a nuclear or radiological emergency
⇒ EPR-FIRST RESPONDERS 2006, Manual for First Responders
to a Radiological Emergency,
⇒ TECDOC 1162, Generic procedures for assessment and response
during a radiological emergency
⇒ TECDOC-1092, Generic Procedures for monitoring in a nuclear
or radiological emergency
⇒ develop any action plan for establishing an emergency response
capability for research reactors consistent with IAEA guidance
⇒ know the means by which the IAEA can assist in development of
national capabilities

PROJECT NO. [provide code]

PROJECT TITLE [provide title]

OFFICER [Name and organization]

COURSE DIRECTOR: [Name and organization serving as Course Director]

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

The main aims of the workshop are to provide the participants with the knowledge and tools to be able:
• To develop and implement an action plan to establish the capability to respond to emergencies at
their research reactors, and
• To develop plans and procedures to respond in case of emergencies at research reactors.

The workshop is divided into blocks, which are further divided into modules. Module is a generic term to
describe the training activity e.g. a seminar, work session, video presentation, briefing, exercise, drill,
discussion or any combination of these activities. Each module is characterized in the following way:

Purpose: goals of the module that lecturer/trainer has to meet

Objectives: statements of what the participants are expected to know or be able to do
upon completion of the block (broad statements) or module (detailed
Content or tasks: short list of subjects (for the seminar) or tasks (for the work session, drill or
exercise) to be covered in the module
Activity: the way or method in which module is presented or conducted
Duration: presentation time or duration of the session
Training material: material distributed beforehand or at the workshop itself to the participants
(seminar notes, work session notes, exercise manuals, other supporting
References: additional written material (not distributed but displayed), which could help
participants to get deeper insight into the subject of the module
Equipment needs: rooms, equipment, working material needed to conduct the module
Prerequisites: knowledge and experience required or modules needed to follow the
specific module efficiently

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

Workshop structure

Block Objectives
B1 To register for the workshop
Opening of the workshop To be comfortable with the workshop, its aims and arrangements
B2 To learn the role of the IAEA in assisting Member States
Introduction to the To learn experiences in response to emergencies at research reactors,
workshop and lessons learned
To understand the importance of emergency preparedness and response
To have a common understanding of the objectives, concepts and basic
principles of emergency response
B3 To learn the infrastructure and functional elements of an emergency
Emergency preparedness response capability for research reactors
and response To be able to describe a concept of operations for emergency
preparedness for research reactors
B4 To be able to develop a specific action plan for establishing or
Development of response upgrading emergency response capability based on identified country
capabilities needs
B5 To experience major aspects of emergency response to an accident at
Tabletop exercise research reactor
B6 To be able to evaluate the benefits, limitations and effectiveness of the
Evaluation of the workshop
workshop and closing To give suggestions for future improvements of the workshop

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual



Purpose To register participants
To distribute training and other workshop materials and identity badges
Duration [hrs] 1
Equipment needs Appropriately prepared room, training and other workshop materials, identity badges
Formal opening
Purpose To welcome guests and participants
To declare the workshop opened
Objectives To feel welcomed by the IAEA and by the host country
To be aware of Agency’s expectations of the participants
To feel inspired to learn, ask questions, and make contacts
Content Welcome addresses
General introduction to the workshop
Agency’s expectations of the participants
Activity Presentation
Duration [hrs] ½
Training material None
References None
Equipment needs Appropriately prepared and equipped lecture room for 30 participants and guests
Workshop information Presentation
Purpose To present basic workshop information (workshop aims, workshop plan, workshop
programme, training material, workshop administration and logistic arrangements)
To check if all training material is available
Objectives To know the workshop aims
To be informed on the workshop plan
To be familiar with the workshop administration and logistic arrangements
To be informed on training material received
To get to know other participants
Content Aims of the workshop within the overall framework of emergency preparedness
Workshop plan and workshop programme
Workshop administration and logistic arrangements (inc. food, travel,
accommodation, payments, social events, etc.)
Self introduction of the participants
Activity Presentation, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] ½
Training material Workshop programme, list of participants, checklist for workshop administration and
logistic arrangements
References None
Equipment needs Computer projector, overhead projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual


Module 0 The role of the IAEA Presentation

Purpose To explain the role of the IAEA and to give an overview of publications currently of
relevance for emergency preparedness
Objectives To be aware of the main statutory and legal functions of the IAEA
To know the status of conventions, standards, guides and technical publications with
regard to their binding and non/binding nature, and the process by which they are
To be able to list the IAEA publications currently of relevance for emergency
To understand the role of the IAEA in implementing these publications through
IAEA training programmes
To be informed on past and future IAEA training activities (courses, workshops,
To become aware of projects of the Technical Co-operation Programme relevant to
emergency preparedness and the participants
To be acquainted with the IAEA responsibilities in radiological emergencies: role of
Content Main statutory and legal functions of the IAEA, Basic Safety Standards - emergency
planning requirements , Status of standards, guides and technical publications, The
IAEA publications currently of relevance for emergency preparedness, Projects of
the Technical Co-operation Programme of relevance to emergency preparedness,
Standard courses/workshops offered, Emergency Preparedness Review missions,
Role of RANET, How to request IAEA’s assistance
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 0
Reference RANET Manual, , Statutes, Conventions
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 1 Overview of emergencies at research reactors
Purpose To present and explain the types and hazards of emergencies at research reactors and
their potential consequences
Objectives To be able to list types of potential radiological emergencies at research reactors,
and know examples of reactor and facility set-ups that can give rise to such accidents
To learn experiences in response to emergencies at research reactors
To be able to list main consequences of these emergencies
To be able to list principle lessons learned
Content Potential accidents, Consequences of radiological accidents, Accident history and
statistics, Example of an actual accident at the research reactor, Lessons learned
from response to emergencies
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 1
References Incident Reporting System for Research Reactors (IRSRR), SSR No. 53
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Modules 2 and 3 Objectives, concepts and basic principles of emergency response
Purpose To summarize principles and concepts of emergency preparedness and response
Objectives To understand the basic concepts of emergency preparedness and response,
including objectives of emergency response and preparedness, emergency planning
categories, planning areas and zones, planning levels and responsibilities, emergency
classes, conditions and immediate actions, and integrated planning concepts
Content Concepts and objectives of emergency response, Threat categories and emergency
classes, Emergency planning zones, Principles of intervention, including intervention
levels, Protective actions and operational intervention levels, Emergency worker

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

guidance , Emergency response strategies, Generic response organization

Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 2 – 1; 3 - 1½
Training material Seminar notes for Modules 2 and 3
References EPR-METHOD, GS-G-2.1, Code of Conduct, EPR-Research Reactor
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint


Module 5 Accident management vs Emergency Management

Purpose To present and explain major aspects of accident management and mitigation in
contrast to emergency management
Objectives To know basic concept of accident management and why do we need that accident
To become aware of accident prevention and accident mitigation process
To become aware of accident mitigation measure
To understand the EOP development guides and procedure
To understand how emergency management differs from accident management
To understand the Facility Response Manager responsibilities
To know the phases of emergency management
Content Response initiation (identification, notification and activation), Identification of on-
site hazards during an emergency, Concept of an emergency classification system,
Actions taken upon declaration of emergency class, Emergency operating
procedures, On-site response teams and off-site assistance, Requirements for
emergency management, Emergency management role, Facility Response Manager’s
tasks, Emergency phase actions, Post-emergency phase actions
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 5
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 6 Emergency classification
Purpose To explain the emergency classification system in EPR-RESEARCH REACTOR
To demonstrate the system of emergency classification on examples
Objectives To know the emergency classification system
To be able to use tools in EPR-RESEARCH REACTOR for emergency
Content and tasks Tools needed to determine emergency class, Work session examples and problems,
To solve problems using EPR-RESEARCH REACTOR
Activity Seminar, work session, discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Work session notes for Module 6
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 7 Urgent protective actions
Purpose To present and explain the concept of urgent protective actions (on-site, off-site)
Objectives To be aware of different exposure pathways in nuclear or radiological emergency
To be able to list urgent protective actions (on-site, off-site)
To know the characteristics (benefits, drawbacks) of specific protective actions
To understand the role of intervention and operational intervention levels
To know on-site actions including the care for facility visitors
Content Exposure pathways, Protection strategy and basis for urgent protective actions,
Protective actions: evacuation, sheltering, thyroid blocking, Intervention and
operational intervention levels, On-site actions
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

Duration [hrs] 1½
Training material Seminar notes for Module 7
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 8 Instructing, warning and informing the public
Purpose To present, explain and discuss issues of instructing, warning and informing the
public in an emergency
Objectives To learn the ways of communications with the public and the media
To become aware of basic principles of communication
To learn on practical examples
Content Why, when and in what form to communicate with the public, Working with the
media, Basic communication principles, Providing information to the public
routinely, Warning of the public of an emergency, Keeping the public informed
during and following an emergency, Examples of the impact of an adequate public
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 8
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 9 Action Guides and Response Priorities
Purpose To present the suggested facility response organization and the responsibilities of the
positions in the organization
Objectives To understand the Emergency Response Team organization in EPR-RESEARCH
To be able to list the responsibilities of each Team member
To be able to list the priority actions and expected timing
To understand how and when the organization may be modified
Content Emergency Response Team Organization, Responsibilities of Team members,
Additional Team members, Priority of response actions, Suggested timing of
response actions
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1.5
Training material Seminar notes for Module 9
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 10 Medical management overview
Purpose To give an overview of medical management in case of radiation emergency
Objectives To be able to characterize the most frequent medical consequences of the radiation
To understand the role and place of medical preparedness and response in the overall
organisational emergency response structure
To know infrastructure and functional requirements for medical response
To be aware of the psychological effects of radiation emergenciesTo be able to list
medical categories of affected persons involved in radiation accidents using simple
Content Health effects of ionising radiation – descriptions and examples, Medical
consideration of radiation emergencies, The psychological aspects for radiation
emergencies, Mitigation of the health and psychological effects of radiation
emergencies, Infrastructure and functional requirements for medical preparedness,
Importance of obtained international expertise
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 10

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

References Ricks, R.C., Prehospital Management of Radiation Accidents, ORAU 223, Oak
Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN (1984)
Medical management of radiological casualties. Handbook. Ed. D. Jarrett, AFRRI,
Bethesda, MD (1999), EPR-MEDICAL
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 11 On scene emergency medical response
Purpose To explain the tasks of Emergency Medical Responders, introduce basic steps in
contaminated casualty handling and to give an overview of decontamination
Objectives To understand the role and tasks of Emergency Medical Responders on the scene of
an accident,
To know the basic steps in contaminated casualty handling
To be aware of interactions and needed coordination between different response
groups on-scene
To be acquainted with basic decontamination procedure
Content Immediate actions to be taken, Handing and preparation of a contaminated victim
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 11
References Ricks, R.C., Prehospital Management of Radiation Accidents, ORAU 223, Oak
Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN (1984)
Medical management of radiological casualties. Handbook. Ed. D. Jarrett, AFRRI,
Bethesda, MD (1999), TECDOC-1162, TECDOC-1092, EPR-METHOD, EPR-
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 13 Emergency Monitoring and Assessment
Purpose To present emergency monitoring objectives and strategies

Objectives To list the objectives of emergency monitoring

To discuss resources and capabilities (teams, instruments) needed
To understand generic emergency monitoring organisation
To be able to describe emergency monitoring and sampling strategy in small and
large scale accidents
To determine staff qualification requirements
To be aware of basic survey methods
To comprehend the QA and QC systems in emergency monitoring and sampling
Content Objectives of emergency monitoring, Generic monitoring organization, Emergency
monitoring strategy, Emergency staff, Instrumentation, Basic survey methods,
Quality assurance system
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 13
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 14 Non-radiological Safety at Research Reactors
Purpose Explore the various safety hazards other than radiation
Objectives To be aware of non-radiological safety issues at research reactors
Content Physical protection systems (PPS), Fire protection systems (FPS), Electric power
supply systems (EPSS), Water flow safety systems, Civil engineering issues,
Hazardous materials
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 14
References Safety Series No. 115
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual


Module 4 Concepts of Operations and Responsibilities

Purpose Present the concept of operations and show how assignment of responsibilities is
Objectives Understand the importance of assigning responsibilities
Be able to use the worksheet provided to identify and resolve gaps and conflicts in
Understand the role and importance of the Concept of Operations in coordinating the
Be able to develop a basic Con-ops for events possible at research reactors
Know how to ensure panning for a research reactors is integrated with national
Content Concepts of operations, Critical tasks and responsibilities
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 4; Worksheets for “Identification and Assignment of
Critical Tasks”
References EPR-METHOD
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 12 Infrastructure and Functional Requirements
Purpose To give an overview of infrastructure elements needed to ensure that the functional
elements of a response can be performed when needed
Objectives To be aware of importance of infrastructure elements
To know basic infrastructure requirements
Content Infrastructure elements: authority, organisation, co-ordination, plans and procedures,
logistical support and facilities, training, drills and exercises, quality assurance and
programme maintenance
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 12
References IAEA-EPR-METHOD, SSS No. GS-R-2
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 15 Developing emergency response capability – step-by-step process
Purpose To explain 10 steps in developing sound emergency response capability
Objectives To know that developing a national capability requires a systematic approach
To become aware that EPR-METHOD recommends a ten-step process
To know that this process is modular, requires extensive consultation with all
relevant organizations and that it is iterative
To understand the main elements of the ten-step process and considerations in their
To know the objective of writing a plan
To know the importance of structuring the plan for future revisions
To know the principal components of a national plan
Content Challenges in planning, Process for developing a plan, Integrated planning concept,
Concept of operation
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 15
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 16 Outlines of emergency plan and procedures
Purpose To present generic outlines of emergency plan and procedures
Objectives To be acquainted with the off-site an on-site emergency plan’s outline

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

To be acquainted with implementing procedure's generic outline

To be aware of QA elements for emergency plan and procedures
Content Local government and participating organizations emergency plans outline,
Facility’s (on-site) emergency plan outline, Operator’s contingency plan outline,
Implementing procedures outline
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 16
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 17 Discussion Problems
Objectives To demonstrate level of understanding of the material presented in the training
Content Questions related to the material presented in the course
Activity Work session
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 17
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 18 Development and implementation of an action plan
Purpose To explain how to develop a project management framework
Objectives To understand the need to develop an action plan as a follow up to this workshop
To understand basic project management principles
To know what a project management plan should contain
To be familiar with the project management process
Content What is an action plan, Project management fundamentals, What is project
management, Project management contents and process, Generic action plan
Activity Seminar, questions and discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Seminar notes for Module 18
References None
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 19 Preparation of a specific action plan
Purpose To guide the participants in preparing a specific action plan
Objectives To be able to identify specific needs
To be able to develop an appropriate action plan within an appropriate project
management structure
Tasks To prepare draft action plan for development or upgrading emergency response
capability for a specific research reactor
Activity Work session, presentation by one participant, discussion
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Work session notes for Module 19
References None
Equipment needs None


Module 20 Tabletop Exercise Preparations

Purpose Make preparations for a tabletop exercise
Objectives Understand the tabletop exercise scenario and information format
Content Establish the three groups, facility operators and radiation specialists, Emergency
Response Team, off-site officials, Explain the exercise scenario and rules of
conduct, Discuss the exercise after it concludes (following day)
Activity Presentation

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

Duration [hrs] Preparations – 1; Critique - 1½

Training material Notes for Module 20
References Tabletop Exercise Manual, Section 1
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint
Module 21 TTX Controller Training
Purpose Brief TTX controllers and evaluators
Objectives Understand the scenario of the TTX
Content Review the TTX scenario, Assign controllers and evaluators to positions, Review
timing and content of all Injects
Activity Presentation and work session
Duration [hrs] 1
Training material Notes for Module 21; injects from TTX Manual, section 3
References Tabletop Exercise Manual, Sections 2 and 3
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint

Review Test Questions

Purpose Review and discuss responses to test questions
Objectives Ensure understanding of the course material
Content Review each question with course participants
Activity Work session
Duration [hrs] 2
Training material Test questions
References All course material
Equipment needs Computer projector, screen, PC, MS PowerPoint


Evaluation of the workshop Work session

Purpose To evaluate the effectiveness of the workshop based on participants feedback
Objectives To become familiar with the Evaluation Questionnaire
Tasks To evaluate and discuss the effectiveness of the workshop
To give suggestions for future workshop improvements
Activity Work session, discussion
Duration [hrs] 0.5
Training material Evaluation Questionnaire
Comment: specific Evaluation Questionnaire is prepared
References None
Equipment needs Evaluation Questionnaires from Workshop Manual
Purpose To deliver closing addresses
To close the workshop
Objectives To be encouraged to continue activities started at the workshop
Content Closing addresses by host country and IAEA representatives
Activity Presentation
Duration [hrs] 0.5
Training material None
References None
Equipment needs None

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

The course/workshop schedule goes on this page

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

Responsibility of the Course Director
Beside general responsibilities of the Workshop Director (WD) outlined in IAEA guidelines for
organization of training courses the WD is also responsible:

1) To make all arrangements to ease the customs formalities for the IAEA workshop equipment (if
2) To ensure that all needed equipment will be available and ready for use at the beginning of the
3) To organize pick-up at the airport and transportation for all participants and lecturers or to prepare
clear information about transport arrangements;
4) To maintain administrative office throughout the workshops to be responsible for providing local
support, make arrangements, solve problems, as required;
5) To ensure that computer projector, overhead projector, slide projector, video and flipcharts will
be available throughout the workshops;
6) To ensure photocopier will be available for unlimited use (within reason);
7) To prepare general information about workshop venue;

Responsibility of the IAEA Technical Officer

Besides general responsibilities outlined in IAEA guidelines for organization of training courses the
Technical Officer (TO) has also the following responsibilities:

1) To ensure that equipment which needs to be purchased for the workshops (if any) is ordered in
2) To take all in-house administrative steps required to send IAEA owned equipment, needed for the
workshops, to [host organization] in time;
3) To ensure that workshops’ Evaluation Forms are prepared and send to [host organization];
4) To ensure that IAEA radiation protection surveillance is implemented;
5) To ensure that workshop materials are prepared;
6) To check all arrangements for the workshops before beginning of the workshop;
7) To act as an IAEA representative.

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

List of presenters and their organizations

Equipment and supplies

Most of the needed equipment and supplies will be provided by the [host organization]

Exposure control
No radiation exposure is planned.

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual


Title of the workshop: National Training Course (or Workshop) on Research Reactor Emergency
Date: [provide dates]
Place: [provide course location]

Your Name: ______________________________________________________________


This questionnaire has two goals: to identify the strengths of the workshop, and to point out areas
where changes and improvements need to be made. Your role as a workshop participant is to be thoughtful and
honest in your comments. Our role as workshop planners is to use the ideas and suggestions you make, to
maintain and improve the workshop.


1. We want our workshops to be very well organized. That is, we want the activities to run smoothly, on
time, and efficiently. We want the information and tools you need to be available when you need them.
We want you to have a clear picture of how activities fit into the workshop as a whole, and of where the
workshop is going. Circle the answer that comes closest to your own view on organization of the

Basically organized, Workshop planners

The workshop Most of the time The workshop
but some need for should work on
was always very things were very well was very
improved making the workshop
well organized organized disorganized
organization more organized
1 2 3 4 5

Please comment:

2. We want our teachers to be very effective. That is, we want the teachers to be experts who are well
prepared, and who explain their subject clearly. We want them to excite and involve you in learning
practical skills and facts; and to answer your individual questions. How well do we live up to our goal
that our teachers be very effective?

Basically effective Workshop planners

Almost all the Workshop
Most of the teachers teachers, but some should work on
teachers were very teachers were not
were very effective need for making teachers
effective very effective
improvement more effective
1 2 3 4 5

Please comment:

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual


1. Please list below the three topics which were most useful to you.


2. Now list the three topics which were least useful to you.


3. What was the workshops best learning activity? Please name a specific module.

4. What made it the best learning activity?

5. For each of the ideas listed here, circle whether you agree or disagree.

The workshop should be shorter Agree Disagree

The workshop should be longer Agree Disagree

There should be more work sessions (table top
Agree Disagree
exercises, laboratory work, etc.)
There should be less material covered Agree Disagree

There should be more material covered Agree Disagree

There should be more time for study periods Agree Disagree

6. What did you learn in this workshop, that you can most directly apply when you return home?

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual

7. Indicate the usefulness of each module to your work and to improving your professional background by
putting an X in the appropriate blank.
If you think a session should be shortened, expanded or the content should be improved, put an X in the
appropriate blank. Please explain your choices. Modify this list based on specific modules being

Not Improve
MODULE Useful Shorten Expand Explain
useful content
Role of IEC
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Module 13
Module 14
Module 15
Module 16
Module 17
Module 18
Module 19
Module 20
Module 21
TTX Training
TTX Critique
Test Questions

8. Any other comment, please add pages, if necessary:

IAEA Training Course on Research Reactor Emergency Response Workshop Manual



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