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Infraphylum Hyperotreti— Class Myxini

1. Member: Hagfishes are members of the class

2. Species: There are about 20 species divided into four genera.
3. Body features:
 Head: Their heads are supported by cartilaginous bars and their brains are enclosed in a fibrous sheath.
 Notochord: They lack vertebrae and retain the notochord as the axial supportive structure.
 Sensory Tentacles and Ventrolateral slime glands: They have four pairs of sensory tentacles surrounding their
mouths and ventrolateral slime glands that produce copious amounts of slime (figure 18.4).
4. Most primitive: Most zoologists now consider the hagfishes to be the most primitive group of craniates.
5. Habitat and habit:
 Hagfishes are found in cold-water marine habitats of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
 Hagfishes live buried in the sand and mud of marine environments, where they feed on soft-bodied invertebrates
and scavenge dead and dying fishes. When hagfishes find a suitable fish, they enter the fish through the mouth
and eat the contents of the body, leaving only a sack of skin and bones.
6. Fishing: Anglers must contend with hagfishes because they will bite at a baited hook. Hagfishes have the annoying
habit of swallowing a hook so deeply that the hook is frequently lodged near the anus. The excessively slimy bodies
of hagfishes make all but the grittiest fishermen cut their lines and tie on a new hook.
7. Endangered: Some hagfishes are now endangered because of overfishing for their soft, tough skin—sold as “eel
8. Reproduction: Little is known of reproduction in hagfishes.

Infraphylum Vertebrata— Ostracoderms, Lampreys, and Gnathostome Fishes

1. The vertebrates are characterized by vertebrae that surround a nerve cord and serve as primary axial support.
2. Today, most vertebrates are members of the superclass Gnathostomata. They include the jawed fishes and the
3. About 400  mya, that was not the case—the jawless ostracoderms were a very early and successful group of
4. A third group of vertebrates, the lampreys, is also jawless and lives in both marine and freshwater environments.


1. Ostracoderms are extinct agnathans that belonged to several classes.

2. The fossils of predatory water scorpions (phylum Arthropoda) are often found with fossil ostracoderms.
3. Defense: As sluggish as ostracoderms apparently were, bony armor was probably their only defense.
4. Bottom dwellers and size: Ostracoderms were bottom dwellers, often about 15 cm long.
5. Filter feeders: Most were probably filter feeders, either filtering suspended organic matter from the water or
extracting annelids and other animals from muddy sediments.
6. Bony plates around mouth usage: Some ostracoderms may have used bony plates around the mouth in a jawlike
fashion to crack gastropod shells or the exoskeletons of arthropods
Class Petromyzontida:

1. Lampreys are agnathans in the class Petromyzontida (Gr. Petra, rock 1 myzo, suckle 1 odontos, teeth).
2. Habitat: They are common inhabitants of marine and freshwater environments in temperate regions.
3. Prey: Most adult lampreys’ prey on other fishes, and the larvae are filter feeders.
4. The mouth of an adult is suckerlike and surrounded by lips that have sensory and attachment functions.
5. Teeth and tongue: Numerous epidermal teeth line the mouth and cover a movable tonguelike structure. Adults
attach to prey with their lips and teeth and use their tongues to rasp away scales.
6. Lampreys have salivary glands with anticoagulant secretions and feed mainly on the blood of their prey.
7. Brook lampreys: Some lampreys, however, are not predatory. For example, some members of the genus Lampetra
are called brook lampreys. The larval stages of brook lampreys last for about three years, and the adults neither feed
nor leave their stream. They reproduce soon after metamorphosis and then die.
8. Life cycle: Adult sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) live in the ocean or the Great Lakes. Near the end of their lives,
they migrate—sometimes hundreds of miles—to a spawning bed in a freshwater stream. Once lampreys reach their
spawning site, usually in relatively shallow water with swift currents, they begin building a nest by making small
depressions in the substrate. When the nest is prepared, a female usually attaches to a stone with her mouth. A
male uses his mouth to attach to the female’s head and wraps his body around the female. Eggs are shed in small
batches over a period of several hours, and fertilization is external. The relatively sticky eggs are then covered with
9. Eggs hatch in approximately three weeks into ammocoete larvae. The larvae drift downstream to softer substrates,
where they bury themselves in sand and mud and filter feed in a fashion similar to amphioxus.
10. Ammocoete larvae grow from 7 mm to about 17 cm over three to seven years. During later developmental stages,
the larvae metamorphose to the adult over a period of several months. The mouth becomes suckerlike, and the
teeth, tongue, and feeding musculature develop. Lampreys eventually leave the mud permanently and begin a
journey to the sea to begin life as predators. Adults return only once to the headwaters of their stream to spawn
and die.
Superclass Gnathostomata—Jawed Vertebrates
1. Jaws: Jaws of vertebrates evolved from the most anterior pair of pharyngeal arches (the skeletal supports for the
pharyngeal slits). This extremely important event in vertebrate evolution permitted more efficient gill ventilation
and the capture and ingestion of a variety of food sources.
2. Paired appendages: Similarly, paired appendages were extremely important evolutionary developments. Their
origin has been debated for many years, and the debate remains unresolved. In the absence of paired appendages,
fishes must have been relatively sluggish bottom dwellers. Increased activity without paired appendages would have
led to instability. Paired appendages can be used to counter the tendency to roll during locomotion. They can be
used to control the tilt or pitch of the swimming fish and can be used in lateral steering.
3. Fins: Pectoral fins of fishes are appendages usually just behind the head, and pelvic fins are usually located ventrally
and more posteriorly. In modern bony fishes, the pelvic fins are usually positioned just behind the pectoral fins.
4. Benefits: The evolution of jaws and paired appendages must have revolutionized the life of early fishes. Both
contributed to the evolution of the predatory lifestyles of many fishes. The ability to feed efficiently allowed fishes
to produce more offspring and exploit new habitats. These new habitats, in turn, fostered the adaptive radiation of
fishes. The results of this adaptive radiation are described in this chapter.
5. Living members: Three classes of gnathostomes still have living members:
the cartilaginous fishes (class Chondrichthyes) and two groups of bony fishes (classes Actinopterygii and
Another class, the armored fishes, or placoderms, contained the earliest jawed fishes. They are now extinct and
apparently left no descendants.
A fourth group of ancient, extinct fishes, the acanthodians, may be more closely related to the bony fishes.

Class Chondrichthyes
1. Members of the class Chondrichthyes include the sharks, skates, rays, and ratfishes.
2. Feeding habit: Most chondrichthians are carnivores or scavengers, and most are marine.
3. Body features: In addition to their biting mouthparts and paired appendages, chondrichthians possess placoid scales
and a cartilaginous endoskeleton.
The subclass Elasmobranchii
(Gr. elasmos, plate metal 1 branchia, gills), which includes the sharks, skates, and rays, has about 820 species.
Sharks arose from early jawed fishes midway through the Devonian period, about 375 mya.
1. The absence of certain features characteristic of bony fishes (e.g., a swim bladder to regulate buoyancy, a gill cover,
and a bony skeleton) is sometimes interpreted as evidence of the primitiveness of elasmobranchs. This
interpretation is mistaken, as these characteristics simply resulted from different adaptations in the two groups to
similar selection pressures. Some of these adaptations are described later in this chapter.
2. Scales: Tough skin with dermal, placoid scales covers sharks.These scales project posteriorly and give the skin a
tough, sandpaper texture. (In fact, dried shark skin has been used for sandpaper.) Posteriorly pointed scales also
reduce friction with the water as a shark swims.
3. Teeth: Shark teeth are actually modified placoid scales. The row of teeth on the outer edge of the jaw is backed up
by rows of teeth attached to a ligamentous band that covers the jaw cartilage inside the mouth. As the outer teeth
wear and become useless, newer teeth move into position from inside the jaw and replace them. In young sharks,
this replacement is rapid, with a new row of teeth developing every seven or eight days .Crowns of teeth in different
species may be adapted for shearing prey or for crushing the shells of molluscs.
4. Size: Sharks range in size from less than 1 m (e.g., Squalus, the laboratory dissection specimen) to greater than 10 m
(e.g., basking sharks and whale sharks).
5. Habit: The largest living sharks are not predatory but are filter feeders. They have pharyngeal-arch modifications
that strain plankton. The fiercest and most feared sharks are the great white shark (Carcharodon) and the mako
(Isurus). Extinct specimens may have reached lengths of 15 m or more.
Skates and rays are specialized for life on the ocean floor.
1. They usually inhabit shallow water, where they use their blunt teeth to feed on invertebrates.
2. Their most obvious modification for life on the ocean floor is a lateral expansion of the pectoral fins into winglike
3. Locomotion results from dorsoventral muscular waves that pass posteriorly along the fins.
4. Frequently, elaborate color patterns on the dorsal surface of these animals provide effective camouflage.
5. Defence: The sting ray (Dasyatis) has a tail modified into a defensive lash; a group of modified placoid scales persists
as a venomous spine.
6. Members: Also included in this group are the electric rays (Narcine and Torpedo) and manta rays (Manta).
Sub class holocephali
A second major group of chondrichthians, in the subclass Holocephali (Gr. holos, whole 1 kephalidos, head), contains
about 30 species. A frequently studied example,
1. Chimaera, has a large head with a small mouth surrounded by large lips.
2. Naming A narrow, tapering tail has resulted in the common name “ratfish”.
3. History: Holocephalans diverged from other chondrichthians nearly 350 mya.
4. Since that time, specializations not found in other elasmobranchs have evolved, including a gill cover, called an
operculum, and teeth modified into large plates for crushing the shells of molluscs.
5. Holocephalans lack scales.
Bony Fishes

 Bony fishes are characterized by having at least some bone in their skeleton and/or scales, bony operculum covering
the gill openings, and lungs or a swim bladder.
 Any group that has at least 24,000 species and is a major life-form in most of the earth’s vast aquatic habitats must
be judged very successful from an evolutionary perspective. The first fossils of bony fishes are from late Silurian
deposits (approximately 405 million years Devonian period (350 mya), the two classes were in the midst of their
adaptive radiations.
Class Sarcopterygii

Members of the class Sarcopterygii (Gr. sark, flesh 1 pteryx, fin) have muscular lobes associated with their fins and
usually use lungs in gas exchange.

Lung fishes: One group of sarcopterygians are the lungfishes.

1. Only three genera survive today, and all live in regions where seasonal droughts are common.
2. When freshwater lakes and rivers begin to stagnate and dry, these fishes use lungs to breathe air.
3. Some (Neoceratodus) inhabit the freshwaters of Queensland, Australia. They survive stagnation by breathing air,
but they normally use gills and cannot withstand total drying.
4. Others are found in freshwater rivers and lakes in tropical Africa (Protopterus) and tropical South America
(Lepidosiren). They can survive when rivers or lakes are dry by burrowing into the mud. They keep a narrow air
pathway open by bubbling air to the surface. After the substrate dries, the only evidence of a lungfish burrow is a
small opening in the earth. Lungfishes may remain in aestivation for six months or more. (Aestivation is a dormant
state that helps an animal withstand hot, dry periods.) When rain again fills the lake or riverbed, lungfishes emerge
from their burrows to feed and reproduce.

Coelacanths: A second group of sarcopterygians is the coelacanths.

1. History: The most recent coelacanth fossils are more than 70 million years old. In 1938, however, people fishing in
deep water off the coast of South Africa brought up one fish that was identified as a coelacanth.
2. Since then, numerous other specimens have been caught in deep water around the Comoro Islands off Madagascar.
3. The discovery of this fish, Latimeria chalumnae, was a milestone event because coelacanths had previously been
known only from the fossil record. It is large—up to 80 kg—and has heavy scales.
4. A second species of coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, was discovered in 1997 off the coast of Indonesia.
5. Ancient vs new: ancient coelacanths lived in freshwater lakes and rivers; thus, the ancestors of Latimeria must have
moved from freshwater habitats to the deep sea.

Tetrapodomorpha: A third group of sarcopterygians, the Tetrapodomorpha, became extinct before the close of the
Paleozoic period. This group includes the ancestors of ancient amphibians and all tetrapods. They are discussed further
at the end of this chap

Class Actinopterygii

 The class Actinopterygii (Gr. aktis, ray 1 pteryx, fin) contains fishes that are sometimes called the ray-finned fishes
because their fins lack muscular lobes.
 They usually possess swim bladders, gas-filled sacs along the dorsal wall of the body cavity that regulate buoyancy.
Zoologists now realize that there have been many points of divergence in the evolution of the Actinopterygii.

Chondrosteans : One group of actinopterygians, the chondrosteans, contains many species that lived during the
Permian, Triassic, and Jurassic periods (215 to 120 mya), but only 25 species remain today.

1. Bony skeleton: Ancestral chondrosteans had a bony skeleton, but living members, the sturgeons and paddlefishes,
have cartilaginous skeletons.
2. Long tail: Chondrosteans also have a tail with a large upper lobe.
Sturgeons: Most sturgeons live in the sea and migrate into rivers to breed. (Some sturgeons live in freshwater but
maintain the migratory habits of their marine relatives.)

1. Size: They are large (up to 1,000 kg), and bony plates cover the anterior portion of the body.
2. Scales: Heavy scales occur along the lateral surface.
3. Mouth and jaws: The sturgeon mouth is small, and jaws are weak.
4. Feed: Sturgeons feed on invertebrates that they stir up from the sea or riverbed using their snouts.
5. Overfishing: sturgeons are valued for their eggs (caviar), they have been severely overfished.

Paddlefishes are large, freshwater chondrosteans.

1. They have a large, paddlelike rostrum that is innervated with sensory organs believed to detect weak electrical
2. Swimming: They swim through the water with their large mouths open, filtering crustaceans and small fishes.
3. Found: They are found mainly in lakes and large rivers of the Mississippi River basin and are also found in China.

The largest group of actinopterygians (Neopterygii) flourished in the Jurassic period and succeeded most chondrosteans.

Two very primitive genera occur in temperate to warm freshwaters of North America. Lepisosteus, the garpike, has
thick scales and long jaws that it uses to catch fishes. Amia is commonly referred to as the dogfish or bowfin.

Teleosts: Most living fishes are members of this group and are referred to as teleosts or modern bony fishes. After their
divergence from ancient marine actinopterygians in the late Triassic period, teleosts experienced a remarkable
evolutionary diversification and adapted to nearly every available aquatic habitat. The number of teleost species
exceeds 24,000

the keys to the evolutionary success of this largest vertebrate group.

A part of the answer to why the modern bony fishes have become so diverse and plentiful lies in the fact that 73% of the
earth’s surface is covered by water and an abundance of aquatic habitats are available. That, however, cannot be the
whole answer because many other aquatic animals have been much less successful.

1. The keys to teleost success lie in their ability to adapt to a demanding environment.
2. Highly efficient respiratory systems allow fishes to extract oxygen from an environment that holds little oxygen per
unit volume;
3. efficient locomotory structures allow fishes to move through a buoyant, but viscous medium;
4. highly efficient sensory systems include typical vertebrate systems,
5. and also a lateral-line system that detects low-pressure waves and electroreception;
6. and efficient reproductive mechanisms have the potential to produce overwhelming numbers of offspring

SECTION REVIEW Hagfishes comprise the class Myxini. They possess 5 to 15 pairs of pharyngeal slits and slime glands.
They are marine scavengers of dead and dying fish. Lampreys comprise the class Petromyzontida. Adult lampreys
possess a sucking mouth and rasping tongue and are predators of other fishes. Gnathostomes have jaws and paired
appendages. The gnathostome class Chondrichthyes includes the sharks, skates, and rays. They possess placoid scales
and a cartilaginous endoskeleton. Bony fishes include members of the classes Sarcopterygii and Actinopterygii.
Sarcopterygians possess fins with muscular lobes and usually use lungs in gas exchange. Their descendants include the
tetrapods. Actinopterygians have fins that lack muscular lobes and possess swim bladders that are used in buoyancy
regulation. Adaptive radiation of this group has resulted in an amazing diversity of species. What major characteristics
distinguish each of the classes of fishes

Concepts: Picture a young child running full speed down the beach and into the ocean. She hits the water and begins to
splash. At first, she lifts her feet high in the air between steps, but as she goes deeper, her legs encounter more and
more resistance. The momentum of her upper body causes her to fall forward, and she resorts to labored and awkward
swimming strokes. The density of the water makes movement through it difficult and costly.

For a fish, however, swimming is less energetically costly than running is for a terrestrial organism.
1. Shape and mucoid secretions: The streamlined shape of a fish and the mucoid secretions that lubricate its body
surface reduce friction between the fish and the water.
2. Water’s buoyant properties also contribute to the efficiency of a fish’s movement through the water.
3. Energy against gravity: A fish expends little energy in support against the pull of gravity.
4. Use of fins and body wall: Fishes move through the water using their fins and body wall to push against the
incompressible surrounding water.
5. Zigzag muscles pattern: Anyone who has eaten a fish filet probably realizes that muscle bundles of most fishes are
arranged in a zigzag pattern. Because these muscles extend posteriorly and anteriorly in a zigzag fashion,
contraction of each muscle bundle can affect a relatively large portion of the body wall.
6. Vertical caudal fin: Very efficient, fast-swimming fishes, such as tuna and mackerel, supplement body movements
with a vertical caudal (tail) fin that is tall and forked.
7. Caudal fin: The forked shape of the caudal fin reduces surface area that could cause turbulence and interfere with
forward movement.
The earliest fishes were probably filter feeders and scavengers that sifted through the mud of ancient seafloors for
decaying organic matter, annelids, molluscs, or other bottom-dwelling invertebrates.
Change after jaws evolution: Fish nutrition dramatically changed when the evolution of jaws transformed early fishes
into efficient predators.
Teeth: Most fishes have teeth that are simple cone-shaped structures. They are uniform along the length of the jaw
(homodont condition) and seated into a shallow socket in the jaw (acrodont condition) by a cement-like material.
Predators: Most modern fishes are predators and spend much of their lives searching for food. Prey vary tremendously.
 Some fishes feed on invertebrate animals floating or swimming in the plankton or living in or on the substrate.
 Many feed on other vertebrates.
The kinds of food that one fish eats at different times in its life varies. For example, as a larva, a fish may feed on
plankton; as an adult, it may switch to larger prey, such as annelids or smaller fish.
Eating prey: Fishes usually swallow prey whole. Teeth capture and hold prey, and some fishes have teeth that are
modified for crushing the shells of molluscs or the exoskeletons of arthropods.
Capturing prey: To capture prey, fishes often use the suction that closing the opercula and rapidly opening the mouth
creates, which develops a negative pressure that sweeps water and prey inside the mouth.
Other feeding strategies have also evolved in fishes.
1. Filter feeders: Herring, paddlefishes, and whale sharks are filter feeders.
2. Plankton: Long gill processes, called gill rakers, trap plankton while the fish is swimming through the water with its
mouth open.
3. Variety of food: Other fishes, such as carp, feed on a variety of plants and small animals.
4. External parasites: A few, such as the lamprey, are external parasites for at least a portion of their lives.
5. Herbivores: A few are primarily herbivores, feeding on plants.
Digestive system: The fish digestive tract is similar to that of other vertebrates.
1. Stomach: An enlargement, called the stomach, stores large, often infrequent, meals.
2. Small intestine: The small intestine, however, is the primary site for enzyme secretion and food digestion.
3. Spiral valve and pyloric ceca: Sharks and other elasmobranchs have a spiral valve in their intestine, and bony fishes
possess outpockets of the intestine, called pyloric ceca, that increase absorptive and secretory surfaces
Nervous and Sensory Functions

1. The central nervous system of fishes, as in other vertebrates, consists of a brain and a spinal cord.
2. Sensory receptors are widely distributed over the body.
3. In addition to generally distributed receptors for touch and temperature, fishes possess specialized receptors for
olfaction, vision, hearing, equilibrium and balance, and for detecting water movements.
4. Openings, called external nares, in the snouts of fishes’ lead to olfactory receptors. In most fishes, receptors are in
blind-ending olfactory sacs.
In a few fishes, the external nares open to nasal passages that lead to the mouth cavity.
5. Sense of smell role: Recent research has revealed that some fishes rely heavily on their sense of smell.
 For example, salmon and lampreys return to spawn in the streams in which they hatched years earlier.
 Their migrations to these streams often involve distances of hundreds of kilometers, and the fishes’ perception
of the characteristic odors of their spawning stream guide them.
6. Eyes: The eyes of fishes are similar in most aspects of structure to those in other vertebrates.
 They are lidless, however, and the lenses are round.
 Focusing requires moving the lens forward or backward in the eye.
 (Most other vertebrates focus by changing the shape of the lens.)
7. Receptors for equilibrium, balance, and hearing are in the inner ears of fishes, and their functions are similar to
those of other vertebrates.
1. Semicircular canals detect rotational movements, and other sensory patches help with equilibrium and
balance by detecting the direction of the gravitational pull.
2. Fishes lack the outer and/or middle ear, which conducts sound waves to the inner ear in other vertebrates.
Anyone who enjoys fishing knows, however, that most fishes can hear.
8. Vibrations
 Vibrations may pass from the water through the bones of the skull to the middle ear, and a few fishes have
chains of bony ossicles (modifications of vertebrae) that connect the swim bladder to the back of the skull.
 Amplification through swim bladder: Vibrations strike the fish, are amplified by the swim bladder, and are
sent through the ossicles to the skull.
 Lateral line system: Running along each side and branching over the head of most fishes is a lateral-line
Sensory pits: The lateral-line system consists of sensory pits in the epidermis of the skin that connect to canals
that run just below the epidermis. In these pits are receptors that are stimulated by water moving against
Lateral lines are used to detect either water currents or a predator or a prey that may be causing water
movements, in the vicinity of the fish.
Fishes may also detect low-frequency sounds with these receptors.

Circulatory system and gas exchange

Circulation and gas exchange

Swim Bladders and Lungs The Indian climbing perch spends its life almost entirely on land. These fishes, like most bony
fishes, have gas chambers called pneumatic sacs. In nonteleost fishes and some teleosts, a pneumatic duct connects the
pneumatic sacs to the esophagus or another part of the digestive tract. Swallowed air enters these sacs, and gas
exchange occurs across vascular surfaces. Thus, in the Indian climbing perch, lungfishes, and ancient rhipidistians,
pneumatic sacs function(ed) as lungs. In other bony fishes, pneumatic sacs act as swim bladders. Most zoologists believe
that lungs are more primitive than swim bladders. Much of the early evolution of bony fishes occurred in warm,
freshwater lakes and streams during the Devonian period. These bodies of water frequently became stagnant and
periodically dried. Having lungs in these habitats could have meant the difference between life and death. On the other
hand, the later evolution of modern bony fishes occurred in marine and freshwater environments, where stagnation was
not a problem. In these environments, the use of pneumatic sacs in buoyancy regulation would have been adaptive
(figure 18.17). Buoyancy Regulation Did you ever consider why you can float in water? Water is a supportive medium,
but that is not sufficient to prevent you from sinking.

Even though you are made mostly of water, other constituents of tissues are more dense than water. Bone, for example,
has a specific gravity twice that of water. Why, then, can you float? You can float because of two large, air-filled organs
called lungs.

Fishes adaptations floating in or on water

 Fishes maintain their vertical position in a column of water in one or more of four ways.
 One way is to incorporate low-density compounds into their tissues. Fishes (especially their livers) are saturated
with buoyant oils.
 A second way fishes maintain vertical position is to use fins to provide lift. The pectoral fins of a shark are
planing devices that help create lift as the shark moves through the water. Also, the large upper lobe of a shark’s
caudal fin provides upward thrust for the posterior end of the body.
 A third adaptation is the reduction of heavy tissues in fishes. The bones of fishes are generally less dense than
those of terrestrial vertebrates. One of the adaptive features of the elasmobranch cartilaginous skeleton
probably results from cartilage being only slightly heavier than water.
 The fourth adaptation is the swim bladder. A fish regulates buoyancy by precisely controlling the volume of gas
in its swim bladder. (You can mimic this adaptation while floating in water. How well do you float after forcefully
exhaling as much air as possible?) The pneumatic duct connects the swim bladders of garpike, sturgeons, and
other primitive bony fishes to the esophagus or another part of the digestive tract. These fishes gulp air at the
surface to force air into their swim bladders. Most teleosts have swim bladders that have lost a functional
connection to the digestive tract. The blood secretes gases (various mixtures of nitrogen and oxygen) into the
swim bladder using a countercurrent exchange mechanism in a vascular network called the rete mirabile
(“miraculous net”). Gases are secreted from the rete mirabile into the swim bladder through a gas gland. Gases
may be reabsorbed into the blood at the posterior end of the bladder, the ovale (see figure 18.17c)

Electroreception and electrical fishes

Electroreception and Electric Fishes A U.S. Navy pilot has just ejected from his troubled aircraft over shark-infested
water! What measures can the pilot take to ensure survival under these hostile conditions? The Navy has considered
this scenario. One of the solutions to the problem is a polyvinyl bag suspended from an inflatable collar. The
polyvinyl bag helps conceal the downed flyer from a shark’s vision and keen sense of smell. But is that all that is
required to ensure protection? All organisms produce weak electrical fields from the activities of nerves and
muscles. Electroreception is the detection of electrical fields that the fish or another organism in the environment
generates. Electroreception and/or electrogeneration has been demonstrated in over 500 species of fishes in the
classes Chondrichthyes and Actinopterygi. These fishes use their electroreceptive sense for detecting prey and for
orienting toward or away from objects in the environment. Prey detection with this sense is highly developed in the
rays and sharks. Spiny dogfish sharks, the common laboratory specimens, locate prey by electroreception. A shark
can find and eat a flounder that is buried in sand, and it will try to find and eat electrodes that are creating electrical
signals similar to those that the flounder emits. On the other hand, a shark cannot find a dead flounder buried in the
sand or a live flounder covered by an insulating polyvinyl sheet. Electroreceptors are located on the heads of sharks
and are called ampullary organs (see figure 24.19). Some fishes are not only capable of electroreception but can also
generate electrical currents. An electric fish (Gymnarchus niloticus) lives in freshwater systems of Africa. Muscles
near its caudal fin are modified into organs that produce a continuous electrical discharge. This current spreads
between the tail and the head. Porelike perforations near the head contain electroreceptors. The electrical waves
circulating between the tail and the head are distorted by objects in their field. This distortion is detected in
changing patterns of receptor stimulation (figure 18.18). The electrical sense of Gymnarchus is an adaptation to
living in murky freshwater habitats where eyes are of limited value. The fishes best known for producing strong
electrical currents are the electric eel (a bony fish) and the electric ray (an elasmobranch). The electric eel
(Electrophorus) occurs in rivers of the Amazon basin in South America. The organs for producing electrical currents
are in the trunk of the electric eel and can deliver shocks in excess of 500 V. The electric ray (Narcine) has electric
organs in its fins that are capable of producing pulses of 50 A at about 50 V (figure 18.19). Shocks that these fishes
produce are sufficiently strong to stun or kill prey, discourage large predators, and teach unwary humans a lesson
that will never need to be repeated.

Reproductionand and development

Reproduction and Development Imagine, 45 kg of caviar from a single, 450-kg sturgeon! Admittedly, a 450-kg
sturgeon is a very large fish (even for a sturgeon), but a fish producing millions of eggs in a single season is not
unusual. These numbers simply reflect the hazards of developing in aquatic habitats unattended by a parent. The
vast majority of these millions of potential adults will never survive to reproduce. Many eggs will never be fertilized,
many fertilized eggs may wash ashore and dry, currents and tides will smash many eggs and embryos, and others
will fall victim to predation. In spite of all of these hazards, if only four of the millions of embryos of each breeding
pair survive and reproduce, the population will double Producing overwhelming numbers of eggs, however, is not
the only way that fishes increase the chances that a few of their offspring will survive. Some fishes show mating
behavior that helps ensure fertilization, or nesting behavior that protects eggs from predation, sedimentation, and
fouling. Mating may occur in large schools, and one individual releasing eggs or sperm often releases spawning
pheromones that induce many other adults to spawn. Huge masses of eggs and sperm released into the open ocean
ensure the fertilization of many eggs. The vast majority of fishes are oviparous, meaning that eggs develop outside
the female from stored yolk. Some elasmobranchs are ovoviviparous, and their embryos develop in a modified
oviduct of the female. Nutrients are supplied from yolk stored in the egg. Other elasmobranchs, including gray reef
sharks and hammerheads, are viviparous. A placentalike outgrowth of a modified oviduct diverts nutrients from the
female to the yolk sacs of developing embryos. Internal development of viviparous bony fishes usually occurs in
ovarian follicles, rather than in the oviduct. In guppies (Lebistes), eggs are retained in the ovary, and fertilization and
early development occur there. Embryos are then released into a cavity within the ovary and development
continues, with nourishment coming partly from yolk and partly from ovarian secretions

Specialized structures claspers: some fishes have specialized structures that aid in sperm transfer. Male
elasmobranchs, for example, have modified pelvic fins called claspers. During copulation, the male inserts a clasper
into the cloaca of a female. Sperm travel along grooves of the clasper. Fertilization occurs in the female’s
reproductive tract and usually results in a higher proportion of eggs being fertilized than in external fertilization.
Thus, fishes with internal fertilization usually produce fewer eggs.

In many fishes, care of the embryos is limited or nonexistent.

Some fishes, however, construct and tend nests , and some carry embryos during development. Clusters of embryos
may be brooded in special pouches attached to some part of the body, or they may be brooded in the mouth. Some
of the best-known brooders include the seahorses (Hippocampus) and pipefishes (e.g., Syngnathus). Males of these
closely related fishes carry embryos throughout development in ventral pouches. The male Brazilian catfish
(Loricaria typhys) broods embryos in an enlarged lower lip.
Sunfishes and sticklebacks provide short-term care of posthatching young. Male sticklebacks assemble fresh plant
material into a mass in which the young take refuge. If one offspring wanders too far from the nest, the male snaps
it up in its mouth and spits it back into the nest. Sunfish males do the same for young that wander from schools of
recently hatched fishes.

Cichlidae long term care : The Cichlidae engage in longer term care. In some species, young are mouth brooded,
and other species tend young in a nest. After hatching, the young venture from the parent’s mouth or nest but
return quickly when the parent signals danger with a flicking of the pelvic fins.

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